cvar cannot be changed from the console or the command buffer, and is considered CF_PERSISTENT
#define CF_CLIENT
cvar/command that only the client can change/execute
#define CF_ARCHIVE
cvar should have its set value saved to config.cfg and persist across sessions
GLsizei const GLfloat * value
void S_Update(const matrix4x4_t *matrix)
void SndSys_SendKeyEvents(void)
if the sound system can generate events, send them
void S_StaticSound(sfx_t *sfx, vec3_t origin, float fvol, float attenuation)
void S_SetChannelVolume(unsigned int ch_ind, float fvol)
void S_StopAllSounds(void)
int S_StartSound(int entnum, int entchannel, sfx_t *sfx, vec3_t origin, float fvol, float attenuation)
S_StartSound returns the channel index, or -1 if an error occurred.
qbool S_LocalSoundEx(const char *s, int chan, float fvol)
float S_GetChannelPosition(unsigned int ch_ind)
void S_StopChannel(unsigned int channel_ind, qbool lockmutex, qbool freesfx)
void S_PauseGameSounds(qbool toggle)
sfx_t * S_FindName(const char *name)
sfx_t * S_PrecacheSound(const char *sample, qbool complain, qbool levelsound)
float S_SoundLength(const char *name)
qbool S_SetChannelFlag(unsigned int ch_ind, unsigned int flag, qbool value)
int S_GetSoundChannels(void)
float S_GetEntChannelPosition(int entnum, int entchannel)
qbool S_IsSoundPrecached(const sfx_t *sfx)
void S_UnloadAllSounds_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
void S_StopSound(int entnum, int entchannel)
int S_StartSound_StartPosition_Flags(int entnum, int entchannel, sfx_t *sfx, vec3_t origin, float fvol, float attenuation, float startposition, int flags, float fspeed)
qbool S_LocalSound(const char *s)
command interpreter state - the tokenizing and execution of commands, as well as pointers to which cv...