Sorted by alphanumeric order by last name, and pseudonym if not available. Active contributors are in bold.
Quake 1 engine
- id Software
- Michael Abrash
- John Carmack
- John Cash
DarkPlaces Engine
- Project Leader
- Ashley Rose Hale (LadyHavoc)
- Core Developers/Maintainers
- Ashley Rose Hale (LadyHavoc)
- David Knapp (Cloudwalk)
- Rudolf Polzer (divVerent)
- Major Contributors
- [515]
- Blub\0
- eihrul
- Zephaniah Hull (Mercury)
- Andreas Kirsch (BlackHC)
- Mathieu Olivier (Elric)
- Dale Weiler (graphitemaster)
- Contributors
- Akari
- bones_was_here
- Matthias Buecher (Maddes)
- Thomas Joseph Carter (knghtbrd)
- coderjo
- Diablo-D3
- EvilTypeGuy
- fleeky
- GreEn`mArine
- Terence Hill (terencehill)
- incognico
- Tomas Jakobsson (Tomaz)
- KillPixel
- KrimZon
- kristus
- (R.I.P.) Christopher Robert Lais (zinx)
- MarioSMB
- Patrick McKeever (Dresk)
- Chris Page
- parasti
- Marko Permanto (Urre/ImUnreal)
- Qantourisc
- Res2k
- Sajt
- Samual
- taniwha
- TimePath
- tZork
- VorteX
- David Walton (Spoike)
- Alexander Zubov (motorsep)
In Memory Of