Here is a list of all functions with links to the files they belong to:
- i -
- Image_Compress() : jpeg.c, jpeg.h
- Image_Copy8bitBGRA() : image.c, image.h
- Image_CopyAlphaFromBlueBGRA() : image.c
- Image_CopyMux() : image.c, image.h
- Image_FixTransparentPixels_f() : image.c, image.h
- Image_GammaRemapRGB() : image.c, image.h
- Image_GenerateConChars() : image.c
- Image_GenerateDitherPattern() : image.c
- Image_GenerateNoTexture() : image.c, image.h
- Image_GenerateWhite() : image.c
- Image_GetEmbeddedPicBGRA() : image.c
- Image_GetStockPicSize() : image.c, image.h
- Image_HeightmapToNormalmap_BGRA() : image.c, image.h
- Image_MakeLinearColorsFromsRGB() : image.c, image.h
- Image_MakesRGBColorsFromLinear_Lightmap() : image.c, image.h
- Image_MipReduce32() : image.c, image.h
- Image_Resample32() : image.c, image.h
- Image_Resample32Lerp() : image.c
- Image_Resample32LerpLine() : image.c
- Image_Resample32Nolerp() : image.c
- Image_StripImageExtension() : image.c, image.h
- Image_WriteTGABGR_preflipped() : image.c, image.h
- Image_WriteTGABGRA() : image.c, image.h
- IN_AttackDown() : cl_input.c
- IN_AttackUp() : cl_input.c
- IN_BackDown() : cl_input.c
- IN_BackUp() : cl_input.c
- IN_BestWeapon_f() : cl_input.c
- IN_BestWeapon_Register() : cl_input.c
- IN_BestWeapon_Register_f() : cl_input.c
- IN_BestWeapon_ResetData() : cl_input.c, input.h
- IN_Button10Down() : cl_input.c
- IN_Button10Up() : cl_input.c
- IN_Button11Down() : cl_input.c
- IN_Button11Up() : cl_input.c
- IN_Button12Down() : cl_input.c
- IN_Button12Up() : cl_input.c
- IN_Button13Down() : cl_input.c
- IN_Button13Up() : cl_input.c
- IN_Button14Down() : cl_input.c
- IN_Button14Up() : cl_input.c
- IN_Button15Down() : cl_input.c
- IN_Button15Up() : cl_input.c
- IN_Button16Down() : cl_input.c
- IN_Button16Up() : cl_input.c
- IN_Button3Down() : cl_input.c
- IN_Button3Up() : cl_input.c
- IN_Button4Down() : cl_input.c
- IN_Button4Up() : cl_input.c
- IN_Button5Down() : cl_input.c
- IN_Button5Up() : cl_input.c
- IN_Button6Down() : cl_input.c
- IN_Button6Up() : cl_input.c
- IN_Button7Down() : cl_input.c
- IN_Button7Up() : cl_input.c
- IN_Button8Down() : cl_input.c
- IN_Button8Up() : cl_input.c
- IN_Button9Down() : cl_input.c
- IN_Button9Up() : cl_input.c
- IN_DownDown() : cl_input.c
- IN_DownUp() : cl_input.c
- IN_ForwardDown() : cl_input.c
- IN_ForwardUp() : cl_input.c
- IN_Impulse() : cl_input.c
- IN_JumpDown() : cl_input.c
- IN_JumpUp() : cl_input.c
- IN_KLookDown() : cl_input.c
- IN_KLookUp() : cl_input.c
- IN_LeftDown() : cl_input.c
- IN_LeftUp() : cl_input.c
- IN_LookdownDown() : cl_input.c
- IN_LookdownUp() : cl_input.c
- IN_LookupDown() : cl_input.c
- IN_LookupUp() : cl_input.c
- IN_MLookDown() : cl_input.c
- IN_MLookUp() : cl_input.c
- IN_Move() : input.h, vid_null.c, vid_sdl.c
- IN_Move_TouchScreen_Quake() : vid_sdl.c
- IN_Move_TouchScreen_SteelStorm() : vid_sdl.c
- IN_MoveleftDown() : cl_input.c
- IN_MoveleftUp() : cl_input.c
- IN_MoverightDown() : cl_input.c
- IN_MoverightUp() : cl_input.c
- IN_RightDown() : cl_input.c
- IN_RightUp() : cl_input.c
- IN_SpeedDown() : cl_input.c
- IN_SpeedUp() : cl_input.c
- IN_StrafeDown() : cl_input.c
- IN_StrafeUp() : cl_input.c
- IN_UpDown() : cl_input.c
- IN_UpUp() : cl_input.c
- IN_UseDown() : cl_input.c
- IN_UseUp() : cl_input.c
- incmap_post_process() : ft2.c
- InfoString_GetValue() : com_infostring.c, com_infostring.h
- InfoString_Print() : com_infostring.c, com_infostring.h
- InfoString_SetValue() : com_infostring.c, com_infostring.h
- int() : fs.c
- iscachedpic() : menudefs.qc
- isdemo() : menudefs.qc
- isfunction() : menudefs.qc
- isserver() : menudefs.qc