Team Votes(#157)

ID Category Title Creator Status Result
157legacyMake PL affected players non laggy to others (at the expense of somewhat worse playing experience if you HAVE packet loss): change defaults to cl_netrepeatinput 0; sv_clmovement_inputtimeout 0.01; cl_netfps 60divVerentCANCELED1:0(0 abstained, 5 didn't vote)
User Decision Comment
IDWMasterNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
sevNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
SoelenNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
SydesNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
theShadowNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)