Team Votes(#442)

ID Category Title Creator Status Result
442organizationRemove bones_was_here's privileges from the Xonotic Gitlab for 2 (two) weeks if poll 440 is defeated, for violations of Xonotic's code of conduct. On the presumption that losing maintainership is a punishment in and of itself, he shouldn't get away with his own lapses in adherence to the rules if I don't get away with it. Duration reflects the value of his contributions, where the removal of my privileges would likely be permanent.CloudwalkCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
User Decision Comment
divVerentNOThis is beyond the "statute of limitations" (belated punishment is harmful in and of itself), and "sufficient" harm has been done to all involved parties by now to serve as a sufficient punishment for the "crimes" committed.
Spike29NOLet's stop feeding the drama, please.