Team Votes(#406)

ID Category Title Creator Status Result
406legacylifetime ban for Antares for his persistent spamming about political issuesdivVerentPASSED5:4(0 abstained, 6 didn't vote)
User Decision Comment
FreddyYESHe's constantly bringing up his political view even if severly off-topic and tries to provoke. His choice of words and links are toxic
AntibodyNOHe's a troll, and he deserved the most recent ban, but I don't think a lifetime one is warranted.
bones_was_hereYESAny ban length is OK IMO, I don't see any positive contributions, only the use of sensitive topics to be nasty
CloudwalkYESIn my personal experience, anyone so boldly shoving these discussions down everyone's throat are trying to express a political opinion, characteristic of a personality that we simply don't want in the community.
divVerentYESHe's been warned multiple times and continues posting those links and topics on IRC. At some point, enough is enough. Last instance was qnet/#xonotic @ 05 Mar 2021 01:13:52 PM PST
HalogeneNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
morosophosNOwe could keep political talks in separate channels and/or forum sections if we want to keep the main channels clean. Lifetime ban is too severe punishment for this IMO.
MrBougoYESPolitical talk is fine, but his contributions show a persistent pattern of bad faith and memery which makes it turn sour and, dare I say, toxic. Chan culture is not the model I want to set for our community.
NitroxisNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
Spike29NOHe's been trolling for too long and deserves a second (longer) ban, but a lifetime punishment seems too harsh.
BuddyFriendGuyNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
detrateNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
martin--tNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)
packerNONE(auto-abstain due to inactivity)