Team Votes

ID Category Title Creator Status Result
454Officially designate bones_was_here as a core team memberAntibodyPASSED6:0(4 abstained, 5 didn't vote)
453Make the necessary engine changes to DarkPlaces to make quit_and_redirect more likely to succeed.divVerentCANCELEDLet's discuss later (by divVerent)
452Add k9er to the extended teamterencehillPASSED5:0(2 abstained, 7 didn't vote)
451main text * option 1 * option 2 maybe... but that may be hit by accidentdivVerentVETOEDcreated by accident (by divVerent)
450main text option 1 option 2divVerentVETOEDalso created accidentally while talking about poll syntax (by divVerent)
449organizationModeration rule: Communication Channel Rules have a statute of limitations of 20 days as applied to chat, and 1 year as applied to other communication media. Beyond this time, action may still be initiated, but no stronger penalty than a formal warning can be issued (however, calling for a vote on the issue tolls the clock, and of course once a vote has been decided, it may be executed). Previous history can still be used as evidence in decisions about new issues. Exceptions may be granted by the Core Team only in serious circumstances, and this can take place after a poll has started or even ended.divVerentPASSED6:0(0 abstained, 8 didn't vote)
448organizationModeration rule: when deleting/redacting a message, a moderator shall keep a personal copy of said message available upon request. Exceptions are obvious bot spam and messages by ban evaders, as well as illegal content.divVerentVETOEDhas some serious issues (possible fabricated evidence, undue burden, and unspecified storage duration); thanks to Freddy and Dr. Jaska for noticing. Needs more thought on how to handle message deletion. (by divVerent)
447organizationModeration rule: when banning a user from any room owned by Team Xonotic, moderators shall call a poll of the form "Keep <username> banned for <duration|life> because of <reason>?". Moderators can %vote yes to their own poll providing evidence if the space for the reason is insufficient. If no poll had been called, other moderators are free to unban the person, and shall do so - or start the missing poll - on request by any team member. Exceptions are obvious spam bots and ban evaders. This rule applies only to bans issued after the passing of this vote, of course.divVerentPASSED7:0(0 abstained, 7 didn't vote)
446organizationConstitutional amendment: polls that interact with other ongoing polls shall not be called unless the interaction is explicitly specified in all involved polls. This rule shall be enforced by Core Team veto - or, if reasonably possible - description changing and notifying all previous voters of the change. This serves to uphold order, and shall not be abused to intentionally delay a vote. Core Team will use discretion to take this into account.divVerentPASSED7:0(0 abstained, 7 didn't vote)
445organizationConstitutional amendment: it shall be forbidden to influence others during a vote by means of extortion, bribery, "quid pro quo" or other forms of corruption. Negotiating on the issue or maybe directly related issues, of course, is OK. How to handle a violation will need to be decided on a case by case basis.divVerentPASSED7:0(0 abstained, 7 didn't vote)
444organizationBan Cloudwalk for 90 days for severe breach of code of conduct due to personal attacks and invective. Overrides #443 if at least 5 vote and the result is YES.CloudwalkFAILED0:3(1 abstained, 11 didn't vote)
443organizationRemove Cloudwalk from the Extended Xonotic Team as per their own request, and ban them from our communication channels. They have recently shown to not fit in our project with repeated personal attacks towards Team members and other contributors alongside repeated toxicity in countless forms. They have refused to take any accountability for their actions when confronted and have even completely deflected the blame upon others with toxic narcissistic traits and behavioural patterns. No signs of remorse or willingness to improve their behaviour. These repeated chat rule breakages justify both of the taken actions.Dr. JaskaPASSED6:2(0 abstained, 7 didn't vote)
442organizationRemove bones_was_here's privileges from the Xonotic Gitlab for 2 (two) weeks if poll 440 is defeated, for violations of Xonotic's code of conduct. On the presumption that losing maintainership is a punishment in and of itself, he shouldn't get away with his own lapses in adherence to the rules if I don't get away with it. Duration reflects the value of his contributions, where the removal of my privileges would likely be permanent.CloudwalkCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
441organizationProvide for unanimous consent voting using poll system of Matrix channel. If the poll is created by a party who has interest in any outcome of such a poll, a single vote for that outcome by someone else is required for the poll to be valid. Subsequently, or in any other case, not voting means yes, and a single no vote defeats the poll outright.CloudwalkCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
440organizationGive Cloudwalk Maintainer privileges on Gitlab back. Privileges were previously removed without vote as a result of a... verbal kerfuffle. As such, a NO on this poll will retroactively legitimize the change.divVerentFAILED2:6(1 abstained, 6 didn't vote)
439mapsInclude the map "Monstrosity" by Mossepo in a future game release. Download link: abstained, 10 didn't vote)
438moderationPermanently ban Lyberta from all team-moderated communication channels. Reason:, which provides a link to a Github repo filled with hate speech.Spike29PASSED8:0(0 abstained, 7 didn't vote)
437Should the balance council be able to repeal or invalidate the result of its own prior polls? A no vote would leave this power presumptively exclusive to XongressCloudwalkPASSED6:0(0 abstained, 9 didn't vote)
436organizationConsider balance changes as features in regards to feature freeze. Enforcement of balance council votes shall be postponed during feature freeze.FreddyPASSED7:1(0 abstained, 7 didn't vote)
435organizationEnact the Xonotic Balance Council 1st amendment as described in abstained, 9 didn't vote)
434organizationPromote Dr. Jaska to GitLab project group Maintainerbones_was_herePASSED8:0(0 abstained, 7 didn't vote)
433organizationInvite Dr. Jaska to join the extended teambones_was_herePASSED6:0(0 abstained, 8 didn't vote)
432mapsInclude map Trident in the next release (Download link: , forum thread: abstained, 7 didn't vote)
431organizationCreate and authorise the Xonotic Balance Council as described in abstained, 8 didn't vote)
430organizationPromote z411 to GitLab project group Maintainerbones_was_herePASSED8:0(0 abstained, 6 didn't vote)
429organizationPromote bones_was_here to the Core TeamLegendGuardCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
428organizationTag the first release that uses DarkPlaces GL32 renderer as version 0.9bones_was_herePASSED5:0(3 abstained, 6 didn't vote)
427organizationPromote Freddy to GitLab project group Maintainerbones_was_herePASSED9:0(1 abstained, 4 didn't vote)
426mapsNullify #232: Permit maps with "invisible" warpzones if the Team votes to include them in that configurationbones_was_herePASSED5:2(2 abstained, 5 didn't vote)
425organizationGrant bones_was_here higher repository privileges (write access, ability to merge MRs)z411PASSED9:0(0 abstained, 5 didn't vote)
424organizationPromote terencehill to the Core TeamLegendGuardPASSED9:0(0 abstained, 5 didn't vote)
423moderationMake the Xonotic Discord ( official, then invite Tommy (the Discord admin) to the extended team, and grant team members moderation privileges on Discord.Spike29FAILED1:6(4 abstained, 3 didn't vote)
422organizationReduce the poll duration from 15 days to 10 daysCloudwalkPASSED8:0(2 abstained, 2 didn't vote)
421organizationAdd Cloudwalk to the extended team (ceremonial since I'm kinda already here but bypassed the vote system)CloudwalkPASSED8:0(0 abstained, 3 didn't vote)
420infrastructure"Create xongress subdomain instead of using teamvotes subdirectory"CloudwalkFAILED1:3(6 abstained, 2 didn't vote)
419mapsAdd Bloody Run to official maps (Bloodrun remake): abstained, 6 didn't vote)
418organizationTag the next release as 0.8.5 due to the huge amount of changes since 0.8.2bones_was_herePASSED5:0(3 abstained, 3 didn't vote)
417organizationInvite z411 to join the extended teambones_was_herePASSED7:0(1 abstained, 3 didn't vote)
416organizationInvite illwieckz to join the extended teambones_was_herePASSED8:0(1 abstained, 2 didn't vote)
414moderationVote to permanently remove MirceaKitsune/Taoki from the Xonotic communityCloudwalkPASSED8:0(1 abstained, 3 didn't vote)
413legacy[vyes=prefer, vabstain=ok, vno=bad] Make Matrix the home of the Xonotic dev channels (primarily #xonotic and, currently on Freenode)?divVerentPASSED5:0(4 abstained, 8 didn't vote)
412legacy[vyes=prefer, vabstain=ok, vno=bad] Make OFTC the home of the Xonotic dev channels (primarily #xonotic and, currently on Freenode)?divVerentTIED2:2(4 abstained, 9 didn't vote)
411legacy[vyes=prefer, vabstain=ok, vno=bad] Make the home of the Xonotic dev channels (primarily #xonotic and, currently on Freenode)?divVerentFAILED0:2(5 abstained, 10 didn't vote)
410legacy[vyes=prefer, vabstain=ok, vno=bad] Make Quakenet the home of the Xonotic dev channels (primarily #xonotic and, currently on Freenode)?divVerentFAILED2:3(3 abstained, 9 didn't vote)
409legacyUnban Jeff from official channelsSpike29FAILED0:5(1 abstained, 4 didn't vote)
408legacyAdd LegendGuard to the extended teambones_was_herePASSED2:1(4 abstained, 4 didn't vote)
407legacyRemove martin--t from the extended team.AntibodyPASSED10:0(0 abstained, 4 didn't vote)
406legacylifetime ban for Antares for his persistent spamming about political issuesdivVerentPASSED5:4(0 abstained, 6 didn't vote)
405legacyRemove Martin from the extended team. Contributions ceased over a year ago, has been known to be actively slandering the team in the meantimeMarioTIED4:4(2 abstained, 7 didn't vote)
404legacybot testMarioCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
403legacyban ch4mp from synchronous chat (irc and discord)MarioTIED2:2(2 abstained, 36 didn't vote)
402legacyban idle from synchronous chat (irc and discord)AntibodyPASSED6:1(0 abstained, 37 didn't vote)
401legacyAdd a "moderators reserve the right to remove anyone they deem disruptive" disclaimer to the rules and ban idle, ch4mp and any others causing trouble in the public channelsMarioCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
400legacyAllow changing all bot AI settings without affecting server purity (see full discussion here: abstained, 38 didn't vote)
399legacyOnly ban servers that are using custom scripts to fake activity, not real clients idling on serversMarioDECIDEDNo reason given (by ?)
398legacyInclude Clan Arena in the gametype vote screen (not currently enabled by default). abstained, 33 didn't vote)
397legacyAdd bones_was_here to the extended teamMarioPASSED5:0(2 abstained, 33 didn't vote)
396legacyRemove vortex charge, set damage to 70, push force 350. Have some testing on public and pickups, then consider setting dmg 65. Ref: abstained, 33 didn't vote)
395legacyAllow servers to report themselves as pure when using the Testing balance (soon to be created), basically allowing any g_balance_* cvars while using this balance so servers can safely test upcoming balance changes without being penalizedMarioPASSED4:0(3 abstained, 33 didn't vote)
394legacySet default bot skill to 8 (value proposed by terencehill in poll #391)morosophosPASSED6:1(1 abstained, 33 didn't vote)
393legacyWhitelist g_shootfromeye cvar, so servers which modify it don't get downgraded in the server listmorosophosPASSED7:0(0 abstained, 34 didn't vote)
392legacyUse g_balance_blaster_primary_force 375; g_balance_blaster_primary_force_zscale 1 by default to undo balance change introduced by fixing zscale in abstained, 35 didn't vote)
391legacySet default bot skill to the maximum used in the campaign (10 or 11) so bots on servers are decent by default because they're there to temporarily replace players and players are usually even better. Alternatively, please suggest a different value. See for details.martin--tFAILED2:5(1 abstained, 34 didn't vote)
390legacyUse g_throughfloor_damage 1 instead of 0.75 (force probably too) - I think skillful prediction of enemy movement should be rewarded more. Even with 1 it's never gonna do the full damage since the floor/wall has some thickness but it would be nice to not punish people who play smart by taking away a quarter of their damage.martin--tTIED2:2(3 abstained, 34 didn't vote)
389legacyRemove the faint watermark with the git hash ( )martin--tPASSED6:0(2 abstained, 33 didn't vote)
388legacyAsk morosophos to join the extended team.AntibodyPASSED8:0(0 abstained, 33 didn't vote)
387legacyRemove the current recommended servers from the category until an alternative system is put in place. It's putting a heavy bias on 3 servers as the others and list itself are not being maintainedMarioPASSED4:1(1 abstained, 34 didn't vote)
386legacyRemove the WickedX menu theme, and provide it as a package in the forums abstained, 35 didn't vote)
385legacyRemove useless light entities on Silentsiege that draw a yellow-ish line on the walls: The individual light values are only 1, they are inconsistently placed across the map (sometimes they are above a light texture, sometimes not, and sometimes they are missing) and look a bit weird. Moreover, map compile time takes forever because of them.Spike29PASSED6:0(2 abstained, 33 didn't vote)
384legacyremove oilrig from official maps (players often have perf issues especially in campaign with bots)martin--tPASSED8:0(0 abstained, 31 didn't vote)
383legacyadd opium to official maps (assuming licensing gets resolved) - we have plenty of duel maps but only one duel level in singleplayer, otoh there are plenty of dm levels on duel sized maps which gives people the wrong impression - we need more large (t)dm mapsmartin--tPASSED6:2(0 abstained, 31 didn't vote)
382legacyadd bromine to official maps (assuming licensing gets resolved) - we have plenty of duel maps but only one duel level in singleplayer, otoh there are plenty of dm levels on duel sized maps which gives people the wrong impression - we need more large (t)dm mapsmartin--tPASSED8:0(0 abstained, 31 didn't vote)
381legacyAdd SpiKe (Spike29) to the extended teamMirioPASSED7:0(0 abstained, 32 didn't vote)
380legacyEnable a 3 minute warmup by default in the duel gamemodeMarioFAILED1:2(2 abstained, 34 didn't vote)
379legacyRemove the "- Masked" duplicate models. Gak unmasked is hideous so it should probably keep the masked model instead, but the other 2 are too generic with the masksMarioPASSED6:0(0 abstained, 29 didn't vote)
378legacyEnable the gametype vote screen by default. This would make DM, TDM and CTF available on more stock servers and give players are more varied experience. However, it may be undesirable to most admins who don't know how to turn it offMarioPASSED6:0(2 abstained, 30 didn't vote)
377legacyRemove the old QC-based playerdemo recorder. It's incomplete, unmaintained and most likely never been usedMarioPASSED8:0(1 abstained, 29 didn't vote)
376legacyIncrease the default number of stored records in CTS from 15 to 50MirioPASSED2:0(5 abstained, 30 didn't vote)
375legacyRemove the menu_updatecheck cvar and always download the checkupdate file. Reason: Server list is already querying our servers, so it's nothing out of the ordinary, blacklist should be mandatory to keep potentially virus-inducing servers out of the listMarioPASSED6:0(0 abstained, 31 didn't vote)
374legacydefault to "exec sRGB-enable.cfg" at high graphics settings (please test to see if it looks worse, equal or better); expectation is that it usually looks equal but sometimes more naturaldivVerentPASSED3:0(1 abstained, 31 didn't vote)
373legacyMap removal: Skip the step to hide deemed map for a full release before removing it in the next one. Instead straight remove the map within freeze time prior to the next releaseMirioFAILED1:4(0 abstained, 30 didn't vote)
372legacyBridge #general on discord and #xonotic on QuakeNet (instead of the current #xonotic-discord) to have a higher chance of catching people trying to ask questions (discord seems to have more activity). It's a public channel and most discussions take place elsewhere so i consider the privacy concerns negligible.martin--tPASSED2:0(5 abstained, 30 didn't vote)
371legacyRemove the map drain from the list of core maps.AntibodyPASSED6:2(0 abstained, 29 didn't vote)
370legacylimit Transifex autosync commit spam; I suggest once every 2 week or every monthterencehillTIED2:2(2 abstained, 29 didn't vote)
369legacyUnban Ch4mp on the forums so he can promote his tourneyAntibodyCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
368legacyCreate a small IRC bot to greet WebChat users.AntibodyPASSED6:0(1 abstained, 29 didn't vote)
367legacyReduce the Master audio volumeMirioPASSED3:0(3 abstained, 30 didn't vote)
366legacyPublish this Discord server ( - How it looks: ) as official Xonotic Discord serverMirioPASSED4:0(2 abstained, 32 didn't vote)
365legacyAutomatically enable reflections on maps that have warpzones, and forbid mappers from enabling reflections manuallyMarioPASSED2:0(3 abstained, 34 didn't vote)
364legacyDrop linux 32bit binaries - they're just taking up space, can't show full res textures and who still uses a 32bit distro anyway AND can't compile from source? (hits: 32bit vs all linux is about 0.5%, 6.1% and 3.5% of abstained, 28 didn't vote)
363legacyDrop linux 32bit binaries - they're just taking up space, can't show full res textures and who still uses a 32bit distro anyway AND can't compile from source? (hits: about 0.5%, 6.1% and 3.5% of reason given (by ?)
362legacyMigrate Xonotic to GPLv3+ (i.e. remove GPLv2 license file, and no longer require GPLv2 compatible contributions). Note that our binaries for Linux and Windows are already GPLv3+ due to libgmp.divVerentPASSED2:1(4 abstained, 29 didn't vote)
361legacyHide Assault from the menu (it's effectively an unfinished gamemode with only 1 playable map in stock currently and a handful of laggy or barely playable custom maps)MarioFAILED3:5(2 abstained, 29 didn't vote)
360legacyUse glowy player skins by default, instead of the outlined skins that are generally barely visible (may reduce the need for servers and players to force mega erebus, and maybe eventually allow removing that model entirely, given it's a fullbright version of erebus)MarioPASSED9:0(0 abstained, 28 didn't vote)
359legacySet g_balance_damagepush_speedfactor to 0 in defrag config (affects all weapon records), the speed limiting of the default 2.5 setting messes with the faster paced CTS mapsMarioPASSED1:0(6 abstained, 25 didn't vote)
358legacyRemove track x-force (too loud and distracting)MarioPASSED3:1(5 abstained, 24 didn't vote)
357legacyFactor in latency to the Elo algorithm. Players with a latency disadvantage would get a boost and players without would get a decrease. Candidate formula: P1f = ((P1 ping/(P1 ping + P2 ping) - 0.5) * 2 + 1AntibodyPASSED5:1(3 abstained, 24 didn't vote)
356legacyInstall and configure piwik for analytics on our web properties. Key consideration: will we use this data?AntibodyPASSED3:1(3 abstained, 26 didn't vote)
355legacyIDEA_PHASE: Include map "Hydrophobia" in a further release ( abstained, 26 didn't vote)
354legacyIDEA_PHASE: Include map "Marsball" in a further release ( abstained, 26 didn't vote)
353legacyIDEA_PHASE: Include map "Stepping Forward" in a further release ( abstained, 26 didn't vote)
352legacyIDEA_PHASE: Include map "Lethargy" in a further release ( abstained, 26 didn't vote)
351legacyIDEA_PHASE: Include map "Voll Aufs Maul" in a further release ( abstained, 25 didn't vote)
350legacyBan ch4mp from the forumsAntibodyPASSED6:0(4 abstained, 26 didn't vote)
349legacyHide map Drain in 0.8.2 and remove it in the release afterwardsMirioCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
348legacyInclude CTF map "Metro" (Mirio/metro) in the next release [not 0.8.2] / abstained, 27 didn't vote)
347legacyInclude track "Go Get 'em" by TheAudioMonkey to the game - / abstained, 27 didn't vote)
346legacyGet our netradiant changes merged back into GtkRadiant and (if needed) rename q3map2 and/or maintain it separatelyMelanosuchusPASSED7:0(2 abstained, 27 didn't vote)
345legacySet up a staging instance of Vanilla forums for evaluation by the team.AntibodyFAILED0:4(6 abstained, 27 didn't vote)
344legacyDrop ODE support. It is not used by any official maps and a minimum number of unofficial onesAntibodyPASSED8:0(3 abstained, 27 didn't vote)
343legacystats of players that quit or went spectate should be displayed in scoreboard [2]zykureCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
342legacystats of players that quit or went spectate should be displayed in scoreboardmatthiaskrgrTIED3:3(2 abstained, 31 didn't vote)
341legacyInitiate code freeze on the 20th (regardless of whether TimePath has returned)MarioPASSED6:0(1 abstained, 32 didn't vote)
340legacyInclude DM map "Boil" (kuniuthefrogg/boil) in next releaseMirioPASSED5:0(0 abstained, 11 didn't vote)
339legacyCvars: replace armorlarge with armormega to improve consistency between code and cvar names, between health and armor cvars and reduce confusion for server admins(armorlarge and healthlarge are not the same tier)FreddyPASSED5:0(2 abstained, 30 didn't vote)
338legacyignore jump key until the minimum respawn time is over ( abstained, 11 didn't vote)
337legacyAdvertise Xonotic on Steam with the 0.8.2 releaseMarioCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
336legacy<Use per-mode decay of Elo instead of global, prevents high Elos despite not playing the mode for a long time, example:>DiomedesFAILED3:5(2 abstained, 23 didn't vote)
335legacyRemove Shockwave prototype (lacks model and direction, no plans to finish it)MarioPASSED4:0(4 abstained, 25 didn't vote)
334legacydocument infrastructure; list of accounts and servers, who has access, who should have accessTimePathPASSED7:0(0 abstained, 25 didn't vote)
333legacyMake the glass on dance breakable and give it a cracked texture to mark that it's breakable (new path to the health/amour area, may make it less of a trap/secure location for flag carriers)MarioPASSED6:1(3 abstained, 24 didn't vote)
332legacyGive Lugarius access to our Twitter ( @lugarius | )MarioFAILED0:5(5 abstained, 24 didn't vote)
331legacyInclude new hagar model by Morphed in 0.8.2 ( )MarioPASSED8:0(1 abstained, 22 didn't vote)
330legacyMake g_respawn_delay_max 5 by default (affects servers with forced respawning, i.e. duel servers), gives players an extra few seconds after respawn timer before they're forced to respawnMarioPASSED9:0(1 abstained, 23 didn't vote)
329legacyUse announcement voices like "The enemy has your flag!" instead of "Red flag taken"MarioPASSED7:0(3 abstained, 23 didn't vote)
328legacyRequire access to the "xgettext" for Xonotic QC development. Will simplify and speedup translated strings (no more CTX vs ZCTX).divVerentPASSED4:0(6 abstained, 23 didn't vote)
327legacyAdd TimePath as a core team memberSamualPASSED4:0(2 abstained, 26 didn't vote)
326legacyAdd Erbium as an official mapAntibodyPASSED8:0(0 abstained, 23 didn't vote)
325legacysurfaceflags slick on vertical (hit) walls shall prevent sv_stepheight or at least sv_jumpstep (easier falling into hole)divVerentDECIDEDNo reason given (by ?)
324legacyInclude a map with vehicles in the main download or map pack alongside it for people to play offline. May require AI support.TimePathTIED3:3(2 abstained, 20 didn't vote)
323legacyGet rid of really superfluous tooltips (e.g. "Video Settings" for Video button in the Settings window). It also helps to reduce number of strings to translateterencehillPASSED8:0(2 abstained, 20 didn't vote)
322legacyenabled DM on implosion (it was removed after 0.8). It is the most played gamemode according to xonstats: abstained, 20 didn't vote)
321legacyhide map g-23 in the next version and remove it one version aftermatthiaskrgrPASSED6:1(3 abstained, 21 didn't vote)
320legacyRemove the slowdown field under some of the maps. It isn't a standard, delays re-spawning too much and ruins non-vanilla (grapplehook/jetpack) matchesMarioPASSED12:0(0 abstained, 21 didn't vote)
319legacyInitiate code freeze on the 12th (1 week from poll start)MarioPASSED4:0(2 abstained, 22 didn't vote)
318legacyInclude DM map Erbium (previous name: Edge) in a further releaseMirioPASSED6:1(1 abstained, 22 didn't vote)
317legacyChange menu list box scrolling behaviour from the current "automatically select another item if your selected item is no longer visible" to "don't change the selected item even if it's no longer visible"terencehillPASSED11:1(0 abstained, 22 didn't vote)
316legacyHide CTS from the multiplayer>create menu. We have only 1 map in stock, and it's not great, plus the special defrag rules aren't enabled, so simply starting a match from there is bad trainingMarioPASSED4:1(2 abstained, 24 didn't vote)
315legacyUse GitLab issue tracker to list all the features/fixes that are planned or in the works and assign them to the proper milestone when they must be resolved before a specific releaseMelanosuchusPASSED9:0(1 abstained, 24 didn't vote)
314legacyHave a dialog for the F11 (disconnect) key just like for F10MirioPASSED9:1(1 abstained, 24 didn't vote)
313legacySubmit Xonotic in its current form to the Steam Greenlight program.AntibodyFAILED3:5(2 abstained, 24 didn't vote)
312legacyWinner(s) of the sound track competition should be included in the gameMirioPASSED5:0(0 abstained, 26 didn't vote)
311legacyRevise this: (and related pages). Having clear goals and milestones would be very helpful for the momentum of the game.TimePathPASSED3:0(2 abstained, 27 didn't vote)
310legacyInitiate code freeze on the 7th of May. 5 days should be enough time to finalise the remaining branches and fix a few (if any exist?) major issuesMarioCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
309legacyRequire an explicit way to specify a debug or release build when compiling from git. Currently the default is a debug build, which causes people to complain about bad performance of git builds. However, if we were to change the default to release, debugging crashes will be impossible. So I'd like a choice: ./all compile -r vs ./all compile -d or ./all compile-release vs ./all compile-debug.divVerentPASSED7:0(2 abstained, 19 didn't vote)
308legacyadd "duel" as a pseudo-gametype to the sv_vote_gametype commands in order to allow voting for competitive duels via voting screenHalogenePASSED7:1(1 abstained, 19 didn't vote)
307legacy303 yesMorphedVETOEDI just HAVE to try this. (by divVerent)
306legacyPolish map Warfare to become official in further releases (branch: maddin/map-warfare)MirioPASSED6:0(1 abstained, 20 didn't vote)
305legacyEnable gl_texturecompression_2d by default. Gives a huge performance boost, making this a vote to see if there's any reasons not to do soMarioCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
304legacyInclude map Go in 0.8.1, map needs only minor fixes (lighting), popular on both vanilla and overkill/instagib serversMarioPASSED7:0(1 abstained, 20 didn't vote)
303legacyHide map newtonian-nightmare in the next release. Will be replaced by the much more popular map Go (once it's ready)MarioPASSED9:1(1 abstained, 19 didn't vote)
302legacyMake our git workflow closer to man gitworkflows by: introducing a "maint" branch for the last release, so we can build a point release from it (and bugfixes shall be merged there then merged up to master); introducing a "pu" throwaway integration branch for features currently in pre-merge testing (included in autobuilds and with good ./all integration).divVerentDECIDEDNo reason given (by ?)
301legacyRevoke Samual's operator status on IRC (while not fully disconnected from the project, he shows behaviour and attitude to our channel's users that does not fit our conduct)MarioPASSED6:0(3 abstained, 20 didn't vote)
300legacyReview and possibly merge the Terminus player model set by Taoki. The set includes 2 official quality models of a slightly different variety to regular models, offering a nice changeMarioPASSED5:4(1 abstained, 20 didn't vote)
299legacyAdd official support for 3 team CTF maps. A good map exists now to present the fun game play of 3 team CTF - abstained, 20 didn't vote)
298legacyAdopt the gitflow approach to branching: master for releasing stable changes, develop for staging changes, feature branches for features/fixes. Rationale: master is never brokenTimePathCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
297legacyAdvertise Xonotic on digital artist boards, so we might gain attention from modellers, texture artists, animators etc. We really need new, talented artists who can provide us media.CuBe0wLPASSED7:0(2 abstained, 20 didn't vote)
296legacyTry to find people on the forums who we can trust, and who are dedicated enough to run Xonotic PR. In case the vote passes, I'd like gather a team who writes VoX-BloX, post regularly to twitter, manage facebook and google+ site, and youtube channelCuBe0wLPASSED10:0(0 abstained, 20 didn't vote)
295legacyPolish map Final Rage to be included in a further release (branch: amade/finalrage)MirioPASSED8:0(2 abstained, 19 didn't vote)
294legacyPolish CTF map Apace to be included in a further release (branch: kuniuthefrogg/apace)MirioPASSED7:0(2 abstained, 20 didn't vote)
293legacyPolish map Crystal Cave by Justin to be included in a further release (no branch, )MirioPASSED8:0(2 abstained, 19 didn't vote)
292legacyPolish map Atomforge to be included in a further release (branch kuniuthefrogg/atomforge)MirioPASSED4:1(3 abstained, 21 didn't vote)
291legacyRemove Domination mode. New mode (conquest) is being worked on as a replacement, supports existing domination maps and is more enjoyableMarioPASSED4:1(5 abstained, 20 didn't vote)
290legacyMake Luma the default menu and HUD theme when it is mergedMarioPASSED9:0(1 abstained, 18 didn't vote)
289legacyReplace WordPress with a static site. Incomplete work-in-progress conversion:, up-to-date source: abstained, 20 didn't vote)
288legacyHide map lightspeed in the next release - poor gameplay, uninspired design, overbright white textures... will run a forum poll to see if community agreesMarioPASSED6:0(1 abstained, 18 didn't vote)
287legacyIf Taoki hasn't found a fix for world cubemaps before Sunday 21st, remove them (a branch is being made to undo the changes)MarioDECIDEDNo reason given (by ?)
286legacyMake vaporizer (minstanex) deal 150 damage by default. Still works as instant kill in the instagib mutator, but makes the weapon more balanced with other features (vehicles, monsters etc)MarioPASSED6:0(1 abstained, 19 didn't vote)
285legacyAdd a text like this to the official web site: "Find and take part in organized matches on [url=] the IRC pickup channel[/url]!". Should fit to the right text "Community" just after "on IRC today!".HalogenePASSED6:0(1 abstained, 20 didn't vote)
284legacy(Post-0.8) Make next release 0.8.1 or 0.8.5 (specify which in your vote), 1 more release before 1.0 may not be enough to get the game readyMarioPASSED4:0(2 abstained, 20 didn't vote)
283legacyReplace machine gun spawns with arc in 0.8, arc is readyMarioPASSED6:1(0 abstained, 19 didn't vote)
282legacy(Post-0.8) Merge some of the extra modes into core modes as mutators (for example, teams option for DM to become TDM, or a duel mutator that makes any mode 1v1 with rounds)MarioTIED2:2(1 abstained, 20 didn't vote)
281legacyAdd a command to mark a poll as "completed" or similar, to make browsing the poll list for things to do an easier taskMarioPASSED7:0(0 abstained, 21 didn't vote)
280legacyIDEA_PHASE: Include the map Geoplanetary into 0.8 (debugger/geoplanetary)MirioPASSED4:1(3 abstained, 21 didn't vote)
279legacyInstall WP robots.txt plugin to uncomment web archiver from xonotic's robot.txt fileHalogenePASSED4:0(2 abstained, 22 didn't vote)
278legacyCore team members can merely decide inclusion of a member into the extended team without a vote. This however can be challenged by vote like any other core team decision.divVerentDECIDEDNo reason given (by ?)
277legacyAdd nyov/nilyt to the extended team (wiki/programming)MirioPASSED7:0(0 abstained, 21 didn't vote)
276legacyAdd Mario as core team memberMirioPASSED9:0(0 abstained, 20 didn't vote)
275legacyRelease 0.8 in December 2014MarioPASSED3:0(2 abstained, 22 didn't vote)
274legacyClean up and merge siege ( abstained, 22 didn't vote)
273legacyConsider #272 as nullifiled. Mario returned and we are able to include the weapons update in 0.8MirioDECIDEDNo reason given (by ?)
272legacyRelease 0.8 asap WITHOUT the Samual/weapons branchMirioPASSED5:0(2 abstained, 19 didn't vote)
271legacyAdd a (small) display to the speedometer that shows the speed at the time of leaving ground when jumping for a very short time (like 0.5 secs or so - fading out after that), enabling you to identify the exact speed at critical points (i.e. circle jumps, ramp jumps...).HalogenePASSED6:0(0 abstained, 20 didn't vote)
270legacymake the forum use https for login - login credentials sent unencrypted is so 90'sHalogenePASSED3:0(2 abstained, 21 didn't vote)
269legacySetup an ingame tutorial message system that hooks on specific events (such as weapon pickup) and that displays short tips on gameplay (e.g. hold mouse1 to guide, press mouse2 to detonate). Such system should parse the client's config file for acquiring the correct binds and be able to determine if the relevant bind has been configured in the first place.HalogenePASSED4:1(0 abstained, 20 didn't vote)
268legacyAllow the client to force-override its "own" player color (and possibly model) settings during demo playbackHalogenePASSED4:0(1 abstained, 20 didn't vote)
267legacyMove the primary repository from our own infrastructure to gitlab. This means everyone will need to create an account at gitlab (or use a google, twitter or github account there) and add their SSH keys there. Instructions will come in time.divVerentDECIDEDNo reason given (by ?)
266legacyimplement duel-ctf mode which only allows 1v1 ctfmatthiaskrgrFAILED1:4(1 abstained, 18 didn't vote)
265legacyMove the pickup bot into #xonotic on QN. #xonotic is very inactive, while #xonotic.pickup (which new users do not go to) has a large amount of activity.AntibodyPASSED8:0(1 abstained, 17 didn't vote)
264legacyMake it possible for menuqc to draw the loading screen. Possibly via a m_draw_loadingscreen function. This is an absolute requirement for #262 and #263.divVerentPASSED5:0(2 abstained, 16 didn't vote)
263legacyUpgrade the loading screen function so it is capable of selecting loading screens depending on the map that is being loaded (whereas it may have to choose from several loading screens available for a given map)HalogeneTIED2:2(3 abstained, 16 didn't vote)
262legacyUpgrade the loading screen function so it can determine what text to display and where to display it according to information embedded into the loading screen imageHalogeneTIED2:2(3 abstained, 16 didn't vote)
261legacyUpgrade the loading screen function so it can place text onto the loading screen imagesHalogenePASSED3:0(3 abstained, 16 didn't vote)
260legacyadd a votable lock mode which prevents a single player from joining a 1v1 match (if more player want to join, they will be able be majority and can remove the lock by vote)matthiaskrgrFAILED3:4(1 abstained, 15 didn't vote)
259legacyRework the loading screens and transform them into images that show off the beauty of Xonotic's graphics while also communicating basic mechanics of Xonotic gameplay (such as laser jumping or non-obvious weapon features)HalogenePASSED7:0(1 abstained, 15 didn't vote)
258legacyMake r_showsurfaces a checkbox in the settings GUI as suggested here: abstained, 16 didn't vote)
257legacyInstead of #254, let's put an explanatory note about WIP gameplay design in the game somewhere.divVerentDECIDEDNo reason given (by ?)
256legacycreate sound dev subforum to "creating & contributing" category, as suggested here by unfa abstained, 16 didn't vote)
255legacyAdd a direct link to the Newbie Corner to the front page of Xonotic (maybe to the top bar? There is space left...). If required, I can rework it so it doesn't read "Halogene's" in there. I would recommend to call it just "Newbie Corner" or "Beginner's Guide" on the front page.HalogenePASSED8:0(0 abstained, 16 didn't vote)
254legacyAdd a beta tag to the pre-1.0 release menu backgrounds, to clarify to new players that the game is still work in progressMarioFAILED4:5(2 abstained, 16 didn't vote)
253legacyRecord anticheat results on xonstat. Do not display them, just DB only.divVerentDECIDEDNo reason given (by ?)
252legacyAfter 0.8 release: Have another survey within the community similar to the first one 3 (!) years ago ( )MirioPASSED5:0(0 abstained, 16 didn't vote)
251legacyAdd separate spawnpoints for spectators (not sure if already implemented, but our maps don't use it and it'd be easy). May be prettier, and reduces likelihood for "spectating from inside another player"divVerentPASSED8:1(1 abstained, 16 didn't vote)
250legacyBan XSAX from #xonotic for one monthMrBougoPASSED5:0(4 abstained, 18 didn't vote)
249legacySupply smaller resolution textures in the low builds, or create a separate build with lower quality artwork (2048x2048 seems a bit overkill for builds that are supposed to help performance)MarioFAILED2:3(4 abstained, 18 didn't vote)
248legacyI need to replace all occurrences of to Vote is there to remind me.divVerentDECIDEDNo reason given (by ?)
247legacyAllow non-core-team members who have proven themselves master access to the repository (the conditions will be harsh, though, but we already have at least one candidate for this).divVerentPASSED12:0(0 abstained, 16 didn't vote)
246legacyDrop Race game-mode (no servers use it, unpopular clone of CTS)MarioTIED3:3(2 abstained, 19 didn't vote)
245legacyDrop the patented compressed DDS format and use an open source alternative for the main builds (JPEG perhaps?)MarioFAILED1:3(4 abstained, 18 didn't vote)
244legacyInitially, display changed cvars only when opening the "advanced settings" dialog. Search bar searches in all cvars.HalogenePASSED6:3(1 abstained, 13 didn't vote)
243legacydisplay only cvars in "advanced settings" dialog that the user already has changed per default, make all cvars browsable by selection box ("browse (a) changed cvars (b) all cvars")HalogeneCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
242legacyreplace "cvar filter" in "advanced settings dialog" with "search for" to make it apparent that the input string is searched in cvar names, descriptions and cvar substrings, much like "apropos" command works in consoleHalogenePASSED8:0(1 abstained, 13 didn't vote)
241legacyOn any numeric (NOT choice) slider [I know this will be inconsistent, as we have some choice sliders with numeric values], clicking the number (or shift-click, double click, etc.) should open a text-edit dialog to edit the exact value (or similar)divVerentTIED4:4(3 abstained, 13 didn't vote)
240legacyAdd more values to the FPS limiter sliders. Lots of monitors run on 75Hz, however only 70 and 100 can be set on the slider. Either we search for the most used values, or let the sliders move increments of 5.CuBe0wLPASSED7:0(2 abstained, 13 didn't vote)
239legacy!vcall !veto command should be limited to 10 days (same period as regular vote period) after the poll ended, and similarily !challenge should be limited to 10 days after the !vetodivVerentPASSED7:0(2 abstained, 12 didn't vote)
238legacyget rid of xonvote bugsdivVerentPASSED1:0(1 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
237legacyRename Mirio to "neutral man"SamualVETOEDspam mailboxes (by Mirio)
236legacy(Dependent on #233 passing): However, WarpZone support is a very high barrier to entry for new ideas and limits contributions, even I can't get them to work properly. If divVerent wants warpzones to work flawlessly, then he should be responsible for migrating the tracing code of contributions to support WarpZones.SamualCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
235legacyNo longer require GPL2 on contribution, "GPL3 or any later version" is enough. We already required "GPL2 or any later version" for ages, and have no GPL2-only content.divVerentPASSED4:0(7 abstained, 12 didn't vote)
234legacyMigrate to CC-BY-SA license for maps by for now requiring a CC-BY-SA + GPLv3+ dual license on all new artwork in xonotic-maps, getting the OK from all past map/texture authors on CC-BY-SA, and once done, no longer require GPLv3+divVerentPASSED4:0(7 abstained, 12 didn't vote)
233legacyContinue to insist that gameplay must not be broken through warpzones. New code that breaks in a gameplay relevant game through warpzones must never be merged.divVerentPASSED10:0(1 abstained, 12 didn't vote)
232legacyNever allow on default maps the placement of warpzones unless their presence is explicitly clarified (i.e. with a visual effect such as on stormkeep, or a type of picture frame outline)-- This also means updating glowplant so that the warpzone there has a visual effect.SamualPASSED7:2(2 abstained, 12 didn't vote)
231legacyCreate a blog post and forum announcement about promoting support for -- abstained, 12 didn't vote)
230legacyPlay a sound at the end of a match, which indicates that the match has endedMirioVETOEDis not a controversial item... in fact, it's already on the development tracker as part of the announcer system improvements. Stop calling votes which are unnecessary, people (by Samual)
229legacymake bot barrel handling more intelligent (for example only shoot barrels if an enemy is actually near them).matthiaskrgrPASSED7:0(2 abstained, 12 didn't vote)
228legacyprevent bots from shooting barrels, it's just waste of ammomatthiaskrgrCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
227legacyRemove non-teamplay modes from dance. It's a CTF map, doesn't even have deathmatch spawnsMarioPASSED7:2(1 abstained, 12 didn't vote)
226legacySomehow fix being able to ramp up points in CTF while alone on the server when others are still joining. I know start_delay was meant to fix this, but what about a server that's empty, you join, rack up points, then others come?divVerentPASSED5:3(1 abstained, 12 didn't vote)
225legacyUnban Calinou from #xonotic, I believe he has made an effort to change and deserves a second chance in the channel.SamualPASSED3:0(7 abstained, 12 didn't vote)
224legacySpend time on adding useless waypoint detection to the autowaypointer, so we can enable it by default for maps that lack WPsdivVerentPASSED7:0(4 abstained, 12 didn't vote)
223legacyWhen challenging an irc @op action, or voting about removing @op power from someone, said @op may not veto. A single person who got affected by the action may not start the vote, or veto. Violating this rule decides the most negative outcome of the vote for the violator.divVerentPASSED4:1(0 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
222legacyBan Taoki for life. Ask Samual why.divVerentVETOEDnot call votes on my behalf (by Samual)
221legacyWhen challenging an irc @op action, or voting about removing @op power from someone, said @op may not veto. A single person who got affected by the action may not start the vote, or veto. Violating this rule decides the most negative outcome of the vote for the violator.divVerentVETOEDis an unbalanced system of voting which in any other case does not apply this way, specifically regarding removal of core team priviledges or any other such situations. (by Samual)
220legacyadd a #xonotic rule: quodlicet Iovi non licet bovi. Plus, rename Samual to Iuppiter.divVerentVETOEDoutta here with this shit (by Samual)
219legacybanning a person from #xonotic (freenode) must run through xonvote (make a vote whether to ban this person)matthiaskrgrPASSED5:4(1 abstained, 11 didn't vote)
218legacyDisable respawnjitter on powerups by defaultMirioPASSED7:1(2 abstained, 12 didn't vote)
217legacy[xonvote] Hide auto-abstain votes from !details output in some way, e.g. display all affected users in only one linezykurePASSED8:0(2 abstained, 12 didn't vote)
216legacyUse scoreboard_bg_scale 0.1 by defaultSamualCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
215legacySet g_ctf_respawn_delay depending on the number of players in a team. Set it to one second respawn delay per player in a team up to a maximum of 5 seconds. Teams may have different respawn delays.HalogenePASSED10:0(2 abstained, 12 didn't vote)
214legacySet g_ctf_respawn_delay depending on the number of players in a team. Add a second respawn delay for each player in a team up to 5 seconds, don't count bots (they're useless anyway). Teams may have different respawn delays.HalogeneCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
213legacySet default g_ctf_respawn_delay to 3 seconds, as five seconds is generally experienced as annoyance and has a negative effect on matches with low player countHalogeneCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
212legacyChange ghosted item default values to be more visually appealing and recognizable (suggestion: cl_ghost_items 0.3, cl_ghost_items_color "0.6 0.6 0.6")SamualTIED4:4(2 abstained, 12 didn't vote)
211legacyEncourage server admins to use a non default port number in server.cfg (alternate workaround for ISP issues)divVerentPASSED7:0(3 abstained, 12 didn't vote)
210legacyDefault to r_ambient 0, and instead shun all maps with pitch black large areas. Allows for more contrast in dark areas, which helps visibility IF the mapper does it right (easier wih sRGB)divVerentPASSED12:0(1 abstained, 11 didn't vote)
209legacyAdjust darkzone lighting/color so that it is actually dark, using this new color scheme (also sRGB): -- mockup/poc package here: abstained, 0 didn't vote)
203legacyAdjust darkzone lighting/color so that it is actually dark, using this new color scheme (also sRGB): -- mockup/poc package here: hate this. Not just because of it's looks (which is also incorrect just look at the pipes, they should illuminate the walls with a red light), but I don't think recoloring lightmaps is the way we should approach certain lighting effects. Also, Darkzone (The Dark Zone btw.) doesn't really have anything to do with being dark, as the original map wasn't dark either. It was only there for the "dark gothic" theme (by CuBe0wL)
202legacyPut effort into finishing a vignette visual effect as part of the default effect presets (like High, Ultra, and Ultimate) -- End result will be similar to this: -- but less intense, and could easily be adjusted.SamualPASSED8:0(6 abstained, 11 didn't vote)
201legacy[xonvote] Make polls pass/fail once the number of votes reaches 50% of allowed users and there is an absolute majority. Example: 11:0~8 (with 28 users) would pass, as only up to 9 users could vote "no", and can't get the majority.zykureFAILED3:6(1 abstained, 11 didn't vote)
200legacyOnce weapon and other changes are decided, rename and better organize weapon model and image files for 0.8 release-- Pro: These files would be more consistent and easier to work with later on. Con: It would break compatibility with 0.7 clients. We can easily provide a compat pack for old servers/clients, however. (like we did in Nexuiz days all the time with SVN releases)SamualPASSED9:0(1 abstained, 11 didn't vote)
199legacyUse proper names or values for the size of merge requests -- using killstreaks is not particularly clear enough.SamualCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
198legacyRequire comment on vetoesMrBougoPASSED9:0(2 abstained, 12 didn't vote)
197legacyserverlist: make "Recommended" category honor category enabling/disabling checkbox. currently it does not: by admin (by Samual)
196legacyAdd a table of all votes and their text to the vote finished email xonvote sendsdivVerentPASSED6:0(3 abstained, 12 didn't vote)
195legacyTechnical implementation of a suggestion doesn't matter in polls UNLESS if it's explicitely stated otherwiseCuBe0wLFAILED3:5(1 abstained, 12 didn't vote)
194legacyReplace map specific "void falling" hacks (like deceleration) by a generic "blackout" system. Can e.g. cause the player to continue moving even into skybox, fade out, etc.divVerentPASSED6:0(3 abstained, 12 didn't vote)
193legacyRemove deacceleration field from underneath maps (like Dance) and replace it with a new "blackout" system, handled by code. Blackout fades your screen to black when you're falling towards bottom of map, but can be disabled in mutators (like instagib, or hook mode servers can disable it manually)SamualVETOEDidea fails in so many ways it isn't funny any more. First of all, it would not help much, as even with a blackout you need like 500qu of falling distance to make it look good. Will post a counter suggestion. (by divVerent)
192legacymake dead bodies float UP in waterdivVerentPASSED11:0(1 abstained, 12 didn't vote)
191legacyMake it so that crouching players dive down to the ground faster (i.e. like they have a slightly higher force of gravity impacting them) -- This would help with ducking to avoid things above them, and it would provide another fair hinderance to crouch maneuvering in other situations.SamualPASSED4:3(1 abstained, 12 didn't vote)
190legacyMake it so that players SLOWLY automatically float towards the surface of water instead of sinking down, unless they press swimdown (dependent on #189)SamualFAILED2:4(3 abstained, 12 didn't vote)
189legacyDisallow crouching in water, have Shift (CROUCH) do swimdown and have Space (JUMP) do swimupSamualPASSED12:0(1 abstained, 11 didn't vote)
188legacyDo a medium radius low force/damage energy blast at the end of Vortex shotsSamualFAILED3:6(2 abstained, 12 didn't vote)
187legacyMake gender selection exclusive from playermodel selection, this way players can select their gender in the menu WITHOUT it being tied to the playermodel, and we can have gender-specific notification messages.SamualPASSED6:0(4 abstained, 12 didn't vote)
186legacyRemove "Weight", "Age", and description (but NOT "sex" YET) tokens from playermodel display. They are literally entirely useless, and I think they add the wrong kind of character which actually subtracts from the overall theme we should be going for with characters.SamualPASSED10:0(1 abstained, 12 didn't vote)
185legacyEnable damage from contents (lava, slime) in minstagib (seems weird that players can swim in lava only in this mode, this can lead to falling in pools that were not designed for swimming, i.e. pools one cannot escape from)MarioPASSED8:0(2 abstained, 12 didn't vote)
184legacyMake game servers default to a random port number decided on first server start, instead of fixed 26000 (many users have port 26000 blocked apparently, because ISP hates Quake)divVerentPASSED2:1(5 abstained, 12 didn't vote)
183legacyAdd "is in another time zone" gag info message for CTS and Race when someone gets in last placeSamualPASSED4:1(3 abstained, 12 didn't vote)
182legacyReview some of the music tracks from Nexuiz and reconsider their addition for XonoticSamualVETOEDout of the question - we already kept all tracks that were actually GPL and thus had some kind of source, e.g. northern lights and stairs (by divVerent)
181legacyUse waypointsprite edgeoffset 0.1 by default (set it in the menu with Multiplayer Window -> Player Setup tab -> HUD settings dialog -> edgeoffset slider, OR set each g_waypointsprite_edgeoffset_* cvar to 0.1)SamualPASSED5:2(2 abstained, 12 didn't vote)
180legacyIDEA_PHASE: Put effort into polishing Catharsis (CTF) and adding it to the game? (screenshots, pk3: abstained, 12 didn't vote)
179legacyDelete all comments from configs and code, because Samual said "they're not important and I don't use them anyway? This is not a user friendly thing we're providing here"divVerentFAILED1:8(0 abstained, 12 didn't vote)
178legacyRename "Minstagib" to "Instagib" -- the M is pointless.SamualPASSED7:2(2 abstained, 12 didn't vote)
177legacyRename the "Hellion" turret to something else, and rename "Fireball" weapon to "Hellion" -- Hellion seems like a better name for our BFG-like superweaponSamualPASSED4:1(4 abstained, 12 didn't vote)
176legacyIf a team mate attacks a turret repeatedly, we should have the turrets consider them an enemy for a brief period of timeSamualPASSED9:0(1 abstained, 12 didn't vote)
175legacyRename Nex to "Vortex" (see also where I lay out some other parts to the idea)SamualPASSED3:2(4 abstained, 12 didn't vote)
174legacyRename MinstaNex to "Vaporizer" (see also which is where this name came from)SamualPASSED9:1(2 abstained, 12 didn't vote)
173legacy[xonstat] Have rank-icon (e.g. gold/silver/bronze crown = ranks 1-3) shown next to player nicks in game listings etc. of the corresponding gametype as a "reward" for top-ranked playerszykurePASSED8:3(1 abstained, 12 didn't vote)
172legacyBring back size restriction, but then as .mapinfo feature and not .sizes files. Each map shall have a recommended min/max player count, and cvars would set the "strength" of the requirement (e.g. this could relax a 4-6p requirement to 3-7p or 2-8p). Devise these requirements for all included maps.divVerentPASSED7:0(1 abstained, 11 didn't vote)
171legacyHide map lightspeed in 0.8 (way too bright, camp fest, never played)MarioFAILED2:5(1 abstained, 10 didn't vote)
170legacyEnable v_idlescale 1 by default -- Automatically sway the view very slightly while standing still.SamualFAILED1:4(7 abstained, 10 didn't vote)
169legacyDelete red-planet now. It was hidden in 0.7.0 to allow us to phase it out.divVerentPASSED8:0(2 abstained, 7 didn't vote)
168legacyPhase out red-planet map (bad gameplay)divVerentCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
167legacyDuring the change of ammo system (add LG/split cell ammo into two): Reduce the amount of ammo you get from a weapon pickup, thus ammo boxes get more useful and importantMirioPASSED3:0(3 abstained, 8 didn't vote)
166legacyMove to wackity wicktown-- the issues were resolved for me, so the purpose of the thread is no longer relevant.... now it just breeds trolls.SamualFAILED3:6(1 abstained, 7 didn't vote)
165legacyGet the functional weapon design changes that are frequently talked about into testable state (test server, committed to a branch, merge request; balance tuning and bug fixing not required yet) till Apr 1, 2014. If this deadline is missed, the changes will have to be deferred to 2.0 and we will rather finish a 1.0 using the current weapon/ammo functions then.divVerentPASSED6:1(0 abstained, 7 didn't vote)
164legacyGet the functional weapon design changes that are frequently talked about into testable state (test server up and running, committed to a branch, merge request filed) till Jan 14, 2014. If this deadline is missed, the changes will have to be deferred to 2.0 and we will rather finish a 1.0 using the current weapon/ammo functions then.divVerentCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
163legacyCuBe0wL has to write and publish the blog about current development till 30th November, else he's kicked from core teamCuBe0wLFAILED1:3(3 abstained, 7 didn't vote)
162legacyGet the functional weapon design changes that are frequently talked about into testable state (test server up and running, committed to a branch, merge request filed) till Jan 14, 2014. If this deadline is missed, the changes will have to be deferred to 2.0 and we will rather finish a 1.0 using the current weapon/ammo functions then.divVerentVETOEDdeprecated (by CuBe0wL)
161legacyAdopt style rule: rules (by Samual)
160legacySimplify bullet code (no non-antilagged bullets, no gravity support, keep going-through-solid support for rifle in New Toys) - rationale: the other ideas for balancing the weapon were either too annoying and unfair (latency) or useless (gravity)divVerentPASSED8:0(2 abstained, 5 didn't vote)
159legacyRunning polls should still be private to team members only - we don't publish them in the public RSS.CuBe0wLPASSED8:2(2 abstained, 5 didn't vote)
158legacyveto 156 No. We shouldn't remove features just because nobody uses it at this time. By that logic, we could easily remove half of our game modes and features too. Also, I like domination, it's just underrated.CuBe0wLCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
157legacyMake PL affected players non laggy to others (at the expense of somewhat worse playing experience if you HAVE packet loss): change defaults to cl_netrepeatinput 0; sv_clmovement_inputtimeout 0.01; cl_netfps 60divVerentCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
156legacyRemove Domination game-mode, nobody plays itMarioFAILED3:8(1 abstained, 5 didn't vote)
155legacyTo further push the feeling of a caring community, put effort in greeting new members in some way once every month (preferably the last day).CuBe0wLPASSED4:3(2 abstained, 4 didn't vote)
154legacyRemove font-nimbussansl.pk3 from releases (unreferenced); if this poll result is no, we will instead add an official way to select the Nimbus Sans L fontdivVerentPASSED4:1(5 abstained, 4 didn't vote)
153legacyMutually inexclusive polls are stupidMrBougoVETOEDveto means yes. "I forbid people voting no here." (by divVerent)
152legacyActivate g_ban_sync_uri by default (but with no trusted servers by default), this way bans on servers are reported for everyone to be able to use. This would be opt-out then for servers that don't want to report bans.SamualPASSED9:0(0 abstained, 4 didn't vote)
151legacyIf we ever create a convention or public event, call it "Xoncon."SamualPASSED4:2(3 abstained, 4 didn't vote)
150legacyDependent of #149: In case changing in_pitch_max/min is not a cheat by itself, should there be a limit on changing the cvar (so one can't look behind itself)CuBe0wLPASSED8:0(0 abstained, 4 didn't vote)
149legacy[Agree "Yes" or Disagree "No"] Changing in_pitch_max and in_pitch_min values should be considered cheatingSamualFAILED2:6(1 abstained, 4 didn't vote)
148legacyAdd a checkbox to the input settings tab which allows people to set a higher in_pitch_max and lower in_pitch_min value (i.e. change to 100 and -100 instead of 90 and -90)SamualVETOEDpostponed (by ?)
147legacyMERGE_PHASE: Include "Xoylent CTF" into the official maplist. Branch: kuniuthefrogg/xoylent_ctfMirioCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
146legacyExecute the forums changes like proposed here: abstained, 4 didn't vote)
145legacyinvite bitbomb into the extended team as music contributor and coordinatorCuBe0wLCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
144legacyinvite unfa into the extended team as music contributor and coordinatorCuBe0wLPASSED4:1(1 abstained, 4 didn't vote)
143legacyinvite Archer into the extended team as music contributor and coordinatorCuBe0wLPASSED8:0(1 abstained, 4 didn't vote)
142legacyTrack the implementation of changes due to passed polls by automatically posting a tracker item in a specific subproject of for every poll that passes.MrBougoPASSED10:0(0 abstained, 4 didn't vote)
141legacyAFK because of vacationCuBe0wLCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
140legacyDe-activate Morphed as core team member (but keep him as core team member until he is done looking for a job)SamualCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
139legacyAdd Mirio as core team member (Specifically for working as tournament and contest management, and for integration into community-- he is quite good with conveying development details to people in the community as well)SamualPASSED8:1(2 abstained, 4 didn't vote)
138legacyEnable categorical serverlist sorting by default for 0.8SamualPASSED5:2(1 abstained, 4 didn't vote)
137legacy130 abstain Sorry, I don't understand the prupose (I'm too tired, I don't have the brainz now, I have the dumbz). Could some explain? :DCuBe0wLCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
136legacyRename "custom" to "Custom" in menu-- All other words in the menu start with upper case lettering- I think if someone sets a custom value for a slider, it should be capitalized as well.SamualPASSED6:0(4 abstained, 4 didn't vote)
135legacyMerge Xonotic serverlist categories into master -- Full proposal and description here: abstained, 4 didn't vote)
134legacyVeto this vote if and only if it failsdivVerentFAILED0:1(5 abstained, 4 didn't vote)
133legacyMake polls expire in 10 daysSamualPASSED6:1(2 abstained, 4 didn't vote)
132legacy[TEST] Does the auto-abstain feature work?zykureCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
130legacyprefix merge request subject lines by an indicator of size of the change ("A big freakin' merge request: branchnamr description....")divVerentPASSED5:1(2 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
129legacyIncrease r_font_postprocess_outline default from 1 to 1.5SamualCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
128legacyAgree? Weapons are too weak on average in the current balancedivVerentFAILED2:7(1 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
127legacyIf vote #115 passes, write a proper Tourney game mode to replace it.FruitieXPASSED4:0(5 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
126legacyCollaboratively develop and lay out PR plan, laying out how to handle exposure for the next releases (and how to space out exposure and keep the ball rolling later on)SamualPASSED9:0(2 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
125legacyshould I invest $30 in a facebook ad that could get us ~100-1000 more likes, more eyeballs, more traffic, more players, more PR?detrateVETOEDuntil 1.0, also we should really develop a real advertisement plan instead of just dumping money on ads. There are plenty of better ways to get ads and exposure than a Facebook ad. (by Samual)
124legacySlowly get rid of facility114inv texture set ( by hiding it from Radiant at first, moving into nexcompat (and renaming that repo to oldcompat, probably) later.divVerentFAILED2:5(5 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
123legacyHide user profiles from unregistered users on the forum (that includes search engines) to kill spambot SEO efficiency.MrBougoPASSED10:0(2 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
122legacyMake polls expire in 7 days as xonvote's notification emails and the website work well. Should someone not be able to vote via IRC, they shall send an email to the Core Team and - should their vote change the outcome - a veto will be placed by the Core Team to incorporate the member's vote that way. Or, the vote can be postponed in this case.divVerentVETOEDNot 7 days, 10 days. (by Samual)
121legacyStop using "extra lives" powerup for MinstaGib, and instead show powerup called "Protection" which blocks attacks only in MinstaGib-- "Extra lives" can be repurposed for default gameplay as "Resurrection" powerupdivVerentPASSED6:0(4 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
120legacyIDEA: in minsta, if the player has not ammo and health decreases, swap the extra life (if player has it) for another 100HP instead of not taking it into account at all.matthiaskrgrVETOEDdefeats the whole purpose. You don't die from lack of health, you die because you kill yourself. Game message is "what's the point of living without any ammo?" -- that doesn't add up with extra lives. Additionally, it'll be a pain in the ass to code notifications for it with extra lives, so no. (by Samual)
119legacyDevelop clear standards balancing political correctness and freedom of expression in default Xonotic scripting (messages, sounds) and in gentle scripting: abstained, 0 didn't vote)
118legacyIDEA: strength (and possible other powerups affecting attacks) should be made visible on projectiles and impact explosions by an additional or changed particle effectdivVerentPASSED8:1(2 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
117legacyExplain why bringing Xonotic to Steam is problematic in a blog bost (hot topic since MONTHS everywhere). Explain it's not Steam itself, but the SteamWorks API that'd force us to drop Xonstat (which is out of the question)CuBe0wLPASSED12:0(1 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
116legacyIs this an exploit to xonvote?divVerentCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
115legacyGet rid of the Arena game mode. LMS and Clan Arena still share a lot less crap than all three together.divVerentPASSED6:0(5 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
114legacyAuto-abstain users who have not voted for 2 months (We have 26 users, but seems like only ~15 of them vote :P)SamualPASSED14:0(0 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
113legacyIDEA_PHASE: Put effort into unsealedtrial3 ( matthiaskrgr/unsealedtrial3 )- Note: This would be the first vehicle map included in game.matthiaskrgrPASSED9:0(3 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
112legacyRescale Nexgun into a SANE size. It's not badass, it's ridiculous, the weapon is larger than the playermodel! Proof: abstained, 0 didn't vote)
111legacyChange xoylent's lighting to (please state in comment how you would want it changed from this version, e.g. lights brighter, lights darker, shadows brighter, shadows darker)divVerentPASSED4:0(4 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
110legacyIDEA_PHASE: SECONDARY Put effort into bring "Lavaball" - Nexuiz speed mapping contest winner to Xonotic: . Todo: terrain blending, retexture (possibly with phillipk1x, the "green one"), make routes slightly eve more wider, railings, add proper goals, remove ugly cloud dome etc, slime instead of lava etc. Essentially only a few hours of time is needed.CuBe0wLPASSED6:0(3 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
109legacyLimbo map idea. Please read pastie here, it's realy not tl ; dr abstained, 0 didn't vote)
108legacyMake CuBe0wL become a core team memberdivVerentPASSED4:1(0 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
107legacyReorganise server browser into 3 tabs and 2 listst each. 1st tab are vanilla Xonotic servers, second list are for servers with radically modified settings. 2nd tab lists official mods (Overkill and Minstagib), 3rd tab lists unknown and outdated servers.divVerentFAILED0:3(0 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
106legacyBreak compatibility with old crypto_aeslevel functionality for better support of broken home routers (crypto_aeslevel 0 will always work as workaround, and default settings are unaffected)divVerentPASSED6:0(6 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
105legacyAssign a 'nopicmip' shader key to every grate texture. (QuakeLive does that, for example). The purpose of this is to prevent some minor bugs (such as them getting invisible with picmip+no texture comression) as well as preventing some grey *mostly* opaque surfacesDebuggerPASSED10:0(3 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
104legacyIDEA_PHASE: put effort in competitive TDM map "Vociferous": this layout is WAYYYY too unacceptable-- it requires way too much effort to finish this map than it's worth (has literally zero work done regarding geometry or texturing), and I don't think this layout would be enjoyable for a TDM map in the first place. (by Samual)
103legacyConsidering "pulling" popular maps from 3rd party place, even if those maps are from other games (like q3dm6 campgrounds, Aerowalk) etc. The map layouts per se are not copyrighted iirc, and this would certainly help players coming form other games adaptCuBe0wLFAILED2:9(1 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
102legacyProposal to change mapping procedure according to tl; dr: Competitive maps should be rather "arenas", with more attention on layout, items, and "Stormkeep" level of detail. "Public maps" should look gorgeous, and fun to play, maybe look like actual places.CuBe0wLVETOEDof all, I don't think you realize how pretty-ified Stormkeep really is, especially compared to existing competitive maps-- See: Bloodrun. In that regard, if all maps looked as good as Stormkeep, I would be perfectly fine. HOWEVER, I don't think we should make any classification on the requirements for map inclusion like this ANYWAY. (by Samual)
101legacyExtend the PR team a little bit with trusted community members, who run blogs (WoX BloX) and help me admining twitter, FaceBook, Google+ pages.CuBe0wLVETOED"How is this any different from the way we are now? in other words: Absolutely yes." -- I am vetoing IN FAVOR of this vote to close it, it is already how we operate and thus this vote is not called in favor of any change or action. (by Samual)
100legacyDEPENDENT ON #91: If xonvote becomes public, make the results from votes non-anonymous and show all details about votes. If this is denied, votes would be anonymously posted (without clarification as to who voted yes or no, or who called the vote in the first place)zykurePASSED9:1(2 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
99legacymerge divVerent/hud-centerprint-frame already (makes the MOTD of servers more visible); pro: works already, con: a bit ugly (sev will have to make an actual border image for it, and probably tune its color settings)divVerentCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
98legacyIDEA_PHASE: Put effort into fixing up "Atelier" map (Perhaps encourage original author- ShadoW-- to do the improvements)DebuggerPASSED7:2(2 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
97legacymap: change lights of dance so that the light models cast shadows (and make lights on outside brighter)|(branch: matthiaskrgr/dance ) : ( -> ) ( -> ) ( -> )matthiaskrgrPASSED8:1(1 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
96legacyMake CuBe0wL become a core team memberMirioVETOEDdon't think he makes good design decisions. He certainly is trustworthy for coordination, but his maps are a very good indicator of the problems that would arrise... He would certainly be pushing the insane maps, new ones similar to Confuzor or such, and we would not fight it (just as we didn't fight them previously, we just wanted him to stay around so he'll contribute more) (by Samual)
95legacyLarger gameplay changes (eg. physics or weapon balance) HAVE to be introduced on public playtest servers (at least one in NA and one in EU), with nonskippable MOTD indicating the purpose for 2 weeks of testing. Also, have to make sticky thread in the forum about the server, to harvest community respons. Feedback NOT given on that thread will be IGNORED (no irc, no ingame chat etc.) TEST IT, REPLY OR STFU.CuBe0wLVETOEDpoll is silly... We'll stick to the same merging common sense we've always had for gameplay design... As the person who actually DOES all that work, no, I won't handle it precisely in the way described in this poll, I will handle it how it always has been handled: where needed. (by Samual)
94legacyGet overkill into mergeable state, then merge it (with or without repercussions to other game modes, this poll doesn't handle that)divVerentPASSED11:0(1 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
93legacyPut effort in making small and simple XonBall maps for all variants: soccer, basketball, volleyball, handball, and bombing run (first only concepts)CuBe0wLVETOEDSure, that's an alright idea for later, but really we should focus on the primary modes of the game for 1.0. Specifically CTF, DM, TDM, and Duel-- and I don't think we should put any such effort into "Nexball" or "Xonball" maps until the gamemode code for the physics and presentation is improved-- otherwise it would be misdirected time and effort. (by Samual)
92legacyTry to contact Oblivion to remake current playermodels. Mainly just remake them more technically, totally remaking Pyria and Umbra (they are the worst), and making a new robot tooCuBe0wLVETOEDvetoed by admin (by Samual)
91legacyMake Xonvote transparent (publishing results, see #100 to clarify whether they're anonymous or specific) and make a blogpost about explaining how xonvote worksCuBe0wLPASSED10:0(1 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
90legacyInclude full d0_blind_id package by default. US crypto export rules are adhered to. Pro: simpler, anyone can enable encryption if they want (helps against some router problems). Con: import of Xonotic to some countries, e.g. Iran, would be a punishable offence there then (but so would importing any linux distro).divVerentPASSED6:1(2 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
89legacyReorganise server browser into 3 tabs and 2 listst each. 1st tab are vanilla Xonotic servers, second list are for servers with radically modified settings. 2nd tab lists official mods (Overkill and Minstagib), 3rd tab lists unknown and outdated servers.CuBe0wLVETOEDis not a good solution, my idea is better... see the forum post I made where I listed some of my designs. (by Samual)
88legacy[RADICAL] Should extra life powerup rather teleport to random map location (like autoscreenshots use), or also to random spawnpoint (state which you prefer)? Would probably make the powerup usable outside minstagib.divVerentPASSED4:3(2 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
87legacyGet Overkill in mergeable state, then replace MinstaGib game mode by it (MinstaNex Arena would remain, and probably part of the MinstaGib powerup system too, but sure not its ammo system)divVerentVETOEDjust going to veto this as it's entirely inferior to poll #94 and its options (by Samual)
86legacyGet rid of Arena and LMS game types, to ease maintenance of Clan Arena (they use many common shared hacks, having made it hard in the past to fix one while not breaking the other)divVerentVETOEDabsolutely love LMS, but Arena should go as it is unplayed and would be deprecated by duel game mode. (by Samual)
85legacyIdea: ship both a competitive config and a VOD/streaming config with the game to make it easer and faster for those very people to quickly use the most common features they look forDebuggerPASSED7:0(2 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
84legacy75 ok, but some more contrast (bit more darkness) might not harmmatthiaskrgrCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
83legacycompile solarium with bounce 8 old: vs new: abstained, 0 didn't vote)
82legacyAppoint Samual as Design Lead under the condition that xonvote outcomes must be adhered to (he can always escalate to core team by veto)divVerentPASSED5:0(5 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
81legacymove autobuild<rm> (map compiles, screenshots) from #xonotic to #xonotic.editingdivVerentVETOEDstrongly want to keep that kind of development activity in the main #xonotic channel, along with development/git logs (by Samual)
80legacyBan Taoki/MirceaKitsune for unproductivity, impatience and annoyance?divVerentVETOEDthis vote as a "no"-- pretty sure conclusion is reached. (by Samual)
79legacyBan Samual for life (he demands to either stay out of the team, or be #1 above core team) ref: #xonotic.pickup vote as a "no" (by Samual)
78legacyIDEA_PHASE: Try to finish up vorix for a release after 0.8divVerentCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
77legacyIDEA_PHASE: Try to finish up toxic for release with 0.8divVerentPASSED10:0(4 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
76legacyIDEA_PHASE: Try to finish up xoylent-ctf for release with 0.8divVerentPASSED12:1(1 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
75legacyChange xoylent's lighting to (please state in comment how you would want it changed from this version, e.g. lights brighter, lights darker, shadows brighter, shadows darker)divVerentCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
74legacy'--"--)--]--;;;;;;;;;;divVerentCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
73legacyIDEA: if the player has strength, color tint their weapon-impact explosions and/or projectiles blueishly (by existing means, no duping of effects) and/or add blue sparks or similar to the effect (blue sparks route is probably the simplest and most compatible to team games)divVerentCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
72legacyIDEA: if the player has strength, color tint their weapon-impact explosions and/or projectiles blueishly (or also add blue sparks, or the like)divVerentCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
71legacyIDEA: if the player has strength, color tint their weapon-impact explosions and/or projectiles blueishly (or also add blue sparks, or the like)divVerentCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
70legacyIDEA: if the player has strength, color tint their weapon-impact explosions and/or projectiles blueishly (or also add blue sparks, or the like)divVerentCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
69legacyIDEA: if the player has strength, color tint their weapon-impact explosions and/or projectiles blueishly (or also add blue sparks, or the like)divVerentCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
68legacyIDEA: if the player has strength, color tint their weapon-impact explosions and/or projectiles blueishly (or also add blue sparks, or the like)matthiaskrgrVETOEDwith team colors, and i'm not in favor of it overriding weapon attack colors either EVEN IF it DIDN'T mean we'd have to do DUPLICATE EFFECTS FOR ALL WEAPON EFFECTS... (by Samual)
67legacyVotes should always be written so 'no' means retaining the status quo, and 'yes' is the change (like in popular votes)divVerentPASSED10:0(2 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
66legacyReplace all our player models by gender-neutral somewhat humanoid models for more consistency in visual designdivVerentVETOEDis not my fucking proposal (by Samual)
65legacymv"Conducting yourself with Samual" wicktown Not burrying me head into the sand, but that's the same exact reason I kick both of them from #xonotic, no need to represent this behaviour on the forum too. Enough of the nonsense. I only started the vote because Samual started the thread.CuBe0wLCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
64legacyOnly drain health when taking water drowning damage instead of draining health and armordivVerentPASSED13:0(0 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
63legacyChange g_projectiles_damage from 2 to 1 in default balance config ( details: ) - Disallow damage from other projectiles, but still take damage from contents/exceptions/self damage (1 is default in XPM)SamualPASSED9:1(2 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
62legacyHide the map "Drain" in 0.8, remove in 0.9: Drain's BSP is broken from the ground up, the bbox does not actually fix the map geometry and cannot be salvaged (lightmaps and lightgrid have always been broken on it) and the map is unplayed and not worthwhile in gameplay anywaySamualFAILED3:6(5 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
61legacyIDEA_PHASE: Put effort into adding aggressorx into the game (FROM NIFREK'S VERSION, WITHOUT WARPZONES!)SamualFAILED3:7(3 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
60legacyAccuracy rule: Ignore damage from attacks which hurt yourself without hurting anyone else on weapons which have a flag similar to WEP_FLAG_CANCLIMB (perhaps named WEP_FLAG_MOVEWEP)... This would allow i.e. Laser accuracy to display actually useful hit percentage information.SamualPASSED12:0(1 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
59legacyRe-enable scoreboard_accuracy by default while waiting for new scoreboard (pro: competitive players wanted it back, con: it's broken and shows ALL weapons, not just core weapons)SamualPASSED8:2(4 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
58legacyIDEA_PHASE: Put effort in polishing DM map 'Lethargy' (formely Facility123) to be an official map. See map in branch Mirio/lethargyMirioCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
57legacyUsing memes incorrectly in the obligatory meme thread is a bannable offenseSamualFAILED2:6(2 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
56legacyVetos are not final anymoreSamualCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
55legacyBy default, stop showing previous Xonotic versions in the serverlist *some period of time* after release to circumvent unmaintained servers existing in list.SamualPASSED1:0(1 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
54legacyBy default, stop showing previous Xonotic versions in the serverlist *some period of time* after release to circumvent unmaintained servers existing in list.SamualVETOEDa silly idea as our custom servers are the most popular and they may need more time to upgrade - also if such an option were to exist it should certainly not be default (by merlijn)
53legacyKeep the LCD font, when revamping our player font? Pro: some players use it, contra: does not exist in Unicode, does not match visuals of rest well.divVerentFAILED1:5(2 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
52legacyRemove sys_ticrate from being listed in the default server config (THIS SETTING SHOULD REALLY NEVER BE CHANGED)SamualPASSED4:1(4 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
51legacyBlock Tor exit nodes, known web spammers etc. via DNSBL from our various services (forum and redmine account registration, especially)divVerentPASSED6:2(1 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
50legacyAbandon using Redmine as primary wiki tool, and instead set up a dedicated wiki instance using "real" wiki softwareSamualPASSED8:1(2 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
49legacyAllow anonymous wiki editing on Redmine-- Primarily so that anyone can more easily work on tutorials or such publically.SamualTIED4:4(2 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
48legacyAllow vid_restart to be triggered by a keybind (toggle fullscreen) and/or window resizing in the default configuration.divVerentFAILED2:4(5 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
47legacyRename Nexball into XonballMirioPASSED7:3(4 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
46legacySwitch to using windowed mode by default until we get both: A: Fallback/failsafe shortcuts for launching the game in windowed mode, and B: Ability for game to detect native resolution on first start when opening fullscreen modeSamualCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
45legacyIDEA_PHASE: Work on adding "Space-Slap" map into the game as a hidden<or>special<or>bonus campaign map by default-- see map in Mirio/space-slap branchSamualPASSED4:0(4 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
44legacySet sv_allow_fullbright to 1SamualPASSED9:1(1 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
43legacyMurder all the minstagib/hook players (except Mario)SamualCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
42legacyBan tjalling and his serverSamualCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
41legacyIDEA_PHASE: Put effort into bring Bloodprison into Xonotic map pool (requires retexture, geometry fixes, some balance changes)SamualPASSED6:2(1 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
40legacyDisallow non-official-sponsors from posting advertisements on the forum (like this: abstained, 0 didn't vote)
39legacyUse fov 95 or 100 by defaultMirioPASSED10:0(3 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
38legacyAdd support for 4 team CTFMarioVETOEDare too many technical problems, and it REALLY just does not play well enough to warrant overcoming or ignoring those problems. (by Samual)
37legacyRequire verified email of server admin for a server to be shown in the serverlistSamualFAILED1:10(0 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
36legacyKickban Calinou foreverSamualPASSED6:1(4 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
35legacyDisable the terrible music on whackity wicktownSamualCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
34legacyClose suggestion box subforum category... See: abstained, 0 didn't vote)
33legacyImplement per-map song lists and add all existing acceptable music tracks to the game.. Each map would contain a list of tracks that fit its theme, or if it does not specify any songs it will contain all possible music selections in the list. We'll provide 3 playback modes, including a mode which emulates the old functionalitySamualPASSED8:1(1 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
32legacyAllow IP addresses to be tracked in Xonstat for purposes of displaying and storing geolocation information on players, essentially so that we can display country/region flags in game or on the Xonotic statistics pagesSamualCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
31legacyAdd all existing acceptable skyboxes to the Xonotic maps pk3dir repository, even if they're not used by maps yetSamualPASSED12:0(2 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
30legacyAdd a license exemption to Xonotic that only applies to artwork (and all artwork) that allows use of screenshots, sounds and videos of Xonotic gameplay under CC-BY license? This requires replacing of all old weapon models from Nexuiz as their authors are unknown.divVerentPASSED8:0(2 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
29legacy[test poll] party hard when 0.8 is releasedzykurePASSED9:1(0 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
28legacyIDEA_PHASE: Put effort into improving Hydroxon (CTF) and adding it to the game?SamualPASSED6:1(1 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
27legacy[test poll] rewrite xonvote code (if i don't have anything better to do :P)zykurePASSED4:0(2 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
26legacyimplement random bugs in xonvotezykureFAILED1:2(0 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
25legacykick xonvoteMarioCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
24legacy(to test, use branch divVerent/simplified-sound-sliders) use menu_snd_sliderscale 3 for 0%-100% slider position displaydivVerentFAILED0:2(2 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
23legacy(to test, use branch divVerent/simplified-sound-sliders) use menu_snd_sliderscale 2 for 0-10 slider position display (like hifi devices)divVerentPASSED3:0(1 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
22legacy(to test, use branch divVerent/simplified-sound-sliders) use menu_snd_sliderscale 1 for sound amplitude percentage displaydivVerentFAILED0:3(2 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
21legacycolor code !polls command, making polls green if you voted yes, red if you voted no and gray if you abstainMorphedPASSED8:0(0 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
20legacyd0_blind_id, d0_rijndael: implement interface for PRISMdivVerentPASSED3:1(4 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
19legacyIDEA_PHASE: Put effort into improving Aurora (CTF) and adding it to the game? (-> it's at the map compile server)MirioPASSED6:0(1 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
18legacyMERGE_REQUEST: - New vehicle balance settings by Ablu?SamualPASSED4:0(6 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
17legacyIDEA_PHASE: Put effort into improving Vorix and adding it to the game?SamualPASSED7:0(2 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
16legacyinclude tarx in 0.8 release (after visual changes have been made)matthiaskrgrVETOEDvetoed by admin (by Samual)
15legacyUse percentage in volume controls instead of decibels as percentage is a more recognizeable and naturally understandable way to display volume levels to the majority of usersSamualPASSED10:4(0 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
14legacyget rid of xonvote bugszykureVETOEDof the past can still be vetoed. Maybe we should get rid of that except for a short timeframe after the poll ended. (by divVerent)
13legacyditch osx ppc support for smaller release, osx intel is kept - osx ppc machines are too slow anywaydivVerentPASSED3:0(1 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
12legacydrop OS X PPC support in 0.8 (gets rid of some hacks, smaller download package); rationale: I doubt any OS X PPC machine actually is fast enough to run Xonotic at playable fps anywaydivVerentPASSED4:0(7 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
11legacyImplement !rename (admin only, can be used on votes called by other people) function for votes in case they have typos or are not defined clearly enoughSamualPASSED6:5(1 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
10legacyAllow admins to have full control over votingSamualTIED3:3(3 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
9legacyInclude an official vehicle map into the game until 1.0 release.matthiaskrgrPASSED4:0(4 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
8legacy"Use the nex switch delay setting from 0.6""AntibodyVETOEDvetoed by admin (by Samual)
7legacy"Keep the nex switch delay"AntibodyCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
6legacy"Include breath in the official map list for release 0.8"AntibodyPASSED8:1(0 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
5legacyAllow admins to also stop the votes of othersSamualTIED1:1(0 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
4legacyreminder every 24 hoursmatthiaskrgrPASSED2:0(0 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
3legacytestmatthiaskrgrVETOEDvetoed by admin (by ?)
2legacygoodnight?SamualCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
1legacyDoes the bot work?SamualCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)