Team Votes(#250)

ID Category Title Creator Status Result
250legacyBan XSAX from #xonotic for one monthMrBougoPASSED5:0(4 abstained, 18 didn't vote)
User Decision Comment
AntibodyYESI have a near-zero tolerance for trolls, especially considering his history.
divVerentABSTAINI won't stand in the way of a ban, but don't expect it to be very effective. He's the kind of guy that knows how to evade bans,.
HalogeneABSTAINI personally believe XSAX is not that bad and even grew to like his style to some extent. It's just that he works like some sort of catalysator for idiots that find it amusing to copy him (which has no style at all). So, I won't stand in the way of addressing this function of his in the channel.
MrBougoYESHis presence in the channel is absolutely counterproductive. Some might argue that he's amusing, but I don't think he's that funny that he justifies an exception to etiquette.
NitroxisNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
terencehillNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
ArcherNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
bitbombNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
CuBe0wLYESHe's an amusing clown on his own. However, if his trolling becomes counterproductive, a ban is rational.
DebuggerNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
detrateNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
FruitieXNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
GATTSNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
IDWMasterNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
JH0nnyNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
kuniuNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
MarioYESI'd be fine with permanent, but one month should bring things back to normal for a while
MorphedNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
packerNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
s1lenceNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
SamualYESWILL VETO: XSAX will not drop the anti-gay remarks and insults. I will veto this in 24 hours (in favor of banning him) unless someone can either convince him to stop making biggoted remarks, or comes up with a good reason that we should allow "faggot" as an insult to be used in our primary channel.
sevNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
SoelenNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
SydesNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
theShadowNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)