Game engine based on the Quake 1 engine by id Software, developed by LadyHavoc
Go to the documentation of this file.
2#include "quakedef.h"
3#include "polygon.h"
4#include "collision.h"
7#define COLLISION_EDGECROSS_MINLENGTH2 (1.0f / 4194304.0f)
8#define COLLISION_SNAPSCALE (32.0f)
13cvar_t collision_impactnudge = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER, "collision_impactnudge", "0.03125", "how much to back off from the impact"};
14cvar_t collision_extendmovelength = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER, "collision_extendmovelength", "16", "internal bias on trace length to ensure detection of collisions within the collision_impactnudge distance so that short moves do not degrade across frames (this does not alter the final trace length)"};
15cvar_t collision_extendtraceboxlength = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER, "collision_extendtraceboxlength", "1", "internal bias for tracebox() qc builtin to account for collision_impactnudge (this does not alter the final trace length)"};
16cvar_t collision_extendtracelinelength = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER, "collision_extendtracelinelength", "1", "internal bias for traceline() qc builtin to account for collision_impactnudge (this does not alter the final trace length)"};
17cvar_t collision_debug_tracelineasbox = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER, "collision_debug_tracelineasbox", "0", "workaround for any bugs in Collision_TraceLineBrushFloat by using Collision_TraceBrushBrushFloat"};
18cvar_t collision_cache = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER, "collision_cache", "1", "store results of collision traces for next frame to reuse if possible (optimization)"};
19cvar_t collision_triangle_bevelsides = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER, "collision_triangle_bevelsides", "0", "generate sloped edge planes on triangles - if 0, see axialedgeplanes"};
20cvar_t collision_triangle_axialsides = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER, "collision_triangle_axialsides", "1", "generate axially-aligned edge planes on triangles - otherwise use perpendicular edge planes"};
21cvar_t collision_bih_fullrecursion = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER, "collision_bih_fullrecursion", "0", "debugging option to disable the bih recursion optimizations by iterating the entire tree"};
53static void Collision_PrintBrushAsQHull(colbrushf_t *brush, const char *name)
55 int i;
56 Con_Printf("3 %s\n%i\n", name, brush->numpoints);
57 for (i = 0;i < brush->numpoints;i++)
58 Con_Printf("%f %f %f\n", brush->points[i].v[0], brush->points[i].v[1], brush->points[i].v[2]);
59 // FIXME: optimize!
60 Con_Printf("4\n%i\n", brush->numplanes);
61 for (i = 0;i < brush->numplanes;i++)
62 Con_Printf("%f %f %f %f\n", brush->planes[i].normal[0], brush->planes[i].normal[1], brush->planes[i].normal[2], brush->planes[i].dist);
67 int j, k, pointsoffplanes, pointonplanes, pointswithinsufficientplanes, printbrush;
68 float d;
69 printbrush = false;
70 if (!brush->numpoints)
71 {
72 Con_Print("Collision_ValidateBrush: brush with no points!\n");
73 printbrush = true;
74 }
75#if 0
76 // it's ok for a brush to have one point and no planes...
77 if (brush->numplanes == 0 && brush->numpoints != 1)
78 {
79 Con_Print("Collision_ValidateBrush: brush with no planes and more than one point!\n");
80 printbrush = true;
81 }
83 if (brush->numplanes)
84 {
85 pointsoffplanes = 0;
86 pointswithinsufficientplanes = 0;
87 for (k = 0;k < brush->numplanes;k++)
88 if (DotProduct(brush->planes[k].normal, brush->planes[k].normal) < 0.0001f)
89 Con_Printf("Collision_ValidateBrush: plane #%i (%f %f %f %f) is degenerate\n", k, brush->planes[k].normal[0], brush->planes[k].normal[1], brush->planes[k].normal[2], brush->planes[k].dist);
90 for (j = 0;j < brush->numpoints;j++)
91 {
92 pointonplanes = 0;
93 for (k = 0;k < brush->numplanes;k++)
94 {
95 d = DotProduct(brush->points[j].v, brush->planes[k].normal) - brush->planes[k].dist;
97 {
98 Con_Printf("Collision_ValidateBrush: point #%i (%f %f %f) infront of plane #%i (%f %f %f %f)\n", j, brush->points[j].v[0], brush->points[j].v[1], brush->points[j].v[2], k, brush->planes[k].normal[0], brush->planes[k].normal[1], brush->planes[k].normal[2], brush->planes[k].dist);
99 printbrush = true;
100 }
102 pointsoffplanes++;
103 else
104 pointonplanes++;
105 }
106 if (pointonplanes < 3)
107 pointswithinsufficientplanes++;
108 }
109 if (pointswithinsufficientplanes)
110 {
111 Con_Print("Collision_ValidateBrush: some points have insufficient planes, every point must be on at least 3 planes to form a corner.\n");
112 printbrush = true;
113 }
114 if (pointsoffplanes == 0) // all points are on all planes
115 {
116 Con_Print("Collision_ValidateBrush: all points lie on all planes (degenerate, no brush volume!)\n");
117 printbrush = true;
118 }
119 }
120 if (printbrush)
121 Collision_PrintBrushAsQHull(brush, "unnamed");
124static float nearestplanedist_float(const float *normal, const colpointf_t *points, int numpoints)
126 float dist, bestdist;
127 if (!numpoints)
128 return 0;
129 bestdist = DotProduct(points->v, normal);
130 points++;
131 while(--numpoints)
132 {
133 dist = DotProduct(points->v, normal);
134 bestdist = min(bestdist, dist);
135 points++;
136 }
137 return bestdist;
140static float furthestplanedist_float(const float *normal, const colpointf_t *points, int numpoints)
142 float dist, bestdist;
143 if (!numpoints)
144 return 0;
145 bestdist = DotProduct(points->v, normal);
146 points++;
147 while(--numpoints)
148 {
149 dist = DotProduct(points->v, normal);
150 bestdist = max(bestdist, dist);
151 points++;
152 }
153 return bestdist;
158 int i, j;
159 for (i = 0, j = brush->numpoints - 1;i < brush->numpoints;j = i, i++)
160 VectorSubtract(brush->points[i].v, brush->points[j].v, brush->edgedirs[j].v);
163colbrushf_t *Collision_NewBrushFromPlanes(mempool_t *mempool, int numoriginalplanes, const colplanef_t *originalplanes, int supercontents, int q3surfaceflags, const texture_t *texture, int hasaabbplanes)
165 // TODO: planesbuf could be replaced by a remapping table
166 int j, k, w, xyzflags;
167 int numpointsbuf = 0, maxpointsbuf = 256, numedgedirsbuf = 0, maxedgedirsbuf = 256, numplanesbuf = 0, maxplanesbuf = 256, numelementsbuf = 0, maxelementsbuf = 256;
168 int isaabb = true;
169 double maxdist;
170 colbrushf_t *brush;
171 colpointf_t pointsbuf[256];
172 colpointf_t edgedirsbuf[256];
173 colplanef_t planesbuf[256];
174 int elementsbuf[1024];
175 int polypointbuf[256];
176 int pmaxpoints = 64;
177 int pnumpoints;
178 double p[2][3*64];
179#if 0
180 // enable these if debugging to avoid seeing garbage in unused data-
181 memset(pointsbuf, 0, sizeof(pointsbuf));
182 memset(edgedirsbuf, 0, sizeof(edgedirsbuf));
183 memset(planesbuf, 0, sizeof(planesbuf));
184 memset(elementsbuf, 0, sizeof(elementsbuf));
185 memset(polypointbuf, 0, sizeof(polypointbuf));
186 memset(p, 0, sizeof(p));
189 // check if there are too many planes and skip the brush
190 if (numoriginalplanes >= maxplanesbuf)
191 {
192 Con_DPrint("Collision_NewBrushFromPlanes: failed to build collision brush: too many planes for buffer\n");
193 return NULL;
194 }
196 // figure out how large a bounding box we need to properly compute this brush
197 maxdist = 0;
198 for (j = 0;j < numoriginalplanes;j++)
199 maxdist = max(maxdist, fabs(originalplanes[j].dist));
200 // now make it large enough to enclose the entire brush, and round it off to a reasonable multiple of 1024
201 maxdist = floor(maxdist * (4.0 / 1024.0) + 2) * 1024.0;
202 // construct a collision brush (points, planes, and renderable mesh) from
203 // a set of planes, this also optimizes out any unnecessary planes (ones
204 // whose polygon is clipped away by the other planes)
205 for (j = 0;j < numoriginalplanes;j++)
206 {
207 int n;
208 // add the new plane
209 VectorCopy(originalplanes[j].normal, planesbuf[numplanesbuf].normal);
210 planesbuf[numplanesbuf].dist = originalplanes[j].dist;
211 planesbuf[numplanesbuf].q3surfaceflags = originalplanes[j].q3surfaceflags;
212 planesbuf[numplanesbuf].texture = originalplanes[j].texture;
213 numplanesbuf++;
215 // create a large polygon from the plane
216 w = 0;
217 PolygonD_QuadForPlane(p[w], originalplanes[j].normal[0], originalplanes[j].normal[1], originalplanes[j].normal[2], originalplanes[j].dist, maxdist);
218 pnumpoints = 4;
219 // clip it by all other planes
220 for (k = 0;k < numoriginalplanes && pnumpoints >= 3 && pnumpoints <= pmaxpoints;k++)
221 {
222 // skip the plane this polygon
223 // (nothing happens if it is processed, this is just an optimization)
224 if (k != j)
225 {
226 // we want to keep the inside of the brush plane so we flip
227 // the cutting plane
228 PolygonD_Divide(pnumpoints, p[w], -originalplanes[k].normal[0], -originalplanes[k].normal[1], -originalplanes[k].normal[2], -originalplanes[k].dist, COLLISION_PLANE_DIST_EPSILON, pmaxpoints, p[!w], &pnumpoints, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL);
229 w = !w;
230 }
231 }
233 // if nothing is left, skip it
234 if (pnumpoints < 3)
235 {
236 //Con_DPrintf("Collision_NewBrushFromPlanes: warning: polygon for plane %f %f %f %f clipped away\n", originalplanes[j].normal[0], originalplanes[j].normal[1], originalplanes[j].normal[2], originalplanes[j].dist);
237 continue;
238 }
240 for (k = 0;k < pnumpoints;k++)
241 {
242 int l, m;
243 m = 0;
244 for (l = 0;l < numoriginalplanes;l++)
245 if (fabs(DotProduct(&p[w][k*3], originalplanes[l].normal) - originalplanes[l].dist) < COLLISION_PLANE_DIST_EPSILON)
246 m++;
247 if (m < 3)
248 break;
249 }
250 if (k < pnumpoints)
251 {
252 Con_DPrintf("Collision_NewBrushFromPlanes: warning: polygon point does not lie on at least 3 planes\n");
253 //return NULL;
254 }
256 // check if there are too many polygon vertices for buffer
257 if (pnumpoints > pmaxpoints)
258 {
259 Con_DPrint("Collision_NewBrushFromPlanes: failed to build collision brush: too many points for buffer\n");
260 return NULL;
261 }
263 // check if there are too many triangle elements for buffer
264 if (numelementsbuf + (pnumpoints - 2) * 3 > maxelementsbuf)
265 {
266 Con_DPrint("Collision_NewBrushFromPlanes: failed to build collision brush: too many triangle elements for buffer\n");
267 return NULL;
268 }
270 // add the unique points for this polygon
271 for (k = 0;k < pnumpoints;k++)
272 {
273 int m;
274 float v[3];
275 // downgrade to float precision before comparing
276 VectorCopy(&p[w][k*3], v);
278 // check if there is already a matching point (no duplicates)
279 for (m = 0;m < numpointsbuf;m++)
280 if (VectorDistance2(v, pointsbuf[m].v) < COLLISION_SNAP2)
281 break;
283 // if there is no match, add a new one
284 if (m == numpointsbuf)
285 {
286 // check if there are too many and skip the brush
287 if (numpointsbuf >= maxpointsbuf)
288 {
289 Con_DPrint("Collision_NewBrushFromPlanes: failed to build collision brush: too many points for buffer\n");
290 return NULL;
291 }
292 // add the new one
293 VectorCopy(&p[w][k*3], pointsbuf[numpointsbuf].v);
294 numpointsbuf++;
295 }
297 // store the index into a buffer
298 polypointbuf[k] = m;
299 }
301 // add the triangles for the polygon
302 // (this particular code makes a triangle fan)
303 for (k = 0;k < pnumpoints - 2;k++)
304 {
305 elementsbuf[numelementsbuf++] = polypointbuf[0];
306 elementsbuf[numelementsbuf++] = polypointbuf[k + 1];
307 elementsbuf[numelementsbuf++] = polypointbuf[k + 2];
308 }
310 // add the unique edgedirs for this polygon
311 for (k = 0, n = pnumpoints-1;k < pnumpoints;n = k, k++)
312 {
313 int m;
314 float dir[3];
315 // downgrade to float precision before comparing
316 VectorSubtract(&p[w][k*3], &p[w][n*3], dir);
319 // check if there is already a matching edgedir (no duplicates)
320 for (m = 0;m < numedgedirsbuf;m++)
321 if (DotProduct(dir, edgedirsbuf[m].v) >= COLLISION_EDGEDIR_DOT_EPSILON)
322 break;
323 // skip this if there is
324 if (m < numedgedirsbuf)
325 continue;
327 // try again with negated edgedir
329 // check if there is already a matching edgedir (no duplicates)
330 for (m = 0;m < numedgedirsbuf;m++)
331 if (DotProduct(dir, edgedirsbuf[m].v) >= COLLISION_EDGEDIR_DOT_EPSILON)
332 break;
333 // if there is no match, add a new one
334 if (m == numedgedirsbuf)
335 {
336 // check if there are too many and skip the brush
337 if (numedgedirsbuf >= maxedgedirsbuf)
338 {
339 Con_DPrint("Collision_NewBrushFromPlanes: failed to build collision brush: too many edgedirs for buffer\n");
340 return NULL;
341 }
342 // add the new one
343 VectorCopy(dir, edgedirsbuf[numedgedirsbuf].v);
344 numedgedirsbuf++;
345 }
346 }
348 // if any normal is not purely axial, it's not an axis-aligned box
349 if (isaabb && (originalplanes[j].normal[0] == 0) + (originalplanes[j].normal[1] == 0) + (originalplanes[j].normal[2] == 0) < 2)
350 isaabb = false;
351 }
353 // if nothing is left, there's nothing to allocate
354 if (numplanesbuf < 4)
355 {
356 Con_DPrintf("Collision_NewBrushFromPlanes: failed to build collision brush: %i triangles, %i planes (input was %i planes), %i vertices\n", numelementsbuf / 3, numplanesbuf, numoriginalplanes, numpointsbuf);
357 return NULL;
358 }
360 // if no triangles or points could be constructed, then this routine failed but the brush is not discarded
361 if (numelementsbuf < 12 || numpointsbuf < 4)
362 Con_DPrintf("Collision_NewBrushFromPlanes: unable to rebuild triangles/points for collision brush: %i triangles, %i planes (input was %i planes), %i vertices\n", numelementsbuf / 3, numplanesbuf, numoriginalplanes, numpointsbuf);
364 // validate plane distances
365 for (j = 0;j < numplanesbuf;j++)
366 {
367 float d = furthestplanedist_float(planesbuf[j].normal, pointsbuf, numpointsbuf);
368 if (fabs(planesbuf[j].dist - d) > COLLISION_PLANE_DIST_EPSILON)
369 Con_DPrintf("plane %f %f %f %f mismatches dist %f\n", planesbuf[j].normal[0], planesbuf[j].normal[1], planesbuf[j].normal[2], planesbuf[j].dist, d);
370 }
372 // allocate the brush and copy to it
373 brush = (colbrushf_t *)Mem_Alloc(mempool, sizeof(colbrushf_t) + sizeof(colpointf_t) * numpointsbuf + sizeof(colpointf_t) * numedgedirsbuf + sizeof(colplanef_t) * numplanesbuf + sizeof(int) * numelementsbuf);
374 brush->isaabb = isaabb;
375 brush->hasaabbplanes = hasaabbplanes;
376 brush->supercontents = supercontents;
377 brush->numplanes = numplanesbuf;
378 brush->numedgedirs = numedgedirsbuf;
379 brush->numpoints = numpointsbuf;
380 brush->numtriangles = numelementsbuf / 3;
381 brush->planes = (colplanef_t *)(brush + 1);
382 brush->points = (colpointf_t *)(brush->planes + brush->numplanes);
383 brush->edgedirs = (colpointf_t *)(brush->points + brush->numpoints);
384 brush->elements = (int *)(brush->points + brush->numpoints);
385 brush->q3surfaceflags = q3surfaceflags;
386 brush->texture = texture;
387 for (j = 0;j < brush->numpoints;j++)
388 {
389 brush->points[j].v[0] = pointsbuf[j].v[0];
390 brush->points[j].v[1] = pointsbuf[j].v[1];
391 brush->points[j].v[2] = pointsbuf[j].v[2];
392 }
393 for (j = 0;j < brush->numedgedirs;j++)
394 {
395 brush->edgedirs[j].v[0] = edgedirsbuf[j].v[0];
396 brush->edgedirs[j].v[1] = edgedirsbuf[j].v[1];
397 brush->edgedirs[j].v[2] = edgedirsbuf[j].v[2];
398 }
399 for (j = 0;j < brush->numplanes;j++)
400 {
401 brush->planes[j].normal[0] = planesbuf[j].normal[0];
402 brush->planes[j].normal[1] = planesbuf[j].normal[1];
403 brush->planes[j].normal[2] = planesbuf[j].normal[2];
404 brush->planes[j].dist = planesbuf[j].dist;
405 brush->planes[j].q3surfaceflags = planesbuf[j].q3surfaceflags;
406 brush->planes[j].texture = planesbuf[j].texture;
407 }
408 for (j = 0;j < brush->numtriangles * 3;j++)
409 brush->elements[j] = elementsbuf[j];
411 xyzflags = 0;
412 VectorClear(brush->mins);
413 VectorClear(brush->maxs);
414 for (j = 0;j < min(6, numoriginalplanes);j++)
415 {
416 if (originalplanes[j].normal[0] == 1) {xyzflags |= 1;brush->maxs[0] = originalplanes[j].dist;}
417 else if (originalplanes[j].normal[0] == -1) {xyzflags |= 2;brush->mins[0] = -originalplanes[j].dist;}
418 else if (originalplanes[j].normal[1] == 1) {xyzflags |= 4;brush->maxs[1] = originalplanes[j].dist;}
419 else if (originalplanes[j].normal[1] == -1) {xyzflags |= 8;brush->mins[1] = -originalplanes[j].dist;}
420 else if (originalplanes[j].normal[2] == 1) {xyzflags |= 16;brush->maxs[2] = originalplanes[j].dist;}
421 else if (originalplanes[j].normal[2] == -1) {xyzflags |= 32;brush->mins[2] = -originalplanes[j].dist;}
422 }
423 // if not all xyzflags were set, then this is not a brush from q3map/q3map2, and needs reconstruction of the bounding box
424 // (this case works for any brush with valid points, but sometimes brushes are not reconstructed properly and hence the points are not valid, so this is reserved as a fallback case)
425 if (xyzflags != 63)
426 {
427 VectorCopy(brush->points[0].v, brush->mins);
428 VectorCopy(brush->points[0].v, brush->maxs);
429 for (j = 1;j < brush->numpoints;j++)
430 {
431 brush->mins[0] = min(brush->mins[0], brush->points[j].v[0]);
432 brush->mins[1] = min(brush->mins[1], brush->points[j].v[1]);
433 brush->mins[2] = min(brush->mins[2], brush->points[j].v[2]);
434 brush->maxs[0] = max(brush->maxs[0], brush->points[j].v[0]);
435 brush->maxs[1] = max(brush->maxs[1], brush->points[j].v[1]);
436 brush->maxs[2] = max(brush->maxs[2], brush->points[j].v[2]);
437 }
438 }
439 brush->mins[0] -= 1;
440 brush->mins[1] -= 1;
441 brush->mins[2] -= 1;
442 brush->maxs[0] += 1;
443 brush->maxs[1] += 1;
444 brush->maxs[2] += 1;
446 return brush;
453 float edge0[3], edge1[3], edge2[3];
454 colpointf_t *p;
456 TriangleNormal(brush->points[0].v, brush->points[1].v, brush->points[2].v, brush->planes[0].normal);
457 if (DotProduct(brush->planes[0].normal, brush->planes[0].normal) < 0.0001f)
458 {
459 // there's no point in processing a degenerate triangle (GIGO - Garbage In, Garbage Out)
460 // note that some of these exist in q3bsp bspline patches
461 brush->numplanes = 0;
462 return;
463 }
465 // there are 5 planes (front, back, sides) and 3 edges
466 brush->numplanes = 5;
467 brush->numedgedirs = 3;
468 VectorNormalize(brush->planes[0].normal);
469 brush->planes[0].dist = DotProduct(brush->points->v, brush->planes[0].normal);
470 VectorNegate(brush->planes[0].normal, brush->planes[1].normal);
471 brush->planes[1].dist = -brush->planes[0].dist;
472 // edge directions are easy to calculate
473 VectorSubtract(brush->points[2].v, brush->points[0].v, edge0);
474 VectorSubtract(brush->points[0].v, brush->points[1].v, edge1);
475 VectorSubtract(brush->points[1].v, brush->points[2].v, edge2);
476 VectorCopy(edge0, brush->edgedirs[0].v);
477 VectorCopy(edge1, brush->edgedirs[1].v);
478 VectorCopy(edge2, brush->edgedirs[2].v);
479 // now select an algorithm to generate the side planes
481 {
482 // use 45 degree slopes at the edges of the triangle to make a sinking trace error turn into "riding up" the slope rather than getting stuck
483 CrossProduct(edge0, brush->planes->normal, brush->planes[2].normal);
484 CrossProduct(edge1, brush->planes->normal, brush->planes[3].normal);
485 CrossProduct(edge2, brush->planes->normal, brush->planes[4].normal);
486 VectorNormalize(brush->planes[2].normal);
487 VectorNormalize(brush->planes[3].normal);
488 VectorNormalize(brush->planes[4].normal);
489 VectorAdd(brush->planes[2].normal, brush->planes[0].normal, brush->planes[2].normal);
490 VectorAdd(brush->planes[3].normal, brush->planes[0].normal, brush->planes[3].normal);
491 VectorAdd(brush->planes[4].normal, brush->planes[0].normal, brush->planes[4].normal);
492 VectorNormalize(brush->planes[2].normal);
493 VectorNormalize(brush->planes[3].normal);
494 VectorNormalize(brush->planes[4].normal);
495 }
497 {
498 float projectionnormal[3], projectionedge0[3], projectionedge1[3], projectionedge2[3];
499 int i, best;
500 float dist, bestdist;
501 bestdist = fabs(brush->planes[0].normal[0]);
502 best = 0;
503 for (i = 1;i < 3;i++)
504 {
505 dist = fabs(brush->planes[0].normal[i]);
506 if (bestdist < dist)
507 {
508 bestdist = dist;
509 best = i;
510 }
511 }
512 VectorClear(projectionnormal);
513 if (brush->planes[0].normal[best] < 0)
514 projectionnormal[best] = -1;
515 else
516 projectionnormal[best] = 1;
517 VectorCopy(edge0, projectionedge0);
518 VectorCopy(edge1, projectionedge1);
519 VectorCopy(edge2, projectionedge2);
520 projectionedge0[best] = 0;
521 projectionedge1[best] = 0;
522 projectionedge2[best] = 0;
523 CrossProduct(projectionedge0, projectionnormal, brush->planes[2].normal);
524 CrossProduct(projectionedge1, projectionnormal, brush->planes[3].normal);
525 CrossProduct(projectionedge2, projectionnormal, brush->planes[4].normal);
526 VectorNormalize(brush->planes[2].normal);
527 VectorNormalize(brush->planes[3].normal);
528 VectorNormalize(brush->planes[4].normal);
529 }
530 else
531 {
532 CrossProduct(edge0, brush->planes->normal, brush->planes[2].normal);
533 CrossProduct(edge1, brush->planes->normal, brush->planes[3].normal);
534 CrossProduct(edge2, brush->planes->normal, brush->planes[4].normal);
535 VectorNormalize(brush->planes[2].normal);
536 VectorNormalize(brush->planes[3].normal);
537 VectorNormalize(brush->planes[4].normal);
538 }
539 brush->planes[2].dist = DotProduct(brush->points[2].v, brush->planes[2].normal);
540 brush->planes[3].dist = DotProduct(brush->points[0].v, brush->planes[3].normal);
541 brush->planes[4].dist = DotProduct(brush->points[1].v, brush->planes[4].normal);
544 {
545 int i;
546 // validity check - will be disabled later
548 for (i = 0;i < brush->numplanes;i++)
549 {
550 int j;
551 for (j = 0, p = brush->points;j < brush->numpoints;j++, p++)
552 if (DotProduct(p->v, brush->planes[i].normal) > brush->planes[i].dist + COLLISION_PLANE_DIST_EPSILON)
553 Con_DPrintf("Error in brush plane generation, plane %i\n", i);
554 }
555 }
558// NOTE: start and end of each brush pair must have same numplanes/numpoints
559void Collision_TraceBrushBrushFloat(trace_t *trace, const colbrushf_t *trace_start, const colbrushf_t *trace_end, const colbrushf_t *other_start, const colbrushf_t *other_end)
561 int nplane, nplane2, nedge1, nedge2, hitq3surfaceflags = 0;
562 int tracenumedgedirs = trace_start->numedgedirs;
563 //int othernumedgedirs = other_start->numedgedirs;
564 int tracenumpoints = trace_start->numpoints;
565 int othernumpoints = other_start->numpoints;
566 int numplanes1 = other_start->numplanes;
567 int numplanes2 = numplanes1 + trace_start->numplanes;
568 int numplanes3 = numplanes2 + trace_start->numedgedirs * other_start->numedgedirs * 2;
569 vec_t enterfrac = -1, leavefrac = 1, startdist, enddist, ie, f, imove, enterfrac2 = -1;
570 vec4_t startplane;
571 vec4_t endplane;
572 vec4_t newimpactplane;
573 const texture_t *hittexture = NULL;
574 vec_t startdepth = 1;
575 vec3_t startdepthnormal;
576 const texture_t *starttexture = NULL;
578 VectorClear(startdepthnormal);
579 Vector4Clear(newimpactplane);
581 // fast case for AABB vs compiled brushes (which begin with AABB planes and also have precomputed bevels for AABB collisions)
582 if (trace_start->isaabb && other_start->hasaabbplanes)
583 numplanes3 = numplanes2 = numplanes1;
585 // Separating Axis Theorem:
586 // if a supporting vector (plane normal) can be found that separates two
587 // objects, they are not colliding.
588 //
589 // Minkowski Sum:
590 // reduce the size of one object to a point while enlarging the other to
591 // represent the space that point can not occupy.
592 //
593 // try every plane we can construct between the two brushes and measure
594 // the distance between them.
595 for (nplane = 0;nplane < numplanes3;nplane++)
596 {
597 if (nplane < numplanes1)
598 {
599 nplane2 = nplane;
600 VectorCopy(other_start->planes[nplane2].normal, startplane);
601 VectorCopy(other_end->planes[nplane2].normal, endplane);
602 }
603 else if (nplane < numplanes2)
604 {
605 nplane2 = nplane - numplanes1;
606 VectorCopy(trace_start->planes[nplane2].normal, startplane);
607 VectorCopy(trace_end->planes[nplane2].normal, endplane);
608 }
609 else
610 {
611 // pick an edgedir from each brush and cross them
612 nplane2 = nplane - numplanes2;
613 nedge1 = nplane2 >> 1;
614 nedge2 = nedge1 / tracenumedgedirs;
615 nedge1 -= nedge2 * tracenumedgedirs;
616 if (nplane2 & 1)
617 {
618 CrossProduct(trace_start->edgedirs[nedge1].v, other_start->edgedirs[nedge2].v, startplane);
619 CrossProduct(trace_end->edgedirs[nedge1].v, other_end->edgedirs[nedge2].v, endplane);
620 }
621 else
622 {
623 CrossProduct(other_start->edgedirs[nedge2].v, trace_start->edgedirs[nedge1].v, startplane);
624 CrossProduct(other_end->edgedirs[nedge2].v, trace_end->edgedirs[nedge1].v, endplane);
625 }
627 continue; // degenerate crossproducts
628 VectorNormalize(startplane);
629 VectorNormalize(endplane);
630 }
631 startplane[3] = furthestplanedist_float(startplane, other_start->points, othernumpoints);
632 endplane[3] = furthestplanedist_float(endplane, other_end->points, othernumpoints);
633 startdist = nearestplanedist_float(startplane, trace_start->points, tracenumpoints) - startplane[3];
634 enddist = nearestplanedist_float(endplane, trace_end->points, tracenumpoints) - endplane[3];
635 //Con_Printf("%c%i: startdist = %f, enddist = %f, startdist / (startdist - enddist) = %f\n", nplane2 != nplane ? 'b' : 'a', nplane2, startdist, enddist, startdist / (startdist - enddist));
637 // aside from collisions, this is also used for error correction
638 if (startdist <= 0.0f && nplane < numplanes1 && (startdepth < startdist || startdepth == 1))
639 {
640 startdepth = startdist;
641 VectorCopy(startplane, startdepthnormal);
642 starttexture = other_start->planes[nplane2].texture;
643 }
645 if (startdist > enddist)
646 {
647 // moving into brush
648 if (enddist > 0.0f)
649 return;
650 if (startdist >= 0)
651 {
652 // enter
653 imove = 1 / (startdist - enddist);
654 f = startdist * imove;
655 // check if this will reduce the collision time range
656 if (enterfrac < f)
657 {
658 // reduced collision time range
659 enterfrac = f;
660 // if the collision time range is now empty, no collision
661 if (enterfrac > leavefrac)
662 return;
663 // calculate the nudged fraction and impact normal we'll
664 // need if we accept this collision later
665 enterfrac2 = (startdist - collision_impactnudge.value) * imove;
666 // if the collision would be further away than the trace's
667 // existing collision data, we don't care about this
668 // collision
669 if (enterfrac2 >= trace->fraction)
670 return;
671 ie = 1.0f - enterfrac;
672 newimpactplane[0] = startplane[0] * ie + endplane[0] * enterfrac;
673 newimpactplane[1] = startplane[1] * ie + endplane[1] * enterfrac;
674 newimpactplane[2] = startplane[2] * ie + endplane[2] * enterfrac;
675 newimpactplane[3] = startplane[3] * ie + endplane[3] * enterfrac;
676 if (nplane < numplanes1)
677 {
678 // use the plane from other
679 nplane2 = nplane;
680 hitq3surfaceflags = other_start->planes[nplane2].q3surfaceflags;
681 hittexture = other_start->planes[nplane2].texture;
682 }
683 else if (nplane < numplanes2)
684 {
685 // use the plane from trace
686 nplane2 = nplane - numplanes1;
687 hitq3surfaceflags = trace_start->planes[nplane2].q3surfaceflags;
688 hittexture = trace_start->planes[nplane2].texture;
689 }
690 else
691 {
692 hitq3surfaceflags = other_start->q3surfaceflags;
693 hittexture = other_start->texture;
694 }
695 }
696 }
697 }
698 else
699 {
700 // moving out of brush
701 if (startdist >= 0)
702 return;
703 if (enddist > 0)
704 {
705 // leave
706 f = startdist / (startdist - enddist);
707 // check if this will reduce the collision time range
708 if (leavefrac > f)
709 {
710 // reduced collision time range
711 leavefrac = f;
712 // if the collision time range is now empty, no collision
713 if (enterfrac > leavefrac)
714 return;
715 }
716 }
717 }
718 }
720 // at this point we know the trace overlaps the brush because it was not
721 // rejected at any point in the loop above
723 // see if the trace started outside the brush or not
724 if (enterfrac > -1)
725 {
726 // started outside, and overlaps, therefore there is a collision here
727 // store out the impact information
728 if ((trace->hitsupercontentsmask & other_start->supercontents) && !(trace->skipsupercontentsmask & other_start->supercontents) && !(trace->skipmaterialflagsmask & (hittexture ? hittexture->currentmaterialflags : 0)))
729 {
730 trace->hitsupercontents = other_start->supercontents;
731 trace->hitq3surfaceflags = hitq3surfaceflags;
732 trace->hittexture = hittexture;
733 trace->fraction = bound(0, enterfrac2, 1);
734 VectorCopy(newimpactplane, trace->plane.normal);
735 trace->plane.dist = newimpactplane[3];
736 }
737 }
738 else
739 {
740 // started inside, update startsolid and friends
741 trace->startsupercontents |= other_start->supercontents;
742 if ((trace->hitsupercontentsmask & other_start->supercontents) && !(trace->skipsupercontentsmask & other_start->supercontents) && !(trace->skipmaterialflagsmask & (starttexture ? starttexture->currentmaterialflags : 0)))
743 {
744 trace->startsolid = true;
745 if (leavefrac < 1)
746 trace->allsolid = true;
747 VectorCopy(newimpactplane, trace->plane.normal);
748 trace->plane.dist = newimpactplane[3];
749 if (trace->startdepth > startdepth)
750 {
751 trace->startdepth = startdepth;
752 VectorCopy(startdepthnormal, trace->startdepthnormal);
753 trace->starttexture = starttexture;
754 }
755 }
756 }
759// NOTE: start and end of each brush pair must have same numplanes/numpoints
760void Collision_TraceLineBrushFloat(trace_t *trace, const vec3_t linestart, const vec3_t lineend, const colbrushf_t *other_start, const colbrushf_t *other_end)
762 int nplane, hitq3surfaceflags = 0;
763 int numplanes = other_start->numplanes;
764 vec_t enterfrac = -1, leavefrac = 1, startdist, enddist, ie, f, imove, enterfrac2 = -1;
765 vec4_t startplane;
766 vec4_t endplane;
767 vec4_t newimpactplane;
768 const texture_t *hittexture = NULL;
769 vec_t startdepth = 1;
770 vec3_t startdepthnormal;
771 const texture_t *starttexture = NULL;
774 {
775 colboxbrushf_t thisbrush_start, thisbrush_end;
776 Collision_BrushForBox(&thisbrush_start, linestart, linestart, 0, 0, NULL);
777 Collision_BrushForBox(&thisbrush_end, lineend, lineend, 0, 0, NULL);
778 Collision_TraceBrushBrushFloat(trace, &thisbrush_start.brush, &thisbrush_end.brush, other_start, other_end);
779 return;
780 }
782 VectorClear(startdepthnormal);
783 Vector4Clear(newimpactplane);
785 // Separating Axis Theorem:
786 // if a supporting vector (plane normal) can be found that separates two
787 // objects, they are not colliding.
788 //
789 // Minkowski Sum:
790 // reduce the size of one object to a point while enlarging the other to
791 // represent the space that point can not occupy.
792 //
793 // try every plane we can construct between the two brushes and measure
794 // the distance between them.
795 for (nplane = 0;nplane < numplanes;nplane++)
796 {
797 VectorCopy(other_start->planes[nplane].normal, startplane);
798 startplane[3] = other_start->planes[nplane].dist;
799 VectorCopy(other_end->planes[nplane].normal, endplane);
800 endplane[3] = other_end->planes[nplane].dist;
801 startdist = DotProduct(linestart, startplane) - startplane[3];
802 enddist = DotProduct(lineend, endplane) - endplane[3];
803 //Con_Printf("%c%i: startdist = %f, enddist = %f, startdist / (startdist - enddist) = %f\n", nplane2 != nplane ? 'b' : 'a', nplane2, startdist, enddist, startdist / (startdist - enddist));
805 // aside from collisions, this is also used for error correction
806 if (startdist <= 0.0f && (startdepth < startdist || startdepth == 1))
807 {
808 startdepth = startdist;
809 VectorCopy(startplane, startdepthnormal);
810 starttexture = other_start->planes[nplane].texture;
811 }
813 if (startdist > enddist)
814 {
815 // moving into brush
816 if (enddist > 0.0f)
817 return;
818 if (startdist > 0)
819 {
820 // enter
821 imove = 1 / (startdist - enddist);
822 f = startdist * imove;
823 // check if this will reduce the collision time range
824 if (enterfrac < f)
825 {
826 // reduced collision time range
827 enterfrac = f;
828 // if the collision time range is now empty, no collision
829 if (enterfrac > leavefrac)
830 return;
831 // calculate the nudged fraction and impact normal we'll
832 // need if we accept this collision later
833 enterfrac2 = (startdist - collision_impactnudge.value) * imove;
834 // if the collision would be further away than the trace's
835 // existing collision data, we don't care about this
836 // collision
837 if (enterfrac2 >= trace->fraction)
838 return;
839 ie = 1.0f - enterfrac;
840 newimpactplane[0] = startplane[0] * ie + endplane[0] * enterfrac;
841 newimpactplane[1] = startplane[1] * ie + endplane[1] * enterfrac;
842 newimpactplane[2] = startplane[2] * ie + endplane[2] * enterfrac;
843 newimpactplane[3] = startplane[3] * ie + endplane[3] * enterfrac;
844 hitq3surfaceflags = other_start->planes[nplane].q3surfaceflags;
845 hittexture = other_start->planes[nplane].texture;
846 }
847 }
848 }
849 else
850 {
851 // moving out of brush
852 if (startdist > 0)
853 return;
854 if (enddist > 0)
855 {
856 // leave
857 f = startdist / (startdist - enddist);
858 // check if this will reduce the collision time range
859 if (leavefrac > f)
860 {
861 // reduced collision time range
862 leavefrac = f;
863 // if the collision time range is now empty, no collision
864 if (enterfrac > leavefrac)
865 return;
866 }
867 }
868 }
869 }
871 // at this point we know the trace overlaps the brush because it was not
872 // rejected at any point in the loop above
874 // see if the trace started outside the brush or not
875 if (enterfrac > -1)
876 {
877 // started outside, and overlaps, therefore there is a collision here
878 // store out the impact information
879 if ((trace->hitsupercontentsmask & other_start->supercontents) && !(trace->skipsupercontentsmask & other_start->supercontents) && !(trace->skipmaterialflagsmask & (hittexture ? hittexture->currentmaterialflags : 0)))
880 {
881 trace->hitsupercontents = other_start->supercontents;
882 trace->hitq3surfaceflags = hitq3surfaceflags;
883 trace->hittexture = hittexture;
884 trace->fraction = bound(0, enterfrac2, 1);
885 VectorCopy(newimpactplane, trace->plane.normal);
886 trace->plane.dist = newimpactplane[3];
887 }
888 }
889 else
890 {
891 // started inside, update startsolid and friends
892 trace->startsupercontents |= other_start->supercontents;
893 if ((trace->hitsupercontentsmask & other_start->supercontents) && !(trace->skipsupercontentsmask & other_start->supercontents) && !(trace->skipmaterialflagsmask & (starttexture ? starttexture->currentmaterialflags : 0)))
894 {
895 trace->startsolid = true;
896 if (leavefrac < 1)
897 trace->allsolid = true;
898 VectorCopy(newimpactplane, trace->plane.normal);
899 trace->plane.dist = newimpactplane[3];
900 if (trace->startdepth > startdepth)
901 {
902 trace->startdepth = startdepth;
903 VectorCopy(startdepthnormal, trace->startdepthnormal);
904 trace->starttexture = starttexture;
905 }
906 }
907 }
912 int nplane;
913 const colplanef_t *plane;
915 if (!BoxesOverlap(point, point, brush->mins, brush->maxs))
916 return false;
917 for (nplane = 0, plane = brush->planes;nplane < brush->numplanes;nplane++, plane++)
918 if (DotProduct(plane->normal, point) > plane->dist)
919 return false;
920 return true;
923void Collision_TracePointBrushFloat(trace_t *trace, const vec3_t linestart, const colbrushf_t *other_start)
925 int nplane;
926 int numplanes = other_start->numplanes;
927 vec_t startdist;
928 vec4_t startplane;
929 vec4_t newimpactplane;
930 vec_t startdepth = 1;
931 vec3_t startdepthnormal;
932 const texture_t *starttexture = NULL;
934 VectorClear(startdepthnormal);
935 Vector4Clear(newimpactplane);
937 // Separating Axis Theorem:
938 // if a supporting vector (plane normal) can be found that separates two
939 // objects, they are not colliding.
940 //
941 // Minkowski Sum:
942 // reduce the size of one object to a point while enlarging the other to
943 // represent the space that point can not occupy.
944 //
945 // try every plane we can construct between the two brushes and measure
946 // the distance between them.
947 for (nplane = 0; nplane < numplanes; nplane++)
948 {
949 VectorCopy(other_start->planes[nplane].normal, startplane);
950 startplane[3] = other_start->planes[nplane].dist;
951 startdist = DotProduct(linestart, startplane) - startplane[3];
953 if (startdist > 0)
954 return;
956 // aside from collisions, this is also used for error correction
957 if (startdepth < startdist || startdepth == 1)
958 {
959 startdepth = startdist;
960 VectorCopy(startplane, startdepthnormal);
961 starttexture = other_start->planes[nplane].texture;
962 }
963 }
965 // at this point we know the trace overlaps the brush because it was not
966 // rejected at any point in the loop above
968 // started inside, update startsolid and friends
969 trace->startsupercontents |= other_start->supercontents;
970 if ((trace->hitsupercontentsmask & other_start->supercontents) && !(trace->skipsupercontentsmask & other_start->supercontents) && !(trace->skipmaterialflagsmask & (starttexture ? starttexture->currentmaterialflags : 0)))
971 {
972 trace->startsolid = true;
973 trace->allsolid = true;
974 VectorCopy(newimpactplane, trace->plane.normal);
975 trace->plane.dist = newimpactplane[3];
976 if (trace->startdepth > startdepth)
977 {
978 trace->startdepth = startdepth;
979 VectorCopy(startdepthnormal, trace->startdepthnormal);
980 trace->starttexture = starttexture;
981 }
982 }
985static void Collision_SnapCopyPoints(int numpoints, const colpointf_t *in, colpointf_t *out, float fractionprecision, float invfractionprecision)
987 int i;
988 for (i = 0;i < numpoints;i++)
989 {
990 out[i].v[0] = floor(in[i].v[0] * fractionprecision + 0.5f) * invfractionprecision;
991 out[i].v[1] = floor(in[i].v[1] * fractionprecision + 0.5f) * invfractionprecision;
992 out[i].v[2] = floor(in[i].v[2] * fractionprecision + 0.5f) * invfractionprecision;
993 }
996void Collision_TraceBrushTriangleMeshFloat(trace_t *trace, const colbrushf_t *thisbrush_start, const colbrushf_t *thisbrush_end, int numtriangles, const int *element3i, const float *vertex3f, int stride, float *bbox6f, int supercontents, int q3surfaceflags, const texture_t *texture, const vec3_t segmentmins, const vec3_t segmentmaxs)
998 int i;
999 colpointf_t points[3];
1000 colpointf_t edgedirs[3];
1001 colplanef_t planes[5];
1002 colbrushf_t brush;
1003 memset(&brush, 0, sizeof(brush));
1004 brush.isaabb = false;
1005 brush.hasaabbplanes = false;
1006 brush.numpoints = 3;
1007 brush.numedgedirs = 3;
1008 brush.numplanes = 5;
1009 brush.points = points;
1010 brush.edgedirs = edgedirs;
1011 brush.planes = planes;
1012 brush.supercontents = supercontents;
1013 brush.q3surfaceflags = q3surfaceflags;
1014 brush.texture = texture;
1015 for (i = 0;i < brush.numplanes;i++)
1016 {
1017 brush.planes[i].q3surfaceflags = q3surfaceflags;
1018 brush.planes[i].texture = texture;
1019 }
1020 if(stride > 0)
1021 {
1022 int k, cnt, tri;
1023 cnt = (numtriangles + stride - 1) / stride;
1024 for(i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
1025 {
1026 if(BoxesOverlap(bbox6f + i * 6, bbox6f + i * 6 + 3, segmentmins, segmentmaxs))
1027 {
1028 for(k = 0; k < stride; ++k)
1029 {
1030 tri = i * stride + k;
1031 if(tri >= numtriangles)
1032 break;
1033 VectorCopy(vertex3f + element3i[tri * 3 + 0] * 3, points[0].v);
1034 VectorCopy(vertex3f + element3i[tri * 3 + 1] * 3, points[1].v);
1035 VectorCopy(vertex3f + element3i[tri * 3 + 2] * 3, points[2].v);
1039 //Collision_PrintBrushAsQHull(&brush, "brush");
1040 Collision_TraceBrushBrushFloat(trace, thisbrush_start, thisbrush_end, &brush, &brush);
1041 }
1042 }
1043 }
1044 }
1045 else if(stride == 0)
1046 {
1047 for (i = 0;i < numtriangles;i++, element3i += 3)
1048 {
1049 if (TriangleBBoxOverlapsBox(vertex3f + element3i[0]*3, vertex3f + element3i[1]*3, vertex3f + element3i[2]*3, segmentmins, segmentmaxs))
1050 {
1051 VectorCopy(vertex3f + element3i[0] * 3, points[0].v);
1052 VectorCopy(vertex3f + element3i[1] * 3, points[1].v);
1053 VectorCopy(vertex3f + element3i[2] * 3, points[2].v);
1057 //Collision_PrintBrushAsQHull(&brush, "brush");
1058 Collision_TraceBrushBrushFloat(trace, thisbrush_start, thisbrush_end, &brush, &brush);
1059 }
1060 }
1061 }
1062 else
1063 {
1064 for (i = 0;i < numtriangles;i++, element3i += 3)
1065 {
1066 VectorCopy(vertex3f + element3i[0] * 3, points[0].v);
1067 VectorCopy(vertex3f + element3i[1] * 3, points[1].v);
1068 VectorCopy(vertex3f + element3i[2] * 3, points[2].v);
1072 //Collision_PrintBrushAsQHull(&brush, "brush");
1073 Collision_TraceBrushBrushFloat(trace, thisbrush_start, thisbrush_end, &brush, &brush);
1074 }
1075 }
1078void Collision_TraceLineTriangleMeshFloat(trace_t *trace, const vec3_t linestart, const vec3_t lineend, int numtriangles, const int *element3i, const float *vertex3f, int stride, float *bbox6f, int supercontents, int q3surfaceflags, const texture_t *texture, const vec3_t segmentmins, const vec3_t segmentmaxs)
1080 int i;
1081 // FIXME: snap vertices?
1082 if(stride > 0)
1083 {
1084 int k, cnt, tri;
1085 cnt = (numtriangles + stride - 1) / stride;
1086 for(i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
1087 {
1088 if(BoxesOverlap(bbox6f + i * 6, bbox6f + i * 6 + 3, segmentmins, segmentmaxs))
1089 {
1090 for(k = 0; k < stride; ++k)
1091 {
1092 tri = i * stride + k;
1093 if(tri >= numtriangles)
1094 break;
1095 Collision_TraceLineTriangleFloat(trace, linestart, lineend, vertex3f + element3i[tri * 3 + 0] * 3, vertex3f + element3i[tri * 3 + 1] * 3, vertex3f + element3i[tri * 3 + 2] * 3, supercontents, q3surfaceflags, texture);
1096 }
1097 }
1098 }
1099 }
1100 else
1101 {
1102 for (i = 0;i < numtriangles;i++, element3i += 3)
1103 Collision_TraceLineTriangleFloat(trace, linestart, lineend, vertex3f + element3i[0] * 3, vertex3f + element3i[1] * 3, vertex3f + element3i[2] * 3, supercontents, q3surfaceflags, texture);
1104 }
1107void Collision_TraceBrushTriangleFloat(trace_t *trace, const colbrushf_t *thisbrush_start, const colbrushf_t *thisbrush_end, const float *v0, const float *v1, const float *v2, int supercontents, int q3surfaceflags, const texture_t *texture)
1109 int i;
1110 colpointf_t points[3];
1111 colpointf_t edgedirs[3];
1112 colplanef_t planes[5];
1113 colbrushf_t brush;
1114 memset(&brush, 0, sizeof(brush));
1115 brush.isaabb = false;
1116 brush.hasaabbplanes = false;
1117 brush.numpoints = 3;
1118 brush.numedgedirs = 3;
1119 brush.numplanes = 5;
1120 brush.points = points;
1121 brush.edgedirs = edgedirs;
1122 brush.planes = planes;
1123 brush.supercontents = supercontents;
1124 brush.q3surfaceflags = q3surfaceflags;
1125 brush.texture = texture;
1126 for (i = 0;i < brush.numplanes;i++)
1127 {
1128 brush.planes[i].q3surfaceflags = q3surfaceflags;
1129 brush.planes[i].texture = texture;
1130 }
1131 VectorCopy(v0, points[0].v);
1132 VectorCopy(v1, points[1].v);
1133 VectorCopy(v2, points[2].v);
1137 //Collision_PrintBrushAsQHull(&brush, "brush");
1138 Collision_TraceBrushBrushFloat(trace, thisbrush_start, thisbrush_end, &brush, &brush);
1141void Collision_BrushForBox(colboxbrushf_t *boxbrush, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, int supercontents, int q3surfaceflags, const texture_t *texture)
1143 int i;
1144 memset(boxbrush, 0, sizeof(*boxbrush));
1145 boxbrush->brush.isaabb = true;
1146 boxbrush->brush.hasaabbplanes = true;
1147 boxbrush->brush.points = boxbrush->points;
1148 boxbrush->brush.edgedirs = boxbrush->edgedirs;
1149 boxbrush->brush.planes = boxbrush->planes;
1150 boxbrush->brush.supercontents = supercontents;
1151 boxbrush->brush.q3surfaceflags = q3surfaceflags;
1152 boxbrush->brush.texture = texture;
1153 if (VectorCompare(mins, maxs))
1154 {
1155 // point brush
1156 boxbrush->brush.numpoints = 1;
1157 boxbrush->brush.numedgedirs = 0;
1158 boxbrush->brush.numplanes = 0;
1159 VectorCopy(mins, boxbrush->brush.points[0].v);
1160 }
1161 else
1162 {
1163 boxbrush->brush.numpoints = 8;
1164 boxbrush->brush.numedgedirs = 3;
1165 boxbrush->brush.numplanes = 6;
1166 // there are 8 points on a box
1167 // there are 3 edgedirs on a box (both signs are tested in collision)
1168 // there are 6 planes on a box
1169 VectorSet(boxbrush->brush.points[0].v, mins[0], mins[1], mins[2]);
1170 VectorSet(boxbrush->brush.points[1].v, maxs[0], mins[1], mins[2]);
1171 VectorSet(boxbrush->brush.points[2].v, mins[0], maxs[1], mins[2]);
1172 VectorSet(boxbrush->brush.points[3].v, maxs[0], maxs[1], mins[2]);
1173 VectorSet(boxbrush->brush.points[4].v, mins[0], mins[1], maxs[2]);
1174 VectorSet(boxbrush->brush.points[5].v, maxs[0], mins[1], maxs[2]);
1175 VectorSet(boxbrush->brush.points[6].v, mins[0], maxs[1], maxs[2]);
1176 VectorSet(boxbrush->brush.points[7].v, maxs[0], maxs[1], maxs[2]);
1177 VectorSet(boxbrush->brush.edgedirs[0].v, 1, 0, 0);
1178 VectorSet(boxbrush->brush.edgedirs[1].v, 0, 1, 0);
1179 VectorSet(boxbrush->brush.edgedirs[2].v, 0, 0, 1);
1180 VectorSet(boxbrush->brush.planes[0].normal, -1, 0, 0);boxbrush->brush.planes[0].dist = -mins[0];
1181 VectorSet(boxbrush->brush.planes[1].normal, 1, 0, 0);boxbrush->brush.planes[1].dist = maxs[0];
1182 VectorSet(boxbrush->brush.planes[2].normal, 0, -1, 0);boxbrush->brush.planes[2].dist = -mins[1];
1183 VectorSet(boxbrush->brush.planes[3].normal, 0, 1, 0);boxbrush->brush.planes[3].dist = maxs[1];
1184 VectorSet(boxbrush->brush.planes[4].normal, 0, 0, -1);boxbrush->brush.planes[4].dist = -mins[2];
1185 VectorSet(boxbrush->brush.planes[5].normal, 0, 0, 1);boxbrush->brush.planes[5].dist = maxs[2];
1186 for (i = 0;i < 6;i++)
1187 {
1188 boxbrush->brush.planes[i].q3surfaceflags = q3surfaceflags;
1189 boxbrush->brush.planes[i].texture = texture;
1190 }
1191 }
1192 boxbrush->brush.supercontents = supercontents;
1193 boxbrush->brush.q3surfaceflags = q3surfaceflags;
1194 boxbrush->brush.texture = texture;
1195 VectorSet(boxbrush->brush.mins, mins[0] - 1, mins[1] - 1, mins[2] - 1);
1196 VectorSet(boxbrush->brush.maxs, maxs[0] + 1, maxs[1] + 1, maxs[2] + 1);
1197 //Collision_ValidateBrush(&boxbrush->brush);
1200//pseudocode for detecting line/sphere overlap without calculating an impact point
1201//linesphereorigin = sphereorigin - linestart;linediff = lineend - linestart;linespherefrac = DotProduct(linesphereorigin, linediff) / DotProduct(linediff, linediff);return VectorLength2(linesphereorigin - bound(0, linespherefrac, 1) * linediff) >= sphereradius*sphereradius;
1203// LadyHavoc: currently unused, but tested
1204// note: this can be used for tracing a moving sphere vs a stationary sphere,
1205// by simply adding the moving sphere's radius to the sphereradius parameter,
1206// all the results are correct (impactpoint, impactnormal, and fraction)
1207float Collision_ClipTrace_Line_Sphere(double *linestart, double *lineend, double *sphereorigin, double sphereradius, double *impactpoint, double *impactnormal)
1209 double dir[3], scale, v[3], deviationdist2, impactdist, linelength;
1210 // make sure the impactpoint and impactnormal are valid even if there is
1211 // no collision
1212 VectorCopy(lineend, impactpoint);
1213 VectorClear(impactnormal);
1214 // calculate line direction
1215 VectorSubtract(lineend, linestart, dir);
1216 // normalize direction
1217 linelength = VectorLength(dir);
1218 if (linelength)
1219 {
1220 scale = 1.0 / linelength;
1222 }
1223 // this dotproduct calculates the distance along the line at which the
1224 // sphere origin is (nearest point to the sphere origin on the line)
1225 impactdist = DotProduct(sphereorigin, dir) - DotProduct(linestart, dir);
1226 // calculate point on line at that distance, and subtract the
1227 // sphereorigin from it, so we have a vector to measure for the distance
1228 // of the line from the sphereorigin (deviation, how off-center it is)
1229 VectorMA(linestart, impactdist, dir, v);
1230 VectorSubtract(v, sphereorigin, v);
1231 deviationdist2 = sphereradius * sphereradius - VectorLength2(v);
1232 // if squared offset length is outside the squared sphere radius, miss
1233 if (deviationdist2 < 0)
1234 return 1; // miss (off to the side)
1235 // nudge back to find the correct impact distance
1236 impactdist -= sqrt(deviationdist2);
1237 if (impactdist >= linelength)
1238 return 1; // miss (not close enough)
1239 if (impactdist < 0)
1240 return 1; // miss (linestart is past or inside sphere)
1241 // calculate new impactpoint
1242 VectorMA(linestart, impactdist, dir, impactpoint);
1243 // calculate impactnormal (surface normal at point of impact)
1244 VectorSubtract(impactpoint, sphereorigin, impactnormal);
1245 // normalize impactnormal
1246 VectorNormalize(impactnormal);
1247 // return fraction of movement distance
1248 return impactdist / linelength;
1251void Collision_TraceLineTriangleFloat(trace_t *trace, const vec3_t linestart, const vec3_t lineend, const float *point0, const float *point1, const float *point2, int supercontents, int q3surfaceflags, const texture_t *texture)
1253 float d1, d2, d, f, f2, impact[3], edgenormal[3], faceplanenormal[3], faceplanedist, faceplanenormallength2, edge01[3], edge21[3], edge02[3];
1255 // this function executes:
1256 // 32 ops when line starts behind triangle
1257 // 38 ops when line ends infront of triangle
1258 // 43 ops when line fraction is already closer than this triangle
1259 // 72 ops when line is outside edge 01
1260 // 92 ops when line is outside edge 21
1261 // 115 ops when line is outside edge 02
1262 // 123 ops when line impacts triangle and updates trace results
1264 // this code is designed for clockwise triangles, conversion to
1265 // counterclockwise would require swapping some things around...
1266 // it is easier to simply swap the point0 and point2 parameters to this
1267 // function when calling it than it is to rewire the internals.
1269 // calculate the faceplanenormal of the triangle, this represents the front side
1270 // 15 ops
1271 VectorSubtract(point0, point1, edge01);
1272 VectorSubtract(point2, point1, edge21);
1273 CrossProduct(edge01, edge21, faceplanenormal);
1274 // there's no point in processing a degenerate triangle (GIGO - Garbage In, Garbage Out)
1275 // 6 ops
1276 faceplanenormallength2 = DotProduct(faceplanenormal, faceplanenormal);
1277 if (faceplanenormallength2 < 0.0001f)
1278 return;
1279 // calculate the distance
1280 // 5 ops
1281 faceplanedist = DotProduct(point0, faceplanenormal);
1283 // if start point is on the back side there is no collision
1284 // (we don't care about traces going through the triangle the wrong way)
1286 // calculate the start distance
1287 // 6 ops
1288 d1 = DotProduct(faceplanenormal, linestart);
1289 if (d1 <= faceplanedist)
1290 return;
1292 // calculate the end distance
1293 // 6 ops
1294 d2 = DotProduct(faceplanenormal, lineend);
1295 // if both are in front, there is no collision
1296 if (d2 >= faceplanedist)
1297 return;
1299 // from here on we know d1 is >= 0 and d2 is < 0
1300 // this means the line starts infront and ends behind, passing through it
1302 // calculate the recipricol of the distance delta,
1303 // so we can use it multiple times cheaply (instead of division)
1304 // 2 ops
1305 d = 1.0f / (d1 - d2);
1306 // calculate the impact fraction by taking the start distance (> 0)
1307 // and subtracting the face plane distance (this is the distance of the
1308 // triangle along that same normal)
1309 // then multiply by the recipricol distance delta
1310 // 4 ops
1311 f = (d1 - faceplanedist) * d;
1312 f2 = f - collision_impactnudge.value * d;
1313 // skip out if this impact is further away than previous ones
1314 // 1 ops
1315 if (f2 >= trace->fraction)
1316 return;
1317 // calculate the perfect impact point for classification of insidedness
1318 // 9 ops
1319 impact[0] = linestart[0] + f * (lineend[0] - linestart[0]);
1320 impact[1] = linestart[1] + f * (lineend[1] - linestart[1]);
1321 impact[2] = linestart[2] + f * (lineend[2] - linestart[2]);
1323 // calculate the edge normal and reject if impact is outside triangle
1324 // (an edge normal faces away from the triangle, to get the desired normal
1325 // a crossproduct with the faceplanenormal is used, and because of the way
1326 // the insidedness comparison is written it does not need to be normalized)
1328 // first use the two edges from the triangle plane math
1329 // the other edge only gets calculated if the point survives that long
1331 // 20 ops
1332 CrossProduct(edge01, faceplanenormal, edgenormal);
1333 if (DotProduct(impact, edgenormal) > DotProduct(point1, edgenormal))
1334 return;
1336 // 20 ops
1337 CrossProduct(faceplanenormal, edge21, edgenormal);
1338 if (DotProduct(impact, edgenormal) > DotProduct(point2, edgenormal))
1339 return;
1341 // 23 ops
1342 VectorSubtract(point0, point2, edge02);
1343 CrossProduct(faceplanenormal, edge02, edgenormal);
1344 if (DotProduct(impact, edgenormal) > DotProduct(point0, edgenormal))
1345 return;
1347 // 8 ops (rare)
1349 // skip if this trace should not be blocked by these contents
1350 if (!(supercontents & trace->hitsupercontentsmask) || (supercontents & trace->skipsupercontentsmask) || (texture->currentmaterialflags & trace->skipmaterialflagsmask))
1351 return;
1353 // store the new trace fraction
1354 trace->fraction = f2;
1356 // store the new trace plane (because collisions only happen from
1357 // the front this is always simply the triangle normal, never flipped)
1358 d = 1.0 / sqrt(faceplanenormallength2);
1359 VectorScale(faceplanenormal, d, trace->plane.normal);
1360 trace->plane.dist = faceplanedist * d;
1362 trace->hitsupercontents = supercontents;
1363 trace->hitq3surfaceflags = q3surfaceflags;
1364 trace->hittexture = texture;
1367void Collision_BoundingBoxOfBrushTraceSegment(const colbrushf_t *start, const colbrushf_t *end, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, float startfrac, float endfrac)
1369 int i;
1370 colpointf_t *ps, *pe;
1371 float tempstart[3], tempend[3];
1372 VectorLerp(start->points[0].v, startfrac, end->points[0].v, mins);
1374 for (i = 0, ps = start->points, pe = end->points;i < start->numpoints;i++, ps++, pe++)
1375 {
1376 VectorLerp(ps->v, startfrac, pe->v, tempstart);
1377 VectorLerp(ps->v, endfrac, pe->v, tempend);
1378 mins[0] = min(mins[0], min(tempstart[0], tempend[0]));
1379 mins[1] = min(mins[1], min(tempstart[1], tempend[1]));
1380 mins[2] = min(mins[2], min(tempstart[2], tempend[2]));
1381 maxs[0] = min(maxs[0], min(tempstart[0], tempend[0]));
1382 maxs[1] = min(maxs[1], min(tempstart[1], tempend[1]));
1383 maxs[2] = min(maxs[2], min(tempstart[2], tempend[2]));
1384 }
1385 mins[0] -= 1;
1386 mins[1] -= 1;
1387 mins[2] -= 1;
1388 maxs[0] += 1;
1389 maxs[1] += 1;
1390 maxs[2] += 1;
1395static void Collision_TranslateBrush(const vec3_t shift, colbrushf_t *brush)
1397 int i;
1398 // now we can transform the data
1399 for(i = 0; i < brush->numplanes; ++i)
1400 {
1401 brush->planes[i].dist += DotProduct(shift, brush->planes[i].normal);
1402 }
1403 for(i = 0; i < brush->numpoints; ++i)
1404 {
1405 VectorAdd(brush->points[i].v, shift, brush->points[i].v);
1406 }
1407 VectorAdd(brush->mins, shift, brush->mins);
1408 VectorAdd(brush->maxs, shift, brush->maxs);
1411static void Collision_TransformBrush(const matrix4x4_t *matrix, colbrushf_t *brush)
1413 int i;
1414 vec3_t v;
1415 // we're breaking any AABB properties here...
1416 brush->isaabb = false;
1417 brush->hasaabbplanes = false;
1418 // now we can transform the data
1419 for(i = 0; i < brush->numplanes; ++i)
1420 {
1421 Matrix4x4_TransformPositivePlane(matrix, brush->planes[i].normal[0], brush->planes[i].normal[1], brush->planes[i].normal[2], brush->planes[i].dist, brush->planes[i].normal_and_dist);
1422 }
1423 for(i = 0; i < brush->numedgedirs; ++i)
1424 {
1425 Matrix4x4_Transform(matrix, brush->edgedirs[i].v, v);
1426 VectorCopy(v, brush->edgedirs[i].v);
1427 }
1428 for(i = 0; i < brush->numpoints; ++i)
1429 {
1430 Matrix4x4_Transform(matrix, brush->points[i].v, v);
1431 VectorCopy(v, brush->points[i].v);
1432 }
1433 VectorCopy(brush->points[0].v, brush->mins);
1434 VectorCopy(brush->points[0].v, brush->maxs);
1435 for(i = 1; i < brush->numpoints; ++i)
1436 {
1437 if(brush->points[i].v[0] < brush->mins[0]) brush->mins[0] = brush->points[i].v[0];
1438 if(brush->points[i].v[1] < brush->mins[1]) brush->mins[1] = brush->points[i].v[1];
1439 if(brush->points[i].v[2] < brush->mins[2]) brush->mins[2] = brush->points[i].v[2];
1440 if(brush->points[i].v[0] > brush->maxs[0]) brush->maxs[0] = brush->points[i].v[0];
1441 if(brush->points[i].v[1] > brush->maxs[1]) brush->maxs[1] = brush->points[i].v[1];
1442 if(brush->points[i].v[2] > brush->maxs[2]) brush->maxs[2] = brush->points[i].v[2];
1443 }
1458typedef struct collision_cachedtrace_s
1494 if (resetlimits || !collision_cachedtrace_max)
1517 int index;
1518 int range = collision_cachedtrace_lastused + 1;
1519 unsigned char sequence = collision_cachedtrace_sequence;
1520 int firstfree = collision_cachedtrace_max;
1521 int lastused = 0;
1522 int *hash = collision_cachedtrace_hash;
1523 unsigned int hashindex;
1524 unsigned int *arrayhashindex = collision_cachedtrace_arrayhashindex;
1525 unsigned int *arraynext = collision_cachedtrace_arraynext;
1528 for (index = 1;index < range;index++)
1529 {
1530 if (collision_cachedtrace_arrayused[index] == sequence)
1531 {
1532 hashindex = arrayhashindex[index];
1533 arraynext[index] = hash[hashindex];
1534 hash[hashindex] = index;
1535 lastused = index;
1536 }
1537 else
1538 {
1539 if (firstfree > index)
1540 firstfree = index;
1542 }
1543 }
1551 {
1552 if (collision_cachedtrace_max < 128)
1554 }
1555 else
1556 {
1559 }
1560 // rebuild hash if sequence would overflow byte, otherwise increment
1562 {
1565 }
1566 else
1567 {
1570 }
1573static unsigned int Collision_Cache_HashIndexForArray(unsigned int *array, unsigned int size)
1575 unsigned int i;
1576 unsigned int hashindex = 0;
1577 // this is a super-cheesy checksum, designed only for speed
1578 for (i = 0;i < size;i++)
1579 hashindex += array[i] * (1 + i);
1580 return hashindex;
1583static collision_cachedtrace_t *Collision_Cache_Lookup(model_t *model, const matrix4x4_t *matrix, const matrix4x4_t *inversematrix, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, int hitsupercontentsmask, int skipsupercontentsmask, int skipmaterialflagsmask)
1585 int hashindex = 0;
1586 unsigned int fullhashindex;
1587 int index = 0;
1588 int range;
1589 unsigned char sequence = collision_cachedtrace_sequence;
1590 int *hash = collision_cachedtrace_hash;
1591 unsigned int *arrayfullhashindex = collision_cachedtrace_arrayfullhashindex;
1592 unsigned int *arraynext = collision_cachedtrace_arraynext;
1595 // all non-cached traces use the same index
1598 else
1599 {
1600 // cached trace lookup
1601 memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
1602 params.model = model;
1603 VectorCopy(start, params.start);
1604 VectorCopy(end, params.end);
1605 params.hitsupercontentsmask = hitsupercontentsmask;
1606 params.skipsupercontentsmask = skipsupercontentsmask;
1607 params.skipmaterialflagsmask = skipmaterialflagsmask;
1608 params.matrix = *matrix;
1609 fullhashindex = Collision_Cache_HashIndexForArray((unsigned int *)&params, sizeof(params) / sizeof(unsigned int));
1610 hashindex = (int)(fullhashindex % (unsigned int)collision_cachedtrace_hashsize);
1611 for (index = hash[hashindex];index;index = arraynext[index])
1612 {
1613 if (arrayfullhashindex[index] != fullhashindex)
1614 continue;
1616 //if (memcmp(&cached->p, &params, sizeof(params)))
1617 if (cached->p.model != params.model
1618 || cached->p.end[0] != params.end[0]
1619 || cached->p.end[1] != params.end[1]
1620 || cached->p.end[2] != params.end[2]
1621 || cached->p.start[0] != params.start[0]
1622 || cached->p.start[1] != params.start[1]
1623 || cached->p.start[2] != params.start[2]
1624 || cached->p.hitsupercontentsmask != params.hitsupercontentsmask
1625 || cached->p.skipsupercontentsmask != params.skipsupercontentsmask
1626 || cached->p.skipmaterialflagsmask != params.skipmaterialflagsmask
1627 || cached->p.matrix.m[0][0] != params.matrix.m[0][0]
1628 || cached->p.matrix.m[0][1] != params.matrix.m[0][1]
1629 || cached->p.matrix.m[0][2] != params.matrix.m[0][2]
1630 || cached->p.matrix.m[0][3] != params.matrix.m[0][3]
1631 || cached->p.matrix.m[1][0] != params.matrix.m[1][0]
1632 || cached->p.matrix.m[1][1] != params.matrix.m[1][1]
1633 || cached->p.matrix.m[1][2] != params.matrix.m[1][2]
1634 || cached->p.matrix.m[1][3] != params.matrix.m[1][3]
1635 || cached->p.matrix.m[2][0] != params.matrix.m[2][0]
1636 || cached->p.matrix.m[2][1] != params.matrix.m[2][1]
1637 || cached->p.matrix.m[2][2] != params.matrix.m[2][2]
1638 || cached->p.matrix.m[2][3] != params.matrix.m[2][3]
1639 || cached->p.matrix.m[3][0] != params.matrix.m[3][0]
1640 || cached->p.matrix.m[3][1] != params.matrix.m[3][1]
1641 || cached->p.matrix.m[3][2] != params.matrix.m[3][2]
1642 || cached->p.matrix.m[3][3] != params.matrix.m[3][3]
1643 )
1644 continue;
1645 // found a matching trace in the cache
1647 cached->valid = true;
1649 return cached;
1650 }
1652 // find an unused cache entry
1655 break;
1656 if (index == range)
1657 {
1658 // all claimed, but probably some are stale...
1659 for (index = 1, range = collision_cachedtrace_max;index < range;index++)
1660 if (collision_cachedtrace_arrayused[index] != sequence)
1661 break;
1662 if (index < range)
1663 {
1664 // found a stale one, rebuild the hash
1666 }
1667 else
1668 {
1669 // we need to grow the cache
1671 Collision_Cache_Reset(false);
1672 index = 1;
1673 }
1674 }
1675 // link the new cache entry into the hash bucket
1681 collision_cachedtrace_hash[hashindex] = index;
1683 cached->valid = false;
1684 cached->p = params;
1687 }
1688 return cached;
1691void Collision_Cache_ClipLineToGenericEntitySurfaces(trace_t *trace, model_t *model, matrix4x4_t *matrix, matrix4x4_t *inversematrix, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, int hitsupercontentsmask, int skipsupercontentsmask, int skipmaterialflagsmask)
1693 collision_cachedtrace_t *cached = Collision_Cache_Lookup(model, matrix, inversematrix, start, end, hitsupercontentsmask, skipsupercontentsmask, skipmaterialflagsmask);
1694 if (cached->valid)
1695 {
1696 *trace = cached->result;
1697 return;
1698 }
1700 Collision_ClipLineToGenericEntity(trace, model, NULL, NULL, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, 0, matrix, inversematrix, start, end, hitsupercontentsmask, skipsupercontentsmask, skipmaterialflagsmask, collision_extendmovelength.value, true);
1702 cached->result = *trace;
1705void Collision_Cache_ClipLineToWorldSurfaces(trace_t *trace, model_t *model, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, int hitsupercontentsmask, int skipsupercontentsmask, int skipmaterialflagsmask)
1707 collision_cachedtrace_t *cached = Collision_Cache_Lookup(model, &identitymatrix, &identitymatrix, start, end, hitsupercontentsmask, skipsupercontentsmask, skipmaterialflagsmask);
1708 if (cached->valid)
1709 {
1710 *trace = cached->result;
1711 return;
1712 }
1714 Collision_ClipLineToWorld(trace, model, start, end, hitsupercontentsmask, skipsupercontentsmask, skipmaterialflagsmask, collision_extendmovelength.value, true);
1716 cached->result = *trace;
1719typedef struct extendtraceinfo_s
1722 float realstart[3];
1723 float realend[3];
1724 float realdelta[3];
1725 float extendstart[3];
1726 float extendend[3];
1727 float extenddelta[3];
1731 float extend;
1735static void Collision_ClipExtendPrepare(extendtraceinfo_t *extendtraceinfo, trace_t *trace, const vec3_t tstart, const vec3_t tend, float textend)
1737 memset(trace, 0, sizeof(*trace));
1738 trace->fraction = 1;
1740 extendtraceinfo->trace = trace;
1741 VectorCopy(tstart, extendtraceinfo->realstart);
1742 VectorCopy(tend, extendtraceinfo->realend);
1743 VectorSubtract(extendtraceinfo->realend, extendtraceinfo->realstart, extendtraceinfo->realdelta);
1744 VectorCopy(extendtraceinfo->realstart, extendtraceinfo->extendstart);
1745 VectorCopy(extendtraceinfo->realend, extendtraceinfo->extendend);
1746 VectorCopy(extendtraceinfo->realdelta, extendtraceinfo->extenddelta);
1747 extendtraceinfo->reallength = VectorLength(extendtraceinfo->realdelta);
1748 extendtraceinfo->extendlength = extendtraceinfo->reallength;
1749 extendtraceinfo->scaletoextend = 1.0f;
1750 extendtraceinfo->extend = textend;
1752 // make the trace longer according to the extend parameter
1753 if (extendtraceinfo->reallength && extendtraceinfo->extend)
1754 {
1755 extendtraceinfo->extendlength = extendtraceinfo->reallength + extendtraceinfo->extend;
1756 extendtraceinfo->scaletoextend = extendtraceinfo->extendlength / extendtraceinfo->reallength;
1757 VectorMA(extendtraceinfo->realstart, extendtraceinfo->scaletoextend, extendtraceinfo->realdelta, extendtraceinfo->extendend);
1758 VectorSubtract(extendtraceinfo->extendend, extendtraceinfo->extendstart, extendtraceinfo->extenddelta);
1759 }
1764 trace_t *trace = extendtraceinfo->trace;
1766 if (trace->fraction != 1.0f)
1767 {
1768 // undo the extended trace length
1769 trace->fraction *= extendtraceinfo->scaletoextend;
1771 // if the extended trace hit something that the unextended trace did not hit (even considering the collision_impactnudge), then we have to clear the hit information
1772 if (trace->fraction > 1.0f)
1773 {
1774 // note that ent may refer to either startsolid or fraction<1, we can't restore the startsolid ent unfortunately
1775 trace->ent = NULL;
1776 trace->hitq3surfaceflags = 0;
1777 trace->hitsupercontents = 0;
1778 trace->hittexture = NULL;
1779 VectorClear(trace->plane.normal);
1780 trace->plane.dist = 0.0f;
1781 }
1782 }
1784 // clamp things
1785 trace->fraction = bound(0, trace->fraction, 1);
1787 // calculate the end position
1788 VectorMA(extendtraceinfo->realstart, trace->fraction, extendtraceinfo->realdelta, trace->endpos);
1791void Collision_ClipToGenericEntity(trace_t *trace, model_t *model, const frameblend_t *frameblend, const skeleton_t *skeleton, const vec3_t bodymins, const vec3_t bodymaxs, int bodysupercontents, matrix4x4_t *matrix, matrix4x4_t *inversematrix, const vec3_t tstart, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t tend, int hitsupercontentsmask, int skipsupercontentsmask, int skipmaterialflagsmask, float extend)
1793 vec3_t starttransformed, endtransformed;
1794 extendtraceinfo_t extendtraceinfo;
1795 Collision_ClipExtendPrepare(&extendtraceinfo, trace, tstart, tend, extend);
1797 Matrix4x4_Transform(inversematrix, extendtraceinfo.extendstart, starttransformed);
1798 Matrix4x4_Transform(inversematrix, extendtraceinfo.extendend, endtransformed);
1800 Con_Printf("trans(%f %f %f -> %f %f %f, %f %f %f -> %f %f %f)", extendtraceinfo.extendstart[0], extendtraceinfo.extendstart[1], extendtraceinfo.extendstart[2], starttransformed[0], starttransformed[1], starttransformed[2], extendtraceinfo.extendend[0], extendtraceinfo.extendend[1], extendtraceinfo.extendend[2], endtransformed[0], endtransformed[1], endtransformed[2]);
1803 if (model && model->TraceBox)
1804 {
1805 if(model->TraceBrush && (inversematrix->m[0][1] || inversematrix->m[0][2] || inversematrix->m[1][0] || inversematrix->m[1][2] || inversematrix->m[2][0] || inversematrix->m[2][1]))
1806 {
1807 // we get here if TraceBrush exists, AND we have a rotation component (SOLID_BSP case)
1808 // using starttransformed, endtransformed is WRONG in this case!
1809 // should rather build a brush and trace using it
1810 colboxbrushf_t thisbrush_start, thisbrush_end;
1811 Collision_BrushForBox(&thisbrush_start, mins, maxs, 0, 0, NULL);
1812 Collision_BrushForBox(&thisbrush_end, mins, maxs, 0, 0, NULL);
1813 Collision_TranslateBrush(extendtraceinfo.extendstart, &thisbrush_start.brush);
1814 Collision_TranslateBrush(extendtraceinfo.extendend, &thisbrush_end.brush);
1815 Collision_TransformBrush(inversematrix, &thisbrush_start.brush);
1816 Collision_TransformBrush(inversematrix, &thisbrush_end.brush);
1817 //Collision_TranslateBrush(starttransformed, &thisbrush_start.brush);
1818 //Collision_TranslateBrush(endtransformed, &thisbrush_end.brush);
1819 model->TraceBrush(model, frameblend, skeleton, trace, &thisbrush_start.brush, &thisbrush_end.brush, hitsupercontentsmask, skipsupercontentsmask, skipmaterialflagsmask);
1820 }
1821 else // this is only approximate if rotated, quite useless
1822 model->TraceBox(model, frameblend, skeleton, trace, starttransformed, mins, maxs, endtransformed, hitsupercontentsmask, skipsupercontentsmask, skipmaterialflagsmask);
1823 }
1824 else // and this requires that the transformation matrix doesn't have angles components, like SV_TraceBox ensures; FIXME may get called if a model is SOLID_BSP but has no TraceBox function
1825 Collision_ClipTrace_Box(trace, bodymins, bodymaxs, starttransformed, mins, maxs, endtransformed, hitsupercontentsmask, skipsupercontentsmask, skipmaterialflagsmask, bodysupercontents, 0, NULL);
1827 Collision_ClipExtendFinish(&extendtraceinfo);
1829 // transform plane
1830 // NOTE: this relies on plane.dist being directly after plane.normal
1831 Matrix4x4_TransformPositivePlane(matrix, trace->plane.normal[0], trace->plane.normal[1], trace->plane.normal[2], trace->plane.dist, trace->plane.normal_and_dist);
1834void Collision_ClipToWorld(trace_t *trace, model_t *model, const vec3_t tstart, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t tend, int hitsupercontentsmask, int skipsupercontentsmask, int skipmaterialflagsmask, float extend)
1836 extendtraceinfo_t extendtraceinfo;
1837 Collision_ClipExtendPrepare(&extendtraceinfo, trace, tstart, tend, extend);
1838 // ->TraceBox: TraceBrush not needed here, as worldmodel is never rotated
1839 if (model && model->TraceBox)
1840 model->TraceBox(model, NULL, NULL, trace, extendtraceinfo.extendstart, mins, maxs, extendtraceinfo.extendend, hitsupercontentsmask, skipsupercontentsmask, skipmaterialflagsmask);
1841 Collision_ClipExtendFinish(&extendtraceinfo);
1844void Collision_ClipLineToGenericEntity(trace_t *trace, model_t *model, const frameblend_t *frameblend, const skeleton_t *skeleton, const vec3_t bodymins, const vec3_t bodymaxs, int bodysupercontents, matrix4x4_t *matrix, matrix4x4_t *inversematrix, const vec3_t tstart, const vec3_t tend, int hitsupercontentsmask, int skipsupercontentsmask, int skipmaterialflagsmask, float extend, qbool hitsurfaces)
1846 vec3_t starttransformed, endtransformed;
1847 extendtraceinfo_t extendtraceinfo;
1848 Collision_ClipExtendPrepare(&extendtraceinfo, trace, tstart, tend, extend);
1850 Matrix4x4_Transform(inversematrix, extendtraceinfo.extendstart, starttransformed);
1851 Matrix4x4_Transform(inversematrix, extendtraceinfo.extendend, endtransformed);
1853 Con_Printf("trans(%f %f %f -> %f %f %f, %f %f %f -> %f %f %f)", extendtraceinfo.extendstart[0], extendtraceinfo.extendstart[1], extendtraceinfo.extendstart[2], starttransformed[0], starttransformed[1], starttransformed[2], extendtraceinfo.extendend[0], extendtraceinfo.extendend[1], extendtraceinfo.extendend[2], endtransformed[0], endtransformed[1], endtransformed[2]);
1856 if (model && model->TraceLineAgainstSurfaces && hitsurfaces)
1857 model->TraceLineAgainstSurfaces(model, frameblend, skeleton, trace, starttransformed, endtransformed, hitsupercontentsmask, skipsupercontentsmask, skipmaterialflagsmask);
1858 else if (model && model->TraceLine)
1859 model->TraceLine(model, frameblend, skeleton, trace, starttransformed, endtransformed, hitsupercontentsmask, skipsupercontentsmask, skipmaterialflagsmask);
1860 else
1861 Collision_ClipTrace_Box(trace, bodymins, bodymaxs, starttransformed, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, endtransformed, hitsupercontentsmask, skipsupercontentsmask, skipmaterialflagsmask, bodysupercontents, 0, NULL);
1863 Collision_ClipExtendFinish(&extendtraceinfo);
1865 // transform plane
1866 // NOTE: this relies on plane.dist being directly after plane.normal
1867 Matrix4x4_TransformPositivePlane(matrix, trace->plane.normal[0], trace->plane.normal[1], trace->plane.normal[2], trace->plane.dist, trace->plane.normal_and_dist);
1870void Collision_ClipLineToWorld(trace_t *trace, model_t *model, const vec3_t tstart, const vec3_t tend, int hitsupercontentsmask, int skipsupercontentsmask, int skipmaterialflagsmask, float extend, qbool hitsurfaces)
1872 extendtraceinfo_t extendtraceinfo;
1873 Collision_ClipExtendPrepare(&extendtraceinfo, trace, tstart, tend, extend);
1875 if (model && model->TraceLineAgainstSurfaces && hitsurfaces)
1876 model->TraceLineAgainstSurfaces(model, NULL, NULL, trace, extendtraceinfo.extendstart, extendtraceinfo.extendend, hitsupercontentsmask, skipsupercontentsmask, skipmaterialflagsmask);
1877 else if (model && model->TraceLine)
1878 model->TraceLine(model, NULL, NULL, trace, extendtraceinfo.extendstart, extendtraceinfo.extendend, hitsupercontentsmask, skipsupercontentsmask, skipmaterialflagsmask);
1880 Collision_ClipExtendFinish(&extendtraceinfo);
1883void Collision_ClipPointToGenericEntity(trace_t *trace, model_t *model, const frameblend_t *frameblend, const skeleton_t *skeleton, const vec3_t bodymins, const vec3_t bodymaxs, int bodysupercontents, matrix4x4_t *matrix, matrix4x4_t *inversematrix, const vec3_t start, int hitsupercontentsmask, int skipsupercontentsmask, int skipmaterialflagsmask)
1885 float starttransformed[3];
1886 memset(trace, 0, sizeof(*trace));
1887 trace->fraction = 1;
1889 Matrix4x4_Transform(inversematrix, start, starttransformed);
1891 Con_Printf("trans(%f %f %f -> %f %f %f)", start[0], start[1], start[2], starttransformed[0], starttransformed[1], starttransformed[2]);
1894 if (model && model->TracePoint)
1895 model->TracePoint(model, NULL, NULL, trace, starttransformed, hitsupercontentsmask, skipsupercontentsmask, skipmaterialflagsmask);
1896 else
1897 Collision_ClipTrace_Point(trace, bodymins, bodymaxs, starttransformed, hitsupercontentsmask, skipsupercontentsmask, skipmaterialflagsmask, bodysupercontents, 0, NULL);
1899 VectorCopy(start, trace->endpos);
1900 // transform plane
1901 // NOTE: this relies on plane.dist being directly after plane.normal
1902 Matrix4x4_TransformPositivePlane(matrix, trace->plane.normal[0], trace->plane.normal[1], trace->plane.normal[2], trace->plane.dist, trace->plane.normal_and_dist);
1905void Collision_ClipPointToWorld(trace_t *trace, model_t *model, const vec3_t start, int hitsupercontentsmask, int skipsupercontentsmask, int skipmaterialflagsmask)
1907 memset(trace, 0, sizeof(*trace));
1908 trace->fraction = 1;
1909 if (model && model->TracePoint)
1910 model->TracePoint(model, NULL, NULL, trace, start, hitsupercontentsmask, skipsupercontentsmask, skipmaterialflagsmask);
1911 VectorCopy(start, trace->endpos);
1914void Collision_CombineTraces(trace_t *cliptrace, const trace_t *trace, void *touch, qbool isbmodel)
1916 // take the 'best' answers from the new trace and combine with existing data
1917 if (trace->allsolid)
1918 cliptrace->allsolid = true;
1919 if (trace->startsolid)
1920 {
1921 if (isbmodel)
1922 cliptrace->bmodelstartsolid = true;
1923 cliptrace->startsolid = true;
1924 if (cliptrace->fraction == 1)
1925 cliptrace->ent = touch;
1926 if (cliptrace->startdepth > trace->startdepth)
1927 {
1928 cliptrace->startdepth = trace->startdepth;
1929 VectorCopy(trace->startdepthnormal, cliptrace->startdepthnormal);
1930 }
1931 }
1932 // don't set this except on the world, because it can easily confuse
1933 // monsters underwater if there's a bmodel involved in the trace
1934 // (inopen && inwater is how they check water visibility)
1935 //if (trace->inopen)
1936 // cliptrace->inopen = true;
1937 if (trace->inwater)
1938 cliptrace->inwater = true;
1939 if ((trace->fraction < cliptrace->fraction) && (VectorLength2(trace->plane.normal) > 0))
1940 {
1941 cliptrace->fraction = trace->fraction;
1942 VectorCopy(trace->endpos, cliptrace->endpos);
1943 cliptrace->plane = trace->plane;
1944 cliptrace->ent = touch;
1945 cliptrace->hitsupercontents = trace->hitsupercontents;
1946 cliptrace->hitq3surfaceflags = trace->hitq3surfaceflags;
1947 cliptrace->hittexture = trace->hittexture;
1948 }
1949 cliptrace->startsupercontents |= trace->startsupercontents;
#define CF_SERVER
cvar/command that only the server can change/execute
Definition cmd.h:49
#define CF_CLIENT
cvar/command that only the client can change/execute
Definition cmd.h:48
static void Collision_PrintBrushAsQHull(colbrushf_t *brush, const char *name)
Definition collision.c:53
cvar_t collision_triangle_bevelsides
Definition collision.c:19
void Collision_ClipToWorld(trace_t *trace, model_t *model, const vec3_t tstart, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t tend, int hitsupercontentsmask, int skipsupercontentsmask, int skipmaterialflagsmask, float extend)
Definition collision.c:1834
float Collision_ClipTrace_Line_Sphere(double *linestart, double *lineend, double *sphereorigin, double sphereradius, double *impactpoint, double *impactnormal)
Definition collision.c:1207
void Collision_Init(void)
Definition collision.c:25
Definition collision.c:9
static void Collision_ValidateBrush(colbrushf_t *brush)
Definition collision.c:65
void Collision_TraceLineTriangleFloat(trace_t *trace, const vec3_t linestart, const vec3_t lineend, const float *point0, const float *point1, const float *point2, int supercontents, int q3surfaceflags, const texture_t *texture)
Definition collision.c:1251
qbool Collision_PointInsideBrushFloat(const vec3_t point, const colbrushf_t *brush)
Definition collision.c:910
static void Collision_ClipExtendFinish(extendtraceinfo_t *extendtraceinfo)
Definition collision.c:1762
void Collision_Cache_NewFrame(void)
Definition collision.c:1548
static void Collision_SnapCopyPoints(int numpoints, const colpointf_t *in, colpointf_t *out, float fractionprecision, float invfractionprecision)
Definition collision.c:985
static collision_cachedtrace_t * Collision_Cache_Lookup(model_t *model, const matrix4x4_t *matrix, const matrix4x4_t *inversematrix, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, int hitsupercontentsmask, int skipsupercontentsmask, int skipmaterialflagsmask)
Definition collision.c:1583
static void Collision_TransformBrush(const matrix4x4_t *matrix, colbrushf_t *brush)
Definition collision.c:1411
cvar_t collision_bih_fullrecursion
Definition collision.c:21
void Collision_TraceLineTriangleMeshFloat(trace_t *trace, const vec3_t linestart, const vec3_t lineend, int numtriangles, const int *element3i, const float *vertex3f, int stride, float *bbox6f, int supercontents, int q3surfaceflags, const texture_t *texture, const vec3_t segmentmins, const vec3_t segmentmaxs)
Definition collision.c:1078
void Collision_Cache_Init(mempool_t *mempool)
Definition collision.c:1509
static unsigned char * collision_cachedtrace_arrayused
Definition collision.c:1477
static unsigned int * collision_cachedtrace_arrayfullhashindex
Definition collision.c:1474
static void Collision_Cache_RebuildHash(void)
Definition collision.c:1515
static void Collision_CalcEdgeDirsForPolygonBrushFloat(colbrushf_t *brush)
Definition collision.c:156
mempool_t * collision_mempool
Definition collision.c:23
void Collision_TraceBrushTriangleMeshFloat(trace_t *trace, const colbrushf_t *thisbrush_start, const colbrushf_t *thisbrush_end, int numtriangles, const int *element3i, const float *vertex3f, int stride, float *bbox6f, int supercontents, int q3surfaceflags, const texture_t *texture, const vec3_t segmentmins, const vec3_t segmentmaxs)
Definition collision.c:996
static unsigned int Collision_Cache_HashIndexForArray(unsigned int *array, unsigned int size)
Definition collision.c:1573
colbrushf_t * Collision_NewBrushFromPlanes(mempool_t *mempool, int numoriginalplanes, const colplanef_t *originalplanes, int supercontents, int q3surfaceflags, const texture_t *texture, int hasaabbplanes)
Definition collision.c:163
void Collision_ClipLineToWorld(trace_t *trace, model_t *model, const vec3_t tstart, const vec3_t tend, int hitsupercontentsmask, int skipsupercontentsmask, int skipmaterialflagsmask, float extend, qbool hitsurfaces)
Definition collision.c:1870
void Collision_CombineTraces(trace_t *cliptrace, const trace_t *trace, void *touch, qbool isbmodel)
Definition collision.c:1914
static void Collision_TranslateBrush(const vec3_t shift, colbrushf_t *brush)
Definition collision.c:1395
static int collision_cachedtrace_max
Definition collision.c:1470
Definition collision.c:7
void Collision_Cache_Reset(qbool resetlimits)
Definition collision.c:1480
void Collision_ClipLineToGenericEntity(trace_t *trace, model_t *model, const frameblend_t *frameblend, const skeleton_t *skeleton, const vec3_t bodymins, const vec3_t bodymaxs, int bodysupercontents, matrix4x4_t *matrix, matrix4x4_t *inversematrix, const vec3_t tstart, const vec3_t tend, int hitsupercontentsmask, int skipsupercontentsmask, int skipmaterialflagsmask, float extend, qbool hitsurfaces)
Definition collision.c:1844
static qbool collision_cachedtrace_rebuildhash
Definition collision.c:1478
static mempool_t * collision_cachedtrace_mempool
Definition collision.c:1466
cvar_t collision_triangle_axialsides
Definition collision.c:20
Definition collision.c:11
static int collision_cachedtrace_lastused
Definition collision.c:1469
void Collision_ClipToGenericEntity(trace_t *trace, model_t *model, const frameblend_t *frameblend, const skeleton_t *skeleton, const vec3_t bodymins, const vec3_t bodymaxs, int bodysupercontents, matrix4x4_t *matrix, matrix4x4_t *inversematrix, const vec3_t tstart, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t tend, int hitsupercontentsmask, int skipsupercontentsmask, int skipmaterialflagsmask, float extend)
Definition collision.c:1791
cvar_t collision_cache
Definition collision.c:18
void Collision_TracePointBrushFloat(trace_t *trace, const vec3_t linestart, const colbrushf_t *other_start)
Definition collision.c:923
static unsigned int * collision_cachedtrace_arrayhashindex
Definition collision.c:1475
void Collision_TraceBrushTriangleFloat(trace_t *trace, const colbrushf_t *thisbrush_start, const colbrushf_t *thisbrush_end, const float *v0, const float *v1, const float *v2, int supercontents, int q3surfaceflags, const texture_t *texture)
Definition collision.c:1107
static int collision_cachedtrace_firstfree
Definition collision.c:1468
void Collision_Cache_ClipLineToWorldSurfaces(trace_t *trace, model_t *model, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, int hitsupercontentsmask, int skipsupercontentsmask, int skipmaterialflagsmask)
Definition collision.c:1705
static void Collision_ClipExtendPrepare(extendtraceinfo_t *extendtraceinfo, trace_t *trace, const vec3_t tstart, const vec3_t tend, float textend)
Definition collision.c:1735
void Collision_BoundingBoxOfBrushTraceSegment(const colbrushf_t *start, const colbrushf_t *end, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, float startfrac, float endfrac)
Definition collision.c:1367
void Collision_BrushForBox(colboxbrushf_t *boxbrush, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, int supercontents, int q3surfaceflags, const texture_t *texture)
Definition collision.c:1141
void Collision_TraceBrushBrushFloat(trace_t *trace, const colbrushf_t *trace_start, const colbrushf_t *trace_end, const colbrushf_t *other_start, const colbrushf_t *other_end)
Definition collision.c:559
static collision_cachedtrace_t * collision_cachedtrace_array
Definition collision.c:1467
static unsigned int * collision_cachedtrace_arraynext
Definition collision.c:1476
cvar_t collision_extendmovelength
Definition collision.c:14
cvar_t collision_debug_tracelineasbox
Definition collision.c:17
cvar_t collision_extendtracelinelength
Definition collision.c:16
Definition collision.c:10
static unsigned char collision_cachedtrace_sequence
Definition collision.c:1471
void Collision_TraceLineBrushFloat(trace_t *trace, const vec3_t linestart, const vec3_t lineend, const colbrushf_t *other_start, const colbrushf_t *other_end)
Definition collision.c:760
void Collision_CalcPlanesForTriangleBrushFloat(colbrushf_t *brush)
Definition collision.c:451
static float nearestplanedist_float(const float *normal, const colpointf_t *points, int numpoints)
Definition collision.c:124
static int * collision_cachedtrace_hash
Definition collision.c:1473
void Collision_Cache_ClipLineToGenericEntitySurfaces(trace_t *trace, model_t *model, matrix4x4_t *matrix, matrix4x4_t *inversematrix, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, int hitsupercontentsmask, int skipsupercontentsmask, int skipmaterialflagsmask)
Definition collision.c:1691
cvar_t collision_impactnudge
Definition collision.c:13
static float furthestplanedist_float(const float *normal, const colpointf_t *points, int numpoints)
Definition collision.c:140
Definition collision.c:6
void Collision_ClipPointToWorld(trace_t *trace, model_t *model, const vec3_t start, int hitsupercontentsmask, int skipsupercontentsmask, int skipmaterialflagsmask)
Definition collision.c:1905
cvar_t collision_extendtraceboxlength
Definition collision.c:15
static int collision_cachedtrace_hashsize
Definition collision.c:1472
Definition collision.c:8
void Collision_ClipPointToGenericEntity(trace_t *trace, model_t *model, const frameblend_t *frameblend, const skeleton_t *skeleton, const vec3_t bodymins, const vec3_t bodymaxs, int bodysupercontents, matrix4x4_t *matrix, matrix4x4_t *inversematrix, const vec3_t start, int hitsupercontentsmask, int skipsupercontentsmask, int skipmaterialflagsmask)
Definition collision.c:1883
void Collision_ClipTrace_Point(trace_t *trace, const vec3_t cmins, const vec3_t cmaxs, const vec3_t start, int hitsupercontentsmask, int skipsupercontentsmask, int skipmaterialflagsmask, int boxsupercontents, int boxq3surfaceflags, const texture_t *boxtexture)
void Collision_ClipTrace_Box(trace_t *trace, const vec3_t cmins, const vec3_t cmaxs, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, int hitsupercontentsmask, int skipsupercontentsmask, int skipmaterialflagsmask, int boxsupercontents, int boxq3surfaceflags, const texture_t *boxtexture)
void Con_Print(const char *msg)
Prints to all appropriate console targets, and adds timestamps.
Definition console.c:1504
void Con_DPrintf(const char *fmt,...)
A Con_Printf that only shows up if the "developer" cvar is set.
Definition console.c:1544
void Con_Printf(const char *fmt,...)
Prints to all appropriate console targets.
Definition console.c:1514
void Con_DPrint(const char *msg)
A Con_Print that only shows up if the "developer" cvar is set.
Definition console.c:1531
vector size
vector mins
vector maxs
string model
void Cvar_RegisterVariable(cvar_t *variable)
registers a cvar that already has the name, string, and optionally the archive elements set.
Definition cvar.c:599
float scale
#define n(x, y)
static int(ZEXPORT *qz_inflate)(z_stream *strm
r_refdef_t r_refdef
Definition gl_rmain.c:57
GLenum GLenum GLuint texture
Definition glquake.h:613
GLenum GLenum GLint * params
Definition glquake.h:620
GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat v2
Definition glquake.h:747
GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte w
Definition glquake.h:782
const GLdouble * v
Definition glquake.h:762
GLint GLenum GLboolean GLsizei stride
Definition glquake.h:797
GLfloat v0
Definition glquake.h:739
GLfloat GLfloat v1
Definition glquake.h:743
const GLchar * name
Definition glquake.h:601
GLuint index
Definition glquake.h:629
cvar_t developer_extra
Definition host.c:49
vec3_t vec3_origin
Definition mathlib.c:26
#define VectorLerp(v1, lerp, v2, out)
Definition mathlib.h:120
#define max(A, B)
Definition mathlib.h:38
#define VectorNegate(a, b)
Definition mathlib.h:95
#define min(A, B)
Definition mathlib.h:37
#define BoxesOverlap(a, b, c, d)
Definition mathlib.h:122
#define VectorNormalize(v)
Definition mathlib.h:104
#define VectorClear(a)
Definition mathlib.h:97
#define bound(min, num, max)
Definition mathlib.h:34
#define VectorLength(a)
Definition mathlib.h:109
#define VectorLength2(a)
Definition mathlib.h:110
#define Vector4Clear(a)
Definition mathlib.h:82
#define VectorSet(vec, x, y, z)
Definition mathlib.h:96
#define VectorDistance2(a, b)
Definition mathlib.h:107
#define VectorSubtract(a, b, out)
Definition mathlib.h:99
#define CrossProduct(a, b, out)
Definition mathlib.h:103
#define VectorCompare(a, b)
Definition mathlib.h:113
#define TriangleNormal(a, b, c, n)
Definition mathlib.h:126
#define DotProduct(a, b)
Definition mathlib.h:98
#define VectorCopy(in, out)
Definition mathlib.h:101
#define VectorScale(in, scale, out)
Definition mathlib.h:111
#define VectorAdd(a, b, out)
Definition mathlib.h:100
#define VectorMA(a, scale, b, out)
Definition mathlib.h:114
#define TriangleBBoxOverlapsBox(a, b, c, d, e)
Definition mathlib.h:124
void Matrix4x4_TransformPositivePlane(const matrix4x4_t *in, float x, float y, float z, float d, float *o)
Definition matrixlib.c:1699
void Matrix4x4_Transform(const matrix4x4_t *in, const float v[3], float out[3])
Definition matrixlib.c:1657
const matrix4x4_t identitymatrix
Definition matrixlib.c:9
float sqrt(float f)
float fabs(float f)
float floor(float f)
void PolygonD_QuadForPlane(double *outpoints, double planenormalx, double planenormaly, double planenormalz, double planedist, double quadsize)
Definition polygon.c:54
void PolygonD_Divide(int innumpoints, const double *inpoints, double planenormalx, double planenormaly, double planenormalz, double planedist, double epsilon, int outfrontmaxpoints, double *outfrontpoints, int *neededfrontpoints, int outbackmaxpoints, double *outbackpoints, int *neededbackpoints, int *oncountpointer)
Definition polygon.c:245
int i
#define NULL
Definition qtypes.h:12
float vec_t
Definition qtypes.h:68
vec_t vec3_t[3]
Definition qtypes.h:71
bool qbool
Definition qtypes.h:9
vec_t vec4_t[4]
Definition qtypes.h:72
@ r_stat_photoncache_traced
Definition r_stats.h:41
@ r_stat_photoncache_cached
Definition r_stats.h:40
vec2 dir
float f
vec3 normal
colbrushf_t brush
Definition collision.h:139
colplanef_t planes[6]
Definition collision.h:138
colpointf_t edgedirs[6]
Definition collision.h:137
colpointf_t points[8]
Definition collision.h:136
colpointf_t * edgedirs
Definition collision.h:118
int hasaabbplanes
Definition collision.h:130
vec3_t mins
Definition collision.h:107
int numtriangles
Definition collision.h:123
int q3surfaceflags
Definition collision.h:127
int * elements
Definition collision.h:124
const struct texture_s * texture
Definition collision.h:126
colpointf_t * points
Definition collision.h:121
colplanef_t * planes
Definition collision.h:115
int numedgedirs
Definition collision.h:117
int supercontents
Definition collision.h:112
vec3_t maxs
Definition collision.h:108
collision_cachedtrace_parameters_t p
Definition collision.c:1461
vec4_t normal_and_dist
Definition collision.h:99
vec3_t normal
Definition collision.h:96
int q3surfaceflags
Definition collision.h:91
vec_t dist
Definition collision.h:97
const struct texture_s * texture
Definition collision.h:90
vec3_t v
Definition collision.h:84
Definition cvar.h:66
float value
Definition cvar.h:74
int integer
Definition cvar.h:73
float extenddelta[3]
Definition collision.c:1727
float extendstart[3]
Definition collision.c:1725
vec_t m[4][4]
Definition matrixlib.h:11
int stats[r_stat_count]
Definition render.h:466
int currentmaterialflags
void * ent
Definition collision.h:47
const struct texture_s * hittexture
Definition collision.h:62
qbool bmodelstartsolid
Definition collision.h:30
double startdepthnormal[3]
Definition collision.h:69
int hitsupercontentsmask
Definition collision.h:50
double fraction
Definition collision.h:40
int hitq3surfaceflags
Definition collision.h:60
const struct texture_s * starttexture
Definition collision.h:70
double endpos[3]
Definition collision.h:42
int startsupercontents
Definition collision.h:56
qbool allsolid
Definition collision.h:24
int skipsupercontentsmask
Definition collision.h:52
plane_t plane
Definition collision.h:44
qbool startsolid
Definition collision.h:26
int hitsupercontents
Definition collision.h:58
int skipmaterialflagsmask
Definition collision.h:54
qbool inwater
Definition collision.h:36
double startdepth
Definition collision.h:68
vec4_t normal_and_dist
Definition collision.h:16
vec_t dist
Definition collision.h:14
vec3_t normal
Definition collision.h:13
#define Mem_Free(mem)
Definition zone.h:96
#define Mem_Alloc(pool, size)
Definition zone.h:92
#define Mem_AllocPool(name, flags, parent)
Definition zone.h:104