Here is a list of all functions with links to the files they belong to:
- b -
- base64_3to4() : common.c
- base64_encode() : common.c, common.h
- BIH_Build() : bih.c, bih.h
- BIH_BuildNode() : bih.c
- BIH_GetTriangleListForBox() : bih.c, bih.h
- BIH_GetTriangleListForBox_Node() : bih.c
- bound() : menudefs.qc
- BoxFromPoints() : mathlib.c, mathlib.h
- BoxOnPlaneSide() : mathlib.c, mathlib.h
- BoxOnPlaneSide_Separate() : mathlib.h
- BoxPlaneCornerDistances() : mathlib.c, mathlib.h
- BoxPlaneCornerDistances_Separate() : mathlib.c, mathlib.h
- BoxPlaneCorners() : mathlib.c, mathlib.h
- BoxPlaneCorners_Separate() : mathlib.c, mathlib.h
- bprint() : menudefs.qc
- buf2file() : crypto-keygen-standalone.c
- BuffBigFloat() : com_msg.c, common.h
- BuffBigLong() : com_msg.c, common.h
- BuffBigShort() : com_msg.c, common.h
- Buffer_Callback() : snd_sdl.c
- BuffLittleFloat() : com_msg.c, common.h
- BuffLittleLong() : com_msg.c, common.h
- BuffLittleShort() : com_msg.c, common.h
- BufStr_Del() : prvm_cmds.c, prvm_cmds.h
- BufStr_Expand() : prvm_cmds.c
- BufStr_FindCreateReplace() : prvm_cmds.c, prvm_cmds.h
- BufStr_Flush() : prvm_cmds.c, prvm_cmds.h
- BufStr_Set() : prvm_cmds.c, prvm_cmds.h
- BufStr_Shrink() : prvm_cmds.c
- BufStr_SortStringsDOWN() : prvm_cmds.c
- BufStr_SortStringsUP() : prvm_cmds.c
- BuildGammaTable16() : palette.c, palette.h
- BuildGammaTable8() : palette.c, palette.h
- ByteToNormal() : mathlib.h