Team Votes(#454)

ID Category Title Creator Status Result
454Officially designate bones_was_here as a core team memberAntibodyPASSED6:0(4 abstained, 5 didn't vote)
User Decision Comment
FreddyABSTAINFrom a technical point a clear yes, but their direct communication style can and has been seen as "hostile" by members of the community. As core team members represent the project, technical knowledge and social skills are equally important requirements to keep the project healthy.
AntibodyYESHe has been leading the project forward in many ways for a while now.
bones_was_hereABSTAINThanks for the support, I wasn't expecting this to be vcalled. In response to comments here, I'm sorry for escalating some arguments, I feel pointing out ad hominems and bad faith arguments is important for avoiding further trouble and achieving the common goal, but I can see this could be misinterpreted. Not much room for specifics here so if anyone has specific complaints feel free to voice them.
divVerentABSTAINYes from a technical and productivity standpoint, no from an interpersonal interaction standpoint. Has recently again called it "prevention" to be treated like anyone else. Having said that, we definitely need someone who puts in the work to move the project forward, and great productivity has been shown, so I am putting hope that the interpersonal skills improve and the technical skill remains.
Dr. JaskaYESI don't know how it took this long for a core team member to revote
HalogeneABSTAINI value bones_was_here's helpfulness and knowledgeability vey much. However, I cannot assess whether bones_was_here will be able to put the common goal before personal differences with other involved parties. I believe the interpersonal side is a very important aspect when deciding about granting this status, and whether core team membership would lead to personal incompatibilities between the core team members is not for me to decide but for the core team itself.
k9erYESVery knowledgeable about both xonotic-data.pk3dir and the engine, has a long history of productivity in both. Has convinced some people to start contributing to Xonotic, including myself, which is always a good thing to help progress the game. I'm quite surprised he wasn't already core team. Unsure of the value of my vote, but hopefully my perspective helps.
Spike29YESHe's been very active and helpful, and has been pushing the game forward in several areas for quite some time now. I too hope that he'll be able to put aside any possible disagreements with other (core) team members and always put the general interest first.
terencehillYESThere is no doubt he deserves to be in the core team for his technical skills in many areas of the project. He is also very collaborative and helpful. I must express my observations on his stubbornness though: it is positive for achieving the project goals but detrimental to maintaining a good relationship among all team members and collaborators, which is an important aspect of our community-based project.