![]() |
Game engine based on the Quake 1 engine by id Software, developed by LadyHavoc
Go to the source code of this file.
Functions | |
vec3 | FogVertex (vec4 surfacecolor)\n" |
for (i=0.0, f=1.0;i< ScaleSteps.w;++i, f *=0.5)\n" | |
for (i=1;i< SAMPLES;i++)\n" | |
vec4 | fxaa (vec4 inColor, float maxspan)\n" |
void | main (void)\n" |
return | mix (fc, surfacecolor.rgb, dp_texture2D(Texture_FogMask, cast_myhalf2(length(EyeVectorModelSpace) *fogfrac *FogRangeRecip, 0.0)).r) |
return | mix (fogheightpixel.rgb *fc, surfacecolor.rgb, dp_texture2D(Texture_FogMask, cast_myhalf2(length(EyeVectorModelSpace) *fogfrac *FogRangeRecip, 0.0)).r) |
vec2 | OffsetMapping (vec2 TexCoord, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy)\n" |
float | ShadowMapCompare (vec3 dir)\n" |
vec4 | TrippyVertex (vec4 position)\n" |
Variables | |
ret | a = 1.0 |
uniform myhalf | Alpha |
void float | amount = distance(TexCoord1.xy, vec2(.5f,.5f)) |
dp_attribute vec4 | Attrib_Color |
uniform Skeletal_Transform12_UniformBlock dp_attribute vec4 | Attrib_SkeletalIndex |
dp_attribute vec4 | Attrib_SkeletalWeight |
dp_attribute vec4 | Attrib_TexCoord0 |
dp_attribute vec3 | Attrib_TexCoord1 |
dp_attribute vec3 | Attrib_TexCoord2 |
dp_attribute vec3 | Attrib_TexCoord3 |
dp_attribute vec4 | Attrib_TexCoord4 |
dp_FragColor | b = dp_texture2D(Texture_GammaRamps, vec2(dp_FragColor.b, 0)).b |
uniform highp mat4 | BackgroundTexMatrix |
uniform mediump vec4 | BloomBlur_Parameters |
uniform mediump vec4 | BloomColorSubtract |
dp_varying highp vec3 | BounceGridTexCoord |
uniform highp float | ClientTime |
vec3 | color = dp_texture2D(Texture_First, tc).rgb |
uniform mediump vec3 | Color_Pants |
uniform mediump vec3 | Color_Shirt |
uniform mediump float | ColorFringe |
dp_varying mediump vec3 | CubeVector |
dp_varying highp float | Depth = (ModelViewMatrix * Attrib_Position).z |
vec2 | dir = vec2(-((lNW + lNE) - (lSW + lSE)), ((lNW + lSW) - (lNE + lSE))) |
vec4 worldTime position float | distanceSquared = (position.x * position.x + position.z * position.z) |
vec2 | distort = DistortScaleRefractReflect.xy * VertexColor.a |
dp_FragColor = dp_texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1.xy) | |
uniform highp vec3 | EyePosition |
vec3 | EyeRelative = EyePosition - Attrib_Position.xyz |
dp_varying highp vec3 | EyeVector |
dp_varying highp vec4 | EyeVectorFogDepth |
dp_varying highp vec3 | EyeVectorModelSpace |
float | f = minonesat(length(dp_texture2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord + vec2(0.01, 0.01)).rgb) / 0.05) |
vec3 | fc = FogColor |
precision highp | float = #13 |
uniform mediump vec3 | FogColor |
float | fogfrac = fogheightpixel.a |
uniform highp float | FogHeightFade |
fc vec4 | fogheightpixel = dp_texture2D(Texture_FogHeightTexture, vec2(1,1) + vec2(FogPlaneVertexDist, FogPlaneViewDist) * (-2.0 * FogHeightFade)) |
uniform highp vec4 | FogPlane |
vec3 float | FogPlaneVertexDist = EyeVectorFogDepth.w |
uniform highp float | FogPlaneViewDist |
uniform highp float | FogRangeRecip |
float | Fresnel = pow(min(1.0, 1.0 - float(normalize(EyeVector).z)), 2.0) * reflectfactor + reflectoffset |
dp_FragColor | g = dp_texture2D(Texture_GammaRamps, vec2(dp_FragColor.g, 0)).g |
gl_Position = ModelViewProjectionMatrix * Attrib_Position | |
vec2 mediump float | GuessLODFactor = min(1.0, OffsetMapping_LodDistance / EyeVectorFogDepth.z) |
float | lB = dot(rB, luma) |
uniform highp vec3 | LightDir |
dp_varying highp vec3 | LightGridTC |
uniform highp vec3 | LightPosition |
dp_varying mediump vec3 | LightVector |
float | lM = dot(M, luma) |
float | lMax = max(lM, max(max(lNW, lNE), max(lSW, lSE))) |
float | lMin = min(lM, min(min(lNW, lNE), min(lSW, lSE))) |
float | lNE = dot(NE, luma) |
float | lNW = dot(NW, luma) |
mediump float | LODSteps = max(3.0, ceil(GuessLODFactor * OffsetMapping_ScaleSteps.y)) |
float | lSE = dot(SE, luma) |
float | lSW = dot(SW, luma) |
vec3 | luma = vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114) |
vec3 | M = dp_texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1.xy).xyz |
float | minreduct = (1.0 / 128.0) |
uniform highp mat4 | ModelViewMatrix |
dp_varying highp vec4 | ModelViewPosition |
uniform highp mat4 | ModelViewProjectionMatrix |
dp_varying highp vec4 | ModelViewProjectionPosition |
vec4 float | mulreduct = 1.0/maxspan |
n | |
vec3 | NE = dp_texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1.xy + (vec2(+1.0, -1.0) * PixelSize)).xyz |
vec3 | normal = dp_texture2D(Texture_Normal, (TexCoord + vec2(0.08, 0.08)*ClientTime*NormalmapScrollBlend.x*0.5)*NormalmapScrollBlend.y).rgb - vec3(1.0) |
vec3 | NW = dp_texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1.xy + (vec2(-1.0, -1.0) * PixelSize)).xyz |
vec2 | offset = vec2(amount*fringe,amount*fringe) |
uniform mediump float | OffsetMapping_Bias |
uniform mediump float | OffsetMapping_LodDistance |
uniform mediump vec4 | OffsetMapping_ScaleSteps |
vec3 | OffsetVector = vec3(normalize(EyeVectorFogDepth.xyz).xy * ScaleSteps.x * vec2(-1, 1), -1) |
float | om = sin(distanceSquared*sin(worldTime/256.0)/5000.0) * sin(worldTime/200.0) |
OffsetVector vec2 | OneMinusBias_OffsetVector = (1.0 - OffsetMapping_Bias) * OffsetVector |
uniform mediump vec2 | PixelSize |
return | position |
vec2 | px = PixelSize |
float | px1 = -1.0 * dot(vec3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), x1) |
float | px2 = -2.0 * dot(vec3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), x2) |
float | px3 = -1.0 * dot(vec3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), x3) |
float | px4 = 1.0 * dot(vec3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), x4) |
float | px5 = 2.0 * dot(vec3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), x5) |
float | px6 = 1.0 * dot(vec3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), x6) |
float | py1 = -px6 |
float | py2 = -2.0 * dot(vec3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), y2) |
float | py3 = px3 |
float | py4 = px4 |
float | py5 = 2.0 * dot(vec3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), y5) |
float | py6 = -px1 |
dp_FragColor | r = rboost |
vec3 | rA |
vec3 | rB |
float | rboost = max(0.0, (dp_FragColor.r - max(dp_FragColor.g, dp_FragColor.b))*(1.0 - Saturation)) |
float | rcp = 1.0/(min(abs(dir.x), abs(dir.y)) + max((lNW + lNE + lSW + lSE) * (0.25 * mulreduct), minreduct)) |
float | reflectfactor = ReflectFactor * VertexColor.a |
float | reflectoffset = ReflectOffset * VertexColor.a |
vec4 | refractcolor = mix(RefractColor, vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), VertexColor.a) |
return | ret |
dp_FragColor | rgb = dp_FragColor.rgb * (1.0 + UserVec2.x) + vec3(max(0.0, sobel - UserVec2.z))*UserVec2.y |
vec3 | RT = vec3(vec2(TexCoord.xy - OffsetVector.xy*OffsetMapping_Bias), 1) |
vec2 | SafeScreenTexCoord = ModelViewProjectionPosition.xy * ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW + ScreenCenterRefractReflect.xy |
uniform mediump float | Saturation |
mediump vec4 | ScaleSteps = vec4(OffsetMapping_ScaleSteps.x, LODSteps, vec2(1.0, OffsetMapping_ScaleSteps.w * LODSteps) / vec2(LODSteps, OffsetMapping_ScaleSteps.y)) |
vec2 | ScreenTexCoord = SafeScreenTexCoord + vec3(normalize(cast_myhalf3(normal))).xy * distort |
vec3 | SE = dp_texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1.xy + (vec2(+1.0, +1.0) * PixelSize)).xyz |
uniform mediump vec4 | ShadowMap_Parameters |
uniform mediump vec4 | ShadowMap_TextureScale |
dp_varying highp vec3 | ShadowMapTC |
void ivec4 | si1 = si0 + ivec4(1, 1, 1, 1) |
ivec4 | si2 = si0 + ivec4(2, 2, 2, 2) |
mat4 | SkeletalMatrix = mat4(SkeletalMatrix1, SkeletalMatrix2, SkeletalMatrix3, vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) |
vec4 | SkeletalMatrix1 = Skeletal_Transform12[si0.x] * sw.x + Skeletal_Transform12[si0.y] * sw.y + Skeletal_Transform12[si0.z] * sw.z + Skeletal_Transform12[si0.w] * sw.w |
vec4 | SkeletalMatrix2 = Skeletal_Transform12[si1.x] * sw.x + Skeletal_Transform12[si1.y] * sw.y + Skeletal_Transform12[si1.z] * sw.z + Skeletal_Transform12[si1.w] * sw.w |
vec4 | SkeletalMatrix3 = Skeletal_Transform12[si2.x] * sw.x + Skeletal_Transform12[si2.y] * sw.y + Skeletal_Transform12[si2.z] * sw.z + Skeletal_Transform12[si2.w] * sw.w |
vec3 | SkeletalNormal = normalize(Attrib_TexCoord3.xyz * SkeletalNormalMatrix) |
mat3 | SkeletalNormalMatrix = mat3(cross(SkeletalMatrix[1].xyz, SkeletalMatrix[2].xyz), cross(SkeletalMatrix[2].xyz, SkeletalMatrix[0].xyz), cross(SkeletalMatrix[0].xyz, SkeletalMatrix[1].xyz)) |
vec3 | SkeletalSVector = normalize(Attrib_TexCoord1.xyz * SkeletalNormalMatrix) |
vec3 | SkeletalTVector = normalize(Attrib_TexCoord2.xyz * SkeletalNormalMatrix) |
vec4 | SkeletalVertex = Attrib_Position * SkeletalMatrix |
float | sobel = 1.0 |
vec3 | SW = dp_texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1.xy + (vec2(-1.0, +1.0) * PixelSize)).xyz |
vec4 | sw = Attrib_SkeletalWeight |
void vec2 | tc = TexCoord |
dp_FragColor rgb dp_FragColor vec4 | tex2 = dp_texture2D(Texture_Second, TexCoord2) |
dp_FragColor a dp_varying mediump vec2 | TexCoord = Attrib_TexCoord0.xy |
dp_varying mediump vec4 | TexCoord1 |
dp_varying mediump vec2 | TexCoord2 |
dp_varying mediump vec4 | TexCoordSurfaceLightmap |
uniform highp mat4 | TexMatrix |
n uniform sampler2D | Texture_Attenuation |
uniform sampler2D | Texture_Color |
uniform samplerCube | Texture_Cube |
uniform samplerCube | Texture_CubeProjection |
uniform sampler2D | Texture_Deluxemap |
uniform sampler2D | Texture_First |
uniform sampler2D | Texture_FogHeightTexture |
uniform sampler2D | Texture_FogMask |
uniform sampler2D | Texture_GammaRamps |
uniform sampler2D | Texture_Gloss |
uniform sampler2D | Texture_Glow |
uniform sampler2D | Texture_Lightmap |
uniform sampler2D | Texture_Normal |
uniform sampler2D | Texture_Pants |
uniform sampler2D | Texture_Reflection |
uniform sampler2D | Texture_ScreenDiffuse |
uniform sampler2D | Texture_ScreenNormalMap |
uniform sampler2D | Texture_ScreenSpecular |
uniform sampler2D | Texture_Second |
uniform sampler2D | Texture_SecondaryColor |
uniform sampler2D | Texture_SecondaryGloss |
uniform sampler2D | Texture_SecondaryGlow |
uniform sampler2D | Texture_SecondaryNormal |
uniform sampler2DShadow | Texture_ShadowMap2D |
uniform sampler2D | Texture_Shirt |
uniform mediump vec4 | UserVec1 |
uniform mediump vec4 | UserVec2 |
dp_varying highp vec4 | VectorR = (ModelViewMatrix * vec4(Attrib_TexCoord3.xyz, 0)) |
dp_varying highp vec4 | VectorS = (ModelViewMatrix * vec4(Attrib_TexCoord1.xyz, 0)) |
dp_varying highp vec4 | VectorT = (ModelViewMatrix * vec4(Attrib_TexCoord2.xyz, 0)) |
dp_varying mediump vec4 | VertexColor |
uniform mediump vec4 | ViewTintColor |
EyeVectorFogDepth | w = 0.0 |
float | x = position.x |
vec3 | x1 = dp_texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1.xy + vec2(-px.x, px.y)).rgb |
vec3 | x2 = dp_texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1.xy + vec2(-px.x, 0.0)).rgb |
vec3 | x3 = dp_texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1.xy + vec2(-px.x,-px.y)).rgb |
vec3 | x4 = dp_texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1.xy + vec2( px.x, px.y)).rgb |
vec3 | x5 = dp_texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1.xy + vec2( px.x, 0.0)).rgb |
vec3 | x6 = dp_texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1.xy + vec2( px.x,-px.y)).rgb |
void TexCoord1 | xy = Attrib_TexCoord0.xy |
ret | xyz = ((lB < lMin) || (lB > lMax)) ? rA : rB |
position | y = 5.0*sin(distanceSquared*sin(worldTime/143.0)/1000.0) |
vec3 | y2 = dp_texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1.xy + vec2( 0.0,-px.y)).rgb |
vec3 | y5 = dp_texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1.xy + vec2( 0.0, px.y)).rgb |
dp_FragColor | z = dp_texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1.xy+offset).z |
TexCoord1 | zw = Attrib_TexCoord4.xy |
vec3 FogVertex | ( | vec4 | surfacecolor | ) |
for | ( | i | = 0.0 | ) |
for | ( | ) |
vec4 fxaa | ( | vec4 | inColor, |
float | maxspan ) |
return mix | ( | fc | , |
surfacecolor. | rgb, | ||
dp_texture2D(Texture_FogMask, cast_myhalf2(length(EyeVectorModelSpace) *fogfrac *FogRangeRecip, 0.0)). | r ) |
return mix | ( | fogheightpixel.rgb * | fc, |
surfacecolor. | rgb, | ||
dp_texture2D(Texture_FogMask, cast_myhalf2(length(EyeVectorModelSpace) *fogfrac *FogRangeRecip, 0.0)). | r ) |
vec2 OffsetMapping | ( | vec2 | TexCoord, |
vec2 | dPdx, | ||
vec2 | dPdy ) |
float ShadowMapCompare | ( | vec3 | dir | ) |
vec4 TrippyVertex | ( | vec4 | position | ) |
ret a = 1.0 |
Definition at line 305 of file shader_glsl.h.
Referenced by _Thread_AtomicAdd(), _Thread_AtomicAdd(), _Thread_AtomicDecRef(), _Thread_AtomicDecRef(), _Thread_AtomicGet(), _Thread_AtomicGet(), _Thread_AtomicIncRef(), _Thread_AtomicIncRef(), _Thread_AtomicSet(), _Thread_AtomicSet(), BufStr_SortStringsDOWN(), BufStr_SortStringsUP(), CL_DrawVideo(), CL_GeomLerp(), CL_UpdateEntityShading_Entity(), Cmd_Alias_f(), Cmd_ExecuteString(), Cmd_RestoreInitState(), Cmd_SaveInitState(), Cmd_UnAlias_f(), Con_CompleteCommandLine(), Curl_Curl_f(), doublecmp_withoffset(), dpvsimpledecode_convertpixels(), dpvsimpledecode_decompressimage(), DrawQ_GetTextColor(), fixtransparentpixels(), GL_ColorMask(), LHNETADDRESS_FromString(), LHNETADDRESS_ToString(), LoadPCX_BGRA(), LoadPCX_QWSkin(), M_Menu_Video_FindResolution(), Mathlib_Init(), Mod_Decompile_OBJ(), Mod_Decompile_SMD(), Mod_MakeSortedSurfaces_qsortfunc(), Mod_Mesh_IndexForVertex(), Mod_Q3BSP_LightPoint(), mul128(), NetConn_ChooseClientSocketForAddress(), NetConn_ChooseServerSocketForAddress(), Nicks_CutMatchesAlphaNumeric(), Nicks_CutMatchesNoSpaces(), Nicks_strncasecmp(), Nicks_strncasecmp_nospaces(), packetlog5cmp(), Portal_CheckBox(), PRVM_Prog_Load(), Q3PatchTesselateFloat(), R_DecalSystem_ApplySplatEntities(), R_DecalSystem_SplatEntities(), R_DecalSystem_SplatEntity(), R_DecalSystem_SplatTriangle(), R_DrawParticle_TransparentCallback(), R_DrawParticles(), r_explosion_start(), R_FillColors(), R_Q1BSP_GetLightInfo_comparefunc(), R_Shadow_LoadLightsFile(), R_Shadow_LoadWorldLights(), R_Shadow_MakeTextures_MakeCorona(), R_SkinFrame_GenerateTexturesFromQPixels(), R_SkinFrame_LoadInternalBGRA(), R_SortEntities_Compare(), R_StainNode(), RSurf_ActiveCustomEntity(), Sbar_DrawXNum(), SCR_DrawNetGraph_DrawGraph(), SCR_DrawTouchscreenOverlay(), skyspherecalc(), Squared3xCurveArea(), stringlistsort_cmp(), SV_PushMove(), testmul128(), V_CalcViewBlend(), V_MakeViewIsometric(), VID_SortModes_Compare(), VM_CL_R_PolygonVertex(), and VM_CL_RotateMoves().
uniform myhalf Alpha |
Definition at line 408 of file shader_glsl.h.
void float amount = distance(TexCoord1.xy, vec2(.5f,.5f)) |
Definition at line 314 of file shader_glsl.h.
dp_attribute vec4 Attrib_Color |
Definition at line 103 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform Skeletal_Transform12_UniformBlock dp_attribute vec4 Attrib_SkeletalIndex |
Definition at line 119 of file shader_glsl.h.
dp_attribute vec4 Attrib_SkeletalWeight |
Definition at line 120 of file shader_glsl.h.
dp_attribute vec4 Attrib_TexCoord0 |
Definition at line 104 of file shader_glsl.h.
dp_attribute vec3 Attrib_TexCoord1 |
Definition at line 105 of file shader_glsl.h.
dp_attribute vec3 Attrib_TexCoord2 |
Definition at line 106 of file shader_glsl.h.
dp_attribute vec3 Attrib_TexCoord3 |
Definition at line 107 of file shader_glsl.h.
dp_attribute vec4 Attrib_TexCoord4 |
Definition at line 108 of file shader_glsl.h.
dp_FragColor b = dp_texture2D(Texture_GammaRamps, vec2(dp_FragColor.b, 0)).b |
Definition at line 392 of file shader_glsl.h.
Referenced by _Thread_CreateBarrier(), _Thread_DestroyBarrier(), _Thread_WaitBarrier(), BufStr_SortStringsDOWN(), BufStr_SortStringsUP(), CL_Beam_AddPolygons(), CL_Beam_CalculatePositions(), CL_Beams_SetupBuiltinTexture(), CL_DrawVideo(), CL_GeomLerp(), CL_NewBeam(), CL_NewParticle(), CL_RelinkBeams(), CL_Video_Init(), convex_builder_add_point(), convex_builder_get_planes4f(), convex_builder_get_points3f(), convex_builder_initialize(), CSQC_Predraw(), CSQC_Think(), Curl_Begin(), Curl_Frame(), doublecmp_withoffset(), dpvsimpledecode_decompressimage(), DrawQ_GetTextColor(), DrawQ_Line(), fixtransparentpixels(), GL_ColorMask(), GL_ReadPixelsBGRA(), hz_bitstream_read_blocks_free(), hz_bitstream_read_blocks_read(), Image_HeightmapToNormalmap_BGRA(), jam_video(), Key_Bind_f(), Key_FindKeysForCommand(), Key_In_Bind_f(), Key_In_Unbind_f(), Key_Unbind_f(), KeyDown(), KeyUp(), LoadPCX_BGRA(), LoadTGA_BGRA(), M_UnbindCommand(), mdfour_tail(), Memory_Init(), Mod_Decompile_OBJ(), Mod_Decompile_SMD(), Mod_MakeSortedSurfaces_qsortfunc(), Mod_Mesh_IndexForVertex(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadSplitSky(), Mod_Skeletal_AnimateVertices_Generic(), mul128(), Nicks_AddLastColor(), Nicks_CutMatchesAlphaNumeric(), Nicks_CutMatchesNoSpaces(), Nicks_strncasecmp(), Nicks_strncasecmp_nospaces(), packetlog5cmp(), Palette_Load(), Palette_SetupSpecialPalettes(), Portal_CheckBox(), PRVM_Prog_Load(), Q3PatchTesselateFloat(), R_BuildFogTexture(), R_DecalSystem_ApplySplatEntities(), R_DecalSystem_SplatEntities(), R_DecalSystem_SplatEntity(), R_DecalSystem_SplatTriangle(), r_explosion_start(), R_FillColors(), R_LoadTextureDDSFile(), R_ModulateColors(), R_Q1BSP_GetLightInfo_comparefunc(), R_SkinFrame_GenerateTexturesFromQPixels(), R_SkinFrame_LoadInternalBGRA(), R_SortEntities_Compare(), RSurf_ActiveCustomEntity(), RSurf_PrepareVerticesForBatch(), Sbar_DrawXNum(), SCR_CaptureVideo_ConvertFrame_BGRA_to_I420_flip(), SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_ConvertFrame_BGRA_to_YUV(), SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_SoundFrame(), SCR_DrawNetGraph_DrawGraph(), skyspherecalc(), Squared3xCurveArea(), stringlistsort_cmp(), SVBSP_AddPolygon(), SVBSP_AddPolygonNode(), SVBSP_Init(), SVBSP_InsertOccluderPolygonNodes(), Sys_Con_NearestColor(), testmul128(), and VID_SortModes_Compare().
uniform highp mat4 BackgroundTexMatrix |
Definition at line 1111 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform mediump vec4 BloomBlur_Parameters |
Definition at line 505 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform mediump vec4 BloomColorSubtract |
Definition at line 243 of file shader_glsl.h.
dp_varying highp vec3 BounceGridTexCoord |
Definition at line 770 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform highp float ClientTime |
Definition at line 163 of file shader_glsl.h.
vec3 color = dp_texture2D(Texture_First, tc).rgb |
Definition at line 511 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform mediump vec3 Color_Pants |
Definition at line 832 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform mediump vec3 Color_Shirt |
Definition at line 833 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform mediump float ColorFringe |
Definition at line 259 of file shader_glsl.h.
dp_varying mediump vec3 CubeVector |
Definition at line 724 of file shader_glsl.h.
Depth = (ModelViewMatrix * Attrib_Position).z |
Definition at line 774 of file shader_glsl.h.
Definition at line 290 of file shader_glsl.h.
Referenced by CL_Beam_AddQuad(), CL_Beam_CalculatePositions(), CL_ParseParticleEffect(), CL_ParseTempEntity(), CL_ParticleCube(), CL_ParticleEffect_Fallback(), CL_ParticleRain(), CL_UpdateEntityShading_Entity(), Collision_ClipTrace_Line_Sphere(), Collision_NewBrushFromPlanes(), FS_AddGameDirectory(), FS_AddGameHierarchy(), listdirectory(), M_Menu_Options_AdjustSliders(), M_Menu_Options_ColorControl_AdjustSliders(), M_Menu_Options_Effects_AdjustSliders(), M_Menu_Options_Graphics_AdjustSliders(), M_Menu_Video_AdjustSliders(), M_ModList_Draw(), M_NetStart_Change(), Mod_GenerateLightmaps_GridSample(), Mod_GenerateLightmaps_LightmapSample(), Mod_GenerateLightmaps_LightPoint(), ModList_RebuildList(), R_Bloom_MakeTexture(), R_DrawParticle_TransparentCallback(), R_RotateSprite(), RotatePointAroundVector(), SV_FlyMove(), SV_NudgeOutOfSolid_PivotIsKnownGood(), SV_SetIdealPitch(), SV_StartParticle(), VM_CL_particle(), VM_CL_SpawnParticle(), VM_CL_SpawnParticleDelayed(), VM_SV_aim(), and VM_SV_particle().
vec4 worldTime position float distanceSquared = (position.x * position.x + position.z * position.z) |
Definition at line 171 of file shader_glsl.h.
vec4 distort = DistortScaleRefractReflect.xy * VertexColor.a |
Definition at line 574 of file shader_glsl.h.
dp_FragColor dp_FragColor = dp_texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1.xy) |
Definition at line 319 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform highp vec3 EyePosition |
Definition at line 610 of file shader_glsl.h.
vec3 EyeRelative = EyePosition - Attrib_Position.xyz |
Definition at line 1143 of file shader_glsl.h.
dp_varying highp vec3 EyeVector |
Definition at line 607 of file shader_glsl.h.
dp_varying highp vec4 EyeVectorFogDepth |
Definition at line 732 of file shader_glsl.h.
dp_varying highp vec3 EyeVectorModelSpace |
Definition at line 741 of file shader_glsl.h.
float float f = minonesat(length(dp_texture2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord + vec2(0.01, 0.01)).rgb) / 0.05) |
Definition at line 592 of file shader_glsl.h.
Referenced by AngleVectorsDuke3DFLU(), buf2file(), BuffBigFloat(), BuffLittleFloat(), CL_AddQWCTFFlagModel(), CL_ClientMovement_Move(), CL_ClientMovement_Physics_PM_Accelerate(), CL_ClientMovement_Physics_PM_AirAccelerate(), CL_ClientMovement_Physics_Swim(), CL_ClientMovement_UpdateStatus(), CL_Input(), CL_LerpPoint(), CL_ParticleEffect_Fallback(), CL_PlayDemo(), CL_ReadDemoMessage(), CL_RelinkLightFlashes(), CL_RotateMoves(), CL_UpdateScreen(), CL_WriteDemoMessage(), Cmd_AddCommand(), Cmd_Exec(), Cmd_RestoreInitState(), Cmd_SaveInitState(), Collision_TraceBrushBrushFloat(), Collision_TraceLineBrushFloat(), Collision_TraceLineTriangleFloat(), Con_CheckResize(), convex_builder_add_point(), convex_builder_get_planes4f(), Crypto_KeyGen_f(), Crypto_KeyGen_Finished(), Crypto_LoadFile(), Crypto_SavePubKeyTextFile(), Curl_Begin(), Cvar_WriteVariables(), EntityFrame_CL_ReadFrame(), EntityFrame_Clear(), EntityFrame_FetchFrame(), file2buf(), FS_SysCheckGameDir(), getdrawfont(), GetMapList(), Host_SaveConfig(), Image_Resample32Lerp(), Image_Resample32LerpLine(), JPEG_LoadImage_BGRA(), Key_WriteBindings(), LoadConChars_BGRA(), LoadFont_f(), loadimagepixelsbgra(), LoadLMP_BGRA(), LoadPCX_BGRA(), LoadPCX_PaletteOnly(), LoadPCX_QWSkin(), LoadTGA_BGRA(), LoadWAL_BGRA(), LoadWAL_GetMetadata(), M_Main_Draw(), M_Menu_Options_AdjustSliders(), M_Menu_Options_ColorControl_AdjustSliders(), M_MultiPlayer_Draw(), M_ScanSaves(), M_Setup_Draw(), M_SinglePlayer_Draw(), Memory_Init_Commands(), Mod_BSP_FindNonSolidLocation_r(), Mod_BSP_FindNonSolidLocation_r_Triangle(), Mod_BuildTextureVectorsFromNormals(), Mod_CollisionBIH_TraceBrush(), Mod_CollisionBIH_TraceLineShared(), Mod_DARKPLACESMODEL_Load(), Mod_GenerateLightmaps_LightmapSample(), Mod_INTERQUAKEMODEL_Load(), Mod_LoadQ3Shaders(), Mod_MD3_AnimateVertices(), Mod_MDL_AnimateVertices(), Mod_MDL_LoadFrames(), Mod_Skeletal_AnimateVertices_Generic(), Mod_ZYMOTICMODEL_Load(), MSG_ReadBigFloat(), MSG_ReadLittleFloat(), MSG_WriteAngle(), MSG_WriteAngle16i(), MSG_WriteAngle32f(), MSG_WriteAngle8i(), MSG_WriteCoord(), MSG_WriteCoord13i(), MSG_WriteCoord16i(), MSG_WriteCoord32f(), MSG_WriteFloat(), OGG_GetSamplesFloat(), particletextureblotch(), Portal_RecursiveFindLeafForFlow(), PRVM_CallProfile(), PRVM_ED_FindFunctionOffset(), PRVM_ED_Write(), PRVM_ED_WriteGlobals(), PRVM_EnterFunction(), PRVM_LeaveFunction(), PRVM_Profile(), PRVM_Prog_Load(), PRVM_ShortStackTrace(), PRVM_StackTrace(), PRVM_UglyValueString(), PRVM_ValueString(), Q3PatchTesselation(), R_BuildFogHeightTexture(), R_DecalSystem_SplatTriangle(), R_DrawParticles(), R_DrawPortals(), R_EvaluateQ3WaveFunc(), R_InitParticleTexture(), R_LoadQWSkin(), R_LoadTextureDDSFile(), R_ScissorForBBox(), R_Shadow_BounceGrid_AssignPhotons_Task(), R_Shadow_BounceGrid_ConvertPixelsAndUpload(), R_Shadow_PrepareLight(), R_Shadow_PrepareLights(), R_tcMod_ApplyToMatrix(), RSurf_PrepareVerticesForBatch(), Sbar_DrawFace(), Sbar_DrawFrags(), Sbar_ShowFPS(), SCR_DrawLoadingScreen(), shadebubble(), SND_Spatialize_WithSfx(), SV_PrepareEntityForSending(), SV_Savegame_to(), SV_Viewframe_f(), SV_WriteDemoMessage(), VID_Shared_BuildJoyState_Finish(), VID_UpdateGamma(), VM_CL_ambientsound(), VM_CL_getstatf(), VM_CL_pointparticles(), VM_CL_project(), VM_CL_R_SetView(), VM_CL_unproject(), VM_find(), VM_findchain(), VM_findchainflags(), VM_findchainfloat(), VM_findflags(), VM_findfloat(), VM_FrameBlendFromFrameGroupBlend(), VM_loadfont(), VM_max(), VM_min(), VM_normalize(), VM_physics_addforce(), VM_physics_addtorque(), VM_physics_enable(), VM_precache_pic(), VM_rint(), VM_sprintf(), VM_SV_UpdateCustomStats(), and XMP_GetSamplesFloat().
vec3 fc = FogColor |
Definition at line 847 of file shader_glsl.h.
float = #13 |
Definition at line 53 of file shader_glsl.h.
Referenced by CL_DrawVideo(), CL_ParseClientdata(), CL_SendMove(), CSQC_ReadEntities(), LoadSubtitles(), M_Draw(), M_Options_ColorControl_Draw(), Mod_GenerateLightmaps_SamplePoint(), Mod_INTERQUAKEMODEL_Load(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadFaces(), Mod_VBSP_LoadFaces(), PolygonF_QuadForPlane(), Q3PatchTesselateFloat(), R_Bloom_MakeTexture(), R_ExplosionVert(), R_LoadTextureDDSFile(), R_Shadow_ChooseSidesFromBox(), R_Shadow_CullFrustumSides(), R_Shadow_DrawLightShadowMaps(), R_TimeReport_EndFrame(), R_Viewport_InitRectSideView(), S_SoundLength(), S_UpdateAmbientSounds(), SCR_DrawLoadingScreen(), SCR_DrawScreen(), SV_ApplyClientMove(), SV_ReadClientMove(), SVBSP_PlaneFromPoints(), Sys_Con_NearestColor(), and V_MakeViewIsometric().
uniform mediump vec3 FogColor |
Definition at line 834 of file shader_glsl.h.
fogfrac = fogheightpixel.a |
Definition at line 846 of file shader_glsl.h.
Referenced by RSurf_FogPoint(), and RSurf_FogVertex().
uniform highp float FogHeightFade |
Definition at line 839 of file shader_glsl.h.
Referenced by RSurf_FogPoint(), and RSurf_FogVertex().
fc vec4 fogheightpixel = dp_texture2D(Texture_FogHeightTexture, vec2(1,1) + vec2(FogPlaneVertexDist, FogPlaneViewDist) * (-2.0 * FogHeightFade)) |
Definition at line 852 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform highp vec4 FogPlane |
Definition at line 760 of file shader_glsl.h.
vec3 float FogPlaneVertexDist = EyeVectorFogDepth.w |
Definition at line 845 of file shader_glsl.h.
Referenced by RSurf_FogPoint(), and RSurf_FogVertex().
uniform highp float FogPlaneViewDist |
Definition at line 838 of file shader_glsl.h.
Referenced by RSurf_FogPoint(), and RSurf_FogVertex().
uniform highp float FogRangeRecip |
Definition at line 837 of file shader_glsl.h.
float Fresnel = pow(min(1.0, 1.0 - float(normalize(EyeVector).z)), 2.0) * reflectfactor + reflectoffset |
Definition at line 707 of file shader_glsl.h.
Referenced by R_Shadow_BounceGrid_TracePhotons_Shot().
dp_FragColor g = dp_texture2D(Texture_GammaRamps, vec2(dp_FragColor.g, 0)).g |
Definition at line 391 of file shader_glsl.h.
Referenced by CL_Beams_SetupBuiltinTexture(), CL_NewParticle(), dpvsimpledecode_decompressimage(), DrawQ_GetTextColor(), DrawQ_Line(), fixtransparentpixels(), fractalnoise(), fractalnoisequick(), GL_ColorMask(), M_Draw(), Mod_Mesh_IndexForVertex(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadSplitSky(), Nicks_AddLastColor(), R_DecalSystem_ApplySplatEntities(), R_DecalSystem_SplatEntities(), R_DecalSystem_SplatEntity(), R_DecalSystem_SplatTriangle(), r_explosion_start(), R_FillColors(), R_LoadTextureDDSFile(), R_ModulateColors(), RSurf_ActiveCustomEntity(), Sbar_DrawXNum(), SCR_DrawNetGraph_DrawGraph(), Sys_Con_NearestColor(), VM_FrameBlendFromFrameGroupBlend(), and while().
gl_Position = ModelViewProjectionMatrix * Attrib_Position |
Definition at line 499 of file shader_glsl.h.
vec2 mediump float GuessLODFactor = min(1.0, OffsetMapping_LodDistance / EyeVectorFogDepth.z) |
Definition at line 879 of file shader_glsl.h.
Definition at line 302 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform highp vec3 LightDir |
Definition at line 758 of file shader_glsl.h.
dp_varying highp vec3 LightGridTC |
Definition at line 767 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform highp vec3 LightPosition |
Definition at line 749 of file shader_glsl.h.
dp_varying mediump vec3 LightVector |
Definition at line 728 of file shader_glsl.h.
Definition at line 285 of file shader_glsl.h.
Definition at line 287 of file shader_glsl.h.
Definition at line 286 of file shader_glsl.h.
Definition at line 282 of file shader_glsl.h.
Definition at line 281 of file shader_glsl.h.
mediump float LODSteps = max(3.0, ceil(GuessLODFactor * OffsetMapping_ScaleSteps.y)) |
Definition at line 882 of file shader_glsl.h.
Definition at line 284 of file shader_glsl.h.
Definition at line 283 of file shader_glsl.h.
vec3 luma = vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114) |
Definition at line 280 of file shader_glsl.h.
vec3 M = dp_texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1.xy).xyz |
Definition at line 277 of file shader_glsl.h.
float minreduct = (1.0 / 128.0) |
Definition at line 270 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform highp mat4 ModelViewMatrix |
Definition at line 1113 of file shader_glsl.h.
dp_varying highp vec4 ModelViewPosition |
Definition at line 750 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform highp mat4 ModelViewProjectionMatrix |
Definition at line 156 of file shader_glsl.h.
dp_varying highp vec4 ModelViewProjectionPosition |
Definition at line 524 of file shader_glsl.h.
vec4 float mulreduct = 1.0/maxspan |
Definition at line 269 of file shader_glsl.h.
void n |
Definition at line 4 of file shader_glsl.h.
vec3 NE = dp_texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1.xy + (vec2(+1.0, -1.0) * PixelSize)).xyz |
Definition at line 274 of file shader_glsl.h.
vec3 normal = dp_texture2D(Texture_Normal, (TexCoord + vec2(0.08, 0.08)*ClientTime*NormalmapScrollBlend.x*0.5)*NormalmapScrollBlend.y).rgb - vec3(1.0) |
Definition at line 581 of file shader_glsl.h.
Referenced by BoxPlaneCornerDistances_Separate(), BoxPlaneCorners_Separate(), CL_SelectTraceLine(), CL_SpawnDecalParticleForSurface(), ClipVelocity(), Collision_NewBrushFromPlanes(), furthestplanedist_float(), Mod_BuildTextureVectorsFromNormals(), Mod_GenerateLightmaps_CreateTriangleInformation(), Mod_GenerateLightmaps_LightmapSample(), Mod_GenerateLightmaps_SamplePoint(), Mod_GenerateLightmaps_VertexSample(), Mod_Q1BSP_TraceLineAgainstSurfacesFindTextureOnNode(), nearestplanedist_float(), Portal_CheckPolygon(), Portal_PortalThroughPortalPlanes(), Portal_RecursiveFlow(), Portal_RecursiveFlowSearch(), Portal_Visibility(), R_CalcBeam_Vertex3f(), R_Shadow_ChooseSidesFromBox(), R_Viewport_ApplyNearClipPlaneFloatGL(), R_Water_AddWaterPlane(), RSurf_PrepareVerticesForBatch(), shadebubble(), and VM_getsurfacenormal().
vec3 NW = dp_texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1.xy + (vec2(-1.0, -1.0) * PixelSize)).xyz |
Definition at line 273 of file shader_glsl.h.
Definition at line 315 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform mediump float OffsetMapping_Bias |
Definition at line 868 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform mediump float OffsetMapping_LodDistance |
Definition at line 870 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform mediump vec4 OffsetMapping_ScaleSteps |
Definition at line 867 of file shader_glsl.h.
vec2 OffsetVector = vec3(normalize(EyeVectorFogDepth.xyz).xy * ScaleSteps.x * vec2(-1, 1), -1) |
Definition at line 898 of file shader_glsl.h.
float om = sin(distanceSquared*sin(worldTime/256.0)/5000.0) * sin(worldTime/200.0) |
Definition at line 175 of file shader_glsl.h.
OffsetVector vec2 OneMinusBias_OffsetVector = (1.0 - OffsetMapping_Bias) * OffsetVector |
Definition at line 912 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform mediump vec2 PixelSize |
Definition at line 261 of file shader_glsl.h.
return position |
Definition at line 178 of file shader_glsl.h.
Referenced by CDAudio_StartPlaylist(), CDAudio_StopPlaylistTrack(), and FS_Seek().
vec2 px = PixelSize |
Definition at line 333 of file shader_glsl.h.
Referenced by CL_DrawVideo(), CL_NewParticle(), Q3PatchTesselateFloat(), VID_TouchscreenArea(), and VID_TouchscreenCursor().
Definition at line 342 of file shader_glsl.h.
Definition at line 343 of file shader_glsl.h.
Definition at line 344 of file shader_glsl.h.
Definition at line 345 of file shader_glsl.h.
Definition at line 346 of file shader_glsl.h.
Definition at line 347 of file shader_glsl.h.
Definition at line 348 of file shader_glsl.h.
Definition at line 349 of file shader_glsl.h.
Definition at line 350 of file shader_glsl.h.
Definition at line 351 of file shader_glsl.h.
Definition at line 352 of file shader_glsl.h.
Definition at line 353 of file shader_glsl.h.
dp_FragColor r = rboost |
Definition at line 381 of file shader_glsl.h.
Referenced by _Thread_CreateThread(), CL_Beams_SetupBuiltinTexture(), CL_GetExtendedTagInfo(), CL_NewParticle(), CL_ParticleEffect_Fallback(), CL_ParticleExplosion(), CL_ReadPointFile_f(), CL_RotateMoves(), CL_UpdateNetworkEntity(), CL_VM_Event_Sound(), CL_VM_GetEntitySoundOrigin(), CL_VM_InputEvent(), CL_VM_Parse_TempEntity(), CleanURL(), DrawQ_GetTextColor(), DrawQ_Line(), fixtransparentpixels(), Font_LoadSize(), GL_ColorMask(), GL_ReadPixelsBGRA(), Image_Resample32Lerp(), M_Menu_Video_AdjustSliders(), Math_crandomf(), Math_rand64(), Math_randomf(), Math_randomrangef(), Math_randomrangei(), Math_RandomSeed_FromInts(), Math_RandomSeed_Reset(), Matrix4x4_ToOrigin3Quat4Float(), Mod_MakeSortedSurfaces_qsortfunc(), Mod_Mesh_IndexForVertex(), Mod_Q1BSP_Load(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadSplitSky(), Mod_Q2BSP_Load(), NetConn_AddCryptoFlag(), Nicks_AddLastColor(), noise4f(), PRVM_ConsoleCommand(), QW_CL_NextUpload_f(), R_BlendFuncFlags(), R_Bloom_MakeTexture(), R_BuildFogTexture(), R_DecalSystem_ApplySplatEntities(), R_DecalSystem_SplatEntities(), R_DecalSystem_SplatEntity(), R_DecalSystem_SplatTriangle(), r_explosion_start(), R_FillColors(), R_LoadTextureDDSFile(), R_ModulateColors(), R_RenderTarget_FreeUnused(), R_RenderTarget_Get(), R_ReplaceWorldTexture_f(), RSurf_ActiveCustomEntity(), Sbar_DrawGauge(), Sbar_DrawXNum(), SV_GetExtendedTagInfo(), Sys_Con_NearestColor(), Thread_WaitSemaphore(), VID_Shared_BuildJoyState_Finish(), and VM_M_getresolution().
vec3 rA |
Definition at line 296 of file shader_glsl.h.
vec3 rB |
Definition at line 299 of file shader_glsl.h.
float rboost = max(0.0, (dp_FragColor.r - max(dp_FragColor.g, dp_FragColor.b))*(1.0 - Saturation)) |
Definition at line 379 of file shader_glsl.h.
float rcp = 1.0/(min(abs(dir.x), abs(dir.y)) + max((lNW + lNE + lSW + lSE) * (0.25 * mulreduct), minreduct)) |
Definition at line 291 of file shader_glsl.h.
float reflectfactor = ReflectFactor * VertexColor.a |
Definition at line 677 of file shader_glsl.h.
float reflectoffset = ReflectOffset * VertexColor.a |
Definition at line 676 of file shader_glsl.h.
vec4 refractcolor = mix(RefractColor, vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), VertexColor.a) |
Definition at line 575 of file shader_glsl.h.
Referenced by R_Shadow_BounceGrid_TracePhotons_Shot().
return ret |
Definition at line 306 of file shader_glsl.h.
Referenced by CD_f(), CL_GetTagMatrix(), CL_VM_TransformView(), Cmd_ExecuteAlias(), COM_ChangeGameTypeForGameDirs(), Crypto_ServerParsePacket(), CURL_fwrite(), FS_CheckGameDir(), FS_Inflate(), Image_WriteTGABGR_preflipped(), Image_WriteTGABGRA(), Mod_Q1BSP_RecursiveHullCheck(), Mod_Q3BSP_TraceLineOfSight_RecursiveNodeCheck(), NetConn_ClientParsePacket(), NetConn_ServerParsePacket(), NetConn_Write(), OGG_GetSamplesFloat(), OGG_LoadVorbisFile(), R_SaveTextureDDSFile(), SCR_ScreenShot(), SV_GetTagMatrix(), VM_cvar_type(), VM_findkeysforcommand(), and VM_uri_get().
dp_FragColor rgb = dp_FragColor.rgb * (1.0 + UserVec2.x) + vec3(max(0.0, sobel - UserVec2.z))*UserVec2.y |
Definition at line 361 of file shader_glsl.h.
Referenced by Con_MaskPrint(), Mod_Q3BSP_LoadLightmaps(), VID_ApplyGammaToColor(), VM_drawcharacter(), VM_drawcolorcodedstring(), VM_drawfill(), VM_drawline(), VM_drawpic(), VM_drawrotpic(), VM_drawstring(), and VM_drawsubpic().
OffsetVector RT = vec3(vec2(TexCoord.xy - OffsetVector.xy*OffsetMapping_Bias), 1) |
Definition at line 899 of file shader_glsl.h.
vec4 SafeScreenTexCoord = ModelViewProjectionPosition.xy * ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW + ScreenCenterRefractReflect.xy |
Definition at line 572 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform mediump float Saturation |
Definition at line 249 of file shader_glsl.h.
mediump vec4 ScaleSteps = vec4(OffsetMapping_ScaleSteps.x, LODSteps, vec2(1.0, OffsetMapping_ScaleSteps.w * LODSteps) / vec2(LODSteps, OffsetMapping_ScaleSteps.y)) |
Definition at line 886 of file shader_glsl.h.
vec4 ScreenTexCoord = SafeScreenTexCoord + vec3(normalize(cast_myhalf3(normal))).xy * distort |
Definition at line 583 of file shader_glsl.h.
vec3 SE = dp_texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1.xy + (vec2(+1.0, +1.0) * PixelSize)).xyz |
Definition at line 276 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform mediump vec4 ShadowMap_Parameters |
Definition at line 941 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform mediump vec4 ShadowMap_TextureScale |
Definition at line 940 of file shader_glsl.h.
dp_varying highp vec3 ShadowMapTC |
Definition at line 763 of file shader_glsl.h.
void ivec4 si1 = si0 + ivec4(1, 1, 1, 1) |
Definition at line 189 of file shader_glsl.h.
ivec4 si2 = si0 + ivec4(2, 2, 2, 2) |
Definition at line 190 of file shader_glsl.h.
mat4 SkeletalMatrix = mat4(SkeletalMatrix1, SkeletalMatrix2, SkeletalMatrix3, vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) |
Definition at line 195 of file shader_glsl.h.
vec4 SkeletalMatrix1 = Skeletal_Transform12[si0.x] * sw.x + Skeletal_Transform12[si0.y] * sw.y + Skeletal_Transform12[si0.z] * sw.z + Skeletal_Transform12[si0.w] * sw.w |
Definition at line 192 of file shader_glsl.h.
vec4 SkeletalMatrix2 = Skeletal_Transform12[si1.x] * sw.x + Skeletal_Transform12[si1.y] * sw.y + Skeletal_Transform12[si1.z] * sw.z + Skeletal_Transform12[si1.w] * sw.w |
Definition at line 193 of file shader_glsl.h.
vec4 SkeletalMatrix3 = Skeletal_Transform12[si2.x] * sw.x + Skeletal_Transform12[si2.y] * sw.y + Skeletal_Transform12[si2.z] * sw.z + Skeletal_Transform12[si2.w] * sw.w |
Definition at line 194 of file shader_glsl.h.
vec3 SkeletalNormal = normalize(Attrib_TexCoord3.xyz * SkeletalNormalMatrix) |
Definition at line 628 of file shader_glsl.h.
mat3 SkeletalNormalMatrix = mat3(cross(SkeletalMatrix[1].xyz, SkeletalMatrix[2].xyz), cross(SkeletalMatrix[2].xyz, SkeletalMatrix[0].xyz), cross(SkeletalMatrix[0].xyz, SkeletalMatrix[1].xyz)) |
Definition at line 624 of file shader_glsl.h.
vec3 SkeletalSVector = normalize(Attrib_TexCoord1.xyz * SkeletalNormalMatrix) |
Definition at line 626 of file shader_glsl.h.
vec3 SkeletalTVector = normalize(Attrib_TexCoord2.xyz * SkeletalNormalMatrix) |
Definition at line 627 of file shader_glsl.h.
vec4 SkeletalVertex = Attrib_Position * SkeletalMatrix |
Definition at line 196 of file shader_glsl.h.
sobel = 1.0 |
Definition at line 330 of file shader_glsl.h.
vec3 SW = dp_texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1.xy + (vec2(-1.0, +1.0) * PixelSize)).xyz |
Definition at line 275 of file shader_glsl.h.
vec4 sw = Attrib_SkeletalWeight |
Definition at line 191 of file shader_glsl.h.
Referenced by DrawQ_String_Scale(), DrawQ_TextWidth_UntilWidth_TrackColors_Scale(), Mod_Skeletal_BuildTransforms(), RSurf_PrepareVerticesForBatch(), and SCR_DrawLoadingScreen().
tc = TexCoord |
Definition at line 510 of file shader_glsl.h.
Referenced by R_DecalSystem_SplatTriangle(), SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_BeginVideo(), and VM_CL_R_PolygonVertex().
dp_FragColor rgb dp_FragColor vec4 tex2 = dp_texture2D(Texture_Second, TexCoord2) |
Definition at line 466 of file shader_glsl.h.
return TexCoord = Attrib_TexCoord0.xy |
Definition at line 493 of file shader_glsl.h.
dp_varying mediump vec2 TexCoord1 |
Definition at line 223 of file shader_glsl.h.
dp_varying mediump vec2 TexCoord2 |
Definition at line 406 of file shader_glsl.h.
dp_varying mediump vec4 TexCoordSurfaceLightmap |
Definition at line 718 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform highp mat4 TexMatrix |
Definition at line 525 of file shader_glsl.h.
n uniform sampler2D Texture_Attenuation |
Definition at line 921 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform sampler2D Texture_Color |
Definition at line 788 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform samplerCube Texture_Cube |
Definition at line 922 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform samplerCube Texture_CubeProjection |
Definition at line 936 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform sampler2D Texture_Deluxemap |
Definition at line 815 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform sampler2D Texture_First |
Definition at line 240 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform sampler2D Texture_FogHeightTexture |
Definition at line 807 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform sampler2D Texture_FogMask |
Definition at line 809 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform sampler2D Texture_GammaRamps |
Definition at line 246 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform sampler2D Texture_Gloss |
Definition at line 789 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform sampler2D Texture_Glow |
Definition at line 791 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform sampler2D Texture_Lightmap |
Definition at line 812 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform sampler2D Texture_Normal |
Definition at line 787 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform sampler2D Texture_Pants |
Definition at line 802 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform sampler2D Texture_Reflection |
Definition at line 818 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform sampler2D Texture_ScreenDiffuse |
Definition at line 828 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform sampler2D Texture_ScreenNormalMap |
Definition at line 822 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform sampler2D Texture_ScreenSpecular |
Definition at line 829 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform sampler2D Texture_Second |
Definition at line 242 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform sampler2D Texture_SecondaryColor |
Definition at line 795 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform sampler2D Texture_SecondaryGloss |
Definition at line 796 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform sampler2D Texture_SecondaryGlow |
Definition at line 798 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform sampler2D Texture_SecondaryNormal |
Definition at line 794 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform sampler2D Texture_ShadowMap2D |
Definition at line 929 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform sampler2D Texture_Shirt |
Definition at line 803 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform mediump vec4 UserVec1 |
Definition at line 255 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform mediump vec4 UserVec2 |
Definition at line 256 of file shader_glsl.h.
VectorR = (ModelViewMatrix * vec4(Attrib_TexCoord3.xyz, 0)) |
Definition at line 738 of file shader_glsl.h.
VectorS = (ModelViewMatrix * vec4(Attrib_TexCoord1.xyz, 0)) |
Definition at line 736 of file shader_glsl.h.
VectorT = (ModelViewMatrix * vec4(Attrib_TexCoord2.xyz, 0)) |
Definition at line 737 of file shader_glsl.h.
dp_varying mediump vec4 VertexColor |
Definition at line 123 of file shader_glsl.h.
uniform mediump vec4 ViewTintColor |
Definition at line 252 of file shader_glsl.h.
EyeVectorFogDepth w = 0.0 |
Definition at line 1147 of file shader_glsl.h.
EyeVectorFogDepth x = position.x |
Definition at line 174 of file shader_glsl.h.
vec3 x1 = dp_texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1.xy + vec2(-px.x, px.y)).rgb |
Definition at line 334 of file shader_glsl.h.
Referenced by dpvsimpledecode_decompressimage(), DrawQ_Line(), Font_Postprocess(), GetSide(), Image_HeightmapToNormalmap_BGRA(), R_CalcTexCoordsForView(), R_DebugLine(), R_ScissorForBBox(), R_TimeReport_EndFrame(), R_Viewport_InitOrtho(), and testmul128().
vec3 x2 = dp_texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1.xy + vec2(-px.x, 0.0)).rgb |
Definition at line 335 of file shader_glsl.h.
Referenced by DrawQ_Line(), Font_Postprocess(), GetSide(), Image_HeightmapToNormalmap_BGRA(), LoadPCX_BGRA(), LoadPCX_QWSkin(), Mod_Mesh_ComputeBounds(), R_CalcTexCoordsForView(), R_DebugLine(), R_ResetViewRendering2D_Common(), R_ScissorForBBox(), R_TimeReport_EndFrame(), R_Viewport_InitOrtho(), and testmul128().
vec3 x3 = dp_texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1.xy + vec2(-px.x,-px.y)).rgb |
Definition at line 336 of file shader_glsl.h.
Referenced by testmul128().
vec3 x4 = dp_texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1.xy + vec2( px.x, px.y)).rgb |
Definition at line 337 of file shader_glsl.h.
vec3 x5 = dp_texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1.xy + vec2( px.x, 0.0)).rgb |
Definition at line 338 of file shader_glsl.h.
vec3 x6 = dp_texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1.xy + vec2( px.x,-px.y)).rgb |
Definition at line 339 of file shader_glsl.h.
return RT xy = Attrib_TexCoord0.xy |
Definition at line 232 of file shader_glsl.h.
Definition at line 304 of file shader_glsl.h.
Referenced by Mod_IDP2_Load().
EyeVectorFogDepth y = 5.0*sin(distanceSquared*sin(worldTime/143.0)/1000.0) |
Definition at line 172 of file shader_glsl.h.
vec3 y2 = dp_texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1.xy + vec2( 0.0,-px.y)).rgb |
Definition at line 340 of file shader_glsl.h.
Referenced by DrawQ_Line(), Font_Postprocess(), GetSide(), Image_HeightmapToNormalmap_BGRA(), M_Main_Draw(), Mod_Mesh_ComputeBounds(), R_CalcTexCoordsForView(), R_DebugLine(), R_ResetViewRendering2D_Common(), R_ScissorForBBox(), R_TimeReport_EndFrame(), and R_Viewport_InitOrtho().
vec3 y5 = dp_texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1.xy + vec2( 0.0, px.y)).rgb |
Definition at line 341 of file shader_glsl.h.
EyeVectorFogDepth z = dp_texture2D(Texture_First, TexCoord1.xy+offset).z |
Definition at line 317 of file shader_glsl.h.
f f f ScreenTexCoord zw = Attrib_TexCoord4.xy |
Definition at line 234 of file shader_glsl.h.