Team Votes(#50)

ID Category Title Creator Status Result
50legacyAbandon using Redmine as primary wiki tool, and instead set up a dedicated wiki instance using "real" wiki softwareSamualPASSED8:1(2 abstained, 0 didn't vote)
User Decision Comment
AntibodyYES"I have wanted this since the beginning of time. Remine's wiki sucks."
divVerentYESwe never STARTED using it as primary wiki tool. It is and should stay a dev wiki (i.e. for development related topics), and that only. Tutorials, general info etc. don't belong there.
MrBougoYESI'm sure there's better software, and having a dedicated wiki domain separate from the bug tracker would encourage user contribution
DebuggerYESa seperate wiki (e.g. would be nice and could be more useful for users
merlijnNOit will be difficult to migrate the redmine stuff - and most other FOSS wiki's out there are pretty bad
zykureYESI propose having at least three sections then: dev-only (core-only?), registered-only and public; but we'd have to see how that public editing works out.