Team Votes(#119)

ID Category Title Creator Status Result
119legacyDevelop clear standards balancing political correctness and freedom of expression in default Xonotic scripting (messages, sounds) and in gentle scripting: abstained, 0 didn't vote)
User Decision Comment
divVerentNOI hate the term "political correctness". No swearing that actually offends people in such a game (avoid f-word, racial slurs), but PLEASE don't turn this into a politically correct mishmash. No "Rocketlauncher/rocketlaunchress" crap either please.
MrBougoYESThis is not about freedom of speech. It isn't even about explicit language, but rather offensive terms. We don't want to use "retard" in our taunt soundbites for the same reason we don't use "faggot": it's a terrible thing to say and it won't do us good. One could argue the same about "pussy".
CuBe0wLYESAlso take note that you don't have to 100% translate something for your all languages, because it can differ from culture to culture what is considered a terribly RUDE thing to say
SamualYESI think certain taunts should still be explicit by default to preserve character and atmosphere, but we should probably avoid racial and homophobic slurs as well as some other various words in their context.
zykureNOIMHO it will be difficult to develop *clear* standards, as the arguments for/against each single phrase will be different.