Team Votes(#168)

ID Category Title Creator Status Result
168legacyPhase out red-planet map (bad gameplay)divVerentCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
User Decision Comment
divVerentYESunless SERIOUS work on fixing its gameplay (clip, etc.) is committed on by someone
terencehillNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
ArcherNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
GATTSNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
IDWMasterNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
sevNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
SoelenNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
SydesNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
theShadowNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)