Team Votes(#54)

ID Category Title Creator Status Result
54legacyBy default, stop showing previous Xonotic versions in the serverlist *some period of time* after release to circumvent unmaintained servers existing in list.SamualVETOEDa silly idea as our custom servers are the most popular and they may need more time to upgrade - also if such an option were to exist it should certainly not be default (by merlijn)
User Decision Comment
MrBougoYESYes if we have a visible checkbox to disable that filtering. We also need a way to handle git.
SamualYESMost admins who do not actually care about their server will not update in a reasonable time frame, there are even some 0.5 servers still existing (just hidden by now)... I think 2-to-4 weeks is a good cutoff point, and we can provide option to show older servers too.
zykureYESbut only with checkbox