Team Votes(#107)

ID Category Title Creator Status Result
107legacyReorganise server browser into 3 tabs and 2 listst each. 1st tab are vanilla Xonotic servers, second list are for servers with radically modified settings. 2nd tab lists official mods (Overkill and Minstagib), 3rd tab lists unknown and outdated servers.divVerentFAILED0:3(0 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
User Decision Comment
AntibodyNOSure, I can wait for more concrete design ideas. Let me just say this: I *do* want filtering. Implementation is less of a concern for me.
divVerentNONot worth the effort. Multiple lists are something the engine will quite surely never support. POSSIBLY something can be done sub subcategories in one big list, though.
SamualNOI am not ready to present this idea to the team (I have no branch and the design idea is not fully written out yet), and I don't think this current vote is a good representation. I vetoed the original vote for these reasons, and would rather open a new one later when the idea is ready for such presentation.