153 buf[1] = (c>>8)&0xff;
154 buf[2] = (c>>16)&0xff;
170 SZ_Write (sb, (
unsigned char *)&dat.l, 4);
251 memset(
buf, 0,
369 while (l < numbytes && !sb->badread)
void MSG_WriteCoord32f(sizebuf_t *sb, float f)
void MSG_BeginReading(sizebuf_t *sb)
int MSG_ReadBigShort(sizebuf_t *sb)
char * MSG_ReadString(sizebuf_t *sb, char *string, size_t maxstring)
void StoreBigShort(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned short i)
Encode a big endian 16bit int to the given buffer.
float BuffLittleFloat(const unsigned char *buffer)
Extract a little endian 32bit float from the given buffer.
float MSG_ReadAngle(sizebuf_t *sb, protocolversion_t protocol)
void MSG_WriteShort(sizebuf_t *sb, int c)
void MSG_ReadVector(sizebuf_t *sb, vec3_t v, protocolversion_t protocol)
float MSG_ReadAngle32f(sizebuf_t *sb)
void MSG_WriteString(sizebuf_t *sb, const char *s)
float MSG_ReadCoord32f(sizebuf_t *sb)
void MSG_WriteAngle16i(sizebuf_t *sb, float f)
void StoreLittleShort(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned short i)
Encode a little endian 16bit int to the given buffer.
float MSG_ReadLittleFloat(sizebuf_t *sb)
size_t MSG_ReadBytes(sizebuf_t *sb, size_t numbytes, unsigned char *out)
short BuffLittleShort(const unsigned char *buffer)
Extract a little endian 16bit short from the given buffer.
void MSG_WriteLong(sizebuf_t *sb, int c)
int MSG_ReadBigLong(sizebuf_t *sb)
void MSG_InitReadBuffer(sizebuf_t *buf, unsigned char *data, int size)
void MSG_WriteCoord(sizebuf_t *sb, float f, protocolversion_t protocol)
float MSG_ReadCoord13i(sizebuf_t *sb)
float MSG_ReadAngle8i(sizebuf_t *sb)
float MSG_ReadAngle16i(sizebuf_t *sb)
void MSG_WriteByte(sizebuf_t *sb, int c)
void MSG_WriteFloat(sizebuf_t *sb, float f)
void MSG_WriteVector(sizebuf_t *sb, const vec3_t v, protocolversion_t protocol)
float BuffBigFloat(const unsigned char *buffer)
Extract a big endian 32bit float from the given buffer.
void MSG_WriteAngle(sizebuf_t *sb, float f, protocolversion_t protocol)
float MSG_ReadBigFloat(sizebuf_t *sb)
int BuffLittleLong(const unsigned char *buffer)
Extract a little endian 32bit int from the given buffer.
float MSG_ReadCoord(sizebuf_t *sb, protocolversion_t protocol)
void MSG_WriteUnterminatedString(sizebuf_t *sb, const char *s)
void MSG_WriteAngle32f(sizebuf_t *sb, float f)
int MSG_ReadLittleLong(sizebuf_t *sb)
float MSG_ReadCoord16i(sizebuf_t *sb)
int MSG_ReadLittleShort(sizebuf_t *sb)
short BuffBigShort(const unsigned char *buffer)
Extract a big endian 16bit short from the given buffer.
void MSG_WriteCoord13i(sizebuf_t *sb, float f)
size_t MSG_ReadString_len(sizebuf_t *sb, char *string, size_t maxstring)
Same as MSG_ReadString except it returns the number of bytes written to *string excluding the \0 term...
void StoreLittleLong(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int i)
Encode a little endian 32bit int to the given buffer.
void MSG_WriteChar(sizebuf_t *sb, int c)
void StoreBigLong(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int i)
Encode a big endian 32bit int to the given buffer.
int BuffBigLong(const unsigned char *buffer)
Extract a big endian 32bit int from the given buffer.
void MSG_WriteAngle8i(sizebuf_t *sb, float f)
void MSG_WriteCoord16i(sizebuf_t *sb, float f)
unsigned char * SZ_GetSpace(sizebuf_t *buf, int length)
void SZ_Write(sizebuf_t *buf, const unsigned char *data, int length)
various changes
various changes
same as NEHAHRABJP but with 16bit soundindex
uses EntityFrame4 entity snapshot encoder/decoder which is broken, this attempted to do partial snaps...
same as QUAKEDP but with 16bit modelindex
darkplaces extended quake protocol (used by TomazQuake and others), backwards compatible as long as n...
quake (aka netquake/normalquake/nq) protocol
same as NEHAHRABJP2 but with some changes
Nehahra movie protocol, a big nasty hack dating back to early days of the Quake Standards Group (but ...
quakeworld protocol
uses EntityFrame entity snapshot encoder/decoder which is a QuakeWorld-like entity snapshot delta com...
#define MSG_ReadByte_opt(sb)
Same as MSG_ReadByte but with no need to copy twice (first to int to check for -1) so each byte can b...
GLsizei const GLchar ** string
GLsizeiptr const GLvoid * data
GLenum GLuint GLenum GLsizei const GLchar * buf