Team Votes(#32)

ID Category Title Creator Status Result
32legacyAllow IP addresses to be tracked in Xonstat for purposes of displaying and storing geolocation information on players, essentially so that we can display country/region flags in game or on the Xonotic statistics pagesSamualCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
User Decision Comment
divVerentNOThis is a major privacy issue. I would rather prefer shipping a geolocation DB with Xonotic, and having the game server tell the stats server only the country.
DebuggerNOBetter solution (e.g. for more privacy): Let the player pick his country flag in the player setup
SamualYESIf someone joins a server, their IP is not private with respect to the server anyway. We can provide an opt-out cvar for this kind of tracking, similar to the uid2name tracking, however as long as we don't provide a public interface to see these IPs, I see no problem with collecting geolocation information
zykureNOthat should just be an user option, iirc there were already discussions about this