Team Votes(#48)

ID Category Title Creator Status Result
48legacyAllow vid_restart to be triggered by a keybind (toggle fullscreen) and/or window resizing in the default configuration.divVerentFAILED2:4(5 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
User Decision Comment
AntibodyNO"I don't think this will be nearly as seamless as it sounds."
divVerentABSTAINvid_restart may crash AMD drivers but is otherwise a nice feature. We cannot check for buggy drivers as we don't know the list of buggy releases.
MrBougoABSTAINexplicit user intervention through an "apply" button when possible seems like a better option
detrateYESbut it should be 3+ keys
merlijnYESif this works reliably it makes sense to enable setting changes directly - otherwise maybe provide a popup if you close the settings menu and changed have not been applied?
SamualNO#1: Requiring vid_restart for every change is unacceptable to be in the menu by default, #2: Minimum size/aspect ratio is not supported yet, #3: No saving of values is done yet, #4: Doesn't work on WGL (but we CAN hide on windows). It should not be in the menu for these reasons, i'm fine with it being SUPPORTED, but hidden.
zykureNOI don't want to hit the fullscreen by accident in the middle of a match... a default "fullscreen" alias would be nice though. Resizing sounds like it would create more problems than it would solve, and you can always just set vid_height/width if you really need to change window size.