Team Votes(#352)

ID Category Title Creator Status Result
352legacyIDEA_PHASE: Include map "Lethargy" in a further release ( abstained, 26 didn't vote)
User Decision Comment
FreddyNOlayout is mediocre, edges of textures are often not aligned with edges of brushes, random textures at walls near stairs and "MAPPER ERROR"s in the console -> does not seem polished
divVerentYESvisuals say yes, and gameplay of such a map is quite surely ok too, so yes it is. Needs some more trims though.
NitroxisNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
AllieWayNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
ArcherNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
bitbombNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
BuddyFriendGuyNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
CuBe0wLNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
DebuggerNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
DiomedesNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
FruitieXNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
GATTSNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
IDWMasterNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
JH0nnyNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
JubilantNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
kuniuNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
MarioNONot the worst map to play, but very simple in design, and not overly visually impressive
martin--tNOtoo repetitive, visually weak would be too dull in singleplayer
matthiaskrgrNObranch please
merlijnNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
MorphedNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
nyovNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
packerNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
s1lenceNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
SamualNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
sevNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
SoelenNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
SydesNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
theShadowNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
TimePathNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
unfaNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)