Team Votes(#135)

ID Category Title Creator Status Result
135legacyMerge Xonotic serverlist categories into master -- Full proposal and description here: abstained, 4 didn't vote)
User Decision Comment
divVerentYEShowever let's not shortcut the decision but let the poll end normally so there was time for testing
MrBougoNOI think such controversial features should be exposed to and discussed with the community before implementation. Players and server admins should have a say in this. If this really is for testing, let us agree to hold a poll in a few weeks (TBD) to fix or undo the decision.
CuBe0wLYESI know the place is tight, but I'd like to see checkboxes for "show mods" ticked in by default.
IDWMasterNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
merlijnNOthe result of this would be that all servers that actually have some regular players are hidden from the default view, resulting in more new players just leaving before even playing any games online - mods should be promoted all the time rather than penialized
SoelenNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
SydesNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
theShadowNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)