Game engine based on the Quake 1 engine by id Software, developed by LadyHavoc
client_t Struct Reference

#include <server.h>

+ Collaboration diagram for client_t:

Data Fields

qbool active
 false = empty client slot
qbool begun
 false = don't send datagrams
int clientcamera
 clientcamera (entity to use as camera)
qbool clientconnectcalled
 false = don't do ClientDisconnect on drop
double clmovement_disabletimeout
 this is used by sv_clmovement_minping code
float clmovement_inputtimeout
 this is used by sv_clmovement_inputtimeout code
usercmd_t cmd
int colors
double connecttime
 realtime this client connected
int csqcentityframe_lastreset
csqcentityframedb_t csqcentityframehistory [NUM_CSQCENTITYDB_FRAMES]
int csqcentityframehistory_next
unsigned char csqcentityscope [MAX_EDICTS]
unsigned int csqcentitysendflags [MAX_EDICTS]
int csqcnumedicts
qbool download_deflate
int download_expectedposition
 next position the client should ack
qfile_t * download_file
char download_name [MAX_QPATH]
qbool download_started
vec3_t fixangle_angles
qbool fixangle_angles_set
int frags
double keepalivetime
 keepalive messages must be sent periodically during signon
unsigned int lastmovesequence
int latestframenum
 latest received clc_ackframe (used to detect packet loss)
signed char movement_count [NETGRAPH_PACKETS]
unsigned int movement_highestsequence_seen
unsigned int movesequence
float nametime
 prevent animated names
char netaddress [MAX_QPATH]
 netaddress support
 communications handle
int num_skippedentityframes
int old_colors
int old_frags
char old_model [MAX_QPATH]
char old_name [MAX_SCOREBOARDNAME]
char old_skin [MAX_QPATH]
float ping
 LadyHavoc: can be used for prediction or whatever...
char playermodel [MAX_QPATH]
char playerskin [MAX_QPATH]
qbool prespawned
 false = don't allow spawn
int rate
 requested rate in bytes per second
int rate_burstsize
 temporarily exceed rate by this amount of bytes
int sendsignon
 1 = send svc_serverinfo and advance to 2, 2 doesn't send, then advances to 0 (allowing unlimited sending) when prespawn is received
prvm_vec_t spawn_parms [NUM_SPAWN_PARMS]
 spawn parms are carried from level to level
qbool spawned
 false = don't allow begin
int stats [MAX_CL_STATS]
unsigned char statsdeltabits [(MAX_CL_STATS+7)/8]
qfile_t * sv_demo_file
 demo recording
sizebuf_t unreliablemsg
unsigned char unreliablemsg_data [NET_MAXMESSAGE]
int unreliablemsg_splitpoint [NET_MAXMESSAGE/16]
int unreliablemsg_splitpoints
float visibletime [MAX_EDICTS]
 visibility state
char weaponmodel [MAX_QPATH]
 cache weaponmodel name lookups
int weaponmodelindex
vec3_t wishdir
 intended motion calced from cmd

Detailed Description

Definition at line 182 of file server.h.

Field Documentation

◆ active

◆ begun

◆ clientcamera

int client_t::clientcamera

clientcamera (entity to use as camera)

Definition at line 270 of file server.h.

Referenced by SV_SendServerinfo(), SV_UpdateToReliableMessages(), and SV_WriteEntitiesToClient().

◆ clientconnectcalled

qbool client_t::clientconnectcalled

false = don't do ClientDisconnect on drop

Definition at line 187 of file server.h.

Referenced by SV_DropClient(), SV_Spawn_f(), SV_SpawnServer(), and SV_UpdateToReliableMessages().

◆ clmovement_disabletimeout

double client_t::clmovement_disabletimeout

this is used by sv_clmovement_minping code

Definition at line 227 of file server.h.

Referenced by SV_ExecuteClientMoves().

◆ clmovement_inputtimeout

float client_t::clmovement_inputtimeout

this is used by sv_clmovement_inputtimeout code

Definition at line 229 of file server.h.

Referenced by SV_ExecuteClientMoves(), SV_Physics_ClientEntity(), SV_Physics_ClientEntity_PostThink(), and SV_Physics_ClientEntity_PreThink().

◆ cmd

◆ colors

◆ connecttime

double client_t::connecttime

realtime this client connected

Definition at line 204 of file server.h.

Referenced by NetConn_ServerParsePacket(), SV_ConnectClient(), and SV_Status_f().

◆ csqcentityframe_lastreset

int client_t::csqcentityframe_lastreset

Definition at line 257 of file server.h.

Referenced by EntityFrameCSQC_LostFrame(), and EntityFrameCSQC_WriteFrame().

◆ csqcentityframehistory

◆ csqcentityframehistory_next

int client_t::csqcentityframehistory_next

◆ csqcentityscope

unsigned char client_t::csqcentityscope[MAX_EDICTS]

◆ csqcentitysendflags

unsigned int client_t::csqcentitysendflags[MAX_EDICTS]

◆ csqcnumedicts

int client_t::csqcnumedicts

◆ download_deflate

qbool client_t::download_deflate

Definition at line 290 of file server.h.

Referenced by Download_CheckExtensions(), and SV_Download_f().

◆ download_expectedposition

int client_t::download_expectedposition

next position the client should ack

Definition at line 287 of file server.h.

Referenced by SV_Download_f(), SV_DropClient(), and SV_ReadClientMessage().

◆ download_file

qfile_t* client_t::download_file

◆ download_name

char client_t::download_name[MAX_QPATH]

Definition at line 289 of file server.h.

Referenced by SV_Download_f(), SV_DropClient(), and SV_ReadClientMessage().

◆ download_started

qbool client_t::download_started

◆ edict

◆ entitydatabase

entityframe_database_t* client_t::entitydatabase

Definition at line 272 of file server.h.

Referenced by SV_DropClient(), SV_FrameAck(), SV_SendServerinfo(), and SV_WriteEntitiesToClient().

◆ entitydatabase4

entityframe4_database_t* client_t::entitydatabase4

Definition at line 273 of file server.h.

Referenced by SV_DropClient(), SV_FrameAck(), SV_SendServerinfo(), and SV_WriteEntitiesToClient().

◆ entitydatabase5

entityframe5_database_t* client_t::entitydatabase5

◆ fixangle_angles

vec3_t client_t::fixangle_angles

◆ fixangle_angles_set

qbool client_t::fixangle_angles_set

◆ frags

◆ keepalivetime

double client_t::keepalivetime

keepalive messages must be sent periodically during signon

Definition at line 207 of file server.h.

Referenced by SV_SendClientDatagram().

◆ lastmovesequence

unsigned int client_t::lastmovesequence

Definition at line 305 of file server.h.

Referenced by SV_WriteEntitiesToClient().

◆ latestframenum

int client_t::latestframenum

latest received clc_ackframe (used to detect packet loss)

Definition at line 263 of file server.h.

Referenced by SV_ReadClientMessage(), and SV_SendServerinfo().

◆ movement_count

signed char client_t::movement_count[NETGRAPH_PACKETS]

◆ movement_highestsequence_seen

unsigned int client_t::movement_highestsequence_seen

Definition at line 214 of file server.h.

Referenced by SV_ReadClientMove(), and SV_SendServerinfo().

◆ movesequence

unsigned int client_t::movesequence

Definition at line 212 of file server.h.

Referenced by SV_ExecuteClientMoves(), SV_SendServerinfo(), and SV_WriteEntitiesToClient().

◆ name

◆ nametime

float client_t::nametime

prevent animated names

Definition at line 260 of file server.h.

Referenced by SV_Name_f(), SV_PreSpawn_f(), and SV_Spawn_f().

◆ netaddress

char client_t::netaddress[MAX_QPATH]

netaddress support

Definition at line 242 of file server.h.

Referenced by SV_StartDemoRecording(), and SV_StopDemoRecording().

◆ netconnection

◆ num_skippedentityframes

int client_t::num_skippedentityframes

Definition at line 301 of file server.h.

Referenced by SV_WriteEntitiesToClient().

◆ old_colors

int client_t::old_colors

Definition at line 236 of file server.h.

Referenced by SV_Color_f(), SV_UpdateToReliableMessages(), and VM_SV_setcolor().

◆ old_frags

int client_t::old_frags

Definition at line 237 of file server.h.

Referenced by SV_UpdateToReliableMessages().

◆ old_model

char client_t::old_model[MAX_QPATH]

Definition at line 238 of file server.h.

Referenced by SV_Playermodel_f().

◆ old_name

char client_t::old_name[MAX_SCOREBOARDNAME]

Definition at line 235 of file server.h.

Referenced by SV_ConnectClient(), and SV_Name().

◆ old_skin

char client_t::old_skin[MAX_QPATH]

Definition at line 239 of file server.h.

Referenced by SV_Playerskin_f().

◆ ping

float client_t::ping

LadyHavoc: can be used for prediction or whatever...

Definition at line 224 of file server.h.

Referenced by NetConn_BuildStatusResponse(), SV_ApplyClientMove(), SV_ExecuteClientMoves(), SV_Ping_f(), SV_SendServerinfo(), SV_Status_f(), and SV_WriteEntitiesToClient().

◆ playermodel

char client_t::playermodel[MAX_QPATH]

Definition at line 238 of file server.h.

Referenced by SV_Playermodel_f(), and SV_UpdateToReliableMessages().

◆ playerskin

char client_t::playerskin[MAX_QPATH]

Definition at line 239 of file server.h.

Referenced by SV_Playerskin_f(), and SV_UpdateToReliableMessages().

◆ prespawned

qbool client_t::prespawned

false = don't allow spawn

Definition at line 189 of file server.h.

Referenced by SV_ConnectClient(), SV_PreSpawn_f(), SV_SendServerinfo(), and SV_Spawn_f().

◆ rate

int client_t::rate

requested rate in bytes per second

Definition at line 198 of file server.h.

Referenced by SV_ConnectClient(), SV_Rate_f(), and SV_SendClientDatagram().

◆ rate_burstsize

int client_t::rate_burstsize

temporarily exceed rate by this amount of bytes

Definition at line 201 of file server.h.

Referenced by SV_Rate_BurstSize_f(), and SV_SendClientDatagram().

◆ sendsignon

int client_t::sendsignon

1 = send svc_serverinfo and advance to 2, 2 doesn't send, then advances to 0 (allowing unlimited sending) when prespawn is received

Definition at line 195 of file server.h.

Referenced by SV_Download_f(), SV_PreSpawn_f(), SV_ReadClientMessage(), SV_SendClientDatagram(), and SV_SendServerinfo().

◆ spawn_parms

prvm_vec_t client_t::spawn_parms[NUM_SPAWN_PARMS]

spawn parms are carried from level to level

Definition at line 232 of file server.h.

Referenced by SV_ConnectClient(), SV_SaveSpawnparms(), SV_Spawn_f(), SV_SpawnServer(), and VM_SV_setspawnparms().

◆ spawned

qbool client_t::spawned

false = don't allow begin

Definition at line 191 of file server.h.

Referenced by SV_Begin_f(), SV_ConnectClient(), SV_SendServerinfo(), and SV_Spawn_f().

◆ stats

◆ statsdeltabits

unsigned char client_t::statsdeltabits[(MAX_CL_STATS+7)/8]

◆ sv_demo_file

qfile_t* client_t::sv_demo_file

◆ unreliablemsg

sizebuf_t client_t::unreliablemsg

◆ unreliablemsg_data

unsigned char client_t::unreliablemsg_data[NET_MAXMESSAGE]

Definition at line 280 of file server.h.

Referenced by SV_ConnectClient().

◆ unreliablemsg_splitpoint

int client_t::unreliablemsg_splitpoint[NET_MAXMESSAGE/16]

Definition at line 283 of file server.h.

Referenced by SV_FlushBroadcastMessages(), and SV_WriteUnreliableMessages().

◆ unreliablemsg_splitpoints

int client_t::unreliablemsg_splitpoints

Definition at line 282 of file server.h.

Referenced by SV_FlushBroadcastMessages(), and SV_WriteUnreliableMessages().

◆ visibletime

float client_t::visibletime[MAX_EDICTS]

visibility state

Definition at line 245 of file server.h.

◆ weaponmodel

char client_t::weaponmodel[MAX_QPATH]

cache weaponmodel name lookups

Definition at line 266 of file server.h.

Referenced by SV_SendServerinfo(), and SV_WriteClientdataToMessage().

◆ weaponmodelindex

int client_t::weaponmodelindex

Definition at line 267 of file server.h.

Referenced by SV_SendServerinfo(), and SV_WriteClientdataToMessage().

◆ wishdir

vec3_t client_t::wishdir

intended motion calced from cmd

Definition at line 218 of file server.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: