Game engine based on the Quake 1 engine by id Software, developed by LadyHavoc
host_static_t Struct Reference

#include <host.h>

+ Collaboration diagram for host_static_t:

Data Fields

jmp_buf abortframe
double dirtytime
 the main loop wall time for this frame, equal to Sys_DirtyTime() at the start of this host frame
unsigned int framecount
 incremented every frame, never reset, >0 means Host_AbortCurrentFrame() is possible
struct { 
   void(*   CL_SendCvar )(struct cmd_state_s *) 
   void(*   ConnectLocal )(void
   void(*   Disconnect )(qbool, const char *,...) 
   void(*   SV_SendCvar )(struct cmd_state_s *) 
   void(*   SV_Shutdown )(void
   void(*   ToggleMenu )(void
qbool paused
 global paused state, pauses both client and server
double realtime
 the accumulated mainloop time since application started (with filtering), without any slowmo or clamping
qbool restless
 don't sleep
double sleeptime
 time spent sleeping after the last frame
int state

Detailed Description

Definition at line 41 of file host.h.

Field Documentation

◆ abortframe

jmp_buf host_static_t::abortframe

Definition at line 43 of file host.h.

Referenced by Host_AbortCurrentFrame(), and Sys_Frame().

◆ cbuf

cmd_buf_t* host_static_t::cbuf

Definition at line 51 of file host.h.

Referenced by Cmd_Init(), and Host_Frame().

◆ CL_SendCvar

void(* host_static_t::CL_SendCvar) (struct cmd_state_s *)

Definition at line 58 of file host.h.

Referenced by CL_InitCommands(), and SendCvar_f().

◆ ConnectLocal

void(* host_static_t::ConnectLocal) (void)

Definition at line 55 of file host.h.

Referenced by CL_Init(), Host_Init(), SV_Changelevel_f(), SV_Loadgame_f(), SV_Map_f(), and SV_Restart_f().

◆ dirtytime

double host_static_t::dirtytime

the main loop wall time for this frame, equal to Sys_DirtyTime() at the start of this host frame

Definition at line 47 of file host.h.

Referenced by Host_Init(), SV_Frame(), Sys_Frame(), and VM_gettime().

◆ Disconnect

void(* host_static_t::Disconnect) (qbool, const char *,...)

Definition at line 56 of file host.h.

Referenced by CL_Init(), Host_Init(), SV_Loadgame_f(), and SV_Map_f().

◆ framecount

unsigned int host_static_t::framecount

incremented every frame, never reset, >0 means Host_AbortCurrentFrame() is possible

Definition at line 45 of file host.h.

Referenced by Cmd_ExecuteString(), Host_Error(), Host_Frame(), Host_SaveConfig(), SV_Frame(), and SV_SpawnServer().

◆ [struct]

◆ paused

qbool host_static_t::paused

global paused state, pauses both client and server

Definition at line 50 of file host.h.

Referenced by CL_Frame(), SCR_DrawScreen(), SV_Frame(), SV_ThreadFunc(), and VM_CL_setpause().

◆ realtime

double host_static_t::realtime

the accumulated mainloop time since application started (with filtering), without any slowmo or clamping

Definition at line 46 of file host.h.

Referenced by Cbuf_Execute_Deferred(), CL_DrawVideo(), CL_FinishTimeDemo(), CL_GetVideoBySlot(), CL_ParseServerMessage(), CL_Rcon_f(), CL_ReadDemoMessage(), CL_RestartVideo(), CL_SendMove(), CL_SetVideoState(), CL_UpdateScreen(), CL_Video_Frame(), CL_VM_Init(), Con_DrawConsole(), Con_DrawInput(), Crypto_ClientParsePacket(), Crypto_ServerFindInstance(), Crypto_ServerParsePacket(), CSQC_SetGlobals(), Curl_Frame(), Draw_Frame(), Host_Init(), LHNET_Read(), LHNET_Write(), LHNETADDRESS_FromString(), M_Demo_Draw(), M_Draw(), M_GameOptions_Draw(), M_Keys_Draw(), M_LanConfig_Draw(), M_Load_Draw(), M_Main_Draw(), M_ModList_Draw(), M_MultiPlayer_Draw(), M_NetStart_Change(), M_Options_PrintCheckbox(), M_Options_PrintCommand(), M_Options_PrintSlider(), M_Save_Draw(), M_ServerList_Draw(), M_Setup_Draw(), M_SinglePlayer_Draw(), M_Video_Draw(), MP_Draw(), MP_Init(), NetConn_CanSend(), NetConn_ClientFrame(), NetConn_ClientParsePacket(), NetConn_Heartbeat(), NetConn_Open(), NetConn_PreventFlood(), NetConn_ReceivedMessage(), NetConn_SendUnreliableMessage(), NetConn_ServerParsePacket(), NetConn_UpdateCleartime(), NetConn_UpdateSockets(), OpenVideo(), PRVM_ED_CanAlloc(), PRVM_ED_ClearEdict(), PRVM_ED_Free(), PRVM_ED_LoadFromFile(), PRVM_ED_ParseEdict(), PRVM_Prog_Load(), R_RenderTarget_FreeUnused(), R_RenderTarget_Get(), R_Shadow_BounceGrid_AssignPhotons_Task(), R_Shadow_BounceGrid_ConvertPixelsAndUpload(), R_Shadow_PrepareLight(), R_Shadow_UpdateBounceGridTexture(), R_TimeReport_EndFrame(), R_View_UpdateEntityVisible(), R_View_WorldVisibility(), S_PaintAndSubmit(), S_Startup(), Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay(), Sbar_ShowFPS(), Sbar_ShowFPS_Update(), SCR_DrawNet(), SCR_DrawNetGraph_DrawGraph(), SCR_DrawQWDownload(), SV_CheckTimeouts(), SV_ConnectClient(), SV_ExecuteClientMoves(), SV_Frame(), SV_MarkWriteEntityStateToClient(), SV_Name_f(), SV_Savegame_to(), SV_SendClientDatagram(), SV_SendServerinfo(), SV_SpawnServer(), SV_Status_f(), Sys_Frame(), VID_KeyEventForButton(), VID_TouchscreenCursor(), VM_gettime(), VM_SV_setpause(), VM_Warning(), and WakeVideo().

◆ restless

qbool host_static_t::restless

don't sleep

Definition at line 49 of file host.h.

Referenced by CL_DisconnectEx(), CL_FinishTimeDemo(), CL_Frame(), CL_TimeDemo_f(), Host_Frame(), Sys_Frame(), and Sys_Sleep().

◆ sleeptime

double host_static_t::sleeptime

time spent sleeping after the last frame

Definition at line 48 of file host.h.

Referenced by SV_Frame(), and Sys_Frame().

◆ state

◆ SV_SendCvar

void(* host_static_t::SV_SendCvar) (struct cmd_state_s *)

Definition at line 59 of file host.h.

Referenced by SendCvar_f(), and SV_InitOperatorCommands().

◆ SV_Shutdown

void(* host_static_t::SV_Shutdown) (void)

Definition at line 60 of file host.h.

Referenced by CL_DisconnectEx(), Host_Error(), Host_Init(), Host_Shutdown(), and SV_Init().

◆ ToggleMenu

void(* host_static_t::ToggleMenu) (void)

Definition at line 57 of file host.h.

Referenced by CL_Init(), Host_Init(), SV_Changelevel_f(), SV_Loadgame_f(), SV_Map_f(), and SV_Restart_f().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: