21typedef enum host_state_e
41typedef struct host_static_s
58 void (*CL_SendCvar)(
struct cmd_state_s *);
59 void (*SV_SendCvar)(
struct cmd_state_s *);
void Host_LockSession(void)
@ host_failed
crashed or aborted, SDL dialog open
@ host_failing
crashing (inside crash handler)
@ host_shutdown
states >= host_shutdown cause graceful shutdown, see Sys_HandleCrash() comments
void Host_UpdateVersion(void)
static const char *const host_state_str[]
void Host_UnlockSession(void)
void Host_Error(const char *error,...) DP_FUNC_PRINTF(1) DP_FUNC_NORETURN
cvar_t developer_loadfile
cvar_t developer_entityparsing
void Host_SaveConfig(const char *file)
double Host_Frame(double time)
void Host_AbortCurrentFrame(void) DP_FUNC_NORETURN
#define DP_FUNC_PRINTF(n)
double sleeptime
time spent sleeping after the last frame
qbool restless
don't sleep
double dirtytime
the main loop wall time for this frame, equal to Sys_DirtyTime() at the start of this host frame
unsigned int framecount
incremented every frame, never reset, >0 means Host_AbortCurrentFrame() is possible
double realtime
the accumulated mainloop time since application started (with filtering), without any slowmo or clamp...
qbool paused
global paused state, pauses both client and server