Game engine based on the Quake 1 engine by id Software, developed by LadyHavoc
glquake.h File Reference
#include <stddef.h>
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#define APIENTRY
#define GL_ACTIVE_TEXTURE   0x84E0
#define GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS   0x8B86
#define GL_ALPHA   0x1906
#define GL_ALPHA16F   0x881C
#define GL_ALPHA32F   0x8816
#define GL_ALWAYS   0x0207
#define GL_ARRAY_BUFFER   0x8892
#define GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING   0x8894
#define GL_ATTACHED_SHADERS   0x8B85
#define GL_BACK   0x0405
#define GL_BACK_LEFT   0x0402
#define GL_BACK_RIGHT   0x0403
#define GL_BGR   0x80E0
#define GL_BGRA   0x80E1
#define GL_BLEND   0x0BE2
#define GL_BLEND_DST_ALPHA   0x80CA
#define GL_BLEND_DST_RGB   0x80C8
#define GL_BLEND_EQUATION   0x8009
#define GL_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA   0x80CB
#define GL_BLEND_SRC_RGB   0x80C9
#define GL_BOOL   0x8B56
#define GL_BOOL_VEC2   0x8B57
#define GL_BOOL_VEC3   0x8B58
#define GL_BOOL_VEC4   0x8B59
#define GL_BUFFER_ACCESS   0x88BB
#define GL_BUFFER_MAPPED   0x88BC
#define GL_BUFFER_SIZE   0x8764
#define GL_BUFFER_USAGE   0x8765
#define GL_BYTE   0x1400
#define GL_CLAMP   0x2900
#define GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE   0x812F
#define GL_CLIP_PLANE0   0x3000
#define GL_CLIP_PLANE1   0x3001
#define GL_CLIP_PLANE2   0x3002
#define GL_CLIP_PLANE3   0x3003
#define GL_CLIP_PLANE4   0x3004
#define GL_CLIP_PLANE5   0x3005
#define GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT   0x00004000
#define GL_COMPARE_R_TO_TEXTURE   0x884E
#define GL_COMPILE_STATUS   0x8B81
#define GL_COMPRESSED_ALPHA   0x84E9
#define GL_COMPRESSED_RGB   0x84ED
#define GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB   0x8C48
#define GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA   0x8003
#define GL_CONSTANT_COLOR   0x8001
#define GL_CULL_FACE   0x0B44
#define GL_CURRENT_QUERY   0x8865
#define GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_LOW_ARB   0x9148
#define GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_API_ARB   0x8246
#define GL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR_ARB   0x824C
#define GL_DEBUG_TYPE_OTHER_ARB   0x8251
#define GL_DECR   0x1E03
#define GL_DELETE_STATUS   0x8B80
#define GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8   0x88F0
#define GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8   0x88F0
#define GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT   0x8D00
#define GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT   0x00000100
#define GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT   0x1902
#define GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16   0x81A5
#define GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24   0x81A6
#define GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32   0x81A7
#define GL_DEPTH_STENCIL   0x84F9
#define GL_DEPTH_STENCIL   0x84F9
#define GL_DEPTH_TEST   0x0B71
#define GL_DEPTH_TEST   0x0B71
#define GL_DITHER   0x0BD0
#define GL_DONT_CARE   0x1100
#define GL_DOUBLE   0x140A
#define GL_DRAW_BUFFER   0x0C01
#define GL_DRAW_BUFFER0   0x8825
#define GL_DRAW_BUFFER1   0x8826
#define GL_DRAW_BUFFER10   0x882F
#define GL_DRAW_BUFFER11   0x8830
#define GL_DRAW_BUFFER12   0x8831
#define GL_DRAW_BUFFER13   0x8832
#define GL_DRAW_BUFFER14   0x8833
#define GL_DRAW_BUFFER15   0x8834
#define GL_DRAW_BUFFER2   0x8827
#define GL_DRAW_BUFFER3   0x8828
#define GL_DRAW_BUFFER4   0x8829
#define GL_DRAW_BUFFER5   0x882A
#define GL_DRAW_BUFFER6   0x882B
#define GL_DRAW_BUFFER7   0x882C
#define GL_DRAW_BUFFER8   0x882D
#define GL_DRAW_BUFFER9   0x882E
#define GL_DST_ALPHA   0x0304
#define GL_DST_COLOR   0x0306
#define GL_DYNAMIC_COPY   0x88EA
#define GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW   0x88E8
#define GL_DYNAMIC_READ   0x88E9
#define GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER   0x8893
#define GL_EQUAL   0x0202
#define GL_EXTENSIONS   0x1F03
#define GL_FALSE   0x0
#define GL_FASTEST   0x1101
#define GL_FILL   0x1B02
#define GL_FLOAT   0x1406
#define GL_FLOAT   0x1406
#define GL_FLOAT   0x1406
#define GL_FLOAT_MAT2   0x8B5A
#define GL_FLOAT_MAT2   0x8B5A
#define GL_FLOAT_MAT3   0x8B5B
#define GL_FLOAT_MAT3   0x8B5B
#define GL_FLOAT_MAT4   0x8B5C
#define GL_FLOAT_MAT4   0x8B5C
#define GL_FLOAT_VEC2   0x8B50
#define GL_FLOAT_VEC2   0x8B50
#define GL_FLOAT_VEC3   0x8B51
#define GL_FLOAT_VEC3   0x8B51
#define GL_FLOAT_VEC4   0x8B52
#define GL_FLOAT_VEC4   0x8B52
#define GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER   0x8B30
#define GL_FRAMEBUFFER   0x8D40
#define GL_FRONT   0x0404
#define GL_FRONT_AND_BACK   0x0408
#define GL_FRONT_LEFT   0x0400
#define GL_FRONT_RIGHT   0x0401
#define GL_FUNC_ADD   0x8006
#define GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT   0x800A
#define GL_GEQUAL   0x0206
#define GL_GREATER   0x0204
#define GL_HALF_FLOAT   0x140B
#define GL_INCR   0x1E02
#define GL_INDEX   0x8222
#define GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH   0x8B84
#define GL_INT   0x1404
#define GL_INT   0x1404
#define GL_INT_VEC2   0x8B53
#define GL_INT_VEC3   0x8B54
#define GL_INT_VEC4   0x8B55
#define GL_INTENSITY   0x8049
#define GL_INTENSITY16F   0x881D
#define GL_INTENSITY32F   0x8817
#define GL_INVALID_ENUM   0x0500
#define GL_INVALID_OPERATION   0x0502
#define GL_INVALID_VALUE   0x0501
#define GL_KEEP   0x1E00
#define GL_LEFT   0x0406
#define GL_LEQUAL   0x0203
#define GL_LESS   0x0201
#define GL_LINE   0x1B01
#define GL_LINEAR   0x2601
#define GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR   0x2703
#define GL_LINK_STATUS   0x8B82
#define GL_LUMINANCE   0x1909
#define GL_LUMINANCE16F   0x881E
#define GL_LUMINANCE32F   0x8818
#define GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA16F   0x881F
#define GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA32F   0x8819
#define GL_MAJOR_VERSION   0x821B
#define GL_MAX   0x8008
#define GL_MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE   0x8073
#define GL_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS   0x8824
#define GL_MAX_SAMPLES   0x8D57
#define GL_MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS   0x8871
#define GL_MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS   0x8871
#define GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE   0x0D33
#define GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS   0x84E2
#define GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS   0x8869
#define GL_MIN   0x8007
#define GL_MINOR_VERSION   0x821C
#define GL_MULTISAMPLE   0x809D
#define GL_MULTISAMPLE_BIT   0x20000000
#define GL_NEAREST   0x2600
#define GL_NEVER   0x0200
#define GL_NICEST   0x1102
#define GL_NO_ERROR   0x0
#define GL_NONE   0
#define GL_NORMAL_MAP   0x8511
#define GL_NOTEQUAL   0x0205
#define GL_NUM_EXTENSIONS   0x821D
#define GL_ONE   0x1
#define GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA   0x0305
#define GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR   0x0307
#define GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA   0x0303
#define GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR   0x0301
#define GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY   0x0505
#define GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT   0x0D05
#define GL_PACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT   0x806C
#define GL_PACK_SKIP_IMAGES   0x806B
#define GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL   0x8037
#define GL_PROGRAM_OBJECT   0x8B40
#define GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_3D   0x8070
#define GL_QUERY_BUFFER   0x9192
#define GL_QUERY_BUFFER_BARRIER_BIT   0x00008000
#define GL_QUERY_BUFFER_BINDING   0x9193
#define GL_QUERY_COUNTER_BITS   0x8864
#define GL_QUERY_RESULT   0x8866
#define GL_QUERY_RESULT_NO_WAIT   0x9194
#define GL_READ_BUFFER   0x0C02
#define GL_READ_ONLY   0x88B8
#define GL_READ_WRITE   0x88BA
#define GL_REFLECTION_MAP   0x8512
#define GL_RENDERBUFFER   0x8D41
#define GL_RENDERER   0x1F01
#define GL_REPEAT   0x2901
#define GL_REPLACE   0x1E01
#define GL_RGB   0x1907
#define GL_RGB16F   0x881B
#define GL_RGB32F   0x8815
#define GL_RGBA   0x1908
#define GL_RGBA16F   0x881A
#define GL_RGBA32F   0x8814
#define GL_RIGHT   0x0407
#define GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_ONE   0x809F
#define GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS   0x80A8
#define GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE   0x80A0
#define GL_SAMPLER_1D   0x8B5D
#define GL_SAMPLER_1D_SHADOW   0x8B61
#define GL_SAMPLER_2D   0x8B5E
#define GL_SAMPLER_2D_RECT   0x8B63
#define GL_SAMPLER_2D_RECT_SHADOW   0x8B64
#define GL_SAMPLER_2D_SHADOW   0x8B62
#define GL_SAMPLER_3D   0x8B5F
#define GL_SAMPLER_CUBE   0x8B60
#define GL_SAMPLES   0x80A9
#define GL_SAMPLES_PASSED   0x8914
#define GL_SCISSOR_BOX   0x0C10
#define GL_SCISSOR_TEST   0x0C11
#define GL_SHADER_OBJECT   0x8B48
#define GL_SHADER_TYPE   0x8B4F
#define GL_SHORT   0x1402
#define GL_SLUMINANCE   0x8C46
#define GL_SLUMINANCE8   0x8C47
#define GL_SLUMINANCE8_ALPHA8   0x8C45
#define GL_SLUMINANCE_ALPHA   0x8C44
#define GL_SRC_ALPHA   0x0302
#define GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE   0x0308
#define GL_SRC_COLOR   0x0300
#define GL_SRGB   0x8C40
#define GL_SRGB   0x8C40
#define GL_SRGB8   0x8C41
#define GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8   0x8C43
#define GL_SRGB_ALPHA   0x8C42
#define GL_STACK_OVERFLOW   0x0503
#define GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW   0x0504
#define GL_STATIC_COPY   0x88E6
#define GL_STATIC_DRAW   0x88E4
#define GL_STATIC_READ   0x88E5
#define GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT   0x00000400
#define GL_STENCIL_INDEX1   0x8D46
#define GL_STENCIL_INDEX16   0x8D49
#define GL_STENCIL_INDEX4   0x8D47
#define GL_STENCIL_INDEX8   0x8D48
#define GL_STENCIL_TEST   0x0B90
#define GL_STEREO   0x0C33
#define GL_STREAM_COPY   0x88E2
#define GL_STREAM_DRAW   0x88E0
#define GL_STREAM_READ   0x88E1
#define GL_TEXTURE0   0x84C0
#define GL_TEXTURE1   0x84C1
#define GL_TEXTURE10   0x84CA
#define GL_TEXTURE11   0x84CB
#define GL_TEXTURE12   0x84CC
#define GL_TEXTURE13   0x84CD
#define GL_TEXTURE14   0x84CE
#define GL_TEXTURE15   0x84CF
#define GL_TEXTURE16   0x84D0
#define GL_TEXTURE17   0x84D1
#define GL_TEXTURE18   0x84D2
#define GL_TEXTURE19   0x84D3
#define GL_TEXTURE2   0x84C2
#define GL_TEXTURE20   0x84D4
#define GL_TEXTURE21   0x84D5
#define GL_TEXTURE22   0x84D6
#define GL_TEXTURE23   0x84D7
#define GL_TEXTURE24   0x84D8
#define GL_TEXTURE25   0x84D9
#define GL_TEXTURE26   0x84DA
#define GL_TEXTURE27   0x84DB
#define GL_TEXTURE28   0x84DC
#define GL_TEXTURE29   0x84DD
#define GL_TEXTURE3   0x84C3
#define GL_TEXTURE30   0x84DE
#define GL_TEXTURE31   0x84DF
#define GL_TEXTURE4   0x84C4
#define GL_TEXTURE5   0x84C5
#define GL_TEXTURE6   0x84C6
#define GL_TEXTURE7   0x84C7
#define GL_TEXTURE8   0x84C8
#define GL_TEXTURE9   0x84C9
#define GL_TEXTURE_2D   0x0DE1
#define GL_TEXTURE_3D   0x806F
#define GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_3D   0x806A
#define GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP   0x8513
#define GL_TEXTURE_DEPTH   0x8071
#define GL_TEXTURE_DEPTH_SIZE   0x884A
#define GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER   0x2800
#define GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL   0x813D
#define GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER   0x2801
#define GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R   0x8072
#define GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R   0x8072
#define GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S   0x2802
#define GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T   0x2803
#define GL_TRIANGLES   0x0004
#define GL_TRUE   0x1
#define GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER   0x8A11
#define GL_UNIFORM_OFFSET   0x8A3B
#define GL_UNIFORM_SIZE   0x8A38
#define GL_UNIFORM_TYPE   0x8A37
#define GL_UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES   0x806D
#define GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE   0x1401
#define GL_UNSIGNED_INT   0x1405
#define GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8   0x84FA
#define GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8   0x84FA
#define GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT   0x1403
#define GL_VALIDATE_STATUS   0x8B83
#define GL_VENDOR   0x1F00
#define GL_VERSION   0x1F02
#define GL_VERTEX_SHADER   0x8B31
#define GL_VIEWPORT   0x0BA2
#define GL_WRITE_ONLY   0x88B9
#define GL_ZERO   0x0


typedef unsigned int GLbitfield
typedef unsigned char GLboolean
typedef signed char GLbyte
typedef char GLchar
typedef double GLclampd
typedef float GLclampf
typedef void(GLAPIENTRYGLDEBUGPROCARB) (GLenum source, GLenum type, GLuint id, GLenum severity, GLsizei length, const GLchar *message, const GLvoid *userParam)
typedef double GLdouble
typedef unsigned int GLenum
typedef float GLfloat
typedef int GLint
typedef ptrdiff_t GLintptr
typedef short GLshort
typedef int GLsizei
typedef ptrdiff_t GLsizeiptr
typedef unsigned char GLubyte
typedef unsigned int GLuint
typedef unsigned short GLushort
typedef void GLvoid


 GLboolean (GLAPIENTRY *qglIsBuffer)(GLuint buffer)
 GLenum (GLAPIENTRY *qglCheckFramebufferStatus)(GLenum target)
 GLint (GLAPIENTRY *qglGetAttribLocation)(GLuint programObj
 GLuint (GLAPIENTRY *qglCreateProgram)(void)
 GLvoid (GLAPIENTRY *qglBindFramebuffer)(GLenum target
const GLubyte *GLAPIENTRYqglGetString (GLenum name)
GLvoid *GLAPIENTRYqglMapBuffer (GLenum target, GLenum access)
 void (GLAPIENTRY *qglActiveTexture)(GLenum texture)


GLclampf GLclampf GLclampf alpha
const GLuintarrays
GLuint attachedObj
GLenum attachment
GLclampf GLclampf blue
GLint GLenum GLsizei GLsizei GLint border
GLenum GLuint GLenum GLsizei const GLcharbuf
GLuint buffer
const GLuintbuffers
const GLenumbufs
GLsizei bufSize
GLenum GLenum GLsizei count
GLsizeiptr const GLvoiddata
GLint GLenum GLsizei GLsizei GLsizei depth
GLenum dfactor
GLenum GLenum GLenum dfactorAlpha
GLenum dfactorRGB
GLint GLint GLint GLint dstX0
GLint GLint GLint GLint GLint GLint dstX1
GLint GLint GLint GLint GLint dstY0
GLint GLint GLint GLint GLint GLint GLint dstY1
GLenum GLenum GLsizei const GLuint GLboolean enabled
GLclampd far_val
GLint GLint GLint GLint GLint GLint GLint GLbitfield GLenum filter
GLint first
GLint GLint GLint GLsizei GLsizei GLenum format
GLuint framebuffer
const GLuintframebuffers
GLclampf green
GLenum GLsizei GLsizei height
GLenum GLuint id
GLsizei GLenum GLenum GLuintids
GLint GLenum GLsizei GLsizei GLint GLsizei imageSize
GLint voidimg
GLuint index
GLsizei GLenum const GLvoidindices
GLsizei GLsizei GLcharinfoLog
GLint GLint internalFormat
GLenum internalformat
GLboolean invert
GLenum GLenum GLuint GLint GLint layer
GLenum GLuint GLenum GLsizei length
GLsizei GLenum GLenum GLuint GLenum GLsizeilengths
GLenum GLenum GLuint GLint level
GLint location
GLint lod
GLint GLint GLint GLint GLint GLint GLint GLbitfield mask
GLsizei maxCount
GLuint GLsizei maxLength
GLsizei GLenum GLenum GLuint GLenum GLsizei GLcharmessageLog
GLenum mode
const GLcharname
GLint GLenum GLboolean normalized
GLuint obj
GLuint GLuint GLintptr offset
GLint param
GLenum GLenum GLintparams
GLint GLenum GLenum GLvoidpixels
GLenum GLenum pname
GLenum GLvoid ** pointer
GLuint qid
GLint ref
GLuint renderbuffer
const GLuintrenderbuffers
GLenum GLenum renderbuffertarget
GLsizei samples
GLsizei GLenum GLenum GLuint GLenumseverities
GLenum GLenum severity
GLenum GLenum sfactorAlpha
GLuint GLuint GLintptr GLsizeiptr size
GLsizei GLsizei GLcharsource
GLsizei GLenumsources
GLint GLint srcX1
GLint srcY0
GLint GLint GLint srcY1
GLint GLenum GLboolean GLsizei stride
GLsizei const GLchar ** string = #75
GLenum GLenum textarget
GLenum GLenum GLuint texture
const GLuinttextures
GLsizei GLboolean transpose
GLenum type
GLsizei GLenum GLenumtypes
GLuint GLuint uniformBlockBinding
GLuint uniformBlockIndex
const char * uniformBlockName
GLsizei uniformCount
GLuint uniformIndex
GLsizei const GLuintuniformIndices
GLuint GLsizei GLsizei char * uniformName
GLsizei const char ** uniformNames
GLfloat units
GLsizeiptr const GLvoid GLenum usage
const GLvoiduserParam
const GLdoublev
GLfloat v0
GLfloat GLfloat v1
GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat v2
GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat v3
GLsizei const GLfloatvalue
GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte w
GLenum GLsizei width
GLint GLenum GLint x = x*cos(om)-y*sin(om)
GLint GLint xoffset
GLint GLenum GLint GLint y = position.y
GLint GLint GLint yoffset
GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte z = dot(EyeRelative, Attrib_TexCoord3.xyz)
GLenum zfail
GLint GLint GLint GLint zoffset
GLenum GLenum zpass

Macro Definition Documentation


#define APIENTRY

Definition at line 37 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 1059 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by CL_UpdateScreen(), GL_ActiveTexture(), GL_AlphaToCoverage(), GL_Backend_CompileProgram(), GL_Backend_CompileShader(), GL_Backend_FreeProgram(), GL_Backend_ResetState(), gl_backend_start(), GL_BindEBO(), GL_BindUBO(), GL_BindVBO(), GL_BlendEquationSubtract(), GL_BlendFunc(), GL_Clear(), GL_Color(), GL_ColorMask(), GL_CullFace(), GL_DepthFunc(), GL_DepthMask(), GL_DepthRange(), GL_DepthTest(), GL_Finish(), GL_PolygonOffset(), GL_ReadPixelsBGRA(), GL_Scissor(), GL_ScissorTest(), GL_SetMirrorState(), GL_Setup(), GL_SetupTextureParameters(), GL_TextureMode_f(), R_BeginCoronaQuery(), R_Bloom_MakeTexture(), R_DrawCorona(), R_DrawDebugModel(), R_DrawLoc_Callback(), R_DrawModelTextureSurfaceList(), R_DrawPortal_Callback(), R_EntityMatrix(), R_FreeTexture(), R_GLSL_CompilePermutation(), R_LoadTextureDDSFile(), R_LoadTextureRenderBuffer(), R_Mesh_ColorPointer(), R_Mesh_CopyToTexture(), R_Mesh_CreateFramebufferObject(), R_Mesh_DestroyFramebufferObject(), R_Mesh_DestroyMeshBuffer(), R_Mesh_Draw(), R_Mesh_SetRenderTargets(), R_Mesh_TexBind(), R_Mesh_TexCoordPointer(), R_Mesh_UpdateMeshBuffer(), R_Mesh_VertexPointer(), R_Mod_DrawLight(), R_ProcessModelTextureSurfaceList(), R_RenderView(), R_ResetViewRendering2D_Common(), R_ResetViewRendering3D(), R_SaveTextureDDSFile(), R_SetStencil(), R_SetupShader_SetPermutationGLSL(), R_SetupShader_Surface(), R_SetupTexture(), R_SetViewport(), R_Shadow_DrawCoronas(), R_Shadow_DrawModelShadowMaps(), R_Shadow_DrawWorldShadow_ShadowMap(), R_Shadow_RenderMode_Begin(), R_Shadow_RenderMode_Reset(), r_shadow_shutdown(), R_Textures_Frame(), r_textures_start(), R_TimeReport(), R_UploadFullTexture(), R_UploadPartialTexture(), and VID_Finish().



Definition at line 494 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 493 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_ACTIVE_TEXTURE   0x84E0

Definition at line 212 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 427 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 428 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 455 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS   0x8B86

Definition at line 454 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_GLSL_CompilePermutation().


#define GL_ALPHA   0x1906

Definition at line 153 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_ALPHA16F   0x881C

Definition at line 1030 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_ALPHA32F   0x8816

Definition at line 1024 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_ALWAYS   0x0207

Definition at line 166 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_BeginCoronaQuery().


#define GL_ARRAY_BUFFER   0x8892

Definition at line 286 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_Backend_ResetState(), GL_BindVBO(), and R_Mesh_UpdateMeshBuffer().


#define GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING   0x8894

Definition at line 288 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_ATTACHED_SHADERS   0x8B85

Definition at line 453 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_BACK   0x0405


#define GL_BACK_LEFT   0x0402

Definition at line 130 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by CL_UpdateScreen().


#define GL_BACK_RIGHT   0x0403

Definition at line 131 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by CL_UpdateScreen().


#define GL_BGR   0x80E0

Definition at line 546 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_BGRA   0x80E1

Definition at line 547 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_ReadPixelsBGRA(), GL_Setup(), and R_SaveTextureDDSFile().


#define GL_BLEND   0x0BE2

Definition at line 71 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_Backend_ResetState(), and GL_BlendFunc().


#define GL_BLEND_DST_ALPHA   0x80CA

Definition at line 565 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_BLEND_DST_RGB   0x80C8

Definition at line 563 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_BLEND_EQUATION   0x8009

Definition at line 281 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA   0x80CB

Definition at line 566 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_BLEND_SRC_RGB   0x80C9

Definition at line 564 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_BOOL   0x8B56

Definition at line 467 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_BOOL_VEC2   0x8B57

Definition at line 468 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_BOOL_VEC3   0x8B58

Definition at line 469 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_BOOL_VEC4   0x8B59

Definition at line 470 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_BUFFER_ACCESS   0x88BB

Definition at line 314 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 316 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_BUFFER_MAPPED   0x88BC

Definition at line 315 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_BUFFER_SIZE   0x8764

Definition at line 312 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_BUFFER_USAGE   0x8765

Definition at line 313 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_BYTE   0x1400

Definition at line 118 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_CLAMP   0x2900

Definition at line 111 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE   0x812F

Definition at line 276 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_SetupTextureParameters().


#define GL_CLIP_PLANE0   0x3000

Definition at line 185 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_CLIP_PLANE1   0x3001

Definition at line 186 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_CLIP_PLANE2   0x3002

Definition at line 187 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_CLIP_PLANE3   0x3003

Definition at line 188 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_CLIP_PLANE4   0x3004

Definition at line 189 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_CLIP_PLANE5   0x3005

Definition at line 190 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 292 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 1005 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_Mesh_CreateFramebufferObject().



Definition at line 1006 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_Mesh_CreateFramebufferObject().



Definition at line 1015 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 1016 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 1017 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 1018 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 1019 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 1020 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 1007 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_Mesh_CreateFramebufferObject().



Definition at line 1008 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_Mesh_CreateFramebufferObject().



Definition at line 1009 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 1010 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 1011 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 1012 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 1013 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 1014 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT   0x00004000


#define GL_COMPARE_R_TO_TEXTURE   0x884E

Definition at line 210 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_SetupTextureParameters().


#define GL_COMPILE_STATUS   0x8B81

Definition at line 449 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_Backend_CompileShader().


#define GL_COMPRESSED_ALPHA   0x84E9

Definition at line 518 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 521 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 519 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 520 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_COMPRESSED_RGB   0x84ED

Definition at line 522 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 530 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_SaveTextureDDSFile().



Definition at line 523 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 531 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_SaveTextureDDSFile().



Definition at line 532 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_SaveTextureDDSFile().



Definition at line 533 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_SaveTextureDDSFile().



Definition at line 406 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 407 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB   0x8C48

Definition at line 404 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 405 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 409 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 410 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 411 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 408 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 528 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA   0x8003

Definition at line 86 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_CONSTANT_COLOR   0x8001

Definition at line 84 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_CULL_FACE   0x0B44

Definition at line 70 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_Backend_ResetState(), and GL_CullFace().


#define GL_CURRENT_QUERY   0x8865

Definition at line 537 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 500 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 570 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 571 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 586 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 569 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 568 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_Backend_ResetState().



Definition at line 587 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_Backend_ResetState(), and GL_DebugOutputCallback().


#define GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_LOW_ARB   0x9148

Definition at line 589 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_Backend_ResetState(), and GL_DebugOutputCallback().



Definition at line 588 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_Backend_ResetState(), and GL_DebugOutputCallback().


#define GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_API_ARB   0x8246

Definition at line 572 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_DebugOutputCallback().



Definition at line 576 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_DebugOutputCallback().



Definition at line 577 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_DebugOutputCallback().



Definition at line 574 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_DebugOutputCallback().



Definition at line 575 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_DebugOutputCallback().



Definition at line 573 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_DebugOutputCallback().



Definition at line 579 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_DebugOutputCallback().


#define GL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR_ARB   0x824C

Definition at line 578 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_DebugOutputCallback().


#define GL_DEBUG_TYPE_OTHER_ARB   0x8251

Definition at line 583 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_DebugOutputCallback().



Definition at line 582 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_DebugOutputCallback().



Definition at line 581 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_DebugOutputCallback().



Definition at line 580 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_DebugOutputCallback().


#define GL_DECR   0x1E03

Definition at line 177 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_DELETE_STATUS   0x8B80

Definition at line 448 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8   0x88F0

Definition at line 374 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8   0x88F0

Definition at line 374 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT   0x8D00

Definition at line 354 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_Mesh_CreateFramebufferObject().


#define GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT   0x00000100


#define GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT   0x1902

Definition at line 192 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_Shadow_DrawModelShadowMaps().


#define GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16   0x81A5

Definition at line 202 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24   0x81A6

Definition at line 203 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32   0x81A7

Definition at line 204 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_DEPTH_STENCIL   0x84F9

Definition at line 372 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_DEPTH_STENCIL   0x84F9

Definition at line 372 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 356 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_DEPTH_TEST   0x0B71

Definition at line 69 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_Backend_ResetState(), and GL_DepthTest().


#define GL_DEPTH_TEST   0x0B71

Definition at line 69 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_DITHER   0x0BD0

Definition at line 152 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_DONT_CARE   0x1100

Definition at line 66 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_Backend_ResetState().


#define GL_DOUBLE   0x140A

Definition at line 125 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_DRAW_BUFFER   0x0C01

Definition at line 194 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_Shadow_RenderMode_Begin().


#define GL_DRAW_BUFFER0   0x8825

Definition at line 378 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_DRAW_BUFFER1   0x8826

Definition at line 379 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_DRAW_BUFFER10   0x882F

Definition at line 388 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_DRAW_BUFFER11   0x8830

Definition at line 389 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_DRAW_BUFFER12   0x8831

Definition at line 390 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_DRAW_BUFFER13   0x8832

Definition at line 391 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_DRAW_BUFFER14   0x8833

Definition at line 392 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_DRAW_BUFFER15   0x8834

Definition at line 393 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_DRAW_BUFFER2   0x8827

Definition at line 380 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_DRAW_BUFFER3   0x8828

Definition at line 381 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_DRAW_BUFFER4   0x8829

Definition at line 382 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_DRAW_BUFFER5   0x882A

Definition at line 383 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_DRAW_BUFFER6   0x882B

Definition at line 384 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_DRAW_BUFFER7   0x882C

Definition at line 385 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_DRAW_BUFFER8   0x882D

Definition at line 386 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_DRAW_BUFFER9   0x882E

Definition at line 387 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 321 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 367 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_DST_ALPHA   0x0304

Definition at line 81 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by Mod_LoadQ3Shaders(), and R_BlendFuncFlags().


#define GL_DST_COLOR   0x0306

Definition at line 77 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by Mod_LoadQ3Shaders(), Mod_Mesh_GetTexture(), and R_BlendFuncFlags().


#define GL_DYNAMIC_COPY   0x88EA

Definition at line 308 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_DrawCorona().


#define GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW   0x88E8

Definition at line 306 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_DYNAMIC_READ   0x88E9

Definition at line 307 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 295 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER   0x8893

Definition at line 287 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_Backend_ResetState(), GL_BindEBO(), and R_Mesh_UpdateMeshBuffer().



Definition at line 289 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_EQUAL   0x0202

Definition at line 161 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_Shadow_RenderMode_Lighting(), and R_Shadow_RenderMode_VisibleLighting().


#define GL_EXTENSIONS   0x1F03

Definition at line 141 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_Setup().


#define GL_FALSE   0x0

Definition at line 115 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_Backend_ResetState().


#define GL_FASTEST   0x1101

Definition at line 67 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_UploadFullTexture().


#define GL_FILL   0x1B02

Definition at line 108 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_DrawDebugModel().

◆ GL_FLOAT [1/3]

◆ GL_FLOAT [2/3]

#define GL_FLOAT   0x1406

Definition at line 124 of file glquake.h.

◆ GL_FLOAT [3/3]

#define GL_FLOAT   0x1406

Definition at line 124 of file glquake.h.

◆ GL_FLOAT_MAT2 [1/2]

#define GL_FLOAT_MAT2   0x8B5A

Definition at line 471 of file glquake.h.

◆ GL_FLOAT_MAT2 [2/2]

#define GL_FLOAT_MAT2   0x8B5A

Definition at line 471 of file glquake.h.

◆ GL_FLOAT_MAT3 [1/2]

#define GL_FLOAT_MAT3   0x8B5B

Definition at line 472 of file glquake.h.

◆ GL_FLOAT_MAT3 [2/2]

#define GL_FLOAT_MAT3   0x8B5B

Definition at line 472 of file glquake.h.

◆ GL_FLOAT_MAT4 [1/2]

#define GL_FLOAT_MAT4   0x8B5C

Definition at line 473 of file glquake.h.

◆ GL_FLOAT_MAT4 [2/2]

#define GL_FLOAT_MAT4   0x8B5C

Definition at line 473 of file glquake.h.

◆ GL_FLOAT_VEC2 [1/2]

#define GL_FLOAT_VEC2   0x8B50

Definition at line 460 of file glquake.h.

◆ GL_FLOAT_VEC2 [2/2]

#define GL_FLOAT_VEC2   0x8B50

Definition at line 460 of file glquake.h.

◆ GL_FLOAT_VEC3 [1/2]

#define GL_FLOAT_VEC3   0x8B51

Definition at line 461 of file glquake.h.

◆ GL_FLOAT_VEC3 [2/2]

#define GL_FLOAT_VEC3   0x8B51

Definition at line 461 of file glquake.h.

◆ GL_FLOAT_VEC4 [1/2]

#define GL_FLOAT_VEC4   0x8B52

Definition at line 462 of file glquake.h.

◆ GL_FLOAT_VEC4 [2/2]

#define GL_FLOAT_VEC4   0x8B52

Definition at line 462 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 297 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER   0x8B30

Definition at line 510 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_Backend_CompileProgram().



Definition at line 514 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_FRAMEBUFFER   0x8D40



Definition at line 347 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 346 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 342 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 343 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 348 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 345 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 338 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 337 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 344 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 349 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 340 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 341 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 339 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 366 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by gl_backend_start().



Definition at line 358 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_Mesh_CreateFramebufferObject().



Definition at line 352 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 359 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 361 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 360 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 364 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 362 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 365 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 363 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_FRONT   0x0404


#define GL_FRONT_AND_BACK   0x0408

Definition at line 136 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_DrawDebugModel().


#define GL_FRONT_LEFT   0x0400

Definition at line 128 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_FRONT_RIGHT   0x0401

Definition at line 129 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_FUNC_ADD   0x8006

Definition at line 278 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_BlendEquationSubtract().



Definition at line 284 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_BlendEquationSubtract().


#define GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT   0x800A

Definition at line 283 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_GEQUAL   0x0206

Definition at line 165 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_GREATER   0x0204

Definition at line 163 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_Shadow_RenderMode_DrawDeferredLight().


#define GL_HALF_FLOAT   0x140B

Definition at line 1037 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_INCR   0x1E02

Definition at line 176 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_INDEX   0x8222

Definition at line 353 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 293 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH   0x8B84

Definition at line 452 of file glquake.h.

◆ GL_INT [1/2]

#define GL_INT   0x1404

Definition at line 122 of file glquake.h.

◆ GL_INT [2/2]

#define GL_INT   0x1404

Definition at line 122 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_INT_VEC2   0x8B53

Definition at line 464 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_INT_VEC3   0x8B54

Definition at line 465 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_INT_VEC4   0x8B55

Definition at line 466 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_INTENSITY   0x8049

Definition at line 197 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_INTENSITY16F   0x881D

Definition at line 1031 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_INTENSITY32F   0x8817

Definition at line 1025 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_INVALID_ENUM   0x0500

Definition at line 145 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 150 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 445 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_INVALID_OPERATION   0x0502

Definition at line 146 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_INVALID_VALUE   0x0501

Definition at line 144 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_KEEP   0x1E00

Definition at line 174 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_LEFT   0x0406

Definition at line 134 of file glquake.h.



#define GL_LESS   0x0201

Definition at line 160 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_LINE   0x1B01

Definition at line 107 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_DrawDebugModel().


#define GL_LINEAR   0x2601

Definition at line 101 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_SetupTextureParameters().


#define GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR   0x2703

Definition at line 105 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_SetupTextureParameters().



Definition at line 104 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_SetupTextureParameters().


#define GL_LINK_STATUS   0x8B82

Definition at line 450 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_Backend_CompileProgram().


#define GL_LUMINANCE   0x1909

Definition at line 196 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_LUMINANCE16F   0x881E

Definition at line 1032 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_LUMINANCE32F   0x8818

Definition at line 1026 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA16F   0x881F

Definition at line 1033 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA32F   0x8819

Definition at line 1027 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_MAJOR_VERSION   0x821B

Definition at line 1038 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_Setup().


#define GL_MAX   0x8008

Definition at line 280 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE   0x8073

Definition at line 257 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_Setup().



Definition at line 370 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 425 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 424 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 489 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 420 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 423 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 271 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_Setup().



Definition at line 585 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 584 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS   0x8824

Definition at line 377 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_Setup().



Definition at line 248 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 247 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 419 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 511 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 418 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 371 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_MAX_SAMPLES   0x8D57

Definition at line 357 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS   0x8871

Definition at line 490 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS   0x8871

Definition at line 490 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 487 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 487 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 200 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_Setup().


#define GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE   0x0D33

Definition at line 157 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_Setup().


#define GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS   0x84E2

Definition at line 213 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 422 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 421 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 485 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS   0x8869

Definition at line 486 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 488 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 417 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 484 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_MIN   0x8007

Definition at line 279 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_MINOR_VERSION   0x821C

Definition at line 1039 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_Setup().


#define GL_MULTISAMPLE   0x809D

Definition at line 549 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_Setup().


#define GL_MULTISAMPLE_BIT   0x20000000

Definition at line 557 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_NEAREST   0x2600

Definition at line 100 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_SetupTextureParameters().



Definition at line 103 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_SetupTextureParameters().



Definition at line 102 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_SetupTextureParameters().


#define GL_NEVER   0x0200

Definition at line 159 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_NICEST   0x1102

Definition at line 68 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_UploadFullTexture().


#define GL_NO_ERROR   0x0

Definition at line 143 of file glquake.h.




Definition at line 291 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_NORMAL_MAP   0x8511

Definition at line 260 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_NOTEQUAL   0x0205

Definition at line 164 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 527 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_NUM_EXTENSIONS   0x821D

Definition at line 1040 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_Setup().




Definition at line 87 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 85 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA   0x0305

Definition at line 82 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by Mod_LoadQ3Shaders(), and R_BlendFuncFlags().


#define GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR   0x0307

Definition at line 78 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by Mod_LoadQ3Shaders(), Mod_Mesh_GetTexture(), and R_BlendFuncFlags().



#define GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR   0x0301


#define GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY   0x0505

Definition at line 149 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT   0x0D05

Definition at line 95 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by r_textures_start().


#define GL_PACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT   0x806C

Definition at line 251 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_PACK_SKIP_IMAGES   0x806B

Definition at line 250 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 317 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 179 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL   0x8037

Definition at line 183 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_ResetViewRendering2D_Common(), and R_ResetViewRendering3D().



Definition at line 182 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 181 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 180 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_PROGRAM_OBJECT   0x8B40

Definition at line 447 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_3D   0x8070

Definition at line 254 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 270 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_QUERY_BUFFER   0x9192

Definition at line 541 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_DrawCorona().


#define GL_QUERY_BUFFER_BARRIER_BIT   0x00008000

Definition at line 544 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_QUERY_BUFFER_BINDING   0x9193

Definition at line 542 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_QUERY_COUNTER_BITS   0x8864

Definition at line 536 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_QUERY_RESULT   0x8866

Definition at line 538 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_DrawCorona().



Definition at line 539 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_QUERY_RESULT_NO_WAIT   0x9194

Definition at line 543 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_READ_BUFFER   0x0C02

Definition at line 195 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_Shadow_RenderMode_Begin().



Definition at line 320 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 368 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_READ_ONLY   0x88B8

Definition at line 309 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_READ_WRITE   0x88BA

Definition at line 311 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_REFLECTION_MAP   0x8512

Definition at line 261 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_RENDERBUFFER   0x8D41

Definition at line 322 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_LoadTextureRenderBuffer(), and R_Mesh_CreateFramebufferObject().



Definition at line 333 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 369 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 332 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 334 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 331 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 328 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 329 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 330 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 336 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 335 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 327 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_RENDERER   0x1F01

Definition at line 139 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_Setup().


#define GL_REPEAT   0x2901

Definition at line 110 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_SetupTextureParameters().


#define GL_REPLACE   0x1E01

Definition at line 175 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_RGB   0x1907

Definition at line 154 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_RGB16F   0x881B

Definition at line 1029 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_RGB32F   0x8815

Definition at line 1023 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_RGBA   0x1908

Definition at line 155 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_ReadPixelsBGRA().


#define GL_RGBA16F   0x881A

Definition at line 1028 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_RGBA32F   0x8814

Definition at line 1022 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_RIGHT   0x0407

Definition at line 135 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 550 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_AlphaToCoverage().


#define GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_ONE   0x809F

Definition at line 551 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS   0x80A8

Definition at line 553 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE   0x80A0

Definition at line 552 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 556 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 555 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_SAMPLER_1D   0x8B5D

Definition at line 474 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_SAMPLER_1D_SHADOW   0x8B61

Definition at line 478 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_SAMPLER_2D   0x8B5E

Definition at line 475 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_SAMPLER_2D_RECT   0x8B63

Definition at line 480 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_SAMPLER_2D_RECT_SHADOW   0x8B64

Definition at line 481 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_SAMPLER_2D_SHADOW   0x8B62

Definition at line 479 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_SAMPLER_3D   0x8B5F

Definition at line 476 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_SAMPLER_CUBE   0x8B60

Definition at line 477 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_SAMPLES   0x80A9

Definition at line 554 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_Setup().


#define GL_SAMPLES_PASSED   0x8914

Definition at line 535 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_BeginCoronaQuery().


#define GL_SCISSOR_BOX   0x0C10

Definition at line 274 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_SCISSOR_TEST   0x0C11

Definition at line 273 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_ScissorTest().



Definition at line 296 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_SHADER_OBJECT   0x8B48

Definition at line 457 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 456 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_SHADER_TYPE   0x8B4F

Definition at line 458 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 516 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_Setup().


#define GL_SHORT   0x1402

Definition at line 120 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_SLUMINANCE   0x8C46

Definition at line 402 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_SLUMINANCE8   0x8C47

Definition at line 403 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_SLUMINANCE8_ALPHA8   0x8C45

Definition at line 401 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_SLUMINANCE_ALPHA   0x8C44

Definition at line 400 of file glquake.h.



#define GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE   0x0308

Definition at line 83 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_SRC_COLOR   0x0300

◆ GL_SRGB [1/2]

#define GL_SRGB   0x8C40

Definition at line 350 of file glquake.h.

◆ GL_SRGB [2/2]

#define GL_SRGB   0x8C40

Definition at line 350 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_SRGB8   0x8C41

Definition at line 397 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8   0x8C43

Definition at line 399 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_SRGB_ALPHA   0x8C42

Definition at line 398 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_STACK_OVERFLOW   0x0503

Definition at line 147 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW   0x0504

Definition at line 148 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_STATIC_COPY   0x88E6

Definition at line 305 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_STATIC_DRAW   0x88E4

Definition at line 303 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_Mesh_UpdateMeshBuffer().


#define GL_STATIC_READ   0x88E5

Definition at line 304 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 355 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_Mesh_CreateFramebufferObject().


#define GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT   0x00000400

Definition at line 170 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_Clear(), R_ClearScreen(), and R_Shadow_ClearStencil().


#define GL_STENCIL_INDEX1   0x8D46

Definition at line 323 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_STENCIL_INDEX16   0x8D49

Definition at line 326 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_STENCIL_INDEX4   0x8D47

Definition at line 324 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_STENCIL_INDEX8   0x8D48

Definition at line 325 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_STENCIL_TEST   0x0B90

Definition at line 173 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_SetStencil().


#define GL_STEREO   0x0C33

Definition at line 65 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by VID_Mode().


#define GL_STREAM_COPY   0x88E2

Definition at line 302 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_STREAM_DRAW   0x88E0

Definition at line 300 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_Mesh_UpdateMeshBuffer().


#define GL_STREAM_READ   0x88E1

Definition at line 301 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_TEXTURE0   0x84C0

Definition at line 214 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_ActiveTexture().


#define GL_TEXTURE1   0x84C1

Definition at line 215 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_TEXTURE10   0x84CA

Definition at line 224 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_TEXTURE11   0x84CB

Definition at line 225 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_TEXTURE12   0x84CC

Definition at line 226 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_TEXTURE13   0x84CD

Definition at line 227 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_TEXTURE14   0x84CE

Definition at line 228 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_TEXTURE15   0x84CF

Definition at line 229 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_TEXTURE16   0x84D0

Definition at line 230 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_TEXTURE17   0x84D1

Definition at line 231 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_TEXTURE18   0x84D2

Definition at line 232 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_TEXTURE19   0x84D3

Definition at line 233 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_TEXTURE2   0x84C2

Definition at line 216 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_TEXTURE20   0x84D4

Definition at line 234 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_TEXTURE21   0x84D5

Definition at line 235 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_TEXTURE22   0x84D6

Definition at line 236 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_TEXTURE23   0x84D7

Definition at line 237 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_TEXTURE24   0x84D8

Definition at line 238 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_TEXTURE25   0x84D9

Definition at line 239 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_TEXTURE26   0x84DA

Definition at line 240 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_TEXTURE27   0x84DB

Definition at line 241 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_TEXTURE28   0x84DC

Definition at line 242 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_TEXTURE29   0x84DD

Definition at line 243 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_TEXTURE3   0x84C3

Definition at line 217 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_TEXTURE30   0x84DE

Definition at line 244 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_TEXTURE31   0x84DF

Definition at line 245 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_TEXTURE4   0x84C4

Definition at line 218 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_TEXTURE5   0x84C5

Definition at line 219 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_TEXTURE6   0x84C6

Definition at line 220 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_TEXTURE7   0x84C7

Definition at line 221 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_TEXTURE8   0x84C8

Definition at line 222 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_TEXTURE9   0x84C9

Definition at line 223 of file glquake.h.



#define GL_TEXTURE_3D   0x806F

Definition at line 1035 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_Mesh_TexBind(), R_Mesh_TexBound(), and R_UploadFullTexture().


#define GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_3D   0x806A

Definition at line 258 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 263 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 209 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_SetupTextureParameters().



Definition at line 208 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_SetupTextureParameters().



Definition at line 526 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 525 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 524 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_UploadFullTexture().



Definition at line 294 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP   0x8513

Definition at line 262 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_Mesh_TexBind(), and R_Mesh_TexBound().



Definition at line 265 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 267 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 269 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 264 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 266 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 268 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_TEXTURE_DEPTH   0x8071

Definition at line 255 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_TEXTURE_DEPTH_SIZE   0x884A

Definition at line 205 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 97 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_SaveTextureDDSFile().


#define GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER   0x2800

Definition at line 93 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_SetupTextureParameters(), and GL_TextureMode_f().



Definition at line 199 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_SetupTextureParameters(), and R_Textures_Frame().


#define GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL   0x813D

Definition at line 98 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_LoadTextureDDSFile().


#define GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER   0x2801

Definition at line 94 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_SetupTextureParameters(), and GL_TextureMode_f().



Definition at line 375 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R   0x8072

Definition at line 92 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_SetupTextureParameters().


#define GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R   0x8072

Definition at line 92 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S   0x2802

Definition at line 90 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_SetupTextureParameters().


#define GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T   0x2803

Definition at line 91 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_SetupTextureParameters().


#define GL_TRIANGLES   0x0004

Definition at line 113 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_Mesh_Draw().


#define GL_TRUE   0x1

Definition at line 116 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_Backend_ResetState().



Definition at line 434 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 441 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 440 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 437 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 438 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 432 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 439 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 444 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 443 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 442 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER   0x8A11



Definition at line 414 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 426 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by gl_main_start().



Definition at line 416 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 415 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 436 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 435 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 431 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_UNIFORM_OFFSET   0x8A3B

Definition at line 433 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_UNIFORM_SIZE   0x8A38

Definition at line 430 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_UNIFORM_TYPE   0x8A37

Definition at line 429 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 96 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by r_textures_start().



Definition at line 253 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES   0x806D

Definition at line 252 of file glquake.h.



#define GL_UNSIGNED_INT   0x1405

Definition at line 123 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_Mesh_Draw(), and R_Shadow_DrawModelShadowMaps().

◆ GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8 [1/2]

#define GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8   0x84FA

Definition at line 373 of file glquake.h.

◆ GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8 [2/2]

#define GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8   0x84FA

Definition at line 373 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 351 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT   0x1403

Definition at line 121 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_Mesh_Draw().


#define GL_VALIDATE_STATUS   0x8B83

Definition at line 451 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_VENDOR   0x1F00

Definition at line 138 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_Setup(), and VID_InitModeGL().


#define GL_VERSION   0x1F02

Definition at line 140 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_Setup().



Definition at line 290 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 299 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 495 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 499 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 501 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 496 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 497 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 498 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 491 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 492 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_VERTEX_SHADER   0x8B31

Definition at line 483 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_Backend_CompileProgram().


#define GL_VIEWPORT   0x0BA2

Definition at line 193 of file glquake.h.



Definition at line 298 of file glquake.h.


#define GL_WRITE_ONLY   0x88B9

Definition at line 310 of file glquake.h.




Definition at line 42 of file glquake.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ GLbitfield

typedef unsigned int GLbitfield

Definition at line 47 of file glquake.h.

◆ GLboolean

Definition at line 46 of file glquake.h.

◆ GLbyte

typedef signed char GLbyte

Definition at line 49 of file glquake.h.

◆ GLchar

typedef char GLchar

Definition at line 60 of file glquake.h.

◆ GLclampd

typedef double GLclampd

Definition at line 59 of file glquake.h.

◆ GLclampf

typedef float GLclampf

Definition at line 57 of file glquake.h.


Definition at line 63 of file glquake.h.

◆ GLdouble

typedef double GLdouble

Definition at line 58 of file glquake.h.

◆ GLenum

Definition at line 45 of file glquake.h.

◆ GLfloat

typedef float GLfloat

Definition at line 56 of file glquake.h.

◆ GLint

Definition at line 51 of file glquake.h.

◆ GLintptr

typedef ptrdiff_t GLintptr

Definition at line 61 of file glquake.h.

◆ GLshort

typedef short GLshort

Definition at line 50 of file glquake.h.

◆ GLsizei

typedef int GLsizei

Definition at line 55 of file glquake.h.

◆ GLsizeiptr

typedef ptrdiff_t GLsizeiptr

Definition at line 62 of file glquake.h.

◆ GLubyte

typedef unsigned char GLubyte

Definition at line 52 of file glquake.h.

◆ GLuint

Definition at line 54 of file glquake.h.

◆ GLushort

typedef unsigned short GLushort

Definition at line 53 of file glquake.h.

◆ GLvoid

Definition at line 48 of file glquake.h.

Function Documentation

◆ GLboolean()

GLboolean ( GLAPIENTRY * qglIsBuffer)

◆ GLenum()

GLenum ( GLAPIENTRY * qglCheckFramebufferStatus)

◆ GLint()

GLint ( GLAPIENTRY * qglGetAttribLocation)

◆ GLuint()

GLuint ( GLAPIENTRY * qglCreateProgram)

◆ GLvoid()

GLvoid ( GLAPIENTRY * qglBindFramebuffer)

◆ qglGetString()

const GLubyte *GLAPIENTRY * qglGetString ( GLenum name)

Referenced by VID_InitModeGL().

◆ qglMapBuffer()

GLvoid *GLAPIENTRY * qglMapBuffer ( GLenum target,
GLenum access )

◆ void()

void ( GLAPIENTRY * qglActiveTexture)

Variable Documentation

◆ alpha

Definition at line 642 of file glquake.h.

◆ arrays

GLuint * arrays

Definition at line 663 of file glquake.h.

◆ attachedObj

GLuint attachedObj

Definition at line 668 of file glquake.h.

◆ attachment

GLenum attachment

Definition at line 612 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by Font_Attach().

◆ blue

◆ border

◆ buf

Definition at line 657 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by AssertBufsize(), base64_encode(), CDAudio_Play(), CheckPendingDownloads(), CL_CutDemo(), CL_DisconnectEx(), CL_KeepaliveMessage(), CL_PasteDemo(), CL_PQRcon_f(), CL_Rcon_f(), CL_SendMove(), CL_Stop_f(), CL_VM_Init(), Cmd_CompleteAliasBuildList(), Cmd_CompleteBuildList(), COM_InsertFlags(), Con_PrintToHistory(), ConBuffer_AddLine(), ConBuffer_BytesLeft(), ConBuffer_Clear(), ConBuffer_DeleteLastLine(), ConBuffer_DeleteLine(), ConBuffer_FindPrevLine(), ConBuffer_FixTimes(), ConBuffer_GetLine(), ConBuffer_Init(), ConBuffer_Shutdown(), Crypto_AddPrivateKey(), Crypto_ClearHostKey(), Crypto_HostKeys_f(), Crypto_KeyGen_f(), Crypto_KeyGen_Finished(), Crypto_LoadFile(), Crypto_LoadKeys(), Crypto_ParsePack(), Crypto_ParsePack(), Crypto_ReadPublicKey(), Crypto_RetrieveHostKey(), Crypto_StoreHostKey(), Crypto_UnParsePack(), Crypto_UnParsePack(), Curl_Begin(), Curl_Begin_ToMemory(), Curl_Begin_ToMemory_POST(), Curl_FindPackURL(), Cvar_CompleteBuildList(), EntityFrame4_WriteFrame(), EntityFrame5_WriteFrame(), EntityFrameQuake_WriteFrame(), file2lumps(), fontfilecache_Free(), fontfilecache_FreeAll(), fontfilecache_LoadFile(), FS_CheckGameDir(), FS_Init_SelfPack(), FS_LoadAndCloseQFile(), FS_SysCheckGameDir(), FS_SysFileType(), GetMapList(), GrowBuf(), Host_InitSession(), Image_Compress(), Image_FixTransparentPixels_f(), JPEG_MemDest(), JPEG_SaveImage_to_Buffer(), Key_AddChar(), Key_History_Init(), LibAvW_FS_Read(), listdirectory(), loadimagepixelsbgra(), lumps2file(), M_ScanSaves(), main(), MakeDownloadPacket(), mdfour_tail(), Memory_Init_Commands(), Mod_FrameGroupify(), Mod_FrameGroupify_ParseGroups(), Mod_LoadModel(), MSG_InitReadBuffer(), MSG_WriteByte(), MSG_WriteChar(), MSG_WriteLong(), MSG_WriteShort(), NetConn_ClientParsePacket(), NetConn_ConnectionEstablished(), Nicks_CompleteBuildList(), OGG_GetSamplesFloat(), PRVM_AllocationOrigin(), PRVM_PO_Load(), PRVM_Prog_Load(), PRVM_ShortStackTrace(), PRVM_Watchpoint(), PRVM_WhereAmI(), QW_MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmd(), R_InitParticleTexture(), R_Shadow_SaveWorldLights(), RCon_Authenticate(), ReadAll(), SV_DropClient(), SV_Ent_Create_f(), SV_SendServerinfo(), SV_StopDemoRecording(), SV_TimingReport(), SV_WriteNetnameIntoDemo(), Sys_FindInPATH(), Sys_TimeString(), SZ_Clear(), SZ_GetSpace(), SZ_HexDumpToConsole(), SZ_Write(), va(), VM_CL_ReadPicture(), VM_sprintf(), VM_SV_WritePicture(), WriteAll(), and XMP_GetSamplesFloat().

◆ buffer

◆ buffers

GLuint * buffers

Definition at line 658 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by Image_WriteTGABGR_preflipped().

◆ bufs

const GLenum* bufs

Definition at line 673 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by WAV_GetSamplesFloat().

◆ bufSize

GLuint GLsizei bufSize

Definition at line 605 of file glquake.h.

◆ count

GLsizei count

Definition at line 656 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by _Thread_CreateBarrier(), CDAudio_StartPlaylist(), CL_ParseParticleEffect(), CL_ParsePointParticles(), CL_ParseServerMessage(), CL_ParseTempEntity(), CL_ParticleCube(), CL_ParticleEffect_Fallback(), CL_ParticleRain(), Cmd_Apropos_f(), Cmd_CompleteNicksPrint(), Cmd_List_f(), Con_DrawConsole(), Cvar_List_f(), Font_LoadFont(), FS_OpenReadFile(), FS_Read(), FS_Seek(), FS_WriteFileInBlocks(), Key_FindKeysForCommand(), Key_History_Find_All(), M_NetStart_Change(), Mem_PrintStats(), Mod_BSP_LoadSubmodels(), Mod_BuildVertexRemapTableFromElements(), Mod_Decompile_f(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadClipnodes(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadEdges(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadFaces(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadLeafs(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadNodes(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadTexinfo(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadVertexes(), Mod_Q2BSP_LoadBrushes(), Mod_Q2BSP_LoadBrushSides(), Mod_Q2BSP_LoadLeafs(), Mod_Q2BSP_LoadNodes(), Mod_Q2BSP_LoadTexinfo(), Mod_Q2BSP_LoadVisibility(), Mod_Q3BSP_LoadBrushes(), Mod_Q3BSP_LoadBrushSides(), Mod_Q3BSP_LoadBrushSides_IG(), Mod_Q3BSP_LoadEffects(), Mod_Q3BSP_LoadFaces(), Mod_Q3BSP_LoadLeafBrushes(), Mod_Q3BSP_LoadLeafFaces(), Mod_Q3BSP_LoadLeafs(), Mod_Q3BSP_LoadLightGrid(), Mod_Q3BSP_LoadLightmaps(), Mod_Q3BSP_LoadModels(), Mod_Q3BSP_LoadNodes(), Mod_Q3BSP_LoadPlanes(), Mod_Q3BSP_LoadTextures(), Mod_Q3BSP_LoadTriangles(), Mod_Q3BSP_LoadVertices(), Mod_Reload(), mod_start(), Mod_VBSP_LoadEdges(), Mod_VBSP_LoadFaces(), Mod_VBSP_LoadTexinfo(), Mod_VBSP_LoadVertexes(), Mod_ZYMOTICMODEL_Load(), NetConn_ReceivedMessage(), Nicks_CompleteBuildList(), Nicks_CompleteCountPossible(), Nicks_CutMatches(), Nicks_CutMatchesAlphaNumeric(), Nicks_CutMatchesNormal(), Nicks_CutMatchesNoSpaces(), PK3_BuildFileList(), PK3_GetTrueFileOffset(), S_MixToBuffer(), SCR_DrawTurtle(), SV_StartParticle(), SVBSP_DividePolygon(), V_ParseDamage(), VM_altstr_count(), VM_altstr_get(), VM_CL_boxparticles(), VM_CL_particle(), VM_SV_particle(), and VM_SV_pointparticles().

◆ data

GLuint GLint * data

Definition at line 639 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by _Mem_CheckSentinels(), _Mem_Free(), _Thread_CreateThread(), buf2file(), CL_Beams_SetupBuiltinTexture(), CL_ParseDownload(), CL_ParseEntityLump(), CL_SendMove(), Com_HexDumpToConsole(), COM_ParseToken_Console(), COM_ParseToken_QuakeC(), COM_ParseToken_Simple(), COM_ParseToken_VM_Tokenize(), CRC_Block(), CRC_Block_CaseInsensitive(), Crypto_LittleLong(), Crypto_LittleLong(), Crypto_SignData(), Crypto_SignDataDetached(), Crypto_UnLittleLong(), Crypto_UnLittleLong(), CURL_fwrite(), decode_image(), EntityFrame4_WriteFrame(), EntityFrame5_ExpandEdicts(), EntityFrame5_WriteFrame(), EntityFrameQuake_WriteFrame(), file2buf(), fixtransparentpixels(), Font_LoadFile(), Font_LoadMap(), FS_Deflate(), FS_FileFromData(), FS_Inflate(), FS_Write(), FS_WriteFile(), FS_WriteFileInBlocks(), GetMapList(), GetUntilNul(), Image_FixTransparentPixels_f(), Image_GenerateConChars(), Image_GenerateDitherPattern(), Image_GenerateNoTexture(), Image_GenerateWhite(), Image_GetEmbeddedPicBGRA(), Image_GetStockPicSize(), Image_WriteTGABGR_preflipped(), Image_WriteTGABGRA(), incmap_post_process(), JPEG_SaveImage_preflipped(), JPEG_SaveImage_to_Buffer(), JPEG_try_SaveImage_to_Buffer(), loadimagepixelsbgra(), LoadSubtitles(), loadtextureimage(), MakeDownloadPacket(), Mem_IsAllocated(), Mem_Size(), Mod_AllocSurfMesh(), Mod_DARKPLACESMODEL_Load(), Mod_GenerateLightmaps_UnweldTriangles(), Mod_IDP0_Load(), Mod_IDP2_Load(), Mod_IDP3_Load(), Mod_INTERQUAKEMODEL_Load(), Mod_LoadSkinFiles(), Mod_OBJ_Load(), Mod_PSKMODEL_Load(), Mod_Q1BSP_Load(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadLighting(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadMapBrushes(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadTextures(), Mod_Q1BSP_ParseWadsFromEntityLump(), Mod_Q2BSP_Load(), Mod_Q3BSP_LoadEntities(), Mod_ZYMOTICMODEL_Load(), MSG_InitReadBuffer(), NetConn_ClientParsePacket(), NetConn_Read(), NetConn_ReceivedMessage(), NetConn_SendUnreliableMessage(), NetConn_ServerParsePacket(), NetConn_Write(), OGG_LoadVorbisFile(), particletextureblotch(), particletextureinvert(), PNG_fReadData(), PNG_fWriteData(), PNG_SaveImage_preflipped(), PRVM_ED_CallSpawnFunction(), PRVM_ED_LoadFromFile(), PRVM_ED_ParseEdict(), PRVM_ED_ParseGlobals(), PRVM_Prog_Load(), PutWithNul(), QW_CL_StartUpload(), R_BufferData_Store(), R_BuildBlankTextures(), R_BuildNormalizationCube(), R_BuildWhiteCube(), r_explosion_start(), R_FrameData_Alloc(), R_FrameData_Store(), R_InitBloodTextures(), R_InitParticleTexture(), R_LoadTexture2D(), R_LoadTexture3D(), R_LoadTextureCubeMap(), R_LoadTextureDDSFile(), R_MakeTextureDynamic(), R_Mesh_CreateMeshBuffer(), R_Mesh_UpdateMeshBuffer(), R_RTLight_Compile(), R_SetupTexture(), R_Shadow_LoadWorldLightsFromMap_LightArghliteTyrlite(), R_Shadow_MakeTextures(), R_Shadow_MakeVSDCT(), R_TimeReport_EndFrame(), R_UpdateTexture(), R_UploadFullTexture(), R_UploadPartialTexture(), S_LoadWavFile(), SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_WriteBytes(), setuptex(), SV_SendClientDatagram(), Sys_SDL_GetClipboardData(), SZ_GetSpace(), SZ_Write(), update_pic_for_fontmap(), VideoUpdateCallback(), VM_CL_ReadPicture(), VM_loadfromfile(), VM_parseentitydata(), W_ConvertWAD3TextureBGRA(), W_GetTextureBGRA(), and XMP_LoadModFile().

◆ depth

◆ dfactor

GLenum dfactor

Definition at line 637 of file glquake.h.

◆ dfactorAlpha

GLenum GLenum GLenum dfactorAlpha

Definition at line 638 of file glquake.h.

◆ dfactorRGB

GLenum dfactorRGB

Definition at line 638 of file glquake.h.

◆ dstX0

Definition at line 609 of file glquake.h.

◆ dstX1

Definition at line 609 of file glquake.h.

◆ dstY0

Definition at line 609 of file glquake.h.

◆ dstY1

Definition at line 609 of file glquake.h.

◆ enabled

Definition at line 656 of file glquake.h.

◆ far_val

GLclampf far_val

Definition at line 666 of file glquake.h.

◆ filter

Definition at line 609 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_LoadTextureShadowMap2D().

◆ first

◆ format

◆ framebuffer

GLuint framebuffer

Definition at line 607 of file glquake.h.

◆ framebuffers

GLuint * framebuffers

Definition at line 610 of file glquake.h.

◆ green

◆ height

Definition at line 622 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by CL_Particle_PixelCoordsForTexnum(), Con_DrawNotify(), Con_DrawNotifyRect(), dpvsimpledecode_convertpixels(), dpvsimpledecode_decompressimage(), Draw_NewPic(), DrawQ_Fill(), DrawQ_Pic(), DrawQ_RotPic(), DrawQ_SetClipArea(), DrawQ_SuperPic(), FindEqualOddVertexInArray(), Font_LoadMap(), GL_ReadPixelsBGRA(), GL_Scissor(), Image_HeightmapToNormalmap_BGRA(), Image_MipReduce32(), Image_WriteTGABGR_preflipped(), Image_WriteTGABGRA(), incmap_post_process(), JPEG_SaveImage_preflipped(), JPEG_SaveImage_to_Buffer(), JPEG_try_SaveImage_to_Buffer(), M_Background(), M_DrawTextBox(), M_Menu_Video_FindResolution(), M_Setup_Draw(), M_Video_Draw(), M_Video_Key(), Mod_AllocLightmap_Block(), Mod_AllocLightmap_Init(), Mod_IDS2_Load(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadSplitSky(), Mod_Sprite_SharedSetup(), MR_Init(), PNG_SaveImage_preflipped(), Q3PatchTriangleElements(), R_BlendView(), R_BlendView_IsTrivial(), R_LoadTexture2D(), R_LoadTexture3D(), R_LoadTextureRenderBuffer(), R_LoadTextureShadowMap2D(), R_Mesh_CopyToTexture(), R_RenderView(), R_SetupTexture(), R_Shadow_PrepareLights(), R_SkinFrame_GenerateTexturesFromQPixels(), R_SkinFrame_LoadInternal8bit(), R_SkinFrame_LoadInternalBGRA(), R_SkinFrame_LoadInternalQuake(), R_SkinFrame_LoadInternalUsingTexture(), R_TimeReport_EndFrame(), R_UpdateTexture(), R_UploadFullTexture(), R_Viewport_InitOrtho(), R_Viewport_InitOrtho3D(), R_Viewport_InitPerspective(), R_Viewport_InitPerspectiveInfinite(), Sbar_DrawGauge(), SCR_CaptureVideo_Avi_BeginVideo(), SCR_CaptureVideo_Avi_VideoFrames(), SCR_CaptureVideo_ConvertFrame_BGRA_to_I420_flip(), SCR_ScreenShot(), and update_pic_for_fontmap().

◆ id

◆ ids

GLuint * ids

Definition at line 605 of file glquake.h.

◆ imageSize

Definition at line 647 of file glquake.h.

◆ img

GLint void* img

Definition at line 692 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by JPEG_SaveImage_to_Buffer().

◆ index

◆ indices

GLsizei GLenum const GLvoid* indices

Definition at line 674 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_LoadSkyBox(), and SCR_ScreenShot().

◆ infoLog

GLsizei GLsizei GLchar * infoLog

Definition at line 698 of file glquake.h.

◆ internalFormat

GLint GLenum internalFormat

Definition at line 732 of file glquake.h.

◆ internalformat

GLint GLenum internalformat

Definition at line 622 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_SaveTextureDDSFile().

◆ invert

GLboolean invert

Definition at line 726 of file glquake.h.

◆ layer

Definition at line 615 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by Mod_CreateShaderPassFromQ3ShaderLayer(), and Mod_LoadQ3Shaders().

◆ length

◆ lengths

Definition at line 605 of file glquake.h.

◆ level

GLint level

Definition at line 613 of file glquake.h.

◆ location

GLint location

Definition at line 712 of file glquake.h.

◆ lod

GLint lod

Definition at line 692 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_Shadow_PrepareLights().

◆ mask

◆ maxCount

GLsizei maxCount

Definition at line 690 of file glquake.h.

◆ maxLength

GLsizei maxLength

Definition at line 684 of file glquake.h.

◆ messageLog

Definition at line 605 of file glquake.h.

◆ mode

◆ name

Definition at line 601 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by _Mem_AllocPool(), adddirentry(), alert_legacy_font_api(), checkextension(), CL_GetVideoByName(), CL_IPLog_Add(), CL_IPLog_List_f(), CL_Locs_AddNode(), CL_Locs_Reload_f(), CL_Locs_Save_f(), CL_OpenVideo(), CL_ParticleEffectIndexForName(), CL_PlayDemo(), CL_PlayVideo_f(), CL_ReadPointFile_f(), CL_Record_f(), CL_StopDownload(), Collision_PrintBrushAsQHull(), COM_InitGameType(), Curl_Begin(), Curl_Begin_ToFile(), Curl_Curl_f(), Cvar_Delete(), Cvar_Get(), Cvar_PrintHelp(), Cvar_RegisterVirtual(), FindChunk(), FindNextChunk(), Font_LoadFile(), Font_LoadFont(), FS_AddFileToPack(), FS_FindFile(), FS_IsRegisteredQuakePack(), FS_ListDirectory(), FS_ListGameDirs(), FS_LoadPackPAK(), GetWavinfo(), GL_ExtensionSupported(), GL_GetProcAddress(), GL_TextureMode_f(), Image_GetEmbeddedPicBGRA(), IN_BestWeapon_f(), IN_BestWeapon_Register(), LHNETADDRESS_FromString(), LHNETADDRESS_Resolve(), LoadFont(), loadimagepixelsbgra(), M_Demo_Key(), M_ModList_Draw(), M_ScanSaves(), M_Setup_Draw(), Mod_FindName(), Mod_ForName(), Mod_FrameGroupify_ParseGroups(), Mod_FrameGroupify_ParseGroups_Store(), Mod_IDP0_Load(), Mod_LoadCustomMaterial(), Mod_LoadTextureFromQ3Shader(), Mod_LookupQ3Shader(), Mod_Mesh_Create(), Mod_Mesh_GetTexture(), Mod_OBJ_Load(), Mod_Q1BSP_Load(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadTextures(), Mod_Q2BSP_Load(), Mod_Q3BSP_Load(), Mod_Sprite_SharedSetup(), Mod_UnloadModel(), ModList_RebuildList(), Nicks_CompleteCountPossible(), OpenVideo(), Protocol_EnumForName(), Protocol_Names(), PRVM_ED_FindField(), PRVM_ED_FindFunction(), PRVM_ED_FindGlobal(), PRVM_ED_FindGlobalEval(), PRVM_ED_Print(), PRVM_ED_Write(), PRVM_ED_WriteGlobals(), PRVM_Fields_f(), PRVM_PrintFunctionStatements(), PRVM_Prog_Load(), R_Envmap_f(), R_GetCurrentTexture(), R_GLSL_CompilePermutation(), R_LoadCubemap(), R_LoadQWSkin(), R_LoadSkyBox(), R_Mesh_CreateMeshBuffer(), R_Modules_DeviceLost(), R_Modules_DeviceRestored(), R_Modules_NewMap(), R_Modules_Shutdown(), R_Modules_Start(), R_RegisterModule(), R_Shadow_LoadLightsFile(), R_Shadow_LoadWorldLights(), R_Shadow_SaveWorldLights(), R_SkinFrame_Find(), R_SkinFrame_FindNextByName(), R_SkinFrame_LoadExternal(), R_SkinFrame_LoadExternal_SkinFrame(), R_SkinFrame_LoadInternal8bit(), R_SkinFrame_LoadInternalBGRA(), R_SkinFrame_LoadInternalQuake(), R_SkinFrame_LoadInternalUsingTexture(), S_FindName(), S_Play_Common(), S_PrecacheSound(), S_SoundLength(), Sbar_SortFrags(), SV_ParticleEffectIndex(), SV_Savegame_f(), SV_Savegame_to(), SV_StartDemoRecording(), SV_UpdateToReliableMessages(), Sys_FindInPATH(), Sys_GetProcAddress(), Sys_LoadLibrary(), VM_cin_close(), VM_cin_getstate(), VM_cin_open(), VM_cin_restart(), VM_cin_setstate(), VM_CL_frameforname(), VM_CL_loadcubemap(), VM_CL_precache_model(), VM_CL_ReadPicture(), VM_cvar_set(), VM_M_getgamedirinfo(), VM_registercvar(), VM_SV_frameforname(), W_ConvertWAD3TextureBGRA(), W_GetLumpName(), W_GetTextureBGRA(), and W_SwapLumps().

◆ normalized

GLint GLenum GLboolean normalized

Definition at line 797 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by VM_netaddress_resolve().

◆ obj

Definition at line 627 of file glquake.h.

◆ offset

◆ param

GLenum GLint param

Definition at line 720 of file glquake.h.

◆ params

GLenum GLfloat * params

Definition at line 620 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by Collision_Cache_Lookup().

◆ pixels

◆ pname

GLenum pname

Definition at line 620 of file glquake.h.

◆ pointer

◆ qid

GLuint qid

Definition at line 628 of file glquake.h.

◆ ref

GLint ref

Definition at line 729 of file glquake.h.

◆ renderbuffer

GLenum GLenum GLuint renderbuffer

Definition at line 608 of file glquake.h.

◆ renderbuffers

GLuint * renderbuffers

Definition at line 611 of file glquake.h.

◆ renderbuffertarget

GLenum GLenum renderbuffertarget

Definition at line 612 of file glquake.h.

◆ samples

◆ severities

Definition at line 605 of file glquake.h.

◆ severity

GLenum GLuint GLenum severity

Definition at line 656 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_DebugOutputCallback().

◆ sfactorAlpha

GLenum GLenum sfactorAlpha

Definition at line 638 of file glquake.h.

◆ size

GLint size

Definition at line 632 of file glquake.h.

◆ source

Definition at line 704 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by GL_DebugOutputCallback().

◆ sources

GLsizei GLenum* sources

Definition at line 605 of file glquake.h.

◆ srcX1

GLint GLint srcX1

Definition at line 609 of file glquake.h.

◆ srcY0

GLint srcY0

Definition at line 609 of file glquake.h.

◆ srcY1

GLint GLint GLint srcY1

Definition at line 609 of file glquake.h.

◆ stride

◆ string

◆ textarget

GLenum GLenum textarget

Definition at line 613 of file glquake.h.

◆ texture

◆ textures

GLuint * textures

Definition at line 662 of file glquake.h.

◆ transpose

GLsizei GLboolean transpose

Definition at line 756 of file glquake.h.

◆ type

◆ types

Definition at line 605 of file glquake.h.

◆ uniformBlockBinding

GLuint GLuint uniformBlockBinding

Definition at line 755 of file glquake.h.

◆ uniformBlockIndex

GLuint uniformBlockIndex

Definition at line 686 of file glquake.h.

◆ uniformBlockName

GLuint GLsizei GLsizei char * uniformBlockName

Definition at line 606 of file glquake.h.

◆ uniformCount

GLsizei uniformCount

Definition at line 689 of file glquake.h.

◆ uniformIndex

GLuint uniformIndex

Definition at line 688 of file glquake.h.

◆ uniformIndices

GLsizei const char GLuint * uniformIndices

Definition at line 689 of file glquake.h.

◆ uniformName

GLuint GLsizei GLsizei char* uniformName

Definition at line 688 of file glquake.h.

◆ uniformNames

GLsizei const char** uniformNames

Definition at line 711 of file glquake.h.

◆ units

GLfloat units

Definition at line 723 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by Sbar_SoloScoreboard().

◆ usage

GLsizeiptr const GLvoid GLenum usage

Definition at line 639 of file glquake.h.

◆ userParam

const GLvoid* userParam

Definition at line 655 of file glquake.h.

◆ v

const GLushort * v

Definition at line 762 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by _Thread_AtomicAdd(), _Thread_AtomicAdd(), _Thread_AtomicSet(), _Thread_AtomicSet(), CL_EntityParticles(), CL_ImmediateBloodStain(), CL_NewParticle(), CL_ParticleExplosion(), CL_RelinkQWNails(), CL_RotateMoves(), clippointtosurface(), Collision_ClipTrace_Line_Sphere(), Collision_NewBrushFromPlanes(), Collision_SnapCopyPoints(), Collision_TraceBrushTriangleFloat(), Collision_TraceBrushTriangleMeshFloat(), Collision_TransformBrush(), Con_CompleteCommandLine(), Con_DrawInput(), Con_DrawNotify(), Crypto_ClientParsePacket(), Cvar_Command(), Cvar_UpdateAutoCvar(), DrawQ_String_Scale(), getdrawfontscale(), M_Options_ColorControl_Draw(), Matrix4x4_Transform(), Matrix4x4_Transform3x3(), Matrix4x4_Transform4(), Mod_Alias_CalculateBoundingBox(), Mod_ConvertAliasVerts(), Mod_Decompile_OBJ(), Mod_Decompile_SMD(), Mod_IDP2_Load(), Mod_Mesh_IndexForVertex(), Mod_OBJ_Load(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadFaces(), Mod_Q3BSP_Load(), Mod_Q3BSP_LoadEntities(), Mod_Q3BSP_LoadFaces(), Mod_ShadowMesh_CalcBBox(), Mod_Skeletal_AnimateVertices_Generic(), Mod_VBSP_LoadFaces(), MSG_ReadVector(), MSG_WriteVector(), noise4f(), PHYS_TestEntityPosition(), Portal_RecursiveFlow(), PRVM_ED_EdictGet_f(), PRVM_ED_GlobalGet_f(), Q3PatchTesselateFloat(), QW_CL_ParseNails(), R_BuildNormalizationCube(), R_DecalSystem_SplatTriangle(), R_DrawBBoxMesh(), R_DrawDebugModel(), R_DrawParticle_TransparentCallback(), R_DrawPortal_Callback(), R_DrawTextureSurfaceList_Sky(), R_GetViewport(), R_Mesh_AddVertex(), R_Q1BSP_RecursiveGetLightInfo_BIH(), R_Q1BSP_RecursiveGetLightInfo_BSP(), R_ScissorForBBox(), R_SetViewport(), R_Shadow_ChooseSidesFromBox(), R_Shadow_ComputeShadowCasterCullingPlanes(), R_View_SetFrustum(), R_Viewport_ApplyNearClipPlaneFloatGL(), R_Viewport_InitCubeSideView(), R_Viewport_InitOrtho(), R_Viewport_InitOrtho3D(), R_Viewport_InitPerspective(), R_Viewport_InitPerspectiveInfinite(), R_Viewport_InitRectSideView(), R_Viewport_TransformToScreen(), R_Water_AddWaterPlane(), RotateBBox(), RSurf_FindWaterPlaneForSurface(), RSurf_FogPoint(), RSurf_FogVertex(), RSurf_PrepareVerticesForBatch(), skyspherecalc(), SV_Give_f(), SV_Physics_Follow(), SV_PrepareEntityForSending(), Sys_Con_NearestColor(), Thread_CreateSemaphore(), VectorNormalizeLength(), VM_CL_pointparticles(), VM_CL_project(), VM_CL_R_PolygonVertex(), VM_CL_RotateMoves(), VM_fabs(), VM_ftos(), and void().

◆ v0

◆ v1

◆ v2

◆ v3

Definition at line 751 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_Viewport_ApplyNearClipPlaneFloatGL().

◆ value

◆ w

◆ width

GLint GLsizei width

Definition at line 622 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by CL_DrawVideo_DisplaySubtitleLine(), CL_Particle_PixelCoordsForTexnum(), Con_CheckResize(), Con_CountLineFunc(), Con_DisplayLineFunc(), Con_DisplayList(), Con_DrawConsoleLine(), Con_DrawNotifyRect(), Con_LineHeight(), dpvsimpledecode_convertpixels(), dpvsimpledecode_decompressimage(), Draw_NewPic(), DrawQ_Fill(), DrawQ_Line(), DrawQ_Pic(), DrawQ_RotPic(), DrawQ_SetClipArea(), DrawQ_SuperPic(), FindEqualOddVertexInArray(), Font_LoadMap(), GetSide(), GL_ReadPixelsBGRA(), GL_Scissor(), Image_HeightmapToNormalmap_BGRA(), Image_MipReduce32(), Image_WriteTGABGR_preflipped(), Image_WriteTGABGRA(), incmap_post_process(), JPEG_SaveImage_preflipped(), JPEG_SaveImage_to_Buffer(), JPEG_try_SaveImage_to_Buffer(), M_Background(), M_DrawTextBox(), M_Menu_Video_AdjustSliders(), M_Menu_Video_FindResolution(), M_Setup_Draw(), M_Video_Draw(), M_Video_Key(), Mod_AllocLightmap_Block(), Mod_AllocLightmap_Init(), Mod_IDS2_Load(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadSplitSky(), Mod_Sprite_SharedSetup(), MR_Init(), PNG_SaveImage_preflipped(), Q3PatchTriangleElements(), R_BlendView(), R_BlendView_IsTrivial(), R_CalcBeam_Vertex3f(), R_DebugLine(), R_LoadTexture2D(), R_LoadTexture3D(), R_LoadTextureCubeMap(), R_LoadTextureRenderBuffer(), R_LoadTextureShadowMap2D(), R_Mesh_CopyToTexture(), R_RenderView(), R_SetupTexture(), R_Shadow_PrepareLights(), R_SkinFrame_GenerateTexturesFromQPixels(), R_SkinFrame_LoadInternal8bit(), R_SkinFrame_LoadInternalBGRA(), R_SkinFrame_LoadInternalQuake(), R_SkinFrame_LoadInternalUsingTexture(), R_TimeReport_EndFrame(), R_UpdateTexture(), R_UploadFullTexture(), R_Viewport_InitOrtho(), R_Viewport_InitOrtho3D(), R_Viewport_InitPerspective(), R_Viewport_InitPerspectiveInfinite(), S_ConvertPaintBuffer(), S_SoftClipPaintBuffer(), Sbar_DrawGauge(), SCR_CaptureVideo_Avi_BeginVideo(), SCR_CaptureVideo_Avi_VideoFrames(), SCR_CaptureVideo_ConvertFrame_BGRA_to_I420_flip(), SCR_DrawCenterString(), SCR_ScreenShot(), update_pic_for_fontmap(), VM_drawline(), and VM_sprintf().

◆ x

GLubyte x = x*cos(om)-y*sin(om)

Definition at line 651 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by AngleVectorsDuke3DFLU(), CL_Beams_SetupBuiltinTexture(), CL_CheckBottom(), CL_DrawVideo_DisplaySubtitleLine(), CL_VM_InputEvent(), Con_DisplayLineFunc(), Con_DrawInput(), Con_DrawNotify(), Con_DrawNotifyRect(), convex_builder_add_point(), copy4(), dpvsimpledecode_convertpixels(), DrawQ_Fill(), DrawQ_Pic(), DrawQ_RotPic(), DrawQ_SetClipArea(), DrawQ_String_Scale(), DrawQ_SuperPic(), DrawQ_TextWidth_UntilWidth_TrackColors_Scale(), FindEqualOddVertexInArray(), fixtransparentpixels(), Font_LoadMap(), Font_Postprocess(), Font_Postprocess_Update(), fractalnoise(), fractalnoisequick(), GL_ReadPixelsBGRA(), GL_Scissor(), Image_CopyMux(), Image_GenerateDitherPattern(), Image_GenerateNoTexture(), Image_HeightmapToNormalmap_BGRA(), Image_MipReduce32(), IN_Move(), IN_Move_TouchScreen_Quake(), incmap_post_process(), LoadPCX_BGRA(), LoadPCX_QWSkin(), LoadTGA_BGRA(), M_DrawCheckbox(), M_DrawSlider(), M_DrawTextBox(), M_GameOptions_Draw(), M_Options_ColorControl_Draw(), Matrix4x4_AdjustOrigin(), Matrix4x4_ConcatRotate(), Matrix4x4_ConcatScale(), Matrix4x4_ConcatScale3(), Matrix4x4_ConcatTranslate(), Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(), Matrix4x4_CreateRotate(), Matrix4x4_CreateScale(), Matrix4x4_CreateScale3(), Matrix4x4_CreateTranslate(), Matrix4x4_FromDoom3Joint(), Matrix4x4_FromOriginQuat(), Matrix4x4_SetOrigin(), Matrix4x4_TransformPositivePlane(), Matrix4x4_TransformStandardPlane(), Mod_BSP_LightPoint_RecursiveBSPNode(), Mod_GenerateLightmaps_CreateLightmaps(), Mod_GenerateLightmaps_UpdateLightGrid(), Mod_IDS2_Load(), Mod_Mesh_ComputeBounds(), Mod_Mesh_IndexForVertex(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadSplitSky(), Mod_Q3BSP_LoadLightGrid(), Mod_Sprite_SharedSetup(), noise4f(), particletextureblotch(), Q3PatchTesselateFloat(), Q3PatchTesselationOnX(), Q3PatchTesselationOnY(), Q3PatchTriangleElements(), R_BlendView(), R_Bloom_MakeTexture(), R_BuildFogHeightTexture(), R_BuildFogTexture(), R_BuildNormalizationCube(), R_CalcTexCoordsForView(), R_Explosion_Init(), r_explosion_start(), R_InitParticleTexture(), R_Mesh_AddVertex(), R_RenderView(), R_Shadow_BounceGrid_BlurPixelsInDirection(), R_Shadow_BounceGrid_ConvertPixelsAndUpload(), R_Shadow_EditLights_DrawSelectedLightProperties(), R_Shadow_MakeTextures(), R_Shadow_MakeTextures_MakeCorona(), R_Shadow_MakeTextures_SamplePoint(), R_Shadow_RenderMode_ShadowMap(), R_TimeReport_EndFrame(), R_TrackSprite(), R_UpdateTexture(), R_Viewport_InitOrtho(), R_Viewport_InitOrtho3D(), R_Viewport_InitPerspective(), R_Viewport_InitPerspectiveInfinite(), Sbar_Draw(), Sbar_DrawAlphaPic(), Sbar_DrawCharacter(), Sbar_DrawFrags(), Sbar_DrawGauge(), Sbar_DrawNum(), Sbar_DrawPic(), Sbar_DrawStretchPic(), Sbar_DrawString(), Sbar_DrawXNum(), Sbar_MiniDeathmatchOverlay(), Sbar_PrintScoreboardItem(), SCR_CaptureVideo_Avi_BeginVideo(), SCR_CaptureVideo_Avi_SoundFrame(), SCR_CaptureVideo_Avi_VideoFrames(), SCR_CaptureVideo_ConvertFrame_BGRA_to_I420_flip(), SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_ConvertFrame_BGRA_to_YUV(), SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop(), SCR_DrawBrand(), SCR_DrawCenterString(), SCR_DrawCurlDownload(), SCR_DrawInfobarString(), SCR_DrawLoadingScreen(), SCR_DrawLoadingStack_r(), SCR_DrawNetGraph_DrawGraph(), SCR_DrawQWDownload(), SCR_ScreenShot(), SHOWLMP_decodeshow(), skyspherecalc(), snap_to_pixel_x(), SV_CheckBottom(), VM_CL_checkbottom(), VM_CL_RotateMoves(), and VM_drawsetcliparea().

◆ xoffset

GLint GLint xoffset

Definition at line 649 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_Bloom_MakeTexture().

◆ y

GLint y = position.y

Definition at line 651 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by AngleVectorsDuke3DFLU(), CL_Beams_SetupBuiltinTexture(), CL_CheckBottom(), CL_VM_InputEvent(), Con_DrawConsole(), Con_DrawConsoleLine(), Con_DrawInput(), Con_DrawNotifyRect(), convex_builder_add_point(), dpvsimpledecode_convertpixels(), DrawQ_Fill(), DrawQ_Pic(), DrawQ_RotPic(), DrawQ_SetClipArea(), DrawQ_String_Scale(), DrawQ_SuperPic(), FindEqualOddVertexInArray(), fixtransparentpixels(), Font_LoadMap(), Font_Postprocess(), Font_Postprocess_Update(), fractalnoise(), fractalnoisequick(), GL_ReadPixelsBGRA(), GL_Scissor(), Image_CopyMux(), Image_GenerateDitherPattern(), Image_GenerateNoTexture(), Image_HeightmapToNormalmap_BGRA(), Image_MipReduce32(), Image_WriteTGABGRA(), IN_Move(), IN_Move_TouchScreen_Quake(), incmap_post_process(), LoadPCX_BGRA(), LoadPCX_QWSkin(), LoadTGA_BGRA(), M_DrawCheckbox(), M_DrawSlider(), M_DrawTextBox(), M_Keys_Draw(), M_Main_Draw(), M_ModList_Draw(), M_ServerList_Draw(), M_Transfusion_Episode_Draw(), M_Transfusion_Skill_Draw(), Matrix4x4_AdjustOrigin(), Matrix4x4_ConcatRotate(), Matrix4x4_ConcatScale3(), Matrix4x4_ConcatTranslate(), Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(), Matrix4x4_CreateRotate(), Matrix4x4_CreateScale3(), Matrix4x4_CreateTranslate(), Matrix4x4_FromDoom3Joint(), Matrix4x4_FromOriginQuat(), Matrix4x4_SetOrigin(), Matrix4x4_TransformPositivePlane(), Matrix4x4_TransformStandardPlane(), Mod_AllocLightmap_Block(), Mod_AllocLightmap_Init(), Mod_AllocLightmap_Reset(), Mod_BSP_LightPoint_RecursiveBSPNode(), Mod_GenerateLightmaps_CreateLightmaps(), Mod_GenerateLightmaps_UpdateLightGrid(), Mod_IDS2_Load(), Mod_Mesh_ComputeBounds(), Mod_Mesh_IndexForVertex(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadSplitSky(), Mod_Q3BSP_LoadLightGrid(), Mod_Sprite_SharedSetup(), noise4f(), particletextureblotch(), PNG_LoadImage_BGRA(), Q3PatchTesselateFloat(), Q3PatchTesselationOnX(), Q3PatchTesselationOnY(), Q3PatchTriangleElements(), R_BlendView(), R_BuildFogHeightTexture(), R_BuildNormalizationCube(), R_CalcTexCoordsForView(), R_Explosion_Init(), r_explosion_start(), R_InitParticleTexture(), R_Mesh_AddVertex(), R_RenderView(), R_Shadow_BounceGrid_BlurPixelsInDirection(), R_Shadow_BounceGrid_ConvertPixelsAndUpload(), R_Shadow_EditLights_DrawSelectedLightProperties(), R_Shadow_MakeTextures_MakeCorona(), R_Shadow_MakeTextures_SamplePoint(), R_Shadow_RenderMode_ShadowMap(), R_TimeReport_EndFrame(), R_TrackSprite(), R_UpdateTexture(), R_Viewport_InitOrtho(), R_Viewport_InitOrtho3D(), R_Viewport_InitPerspective(), R_Viewport_InitPerspectiveInfinite(), Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay(), Sbar_DrawAlphaPic(), Sbar_DrawCharacter(), Sbar_DrawGauge(), Sbar_DrawNum(), Sbar_DrawPic(), Sbar_DrawStretchPic(), Sbar_DrawString(), Sbar_DrawXNum(), Sbar_MiniDeathmatchOverlay(), Sbar_PrintScoreboardItem(), SCR_CaptureVideo_ConvertFrame_BGRA_to_I420_flip(), SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_ConvertFrame_BGRA_to_YUV(), SCR_DrawBrand(), SCR_DrawCenterString(), SCR_DrawCurlDownload(), SCR_DrawInfobarString(), SCR_DrawLoadingScreen(), SCR_DrawLoadingStack_r(), SCR_DrawNetGraph_DrawGraph(), SCR_DrawQWDownload(), SCR_ScreenShot(), setuptex(), SHOWLMP_decodeshow(), snap_to_pixel_y(), SV_CheckBottom(), VM_CL_checkbottom(), VM_CL_RotateMoves(), and VM_drawsetcliparea().

◆ yoffset

GLint GLint GLint yoffset

Definition at line 649 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_Bloom_MakeTexture().

◆ z

◆ zfail

GLenum zfail

Definition at line 731 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_SetStencil().

◆ zoffset

Definition at line 650 of file glquake.h.

◆ zpass

GLenum GLenum zpass

Definition at line 731 of file glquake.h.

Referenced by R_SetStencil().