Team Votes(#34)

ID Category Title Creator Status Result
34legacyClose suggestion box subforum category... See: abstained, 0 didn't vote)
User Decision Comment
MrBougoNOthe same threads will go to other important sections and clutter them
DebuggerNOpeople will spam other categories then
MarioNOThere are some good ideas in the suggestion box (like invasion game-mode)
MirioNO+1 MrBougo - suggestions will always happen. Would be just spam at devtracker (imo) and it's a bad place to discuss
MorphedNOwe need an easy vent for ppl that have "brilliant" ideas even if we dont need or want them :)
SamualYESWe should instead tell people to either post to the development tracker their feature request, or actually help us implement/fulfill the feature themselves... Another possibility would be allowing people to detail their feature idea on the development subforum, and NOT merely as an open suggestion.
zykureNOfor the reasons mentioned in the thread