Team Votes(#46)

ID Category Title Creator Status Result
46legacySwitch to using windowed mode by default until we get both: A: Fallback/failsafe shortcuts for launching the game in windowed mode, and B: Ability for game to detect native resolution on first start when opening fullscreen modeSamualCANCELEDNo reason given (by ?)
User Decision Comment
divVerentNOwindowed mode is just unacceptable default, don't do that even temporarily. We can do resolution detection via menuqc and provide failsafe shortcuts that add the -window option, and should do so. But defaulting to windowed is absolutely no option
matthiaskrgrYESyes, FINALLY!!
SamualYESFullscreen currently always launches in 1024x768, which has three problems: 1: The aspect ratio may be wrong, 2: That resolution may be pixelated or not supported, 3: Fullscreen may not work properly on their window manager