Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- y -
- y : cl_video_subtitle_info_t, con_text_info_t, convex_corner_t, convex_face_t, FT_Vector, r_refdef_view_t, r_viewport_t, showlmp_t, yuv_buffer
- Y_density : j_compress_ptr, j_decompress_ptr
- y_height : yuv_buffer
- y_origin : TargaHeader
- y_ppem : FT_Bitmap_Size, FT_Size_Metrics
- y_scale : FT_Size_Metrics
- y_stride : yuv_buffer
- y_width : yuv_buffer
- yaw : md3vertex_t
- yaw_speed : entvars_t
- yawangle : listener_t
- yawmaxs : model_t
- yawmins : model_t
- yawradius : dpmframe_t, dpmheader_t
- yieldcount : taskqueue_task_t
- yMax : FT_BBox
- ymax : con_text_info_t, pcx_t
- yMin : FT_BBox
- ymin : con_text_info_t, pcx_t
- yPos : viddef_t
- ysize : patchinfo_t
- ytess : patchinfo_t
- yuv : capturevideostate_ogg_formatspecific_t
- yuvi : capturevideostate_ogg_formatspecific_t