36 unsigned int factor, RequestedFrames, MaxFrames, FrameCount;
37 unsigned int StartOffset, EndOffset;
40 if ((
unsigned int)len % factor != 0)
41 Sys_Error(
"SDL sound: invalid buffer length passed to Buffer_Callback (%d bytes)\n", len);
43 RequestedFrames = (
unsigned int)len / factor;
55 if (MaxFrames > RequestedFrames)
56 FrameCount = RequestedFrames;
58 FrameCount = MaxFrames;
63 else if (StartOffset > EndOffset)
65 unsigned int PartialLength1, PartialLength2;
70 PartialLength2 = FrameCount * factor - PartialLength1;
75 memset(&stream[PartialLength1 + PartialLength2],
width == 1 ? 0x80 : 0, len - (PartialLength1 + PartialLength2));
89 Con_DPrintf(
"SDL sound: %u sample frames missing\n", RequestedFrames - FrameCount);
105 unsigned int buffersize;
106 SDL_AudioSpec wantspec;
107 SDL_AudioSpec obtainspec;
111 Con_DPrint (
"SndSys_Init: using the SDL module\n");
114 if( SDL_InitSubSystem( SDL_INIT_AUDIO ) ) {
115 Con_Print(
"Initializing the SDL Audio subsystem failed!\n" );
123 memset(&wantspec, 0,
125 wantspec.userdata =
126 wantspec.freq = fmt->
127 wantspec.format = fmt->
width == 1 ? AUDIO_U8 : (fmt->
width == 2 ? AUDIO_S16SYS : AUDIO_F32);
136 wantspec.channels, wantspec.format, wantspec.freq, wantspec.samples);
138 if ((
audio_device = SDL_OpenAudioDevice(
149 obtainspec.channels, obtainspec.format, obtainspec.freq, obtainspec.samples);
151 fmt->
speed = obtainspec.freq;
152 fmt->
channels = obtainspec.channels;
void Con_Print(const char *msg)
Prints to all appropriate console targets, and adds timestamps.
void Con_DPrintf(const char *fmt,...)
A Con_Printf that only shows up if the "developer" cvar is set.
void Con_Printf(const char *fmt,...)
Prints to all appropriate console targets.
void Con_DPrint(const char *msg)
A Con_Print that only shows up if the "developer" cvar is set.
void Cvar_SetValueQuick(cvar_t *var, float value)
static int(ZEXPORT *qz_inflate)(z_stream *strm
unsigned int CeilPowerOf2(unsigned int value)
returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to "value", or 0 if "value" is too big
#define bound(min, num, max)
qbool snd_threaded
enables use of snd_usethreadedmixing, provided that no sound hacks are in effect (like timedemo)
bool snd_blocked
When true, we submit silence to the audio device.
snd_ringbuffer_t * snd_renderbuffer
qbool snd_usethreadedmixing
if true, the main thread does not mix sound, soundtime does not advance, and neither does snd_renderb...
snd_ringbuffer_t * Snd_CreateRingBuffer(const snd_format_t *format, unsigned int sampleframes, void *buffer)
If "buffer" is NULL, the function allocates one buffer of "sampleframes" sample frames itself (if "sa...
void S_MixToBuffer(void *stream, unsigned int frames)
void SndSys_Submit(void)
Submit the contents of "snd_renderbuffer" to the sound card.
void SndSys_SendKeyEvents(void)
if the sound system can generate events, send them
qbool SndSys_Init(snd_format_t *fmt)
Create "snd_renderbuffer", attempting to use the chosen sound format, but accepting if the driver wan...
static unsigned int sdlaudiotime
static void Buffer_Callback(void *userdata, Uint8 *stream, int len)
unsigned int SndSys_GetSoundTime(void)
Returns the number of sample frames consumed since the sound started.
void SndSys_Shutdown(void)
Stop the sound card, delete "snd_renderbuffer" and free its other resources.
qbool SndSys_LockRenderBuffer(void)
Get the exclusive lock on "snd_renderbuffer".
void SndSys_UnlockRenderBuffer(void)
Release the exclusive lock on "snd_renderbuffer".
unsigned int startframe
index of the first frame in the buffer if startframe == endframe, the bufffer is empty
unsigned int maxframes
max size (buffer size), in sample frames
unsigned int endframe
index of the first EMPTY frame in the "ring" buffer may be smaller than startframe if the "ring" buff...
void Sys_Error(const char *error,...) DP_FUNC_PRINTF(1) DP_FUNC_NORETURN
Causes the entire program to exit ASAP.