Game engine based on the Quake 1 engine by id Software, developed by LadyHavoc
fs.c File Reference
#include <limits.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "quakedef.h"
#include "thread.h"
#include "fs.h"
#include "wad.h"
#include "utf8lib.h"
+ Include dependency graph for fs.c:

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  dpackfile_t
struct  dpackheader_t
struct  pack_t
struct  packfile_t
struct  pk3_endOfCentralDir_t
struct  qfile_t
struct  searchpath_t
 Search paths for files (including packages) More...
struct  z_stream
struct  ztoolkit_t


#define FILE_BUFF_SIZE   2048
#define FILEDESC_CLOSE   close
#define FILEDESC_READ   read
#define FILEDESC_READ   ReadAll
#define FILEDESC_SEEK   lseek
#define FILEDESC_WRITE   write
#define FILEDESC_WRITE   WriteAll
#define MAX_WBITS   15
#define O_BINARY   0
#define O_NONBLOCK   0
#define QFILE_FLAG_DATA   (1 << 2)
 file is actually already loaded data
#define QFILE_FLAG_DEFLATED   (1 << 1)
 file is compressed using the deflate algorithm (PK3 only)
#define QFILE_FLAG_PACKED   (1 << 0)
 inside a package (PAK or PK3)
#define QFILE_FLAG_REMOVE   (1 << 3)
 real file will be removed on close
#define S_ISDIR(a)
#define WPATHDEF(var)
#define Z_BINARY   0
#define Z_BUF_ERROR   (-5)
#define Z_DATA_ERROR   (-3)
#define Z_DEFLATED   8
#define Z_FINISH   4
#define Z_FULL_FLUSH   3
#define Z_MEM_ERROR   (-4)
#define Z_NO_FLUSH   0
#define Z_NULL   0
#define Z_OK   0
#define Z_STREAM_END   1
#define Z_STREAM_ERROR   (-2)
#define Z_SYNC_FLUSH   2
#define Z_SYNC_FLUSH   2
#define ZIP_CDIR_HEADER   0x504B0102
#define ZIP_DATA_HEADER   0x504B0304
#define ZIP_END_CDIR_SIZE   22
#define ZIP_END_HEADER   0x504B0506
#define ZIP_MAX_COMMENTS_SIZE   ((unsigned short)0xFFFF)
#define ZLIB_VERSION   "1.2.3"


typedef int filedesc_t


static filedesc_t FILEDESC_DUP (const char *filename, filedesc_t fd)
static fs_offset_t ReadAll (const filedesc_t fd, void *const buf, const size_t length)
static fs_offset_t WriteAll (const filedesc_t fd, const void *const buf, const size_t length)

Packages in memory

static void AssertBufsize (sizebuf_t *buf, int length)
static void COM_InsertFlags (const char *buf)
int con_linewidth
cvar_t cvar_fs_gamedir = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER | CF_READONLY | CF_PERSISTENT, "fs_gamedir", "", "the list of currently selected gamedirs (use the 'gamedir' command to change this)"}
static int flush
static packfile_tFS_AddFileToPack (const char *name, pack_t *pack, fs_offset_t offset, fs_offset_t packsize, fs_offset_t realsize, int flags)
static void FS_AddGameDirectory (const char *dir)
static void FS_AddGameHierarchy (const char *dir)
qbool FS_AddPack (const char *pakfile, qbool *already_loaded, qbool keep_plain_dirs, qbool dlcache)
static qbool FS_AddPack_Fullpath (const char *pakfile, const char *shortname, qbool *already_loaded, qbool keep_plain_dirs, qbool dlcache)
static void FS_AddSelfPack (void)
gamedir_tfs_all_gamedirs = NULL
int fs_all_gamedirs_count = 0
char fs_basedir [MAX_OSPATH]
qbool FS_ChangeGameDirs (int numgamedirs, const char *gamedirs[], qbool failmissing)
const char * FS_CheckGameDir (const char *gamedir)
const char *const fs_checkgamedir_missing = "missing"
int FS_CheckNastyPath (const char *path, qbool isgamedir)
static int FS_ChooseUserDir (userdirmode_t userdirmode, char *userdir, size_t userdirsize)
static void FS_ClearSearchPath (void)
int FS_Close (qfile_t *file)
int FS_CRCFile (const char *filename, size_t *filesizepointer)
void FS_CreatePath (char *path)
void FS_DefaultExtension (char *path, const char *extension, size_t size_path)
unsigned char * FS_Deflate (const unsigned char *data, size_t size, size_t *deflated_size, int level, mempool_t *mempool)
void FS_Dir_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
cvar_t fs_empty_files_in_pack_mark_deletions = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER, "fs_empty_files_in_pack_mark_deletions", "0", "if enabled, empty files in a pak/pk3 count as not existing but cancel the search in further packs, effectively allowing patch pak/pk3 files to 'delete' files"}
const char * FS_FileExists (const char *filename)
 Look for a file in the packages and in the filesystem Returns its canonical name (same case as used in the pack) if found, else NULL.
const char * FS_FileExtension (const char *in)
qfile_t * FS_FileFromData (const unsigned char *data, const size_t size, qbool quiet)
fs_offset_t FS_FileSize (qfile_t *file)
int FS_FileType (const char *filename)
 Look for a file in the packages and in the filesystem.
const char * FS_FileWithoutPath (const char *in)
static searchpath_tFS_FindFile (const char *name, int *index, const char **canonicalname, qbool quiet)
void FS_FreeSearch (fssearch_t *search)
char fs_gamedir [MAX_OSPATH]
static void FS_GameDir_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
char fs_gamedirs [MAX_GAMEDIRS][MAX_QPATH]
int FS_Getc (qfile_t *file)
qbool FS_HasZlib (void)
unsigned char * FS_Inflate (const unsigned char *data, size_t size, size_t *inflated_size, mempool_t *mempool)
void FS_Init (void)
void FS_Init_Commands (void)
static void FS_Init_Dir (void)
void FS_Init_SelfPack (void)
qbool FS_IsRegisteredQuakePack (const char *name)
static int FS_ListDirectory (const char *pattern, int oneperline)
static void FS_ListDirectoryCmd (cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *cmdname, int oneperline)
static void FS_ListGameDirs (void)
static unsigned char * FS_LoadAndCloseQFile (qfile_t *file, const char *path, mempool_t *pool, qbool quiet, fs_offset_t *filesizepointer)
unsigned char * FS_LoadFile (const char *path, mempool_t *pool, qbool quiet, fs_offset_t *filesizepointer)
static pack_tFS_LoadPackPAK (const char *packfile)
static pack_tFS_LoadPackPK3 (const char *packfile)
static pack_tFS_LoadPackPK3FromFD (const char *packfile, filedesc_t packhandle, qbool silent)
static pack_tFS_LoadPackVirtual (const char *dirname)
void FS_Ls_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
static void FS_mkdir (const char *path)
voidfs_mutex = NULL
int fs_numgamedirs = 0
static qfile_t * FS_OpenPackedFile (pack_t *pack, int pack_ind)
static qfile_t * FS_OpenReadFile (const char *filename, qbool quiet, qbool nonblocking, int symlinkLevels)
qfile_t * FS_OpenRealFile (const char *filepath, const char *mode, qbool quiet)
qfile_t * FS_OpenVirtualFile (const char *filepath, qbool quiet)
static void FS_Path_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
int FS_Print (qfile_t *file, const char *msg)
int FS_Printf (qfile_t *file, const char *format,...)
void FS_Purge (qfile_t *file)
fs_offset_t FS_Read (qfile_t *file, void *buffer, size_t buffersize)
void FS_RemoveOnClose (qfile_t *file)
void FS_Rescan (void)
static void FS_Rescan_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
void FS_SanitizePath (char *path)
fssearch_tFS_Search (const char *pattern, int caseinsensitive, int quiet, const char *packfile)
searchpath_tfs_searchpaths = NULL
int FS_Seek (qfile_t *file, fs_offset_t offset, int whence)
static pack_tfs_selfpack = NULL
addgamedirs_t FS_SetGameDirs (int numgamedirs, const char *gamedirs[], qbool failmissing, qbool abortonfail)
void FS_Shutdown (void)
void FS_StripExtension (const char *in, char *out, size_t size_out)
static const char * FS_SysCheckGameDir (const char *gamedir, char *buf, size_t buflength)
qbool FS_SysFileExists (const char *path)
 Look for a file in the filesystem only.
int FS_SysFileType (const char *path)
 Look for a file in the filesystem only.
unsigned char * FS_SysLoadFile (const char *path, mempool_t *pool, qbool quiet, fs_offset_t *filesizepointer)
qfile_t * FS_SysOpen (const char *filepath, const char *mode, qbool nonblocking)
int FS_SysOpenFD (const char *filepath, const char *mode, qbool nonblocking)
static filedesc_t FS_SysOpenFiledesc (const char *filepath, const char *mode, qbool nonblocking)
fs_offset_t FS_Tell (qfile_t *file)
int FS_UnGetc (qfile_t *file, unsigned char c)
cvar_t fs_unload_dlcache = {CF_CLIENT, "fs_unload_dlcache", "1", "if enabled, unload dlcache's loaded pak/pk3 files when changing server and/or map WARNING: disabling unloading can cause servers to override assets of other servers, \"memory leaking\" by dlcache assets never unloading and many more issues"}
void FS_UnloadPacks_dlcache (void)
char fs_userdir [MAX_OSPATH]
int FS_VPrintf (qfile_t *file, const char *format, va_list ap)
void FS_Which_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
const char * FS_WhichPack (const char *filename)
fs_offset_t FS_Write (qfile_t *file, const void *data, size_t datasize)
qbool FS_WriteFile (const char *filename, const void *data, fs_offset_t len)
qbool FS_WriteFileInBlocks (const char *filename, const void *const *data, const fs_offset_t *len, size_t count)
static int (ZEXPORT *qz_inflate)(z_stream *strm
static int level
#define MAX_FILES_IN_PACK   65536
static int int int int memLevel
static int int method
#define PACKFILE_FLAG_DEFLATED   (1 << 1)
 file compressed using the deflate algorithm
#define PACKFILE_FLAG_SYMLINK   (1 << 2)
 file is a symbolic link
#define PACKFILE_FLAG_TRUEOFFS   (1 << 0)
 the offset in packfile_t is the true contents offset
static int PK3_BuildFileList (pack_t *pack, const pk3_endOfCentralDir_t *eocd)
static void PK3_CloseLibrary (void)
static qbool PK3_GetEndOfCentralDir (const char *packfile, filedesc_t packhandle, pk3_endOfCentralDir_t *eocd)
static qbool PK3_GetTrueFileOffset (packfile_t *pfile, pack_t *pack)
static qbool PK3_OpenLibrary (void)
#define qz_deflateInit2(strm, level, method, windowBits, memLevel, strategy)
#define qz_inflateInit2(strm, windowBits)
cvar_t scr_screenshot_name = {CF_CLIENT | CF_PERSISTENT, "scr_screenshot_name","dp", "prefix name for saved screenshots (changes based on -game commandline, as well as which game mode is running; the date is encoded using strftime escapes)"}
static int int int int int strategy
static int const char int stream_size
static int const char * version
static int windowBits
#define ZEXPORT
static dllhandle_t zlib_dll = NULL
 Handle for Zlib DLL.
static dllfunction_t zlibfuncs []

Macro Definition Documentation


#define FILE_BUFF_SIZE   2048

Definition at line 302 of file fs.c.




Definition at line 107 of file fs.c.

Referenced by FS_LoadPackVirtual(), and FS_SysOpenFiledesc().


#define FILEDESC_ISVALID ( fd)
((fd) != -1)

Definition at line 108 of file fs.c.

Referenced by FS_LoadPackPAK(), FS_LoadPackPK3(), FS_OpenPackedFile(), and FS_SysOpen().


#define FILEDESC_READ   read


#define FILEDESC_READ   ReadAll

Definition at line 109 of file fs.c.


#define FILEDESC_SEEK   lseek


#define FILEDESC_WRITE   write

Definition at line 110 of file fs.c.

Referenced by FS_VPrintf(), FS_Write(), and WriteAll().


#define FILEDESC_WRITE   WriteAll

Definition at line 110 of file fs.c.


#define MAX_FILES_IN_PACK   65536

Definition at line 440 of file fs.c.

Referenced by FS_LoadPackPAK(), and FS_LoadPackPK3FromFD().


#define MAX_WBITS   15

Definition at line 232 of file fs.c.

Referenced by FS_Deflate(), FS_Inflate(), and FS_OpenPackedFile().


#define O_BINARY   0

Definition at line 56 of file fs.c.

Referenced by FS_SysOpenFiledesc().


#define O_NONBLOCK   0

Definition at line 61 of file fs.c.

Referenced by FS_SysOpenFiledesc(), Sys_Error(), Sys_HandleCrash(), Sys_Main(), and Sys_Print().


#define PACKFILE_FLAG_DEFLATED   (1 << 1)

file compressed using the deflate algorithm

Definition at line 372 of file fs.c.

Referenced by FS_OpenPackedFile(), and PK3_BuildFileList().


#define PACKFILE_FLAG_SYMLINK   (1 << 2)

file is a symbolic link

Definition at line 374 of file fs.c.

Referenced by FS_OpenReadFile(), and PK3_BuildFileList().


#define PACKFILE_FLAG_TRUEOFFS   (1 << 0)

the offset in packfile_t is the true contents offset

Definition at line 370 of file fs.c.

Referenced by FS_LoadPackPAK(), FS_OpenPackedFile(), and PK3_GetTrueFileOffset().


#define QFILE_FLAG_DATA   (1 << 2)

file is actually already loaded data

Definition at line 298 of file fs.c.

Referenced by FS_Close(), FS_FileFromData(), FS_Read(), and FS_Seek().


#define QFILE_FLAG_DEFLATED   (1 << 1)

file is compressed using the deflate algorithm (PK3 only)

Definition at line 296 of file fs.c.

Referenced by FS_OpenPackedFile(), FS_Read(), and FS_Seek().


#define QFILE_FLAG_PACKED   (1 << 0)

inside a package (PAK or PK3)

Definition at line 294 of file fs.c.

Referenced by FS_OpenPackedFile().


#define QFILE_FLAG_REMOVE   (1 << 3)

real file will be removed on close

Definition at line 300 of file fs.c.

Referenced by FS_Close(), and FS_RemoveOnClose().

◆ qz_deflateInit2

#define qz_deflateInit2 ( strm,
strategy )
qz_deflateInit2_((strm), (level), (method), (windowBits), (memLevel), (strategy), ZLIB_VERSION, sizeof(z_stream))
static int int method
Definition fs.c:481
Definition fs.c:239
static int int int int memLevel
Definition fs.c:481
static int windowBits
Definition fs.c:479
static int level
Definition fs.c:481
static int int int int int strategy
Definition fs.c:481
Definition fs.c:270

Definition at line 488 of file fs.c.

488#define qz_deflateInit2(strm, level, method, windowBits, memLevel, strategy) \
489 qz_deflateInit2_((strm), (level), (method), (windowBits), (memLevel), (strategy), ZLIB_VERSION, sizeof(z_stream))

Referenced by FS_Deflate().

◆ qz_inflateInit2

#define qz_inflateInit2 ( strm,
windowBits )
qz_inflateInit2_((strm), (windowBits), ZLIB_VERSION, sizeof(z_stream))

Definition at line 486 of file fs.c.

486#define qz_inflateInit2(strm, windowBits) \
487 qz_inflateInit2_((strm), (windowBits), ZLIB_VERSION, sizeof(z_stream))

Referenced by FS_Inflate(), and FS_OpenPackedFile().


#define S_ISDIR ( a)
(((a) & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)
ret a

Referenced by FS_SysFileType().


#define WPATHDEF ( var)

Definition at line 84 of file fs.c.

Referenced by FS_Init_Dir(), FS_mkdir(), FS_SysFileType(), and FS_SysOpenFiledesc().


#define Z_BINARY   0

Definition at line 241 of file fs.c.

Referenced by FS_Deflate().


#define Z_BUF_ERROR   (-5)

Definition at line 238 of file fs.c.

Referenced by FS_Inflate().


#define Z_DATA_ERROR   (-3)

Definition at line 236 of file fs.c.

Referenced by FS_Inflate().



Definition at line 246 of file fs.c.

Referenced by FS_Deflate().


#define Z_DEFLATED   8

Definition at line 242 of file fs.c.

Referenced by FS_Deflate().


#define Z_FINISH   4

Definition at line 250 of file fs.c.

Referenced by FS_Deflate().


#define Z_FULL_FLUSH   3

Definition at line 249 of file fs.c.


#define Z_MEM_ERROR   (-4)

Definition at line 237 of file fs.c.

Referenced by FS_Inflate().



Definition at line 243 of file fs.c.

Referenced by FS_Deflate().


#define Z_NO_FLUSH   0

Definition at line 247 of file fs.c.

Referenced by FS_Inflate().


#define Z_NULL   0

Definition at line 245 of file fs.c.

Referenced by FS_Deflate(), and FS_Inflate().

◆ Z_OK

#define Z_OK   0

Definition at line 233 of file fs.c.

Referenced by FS_Deflate(), FS_Inflate(), FS_OpenPackedFile(), and FS_Read().


#define Z_STREAM_END   1

Definition at line 234 of file fs.c.

Referenced by FS_Deflate(), FS_Inflate(), and FS_Read().


#define Z_STREAM_ERROR   (-2)

Definition at line 235 of file fs.c.

Referenced by FS_Inflate().

◆ Z_SYNC_FLUSH [1/2]

#define Z_SYNC_FLUSH   2

Definition at line 231 of file fs.c.

Referenced by FS_Read().

◆ Z_SYNC_FLUSH [2/2]

#define Z_SYNC_FLUSH   2

Definition at line 231 of file fs.c.


#define ZEXPORT

Definition at line 474 of file fs.c.



Definition at line 214 of file fs.c.

Referenced by PK3_BuildFileList().


#define ZIP_CDIR_HEADER   0x504B0102

Definition at line 208 of file fs.c.

Referenced by PK3_BuildFileList().


#define ZIP_DATA_HEADER   0x504B0304

Definition at line 207 of file fs.c.

Referenced by PK3_GetTrueFileOffset().


#define ZIP_END_CDIR_SIZE   22

Definition at line 213 of file fs.c.

Referenced by PK3_GetEndOfCentralDir().


#define ZIP_END_HEADER   0x504B0506

Definition at line 209 of file fs.c.

Referenced by PK3_GetEndOfCentralDir().



Definition at line 215 of file fs.c.

Referenced by PK3_GetTrueFileOffset().


#define ZIP_MAX_COMMENTS_SIZE   ((unsigned short)0xFFFF)

Definition at line 212 of file fs.c.

Referenced by PK3_GetEndOfCentralDir().


#define ZLIB_VERSION   "1.2.3"

Definition at line 239 of file fs.c.

Typedef Documentation

◆ filedesc_t

typedef int filedesc_t

Definition at line 106 of file fs.c.

Function Documentation

◆ AssertBufsize()

static void AssertBufsize ( sizebuf_t * buf,
int length )

Definition at line 4256 of file fs.c.

4258 if(buf->cursize + length > buf->maxsize)
4259 {
4260 int oldsize = buf->maxsize;
4261 unsigned char *olddata;
4262 olddata = buf->data;
4263 buf->maxsize += length;
4264 buf->data = (unsigned char *) Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, buf->maxsize);
4265 if(olddata)
4266 {
4267 memcpy(buf->data, olddata, oldsize);
4269 }
4270 }
static unsigned char olddata[NET_MAXMESSAGE]
Definition cl_parse.c:313
GLenum GLuint GLenum GLsizei length
Definition glquake.h:657
GLenum GLuint GLenum GLsizei const GLchar * buf
Definition glquake.h:657
mempool_t * tempmempool
Definition zone.c:794
#define Mem_Free(mem)
Definition zone.h:96
#define Mem_Alloc(pool, size)
Definition zone.h:92

References buf, length, Mem_Alloc, Mem_Free, olddata, and tempmempool.

Referenced by FS_Inflate().

◆ COM_InsertFlags()

static void COM_InsertFlags ( const char * buf)

Definition at line 1911 of file fs.c.

1911 {
1912 const char *p;
1913 char *q;
1914 const char **new_argv;
1915 int i = 0;
1916 int args_left = 256;
1917 new_argv = (const char **)Mem_Alloc(fs_mempool, sizeof(*sys.argv) * (sys.argc + args_left + 2));
1918 if(sys.argc == 0)
1919 new_argv[0] = "dummy"; // Can't really happen.
1920 else
1921 new_argv[0] = sys.argv[0];
1922 ++i;
1923 p = buf;
1924 while(COM_ParseToken_Console(&p))
1925 {
1926 size_t sz = strlen(com_token) + 1; // shut up clang
1927 if(i > args_left)
1928 break;
1929 q = (char *)Mem_Alloc(fs_mempool, sz);
1930 dp_strlcpy(q, com_token, sz);
1931 new_argv[i] = q;
1932 ++i;
1933 }
1934 // Now: i <= args_left + 1.
1935 if (sys.argc >= 1)
1936 {
1937 memcpy((char *)(&new_argv[i]), &sys.argv[1], sizeof(*sys.argv) * (sys.argc - 1));
1938 i += sys.argc - 1;
1939 }
1940 // Now: i <= args_left + (sys.argc || 1).
1941 new_argv[i] = NULL;
1942 sys.argv = new_argv;
1943 sys.argc = i;
char com_token[MAX_INPUTLINE]
Definition common.c:39
qbool COM_ParseToken_Console(const char **datapointer)
Definition common.c:819
#define dp_strlcpy(dst, src, dsize)
Definition common.h:303
mempool_t * fs_mempool
Definition fs.c:434
float strlen(string s)
int i
#define NULL
Definition qtypes.h:12
int argc
Definition sys.h:146
const char ** argv
Definition sys.h:147
sys_t sys
Definition sys_shared.c:42

References sys_t::argc, sys_t::argv, buf, COM_ParseToken_Console(), com_token, dp_strlcpy, fs_mempool, i, Mem_Alloc, NULL, strlen(), and sys.

Referenced by FS_Init_SelfPack().


static filedesc_t FILEDESC_DUP ( const char * filename,
filedesc_t fd )

Definition at line 113 of file fs.c.

113 {
114 return dup(fd);

Referenced by FS_OpenPackedFile().

◆ FS_AddFileToPack()

static packfile_t * FS_AddFileToPack ( const char * name,
pack_t * pack,
fs_offset_t offset,
fs_offset_t packsize,
fs_offset_t realsize,
int flags )

Definition at line 954 of file fs.c.

958 int (*strcmp_funct) (const char* str1, const char* str2);
959 int left, right, middle;
960 packfile_t *pfile;
962 strcmp_funct = pack->ignorecase ? strcasecmp : strcmp;
964 // Look for the slot we should put that file into (binary search)
965 left = 0;
966 right = pack->numfiles - 1;
967 while (left <= right)
968 {
969 int diff;
971 middle = (left + right) / 2;
972 diff = strcmp_funct (pack->files[middle].name, name);
974 // If we found the file, there's a problem
975 if (!diff)
976 Con_Printf ("Package %s contains the file %s several times\n", pack->filename, name);
978 // If we're too far in the list
979 if (diff > 0)
980 right = middle - 1;
981 else
982 left = middle + 1;
983 }
985 // We have to move the right of the list by one slot to free the one we need
986 pfile = &pack->files[left];
987 memmove (pfile + 1, pfile, (pack->numfiles - left) * sizeof (*pfile));
988 pack->numfiles++;
990 dp_strlcpy (pfile->name, name, sizeof (pfile->name));
991 pfile->offset = offset;
992 pfile->packsize = packsize;
993 pfile->realsize = realsize;
994 pfile->flags = flags;
996 return pfile;
void Con_Printf(const char *fmt,...)
Prints to all appropriate console targets.
Definition console.c:1514
float flags
static int(ZEXPORT *qz_inflate)(z_stream *strm
GLuint GLuint GLintptr offset
Definition glquake.h:632
const GLchar * name
Definition glquake.h:601
int numfiles
Definition fs.c:391
qbool ignorecase
PK3 ignores case.
Definition fs.c:390
char filename[MAX_OSPATH]
Definition fs.c:387
packfile_t * files
Definition fs.c:394
fs_offset_t realsize
real file size (uncompressed)
Definition fs.c:382
char name[MAX_QPATH]
Definition fs.c:378
fs_offset_t offset
Definition fs.c:380
fs_offset_t packsize
size in the package
Definition fs.c:381
int flags
Definition fs.c:379
static vec3_t right
Definition sv_user.c:305

References Con_Printf(), dp_strlcpy, pack_t::filename, pack_t::files, flags, packfile_t::flags, pack_t::ignorecase, int(), name, packfile_t::name, pack_t::numfiles, offset, packfile_t::offset, packfile_t::packsize, packfile_t::realsize, and right.

Referenced by FS_LoadPackPAK(), and PK3_BuildFileList().

◆ FS_AddGameDirectory()

static void FS_AddGameDirectory ( const char * dir)

Definition at line 1340 of file fs.c.

1342 int i;
1343 stringlist_t list;
1344 searchpath_t *search;
1346 dp_strlcpy (fs_gamedir, dir, sizeof (fs_gamedir));
1348 stringlistinit(&list);
1349 listdirectory(&list, "", dir);
1350 stringlistsort(&list, false);
1352 // add any PAK package in the directory
1353 for (i = 0;i < list.numstrings;i++)
1354 {
1355 if (!strcasecmp(FS_FileExtension(list.strings[i]), "pak"))
1356 {
1357 FS_AddPack_Fullpath(list.strings[i], list.strings[i] + strlen(dir), NULL, false, false);
1358 }
1359 }
1361 // add any PK3 package in the directory
1362 for (i = 0;i < list.numstrings;i++)
1363 {
1364 if (!strcasecmp(FS_FileExtension(list.strings[i]), "pk3") || !strcasecmp(FS_FileExtension(list.strings[i]), "obb") || !strcasecmp(FS_FileExtension(list.strings[i]), "pk3dir")
1365 || !strcasecmp(FS_FileExtension(list.strings[i]), "dpk") || !strcasecmp(FS_FileExtension(list.strings[i]), "dpkdir"))
1366 {
1367 FS_AddPack_Fullpath(list.strings[i], list.strings[i] + strlen(dir), NULL, false, false);
1368 }
1369 }
1373 // Add the directory to the search path
1374 // (unpacked files have the priority over packed files)
1375 search = (searchpath_t *)Mem_Alloc(fs_mempool, sizeof(searchpath_t));
1376 dp_strlcpy (search->filename, dir, sizeof (search->filename));
1377 search->next = fs_searchpaths;
1378 fs_searchpaths = search;
void stringlistfreecontents(stringlist_t *list)
Definition filematch.c:87
void stringlistinit(stringlist_t *list)
Definition filematch.c:82
void stringlistsort(stringlist_t *list, qbool uniq)
Definition filematch.c:129
void listdirectory(stringlist_t *list, const char *basepath, const char *path)
Definition filematch.c:198
const char * FS_FileExtension(const char *in)
Definition fs.c:1403
char fs_gamedir[MAX_OSPATH]
Definition fs.c:443
searchpath_t * fs_searchpaths
Definition fs.c:437
static qbool FS_AddPack_Fullpath(const char *pakfile, const char *shortname, qbool *already_loaded, qbool keep_plain_dirs, qbool dlcache)
Definition fs.c:1194
vec2 dir
Search paths for files (including packages)
Definition fs.c:400
struct searchpath_s * next
Definition fs.c:404
char filename[MAX_OSPATH]
Definition fs.c:402
char ** strings
Definition filematch.h:31

References dir, dp_strlcpy, searchpath_t::filename, FS_AddPack_Fullpath(), FS_FileExtension(), fs_gamedir, fs_mempool, fs_searchpaths, i, listdirectory(), Mem_Alloc, searchpath_t::next, NULL, stringlist_t::numstrings, stringlistfreecontents(), stringlistinit(), stringlistsort(), stringlist_t::strings, and strlen().

Referenced by FS_AddGameHierarchy().

◆ FS_AddGameHierarchy()

static void FS_AddGameHierarchy ( const char * dir)

Definition at line 1387 of file fs.c.

1389 char vabuf[1024];
1390 // Add the common game directory
1391 FS_AddGameDirectory (va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%s%s/", fs_basedir, dir));
1393 if (*fs_userdir)
1394 FS_AddGameDirectory(va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%s%s/", fs_userdir, dir));
char * va(char *buf, size_t buflen, const char *format,...)
Definition common.c:972
static void FS_AddGameDirectory(const char *dir)
Definition fs.c:1340
char fs_basedir[MAX_OSPATH]
Definition fs.c:444
char fs_userdir[MAX_OSPATH]
Definition fs.c:442

References dir, FS_AddGameDirectory(), fs_basedir, fs_userdir, and va().

Referenced by FS_Rescan().

◆ FS_AddPack()

qbool FS_AddPack ( const char * pakfile,
qbool * already_loaded,
qbool keep_plain_dirs,
qbool dlcache )

Adds the given pack to the search path and searches for it in the game path. The pack type is autodetected by the file extension.

Returns true if the file was successfully added to the search path or if it was already included.

If keep_plain_dirs is set, the pack will be added AFTER the first sequence of plain directories.

Definition at line 1309 of file fs.c.

1311 char fullpath[MAX_OSPATH];
1312 int index;
1313 searchpath_t *search;
1315 if(already_loaded)
1316 *already_loaded = false;
1318 // then find the real name...
1319 search = FS_FindFile(pakfile, &index, NULL, true);
1320 if(!search || search->pack)
1321 {
1322 Con_Printf("could not find pak \"%s\"\n", pakfile);
1323 return false;
1324 }
1326 dpsnprintf(fullpath, sizeof(fullpath), "%s%s", search->filename, pakfile);
1328 return FS_AddPack_Fullpath(fullpath, pakfile, already_loaded, keep_plain_dirs, dlcache);
int dpsnprintf(char *buffer, size_t buffersize, const char *format,...)
Returns the number of printed characters, excluding the final '\0' or returns -1 if the buffer isn't ...
Definition common.c:997
static searchpath_t * FS_FindFile(const char *name, int *index, const char **canonicalname, qbool quiet)
Definition fs.c:2690
GLuint index
Definition glquake.h:629
#define MAX_OSPATH
max length of a filesystem pathname
Definition qdefs.h:175
pack_t * pack
Definition fs.c:403

References Con_Printf(), dpsnprintf(), searchpath_t::filename, FS_AddPack_Fullpath(), FS_FindFile(), index, MAX_OSPATH, NULL, and searchpath_t::pack.

Referenced by Curl_Begin(), and Curl_EndDownload().

◆ FS_AddPack_Fullpath()

static qbool FS_AddPack_Fullpath ( const char * pakfile,
const char * shortname,
qbool * already_loaded,
qbool keep_plain_dirs,
qbool dlcache )

Adds the given pack to the search path. The pack type is autodetected by the file extension.

Returns true if the file was successfully added to the search path or if it was already included.

If keep_plain_dirs is set, the pack will be added AFTER the first sequence of plain directories.

Definition at line 1194 of file fs.c.

1196 searchpath_t *search;
1197 pack_t *pak = NULL;
1198 const char *ext = FS_FileExtension(pakfile);
1199 size_t l;
1201 for(search = fs_searchpaths; search; search = search->next)
1202 {
1203 if(search->pack && !strcasecmp(search->pack->filename, pakfile))
1204 {
1205 if(already_loaded)
1206 *already_loaded = true;
1207 return true; // already loaded
1208 }
1209 }
1211 if(already_loaded)
1212 *already_loaded = false;
1214 if(!strcasecmp(ext, "pk3dir") || !strcasecmp(ext, "dpkdir"))
1215 pak = FS_LoadPackVirtual (pakfile);
1216 else if(!strcasecmp(ext, "pak"))
1217 pak = FS_LoadPackPAK (pakfile);
1218 else if(!strcasecmp(ext, "pk3") || !strcasecmp(ext, "dpk"))
1219 pak = FS_LoadPackPK3 (pakfile);
1220 else if(!strcasecmp(ext, "obb")) // android apk expansion
1221 pak = FS_LoadPackPK3 (pakfile);
1222 else
1223 Con_Printf("\"%s\" does not have a pack extension\n", pakfile);
1225 if(pak)
1226 {
1227 dp_strlcpy(pak->shortname, shortname, sizeof(pak->shortname));
1229 //Con_DPrintf(" Registered pack with short name %s\n", shortname);
1230 if(keep_plain_dirs)
1231 {
1232 // find the first item whose next one is a pack or NULL
1233 searchpath_t *insertion_point = 0;
1235 {
1236 insertion_point = fs_searchpaths;
1237 for(;;)
1238 {
1239 if(!insertion_point->next)
1240 break;
1241 if(insertion_point->next->pack)
1242 break;
1243 insertion_point = insertion_point->next;
1244 }
1245 }
1246 // If insertion_point is NULL, this means that either there is no
1247 // item in the list yet, or that the very first item is a pack. In
1248 // that case, we want to insert at the beginning...
1249 if(!insertion_point)
1250 {
1251 search = (searchpath_t *)Mem_Alloc(fs_mempool, sizeof(searchpath_t));
1252 search->next = fs_searchpaths;
1253 fs_searchpaths = search;
1254 }
1255 else
1256 // otherwise we want to append directly after insertion_point.
1257 {
1258 search = (searchpath_t *)Mem_Alloc(fs_mempool, sizeof(searchpath_t));
1259 search->next = insertion_point->next;
1260 insertion_point->next = search;
1261 }
1262 }
1263 else
1264 {
1265 search = (searchpath_t *)Mem_Alloc(fs_mempool, sizeof(searchpath_t));
1266 search->next = fs_searchpaths;
1267 fs_searchpaths = search;
1268 }
1269 search->pack = pak;
1270 search->pack->dlcache = dlcache;
1271 if(pak->vpack)
1272 {
1273 dpsnprintf(search->filename, sizeof(search->filename), "%s/", pakfile);
1274 // if shortname ends with "pk3dir" or "dpkdir", strip that suffix to make it just "pk3" or "dpk"
1275 // same goes for the name inside the pack structure
1276 l = strlen(pak->shortname);
1277 if(l >= 7)
1278 if(!strcasecmp(pak->shortname + l - 7, ".pk3dir") || !strcasecmp(pak->shortname + l - 7, ".dpkdir"))
1279 pak->shortname[l - 3] = 0;
1280 l = strlen(pak->filename);
1281 if(l >= 7)
1282 if(!strcasecmp(pak->filename + l - 7, ".pk3dir") || !strcasecmp(pak->filename + l - 7, ".dpkdir"))
1283 pak->filename[l - 3] = 0;
1284 }
1285 return true;
1286 }
1287 else
1288 {
1289 Con_Printf(CON_ERROR "unable to load pak \"%s\"\n", pakfile);
1290 return false;
1291 }
#define CON_ERROR
Definition console.h:102
static pack_t * FS_LoadPackPK3(const char *packfile)
Definition fs.c:891
static pack_t * FS_LoadPackVirtual(const char *dirname)
Definition fs.c:1165
static pack_t * FS_LoadPackPAK(const char *packfile)
Definition fs.c:1081
Definition fs.c:386
char shortname[MAX_QPATH]
Definition fs.c:388
qbool vpack
Definition fs.c:392
qbool dlcache
Definition fs.c:393

References CON_ERROR, Con_Printf(), pack_t::dlcache, dp_strlcpy, dpsnprintf(), pack_t::filename, searchpath_t::filename, FS_FileExtension(), FS_LoadPackPAK(), FS_LoadPackPK3(), FS_LoadPackVirtual(), fs_mempool, fs_searchpaths, Mem_Alloc, searchpath_t::next, NULL, searchpath_t::pack, pack_t::shortname, strlen(), and pack_t::vpack.

Referenced by FS_AddGameDirectory(), and FS_AddPack().

◆ FS_AddSelfPack()

static void FS_AddSelfPack ( void )

Definition at line 1519 of file fs.c.

1521 if(fs_selfpack)
1522 {
1523 searchpath_t *search;
1524 search = (searchpath_t *)Mem_Alloc(fs_mempool, sizeof(searchpath_t));
1525 search->next = fs_searchpaths;
1526 search->pack = fs_selfpack;
1527 fs_searchpaths = search;
1528 }
static pack_t * fs_selfpack
Definition fs.c:445

References fs_mempool, fs_searchpaths, fs_selfpack, Mem_Alloc, searchpath_t::next, and searchpath_t::pack.

Referenced by FS_Init_SelfPack(), and FS_Rescan().

◆ FS_ChangeGameDirs()

qbool FS_ChangeGameDirs ( int numgamedirs,
const char * gamedirs[],
qbool failmissing )

Definition at line 1719 of file fs.c.

1721 addgamedirs_t addresult = COM_ChangeGameTypeForGameDirs(numgamedirs, gamedirs, failmissing, false);
1723 if (addresult == GAMEDIRS_ALLGOOD)
1724 return true; // already using this set of gamedirs, do nothing
1725 else if (addresult == GAMEDIRS_FAILURE)
1726 return false;
1730 if (cls.demoplayback)
1731 CL_Disconnect();
1732 cls.demonum = 0; // make sure startdemos will work if the mod uses it
1734 // unload all sounds so they will be reloaded from the new files as needed
1737 // reinitialize filesystem to detect the new paks
1738 FS_Rescan();
1740 // reload assets after the config is executed
1741 Cbuf_InsertText(cmd_local, "\nloadconfig\nr_restart\n");
1743 return true;
client_static_t cls
Definition cl_main.c:116
void CL_Disconnect(void)
Definition cl_main.c:478
void Cbuf_InsertText(cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *text)
Definition cmd.c:292
cmd_state_t * cmd_local
command interpreter for local commands injected by SVQC, CSQC, MQC, server or client engine code uses...
Definition cmd.c:25
int COM_ChangeGameTypeForGameDirs(unsigned numgamedirs, const char *gamedirs[], qbool failmissing, qbool init)
Definition com_game.c:122
void FS_Rescan(void)
Definition fs.c:1538
Definition fs.h:102
Definition fs.h:103
Definition fs.h:104
void Host_SaveConfig(const char *file)
Definition host.c:195
Definition quakedef.h:29
void S_UnloadAllSounds_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition snd_main.c:864
qbool demoplayback
Definition client.h:587

References Cbuf_InsertText(), CL_Disconnect(), cls, cmd_local, COM_ChangeGameTypeForGameDirs(), CONFIGFILENAME, client_static_t::demonum, client_static_t::demoplayback, FS_Rescan(), GAMEDIRS_ALLGOOD, GAMEDIRS_FAILURE, Host_SaveConfig(), and S_UnloadAllSounds_f().

Referenced by CL_ParseServerInfo(), FS_GameDir_f(), and ModList_Enable().

◆ FS_CheckGameDir()

const char * FS_CheckGameDir ( const char * gamedir)

Definition at line 1824 of file fs.c.

1826 const char *ret;
1827 static char buf[8192];
1828 char vabuf[1024];
1830 if (FS_CheckNastyPath(gamedir, true))
1831 return NULL;
1833 ret = FS_SysCheckGameDir(va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%s%s/", fs_userdir, gamedir), buf, sizeof(buf));
1834 if(ret)
1835 {
1836 if(!*ret)
1837 {
1838 // get description from basedir
1839 ret = FS_SysCheckGameDir(va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%s%s/", fs_basedir, gamedir), buf, sizeof(buf));
1840 if(ret)
1841 return ret;
1842 return "";
1843 }
1844 return ret;
1845 }
1847 ret = FS_SysCheckGameDir(va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%s%s/", fs_basedir, gamedir), buf, sizeof(buf));
1848 if(ret)
1849 return ret;
static const char * FS_SysCheckGameDir(const char *gamedir, char *buf, size_t buflength)
Definition fs.c:1786
const char *const fs_checkgamedir_missing
Definition fs.c:438
int FS_CheckNastyPath(const char *path, qbool isgamedir)
Definition fs.c:2618
return ret

References buf, fs_basedir, fs_checkgamedir_missing, FS_CheckNastyPath(), FS_SysCheckGameDir(), fs_userdir, NULL, ret, and va().

Referenced by FS_ListGameDirs(), FS_SetGameDirs(), and ModList_RebuildList().

◆ FS_CheckNastyPath()

int FS_CheckNastyPath ( const char * path,
qbool isgamedir )

Definition at line 2618 of file fs.c.

2620 // all: never allow an empty path, as for gamedir it would access the parent directory and a non-gamedir path it is just useless
2621 if (!path[0])
2622 return 2;
2624 // Windows: don't allow \ in filenames (windows-only), period.
2625 // (on Windows \ is a directory separator, but / is also supported)
2626 if (strstr(path, "\\"))
2627 return 1; // non-portable
2629 // Mac: don't allow Mac-only filenames - : is a directory separator
2630 // instead of /, but we rely on / working already, so there's no reason to
2631 // support a Mac-only path
2632 // Amiga and Windows: : tries to go to root of drive
2633 if (strstr(path, ":"))
2634 return 1; // non-portable attempt to go to root of drive
2636 // Amiga: // is parent directory
2637 if (strstr(path, "//"))
2638 return 1; // non-portable attempt to go to parent directory
2640 // all: don't allow going to parent directory (../ or /../)
2641 if (strstr(path, ".."))
2642 return 2; // attempt to go outside the game directory
2644 // Windows and UNIXes: don't allow absolute paths
2645 if (path[0] == '/')
2646 return 2; // attempt to go outside the game directory
2648 // all: don't allow . character immediately before a slash, this catches all imaginable cases of ./, ../, .../, etc
2649 if (strstr(path, "./"))
2650 return 2; // possible attempt to go outside the game directory
2652 // all: forbid trailing slash on gamedir
2653 if (isgamedir && path[strlen(path)-1] == '/')
2654 return 2;
2656 // all: forbid leading dot on any filename for any reason
2657 if (strstr(path, "/."))
2658 return 2; // attempt to go outside the game directory
2660 // after all these checks we're pretty sure it's a / separated filename
2661 // and won't do much if any harm
2662 return false;

References strlen().

Referenced by CL_DownloadBegin_f(), FS_CheckGameDir(), FS_OpenReadFile(), FS_OpenRealFile(), FS_OpenVirtualFile(), SV_Download_f(), and VM_loadfromfile().

◆ FS_ChooseUserDir()

static int FS_ChooseUserDir ( userdirmode_t userdirmode,
char * userdir,
size_t userdirsize )

Definition at line 1946 of file fs.c.

1948#if defined(__IPHONEOS__)
1949 if (userdirmode == USERDIRMODE_HOME)
1950 {
1951 // fs_basedir is "" by default, to utilize this you can simply add your gamedir to the Resources in xcode
1952 // fs_userdir stores configurations to the Documents folder of the app
1953 dp_strlcpy(userdir, "../Documents/", MAX_OSPATH);
1954 return 1;
1955 }
1956 return -1;
1958#elif defined(WIN32)
1959 char homedir[MAX_OSWPATH];
1960 wchar *homedirw;
1961#if _MSC_VER >= 1400
1962 size_t homedirwlen;
1964 char mydocsdir[MAX_OSWPATH];
1965 wchar mydocsdirw[MAX_OSWPATH];
1966 char savedgamesdir[MAX_OSWPATH];
1967 wchar *savedgamesdirw;
1968 int fd;
1969 char vabuf[1024];
1971 userdir[0] = 0;
1972 switch(userdirmode)
1973 {
1974 default:
1975 return -1;
1977 dp_strlcpy(userdir, fs_basedir, userdirsize);
1978 break;
1980 if (!shfolder_dll)
1981 Sys_LoadDependency(shfolderdllnames, &shfolder_dll, shfolderfuncs);
1982 mydocsdir[0] = 0;
1983 if (qSHGetFolderPath && qSHGetFolderPath(NULL, CSIDL_PERSONAL, NULL, 0, mydocsdirw) == S_OK)
1984 {
1985 NARROW(mydocsdirw, mydocsdir);
1986 dpsnprintf(userdir, userdirsize, "%s/My Games/%s/", mydocsdir, gameuserdirname);
1987 break;
1988 }
1989#if _MSC_VER >= 1400
1990 _wdupenv_s(&homedirw, &homedirwlen, L"USERPROFILE");
1991 NARROW(homedirw, homedir);
1992 if(homedir[0])
1993 {
1994 dpsnprintf(userdir, userdirsize, "%s/.%s/", homedir, gameuserdirname);
1995 free(homedirw);
1996 break;
1997 }
1999 homedirw = _wgetenv(L"USERPROFILE");
2000 NARROW(homedirw, homedir);
2001 if(homedir[0])
2002 {
2003 dpsnprintf(userdir, userdirsize, "%s/.%s/", homedir, gameuserdirname);
2004 break;
2005 }
2007 return -1;
2009 if (!shell32_dll)
2010 Sys_LoadDependency(shell32dllnames, &shell32_dll, shell32funcs);
2011 if (!ole32_dll)
2012 Sys_LoadDependency(ole32dllnames, &ole32_dll, ole32funcs);
2013 if (qSHGetKnownFolderPath && qCoInitializeEx && qCoTaskMemFree && qCoUninitialize)
2014 {
2015 savedgamesdir[0] = 0;
2018#ifdef __cplusplus
2019 if (SHGetKnownFolderPath(FOLDERID_SavedGames, KF_FLAG_CREATE | KF_FLAG_NO_ALIAS, NULL, &savedgamesdirw) == S_OK)
2021 if (SHGetKnownFolderPath(&FOLDERID_SavedGames, KF_FLAG_CREATE | KF_FLAG_NO_ALIAS, NULL, &savedgamesdirw) == S_OK)
2024 if (qSHGetKnownFolderPath(&qFOLDERID_SavedGames, qKF_FLAG_CREATE | qKF_FLAG_NO_ALIAS, NULL, &savedgamesdirw) == S_OK)
2025 {
2026 NARROW(savedgamesdirw, savedgamesdir);
2027 qCoTaskMemFree(savedgamesdirw);
2028 }
2029 qCoUninitialize();
2030 if (savedgamesdir[0])
2031 {
2032 dpsnprintf(userdir, userdirsize, "%s/%s/", savedgamesdir, gameuserdirname);
2033 break;
2034 }
2035 }
2036 return -1;
2037 }
2039 int fd;
2040 char *homedir;
2041 char vabuf[1024];
2042 userdir[0] = 0;
2043 switch(userdirmode)
2044 {
2045 default:
2046 return -1;
2048 dp_strlcpy(userdir, fs_basedir, userdirsize);
2049 break;
2051 homedir = getenv("HOME");
2052 if(homedir)
2053 {
2054 dpsnprintf(userdir, userdirsize, "%s/.%s/", homedir, gameuserdirname);
2055 break;
2056 }
2057 return -1;
2059 homedir = getenv("HOME");
2060 if(homedir)
2061 {
2062#ifdef MACOSX
2063 dpsnprintf(userdir, userdirsize, "%s/Library/Application Support/%s/", homedir, gameuserdirname);
2065 // the XDG say some files would need to go in:
2066 // XDG_CONFIG_HOME (or ~/.config/%s/)
2067 // XDG_DATA_HOME (or ~/.local/share/%s/)
2068 // XDG_CACHE_HOME (or ~/.cache/%s/)
2069 // and also search the following global locations if defined:
2070 // XDG_CONFIG_DIRS (normally /etc/xdg/%s/)
2071 // XDG_DATA_DIRS (normally /usr/share/%s/)
2072 // this would be too complicated...
2073 return -1;
2075 break;
2076 }
2077 return -1;
2078 }
2082#if !defined(__IPHONEOS__)
2084#ifdef WIN32
2085 // historical behavior...
2086 if (userdirmode == USERDIRMODE_NOHOME && strcmp(gamedirname1, "id1"))
2087 return 0; // don't bother checking if the basedir folder is writable, it's annoying... unless it is Quake on Windows where NOHOME is the default preferred and we have to check for an error case
2090 // see if we can write to this path (note: won't create path)
2091#ifdef WIN32
2092 // no access() here, we must try to open the file for appending
2093 fd = FS_SysOpenFiledesc(va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%s%s/config.cfg", userdir, gamedirname1), "a", false);
2094 if(fd >= 0)
2097 // on Unix, we don't need to ACTUALLY attempt to open the file
2098 if(access(va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%s%s/", userdir, gamedirname1), W_OK | X_OK) >= 0)
2099 fd = 1;
2100 else
2101 fd = -1;
2103 if(fd >= 0)
2104 {
2105 return 1; // good choice - the path exists and is writable
2106 }
2107 else
2108 {
2109 if (userdirmode == USERDIRMODE_NOHOME)
2110 return -1; // path usually already exists, we lack permissions
2111 else
2112 return 0; // probably good - failed to write but maybe we need to create path
2113 }
const char * gameuserdirname
Definition com_game.c:32
const char * gamedirname1
Definition com_game.c:29
Definition common.h:287
Definition common.h:284
Definition common.h:286
Definition common.h:285
Definition fs.c:111
static filedesc_t FS_SysOpenFiledesc(const char *filepath, const char *mode, qbool nonblocking)
Definition fs.c:2383
qbool Sys_LoadDependency(const char **dllnames, dllhandle_t *handle, const dllfunction_t *fcts)
Definition sys_shared.c:131
#define NARROW(wstr, str)
Definition utf8lib.h:107

References dp_strlcpy, dpsnprintf(), FILEDESC_CLOSE, fs_basedir, FS_SysOpenFiledesc(), gamedirname1, gameuserdirname, MAX_OSPATH, NARROW, NULL, Sys_LoadDependency(), USERDIRMODE_HOME, USERDIRMODE_MYGAMES, USERDIRMODE_NOHOME, USERDIRMODE_SAVEDGAMES, and va().

Referenced by FS_Init_Dir().

◆ FS_ClearSearchPath()

static void FS_ClearSearchPath ( void )

Definition at line 1451 of file fs.c.

1453 // unload all packs and directory information, close all pack files
1454 // (if a qfile is still reading a pack it won't be harmed because it used
1455 // dup() to get its own handle already)
1456 while (fs_searchpaths)
1457 {
1458 searchpath_t *search = fs_searchpaths;
1459 fs_searchpaths = search->next;
1460 if (search->pack && search->pack != fs_selfpack)
1461 {
1462 if(!search->pack->vpack)
1463 {
1464 // close the file
1465 FILEDESC_CLOSE(search->pack->handle);
1466 // free any memory associated with it
1467 if (search->pack->files)
1468 Mem_Free(search->pack->files);
1469 }
1470 Mem_Free(search->pack);
1471 }
1472 Mem_Free(search);
1473 }
filedesc_t handle
Definition fs.c:389

References FILEDESC_CLOSE, pack_t::files, fs_searchpaths, fs_selfpack, pack_t::handle, Mem_Free, searchpath_t::next, searchpath_t::pack, and pack_t::vpack.

Referenced by FS_Rescan(), and FS_Shutdown().

◆ FS_Close()

int FS_Close ( qfile_t * file)

Definition at line 2970 of file fs.c.

2972 if(file->flags & QFILE_FLAG_DATA)
2973 {
2974 Mem_Free(file);
2975 return 0;
2976 }
2978 if (FILEDESC_CLOSE (file->handle))
2979 return EOF;
2981 if (file->filename)
2982 {
2983 if (file->flags & QFILE_FLAG_REMOVE)
2984 {
2985 if (remove(file->filename) == -1)
2986 {
2987 // No need to report this. If removing a just
2988 // written file failed, this most likely means
2989 // someone else deleted it first - which we
2990 // like.
2991 }
2992 }
2994 Mem_Free((void *) file->filename);
2995 }
2997 if (file->ztk)
2998 {
2999 qz_inflateEnd (&file->ztk->zstream);
3000 Mem_Free (file->ztk);
3001 }
3003 Mem_Free (file);
3004 return 0;
real file will be removed on close
Definition fs.c:300
file is actually already loaded data
Definition fs.c:298
void remove(entity e)


Referenced by CL_CutDemo(), CL_Locs_Save_f(), CL_Stop_f(), CL_StopPlayback(), Con_ConDump_f(), Crypto_KeyGen_f(), Crypto_KeyGen_Finished(), Crypto_LoadFile(), Crypto_SavePubKeyTextFile(), Curl_Begin(), Curl_EndDownload(), FS_LoadAndCloseQFile(), FS_OpenReadFile(), FS_SysCheckGameDir(), FS_WriteFileInBlocks(), GetMapList(), Host_SaveConfig(), Host_UnlockSession(), hz_bitstream_read_close(), jam_close(), JPEG_SaveImage_preflipped(), Key_History_Init(), Key_History_Shutdown(), libavw_close(), Log_Close(), Log_Printf(), M_ScanSaves(), PNG_SaveImage_preflipped(), PRVM_Prog_Load(), QW_CL_CheckOrDownloadFile(), R_GLSL_DumpShader_f(), SCR_CaptureVideo_Avi_EndVideo(), SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_EndVideo(), SV_Download_f(), SV_DropClient(), SV_ReadClientMessage(), SV_Savegame_to(), SV_StopDemoRecording(), VM_buf_loadfile(), VM_fclose(), VM_Files_CloseAll(), W_LoadTextureWadFile(), and W_UnloadAll().

◆ FS_CRCFile()

int FS_CRCFile ( const char * filename,
size_t * filesizepointer )

Definition at line 4158 of file fs.c.

4160 int crc = -1;
4161 unsigned char *filedata;
4162 fs_offset_t filesize;
4163 if (filesizepointer)
4164 *filesizepointer = 0;
4165 if (!filename || !*filename)
4166 return crc;
4167 filedata = FS_LoadFile(filename, tempmempool, true, &filesize);
4168 if (filedata)
4169 {
4170 if (filesizepointer)
4171 *filesizepointer = filesize;
4172 crc = CRC_Block(filedata, filesize);
4173 Mem_Free(filedata);
4174 }
4175 return crc;
unsigned short CRC_Block(const unsigned char *data, size_t size)
Definition com_crc16.c:75
unsigned char * FS_LoadFile(const char *path, mempool_t *pool, qbool quiet, fs_offset_t *filesizepointer)
Definition fs.c:3540
int64_t fs_offset_t
Definition fs.h:37

References CRC_Block(), FS_LoadFile(), Mem_Free, and tempmempool.

Referenced by CL_BeginDownloads(), CL_StopDownload(), and QW_CL_RequestNextDownload().

◆ FS_CreatePath()

void FS_CreatePath ( char * path)

Definition at line 1028 of file fs.c.

1030 char *ofs, save;
1032 for (ofs = path+1 ; *ofs ; ofs++)
1033 {
1034 if (*ofs == '/' || *ofs == '\\')
1035 {
1036 // create the directory
1037 save = *ofs;
1038 *ofs = 0;
1039 FS_mkdir (path);
1040 *ofs = save;
1041 }
1042 }
static void FS_mkdir(const char *path)
Definition fs.c:999
prvm_uint_t ofs

References FS_mkdir(), and ofs.

Referenced by Crypto_KeyGen_f(), Crypto_KeyGen_Finished(), FS_OpenRealFile(), and Host_LockSession().

◆ FS_DefaultExtension()

void FS_DefaultExtension ( char * path,
const char * extension,
size_t size_path )

Definition at line 3641 of file fs.c.

3643 const char *src;
3645 // if path doesn't have a .EXT, append extension
3646 // (extension should include the .)
3647 src = path + strlen(path);
3649 while (*src != '/' && src != path)
3650 {
3651 if (*src == '.')
3652 return; // it has an extension
3653 src--;
3654 }
3656 dp_strlcat (path, extension, size_path);
#define dp_strlcat(dst, src, dsize)
Definition common.h:304
prvm_eval_t * src

References dp_strlcat, src, and strlen().

Referenced by CL_PlayDemo(), CL_Record_f(), R_LoadTextureDDSFile(), SV_Loadgame_f(), SV_Savegame_f(), and SV_StartDemoRecording().

◆ FS_Deflate()

unsigned char * FS_Deflate ( const unsigned char * data,
size_t size,
size_t * deflated_size,
int level,
mempool_t * mempool )

Definition at line 4178 of file fs.c.

4180 z_stream strm;
4181 unsigned char *out = NULL;
4182 unsigned char *tmp;
4184 *deflated_size = 0;
4185#ifndef LINK_TO_ZLIB
4186 if(!zlib_dll)
4187 return NULL;
4190 memset(&strm, 0, sizeof(strm));
4191 strm.zalloc = Z_NULL;
4192 strm.zfree = Z_NULL;
4193 strm.opaque = Z_NULL;
4195 if(level < 0)
4199 {
4200 Con_Printf("FS_Deflate: deflate init error!\n");
4201 return NULL;
4202 }
4204 strm.next_in = (unsigned char*)data;
4205 strm.avail_in = (unsigned int)size;
4207 tmp = (unsigned char *) Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, size);
4208 if(!tmp)
4209 {
4210 Con_Printf("FS_Deflate: not enough memory in tempmempool!\n");
4211 qz_deflateEnd(&strm);
4212 return NULL;
4213 }
4215 strm.next_out = tmp;
4216 strm.avail_out = (unsigned int)size;
4218 if(qz_deflate(&strm, Z_FINISH) != Z_STREAM_END)
4219 {
4220 Con_Printf("FS_Deflate: deflate failed!\n");
4221 qz_deflateEnd(&strm);
4222 Mem_Free(tmp);
4223 return NULL;
4224 }
4226 if(qz_deflateEnd(&strm) != Z_OK)
4227 {
4228 Con_Printf("FS_Deflate: deflateEnd failed\n");
4229 Mem_Free(tmp);
4230 return NULL;
4231 }
4233 if(strm.total_out >= size)
4234 {
4235 Con_Printf("FS_Deflate: deflate is useless on this data!\n");
4236 Mem_Free(tmp);
4237 return NULL;
4238 }
4240 out = (unsigned char *) Mem_Alloc(mempool, strm.total_out);
4241 if(!out)
4242 {
4243 Con_Printf("FS_Deflate: not enough memory in target mempool!\n");
4244 Mem_Free(tmp);
4245 return NULL;
4246 }
4248 *deflated_size = (size_t)strm.total_out;
4250 memcpy(out, tmp, strm.total_out);
4251 Mem_Free(tmp);
4253 return out;
vector size
#define Z_DEFLATED
Definition fs.c:242
#define Z_BINARY
Definition fs.c:241
static dllhandle_t zlib_dll
Handle for Zlib DLL.
Definition fs.c:507
#define Z_STREAM_END
Definition fs.c:234
#define Z_FINISH
Definition fs.c:250
#define Z_OK
Definition fs.c:233
#define qz_deflateInit2(strm, level, method, windowBits, memLevel, strategy)
Definition fs.c:488
#define MAX_WBITS
Definition fs.c:232
#define Z_NULL
Definition fs.c:245
Definition fs.c:243
Definition fs.c:246
GLsizeiptr const GLvoid * data
Definition glquake.h:639
unsigned int avail_in
number of bytes available at next_in
Definition fs.c:272
unsigned long total_out
total nb of bytes output so far
Definition fs.c:277
void * opaque
private data object passed to zalloc and zfree
Definition fs.c:284
void * zalloc
used to allocate the internal state
Definition fs.c:282
void * zfree
used to free the internal state
Definition fs.c:283
unsigned char * next_out
next output byte should be put there
Definition fs.c:275
unsigned int avail_out
remaining free space at next_out
Definition fs.c:276
unsigned char * next_in
next input byte
Definition fs.c:271

References z_stream::avail_in, z_stream::avail_out, Con_Printf(), data, int(), level, MAX_WBITS, Mem_Alloc, Mem_Free, z_stream::next_in, z_stream::next_out, NULL, z_stream::opaque, qz_deflateInit2, size, tempmempool, z_stream::total_out, Z_BINARY, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, Z_DEFLATED, Z_FINISH, Z_MEMLEVEL_DEFAULT, Z_NULL, Z_OK, Z_STREAM_END, z_stream::zalloc, z_stream::zfree, and zlib_dll.

Referenced by SV_Prepare_CSQC().

◆ FS_Dir_f()

void FS_Dir_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 4053 of file fs.c.

4055 FS_ListDirectoryCmd(cmd, "dir", true);
static void FS_ListDirectoryCmd(cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *cmdname, int oneperline)
Definition fs.c:4037
void cmd(string command,...)

References cmd(), and FS_ListDirectoryCmd().

Referenced by FS_Init_Commands().

◆ FS_FileExists()

const char * FS_FileExists ( const char * filename)

Look for a file in the packages and in the filesystem Returns its canonical name (same case as used in the pack) if found, else NULL.

If the file is found outside a pak, this will be the same pointer as passed in.

Definition at line 3693 of file fs.c.

3695 const char *canonicalname;
3697 return FS_FindFile(filename, NULL, &canonicalname, true) ? canonicalname : NULL;

References FS_FindFile(), and NULL.

Referenced by CDAudio_Play_byName(), CL_BeginDownloads(), CL_SetupWorldModel(), CL_StopDownload(), Curl_Begin(), Curl_Curl_f(), Font_LoadFont(), FS_Rescan(), Host_AddConfigText(), loadimagepixelsbgra(), M_Menu_Main_f(), MR_SetRouting(), SV_Download_f(), and SV_SpawnServer().

◆ FS_FileExtension()

const char * FS_FileExtension ( const char * in)

Definition at line 1403 of file fs.c.

1405 const char *separator, *backslash, *colon, *dot;
1407 dot = strrchr(in, '.');
1408 if (dot == NULL)
1409 return "";
1411 separator = strrchr(in, '/');
1412 backslash = strrchr(in, '\\');
1413 if (!separator || separator < backslash)
1414 separator = backslash;
1415 colon = strrchr(in, ':');
1416 if (!separator || separator < colon)
1417 separator = colon;
1419 if (separator && (dot < separator))
1420 return "";
1422 return dot + 1;

References NULL.

Referenced by CL_PlayVideo_f(), CL_StopDownload(), FS_AddGameDirectory(), FS_AddPack_Fullpath(), Image_StripImageExtension(), Mod_LoadModel(), SCR_ScreenShot_f(), and SV_Download_f().

◆ FS_FileFromData()

qfile_t * FS_FileFromData ( const unsigned char * data,
const size_t size,
qbool quiet )

Definition at line 2951 of file fs.c.

2953 qfile_t* file;
2954 file = (qfile_t *)Mem_Alloc (fs_mempool, sizeof (*file));
2955 memset (file, 0, sizeof (*file));
2956 file->flags = QFILE_FLAG_DATA;
2957 file->ungetc = EOF;
2958 file->real_length = size;
2959 file->data = data;
2960 return file;

References data, fs_mempool, Mem_Alloc, QFILE_FLAG_DATA, and size.

Referenced by SV_Download_f().

◆ FS_FileSize()

fs_offset_t FS_FileSize ( qfile_t * file)

Definition at line 3474 of file fs.c.

3476 return file->real_length;

Referenced by LibAvW_FS_SeekSize(), SV_Download_f(), and SV_ReadClientMessage().

◆ FS_FileType()

int FS_FileType ( const char * filename)

Look for a file in the packages and in the filesystem.

Definition at line 3667 of file fs.c.

3669 searchpath_t *search;
3670 char fullpath[MAX_OSPATH];
3672 search = FS_FindFile (filename, NULL, NULL, true);
3673 if(!search)
3674 return FS_FILETYPE_NONE;
3676 if(search->pack && !search->pack->vpack)
3677 return FS_FILETYPE_FILE; // TODO can't check directories in paks yet, maybe later
3679 dpsnprintf(fullpath, sizeof(fullpath), "%s%s", search->filename, filename);
3680 return FS_SysFileType(fullpath);
int FS_SysFileType(const char *path)
Look for a file in the filesystem only.
Definition fs.c:3708
Definition fs.h:138
Definition fs.h:137

References dpsnprintf(), searchpath_t::filename, FS_FILETYPE_FILE, FS_FILETYPE_NONE, FS_FindFile(), FS_SysFileType(), MAX_OSPATH, NULL, searchpath_t::pack, and pack_t::vpack.

Referenced by Con_CompleteCommandLine().

◆ FS_FileWithoutPath()

const char * FS_FileWithoutPath ( const char * in)

Definition at line 1431 of file fs.c.

1433 const char *separator, *backslash, *colon;
1435 separator = strrchr(in, '/');
1436 backslash = strrchr(in, '\\');
1437 if (!separator || separator < backslash)
1438 separator = backslash;
1439 colon = strrchr(in, ':');
1440 if (!separator || separator < colon)
1441 separator = colon;
1442 return separator ? separator + 1 : in;

Referenced by COM_InitGameType(), and FS_IsRegisteredQuakePack().

◆ FS_FindFile()

static searchpath_t * FS_FindFile ( const char * name,
int * index,
const char ** canonicalname,
qbool quiet )

Definition at line 2690 of file fs.c.

2692 searchpath_t *search;
2693 pack_t *pak;
2695 // search through the path, one element at a time
2696 for (search = fs_searchpaths;search;search = search->next)
2697 {
2698 // is the element a pak file?
2699 if (search->pack && !search->pack->vpack)
2700 {
2701 int (*strcmp_funct) (const char* str1, const char* str2);
2702 int left, right, middle;
2704 pak = search->pack;
2705 strcmp_funct = pak->ignorecase ? strcasecmp : strcmp;
2707 // Look for the file (binary search)
2708 left = 0;
2709 right = pak->numfiles - 1;
2710 while (left <= right)
2711 {
2712 int diff;
2714 middle = (left + right) / 2;
2715 diff = strcmp_funct (pak->files[middle].name, name);
2717 // Found it
2718 if (!diff)
2719 {
2721 {
2722 // yes, but the first one is empty so we treat it as not being there
2723 if (!quiet && developer_extra.integer)
2724 Con_DPrintf("FS_FindFile: %s is marked as deleted\n", name);
2726 if (index != NULL)
2727 *index = -1;
2728 if (canonicalname)
2729 *canonicalname = NULL;
2730 return NULL;
2731 }
2733 if (!quiet && developer_extra.integer)
2734 Con_DPrintf("FS_FindFile: %s in %s\n", pak->files[middle].name, pak->filename);
2736 if (index != NULL)
2737 *index = middle;
2738 if (canonicalname)
2739 *canonicalname = pak->files[middle].name;
2740 return search;
2741 }
2743 // If we're too far in the list
2744 if (diff > 0)
2745 right = middle - 1;
2746 else
2747 left = middle + 1;
2748 }
2749 }
2750 else
2751 {
2752 char netpath[MAX_OSPATH];
2753 dpsnprintf(netpath, sizeof(netpath), "%s%s", search->filename, name);
2754 if (FS_SysFileExists (netpath))
2755 {
2756 if (!quiet && developer_extra.integer)
2757 Con_DPrintf("FS_FindFile: %s\n", netpath);
2759 if (index != NULL)
2760 *index = -1;
2761 if (canonicalname)
2762 *canonicalname = name;
2763 return search;
2764 }
2765 }
2766 }
2768 if (!quiet && developer_extra.integer)
2769 Con_DPrintf("FS_FindFile: can't find %s\n", name);
2771 if (index != NULL)
2772 *index = -1;
2773 if (canonicalname)
2774 *canonicalname = NULL;
2775 return NULL;
void Con_DPrintf(const char *fmt,...)
A Con_Printf that only shows up if the "developer" cvar is set.
Definition console.c:1544
qbool FS_SysFileExists(const char *path)
Look for a file in the filesystem only.
Definition fs.c:3744
cvar_t fs_empty_files_in_pack_mark_deletions
Definition fs.c:456
cvar_t developer_extra
Definition host.c:49
int integer
Definition cvar.h:73

References Con_DPrintf(), developer_extra, dpsnprintf(), pack_t::filename, searchpath_t::filename, pack_t::files, fs_empty_files_in_pack_mark_deletions, fs_searchpaths, FS_SysFileExists(), pack_t::ignorecase, index, int(), cvar_t::integer, MAX_OSPATH, name, packfile_t::name, searchpath_t::next, NULL, pack_t::numfiles, searchpath_t::pack, packfile_t::realsize, right, and pack_t::vpack.

Referenced by FS_AddPack(), FS_FileExists(), FS_FileType(), FS_OpenReadFile(), FS_Which_f(), and FS_WhichPack().

◆ FS_FreeSearch()

void FS_FreeSearch ( fssearch_t * search)

Definition at line 3963 of file fs.c.

3965 Z_Free(search);
#define Z_Free(data)
Definition zone.h:164

References Z_Free.

Referenced by Cmd_Exec_f(), Con_CompleteCommandLine(), FS_ListDirectory(), GetMapList(), Image_FixTransparentPixels_f(), Mod_LoadQ3Shaders(), VM_search_end(), and VM_Search_Reset().

◆ FS_GameDir_f()

static void FS_GameDir_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 1751 of file fs.c.

1753 int i;
1754 int numgamedirs;
1755 const char *gamedirs[MAX_GAMEDIRS];
1757 if (Cmd_Argc(cmd) < 2)
1758 {
1759 Con_Printf("gamedirs active:");
1760 for (i = 0;i < fs_numgamedirs;i++)
1761 Con_Printf(" %s%s", (strcasecmp(fs_gamedirs[i], gamedirname1) && (!gamedirname2 || strcasecmp(fs_gamedirs[i], gamedirname2))) ? "^7" : "^9", fs_gamedirs[i]);
1762 Con_Printf("\n");
1763 return;
1764 }
1766 numgamedirs = Cmd_Argc(cmd) - 1;
1767 if (numgamedirs > MAX_GAMEDIRS)
1768 {
1769 Con_Printf(CON_ERROR "Too many gamedirs (%i > %i)\n", numgamedirs, MAX_GAMEDIRS);
1770 return;
1771 }
1773 for (i = 0;i < numgamedirs;i++)
1774 gamedirs[i] = Cmd_Argv(cmd, i+1);
1776 if ((cls.state == ca_connected && !cls.demoplayback) || sv.active)
1777 {
1778 // actually, changing during game would work fine, but would be stupid
1779 Con_Printf(CON_ERROR "Can not change gamedir while client is connected or server is running!\n");
1780 return;
1781 }
1783 FS_ChangeGameDirs(numgamedirs, gamedirs, true);
@ ca_connected
Definition client.h:532
static int Cmd_Argc(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition cmd.h:249
static const char * Cmd_Argv(cmd_state_t *cmd, int arg)
Cmd_Argv(cmd, ) will return an empty string (not a NULL) if arg > argc, so string operations are alwa...
Definition cmd.h:254
const char * gamedirname2
Definition com_game.c:30
char fs_gamedirs[MAX_GAMEDIRS][MAX_QPATH]
Definition fs.c:449
qbool FS_ChangeGameDirs(int numgamedirs, const char *gamedirs[], qbool failmissing)
Definition fs.c:1719
int fs_numgamedirs
Definition fs.c:448
Definition fs.h:46
server_t sv
local server
Definition sv_main.c:223
cactive_t state
Definition client.h:568
qbool active
false if only a net client
Definition server.h:66

References server_t::active, ca_connected, cls, cmd(), Cmd_Argc(), Cmd_Argv(), CON_ERROR, Con_Printf(), client_static_t::demoplayback, FS_ChangeGameDirs(), fs_gamedirs, fs_numgamedirs, gamedirname1, gamedirname2, i, MAX_GAMEDIRS, client_static_t::state, and sv.

Referenced by FS_Init_Commands().

◆ FS_Getc()

int FS_Getc ( qfile_t * file)

Definition at line 3323 of file fs.c.

3325 unsigned char c;
3327 if (FS_Read (file, &c, 1) != 1)
3328 return EOF;
3330 return c;
fs_offset_t FS_Read(qfile_t *file, void *buffer, size_t buffersize)
Definition fs.c:3066

References FS_Read().

Referenced by CL_PlayDemo(), Key_History_Init(), VM_buf_loadfile(), and VM_fgets().

◆ FS_HasZlib()

qbool FS_HasZlib ( void )

Definition at line 620 of file fs.c.

622#ifdef LINK_TO_ZLIB
623 return true;
625 PK3_OpenLibrary(); // to be safe
626 return (zlib_dll != 0);
static qbool PK3_OpenLibrary(void)
Definition fs.c:581

References PK3_OpenLibrary(), and zlib_dll.

Referenced by CL_BeginDownloads().

◆ FS_Inflate()

unsigned char * FS_Inflate ( const unsigned char * data,
size_t size,
size_t * inflated_size,
mempool_t * mempool )

Definition at line 4273 of file fs.c.

4275 int ret;
4276 z_stream strm;
4277 unsigned char *out = NULL;
4278 unsigned char tmp[2048];
4279 unsigned int have;
4280 sizebuf_t outbuf;
4282 *inflated_size = 0;
4283#ifndef LINK_TO_ZLIB
4284 if(!zlib_dll)
4285 return NULL;
4288 memset(&outbuf, 0, sizeof(outbuf));
4289 outbuf.data = (unsigned char *) Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, sizeof(tmp));
4290 outbuf.maxsize = sizeof(tmp);
4292 memset(&strm, 0, sizeof(strm));
4293 strm.zalloc = Z_NULL;
4294 strm.zfree = Z_NULL;
4295 strm.opaque = Z_NULL;
4297 if(qz_inflateInit2(&strm, -MAX_WBITS) != Z_OK)
4298 {
4299 Con_Printf("FS_Inflate: inflate init error!\n");
4300 Mem_Free(outbuf.data);
4301 return NULL;
4302 }
4304 strm.next_in = (unsigned char*)data;
4305 strm.avail_in = (unsigned int)size;
4307 do
4308 {
4309 strm.next_out = tmp;
4310 strm.avail_out = sizeof(tmp);
4311 ret = qz_inflate(&strm, Z_NO_FLUSH);
4312 // it either returns Z_OK on progress, Z_STREAM_END on end
4313 // or an error code
4314 switch(ret)
4315 {
4316 case Z_STREAM_END:
4317 case Z_OK:
4318 break;
4320 case Z_STREAM_ERROR:
4321 Con_Print("FS_Inflate: stream error!\n");
4322 break;
4323 case Z_DATA_ERROR:
4324 Con_Print("FS_Inflate: data error!\n");
4325 break;
4326 case Z_MEM_ERROR:
4327 Con_Print("FS_Inflate: mem error!\n");
4328 break;
4329 case Z_BUF_ERROR:
4330 Con_Print("FS_Inflate: buf error!\n");
4331 break;
4332 default:
4333 Con_Print("FS_Inflate: unknown error!\n");
4334 break;
4336 }
4337 if(ret != Z_OK && ret != Z_STREAM_END)
4338 {
4339 Con_Printf("Error after inflating %u bytes\n", (unsigned)strm.total_in);
4340 Mem_Free(outbuf.data);
4341 qz_inflateEnd(&strm);
4342 return NULL;
4343 }
4344 have = sizeof(tmp) - strm.avail_out;
4345 AssertBufsize(&outbuf, max(have, sizeof(tmp)));
4346 SZ_Write(&outbuf, tmp, have);
4347 } while(ret != Z_STREAM_END);
4349 qz_inflateEnd(&strm);
4351 out = (unsigned char *) Mem_Alloc(mempool, outbuf.cursize);
4352 if(!out)
4353 {
4354 Con_Printf("FS_Inflate: not enough memory in target mempool!\n");
4355 Mem_Free(outbuf.data);
4356 return NULL;
4357 }
4359 memcpy(out, outbuf.data, outbuf.cursize);
4360 Mem_Free(outbuf.data);
4362 *inflated_size = (size_t)outbuf.cursize;
4364 return out;
void SZ_Write(sizebuf_t *buf, const unsigned char *data, int length)
Definition common.c:72
void Con_Print(const char *msg)
Prints to all appropriate console targets, and adds timestamps.
Definition console.c:1504
#define Z_BUF_ERROR
Definition fs.c:238
#define Z_DATA_ERROR
Definition fs.c:236
Definition fs.c:235
static void AssertBufsize(sizebuf_t *buf, int length)
Definition fs.c:4256
#define Z_NO_FLUSH
Definition fs.c:247
#define Z_MEM_ERROR
Definition fs.c:237
#define qz_inflateInit2(strm, windowBits)
Definition fs.c:486
#define max(A, B)
Definition mathlib.h:38
unsigned char * data
Definition common.h:52
int cursize
Definition common.h:54
int maxsize
Definition common.h:53
unsigned long total_in
total nb of input bytes read so far
Definition fs.c:273

References AssertBufsize(), z_stream::avail_in, z_stream::avail_out, Con_Print(), Con_Printf(), sizebuf_t::cursize, data, sizebuf_t::data, int(), max, MAX_WBITS, sizebuf_t::maxsize, Mem_Alloc, Mem_Free, z_stream::next_in, z_stream::next_out, NULL, z_stream::opaque, qz_inflateInit2, ret, size, SZ_Write(), tempmempool, z_stream::total_in, Z_BUF_ERROR, Z_DATA_ERROR, Z_MEM_ERROR, Z_NO_FLUSH, Z_NULL, Z_OK, Z_STREAM_END, Z_STREAM_ERROR, z_stream::zalloc, z_stream::zfree, and zlib_dll.

Referenced by CL_StopDownload().

◆ FS_Init()

void FS_Init ( void )

Definition at line 2342 of file fs.c.

2344 fs_mempool = Mem_AllocPool("file management", 0, NULL);
2346 PK3_OpenLibrary ();
2348 // initialize the self-pack (must be before COM_InitGameType as it may add command line options)
2351 // detect gamemode from commandline options or executable name
2354 FS_Init_Commands(); // assumes com_startupgamegroup is set
2356 FS_Init_Dir();
void COM_InitGameType(void)
Definition com_game.c:95
static void FS_Init_Dir(void)
Definition fs.c:2139
void FS_Init_Commands(void)
Definition fs.c:2117
void FS_Init_SelfPack(void)
Definition fs.c:2299
#define Mem_AllocPool(name, flags, parent)
Definition zone.h:104

References COM_InitGameType(), FS_Init_Commands(), FS_Init_Dir(), FS_Init_SelfPack(), fs_mempool, Mem_AllocPool, NULL, and PK3_OpenLibrary().

Referenced by Host_Init().

◆ FS_Init_Commands()

void FS_Init_Commands ( void )

Definition at line 2117 of file fs.c.

2124 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_SHARED, "gamedir", FS_GameDir_f, "changes active gamedir list, can take multiple arguments which shouldn't include the base directory, the last gamedir is the \"primary\" and files will be saved there (example usage: gamedir ctf id1)");
2125 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_SHARED, "fs_rescan", FS_Rescan_f, "rescans filesystem for new pack archives and any other changes");
2126 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_SHARED, "path", FS_Path_f, "print searchpath (game directories and archives)");
2127 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_SHARED, "dir", FS_Dir_f, "list files in searchpath matching an * filename pattern, one per line");
2128 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_SHARED, "ls", FS_Ls_f, "list files in searchpath matching an * filename pattern, multiple per line");
2129 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_SHARED, "which", FS_Which_f, "accepts a file name as argument and reports where the file is taken from");
2131#ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__
2136 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_SHARED, "game", FS_GameDir_f, "alias of gamedir, for compatibility with some Quake mod READMEs");
void Cmd_AddCommand(unsigned flags, const char *cmd_name, xcommand_t function, const char *description)
called by the init functions of other parts of the program to register commands and functions to call...
Definition cmd.c:1661
#define CF_SHARED
Definition cmd.h:67
gamemode_t com_startupgamegroup
Definition com_game.c:36
Definition com_game.h:28
void Cvar_RegisterVariable(cvar_t *variable)
registers a cvar that already has the name, string, and optionally the archive elements set.
Definition cvar.c:599
void FS_Dir_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition fs.c:4053
void FS_Ls_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition fs.c:4058
static void FS_Rescan_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition fs.c:1623
cvar_t cvar_fs_gamedir
Definition fs.c:458
static void FS_GameDir_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition fs.c:1751
cvar_t fs_unload_dlcache
Definition fs.c:457
void FS_Which_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition fs.c:4063
cvar_t scr_screenshot_name
Definition fs.c:455
static void FS_Path_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition fs.c:1052
void Sys_EM_Register_Commands(void)
Definition sys_wasm.c:279

References CF_SHARED, Cmd_AddCommand(), com_startupgamegroup, cvar_fs_gamedir, Cvar_RegisterVariable(), FS_Dir_f(), fs_empty_files_in_pack_mark_deletions, FS_GameDir_f(), FS_Ls_f(), FS_Path_f(), FS_Rescan_f(), fs_unload_dlcache, FS_Which_f(), GAME_NORMAL, scr_screenshot_name, and Sys_EM_Register_Commands().

Referenced by FS_Init().

◆ FS_Init_Dir()

static void FS_Init_Dir ( void )

Definition at line 2139 of file fs.c.

2141 int i;
2142 int numgamedirs;
2143 const char *cmdline_gamedirs[MAX_GAMEDIRS];
2144 WPATHDEF(fs_basedirw);
2146 *fs_basedir = 0;
2147 *fs_userdir = 0;
2148 *fs_gamedir = 0;
2150 // -basedir <path>
2151 // Overrides the system supplied base directory (under GAMENAME)
2152// COMMANDLINEOPTION: Filesystem: -basedir <path> chooses what base directory the game data is in, inside this there should be a data directory for the game (for example id1)
2153 i = Sys_CheckParm ("-basedir");
2154 if (i && i < sys.argc-1)
2155 {
2156 dp_strlcpy (fs_basedir, sys.argv[i+1], sizeof (fs_basedir));
2157 i = (int)strlen (fs_basedir);
2158 if (i > 0 && (fs_basedir[i-1] == '\\' || fs_basedir[i-1] == '/'))
2159 fs_basedir[i-1] = 0;
2160 }
2161 else
2162 {
2163// If the base directory is explicitly defined by the compilation process
2164#ifdef DP_FS_BASEDIR
2165 dp_strlcpy(fs_basedir, DP_FS_BASEDIR, sizeof(fs_basedir));
2166#elif defined(__ANDROID__)
2167 dpsnprintf(fs_basedir, sizeof(fs_basedir), "/sdcard/%s/", gameuserdirname);
2168#elif defined(MACOSX)
2169 // FIXME: is there a better way to find the directory outside the .app, without using Objective-C?
2170 if (strstr(sys.argv[0], ".app/"))
2171 {
2172 char *split;
2173 dp_strlcpy(fs_basedir, sys.argv[0], sizeof(fs_basedir));
2174 split = strstr(fs_basedir, ".app/");
2175 if (split)
2176 {
2177 struct stat statresult;
2178 char vabuf[1024];
2179 // truncate to just after the .app/
2180 split[5] = 0;
2181 // see if gamedir exists in Resources
2182 if (stat(va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%s/Contents/Resources/%s", fs_basedir, gamedirname1), &statresult) == 0)
2183 {
2184 // found gamedir inside Resources, use it
2185 dp_strlcat(fs_basedir, "Contents/Resources/", sizeof(fs_basedir));
2186 }
2187 else
2188 {
2189 // no gamedir found in Resources, gamedir is probably
2190 // outside the .app, remove .app part of path
2191 while (split > fs_basedir && *split != '/')
2192 split--;
2193 *split = 0;
2194 }
2195 }
2196 }
2198 // use the working directory
2199 #ifdef WIN32
2200 GetCurrentDirectoryW(sizeof(fs_basedirw) / sizeof(*fs_basedirw), fs_basedirw);
2201 NARROW(fs_basedirw, fs_basedir);
2202 #else
2203 getcwd(fs_basedir, sizeof(fs_basedir));
2204 #endif
2206 }
2208 // make sure the appending of a path separator won't create an unterminated string
2209 memset(fs_basedir + sizeof(fs_basedir) - 2, 0, 2);
2210 // add a path separator to the end of the basedir if it lacks one
2211 if (fs_basedir[0] && fs_basedir[strlen(fs_basedir) - 1] != '/' && fs_basedir[strlen(fs_basedir) - 1] != '\\')
2212 dp_strlcat(fs_basedir, "/", sizeof(fs_basedir));
2214 // Add the personal game directory
2215 if((i = Sys_CheckParm("-userdir")) && i < sys.argc - 1)
2216 dpsnprintf(fs_userdir, sizeof(fs_userdir), "%s/", sys.argv[i+1]);
2217 else if (Sys_CheckParm("-nohome"))
2218 *fs_userdir = 0; // user wants roaming installation, no userdir
2219 else
2220 {
2221#ifdef DP_FS_USERDIR
2222 dp_strlcpy(fs_userdir, DP_FS_USERDIR, sizeof(fs_userdir));
2224 int dirmode;
2225 int highestuserdirmode = USERDIRMODE_COUNT - 1;
2226 int preferreduserdirmode = USERDIRMODE_COUNT - 1;
2227 int userdirstatus[USERDIRMODE_COUNT];
2228# ifdef WIN32
2229 // historical behavior...
2230 if (!strcmp(gamedirname1, "id1"))
2231 preferreduserdirmode = USERDIRMODE_NOHOME;
2232# endif
2233 // check what limitations the user wants to impose
2234 if (Sys_CheckParm("-home")) preferreduserdirmode = USERDIRMODE_HOME;
2235 if (Sys_CheckParm("-mygames")) preferreduserdirmode = USERDIRMODE_MYGAMES;
2236 if (Sys_CheckParm("-savedgames")) preferreduserdirmode = USERDIRMODE_SAVEDGAMES;
2237 // gather the status of the possible userdirs
2238 for (dirmode = 0;dirmode < USERDIRMODE_COUNT;dirmode++)
2239 {
2240 userdirstatus[dirmode] = FS_ChooseUserDir((userdirmode_t)dirmode, fs_userdir, sizeof(fs_userdir));
2241 if (userdirstatus[dirmode] == 1)
2242 Con_DPrintf("userdir %i = %s (writable)\n", dirmode, fs_userdir);
2243 else if (userdirstatus[dirmode] == 0)
2244 Con_DPrintf("userdir %i = %s (not writable or does not exist)\n", dirmode, fs_userdir);
2245 else
2246 Con_DPrintf("userdir %i (not applicable)\n", dirmode);
2247 }
2248 // some games may prefer writing to basedir, but if write fails we
2249 // have to search for a real userdir...
2250 if (preferreduserdirmode == 0 && userdirstatus[0] < 1)
2251 preferreduserdirmode = highestuserdirmode;
2252 // check for an existing userdir and continue using it if possible...
2253 for (dirmode = USERDIRMODE_COUNT - 1;dirmode > 0;dirmode--)
2254 if (userdirstatus[dirmode] == 1)
2255 break;
2256 // if no existing userdir found, make a new one...
2257 if (dirmode == 0 && preferreduserdirmode > 0)
2258 for (dirmode = preferreduserdirmode;dirmode > 0;dirmode--)
2259 if (userdirstatus[dirmode] >= 0)
2260 break;
2261 // and finally, we picked one...
2263 Con_DPrintf("userdir %i is the winner\n", dirmode);
2265 }
2267 // if userdir equal to basedir, clear it to avoid confusion later
2268 if (!strcmp(fs_basedir, fs_userdir))
2269 fs_userdir[0] = 0;
2271 // -game <gamedir>
2272 // Adds basedir/gamedir as an override game
2273 // LadyHavoc: now supports multiple -game directories
2274 // the last one is the primary (where files are saved) and is used to identify mods
2275 for (i = 1, numgamedirs = 0; i < sys.argc && numgamedirs < MAX_GAMEDIRS; i++)
2276 {
2277 if (!sys.argv[i])
2278 continue;
2279 if (!strcmp (sys.argv[i], "-game") && i < sys.argc-1)
2280 {
2281 i++;
2282 cmdline_gamedirs[numgamedirs++] = sys.argv[i];
2283 }
2284 }
2285 COM_ChangeGameTypeForGameDirs(numgamedirs, cmdline_gamedirs, true, true);
2287 // generate the searchpath
2288 FS_Rescan();
2290 if (Thread_HasThreads())
Definition common.h:283
Definition common.h:288
#define WPATHDEF(var)
Definition fs.c:84
void * fs_mutex
Definition fs.c:435
static int FS_ChooseUserDir(userdirmode_t userdirmode, char *userdir, size_t userdirsize)
Definition fs.c:1946
int Sys_CheckParm(const char *parm)
Definition sys_shared.c:327
qbool Thread_HasThreads(void)
Definition thread_null.c:13
#define Thread_CreateMutex()
Definition thread.h:15

References sys_t::argc, sys_t::argv, COM_ChangeGameTypeForGameDirs(), Con_DPrintf(), dp_strlcat, dp_strlcpy, dpsnprintf(), fs_basedir, FS_ChooseUserDir(), fs_gamedir, fs_mutex, FS_Rescan(), fs_userdir, gamedirname1, gameuserdirname, i, int(), MAX_GAMEDIRS, NARROW, strlen(), sys, Sys_CheckParm(), Thread_CreateMutex, Thread_HasThreads(), USERDIRMODE_COUNT, USERDIRMODE_HOME, USERDIRMODE_MYGAMES, USERDIRMODE_NOHOME, USERDIRMODE_SAVEDGAMES, va(), and WPATHDEF.

Referenced by FS_Init().

◆ FS_Init_SelfPack()

void FS_Init_SelfPack ( void )

Definition at line 2299 of file fs.c.

2301 char *buf;
2303 // Load darkplaces.opt from the FS.
2304 if (!Sys_CheckParm("-noopt"))
2305 {
2306 buf = (char *) FS_SysLoadFile("darkplaces.opt", tempmempool, true, NULL);
2307 if(buf)
2308 {
2310 Mem_Free(buf);
2311 }
2312 }
2314#ifndef USE_RWOPS
2315 // Provide the SelfPack.
2316 if (!Sys_CheckParm("-noselfpack") && sys.selffd >= 0)
2317 {
2319 if(fs_selfpack)
2320 {
2322 if (!Sys_CheckParm("-noopt"))
2323 {
2324 buf = (char *) FS_LoadFile("darkplaces.opt", tempmempool, true, NULL);
2325 if(buf)
2326 {
2328 Mem_Free(buf);
2329 }
2330 }
2331 }
2332 }
static void COM_InsertFlags(const char *buf)
Definition fs.c:1911
static pack_t * FS_LoadPackPK3FromFD(const char *packfile, filedesc_t packhandle, qbool silent)
Definition fs.c:836
static void FS_AddSelfPack(void)
Definition fs.c:1519
unsigned char * FS_SysLoadFile(const char *path, mempool_t *pool, qbool quiet, fs_offset_t *filesizepointer)
Definition fs.c:3555
int selffd
Definition sys.h:148

References sys_t::argv, buf, COM_InsertFlags(), FS_AddSelfPack(), FS_LoadFile(), FS_LoadPackPK3FromFD(), fs_selfpack, FS_SysLoadFile(), Mem_Free, NULL, sys_t::selffd, sys, Sys_CheckParm(), and tempmempool.

Referenced by FS_Init().

◆ FS_IsRegisteredQuakePack()

qbool FS_IsRegisteredQuakePack ( const char * name)

Definition at line 4112 of file fs.c.

4114 searchpath_t *search;
4115 pack_t *pak;
4117 // search through the path, one element at a time
4118 for (search = fs_searchpaths;search;search = search->next)
4119 {
4120 if (search->pack && !search->pack->vpack && !strcasecmp(FS_FileWithoutPath(search->filename), name))
4121 // TODO do we want to support vpacks in here too?
4122 {
4123 int (*strcmp_funct) (const char* str1, const char* str2);
4124 int left, right, middle;
4126 pak = search->pack;
4127 strcmp_funct = pak->ignorecase ? strcasecmp : strcmp;
4129 // Look for the file (binary search)
4130 left = 0;
4131 right = pak->numfiles - 1;
4132 while (left <= right)
4133 {
4134 int diff;
4136 middle = (left + right) / 2;
4137 diff = strcmp_funct (pak->files[middle].name, "gfx/pop.lmp");
4139 // Found it
4140 if (!diff)
4141 return true;
4143 // If we're too far in the list
4144 if (diff > 0)
4145 right = middle - 1;
4146 else
4147 left = middle + 1;
4148 }
4150 // we found the requested pack but it is not registered quake
4151 return false;
4152 }
4153 }
4155 return false;
const char * FS_FileWithoutPath(const char *in)
Definition fs.c:1431

References searchpath_t::filename, pack_t::files, FS_FileWithoutPath(), fs_searchpaths, pack_t::ignorecase, int(), name, packfile_t::name, searchpath_t::next, pack_t::numfiles, searchpath_t::pack, right, and pack_t::vpack.

Referenced by SV_Download_f().

◆ FS_ListDirectory()

static int FS_ListDirectory ( const char * pattern,
int oneperline )

Definition at line 3969 of file fs.c.

3971 int numfiles;
3972 int numcolumns;
3973 int numlines;
3974 int columnwidth;
3975 int linebufpos;
3976 int i, j, k, l;
3977 const char *name;
3978 char linebuf[MAX_INPUTLINE];
3979 fssearch_t *search;
3980 search = FS_Search(pattern, true, true, NULL);
3981 if (!search)
3982 return 0;
3983 numfiles = search->numfilenames;
3984 if (!oneperline)
3985 {
3986 // FIXME: the names could be added to one column list and then
3987 // gradually shifted into the next column if they fit, and then the
3988 // next to make a compact variable width listing but it's a lot more
3989 // complicated...
3990 // find width for columns
3991 columnwidth = 0;
3992 for (i = 0;i < numfiles;i++)
3993 {
3994 l = (int)strlen(search->filenames[i]);
3995 if (columnwidth < l)
3996 columnwidth = l;
3997 }
3998 // count the spacing character
3999 columnwidth++;
4000 // calculate number of columns
4001 numcolumns = con_linewidth / columnwidth;
4002 // don't bother with the column printing if it's only one column
4003 if (numcolumns >= 2)
4004 {
4005 numlines = (numfiles + numcolumns - 1) / numcolumns;
4006 for (i = 0;i < numlines;i++)
4007 {
4008 linebufpos = 0;
4009 for (k = 0;k < numcolumns;k++)
4010 {
4011 l = i * numcolumns + k;
4012 if (l < numfiles)
4013 {
4014 name = search->filenames[l];
4015 for (j = 0;name[j] && linebufpos + 1 < (int)sizeof(linebuf);j++)
4016 linebuf[linebufpos++] = name[j];
4017 // space out name unless it's the last on the line
4018 if (k + 1 < numcolumns && l + 1 < numfiles)
4019 for (;j < columnwidth && linebufpos + 1 < (int)sizeof(linebuf);j++)
4020 linebuf[linebufpos++] = ' ';
4021 }
4022 }
4023 linebuf[linebufpos] = 0;
4024 Con_Printf("%s\n", linebuf);
4025 }
4026 }
4027 else
4028 oneperline = true;
4029 }
4030 if (oneperline)
4031 for (i = 0;i < numfiles;i++)
4032 Con_Printf("%s\n", search->filenames[i]);
4033 FS_FreeSearch(search);
4034 return (int)numfiles;
void FS_FreeSearch(fssearch_t *search)
Definition fs.c:3963
fssearch_t * FS_Search(const char *pattern, int caseinsensitive, int quiet, const char *packfile)
Definition fs.c:3756
int con_linewidth
Definition console.c:94
maximum size of console commandline, QuakeC strings, and many other text processing buffers
Definition qdefs.h:94
char ** filenames
Definition fs.h:117
int numfilenames
Definition fs.h:116

References con_linewidth, Con_Printf(), fssearch_t::filenames, FS_FreeSearch(), FS_Search(), i, int(), MAX_INPUTLINE, name, NULL, fssearch_t::numfilenames, and strlen().

Referenced by FS_ListDirectoryCmd().

◆ FS_ListDirectoryCmd()

static void FS_ListDirectoryCmd ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
const char * cmdname,
int oneperline )

Definition at line 4037 of file fs.c.

4039 const char *pattern;
4040 if (Cmd_Argc(cmd) >= 3)
4041 {
4042 Con_Printf("usage:\n%s [path/pattern]\n", cmdname);
4043 return;
4044 }
4045 if (Cmd_Argc(cmd) == 2)
4046 pattern = Cmd_Argv(cmd, 1);
4047 else
4048 pattern = "*";
4049 if (!FS_ListDirectory(pattern, oneperline))
4050 Con_Print("No files found.\n");
static int FS_ListDirectory(const char *pattern, int oneperline)
Definition fs.c:3969

References cmd(), Cmd_Argc(), Cmd_Argv(), Con_Print(), Con_Printf(), and FS_ListDirectory().

Referenced by FS_Dir_f(), and FS_Ls_f().

◆ FS_ListGameDirs()

static void FS_ListGameDirs ( void )

Definition at line 1854 of file fs.c.

1856 stringlist_t list, list2;
1857 int i;
1858 const char *info;
1859 char vabuf[1024];
1862 if(fs_all_gamedirs)
1865 stringlistinit(&list);
1866 listdirectory(&list, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%s/", fs_basedir), "");
1867 listdirectory(&list, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%s/", fs_userdir), "");
1868 stringlistsort(&list, false);
1870 stringlistinit(&list2);
1871 for(i = 0; i < list.numstrings; ++i)
1872 {
1873 if(i)
1874 if(!strcmp(list.strings[i-1], list.strings[i]))
1875 continue;
1876 info = FS_CheckGameDir(list.strings[i]);
1877 if(!info)
1878 continue;
1879 if(info == fs_checkgamedir_missing)
1880 continue;
1881 if(!*info)
1882 continue;
1883 stringlistappend(&list2, list.strings[i]);
1884 }
1888 for(i = 0; i < list2.numstrings; ++i)
1889 {
1890 info = FS_CheckGameDir(list2.strings[i]);
1891 // all this cannot happen any more, but better be safe than sorry
1892 if(!info)
1893 continue;
1894 if(info == fs_checkgamedir_missing)
1895 continue;
1896 if(!*info)
1897 continue;
1901 }
void stringlistappend(stringlist_t *list, const char *text)
Definition filematch.c:103
gamedir_t * fs_all_gamedirs
Definition fs.c:452
const char * FS_CheckGameDir(const char *gamedir)
Definition fs.c:1824
int fs_all_gamedirs_count
Definition fs.c:453
Definition fs.h:94
char name[MAX_OSPATH]
Definition fs.h:95

References dp_strlcpy, fs_all_gamedirs, fs_all_gamedirs_count, fs_basedir, FS_CheckGameDir(), fs_checkgamedir_missing, fs_mempool, fs_userdir, i, listdirectory(), Mem_Alloc, Mem_Free, gamedir_t::name, name, stringlist_t::numstrings, stringlistappend(), stringlistfreecontents(), stringlistinit(), stringlistsort(), stringlist_t::strings, and va().

Referenced by FS_Rescan().

◆ FS_LoadAndCloseQFile()

static unsigned char * FS_LoadAndCloseQFile ( qfile_t * file,
const char * path,
mempool_t * pool,
qbool quiet,
fs_offset_t * filesizepointer )

Definition at line 3503 of file fs.c.

3505 unsigned char *buf = NULL;
3506 fs_offset_t filesize = 0;
3508 if (file)
3509 {
3510 filesize = file->real_length;
3511 if(filesize < 0)
3512 {
3513 Con_Printf("FS_LoadFile(\"%s\", pool, %s, filesizepointer): trying to open a non-regular file\n", path, quiet ? "true" : "false");
3514 FS_Close(file);
3515 return NULL;
3516 }
3518 buf = (unsigned char *)Mem_Alloc (pool, filesize + 1);
3519 buf[filesize] = '\0';
3520 FS_Read (file, buf, filesize);
3521 FS_Close (file);
3523 Con_Printf("loaded file \"%s\" (%u bytes)\n", path, (unsigned int)filesize);
3524 }
3526 if (filesizepointer)
3527 *filesizepointer = filesize;
3528 return buf;
int FS_Close(qfile_t *file)
Definition fs.c:2970
cvar_t developer_loadfile
Definition host.c:51

References buf, Con_Printf(), developer_loadfile, FS_Close(), FS_Read(), cvar_t::integer, Mem_Alloc, and NULL.

Referenced by FS_LoadFile(), and FS_SysLoadFile().

◆ FS_LoadFile()

unsigned char * FS_LoadFile ( const char * path,
mempool_t * pool,
qbool quiet,
fs_offset_t * filesizepointer )

Definition at line 3540 of file fs.c.

3542 qfile_t *file = FS_OpenVirtualFile(path, quiet);
3543 return FS_LoadAndCloseQFile(file, path, pool, quiet, filesizepointer);
qfile_t * FS_OpenVirtualFile(const char *filepath, qbool quiet)
Definition fs.c:2928
static unsigned char * FS_LoadAndCloseQFile(qfile_t *file, const char *path, mempool_t *pool, qbool quiet, fs_offset_t *filesizepointer)
Definition fs.c:3503

References FS_LoadAndCloseQFile(), and FS_OpenVirtualFile().

Referenced by CL_CutDemo(), CL_IPLog_Load(), CL_Locs_Reload_f(), CL_Particles_LoadEffectInfo(), CL_ReadPointFile_f(), CL_VM_Init(), Cmd_Exec(), Curl_FindPackURL(), decode_image(), fontfilecache_LoadFile(), FS_CRCFile(), FS_Init_SelfPack(), GetMapList(), gl_main_newmap(), Image_GetStockPicSize(), LoadFont(), loadimagepixelsbgra(), LoadSubtitles(), M_Setup_Draw(), Mod_LoadModel(), Mod_LoadQ3Shaders(), Mod_LoadSkinFiles(), Mod_PSKMODEL_Load(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadLighting(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadMapBrushes(), Mod_Q2BSP_LoadTexinfo(), OGG_LoadVorbisFile(), Palette_Load(), Palette_LoadQ2Colormap(), Palette_SetupSpecialPalettes(), PRVM_LoadLNO(), PRVM_PO_Load(), PRVM_Prog_Load(), R_InitParticleTexture(), R_LoadQWSkin(), R_LoadTextureDDSFile(), R_Shadow_LoadLightsFile(), R_Shadow_LoadWorldLights(), R_Shadow_LoadWorldLightsFromMap_LightArghliteTyrlite(), S_LoadWavFile(), ShaderModeInfo_GetShaderText(), SV_Loadgame_f(), SV_ParticleEffectIndex(), SV_Prepare_CSQC(), SV_SpawnServer(), VM_loadfromfile(), W_GetLumpName(), and XMP_LoadModFile().

◆ FS_LoadPackPAK()

static pack_t * FS_LoadPackPAK ( const char * packfile)

Takes an explicit (not game tree related) path to a pak file. Loads the header and directory, adding the files at the beginning of the list so they override previous pack files.

Definition at line 1081 of file fs.c.

1083 dpackheader_t header;
1084 int i, numpackfiles;
1085 filedesc_t packhandle;
1086 pack_t *pack;
1087 dpackfile_t *info;
1089 packhandle = FS_SysOpenFiledesc(packfile, "rb", false);
1090 if (!FILEDESC_ISVALID(packhandle))
1091 return NULL;
1092 if(FILEDESC_READ (packhandle, (void *)&header, sizeof(header)) != sizeof(header))
1093 {
1094 Con_Printf ("%s is not a packfile\n", packfile);
1095 FILEDESC_CLOSE(packhandle);
1096 return NULL;
1097 }
1098 if (memcmp(header.id, "PACK", 4))
1099 {
1100 Con_Printf ("%s is not a packfile\n", packfile);
1101 FILEDESC_CLOSE(packhandle);
1102 return NULL;
1103 }
1104 header.dirofs = LittleLong (header.dirofs);
1105 header.dirlen = LittleLong (header.dirlen);
1107 if (header.dirlen % sizeof(dpackfile_t))
1108 {
1109 Con_Printf ("%s has an invalid directory size\n", packfile);
1110 FILEDESC_CLOSE(packhandle);
1111 return NULL;
1112 }
1114 numpackfiles = header.dirlen / sizeof(dpackfile_t);
1116 if (numpackfiles < 0 || numpackfiles > MAX_FILES_IN_PACK)
1117 {
1118 Con_Printf ("%s has %i files\n", packfile, numpackfiles);
1119 FILEDESC_CLOSE(packhandle);
1120 return NULL;
1121 }
1123 info = (dpackfile_t *)Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, sizeof(*info) * numpackfiles);
1124 FILEDESC_SEEK (packhandle, header.dirofs, SEEK_SET);
1125 if(header.dirlen != FILEDESC_READ (packhandle, (void *)info, header.dirlen))
1126 {
1127 Con_Printf("%s is an incomplete PAK, not loading\n", packfile);
1128 Mem_Free(info);
1129 FILEDESC_CLOSE(packhandle);
1130 return NULL;
1131 }
1133 pack = (pack_t *)Mem_Alloc(fs_mempool, sizeof (pack_t));
1134 pack->ignorecase = true; // PAK is sensitive in Quake1 but insensitive in Quake2
1135 dp_strlcpy (pack->filename, packfile, sizeof (pack->filename));
1136 pack->handle = packhandle;
1137 pack->numfiles = 0;
1138 pack->files = (packfile_t *)Mem_Alloc(fs_mempool, numpackfiles * sizeof(packfile_t));
1140 // parse the directory
1141 for (i = 0;i < numpackfiles;i++)
1142 {
1143 fs_offset_t offset = (unsigned int)LittleLong (info[i].filepos);
1144 fs_offset_t size = (unsigned int)LittleLong (info[i].filelen);
1146 // Ensure a zero terminated file name (required by format).
1147 info[i].name[sizeof(info[i].name) - 1] = 0;
1150 }
1152 Mem_Free(info);
1154 Con_DPrintf("Added packfile %s (%i files)\n", packfile, numpackfiles);
1155 return pack;
#define LittleLong(l)
Definition common.h:92
static packfile_t * FS_AddFileToPack(const char *name, pack_t *pack, fs_offset_t offset, fs_offset_t packsize, fs_offset_t realsize, int flags)
Definition fs.c:954
Definition fs.c:109
int filedesc_t
Definition fs.c:106
Definition fs.c:108
Definition fs.c:440
Definition fs.c:112
the offset in packfile_t is the true contents offset
Definition fs.c:370

References Con_DPrintf(), Con_Printf(), dpackheader_t::dirlen, dpackheader_t::dirofs, dp_strlcpy, FILEDESC_CLOSE, FILEDESC_ISVALID, FILEDESC_READ, FILEDESC_SEEK, pack_t::filename, pack_t::files, FS_AddFileToPack(), fs_mempool, FS_SysOpenFiledesc(), pack_t::handle, i, dpackheader_t::id, pack_t::ignorecase, int(), LittleLong, MAX_FILES_IN_PACK, Mem_Alloc, Mem_Free, dpackfile_t::name, name, NULL, pack_t::numfiles, offset, PACKFILE_FLAG_TRUEOFFS, size, and tempmempool.

Referenced by FS_AddPack_Fullpath().

◆ FS_LoadPackPK3()

static pack_t * FS_LoadPackPK3 ( const char * packfile)

Definition at line 891 of file fs.c.

893 filedesc_t packhandle;
894 packhandle = FS_SysOpenFiledesc (packfile, "rb", false);
895 if (!FILEDESC_ISVALID(packhandle))
896 return NULL;
897 return FS_LoadPackPK3FromFD(packfile, packhandle, false);

References FILEDESC_ISVALID, FS_LoadPackPK3FromFD(), FS_SysOpenFiledesc(), and NULL.

Referenced by FS_AddPack_Fullpath().

◆ FS_LoadPackPK3FromFD()

static pack_t * FS_LoadPackPK3FromFD ( const char * packfile,
filedesc_t packhandle,
qbool silent )

Definition at line 836 of file fs.c.

839 pack_t *pack;
840 int real_nb_files;
842 if (! PK3_GetEndOfCentralDir (packfile, packhandle, &eocd))
843 {
844 if(!silent)
845 Con_Printf ("%s is not a PK3 file\n", packfile);
846 FILEDESC_CLOSE(packhandle);
847 return NULL;
848 }
850 // Multi-volume ZIP archives are NOT allowed
851 if (eocd.disknum != 0 || eocd.cdir_disknum != 0)
852 {
853 Con_Printf ("%s is a multi-volume ZIP archive\n", packfile);
854 FILEDESC_CLOSE(packhandle);
855 return NULL;
856 }
858 // We only need to do this test if MAX_FILES_IN_PACK is lesser than 65535
859 // since eocd.nbentries is an unsigned 16 bits integer
860#if MAX_FILES_IN_PACK < 65535
861 if (eocd.nbentries > MAX_FILES_IN_PACK)
862 {
863 Con_Printf ("%s contains too many files (%hu)\n", packfile, eocd.nbentries);
864 FILEDESC_CLOSE(packhandle);
865 return NULL;
866 }
869 // Create a package structure in memory
870 pack = (pack_t *)Mem_Alloc(fs_mempool, sizeof (pack_t));
871 pack->ignorecase = true; // PK3 ignores case
872 dp_strlcpy (pack->filename, packfile, sizeof (pack->filename));
873 pack->handle = packhandle;
874 pack->numfiles = eocd.nbentries;
875 pack->files = (packfile_t *)Mem_Alloc(fs_mempool, eocd.nbentries * sizeof(packfile_t));
877 real_nb_files = PK3_BuildFileList (pack, &eocd);
878 if (real_nb_files < 0)
879 {
880 Con_Printf ("%s is not a valid PK3 file\n", packfile);
881 FILEDESC_CLOSE(pack->handle);
882 Mem_Free(pack);
883 return NULL;
884 }
886 Con_DPrintf("Added packfile %s (%i files)\n", packfile, real_nb_files);
887 return pack;
static qbool PK3_GetEndOfCentralDir(const char *packfile, filedesc_t packhandle, pk3_endOfCentralDir_t *eocd)
Definition fs.c:637
static int PK3_BuildFileList(pack_t *pack, const pk3_endOfCentralDir_t *eocd)
Definition fs.c:712
unsigned short disknum
Definition fs.c:340
unsigned short nbentries
total number of entries in the central directory on this disk
Definition fs.c:343
unsigned short cdir_disknum
number of the disk with the start of the central directory
Definition fs.c:341

References pk3_endOfCentralDir_t::cdir_disknum, Con_DPrintf(), Con_Printf(), pk3_endOfCentralDir_t::disknum, dp_strlcpy, FILEDESC_CLOSE, pack_t::filename, pack_t::files, fs_mempool, pack_t::handle, pack_t::ignorecase, MAX_FILES_IN_PACK, Mem_Alloc, Mem_Free, pk3_endOfCentralDir_t::nbentries, NULL, pack_t::numfiles, PK3_BuildFileList(), and PK3_GetEndOfCentralDir().

Referenced by FS_Init_SelfPack(), and FS_LoadPackPK3().

◆ FS_LoadPackVirtual()

static pack_t * FS_LoadPackVirtual ( const char * dirname)

Definition at line 1165 of file fs.c.

1167 pack_t *pack;
1168 pack = (pack_t *)Mem_Alloc(fs_mempool, sizeof (pack_t));
1169 pack->vpack = true;
1170 pack->ignorecase = false;
1171 dp_strlcpy (pack->filename, dirname, sizeof(pack->filename));
1172 pack->handle = FILEDESC_INVALID;
1173 pack->numfiles = -1;
1174 pack->files = NULL;
1175 Con_DPrintf("Added packfile %s (virtual pack)\n", dirname);
1176 return pack;
Definition fs.c:107

References Con_DPrintf(), dp_strlcpy, FILEDESC_INVALID, pack_t::filename, pack_t::files, fs_mempool, pack_t::handle, pack_t::ignorecase, Mem_Alloc, NULL, pack_t::numfiles, and pack_t::vpack.

Referenced by FS_AddPack_Fullpath().

◆ FS_Ls_f()

void FS_Ls_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 4058 of file fs.c.

4060 FS_ListDirectoryCmd(cmd, "ls", false);

References cmd(), and FS_ListDirectoryCmd().

Referenced by FS_Init_Commands().

◆ FS_mkdir()

static void FS_mkdir ( const char * path)

Definition at line 999 of file fs.c.

1001 WPATHDEF(pathw);
1003 if(Sys_CheckParm("-readonly"))
1004 return;
1006 WIDE(path, pathw);
1008#ifdef WIN32
1009 if (_wmkdir(pathw) == -1)
1011 if (mkdir(path, 0777) == -1)
1013 {
1014 // No logging for this. The only caller is FS_CreatePath (which
1015 // calls it in ways that will intentionally produce EEXIST),
1016 // and its own callers always use the directory afterwards and
1017 // thus will detect failure that way.
1018 }
#define WIDE(str, wstr)
Definition utf8lib.h:106

References Sys_CheckParm(), WIDE, and WPATHDEF.

Referenced by FS_CreatePath().

◆ FS_OpenPackedFile()

static qfile_t * FS_OpenPackedFile ( pack_t * pack,
int pack_ind )

Definition at line 2518 of file fs.c.

2520 packfile_t *pfile;
2521 filedesc_t dup_handle;
2522 qfile_t* file;
2524 pfile = &pack->files[pack_ind];
2526 // If we don't have the true offset, get it now
2527 if (! (pfile->flags & PACKFILE_FLAG_TRUEOFFS))
2528 if (!PK3_GetTrueFileOffset (pfile, pack))
2529 return NULL;
2531#ifndef LINK_TO_ZLIB
2532 // No Zlib DLL = no compressed files
2533 if (!zlib_dll && (pfile->flags & PACKFILE_FLAG_DEFLATED))
2534 {
2535 Con_Printf(CON_WARN "WARNING: can't open the compressed file %s\n"
2536 "You need the Zlib DLL to use compressed files\n",
2537 pfile->name);
2538 return NULL;
2539 }
2542 // LadyHavoc: FILEDESC_SEEK affects all duplicates of a handle so we do it before
2543 // the dup() call to avoid having to close the dup_handle on error here
2544 if (FILEDESC_SEEK (pack->handle, pfile->offset, SEEK_SET) == -1)
2545 {
2546 Con_Printf ("FS_OpenPackedFile: can't lseek to %s in %s (offset: %08x%08x)\n",
2547 pfile->name, pack->filename, (unsigned int)(pfile->offset >> 32), (unsigned int)(pfile->offset));
2548 return NULL;
2549 }
2551 dup_handle = FILEDESC_DUP (pack->filename, pack->handle);
2552 if (!FILEDESC_ISVALID(dup_handle))
2553 {
2554 Con_Printf ("FS_OpenPackedFile: can't dup package's handle (pack: %s)\n", pack->filename);
2555 return NULL;
2556 }
2558 file = (qfile_t *)Mem_Alloc (fs_mempool, sizeof (*file));
2559 memset (file, 0, sizeof (*file));
2560 file->handle = dup_handle;
2561 file->flags = QFILE_FLAG_PACKED;
2562 file->real_length = pfile->realsize;
2563 file->offset = pfile->offset;
2564 file->position = 0;
2565 file->ungetc = EOF;
2567 if (pfile->flags & PACKFILE_FLAG_DEFLATED)
2568 {
2569 ztoolkit_t *ztk;
2571 file->flags |= QFILE_FLAG_DEFLATED;
2573 // We need some more variables
2574 ztk = (ztoolkit_t *)Mem_Alloc (fs_mempool, sizeof (*ztk));
2576 ztk->comp_length = pfile->packsize;
2578 // Initialize zlib stream
2579 ztk->zstream.next_in = ztk->input;
2580 ztk->zstream.avail_in = 0;
2582 /* From Zlib's "unzip.c":
2583 *
2584 * windowBits is passed < 0 to tell that there is no zlib header.
2585 * Note that in this case inflate *requires* an extra "dummy" byte
2586 * after the compressed stream in order to complete decompression and
2587 * return Z_STREAM_END.
2588 * In unzip, i don't wait absolutely Z_STREAM_END because I known the
2589 * size of both compressed and uncompressed data
2590 */
2591 if (qz_inflateInit2 (&ztk->zstream, -MAX_WBITS) != Z_OK)
2592 {
2593 Con_Printf ("FS_OpenPackedFile: inflate init error (file: %s)\n", pfile->name);
2594 FILEDESC_CLOSE(dup_handle);
2595 Mem_Free(file);
2596 return NULL;
2597 }
2599 ztk->zstream.next_out = file->buff;
2600 ztk->zstream.avail_out = sizeof (file->buff);
2602 file->ztk = ztk;
2603 }
2605 return file;
#define CON_WARN
Definition console.h:101
file is compressed using the deflate algorithm (PK3 only)
Definition fs.c:296
static filedesc_t FILEDESC_DUP(const char *filename, filedesc_t fd)
Definition fs.c:113
inside a package (PAK or PK3)
Definition fs.c:294
static qbool PK3_GetTrueFileOffset(packfile_t *pfile, pack_t *pack)
Definition fs.c:908
file compressed using the deflate algorithm
Definition fs.c:372
size_t comp_length
length of the compressed file
Definition fs.c:306
unsigned char input[FILE_BUFF_SIZE]
Definition fs.c:309
z_stream zstream
Definition fs.c:305

References z_stream::avail_in, z_stream::avail_out, ztoolkit_t::comp_length, Con_Printf(), CON_WARN, FILEDESC_CLOSE, FILEDESC_DUP(), FILEDESC_ISVALID, FILEDESC_SEEK, pack_t::filename, pack_t::files, packfile_t::flags, fs_mempool, pack_t::handle, ztoolkit_t::input, MAX_WBITS, Mem_Alloc, Mem_Free, packfile_t::name, z_stream::next_in, z_stream::next_out, NULL, packfile_t::offset, PACKFILE_FLAG_DEFLATED, PACKFILE_FLAG_TRUEOFFS, packfile_t::packsize, PK3_GetTrueFileOffset(), QFILE_FLAG_DEFLATED, QFILE_FLAG_PACKED, qz_inflateInit2, packfile_t::realsize, Z_OK, zlib_dll, and ztoolkit_t::zstream.

Referenced by FS_OpenReadFile().

◆ FS_OpenReadFile()

static qfile_t * FS_OpenReadFile ( const char * filename,
qbool quiet,
qbool nonblocking,
int symlinkLevels )

Definition at line 2786 of file fs.c.

2788 searchpath_t *search;
2789 int pack_ind;
2791 search = FS_FindFile (filename, &pack_ind, NULL, quiet);
2793 // Not found?
2794 if (search == NULL)
2795 return NULL;
2797 // Found in the filesystem?
2798 if (pack_ind < 0)
2799 {
2800 // this works with vpacks, so we are fine
2801 char path [MAX_OSPATH];
2802 dpsnprintf (path, sizeof (path), "%s%s", search->filename, filename);
2803 return FS_SysOpen (path, "rb", nonblocking);
2804 }
2806 // So, we found it in a package...
2808 // Is it a PK3 symlink?
2809 // TODO also handle directory symlinks by parsing the whole structure...
2810 // but heck, file symlinks are good enough for now
2811 if(search->pack->files[pack_ind].flags & PACKFILE_FLAG_SYMLINK)
2812 {
2813 if(symlinkLevels <= 0)
2814 {
2815 Con_Printf("symlink: %s: too many levels of symbolic links\n", filename);
2816 return NULL;
2817 }
2818 else
2819 {
2820 char linkbuf[MAX_QPATH];
2822 qfile_t *linkfile = FS_OpenPackedFile (search->pack, pack_ind);
2823 const char *mergeslash;
2824 char *mergestart;
2826 if(!linkfile)
2827 return NULL;
2828 count = FS_Read(linkfile, linkbuf, sizeof(linkbuf) - 1);
2829 FS_Close(linkfile);
2830 if(count < 0)
2831 return NULL;
2832 linkbuf[count] = 0;
2834 // Now combine the paths...
2835 mergeslash = strrchr(filename, '/');
2836 mergestart = linkbuf;
2837 if(!mergeslash)
2838 mergeslash = filename;
2839 while(!strncmp(mergestart, "../", 3))
2840 {
2841 mergestart += 3;
2842 while(mergeslash > filename)
2843 {
2844 --mergeslash;
2845 if(*mergeslash == '/')
2846 break;
2847 }
2848 }
2849 // Now, mergestart will point to the path to be appended, and mergeslash points to where it should be appended
2850 if(mergeslash == filename)
2851 {
2852 // Either mergeslash == filename, then we just replace the name (done below)
2853 }
2854 else
2855 {
2856 // Or, we append the name after mergeslash;
2857 // or rather, we can also shift the linkbuf so we can put everything up to and including mergeslash first
2858 int spaceNeeded = mergeslash - filename + 1;
2859 int spaceRemoved = mergestart - linkbuf;
2860 if(count - spaceRemoved + spaceNeeded >= MAX_QPATH)
2861 {
2862 Con_DPrintf("symlink: too long path rejected\n");
2863 return NULL;
2864 }
2865 memmove(linkbuf + spaceNeeded, linkbuf + spaceRemoved, count - spaceRemoved);
2866 memcpy(linkbuf, filename, spaceNeeded);
2867 linkbuf[count - spaceRemoved + spaceNeeded] = 0;
2868 mergestart = linkbuf;
2869 }
2870 if (!quiet && developer_loading.integer)
2871 Con_DPrintf("symlink: %s -> %s\n", filename, mergestart);
2872 if(FS_CheckNastyPath (mergestart, false))
2873 {
2874 Con_DPrintf("symlink: nasty path %s rejected\n", mergestart);
2875 return NULL;
2876 }
2877 return FS_OpenReadFile(mergestart, quiet, nonblocking, symlinkLevels - 1);
2878 }
2879 }
2881 return FS_OpenPackedFile (search->pack, pack_ind);
qfile_t * FS_SysOpen(const char *filepath, const char *mode, qbool nonblocking)
Definition fs.c:2484
file is a symbolic link
Definition fs.c:374
static qfile_t * FS_OpenReadFile(const char *filename, qbool quiet, qbool nonblocking, int symlinkLevels)
Definition fs.c:2786
static qfile_t * FS_OpenPackedFile(pack_t *pack, int pack_ind)
Definition fs.c:2518
GLenum GLenum GLsizei count
Definition glquake.h:656
cvar_t developer_loading
Definition host.c:52
#define MAX_QPATH
max length of a quake game pathname
Definition qdefs.h:169

References Con_DPrintf(), Con_Printf(), count, developer_loading, dpsnprintf(), searchpath_t::filename, pack_t::files, packfile_t::flags, FS_CheckNastyPath(), FS_Close(), FS_FindFile(), FS_OpenPackedFile(), FS_OpenReadFile(), FS_Read(), FS_SysOpen(), cvar_t::integer, MAX_OSPATH, MAX_QPATH, NULL, searchpath_t::pack, and PACKFILE_FLAG_SYMLINK.

Referenced by FS_OpenReadFile(), and FS_OpenVirtualFile().

◆ FS_OpenRealFile()

qfile_t * FS_OpenRealFile ( const char * filepath,
const char * mode,
qbool quiet )

Definition at line 2901 of file fs.c.

2903 char real_path [MAX_OSPATH];
2905 if (FS_CheckNastyPath(filepath, false))
2906 {
2907 Con_Printf("FS_OpenRealFile(\"%s\", \"%s\", %s): nasty filename rejected\n", filepath, mode, quiet ? "true" : "false");
2908 return NULL;
2909 }
2911 dpsnprintf (real_path, sizeof (real_path), "%s/%s", fs_gamedir, filepath); // this is never a vpack
2913 // If the file is opened in "write", "append", or "read/write" mode,
2914 // create directories up to the file.
2915 if (mode[0] == 'w' || mode[0] == 'a' || strchr (mode, '+'))
2916 FS_CreatePath (real_path);
2917 return FS_SysOpen (real_path, mode, false);
void FS_CreatePath(char *path)
Definition fs.c:1028
GLenum mode
Definition glquake.h:718

References Con_Printf(), dpsnprintf(), FS_CheckNastyPath(), FS_CreatePath(), fs_gamedir, FS_SysOpen(), MAX_OSPATH, mode, and NULL.

Referenced by CheckPendingDownloads(), CL_CutDemo(), CL_Locs_Save_f(), CL_ParseServerInfo(), CL_Record_f(), Con_ConDump_f(), Curl_Begin(), Curl_EndDownload(), FS_WriteFileInBlocks(), Host_SaveConfig(), JPEG_SaveImage_preflipped(), Key_History_Init(), Key_History_Shutdown(), Log_Open(), Log_Printf(), M_ScanSaves(), PNG_SaveImage_preflipped(), PRVM_Prog_Load(), R_GLSL_DumpShader_f(), SCR_CaptureVideo_Avi_BeginVideo(), SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_BeginVideo(), SV_Savegame_to(), SV_StartDemoRecording(), and VM_fopen().

◆ FS_OpenVirtualFile()

qfile_t * FS_OpenVirtualFile ( const char * filepath,
qbool quiet )

Definition at line 2928 of file fs.c.

2930 qfile_t *result = NULL;
2931 if (FS_CheckNastyPath(filepath, false))
2932 {
2933 Con_Printf("FS_OpenVirtualFile(\"%s\", %s): nasty filename rejected\n", filepath, quiet ? "true" : "false");
2934 return NULL;
2935 }
2938 result = FS_OpenReadFile (filepath, quiet, false, 16);
2940 return result;
#define Thread_LockMutex(m)
Definition thread.h:17
#define Thread_UnlockMutex(m)
Definition thread.h:18

References Con_Printf(), FS_CheckNastyPath(), fs_mutex, FS_OpenReadFile(), NULL, Thread_LockMutex, and Thread_UnlockMutex.

Referenced by CL_PlayDemo(), FS_LoadFile(), GetMapList(), hz_bitstream_read_open(), jam_open(), LibAvW_OpenVideo(), QW_CL_CheckOrDownloadFile(), SV_Download_f(), VM_buf_loadfile(), VM_fopen(), and W_LoadTextureWadFile().

◆ FS_Path_f()

static void FS_Path_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 1052 of file fs.c.

1054 searchpath_t *s;
1056 Con_Print("Current search path:\n");
1057 for (s=fs_searchpaths ; s ; s=s->next)
1058 {
1059 if (s->pack)
1060 {
1061 if(s->pack->vpack)
1062 Con_Printf("%sdir (virtual pack)\n", s->pack->filename);
1063 else
1064 Con_Printf("%s (%i files)\n", s->pack->filename, s->pack->numfiles);
1065 }
1066 else
1067 Con_Printf("%s\n", s->filename);
1068 }

References Con_Print(), Con_Printf(), pack_t::filename, searchpath_t::filename, fs_searchpaths, searchpath_t::next, pack_t::numfiles, searchpath_t::pack, and pack_t::vpack.

Referenced by FS_Init_Commands().

◆ FS_Print()

int FS_Print ( qfile_t * file,
const char * msg )

Definition at line 3261 of file fs.c.

3263 return (int)FS_Write (file, msg, strlen (msg));
fs_offset_t FS_Write(qfile_t *file, const void *data, size_t datasize)
Definition fs.c:3019

References FS_Write(), and strlen().

Referenced by Log_Close(), Log_ConPrint(), Log_Open(), PRVM_ED_Write(), PRVM_ED_WriteGlobals(), R_GLSL_DumpShader_f(), and SV_Savegame_to().

◆ FS_Printf()

int FS_Printf ( qfile_t * file,
const char * format,
... )

Definition at line 3273 of file fs.c.

3275 int result;
3276 va_list args;
3278 va_start (args, format);
3279 result = FS_VPrintf (file, format, args);
3280 va_end (args);
3282 return result;
int FS_VPrintf(qfile_t *file, const char *format, va_list ap)
Definition fs.c:3293
GLint GLint GLint GLsizei GLsizei GLenum format
Definition glquake.h:649

References format, and FS_VPrintf().

Referenced by CL_CutDemo(), CL_Locs_Save_f(), CL_ParseServerInfo(), CL_Record_f(), Crypto_SavePubKeyTextFile(), Cvar_WriteVariables(), Key_History_Shutdown(), Key_WriteBindings(), PRVM_ED_Write(), PRVM_ED_WriteGlobals(), PRVM_Prog_Load(), SV_Savegame_to(), and SV_StartDemoRecording().

◆ FS_Purge()

void FS_Purge ( qfile_t * file)

Definition at line 3487 of file fs.c.

3489 file->buff_len = 0;
3490 file->buff_ind = 0;
3491 file->ungetc = EOF;

Referenced by FS_Read(), FS_Seek(), and FS_Write().

◆ FS_Read()

fs_offset_t FS_Read ( qfile_t * file,
void * buffer,
size_t buffersize )

Definition at line 3066 of file fs.c.

3068 fs_offset_t count, done;
3070 if (buffersize == 0 || !buffer)
3071 return 0;
3073 // Get rid of the ungetc character
3074 if (file->ungetc != EOF)
3075 {
3076 ((char*)buffer)[0] = file->ungetc;
3077 buffersize--;
3078 file->ungetc = EOF;
3079 done = 1;
3080 }
3081 else
3082 done = 0;
3084 if(file->flags & QFILE_FLAG_DATA)
3085 {
3086 size_t left = file->real_length - file->position;
3087 if(buffersize > left)
3088 buffersize = left;
3089 memcpy(buffer, file->data + file->position, buffersize);
3090 file->position += buffersize;
3091 return buffersize;
3092 }
3094 // First, we copy as many bytes as we can from "buff"
3095 if (file->buff_ind < file->buff_len)
3096 {
3097 count = file->buff_len - file->buff_ind;
3098 count = ((fs_offset_t)buffersize > count) ? count : (fs_offset_t)buffersize;
3099 done += count;
3100 memcpy (buffer, &file->buff[file->buff_ind], count);
3101 file->buff_ind += count;
3103 buffersize -= count;
3104 if (buffersize == 0)
3105 return done;
3106 }
3108 // NOTE: at this point, the read buffer is always empty
3110 // If the file isn't compressed
3111 if (! (file->flags & QFILE_FLAG_DEFLATED))
3112 {
3113 fs_offset_t nb;
3115 // We must take care to not read after the end of the file
3116 count = file->real_length - file->position;
3118 // If we have a lot of data to get, put them directly into "buffer"
3119 if (buffersize > sizeof (file->buff) / 2)
3120 {
3121 if (count > (fs_offset_t)buffersize)
3122 count = (fs_offset_t)buffersize;
3123 if (FILEDESC_SEEK (file->handle, file->offset + file->position, SEEK_SET) == -1)
3124 {
3125 // Seek failed. When reading from a pipe, and
3126 // the caller never called FS_Seek, this still
3127 // works fine. So no reporting this error.
3128 }
3129 nb = FILEDESC_READ (file->handle, &((unsigned char*)buffer)[done], count);
3130 if (nb > 0)
3131 {
3132 done += nb;
3133 file->position += nb;
3135 // Purge cached data
3136 FS_Purge (file);
3137 }
3138 }
3139 else
3140 {
3141 if (count > (fs_offset_t)sizeof (file->buff))
3142 count = (fs_offset_t)sizeof (file->buff);
3143 if (FILEDESC_SEEK (file->handle, file->offset + file->position, SEEK_SET) == -1)
3144 {
3145 // Seek failed. When reading from a pipe, and
3146 // the caller never called FS_Seek, this still
3147 // works fine. So no reporting this error.
3148 }
3149 nb = FILEDESC_READ (file->handle, file->buff, count);
3150 if (nb > 0)
3151 {
3152 file->buff_len = nb;
3153 file->position += nb;
3155 // Copy the requested data in "buffer" (as much as we can)
3156 count = (fs_offset_t)buffersize > file->buff_len ? file->buff_len : (fs_offset_t)buffersize;
3157 memcpy (&((unsigned char*)buffer)[done], file->buff, count);
3158 file->buff_ind = count;
3159 done += count;
3160 }
3161 }
3163 return done;
3164 }
3166 // If the file is compressed, it's more complicated...
3167 // We cycle through a few operations until we have read enough data
3168 while (buffersize > 0)
3169 {
3170 ztoolkit_t *ztk = file->ztk;
3171 int error;
3173 // NOTE: at this point, the read buffer is always empty
3175 // If "input" is also empty, we need to refill it
3176 if (ztk->in_ind == ztk->in_len)
3177 {
3178 // If we are at the end of the file
3179 if (file->position == file->real_length)
3180 return done;
3182 count = (fs_offset_t)(ztk->comp_length - ztk->in_position);
3183 if (count > (fs_offset_t)sizeof (ztk->input))
3184 count = (fs_offset_t)sizeof (ztk->input);
3185 FILEDESC_SEEK (file->handle, file->offset + (fs_offset_t)ztk->in_position, SEEK_SET);
3186 if (FILEDESC_READ (file->handle, ztk->input, count) != count)
3187 {
3188 Con_Printf ("FS_Read: unexpected end of file\n");
3189 break;
3190 }
3192 ztk->in_ind = 0;
3193 ztk->in_len = count;
3194 ztk->in_position += count;
3195 }
3197 ztk->zstream.next_in = &ztk->input[ztk->in_ind];
3198 ztk->zstream.avail_in = (unsigned int)(ztk->in_len - ztk->in_ind);
3200 // Now that we are sure we have compressed data available, we need to determine
3201 // if it's better to inflate it in "file->buff" or directly in "buffer"
3203 // Inflate the data in "file->buff"
3204 if (buffersize < sizeof (file->buff) / 2)
3205 {
3206 ztk->zstream.next_out = file->buff;
3207 ztk->zstream.avail_out = sizeof (file->buff);
3208 error = qz_inflate (&ztk->zstream, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
3209 if (error != Z_OK && error != Z_STREAM_END)
3210 {
3211 Con_Printf ("FS_Read: Can't inflate file\n");
3212 break;
3213 }
3214 ztk->in_ind = ztk->in_len - ztk->zstream.avail_in;
3216 file->buff_len = (fs_offset_t)sizeof (file->buff) - ztk->zstream.avail_out;
3217 file->position += file->buff_len;
3219 // Copy the requested data in "buffer" (as much as we can)
3220 count = (fs_offset_t)buffersize > file->buff_len ? file->buff_len : (fs_offset_t)buffersize;
3221 memcpy (&((unsigned char*)buffer)[done], file->buff, count);
3222 file->buff_ind = count;
3223 }
3225 // Else, we inflate directly in "buffer"
3226 else
3227 {
3228 ztk->zstream.next_out = &((unsigned char*)buffer)[done];
3229 ztk->zstream.avail_out = (unsigned int)buffersize;
3230 error = qz_inflate (&ztk->zstream, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
3231 if (error != Z_OK && error != Z_STREAM_END)
3232 {
3233 Con_Printf ("FS_Read: Can't inflate file\n");
3234 break;
3235 }
3236 ztk->in_ind = ztk->in_len - ztk->zstream.avail_in;
3238 // How much data did it inflate?
3239 count = (fs_offset_t)(buffersize - ztk->zstream.avail_out);
3240 file->position += count;
3242 // Purge cached data
3243 FS_Purge (file);
3244 }
3246 done += count;
3247 buffersize -= count;
3248 }
3250 return done;
void FS_Purge(qfile_t *file)
Definition fs.c:3487
#define Z_SYNC_FLUSH
Definition fs.c:231
GLuint buffer
Definition glquake.h:630
void error(string err,...)
size_t in_ind
Definition fs.c:307
size_t in_position
position in the compressed file
Definition fs.c:308
size_t in_len
input buffer current index and length
Definition fs.c:307

References z_stream::avail_in, z_stream::avail_out, buffer, ztoolkit_t::comp_length, Con_Printf(), count, error(), FILEDESC_READ, FILEDESC_SEEK, FS_Purge(), ztoolkit_t::in_ind, ztoolkit_t::in_len, ztoolkit_t::in_position, ztoolkit_t::input, int(), z_stream::next_in, z_stream::next_out, QFILE_FLAG_DATA, QFILE_FLAG_DEFLATED, Z_OK, Z_STREAM_END, Z_SYNC_FLUSH, and ztoolkit_t::zstream.

Referenced by CL_ReadDemoMessage(), Crypto_LoadFile(), Curl_Begin(), FS_Getc(), FS_LoadAndCloseQFile(), FS_OpenReadFile(), FS_Seek(), FS_SysCheckGameDir(), GetMapList(), hz_bitstream_read_blocks_read(), jam_open(), jam_video(), LibAvW_FS_Read(), M_ScanSaves(), SV_ReadClientMessage(), SV_SendClientDatagram(), W_GetTextureBGRA(), and W_LoadTextureWadFile().

◆ FS_RemoveOnClose()

void FS_RemoveOnClose ( qfile_t * file)

Definition at line 3007 of file fs.c.

3009 file->flags |= QFILE_FLAG_REMOVE;


Referenced by CL_Stop_f(), and SV_StopDemoRecording().

◆ FS_Rescan()

void FS_Rescan ( void )

Definition at line 1538 of file fs.c.

1540 int i;
1541 char gamedirbuf[MAX_INPUTLINE];
1542 char vabuf[1024];
1548 // update the com_modname (used for server info)
1549 if (gamedirname2 && gamedirname2[0])
1551 else
1554 // -game <gamedir>
1555 // Adds basedir/gamedir as an override game
1556 // LadyHavoc: now supports multiple -game directories
1557 // set the com_modname (reported in server info)
1558 *gamedirbuf = 0;
1559 for (i = 0;i < fs_numgamedirs;i++)
1560 {
1562 // update the com_modname (used server info)
1564 if(i)
1565 dp_strlcat(gamedirbuf, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), " %s", fs_gamedirs[i]), sizeof(gamedirbuf));
1566 else
1567 dp_strlcpy(gamedirbuf, fs_gamedirs[i], sizeof(gamedirbuf));
1568 }
1569 Cvar_SetQuick(&cvar_fs_gamedir, gamedirbuf); // so QC or console code can query it
1571 // add back the selfpack as new first item
1574 if (cls.state != ca_dedicated)
1575 {
1576 // set the default screenshot name to either the mod name or the
1577 // gamemode screenshot name
1578 if (strcmp(com_modname, gamedirname1))
1580 else
1582 }
1584 if((i = Sys_CheckParm("-modname")) && i < sys.argc - 1)
1587 // If "-condebug" is in the command line, remove the previous log file
1588 if (Sys_CheckParm ("-condebug") != 0)
1589 unlink (va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%s/qconsole.log", fs_gamedir));
1591 // look for the pop.lmp file and set registered to true if it is found
1592 if (FS_FileExists("gfx/pop.lmp"))
1594 switch(gamemode)
1595 {
1596 case GAME_NORMAL:
1597 case GAME_HIPNOTIC:
1598 case GAME_ROGUE:
1599 if (!registered.integer)
1600 {
1601 if (fs_numgamedirs > 1)
1602 Con_Print("Playing shareware version, with modification.\nwarning: most mods require full quake data.\n");
1603 else
1604 Con_Print("Playing shareware version.\n");
1605 }
1606 else
1607 Con_Print("Playing registered version.\n");
1608 break;
1610 if (registered.integer)
1611 Con_Print("Playing registered version.\n");
1612 else
1613 Con_Print("Playing shareware version.\n");
1614 break;
1615 default:
1616 break;
1617 }
1619 // unload all wads so that future queries will return the new data
1620 W_UnloadAll();
@ ca_dedicated
Definition client.h:530
char com_modname[MAX_OSPATH]
Definition com_game.c:33
const char * gamescreenshotname
Definition com_game.c:31
gamemode_t gamemode
Definition com_game.c:26
Definition com_game.h:30
added by motorsep
Definition com_game.h:53
Definition com_game.h:29
cvar_t registered
Definition common.c:32
void Cvar_SetValueQuick(cvar_t *var, float value)
Definition cvar.c:473
void Cvar_SetQuick(cvar_t *var, const char *value)
Definition cvar.c:436
static void FS_ClearSearchPath(void)
Definition fs.c:1451
static void FS_AddGameHierarchy(const char *dir)
Definition fs.c:1387
static void FS_ListGameDirs(void)
Definition fs.c:1854
const char * FS_FileExists(const char *filename)
Look for a file in the packages and in the filesystem Returns its canonical name (same case as used i...
Definition fs.c:3693
void W_UnloadAll(void)
Definition wad.c:87

References sys_t::argc, sys_t::argv, ca_dedicated, cls, com_modname, Con_Print(), cvar_fs_gamedir, Cvar_SetQuick(), Cvar_SetValueQuick(), dp_strlcat, dp_strlcpy, FS_AddGameHierarchy(), FS_AddSelfPack(), FS_ClearSearchPath(), FS_FileExists(), fs_gamedir, fs_gamedirs, FS_ListGameDirs(), fs_numgamedirs, GAME_HIPNOTIC, GAME_NORMAL, GAME_ROGUE, GAME_STEELSTORM, gamedirname1, gamedirname2, gamemode, gamescreenshotname, i, cvar_t::integer, MAX_INPUTLINE, registered, scr_screenshot_name, client_static_t::state, sys, Sys_CheckParm(), va(), and W_UnloadAll().

Referenced by CL_StopDownload(), FS_ChangeGameDirs(), FS_Init_Dir(), and FS_Rescan_f().

◆ FS_Rescan_f()

static void FS_Rescan_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 1623 of file fs.c.

1625 FS_Rescan();

References FS_Rescan().

Referenced by FS_Init_Commands().

◆ FS_SanitizePath()

void FS_SanitizePath ( char * path)

Definition at line 2673 of file fs.c.

2675 for (; *path; path++)
2676 if (*path == '\\')
2677 *path = '/';

Referenced by loadimagepixelsbgra().

◆ FS_Search()

fssearch_t * FS_Search ( const char * pattern,
int caseinsensitive,
int quiet,
const char * packfile )

Definition at line 3756 of file fs.c.

3758 fssearch_t *search;
3759 searchpath_t *searchpath;
3760 pack_t *pak;
3761 int i, basepathlength, numfiles, numchars, resultlistindex, dirlistindex;
3762 stringlist_t resultlist;
3763 stringlist_t dirlist;
3764 stringlist_t matchedSet, foundSet;
3765 const char *start, *slash, *backslash, *colon, *separator;
3766 char *basepath;
3768 for (i = 0;pattern[i] == '.' || pattern[i] == ':' || pattern[i] == '/' || pattern[i] == '\\';i++)
3769 ;
3771 if (i > 0)
3772 {
3773 Con_Printf("Don't use punctuation at the beginning of a search pattern!\n");
3774 return NULL;
3775 }
3777 stringlistinit(&resultlist);
3778 stringlistinit(&dirlist);
3779 search = NULL;
3780 slash = strrchr(pattern, '/');
3781 backslash = strrchr(pattern, '\\');
3782 colon = strrchr(pattern, ':');
3783 separator = max(slash, backslash);
3784 separator = max(separator, colon);
3785 basepathlength = separator ? (separator + 1 - pattern) : 0;
3786 basepath = (char *)Mem_Alloc (tempmempool, basepathlength + 1);
3787 if (basepathlength)
3788 memcpy(basepath, pattern, basepathlength);
3789 basepath[basepathlength] = 0;
3791 // search through the path, one element at a time
3792 for (searchpath = fs_searchpaths;searchpath;searchpath = searchpath->next)
3793 {
3794 // is the element a pak file?
3795 if (searchpath->pack && !searchpath->pack->vpack)
3796 {
3797 // look through all the pak file elements
3798 pak = searchpath->pack;
3799 if(packfile)
3800 {
3801 if(strcmp(packfile, pak->shortname))
3802 continue;
3803 }
3804 for (i = 0;i < pak->numfiles;i++)
3805 {
3806 char temp[MAX_OSPATH];
3807 dp_strlcpy(temp, pak->files[i].name, sizeof(temp));
3808 while (temp[0])
3809 {
3810 if (matchpattern(temp, (char *)pattern, true))
3811 {
3812 for (resultlistindex = 0;resultlistindex < resultlist.numstrings;resultlistindex++)
3813 if (!strcmp(resultlist.strings[resultlistindex], temp))
3814 break;
3815 if (resultlistindex == resultlist.numstrings)
3816 {
3817 stringlistappend(&resultlist, temp);
3818 if (!quiet && developer_loading.integer)
3819 Con_Printf("SearchPackFile: %s : %s\n", pak->filename, temp);
3820 }
3821 }
3822 // strip off one path element at a time until empty
3823 // this way directories are added to the listing if they match the pattern
3824 slash = strrchr(temp, '/');
3825 backslash = strrchr(temp, '\\');
3826 colon = strrchr(temp, ':');
3827 separator = temp;
3828 if (separator < slash)
3829 separator = slash;
3830 if (separator < backslash)
3831 separator = backslash;
3832 if (separator < colon)
3833 separator = colon;
3834 *((char *)separator) = 0;
3835 }
3836 }
3837 }
3838 else
3839 {
3840 if(packfile)
3841 continue;
3843 start = pattern;
3845 stringlistinit(&matchedSet);
3846 stringlistinit(&foundSet);
3847 // add a first entry to the set
3848 stringlistappend(&matchedSet, "");
3849 // iterate through pattern's path
3850 while (*start)
3851 {
3852 const char *asterisk, *wildcard, *nextseparator, *prevseparator;
3853 char subpath[MAX_OSPATH];
3854 char subpattern[MAX_OSPATH];
3856 // find the next wildcard
3857 wildcard = strchr(start, '?');
3858 asterisk = strchr(start, '*');
3859 if (asterisk && (!wildcard || asterisk < wildcard))
3860 {
3861 wildcard = asterisk;
3862 }
3864 if (wildcard)
3865 {
3866 nextseparator = strchr( wildcard, '/' );
3867 }
3868 else
3869 {
3870 nextseparator = NULL;
3871 }
3873 if( !nextseparator ) {
3874 nextseparator = start + strlen( start );
3875 }
3877 // prevseparator points past the '/' right before the wildcard and nextseparator at the one following it (or at the end of the string)
3878 // copy everything up except nextseperator
3879 dp_ustr2stp(subpattern, sizeof(subpattern), pattern, nextseparator - pattern);
3880 // find the last '/' before the wildcard
3881 prevseparator = strrchr( subpattern, '/' );
3882 if (!prevseparator)
3883 prevseparator = subpattern;
3884 else
3885 prevseparator++;
3886 // copy everything from start to the previous including the '/' (before the wildcard)
3887 // everything up to start is already included in the path of matchedSet's entries
3888 dp_ustr2stp(subpath, sizeof(subpath), start, (prevseparator - subpattern) - (start - pattern));
3890 // for each entry in matchedSet try to open the subdirectories specified in subpath
3891 for( dirlistindex = 0 ; dirlistindex < matchedSet.numstrings ; dirlistindex++ ) {
3892 char temp[MAX_OSPATH];
3893 dp_strlcpy( temp, matchedSet.strings[ dirlistindex ], sizeof(temp) );
3894 dp_strlcat( temp, subpath, sizeof(temp) );
3895 listdirectory( &foundSet, searchpath->filename, temp );
3896 }
3897 if( dirlistindex == 0 ) {
3898 break;
3899 }
3900 // reset the current result set
3901 stringlistfreecontents( &matchedSet );
3902 // match against the pattern
3903 for( dirlistindex = 0 ; dirlistindex < foundSet.numstrings ; dirlistindex++ ) {
3904 const char *direntry = foundSet.strings[ dirlistindex ];
3905 if (matchpattern(direntry, subpattern, true)) {
3906 stringlistappend( &matchedSet, direntry );
3907 }
3908 }
3909 stringlistfreecontents( &foundSet );
3911 start = nextseparator;
3912 }
3914 for (dirlistindex = 0;dirlistindex < matchedSet.numstrings;dirlistindex++)
3915 {
3916 const char *matchtemp = matchedSet.strings[dirlistindex];
3917 if (matchpattern(matchtemp, (char *)pattern, true))
3918 {
3919 for (resultlistindex = 0;resultlistindex < resultlist.numstrings;resultlistindex++)
3920 if (!strcmp(resultlist.strings[resultlistindex], matchtemp))
3921 break;
3922 if (resultlistindex == resultlist.numstrings)
3923 {
3924 stringlistappend(&resultlist, matchtemp);
3925 if (!quiet && developer_loading.integer)
3926 Con_Printf("SearchDirFile: %s\n", matchtemp);
3927 }
3928 }
3929 }
3930 stringlistfreecontents( &matchedSet );
3931 }
3932 }
3934 if (resultlist.numstrings)
3935 {
3936 stringlistsort(&resultlist, true);
3937 numfiles = resultlist.numstrings;
3938 numchars = 0;
3939 for (resultlistindex = 0;resultlistindex < resultlist.numstrings;resultlistindex++)
3940 numchars += (int)strlen(resultlist.strings[resultlistindex]) + 1;
3941 search = (fssearch_t *)Z_Malloc(sizeof(fssearch_t) + numchars + numfiles * sizeof(char *));
3942 search->filenames = (char **)((char *)search + sizeof(fssearch_t));
3943 search->filenamesbuffer = (char *)((char *)search + sizeof(fssearch_t) + numfiles * sizeof(char *));
3944 search->numfilenames = (int)numfiles;
3945 numfiles = 0;
3946 numchars = 0;
3947 for (resultlistindex = 0;resultlistindex < resultlist.numstrings;resultlistindex++)
3948 {
3949 size_t textlen;
3950 search->filenames[numfiles] = search->filenamesbuffer + numchars;
3951 textlen = strlen(resultlist.strings[resultlistindex]) + 1;
3952 memcpy(search->filenames[numfiles], resultlist.strings[resultlistindex], textlen);
3953 numfiles++;
3954 numchars += (int)textlen;
3955 }
3956 }
3957 stringlistfreecontents(&resultlist);
3959 Mem_Free(basepath);
3960 return search;
char * dp_ustr2stp(char *dst, size_t dsize, const char *src, size_t slen)
Copies a measured byte sequence (unterminated string) to a null-terminated string.
Definition common.c:1388
int matchpattern(const char *in, const char *pattern, int caseinsensitive)
Definition filematch.c:16
char * filenamesbuffer
Definition fs.h:119
#define Z_Malloc(size)
Definition zone.h:161

References Con_Printf(), developer_loading, dp_strlcat, dp_strlcpy, dp_ustr2stp(), pack_t::filename, searchpath_t::filename, fssearch_t::filenames, fssearch_t::filenamesbuffer, pack_t::files, fs_searchpaths, i, int(), cvar_t::integer, listdirectory(), matchpattern(), max, MAX_OSPATH, Mem_Alloc, Mem_Free, packfile_t::name, searchpath_t::next, NULL, fssearch_t::numfilenames, pack_t::numfiles, stringlist_t::numstrings, searchpath_t::pack, pack_t::shortname, stringlistappend(), stringlistfreecontents(), stringlistinit(), stringlistsort(), stringlist_t::strings, strlen(), tempmempool, pack_t::vpack, and Z_Malloc.

Referenced by Cmd_Exec_f(), Con_CompleteCommandLine(), FS_ListDirectory(), GetMapList(), Image_FixTransparentPixels_f(), Mod_LoadQ3Shaders(), and VM_search_begin().

◆ FS_Seek()

int FS_Seek ( qfile_t * file,
fs_offset_t offset,
int whence )

Definition at line 3359 of file fs.c.

3361 ztoolkit_t *ztk;
3362 unsigned char* buffer;
3363 fs_offset_t buffersize;
3365 // Compute the file offset
3366 switch (whence)
3367 {
3368 case SEEK_CUR:
3369 offset += file->position - file->buff_len + file->buff_ind;
3370 break;
3372 case SEEK_SET:
3373 break;
3375 case SEEK_END:
3376 offset += file->real_length;
3377 break;
3379 default:
3380 return -1;
3381 }
3382 if (offset < 0 || offset > file->real_length)
3383 return -1;
3385 if(file->flags & QFILE_FLAG_DATA)
3386 {
3387 file->position = offset;
3388 return 0;
3389 }
3391 // If we have the data in our read buffer, we don't need to actually seek
3392 if (file->position - file->buff_len <= offset && offset <= file->position)
3393 {
3394 file->buff_ind = offset + file->buff_len - file->position;
3395 return 0;
3396 }
3398 // Purge cached data
3399 FS_Purge (file);
3401 // Unpacked or uncompressed files can seek directly
3402 if (! (file->flags & QFILE_FLAG_DEFLATED))
3403 {
3404 if (FILEDESC_SEEK (file->handle, file->offset + offset, SEEK_SET) == -1)
3405 return -1;
3406 file->position = offset;
3407 return 0;
3408 }
3410 // Seeking in compressed files is more a hack than anything else,
3411 // but we need to support it, so here we go.
3412 ztk = file->ztk;
3414 // If we have to go back in the file, we need to restart from the beginning
3416 {
3417 ztk->in_ind = 0;
3418 ztk->in_len = 0;
3419 ztk->in_position = 0;
3420 file->position = 0;
3421 if (FILEDESC_SEEK (file->handle, file->offset, SEEK_SET) == -1)
3422 Con_Printf("IMPOSSIBLE: couldn't seek in already opened pk3 file.\n");
3424 // Reset the Zlib stream
3425 ztk->zstream.next_in = ztk->input;
3426 ztk->zstream.avail_in = 0;
3427 qz_inflateReset (&ztk->zstream);
3428 }
3430 // We need a big buffer to force inflating into it directly
3431 buffersize = 2 * sizeof (file->buff);
3432 buffer = (unsigned char *)Mem_Alloc (tempmempool, buffersize);
3434 // Skip all data until we reach the requested offset
3435 while (offset > (file->position - file->buff_len + file->buff_ind))
3436 {
3437 fs_offset_t diff = offset - (file->position - file->buff_len + file->buff_ind);
3438 fs_offset_t count, len;
3440 count = (diff > buffersize) ? buffersize : diff;
3441 len = FS_Read (file, buffer, count);
3442 if (len != count)
3443 {
3444 Mem_Free (buffer);
3445 return -1;
3446 }
3447 }
3449 Mem_Free (buffer);
3450 return 0;
return position

References z_stream::avail_in, buffer, Con_Printf(), count, FILEDESC_SEEK, FS_Purge(), FS_Read(), ztoolkit_t::in_ind, ztoolkit_t::in_len, ztoolkit_t::in_position, ztoolkit_t::input, Mem_Alloc, Mem_Free, z_stream::next_in, offset, position, QFILE_FLAG_DATA, QFILE_FLAG_DEFLATED, tempmempool, and ztoolkit_t::zstream.

Referenced by CheckPendingDownloads(), CL_ReadDemoMessage(), GetMapList(), LibAvW_FS_Seek(), SCR_CaptureVideo_Avi_BeginVideo(), SCR_CaptureVideo_Avi_EndVideo(), SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Finish(), SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_MakeIxChunk(), SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop(), SV_ReadClientMessage(), W_GetTextureBGRA(), and W_LoadTextureWadFile().

◆ FS_SetGameDirs()

addgamedirs_t FS_SetGameDirs ( int numgamedirs,
const char * gamedirs[],
qbool failmissing,
qbool abortonfail )

Definition at line 1633 of file fs.c.

1635 int i, j, k;
1636 const char *p;
1637 const char *gamedirs_ok[MAX_GAMEDIRS + 2];
1638 int numgamedirs_ok;
1640 // prepend the game-specific gamedirs (the primary and search order can be overriden)
1641 gamedirs_ok[0] = gamedirname1;
1642 numgamedirs_ok = 1;
1643 if (gamedirname2 && gamedirname2[0])
1644 {
1645 gamedirs_ok[1] = gamedirname2;
1646 ++numgamedirs_ok;
1647 }
1649 // check the game-specific gamedirs
1650 for (i = 0; i < numgamedirs_ok; ++i)
1651 {
1652 p = FS_CheckGameDir(gamedirs_ok[i]);
1653 if(!p)
1654 Sys_Error("BUG: nasty gamedir name \"%s\" in gamemode_info", gamedirs_ok[i]);
1655 if(p == fs_checkgamedir_missing && failmissing)
1656 {
1657 Con_Printf(abortonfail ? CON_ERROR : CON_WARN "Base gamedir \"%s\" empty or not found!\n", gamedirs_ok[i]);
1658 if (abortonfail)
1659 return GAMEDIRS_FAILURE; // missing gamedirs
1660 }
1661 }
1663 // copy and check the user-specified gamedirs
1664 for (i = 0; i < numgamedirs && (size_t)numgamedirs_ok < sizeof(gamedirs_ok) / sizeof(gamedirs_ok[0]); ++i)
1665 {
1666 // remove any previously-added duplicate (last one wins)
1667 for (j = 0; j < numgamedirs_ok; ++j)
1668 if (!strcasecmp(gamedirs_ok[j], gamedirs[i]))
1669 {
1670 --numgamedirs_ok;
1671 for (k = j; k < numgamedirs_ok; ++k)
1672 gamedirs_ok[k] = gamedirs_ok[k + 1];
1673 }
1675 // if string is nasty, reject it
1676 p = FS_CheckGameDir(gamedirs[i]);
1677 if(!p)
1678 {
1679 Con_Printf(abortonfail ? CON_ERROR : CON_WARN "Nasty gamedir name \"%s\" rejected\n", gamedirs[i]);
1680 if (abortonfail)
1681 return GAMEDIRS_FAILURE; // nasty gamedirs
1682 else
1683 continue;
1684 }
1685 if(p == fs_checkgamedir_missing && failmissing)
1686 {
1687 Con_Printf(abortonfail ? CON_ERROR : CON_WARN "Gamedir \"%s\" empty or not found!\n", gamedirs[i]);
1688 if (abortonfail)
1689 return GAMEDIRS_FAILURE; // missing gamedirs
1690 else
1691 continue;
1692 }
1694 gamedirs_ok[numgamedirs_ok++] = gamedirs[i];
1695 }
1697 if (fs_numgamedirs == numgamedirs_ok)
1698 {
1699 for (i = 0;i < numgamedirs_ok;i++)
1700 if (strcasecmp(fs_gamedirs[i], gamedirs_ok[i]))
1701 break;
1702 if (i == numgamedirs_ok)
1703 return GAMEDIRS_ALLGOOD; // already using this set of gamedirs, do nothing
1704 }
1706 if (numgamedirs_ok > MAX_GAMEDIRS)
1707 {
1708 Con_Printf(abortonfail ? CON_ERROR : CON_WARN "That is too many gamedirs (%i > %i)\n", numgamedirs_ok, MAX_GAMEDIRS);
1709 if (abortonfail)
1710 return GAMEDIRS_FAILURE; // too many gamedirs
1711 }
1713 for (i = 0, fs_numgamedirs = 0; i < numgamedirs_ok && fs_numgamedirs < MAX_GAMEDIRS; ++i)
1714 dp_strlcpy(fs_gamedirs[fs_numgamedirs++], gamedirs_ok[i], sizeof(fs_gamedirs[0]));
Definition fs.h:105
void Sys_Error(const char *error,...) DP_FUNC_PRINTF(1) DP_FUNC_NORETURN
Causes the entire program to exit ASAP.
Definition sys_shared.c:724

References CON_ERROR, Con_Printf(), CON_WARN, dp_strlcpy, FS_CheckGameDir(), fs_checkgamedir_missing, fs_gamedirs, fs_numgamedirs, gamedirname1, gamedirname2, GAMEDIRS_ALLGOOD, GAMEDIRS_FAILURE, GAMEDIRS_SUCCESS, i, MAX_GAMEDIRS, and Sys_Error().

Referenced by COM_ChangeGameTypeForGameDirs().

◆ FS_Shutdown()

void FS_Shutdown ( void )

Definition at line 2364 of file fs.c.

2366 // close all pack files and such
2367 // (hopefully there aren't any other open files, but they'll be cleaned up
2368 // by the OS anyway)
2373#ifdef WIN32
2374 Sys_FreeLibrary (&shfolder_dll);
2375 Sys_FreeLibrary (&shell32_dll);
2376 Sys_FreeLibrary (&ole32_dll);
2379 if (fs_mutex)
static void PK3_CloseLibrary(void)
Definition fs.c:566
void Sys_FreeLibrary(dllhandle_t *handle)
Definition sys_shared.c:245
#define Thread_DestroyMutex(m)
Definition thread.h:16
#define Mem_FreePool(pool)
Definition zone.h:105

References FS_ClearSearchPath(), fs_mempool, fs_mutex, Mem_FreePool, PK3_CloseLibrary(), Sys_FreeLibrary(), and Thread_DestroyMutex.

◆ FS_StripExtension()

void FS_StripExtension ( const char * in,
char * out,
size_t size_out )

Definition at line 3611 of file fs.c.

3613 char *last = NULL;
3614 char currentchar;
3616 if (size_out == 0)
3617 return;
3619 while ((currentchar = *in) && size_out > 1)
3620 {
3621 if (currentchar == '.')
3622 last = out;
3623 else if (currentchar == '/' || currentchar == '\\' || currentchar == ':')
3624 last = NULL;
3625 *out++ = currentchar;
3626 in++;
3627 size_out--;
3628 }
3629 if (last)
3630 *last = 0;
3631 else
3632 *out = 0;

References NULL.

Referenced by CL_ParseServerInfo(), CL_SetupWorldModel(), COM_InitGameType(), dpvsimpledecode_open(), Image_StripImageExtension(), jam_open(), LibAvW_OpenVideo(), Mod_Decompile_f(), Mod_PSKMODEL_Load(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadLighting(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadMapBrushes(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadTextures(), Mod_Q3BSP_LoadLightmaps(), PRVM_LoadLNO(), R_LoadTextureDDSFile(), and SV_SpawnServer().

◆ FS_SysCheckGameDir()

static const char * FS_SysCheckGameDir ( const char * gamedir,
char * buf,
size_t buflength )

Definition at line 1786 of file fs.c.

1788 qbool success;
1789 qfile_t *f;
1790 stringlist_t list;
1791 fs_offset_t n;
1792 char vabuf[1024];
1794 stringlistinit(&list);
1795 listdirectory(&list, gamedir, "");
1796 success = list.numstrings > 0;
1799 if(success)
1800 {
1801 f = FS_SysOpen(va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%smodinfo.txt", gamedir), "r", false);
1802 if(f)
1803 {
1804 n = FS_Read (f, buf, buflength - 1);
1805 if(n >= 0)
1806 buf[n] = 0;
1807 else
1808 *buf = 0;
1809 FS_Close(f);
1810 }
1811 else
1812 *buf = 0;
1813 return buf;
1814 }
1816 return NULL;
#define n(x, y)
bool qbool
Definition qtypes.h:9
float f

References buf, f, FS_Close(), FS_Read(), FS_SysOpen(), listdirectory(), n, NULL, stringlist_t::numstrings, stringlistfreecontents(), stringlistinit(), and va().

Referenced by FS_CheckGameDir().

◆ FS_SysFileExists()

qbool FS_SysFileExists ( const char * path)

Look for a file in the filesystem only.

Definition at line 3744 of file fs.c.

3746 return FS_SysFileType (path) != FS_FILETYPE_NONE;

References FS_FILETYPE_NONE, and FS_SysFileType().

Referenced by FS_FindFile(), SCR_ScreenShot_f(), and Sys_FindInPATH().

◆ FS_SysFileType()

int FS_SysFileType ( const char * path)

Look for a file in the filesystem only.

Definition at line 3708 of file fs.c.

3710#ifdef WIN32
3711 // Sajt - some older sdks are missing this define
3714# endif
3715 WPATHDEF(pathw);
3716 DWORD result;
3718 WIDE(path, pathw);
3719 result = GetFileAttributesW(pathw);
3721 if(result == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES)
3722 return FS_FILETYPE_NONE;
3727 return FS_FILETYPE_FILE;
3729 struct stat buf;
3731 if (stat (path,&buf) == -1)
3732 return FS_FILETYPE_NONE;
3734#ifndef S_ISDIR
3735#define S_ISDIR(a) (((a) & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)
3737 if(S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode))
3740 return FS_FILETYPE_FILE;
#define S_ISDIR(a)
Definition fs.h:139


Referenced by FS_FileType(), and FS_SysFileExists().

◆ FS_SysLoadFile()

unsigned char * FS_SysLoadFile ( const char * path,
mempool_t * pool,
qbool quiet,
fs_offset_t * filesizepointer )

Definition at line 3555 of file fs.c.

3557 qfile_t *file = FS_SysOpen(path, "rb", false);
3558 return FS_LoadAndCloseQFile(file, path, pool, quiet, filesizepointer);

References FS_LoadAndCloseQFile(), and FS_SysOpen().

Referenced by FS_Init_SelfPack(), and listdirectory().

◆ FS_SysOpen()

qfile_t * FS_SysOpen ( const char * filepath,
const char * mode,
qbool nonblocking )

Definition at line 2484 of file fs.c.

2486 qfile_t* file;
2488 file = (qfile_t *)Mem_Alloc (fs_mempool, sizeof (*file));
2489 file->ungetc = EOF;
2490 file->handle = FS_SysOpenFiledesc(filepath, mode, nonblocking);
2491 if (!FILEDESC_ISVALID(file->handle))
2492 {
2493 Mem_Free (file);
2494 return NULL;
2495 }
2497 file->filename = Mem_strdup(fs_mempool, filepath);
2499 file->real_length = FILEDESC_SEEK (file->handle, 0, SEEK_END);
2501 // For files opened in append mode, we start at the end of the file
2502 if (mode[0] == 'a')
2503 file->position = file->real_length;
2504 else
2505 FILEDESC_SEEK (file->handle, 0, SEEK_SET);
2507 return file;
#define Mem_strdup(pool, s)
Definition zone.h:97

References FILEDESC_ISVALID, FILEDESC_SEEK, fs_mempool, FS_SysOpenFiledesc(), Mem_Alloc, Mem_Free, Mem_strdup, mode, and NULL.

Referenced by Crypto_KeyGen_f(), Crypto_KeyGen_Finished(), Crypto_LoadFile(), Crypto_SavePubKeyTextFile(), FS_OpenReadFile(), FS_OpenRealFile(), FS_SysCheckGameDir(), FS_SysLoadFile(), and Host_LockSession().

◆ FS_SysOpenFD()

int FS_SysOpenFD ( const char * filepath,
const char * mode,
qbool nonblocking )

Definition at line 2468 of file fs.c.

2470#ifdef USE_RWOPS
2471 return -1;
2473 return FS_SysOpenFiledesc(filepath, mode, nonblocking);

References FS_SysOpenFiledesc(), and mode.

Referenced by Sys_ProvideSelfFD().

◆ FS_SysOpenFiledesc()

static filedesc_t FS_SysOpenFiledesc ( const char * filepath,
const char * mode,
qbool nonblocking )

Definition at line 2383 of file fs.c.

2386 int mod, opt;
2387 unsigned int ind;
2388 qbool dolock = false;
2389 WPATHDEF(filepathw);
2391 // Parse the mode string
2392 switch (mode[0])
2393 {
2394 case 'r':
2395 mod = O_RDONLY;
2396 opt = 0;
2397 break;
2398 case 'w':
2399 mod = O_WRONLY;
2400 opt = O_CREAT | O_TRUNC;
2401 break;
2402 case 'a':
2403 mod = O_WRONLY;
2404 opt = O_CREAT | O_APPEND;
2405 break;
2406 default:
2407 Con_Printf(CON_ERROR "FS_SysOpen(%s, %s): invalid mode\n", filepath, mode);
2409 }
2410 for (ind = 1; mode[ind] != '\0'; ind++)
2411 {
2412 switch (mode[ind])
2413 {
2414 case '+':
2415 mod = O_RDWR;
2416 break;
2417 case 'b':
2418 opt |= O_BINARY;
2419 break;
2420 case 'l':
2421 dolock = true;
2422 break;
2423 default:
2424 Con_Printf(CON_ERROR "FS_SysOpen(%s, %s): unknown character in mode (%c)\n",
2425 filepath, mode, mode[ind]);
2426 }
2427 }
2429 if (nonblocking)
2430 opt |= O_NONBLOCK;
2432 if(Sys_CheckParm("-readonly") && mod != O_RDONLY)
2435#if USE_RWOPS
2436 if (dolock)
2438 handle = SDL_RWFromFile(filepath, mode);
2440# ifdef WIN32
2441 WIDE(filepath, filepathw);
2442# if _MSC_VER >= 1400
2443 _wsopen_s(&handle, filepathw, mod | opt, (dolock ? ((mod == O_RDONLY) ? _SH_DENYRD : _SH_DENYRW) : _SH_DENYNO), _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE);
2444# else
2445 handle = _wsopen(filepathw, mod | opt, (dolock ? ((mod == O_RDONLY) ? _SH_DENYRD : _SH_DENYRW) : _SH_DENYNO), _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE);
2446# endif
2447# else
2448 handle = open(filepath, mod | opt, 0666);
2449 if(handle >= 0 && dolock)
2450 {
2451 struct flock l;
2452 l.l_type = ((mod == O_RDONLY) ? F_RDLCK : F_WRLCK);
2453 l.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
2454 l.l_start = 0;
2455 l.l_len = 0;
2456 if(fcntl(handle, F_SETLK, &l) == -1)
2457 {
2458 FILEDESC_CLOSE(handle);
2459 handle = -1;
2460 }
2461 }
2462# endif
2465 return handle;
float mod(float dividend, float divisor)
#define O_BINARY
Definition fs.c:56
#define O_NONBLOCK
Definition fs.c:61

References CON_ERROR, Con_Printf(), FILEDESC_CLOSE, FILEDESC_INVALID, mod(), mode, O_BINARY, O_NONBLOCK, Sys_CheckParm(), WIDE, and WPATHDEF.

Referenced by FS_ChooseUserDir(), FS_LoadPackPAK(), FS_LoadPackPK3(), FS_SysOpen(), and FS_SysOpenFD().

◆ FS_Tell()

fs_offset_t FS_Tell ( qfile_t * file)

Definition at line 3461 of file fs.c.

3463 return file->position - file->buff_len + file->buff_ind;

Referenced by CheckPendingDownloads(), SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_IndexEntry(), and SV_SendClientDatagram().

◆ FS_UnGetc()

int FS_UnGetc ( qfile_t * file,
unsigned char c )

Definition at line 3341 of file fs.c.

3343 // If there's already a character waiting to be read
3344 if (file->ungetc != EOF)
3345 return EOF;
3347 file->ungetc = c;
3348 return c;

Referenced by VM_buf_loadfile(), and VM_fgets().

◆ FS_UnloadPacks_dlcache()

void FS_UnloadPacks_dlcache ( void )

Definition at line 1485 of file fs.c.

1487 searchpath_t *search = fs_searchpaths, *searchprev = fs_searchpaths, *searchnext;
1490 return;
1492 while (search)
1493 {
1494 searchnext = search->next;
1495 if (search->pack && search->pack->dlcache)
1496 {
1497 Con_DPrintf("Unloading pack: %s\n", search->pack->shortname);
1499 // remove it from the search path list
1500 if (search == fs_searchpaths)
1501 fs_searchpaths = search->next;
1502 else
1503 searchprev->next = search->next;
1505 // close the file
1506 FILEDESC_CLOSE(search->pack->handle);
1507 // free any memory associated with it
1508 if (search->pack->files)
1509 Mem_Free(search->pack->files);
1510 Mem_Free(search->pack);
1511 Mem_Free(search);
1512 }
1513 else
1514 searchprev = search;
1515 search = searchnext;
1516 }

References Con_DPrintf(), pack_t::dlcache, FILEDESC_CLOSE, pack_t::files, fs_searchpaths, fs_unload_dlcache, pack_t::handle, cvar_t::integer, Mem_Free, searchpath_t::next, searchpath_t::pack, and pack_t::shortname.

Referenced by CL_DisconnectEx(), and CL_ParseServerInfo().

◆ FS_VPrintf()

int FS_VPrintf ( qfile_t * file,
const char * format,
va_list ap )

Definition at line 3293 of file fs.c.

3295 int len;
3296 fs_offset_t buff_size = MAX_INPUTLINE;
3297 char *tempbuff;
3299 for (;;)
3300 {
3301 tempbuff = (char *)Mem_Alloc (tempmempool, buff_size);
3302 len = dpvsnprintf (tempbuff, buff_size, format, ap);
3303 if (len >= 0 && len < buff_size)
3304 break;
3305 Mem_Free (tempbuff);
3306 buff_size *= 2;
3307 }
3309 len = FILEDESC_WRITE (file->handle, tempbuff, len);
3310 Mem_Free (tempbuff);
3312 return len;
int dpvsnprintf(char *buffer, size_t buffersize, const char *format, va_list args)
Returns the number of printed characters, excluding the final '\0' or returns -1 if the buffer isn't ...
Definition common.c:1010
Definition fs.c:110

References dpvsnprintf(), FILEDESC_WRITE, format, MAX_INPUTLINE, Mem_Alloc, Mem_Free, and tempmempool.

Referenced by FS_Printf(), and Log_Printf().

◆ FS_Which_f()

void FS_Which_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 4063 of file fs.c.

4065 const char *filename;
4066 int index;
4067 searchpath_t *sp;
4068 if (Cmd_Argc(cmd) != 2)
4069 {
4070 Con_Printf("usage:\n%s <file>\n", Cmd_Argv(cmd, 0));
4071 return;
4072 }
4073 filename = Cmd_Argv(cmd, 1);
4074 sp = FS_FindFile(filename, &index, NULL, true);
4075 if (!sp) {
4076 Con_Printf("%s isn't anywhere\n", filename);
4077 return;
4078 }
4079 if (sp->pack)
4080 {
4081 if(sp->pack->vpack)
4082 Con_Printf("%s is in virtual package %sdir\n", filename, sp->pack->shortname);
4083 else
4084 Con_Printf("%s is in package %s\n", filename, sp->pack->shortname);
4085 }
4086 else
4087 Con_Printf("%s is file %s%s\n", filename, sp->filename, filename);

References cmd(), Cmd_Argc(), Cmd_Argv(), Con_Printf(), searchpath_t::filename, FS_FindFile(), index, NULL, searchpath_t::pack, pack_t::shortname, and pack_t::vpack.

Referenced by FS_Init_Commands().

◆ FS_WhichPack()

const char * FS_WhichPack ( const char * filename)

Definition at line 4091 of file fs.c.

4093 int index;
4094 searchpath_t *sp = FS_FindFile(filename, &index, NULL, true);
4095 if(sp && sp->pack)
4096 return sp->pack->shortname;
4097 else if(sp)
4098 return "";
4099 else
4100 return 0;

References FS_FindFile(), index, NULL, searchpath_t::pack, and pack_t::shortname.

Referenced by Curl_SendRequirement(), SV_Download_f(), and VM_whichpack().

◆ FS_Write()

fs_offset_t FS_Write ( qfile_t * file,
const void * data,
size_t datasize )

Definition at line 3019 of file fs.c.

3021 fs_offset_t written = 0;
3023 // If necessary, seek to the exact file position we're supposed to be
3024 if (file->buff_ind != file->buff_len)
3025 {
3026 if (FILEDESC_SEEK (file->handle, file->buff_ind - file->buff_len, SEEK_CUR) == -1)
3027 {
3028 Con_Printf(CON_WARN "WARNING: could not seek in %s.\n", file->filename);
3029 }
3030 }
3032 // Purge cached data
3033 FS_Purge (file);
3035 // Write the buffer and update the position
3036 // LadyHavoc: to hush a warning about passing size_t to an unsigned int parameter on Win64 we do this as multiple writes if the size would be too big for an integer (we never write that big in one go, but it's a theory)
3037 while (written < (fs_offset_t)datasize)
3038 {
3039 // figure out how much to write in one chunk
3040 fs_offset_t maxchunk = 1<<30; // 1 GiB
3041 int chunk = (int)min((fs_offset_t)datasize - written, maxchunk);
3042 int result = (int)FILEDESC_WRITE (file->handle, (const unsigned char *)data + written, chunk);
3043 // if at least some was written, add it to our accumulator
3044 if (result > 0)
3045 written += result;
3046 // if the result is not what we expected, consider the write to be incomplete
3047 if (result != chunk)
3048 break;
3049 }
3050 file->position = FILEDESC_SEEK (file->handle, 0, SEEK_CUR);
3051 if (file->real_length < file->position)
3052 file->real_length = file->position;
3054 // note that this will never be less than 0 even if the write failed
3055 return written;
#define min(A, B)
Definition mathlib.h:37

References Con_Printf(), CON_WARN, data, FILEDESC_SEEK, FILEDESC_WRITE, FS_Purge(), int(), and min.

Referenced by CL_PasteDemo(), CL_WriteDemoMessage(), Con_ConDump_f(), Crypto_KeyGen_f(), Crypto_KeyGen_Finished(), CURL_fwrite(), FS_Print(), FS_WriteFileInBlocks(), JPEG_EmptyOutputBuffer(), JPEG_TermDestination(), Log_Start(), PNG_fWriteData(), SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_BeginVideo(), SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_EndVideo(), SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_FlushInterleaving(), SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_Interleave(), SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Flush(), SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_FlushNoIncrease(), SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop(), SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_WriteBytes(), SV_WriteDemoMessage(), VM_buf_writefile(), and VM_fputs().

◆ FS_WriteFile()

qbool FS_WriteFile ( const char * filename,
const void * data,
fs_offset_t len )

Definition at line 3592 of file fs.c.

3594 return FS_WriteFileInBlocks(filename, &data, &len, 1);
qbool FS_WriteFileInBlocks(const char *filename, const void *const *data, const fs_offset_t *len, size_t count)
Definition fs.c:3569

References data, and FS_WriteFileInBlocks().

Referenced by CL_StopDownload(), Image_WriteTGABGRA(), Mod_Decompile_f(), Mod_Decompile_OBJ(), Mod_Decompile_SMD(), QW_CL_ParseDownload(), R_SaveTextureDDSFile(), R_Shadow_SaveWorldLights(), and SV_SaveEntFile_f().

◆ FS_WriteFileInBlocks()

qbool FS_WriteFileInBlocks ( const char * filename,
const void *const * data,
const fs_offset_t * len,
size_t count )

Definition at line 3569 of file fs.c.

3571 qfile_t *file;
3572 size_t i;
3573 fs_offset_t lentotal;
3575 file = FS_OpenRealFile(filename, "wb", false);
3576 if (!file)
3577 {
3578 Con_Printf("FS_WriteFile: failed on %s\n", filename);
3579 return false;
3580 }
3582 lentotal = 0;
3583 for(i = 0; i < count; ++i)
3584 lentotal += len[i];
3585 Con_DPrintf("FS_WriteFile: %s (%u bytes)\n", filename, (unsigned int)lentotal);
3586 for(i = 0; i < count; ++i)
3587 FS_Write (file, data[i], len[i]);
3588 FS_Close (file);
3589 return true;
qfile_t * FS_OpenRealFile(const char *filepath, const char *mode, qbool quiet)
Definition fs.c:2901

References Con_DPrintf(), Con_Printf(), count, data, FS_Close(), FS_OpenRealFile(), FS_Write(), and i.

Referenced by FS_WriteFile(), and Image_WriteTGABGR_preflipped().

◆ int()

static int ( ZEXPORT * qz_inflate)

Referenced by animatemodel(), Buffer_Callback(), BufStr_Flush(), BuildGammaTable16(), BuildGammaTable8(), CDAudio_Play_byName(), CDAudio_StartPlaylist(), CL_Beam_AddPolygons(), CL_Beams_SetupBuiltinTexture(), CL_DrawVideo_DisplaySubtitleLine(), CL_Frame(), CL_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(), CL_GetTagMatrix(), CL_Locs_AddNode(), CL_Locs_Reload_f(), CL_Locs_Save_f(), CL_movestep(), CL_NewParticle(), CL_NewParticlesFromEffectinfo(), CL_Packet_f(), CL_ParseDownload(), CL_ParseServerMessage(), CL_ParticleCube(), CL_ParticleRain(), CL_Particles_ParseEffectInfo(), CL_PQRcon_f(), CL_Rcon_f(), CL_RelinkEffects(), CL_RelinkLightFlashes(), CL_RelinkWorld(), CL_Screen_Init(), CL_SpawnDecalParticleForSurface(), CL_StopDownload(), CL_TraceBox(), CL_TraceLine(), CL_TracePoint(), CL_Video_Frame(), Cmd_TokenizeString(), Collision_Cache_Lookup(), COM_InitGameType(), COM_ReadAndTokenizeLine(), Con_CheckResize(), Con_CompleteCommandLine(), Con_DisplayLineFunc(), Con_DisplayList(), Con_DrawConsole(), Con_DrawInput(), Con_DrawNotifyRect(), CSQC_AddRenderEdict(), Cvar_Get(), Cvar_RegisterVariable(), Cvar_SetQuick_Internal(), detect_match_rule(), DrawQ_SetClipArea(), DrawQ_String_Scale(), DrawQ_TextWidth_UntilWidth_TrackColors_Scale(), EntityFrame5_ExpandEdicts(), EntityFrameQuake_ReadEntity(), EntityFrameQuake_WriteFrame(), EntityState5_ReadUpdate(), FindFraction(), Font_Postprocess(), Font_SetSize(), Font_UnloadFont(), Font_VirtualToRealSize(), FS_AddFileToPack(), FS_Deflate(), FS_FindFile(), FS_Inflate(), FS_Init_Dir(), FS_IsRegisteredQuakePack(), FS_ListDirectory(), FS_LoadPackPAK(), FS_Read(), FS_Search(), FS_Write(), getdrawfont(), GetMapList(), gl_backend_devicelost(), GL_Mesh_ListVBOs(), GL_Setup(), GL_TextureMode_f(), Image_HeightmapToNormalmap_BGRA(), Image_Resample32Lerp(), Image_Resample32LerpLine(), InfoString_SetValue(), JPEG_SaveImage_to_Buffer(), Key_AddChar(), Key_History_Down(), Key_History_First(), Key_History_Get_foundCommand(), Key_History_Last(), Key_History_Up(), Key_Parse_CommonKeys(), Key_PrintBindList(), Key_StringToKeynum(), Key_Unbindall_f(), Key_WriteBindings(), LHNETADDRESS_FromString(), loadimagepixelsbgra(), M_Draw(), M_GameOptions_Key(), M_LanConfig_Key(), M_Main_Draw(), M_Menu_GameOptions_f(), M_ModList_Draw(), M_MultiPlayer_Draw(), M_Options_ColorControl_Draw(), M_Options_Draw(), M_Options_Effects_Draw(), M_Options_Graphics_Draw(), M_Setup_Key(), M_SinglePlayer_Draw(), M_UnbindCommand(), main(), MakeDownloadPacket(), Mod_BSP_FinalizePortals(), Mod_BSP_LightPoint_RecursiveBSPNode(), Mod_ClearUsed(), Mod_DARKPLACESMODEL_Load(), Mod_FindName(), Mod_GenerateLightmaps_CreateLightmaps(), Mod_IDP0_Load(), Mod_IDP2_Load(), Mod_IDP3_Load(), Mod_IDS2_Load(), Mod_INTERQUAKEMODEL_Load(), Mod_LoadModel(), Mod_LoadQ3Shaders(), Mod_Mesh_IndexForVertex(), mod_newmap(), Mod_OBJ_Load(), Mod_Print_f(), Mod_PSKMODEL_Load(), Mod_PurgeUnused(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadEdges(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadFaces(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadTextures(), Mod_Q1BSP_ParseWadsFromEntityLump(), Mod_Q2BSP_LoadTexinfo(), Mod_Q3BSP_LightPoint(), Mod_Q3BSP_LoadLightGrid(), Mod_Q3BSP_LoadLightmaps(), Mod_Reload(), Mod_ShadowMesh_AddVertex(), mod_shutdown(), Mod_Skeletal_AnimateVertices_Generic(), Mod_Sprite_SharedSetup(), mod_start(), Mod_VBSP_LoadFaces(), Mod_ZYMOTICMODEL_Load(), MR_Init(), NetConn_BuildStatusResponse(), NetConn_ClientParsePacket(), NetConn_ReceivedMessage(), NetConn_SendUnreliableMessage(), NetConn_ServerParsePacket(), Nicks_CutMatchesAlphaNumeric(), Nicks_CutMatchesNormal(), Nicks_CutMatchesNoSpaces(), noise4f(), OGG_DecodeTags(), particletextureblotch(), PHYS_UnstickEntityReturnOffset(), PK3_BuildFileList(), PNG_fReadData(), PNG_LoadImage_BGRA(), PRVM_ConsoleCommand(), PRVM_ED_ParseEpair(), PRVM_LeakTest(), PRVM_PrintStatement(), PRVM_Prog_Load(), PRVM_UglyValueString(), R_Bloom_StartFrame(), R_BufferData_Store(), R_BuildFogTexture(), R_BuildLightMap(), R_CompleteLightPoint(), R_DrawParticles(), R_DrawTextureSurfaceList_ShowSurfaces(), R_GetCurrentTexture(), R_GLSL_Restart_f(), R_HDR_UpdateIrisAdaptation(), R_InitParticleTexture(), R_LoadTextureDDSFile(), R_Mesh_Draw(), R_Mesh_UpdateMeshBuffer(), R_RenderTarget_FreeUnused(), R_RenderTarget_Get(), R_RTLight_Compile(), R_ScissorForBBox(), R_Shadow_BounceGrid_AssignPhotons_Task(), R_Shadow_BounceGrid_CheckEnable(), R_Shadow_BounceGrid_ConvertPixelsAndUpload(), R_Shadow_BounceGrid_Slice(), R_Shadow_BounceGrid_UpdateSpacing(), R_Shadow_DrawCoronas(), R_Shadow_EditLights_DrawSelectedLightProperties(), R_Shadow_GetRTLightInfo(), R_Shadow_LoadWorldLightsFromMap_LightArghliteTyrlite(), R_Shadow_MakeTextures_MakeCorona(), R_StainNode(), R_tcMod_ApplyToMatrix(), r_textures_devicelost(), r_textures_devicerestored(), R_TimeReport(), R_TimeReport_EndFrame(), R_Water_StartFrame(), RSurf_FogPoint(), RSurf_FogVertex(), S_ConvertPaintBuffer(), S_MixToBuffer(), S_PaintAndSubmit(), S_PlaySfxOnChannel(), S_SoundList_f(), S_StartSound_StartPosition_Flags(), S_UnloadAllSounds_f(), Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay(), Sbar_Draw(), Sbar_DrawInventory(), Sbar_IntermissionOverlay(), Sbar_MiniDeathmatchOverlay(), Sbar_PrintScoreboardItem(), Sbar_Score(), Sbar_SoloScoreboard(), SCR_CaptureVideo_Avi_SoundFrame(), SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_BeginVideo(), SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop(), SCR_Centerprint_f(), SCR_DrawCenterString(), SCR_DrawCurlDownload(), SCR_DrawInfobarString(), SCR_DrawQWDownload(), SCR_DrawScreen(), should_use_incmap(), snap_to_pixel_x(), snap_to_pixel_y(), SND_PickChannel(), SV_CleanupEnts(), SV_CreateBaseline(), SV_DisableCheats_c(), SV_Ent_Remove_f(), SV_FixCheckBottom(), SV_FlyMove(), SV_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(), SV_GetModelFromEdict(), SV_GetTagIndex(), SV_GetTagMatrix(), SV_Give_f(), SV_God_f(), SV_Kick_f(), SV_LinkEdict(), SV_Loadgame_f(), SV_movestep(), SV_Notarget_f(), SV_Physics_Step(), SV_Physics_Toss(), SV_Pings_f(), SV_PlayerPhysics(), SV_PointSuperContents(), SV_Prepare_CSQC(), SV_PrepareEntityForSending(), SV_PushEntity(), SV_PushMove(), SV_ReadClientMessage(), SV_Savegame_to(), SV_SaveSpawnparms(), SV_SendClientDatagram(), SV_SpawnServer(), SV_StartPointSound(), SV_StartSound(), SV_Status_f(), SV_Tell_f(), SV_TraceBox(), SV_TraceLine(), SV_TracePoint(), SV_UpdateToReliableMessages(), SV_Viewframe_f(), SV_Viewmodel_f(), SV_Viewnext_f(), SV_Viewprev_f(), SV_WalkMove(), SV_WaterJump(), SV_WriteClientdataToMessage(), SVBSP_InsertOccluderPolygonNodes(), Sys_Con_NearestColor(), u8_strpad(), u8_strpad_colorcodes(), V_CalcRefdefUsing(), VID_ApplyJoyState(), VM_altstr_get(), VM_altstr_ins(), VM_altstr_set(), VM_argv(), VM_argv_end_index(), VM_argv_start_index(), VM_buf_copy(), VM_buf_create(), VM_buf_sort(), VM_buf_writefile(), VM_bufstr_add(), VM_bufstr_find(), VM_bufstr_free(), VM_bufstr_get(), VM_bufstr_set(), VM_cin_getstate(), VM_CL_boxparticles(), VM_CL_droptofloor(), VM_CL_frameduration(), VM_CL_frameforname(), VM_CL_getinputstate(), VM_CL_getplayerkey(), VM_CL_getstatf(), VM_CL_getstati(), VM_CL_getstats(), VM_CL_gettaginfo(), VM_CL_lightstyle(), VM_CL_makestatic(), VM_CL_particle(), VM_CL_ParticleTheme(), VM_CL_ParticleThemeFree(), VM_CL_ParticleThemeFromGlobals(), VM_CL_ParticleThemeSave(), VM_CL_pointparticles(), VM_CL_R_AddDynamicLight(), VM_CL_R_AddEntities(), VM_CL_R_PolygonBegin(), VM_CL_R_SetView(), VM_CL_runplayerphysics(), VM_CL_setattachment(), VM_CL_setmodelindex(), VM_CL_skel_build(), VM_CL_skel_copybones(), VM_CL_skel_create(), VM_CL_skel_delete(), VM_CL_skel_find_bone(), VM_CL_skel_get_boneabs(), VM_CL_skel_get_bonename(), VM_CL_skel_get_boneparent(), VM_CL_skel_get_bonerel(), VM_CL_skel_get_numbones(), VM_CL_skel_mul_bone(), VM_CL_skel_mul_bones(), VM_CL_skel_set_bone(), VM_CL_sound(), VM_CL_SpawnParticle(), VM_CL_SpawnParticleDelayed(), VM_CL_te_explosion2(), VM_CL_tracebox(), VM_CL_traceline(), VM_CL_trailparticles(), VM_CL_V_CalcRefdef(), VM_drawcharacter(), VM_drawcolorcodedstring(), VM_drawfill(), VM_drawline(), VM_drawpic(), VM_drawrotpic(), VM_drawstring(), VM_drawsubpic(), VM_entityfieldname(), VM_entityfieldtype(), VM_fclose(), VM_fgets(), VM_fopen(), VM_fputs(), VM_FrameBlendFromFrameGroupBlend(), VM_GenerateFrameGroupBlend(), VM_getentityfieldstring(), VM_getsoundtime(), VM_getsurfacepoint(), VM_getsurfacepointattribute(), VM_getsurfacetriangle(), VM_gettime(), VM_M_getgamedirinfo(), VM_M_getresolution(), VM_M_getserverlistnumber(), VM_M_getserverliststat(), VM_M_getserverliststring(), VM_M_setserverlistmasknumber(), VM_M_setserverlistmaskstring(), VM_M_setserverlistsort(), VM_M_WriteDest(), VM_matchpattern(), VM_netaddress_resolve(), VM_putentityfieldstring(), VM_registercvar(), VM_search_begin(), VM_search_end(), VM_search_getfilename(), VM_search_getsize(), VM_sprint(), VM_sprintf(), VM_str2chr(), VM_strconv(), VM_stringwidth(), VM_strireplace(), VM_strlennocol(), VM_strpad(), VM_strreplace(), VM_strstrofs(), VM_substring(), VM_SV_AddStat(), VM_SV_droptofloor(), VM_SV_frameduration(), VM_SV_frameforname(), VM_SV_gettaginfo(), VM_SV_lightstyle(), VM_SV_modelnameforindex(), VM_SV_particle(), VM_SV_pointparticles(), VM_SV_pointsound(), VM_SV_setcolor(), VM_SV_setmodelindex(), VM_SV_setpause(), VM_SV_skel_build(), VM_SV_skel_copybones(), VM_SV_skel_create(), VM_SV_skel_delete(), VM_SV_skel_find_bone(), VM_SV_skel_get_boneabs(), VM_SV_skel_get_bonename(), VM_SV_skel_get_boneparent(), VM_SV_skel_get_bonerel(), VM_SV_skel_get_numbones(), VM_SV_skel_mul_bone(), VM_SV_skel_mul_bones(), VM_SV_skel_set_bone(), VM_SV_sound(), VM_SV_tracebox(), VM_SV_traceline(), VM_SV_UpdateCustomStats(), VM_tokenizebyseparator(), VM_UpdateEdictSkeleton(), VM_vectoyaw(), W_GetTextureBGRA(), World_EntitiesInBox(), World_LinkEdict_AreaGrid(), WriteDest(), and XMP_GetSamplesFloat().

◆ PK3_BuildFileList()

static int PK3_BuildFileList ( pack_t * pack,
const pk3_endOfCentralDir_t * eocd )

Definition at line 712 of file fs.c.

714 unsigned char *central_dir, *ptr;
715 unsigned int ind;
716 fs_offset_t remaining;
718 // Load the central directory in memory
719 central_dir = (unsigned char *)Mem_Alloc (tempmempool, eocd->cdir_size);
720 if (FILEDESC_SEEK (pack->handle, eocd->cdir_offset, SEEK_SET) == -1)
721 {
722 Mem_Free (central_dir);
723 return -1;
724 }
725 if(FILEDESC_READ (pack->handle, central_dir, eocd->cdir_size) != (fs_offset_t) eocd->cdir_size)
726 {
727 Mem_Free (central_dir);
728 return -1;
729 }
731 // Extract the files properties
732 // The parsing is done "by hand" because some fields have variable sizes and
733 // the constant part isn't 4-bytes aligned, which makes the use of structs difficult
734 remaining = eocd->cdir_size;
735 pack->numfiles = 0;
736 ptr = central_dir;
737 for (ind = 0; ind < eocd->nbentries; ind++)
738 {
739 fs_offset_t namesize, count;
741 // Checking the remaining size
742 if (remaining < ZIP_CDIR_CHUNK_BASE_SIZE)
743 {
744 Mem_Free (central_dir);
745 return -1;
746 }
747 remaining -= ZIP_CDIR_CHUNK_BASE_SIZE;
749 // Check header
750 if (BuffBigLong (ptr) != ZIP_CDIR_HEADER)
751 {
752 Mem_Free (central_dir);
753 return -1;
754 }
756 namesize = (unsigned short)BuffLittleShort (&ptr[28]); // filename length
758 // Check encryption, compression, and attributes
759 // 1st uint8 : general purpose bit flag
760 // Check bits 0 (encryption), 3 (data descriptor after the file), and 5 (compressed patched data (?))
761 //
762 // LadyHavoc: bit 3 would be a problem if we were scanning the archive
763 // but is not a problem in the central directory where the values are
764 // always real.
765 //
766 // bit 3 seems to always be set by the standard Mac OSX zip maker
767 //
768 // 2nd uint8 : external file attributes
769 // Check bits 3 (file is a directory) and 5 (file is a volume (?))
770 if ((ptr[8] & 0x21) == 0 && (ptr[38] & 0x18) == 0)
771 {
772 // Still enough bytes for the name?
773 if (remaining < namesize || namesize >= (int)sizeof (*pack->files))
774 {
775 Mem_Free (central_dir);
776 return -1;
777 }
779 // WinZip doesn't use the "directory" attribute, so we need to check the name directly
780 if (ptr[ZIP_CDIR_CHUNK_BASE_SIZE + namesize - 1] != '/')
781 {
782 char filename [sizeof (pack->files[0].name)];
783 fs_offset_t offset, packsize, realsize;
784 int flags;
786 // Extract the name (strip it if necessary)
787 namesize = min(namesize, (int)sizeof (filename) - 1);
788 memcpy (filename, &ptr[ZIP_CDIR_CHUNK_BASE_SIZE], namesize);
789 filename[namesize] = '\0';
791 if (BuffLittleShort (&ptr[10]))
793 else
794 flags = 0;
795 offset = (unsigned int)(BuffLittleLong (&ptr[42]) + eocd->prepended_garbage);
796 packsize = (unsigned int)BuffLittleLong (&ptr[20]);
797 realsize = (unsigned int)BuffLittleLong (&ptr[24]);
799 switch(ptr[5]) // C_VERSION_MADE_BY_1
800 {
801 case 3: // UNIX_
802 case 2: // VMS_
803 case 16: // BEOS_
804 if((BuffLittleShort(&ptr[40]) & 0120000) == 0120000)
805 // can't use S_ISLNK here, as this has to compile on non-UNIX too
807 break;
808 }
810 FS_AddFileToPack (filename, pack, offset, packsize, realsize, flags);
811 }
812 }
814 // Skip the name, additionnal field, and comment
815 // 1er uint16 : extra field length
816 // 2eme uint16 : file comment length
817 count = namesize + (unsigned short)BuffLittleShort (&ptr[30]) + (unsigned short)BuffLittleShort (&ptr[32]);
819 remaining -= count;
820 }
822 // If the package is empty, central_dir is NULL here
823 if (central_dir != NULL)
824 Mem_Free (central_dir);
825 return pack->numfiles;
short BuffLittleShort(const unsigned char *buffer)
Extract a little endian 16bit short from the given buffer.
Definition com_msg.c:76
int BuffLittleLong(const unsigned char *buffer)
Extract a little endian 32bit int from the given buffer.
Definition com_msg.c:71
int BuffBigLong(const unsigned char *buffer)
Extract a big endian 32bit int from the given buffer.
Definition com_msg.c:49
Definition fs.c:208
Definition fs.c:214
fs_offset_t prepended_garbage
Definition fs.c:347
unsigned int cdir_offset
with respect to the starting disk number
Definition fs.c:345
unsigned int cdir_size
size of the central directory
Definition fs.c:344

References BuffBigLong(), BuffLittleLong(), BuffLittleShort(), pk3_endOfCentralDir_t::cdir_offset, pk3_endOfCentralDir_t::cdir_size, count, FILEDESC_READ, FILEDESC_SEEK, pack_t::files, flags, FS_AddFileToPack(), pack_t::handle, int(), Mem_Alloc, Mem_Free, min, packfile_t::name, pk3_endOfCentralDir_t::nbentries, NULL, pack_t::numfiles, offset, PACKFILE_FLAG_DEFLATED, PACKFILE_FLAG_SYMLINK, pk3_endOfCentralDir_t::prepended_garbage, tempmempool, ZIP_CDIR_CHUNK_BASE_SIZE, and ZIP_CDIR_HEADER.

Referenced by FS_LoadPackPK3FromFD().

◆ PK3_CloseLibrary()

static void PK3_CloseLibrary ( void )

Definition at line 566 of file fs.c.

568#ifndef LINK_TO_ZLIB

References Sys_FreeLibrary(), and zlib_dll.

Referenced by FS_Shutdown().

◆ PK3_GetEndOfCentralDir()

static qbool PK3_GetEndOfCentralDir ( const char * packfile,
filedesc_t packhandle,
pk3_endOfCentralDir_t * eocd )

Definition at line 637 of file fs.c.

639 fs_offset_t filesize, maxsize;
640 unsigned char *buffer, *ptr;
641 int ind;
643 // Get the package size
644 filesize = FILEDESC_SEEK (packhandle, 0, SEEK_END);
645 if (filesize < ZIP_END_CDIR_SIZE)
646 return false;
648 // Load the end of the file in memory
650 maxsize = filesize;
651 else
653 buffer = (unsigned char *)Mem_Alloc (tempmempool, maxsize);
654 FILEDESC_SEEK (packhandle, filesize - maxsize, SEEK_SET);
655 if (FILEDESC_READ (packhandle, buffer, maxsize) != (fs_offset_t) maxsize)
656 {
658 return false;
659 }
661 // Look for the end of central dir signature around the end of the file
662 maxsize -= ZIP_END_CDIR_SIZE;
663 ptr = &buffer[maxsize];
664 ind = 0;
665 while (BuffBigLong (ptr) != ZIP_END_HEADER)
666 {
667 if (ind == maxsize)
668 {
670 return false;
671 }
673 ind++;
674 ptr--;
675 }
677 memcpy (eocd, ptr, ZIP_END_CDIR_SIZE);
678 eocd->signature = LittleLong (eocd->signature);
679 eocd->disknum = LittleShort (eocd->disknum);
680 eocd->cdir_disknum = LittleShort (eocd->cdir_disknum);
681 eocd->localentries = LittleShort (eocd->localentries);
682 eocd->nbentries = LittleShort (eocd->nbentries);
683 eocd->cdir_size = LittleLong (eocd->cdir_size);
684 eocd->cdir_offset = LittleLong (eocd->cdir_offset);
685 eocd->comment_size = LittleShort (eocd->comment_size);
686 eocd->prepended_garbage = filesize - (ind + ZIP_END_CDIR_SIZE) - eocd->cdir_offset - eocd->cdir_size; // this detects "SFX" zip files
687 eocd->cdir_offset += eocd->prepended_garbage;
691 if (
692 eocd->cdir_size > filesize ||
693 eocd->cdir_offset >= filesize ||
694 eocd->cdir_offset + eocd->cdir_size > filesize
695 )
696 {
697 // Obviously invalid central directory.
698 return false;
699 }
701 return true;
#define LittleShort(l)
Definition common.h:90
Definition fs.c:212
Definition fs.c:209
Definition fs.c:213
unsigned int signature
Definition fs.c:339
unsigned short comment_size
Definition fs.c:346
unsigned short localentries
number of entries in the central directory on this disk
Definition fs.c:342

References BuffBigLong(), buffer, pk3_endOfCentralDir_t::cdir_disknum, pk3_endOfCentralDir_t::cdir_offset, pk3_endOfCentralDir_t::cdir_size, pk3_endOfCentralDir_t::comment_size, pk3_endOfCentralDir_t::disknum, FILEDESC_READ, FILEDESC_SEEK, LittleLong, LittleShort, pk3_endOfCentralDir_t::localentries, Mem_Alloc, Mem_Free, pk3_endOfCentralDir_t::nbentries, pk3_endOfCentralDir_t::prepended_garbage, pk3_endOfCentralDir_t::signature, tempmempool, ZIP_END_CDIR_SIZE, ZIP_END_HEADER, and ZIP_MAX_COMMENTS_SIZE.

Referenced by FS_LoadPackPK3FromFD().

◆ PK3_GetTrueFileOffset()

static qbool PK3_GetTrueFileOffset ( packfile_t * pfile,
pack_t * pack )

Definition at line 908 of file fs.c.

910 unsigned char buffer [ZIP_LOCAL_CHUNK_BASE_SIZE];
913 // Already found?
914 if (pfile->flags & PACKFILE_FLAG_TRUEOFFS)
915 return true;
917 // Load the local file description
918 if (FILEDESC_SEEK (pack->handle, pfile->offset, SEEK_SET) == -1)
919 {
920 Con_Printf ("Can't seek in package %s\n", pack->filename);
921 return false;
922 }
925 {
926 Con_Printf ("Can't retrieve file %s in package %s\n", pfile->name, pack->filename);
927 return false;
928 }
930 // Skip name and extra field
934 return true;
Definition fs.c:207
Definition fs.c:215

References BuffBigLong(), buffer, BuffLittleShort(), Con_Printf(), count, FILEDESC_READ, FILEDESC_SEEK, pack_t::filename, packfile_t::flags, pack_t::handle, packfile_t::name, packfile_t::offset, PACKFILE_FLAG_TRUEOFFS, ZIP_DATA_HEADER, and ZIP_LOCAL_CHUNK_BASE_SIZE.

Referenced by FS_OpenPackedFile().

◆ PK3_OpenLibrary()

static qbool PK3_OpenLibrary ( void )

Definition at line 581 of file fs.c.

583#ifdef LINK_TO_ZLIB
584 return true;
586 const char* dllnames [] =
587 {
588#if defined(WIN32)
590 "zlibwapi.dll",
591 "zlib.dll",
592# else
593 "zlib1.dll",
594# endif
595#elif defined(MACOSX)
596 "libz.dylib",
598 "libz.so.1",
599 "libz.so",
601 NULL
602 };
604 // Already loaded?
605 if (zlib_dll)
606 return true;
608 // Load the DLL
609 return Sys_LoadDependency (dllnames, &zlib_dll, zlibfuncs);
static dllfunction_t zlibfuncs[]
Definition fs.c:494

References NULL, Sys_LoadDependency(), zlib_dll, and zlibfuncs.

Referenced by FS_HasZlib(), and FS_Init().

◆ ReadAll()

static fs_offset_t ReadAll ( const filedesc_t fd,
void *const buf,
const size_t length )

Definition at line 135 of file fs.c.

137 char *const p = (char *)buf;
138 size_t cursor = 0;
139 do
140 {
141 const fs_offset_t result = FILEDESC_READ(fd, p + cursor, length - cursor);
142 if (result < 0) // Error
143 return result;
144 if (result == 0) // EOF
145 break;
146 cursor += result;
147 } while (cursor < length);
148 return cursor;

References buf, FILEDESC_READ, and length.

◆ WriteAll()

static fs_offset_t WriteAll ( const filedesc_t fd,
const void *const buf,
const size_t length )

Definition at line 159 of file fs.c.

161 const char *const p = (const char *)buf;
162 size_t cursor = 0;
163 do
164 {
165 const fs_offset_t result = FILEDESC_WRITE(fd, p + cursor, length - cursor);
166 if (result < 0) // Error
167 return result;
168 cursor += result;
169 } while (cursor < length);
170 return cursor;

References buf, FILEDESC_WRITE, and length.

Variable Documentation

◆ con_linewidth

int con_linewidth

Definition at line 94 of file console.c.

Referenced by FS_ListDirectory().

◆ cvar_fs_gamedir

cvar_t cvar_fs_gamedir = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER | CF_READONLY | CF_PERSISTENT, "fs_gamedir", "", "the list of currently selected gamedirs (use the 'gamedir' command to change this)"}

Definition at line 458 of file fs.c.

458{CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER | CF_READONLY | CF_PERSISTENT, "fs_gamedir", "", "the list of currently selected gamedirs (use the 'gamedir' command to change this)"};
cvar cannot be changed from the console or the command buffer, and is considered CF_PERSISTENT
Definition cmd.h:54
cvar must not be reset on gametype switch (such as scr_screenshot_name, which otherwise isn't set to ...
Definition cmd.h:58
#define CF_SERVER
cvar/command that only the server can change/execute
Definition cmd.h:49
#define CF_CLIENT
cvar/command that only the client can change/execute
Definition cmd.h:48

Referenced by FS_Init_Commands(), and FS_Rescan().

◆ flush

static int flush

Definition at line 477 of file fs.c.

◆ fs_all_gamedirs

gamedir_t* fs_all_gamedirs = NULL

Definition at line 452 of file fs.c.

Referenced by FS_ListGameDirs(), and VM_M_getgamedirinfo().

◆ fs_all_gamedirs_count

int fs_all_gamedirs_count = 0

Definition at line 453 of file fs.c.

Referenced by FS_ListGameDirs(), and VM_M_getgamedirinfo().

◆ fs_basedir

◆ fs_checkgamedir_missing

const char* const fs_checkgamedir_missing = "missing"

Definition at line 438 of file fs.c.

Referenced by FS_CheckGameDir(), FS_ListGameDirs(), FS_SetGameDirs(), and ModList_RebuildList().

◆ fs_empty_files_in_pack_mark_deletions

cvar_t fs_empty_files_in_pack_mark_deletions = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER, "fs_empty_files_in_pack_mark_deletions", "0", "if enabled, empty files in a pak/pk3 count as not existing but cancel the search in further packs, effectively allowing patch pak/pk3 files to 'delete' files"}

Definition at line 456 of file fs.c.

456{CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER, "fs_empty_files_in_pack_mark_deletions", "0", "if enabled, empty files in a pak/pk3 count as not existing but cancel the search in further packs, effectively allowing patch pak/pk3 files to 'delete' files"};

Referenced by FS_FindFile(), and FS_Init_Commands().

◆ fs_gamedir

char fs_gamedir[MAX_OSPATH]

Definition at line 443 of file fs.c.

Referenced by FS_AddGameDirectory(), FS_Init_Dir(), FS_OpenRealFile(), FS_Rescan(), and SCR_ScreenShot_f().

◆ fs_gamedirs

◆ fs_mempool

◆ fs_mutex

void* fs_mutex = NULL

Definition at line 435 of file fs.c.

Referenced by FS_Init_Dir(), FS_OpenVirtualFile(), and FS_Shutdown().

◆ fs_numgamedirs

int fs_numgamedirs = 0

◆ fs_searchpaths

◆ fs_selfpack

pack_t* fs_selfpack = NULL

Definition at line 445 of file fs.c.

Referenced by FS_AddSelfPack(), FS_ClearSearchPath(), and FS_Init_SelfPack().

◆ fs_unload_dlcache

cvar_t fs_unload_dlcache = {CF_CLIENT, "fs_unload_dlcache", "1", "if enabled, unload dlcache's loaded pak/pk3 files when changing server and/or map WARNING: disabling unloading can cause servers to override assets of other servers, \"memory leaking\" by dlcache assets never unloading and many more issues"}

Definition at line 457 of file fs.c.

457{CF_CLIENT, "fs_unload_dlcache", "1", "if enabled, unload dlcache's loaded pak/pk3 files when changing server and/or map WARNING: disabling unloading can cause servers to override assets of other servers, \"memory leaking\" by dlcache assets never unloading and many more issues"};

Referenced by FS_Init_Commands(), and FS_UnloadPacks_dlcache().

◆ fs_userdir

◆ level

GLint level

Definition at line 481 of file fs.c.

Referenced by FS_Deflate(), and libavw_message().

◆ memLevel

int int int int memLevel

Definition at line 481 of file fs.c.

◆ method

int int method

Definition at line 481 of file fs.c.

◆ scr_screenshot_name

cvar_t scr_screenshot_name = {CF_CLIENT | CF_PERSISTENT, "scr_screenshot_name","dp", "prefix name for saved screenshots (changes based on -game commandline, as well as which game mode is running; the date is encoded using strftime escapes)"}

Definition at line 455 of file fs.c.

455{CF_CLIENT | CF_PERSISTENT, "scr_screenshot_name","dp", "prefix name for saved screenshots (changes based on -game commandline, as well as which game mode is running; the date is encoded using strftime escapes)"};

Referenced by FS_Init_Commands(), FS_Rescan(), and SCR_ScreenShot_f().

◆ strategy

int int int int int strategy

Definition at line 481 of file fs.c.

◆ stream_size

static int int int int int const char int stream_size

Definition at line 479 of file fs.c.

◆ version

◆ windowBits

static int int int windowBits

Definition at line 479 of file fs.c.

◆ zlib_dll

dllhandle_t zlib_dll = NULL

Handle for Zlib DLL.

Definition at line 507 of file fs.c.

Referenced by FS_Deflate(), FS_HasZlib(), FS_Inflate(), FS_OpenPackedFile(), PK3_CloseLibrary(), and PK3_OpenLibrary().

◆ zlibfuncs

dllfunction_t zlibfuncs[]
Initial value:
{"inflate", (void **) &qz_inflate},
{"inflateEnd", (void **) &qz_inflateEnd},
{"inflateInit2_", (void **) &qz_inflateInit2_},
{"inflateReset", (void **) &qz_inflateReset},
{"deflateInit2_", (void **) &qz_deflateInit2_},
{"deflateEnd", (void **) &qz_deflateEnd},
{"deflate", (void **) &qz_deflate},

Definition at line 494 of file fs.c.

496 {"inflate", (void **) &qz_inflate},
497 {"inflateEnd", (void **) &qz_inflateEnd},
498 {"inflateInit2_", (void **) &qz_inflateInit2_},
499 {"inflateReset", (void **) &qz_inflateReset},
500 {"deflateInit2_", (void **) &qz_deflateInit2_},
501 {"deflateEnd", (void **) &qz_deflateEnd},
502 {"deflate", (void **) &qz_deflate},
503 {NULL, NULL}

Referenced by PK3_OpenLibrary().