29#define ENGINE_ICON ( (gamemode == GAME_NEXUIZ) ? nexuiz_xpm : darkplaces_xpm )
35typedef enum renderpath_e
42typedef struct viddef_support_s
55typedef struct viddef_mode_s
69typedef struct viddef_s
101#define MAXJOYBUTTON 36
102typedef struct vid_joystate_s
157extern cvar_t vid_ignore_taskbar;
GLenum GLsizei GLsizei height
GLenum GLenum GLsizei count
qbool is360
indicates this joystick is a Microsoft Xbox 360 Controller For Windows
qbool desktopfullscreen
whether the display hardware mode can be changed
qbool ext_texture_filter_anisotropic
qbool amd_texture_texture4
qbool ext_texture_compression_s3tc
int glversion
this is at least 32
int glshaderversion
this is at least 150 (GL 3.2)
unsigned int maxtexturesize_2d
qbool sRGB3D
whether 3D rendering is sRGB corrected (based on sRGBcapable3D)
int forcetextype
always use GL_BGRA for D3D, always use GL_RGBA for GLES, etc
unsigned int maxtexturesize_3d
unsigned int maxtexturesize_cubemap
qbool sRGB2D
whether 2D rendering is sRGB corrected (based on sRGBcapable2D)
qbool sRGBcapable3D
whether 3D rendering can be sRGB corrected (renderpath)
unsigned int max_anisotropy
viddef_mode_t mode
currently active video mode
qbool allowalphatocoverage
indicates the GL_AlphaToCoverage function works on this renderpath and framebuffer
unsigned int maxdrawbuffers
qbool sRGBcapable2D
whether 2D rendering can be sRGB corrected (renderpath)
qbool GL_ExtensionSupported(const char *name)
const char * gl_vendor
brand of graphics chip
void VID_EnableJoystick(qbool enable)
cvar_t vid_minimize_on_focus_loss
void VID_Shared_Init(void)
void VID_Shared_BuildJoyState_Finish(vid_joystate_t *joystate)
qbool VID_HasScreenKeyboardSupport(void)
cvar_t gl_info_extensions
qbool vid_gammatables_trivial
this is set to true if all color control values are at default setting, and it therefore would make n...
void VID_ApplyGammaToColor(const float *rgb, float *out)
applies current gamma settings to a color (0-1 range)
float VID_JoyState_GetAxis(const vid_joystate_t *joystate, int axis, float sensitivity, float deadzone)
qbool vid_supportrefreshrate
cvar_t vid_touchscreen_ydpi
int VID_SetMode(int modenum)
sets the mode; only used by the Quake engine for resetting to mode 0 (the base mode) on memory alloca...
unsigned int vid_gammatables_serial
so other subsystems can poll if gamma parameters have changed; this starts with 0 and gets increased ...
size_t VID_ListModes(vid_mode_t *modes, size_t maxcount)
qbool VID_JoyBlockEmulatedKeys(int keycode)
void GL_InitFunctions(void)
cvar_t vid_info_displaycount
vid_joystate_t vid_joystate
cvar_t vid_touchscreen_xdpi
void VID_Init(void)
Called at startup.
cvar_t vid_touchscreen_density
vid_mode_t VID_GetDesktopMode(void)
cvar_t vid_touchscreen_showkeyboard
const char * gl_version
begins with 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.2.0, 1.2.1, 1.3.0, 1.3.1, or 1.4.0
qbool VID_InitMode(const viddef_mode_t *mode)
allocates and opens an appropriate OpenGL context (and its window)
void * GL_GetProcAddress(const char *name)
qbool VID_ShowingKeyboard(void)
cvar_t vid_mouse_clickthrough
void VID_Shutdown(void)
Called at shutdown.
const char * gl_renderer
graphics chip model and other information
void VID_ApplyJoyState(vid_joystate_t *joystate)
viddef_t vid
global video state
qbool GL_CheckExtension(const char *name, const char *disableparm, int silent)
void VID_UpdateGamma(void)
updates cachegamma variables and bumps vid_gammatables_serial if anything changed (ONLY to be called ...
void VID_Shared_BuildJoyState_Begin(vid_joystate_t *joystate)
void VID_ClearExtensions(void)
cvar_t vid_desktopfullscreen
void VID_Soft_SharedSetup(void)
void VID_BuildGammaTables(unsigned short *ramps, int rampsize)
builds the current gamma tables into an array (needs 3*rampsize items)
size_t VID_SortModes(vid_mode_t *modes, size_t count, qbool usebpp, qbool userefreshrate, qbool useaspect)
void VID_ShowKeyboard(qbool show)
cvar_t vid_touchscreen_supportshowkeyboard
void VID_Restart_f(struct cmd_state_s *cmd)
void VID_BuildJoyState(vid_joystate_t *joystate)
int VID_Shared_SetJoystick(int index)