![]() |
Game engine based on the Quake 1 engine by id Software, developed by LadyHavoc
Go to the source code of this file.
Data Structures | |
struct | con_text_info_t |
Macros | |
#define | CON_LINES(i) |
#define | NICKS_ADD_COLOR 1 |
#define | NICKS_ADD_QUOTE 2 |
#define | NICKS_FORCE_COLOR 4 |
#define | NICKS_NO_SPACES 16 |
Functions | |
void | ConBuffer_AddLine (conbuffer_t *buf, const char *line, int len, unsigned mask) |
Appends a given string as a new line to the console. | |
static char * | ConBuffer_BytesLeft (conbuffer_t *buf, int len) |
void | ConBuffer_Clear (conbuffer_t *buf) |
void | ConBuffer_DeleteLastLine (conbuffer_t *buf) |
Deletes the last line from the console history. | |
void | ConBuffer_DeleteLine (conbuffer_t *buf) |
Deletes the first line from the console history. | |
int | ConBuffer_FindPrevLine (conbuffer_t *buf, unsigned mask_must, unsigned mask_mustnot, int start) |
void | ConBuffer_FixTimes (conbuffer_t *buf) |
const char * | ConBuffer_GetLine (conbuffer_t *buf, int i) |
void | ConBuffer_Init (conbuffer_t *buf, int textsize, int maxlines, mempool_t *mempool) |
void | ConBuffer_Shutdown (conbuffer_t *buf) |
static void | SanitizeString (char *in, char *out) |
Variables | |
conbuffer_t | con |
int | con_backscroll |
cvar_t | con_chat = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "con_chat","0", "how many chat lines to show in a dedicated chat area"} |
cvar_t | con_chatpos = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "con_chatpos","0", "where to put chat (negative: lines from bottom of screen, positive: lines below notify, 0: at top)"} |
cvar_t | con_chatrect = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "con_chatrect","0", "use con_chatrect_x and _y to position con_notify and con_chat freely instead of con_chatpos"} |
cvar_t | con_chatrect_x = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "con_chatrect_x","", "where to put chat, relative x coordinate of left edge on screen (use con_chatwidth for width)"} |
cvar_t | con_chatrect_y = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "con_chatrect_y","", "where to put chat, relative y coordinate of top edge on screen (use con_chat for line count)"} |
cvar_t | con_chatsize = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "con_chatsize","8", "chat text size in virtual 2D pixels (if con_chat is enabled)"} |
cvar_t | con_chatsound = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "con_chatsound","1", "enables chat sound to play on message"} |
cvar_t | con_chatsound_file = {CF_CLIENT, "con_chatsound_file","sound/misc/talk.wav", "The sound to play for chat messages"} |
cvar_t | con_chatsound_team_file = {CF_CLIENT, "con_chatsound_team_file","sound/misc/talk2.wav", "The sound to play for team chat messages"} |
cvar_t | con_chatsound_team_mask = {CF_CLIENT, "con_chatsound_team_mask","40","Magic ASCII code that denotes a team chat message"} |
cvar_t | con_chattime = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "con_chattime","30", "how long chat lines last, in seconds"} |
cvar_t | con_chatwidth = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "con_chatwidth","1.0", "relative chat window width"} |
cvar_t | con_completion_exec = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "con_completion_exec", "*.cfg", "completion pattern for the exec command"} |
cvar_t | con_completion_playdemo = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "con_completion_playdemo", "*.dem", "completion pattern for the playdemo command"} |
cvar_t | con_completion_timedemo = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "con_completion_timedemo", "*.dem", "completion pattern for the timedemo command"} |
float | con_cursorspeed = 4 |
qbool | con_initialized |
int | con_linewidth |
void * | con_mutex = NULL |
cvar_t | con_nickcompletion = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "con_nickcompletion", "1", "tab-complete nicks in console and message input"} |
cvar_t | con_nickcompletion_flags |
cvar_t | con_notify = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "con_notify","4", "how many notify lines to show"} |
cvar_t | con_notifyalign = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "con_notifyalign", "", "how to align notify lines: 0 = left, 0.5 = center, 1 = right, empty string = game default)"} |
cvar_t | con_notifysize = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "con_notifysize","8", "notify text size in virtual 2D pixels"} |
cvar_t | con_notifytime = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "con_notifytime","3", "how long notify lines last, in seconds"} |
cvar_t | con_textsize = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "con_textsize","8", "console text size in virtual 2D pixels"} |
int | con_vislines |
cvar_t | condump_stripcolors = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER| CF_ARCHIVE, "condump_stripcolors", "0", "strip color codes from console dumps"} |
static char | qfont_table [256] |
cvar_t | rcon_address = {CF_CLIENT, "rcon_address", "", "server address to send rcon commands to (when not connected to a server)"} |
cvar_t | rcon_password = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER | CF_PRIVATE, "rcon_password", "", "password to authenticate rcon commands; NOTE: changing rcon_secure clears rcon_password, so set rcon_secure always before rcon_password; may be set to a string of the form user1:pass1 user2:pass2 user3:pass3 to allow multiple user accounts - the client then has to specify ONE of these combinations"} |
char | rcon_redirect_buffer [1400] |
int | rcon_redirect_bufferpos = 0 |
lhnetaddress_t * | rcon_redirect_dest = NULL |
qbool | rcon_redirect_proquakeprotocol = false |
lhnetsocket_t * | rcon_redirect_sock = NULL |
cvar_t | rcon_secure = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER, "rcon_secure", "0", "force secure rcon authentication (1 = time based, 2 = challenge based); NOTE: changing rcon_secure clears rcon_password, so set rcon_secure always before rcon_password"} |
cvar_t | rcon_secure_challengetimeout = {CF_CLIENT, "rcon_secure_challengetimeout", "5", "challenge-based secure rcon: time out requests if no challenge came within this time interval"} |
cvar_t | sys_colortranslation = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER, "sys_colortranslation", "1", "terminal console color translation (supported values: -1 = print codes without translation, 0 = strip color codes, 1 = translate to ANSI codes, 2 = translate DP RGB to 24-bit and Quake colors to ANSI, 3 = translate all colors to 24-bit RGB)"} |
cvar_t | sys_specialcharactertranslation = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER, "sys_specialcharactertranslation", "1", "terminal console conchars to ASCII translation (set to 0 if your conchars.tga is for an 8bit character set or if you want raw output)"} |
Logging | |
static void | Cmd_CompleteNicksPrint (int count) |
void | Con_CenterPrint (const char *str) |
Prints a center-aligned message to the console. | |
void | Con_CenterPrintf (int maxLineLength, const char *fmt,...) |
Left-pad a string with spaces to make it appear centered. | |
void | Con_CheckResize (void) |
If the line width has changed, reformat the buffer. | |
void | Con_Clear_f (cmd_state_t *cmd) |
void | Con_ClearNotify (void) |
Clear all notify lines. | |
static void | Con_CommandMode_f (cmd_state_t *cmd) |
int | Con_CompleteCommandLine (cmd_state_t *cmd, qbool is_console) |
wrapper function to attempt to either complete the command line or to list possible matches grouped by type (i.e. | |
static void | Con_ConDump_f (cmd_state_t *cmd) |
static int | Con_CountLineFunc (void *passthrough, const char *line, size_t length, float width, qbool isContinuation) |
static int | Con_DisplayLineFunc (void *passthrough, const char *line, size_t length, float width, qbool isContinuation) |
void | Con_DisplayList (const char **list) |
Generic libs/util/console.c function to display a list formatted in columns on the console. | |
void | Con_DPrint (const char *msg) |
A Con_Print that only shows up if the "developer" cvar is set. | |
void | Con_DPrintf (const char *fmt,...) |
A Con_Printf that only shows up if the "developer" cvar is set. | |
void | Con_DrawConsole (int lines, qbool forcedfullscreen) |
static int | Con_DrawConsoleLine (unsigned mask_must, unsigned mask_mustnot, float y, int lineno, float ymin, float ymax) |
static void | Con_DrawInput (qbool is_console, float x, float v, float inputsize) |
void | Con_DrawNotify (void) |
static int | Con_DrawNotifyRect (unsigned mask_must, unsigned mask_mustnot, float maxage, float x, float y, float width, float height, float fontsize, float alignment_x, float alignment_y, const char *continuationString) |
void | Con_Init (void) |
static void | Con_LastVisibleLine (unsigned mask_must, unsigned mask_mustnot, int *last, int *limitlast) |
static int | Con_LineHeight (int lineno) |
static void | Con_Maps_f (cmd_state_t *cmd) |
void | Con_MaskPrint (unsigned additionalmask, const char *msg) |
Prints to a chosen console target. | |
void | Con_MaskPrintf (unsigned mask, const char *fmt,...) |
static void | Con_MessageMode2_f (cmd_state_t *cmd) |
static void | Con_MessageMode_f (cmd_state_t *cmd) |
static void | Con_MsgCmdMode (cmd_state_t *cmd, signed char mode) |
void | Con_Print (const char *msg) |
Prints to all appropriate console targets, and adds timestamps. | |
void | Con_Printf (const char *fmt,...) |
Prints to all appropriate console targets. | |
static void | Con_PrintToHistory (const char *txt, int mask) |
const char * | Con_Quakebar (int len, char *bar, size_t barsize) |
Returns a horizontal line. | |
static void | Con_Rcon_AddChar (int c) |
Adds a character to the rcon buffer. | |
static void | Con_RCon_ClearPassword_c (cvar_t *var) |
void | Con_Rcon_Redirect_Abort (void) |
void | Con_Rcon_Redirect_End (void) |
static void | Con_Rcon_Redirect_Flush (void) |
void | Con_Rcon_Redirect_Init (lhnetsocket_t *sock, lhnetaddress_t *dest, qbool proquakeprotocol) |
void | Con_Shutdown (void) |
void | Con_ToggleConsole_f (cmd_state_t *cmd) |
static float | Con_WordWidthFunc (void *passthrough, const char *w, size_t *length, float maxWidth) |
char | crt_log_file [MAX_OSPATH] = "" |
qbool | GetMapList (const char *s, char *completedname, int completednamebufferlength) |
void | Log_Close (void) |
void | Log_ConPrint (const char *msg) |
char | log_dest_buffer [1400] |
unsigned int | log_dest_buffer_appending |
size_t | log_dest_buffer_pos |
cvar_t | log_dest_udp = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER, "log_dest_udp", "", "UDP address to log messages to (in QW rcon compatible format); multiple destinations can be separated by spaces; DO NOT SPECIFY DNS NAMES HERE"} |
void | Log_DestBuffer_Flush (void) |
call this once per frame to send out replies to rcon streaming clients | |
static void | Log_DestBuffer_Flush_NoLock (void) |
static void | Log_DestBuffer_Init (void) |
cvar_t | log_file = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER, "log_file", "", "filename to log messages to"} |
cvar_t | log_file_stripcolors = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER, "log_file_stripcolors", "0", "strip color codes from log messages"} |
static void | Log_Open (void) |
void | Log_Printf (const char *logfilename, const char *fmt,...) |
void | Log_Start (void) |
static const char * | Log_Timestamp (const char *desc) |
qfile_t * | logfile = NULL |
size_t | logq_ind = 0 |
size_t | logq_size = 0 |
unsigned char * | logqueue = NULL |
static int | Nicks_AddLastColor (char *buffer, int pos) |
static const char ** | Nicks_CompleteBuildList (int count) |
static int | Nicks_CompleteCountPossible (char *line, int pos, char *s, qbool isCon) |
static void | Nicks_CutMatches (int count) |
static void | Nicks_CutMatchesAlphaNumeric (int count) |
static void | Nicks_CutMatchesNormal (int count) |
static void | Nicks_CutMatchesNoSpaces (int count) |
static char | Nicks_list [MAX_SCOREBOARD][MAX_SCOREBOARDNAME] |
static int | Nicks_matchpos |
static int | Nicks_offset [MAX_SCOREBOARD] |
static char | Nicks_sanlist [MAX_SCOREBOARD][MAX_SCOREBOARDNAME] |
static unsigned int | Nicks_strcleanlen (const char *s) |
static int | Nicks_strncasecmp (char *a, char *b, unsigned int a_len) |
static int | Nicks_strncasecmp_nospaces (char *a, char *b, unsigned int a_len) |
cvar_t | r_textbrightness |
cvar_t | r_textcontrast |
static char | Sys_Con_NearestColor (const unsigned char _r, const unsigned char _g, const unsigned char _b) |
Convert an RGB color to its nearest quake color. | |
cvar_t | timeformat |
cvar_t | timestamps |
#define CON_LINES | ( | i | ) |
Definition at line 42 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_CheckResize(), Con_ClearNotify(), Con_ConDump_f(), Con_DrawConsole(), Con_DrawConsoleLine(), Con_DrawNotifyRect(), Con_LastVisibleLine(), and Con_LineHeight().
Definition at line 44 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_CheckResize(), Con_ClearNotify(), Con_ConDump_f(), Con_DrawConsole(), Con_DrawNotifyRect(), and Con_LastVisibleLine().
#define NICKS_ADD_COLOR 1 |
Definition at line 77 of file console.c.
Referenced by Nicks_AddLastColor().
#define NICKS_ADD_QUOTE 2 |
Definition at line 78 of file console.c.
Referenced by Nicks_AddLastColor().
Definition at line 80 of file console.c.
Referenced by Nicks_CutMatches(), and Nicks_strncasecmp().
Definition at line 79 of file console.c.
Referenced by Nicks_AddLastColor().
#define NICKS_NO_SPACES 16 |
Definition at line 81 of file console.c.
Referenced by Nicks_CutMatches(), Nicks_CutMatchesAlphaNumeric(), and Nicks_strncasecmp().
Definition at line 2636 of file console.c.
References Con_Printf(), count, i, and Nicks_list.
Referenced by Con_CompleteCommandLine().
void Con_CenterPrint | ( | const char * | str | ) |
Prints a center-aligned message to the console.
[in] | str | A multiline string to print |
Definition at line 1655 of file console.c.
References Con_CenterPrintf(), CON_MASK_HIDENOTIFY, Con_MaskPrintf(), and Con_Quakebar().
Referenced by SCR_CenterPrint().
Left-pad a string with spaces to make it appear centered.
[in] | maxLineLength | Center-align |
[in] | fmt | A printf format string |
[in] | <unnamed> | Zero or more values used by fmt |
Definition at line 1600 of file console.c.
References con_linewidth, CON_MASK_HIDENOTIFY, Con_MaskPrintf(), Con_Printf(), CON_WARN, dpvsnprintf(), MAX_INPUTLINE, and min.
Referenced by Con_CenterPrint().
If the line width has changed, reformat the buffer.
Definition at line 763 of file console.c.
References bound, con, con_backscroll, Con_ClearNotify(), CON_LINES, CON_LINES_COUNT, con_linewidth, con_textsize, Cvar_SetValueQuick(), f, floor(), i, int(), conbuffer_t::textsize, cvar_t::value, vid_conwidth, and width.
Referenced by SCR_SetUpToDrawConsole().
void Con_Clear_f | ( | cmd_state_t * | cmd | ) |
Definition at line 840 of file console.c.
References con, con_mutex, ConBuffer_Clear(), Thread_LockMutex, and Thread_UnlockMutex.
Referenced by Con_Init().
Clear all notify lines.
Definition at line 702 of file console.c.
Referenced by CL_SignonReply(), Con_CheckResize(), and Con_ToggleConsole_f().
static |
Definition at line 753 of file console.c.
References cmd(), and Con_MsgCmdMode().
Referenced by Con_Init().
int Con_CompleteCommandLine | ( | cmd_state_t * | cmd, |
qbool | is_console ) |
wrapper function to attempt to either complete the command line or to list possible matches grouped by type (i.e.
will display possible variables, aliases, commands that match what they've typed so far)
Definition at line 2898 of file console.c.
References a, CF_CLIENT, CF_SERVER, chat_buffer, chat_bufferpos, cmd(), Cmd_CompleteAliasBuildList(), Cmd_CompleteAliasCountPossible(), Cmd_CompleteAliasPrint(), Cmd_CompleteBuildList(), Cmd_CompleteCommandPrint(), Cmd_CompleteCountPossible(), Cmd_CompleteNicksPrint(), COM_ParseToken_Simple(), com_token, Con_Printf(), Cvar_CompleteBuildList(), Cvar_CompleteCountPossible(), Cvar_CompleteCvarPrint(), Cvar_VariableString(), dp_strlcat, dp_strlcpy, dp_ustr2stp(), dpsnprintf(), fssearch_t::filenames, FS_FileType(), FS_FILETYPE_DIRECTORY, FS_FILETYPE_FILE, FS_FreeSearch(), FS_Search(), GetMapList(), i, int(), key_line, key_linepos, MAX_INPUTLINE, MAX_QPATH, Mem_Free, min, n, Nicks_AddLastColor(), Nicks_CompleteBuildList(), Nicks_CompleteCountPossible(), Nicks_list, Nicks_offset, NULL, fssearch_t::numfilenames, stringlist_t::numstrings, stringlistappend(), stringlistfreecontents(), stringlistinit(), stringlistsort(), stringlist_t::strings, strlen(), v, and va().
Referenced by Key_Parse_CommonKeys().
static |
Definition at line 802 of file console.c.
References cmd(), Cmd_Argc(), Cmd_Argv(), CON_ERROR, CON_LINES, CON_LINES_COUNT, con_mutex, Con_Printf(), condump_stripcolors, FS_Close(), FS_OpenRealFile(), FS_Write(), i, cvar_t::integer, Mem_Alloc, Mem_Free, SanitizeString(), strlen(), tempmempool, Thread_LockMutex, and Thread_UnlockMutex.
Referenced by Con_Init().
static |
Definition at line 1832 of file console.c.
References length, void(), and width.
Referenced by Con_DrawNotifyRect(), and Con_LineHeight().
static |
Definition at line 1842 of file console.c.
References con_text_info_t::alignment, con_text_info_t::colorindex, con_text_info_t::continuationString, DrawQ_String(), con_text_info_t::font, con_text_info_t::fontsize, int(), length, NULL, strlen(), void(), con_text_info_t::width, width, con_text_info_t::x, x, con_text_info_t::y, con_text_info_t::ymax, and con_text_info_t::ymin.
Referenced by Con_DrawConsoleLine(), and Con_DrawNotifyRect().
void Con_DisplayList | ( | const char ** | list | ) |
Generic libs/util/console.c function to display a list formatted in columns on the console.
Definition at line 2452 of file console.c.
References con_linewidth, Con_Print(), i, int(), strlen(), and width.
void Con_DPrint | ( | const char * | msg | ) |
A Con_Print that only shows up if the "developer" cvar is set.
Definition at line 1531 of file console.c.
References CON_MASK_DEVELOPER, Con_MaskPrint(), developer, and cvar_t::integer.
Referenced by CL_DisconnectEx(), CL_NewBeam(), CL_ParseServerInfo(), CL_SetSignonStage_WithMsg(), CL_VM_ShutDown(), Collision_NewBrushFromPlanes(), Cvar_Command(), Cvar_RestoreInitState(), Cvar_Set_f(), Cvar_SetA_f(), Font_LoadMap(), GL_CheckExtension(), GL_Setup(), Host_Init(), M_Menu_Main_f(), Mod_LoadQ3Shaders(), NetConn_ReceivedMessage(), Palette_Load(), PRVM_ED_CallSpawnFunction(), S_PaintAndSubmit(), SndSys_Init(), SV_Color_f(), SV_Prepare_CSQC(), SV_Spawn_f(), and VID_InitModeGL().
void Con_DPrintf | ( | const char * | fmt, |
... ) |
A Con_Printf that only shows up if the "developer" cvar is set.
Definition at line 1544 of file console.c.
References CON_MASK_DEVELOPER, Con_MaskPrint(), developer, dpvsnprintf(), cvar_t::integer, and MAX_INPUTLINE.
Referenced by _Mem_Alloc(), _Mem_Free(), _Mem_FreeBlock(), alert_legacy_font_api(), Buffer_Callback(), CDAudio_Play_byName(), CheckPendingDownloads(), CL_DisconnectEx(), CL_ExaminePrintString(), CL_IPLog_Add(), CL_LinkEdict(), CL_NetworkTimeReceived(), CL_NewParticlesFromEffectinfo(), CL_OpenVideo(), CL_ParseServerMessage(), CL_ParseStatic(), CL_ParticleEffect_Fallback(), CL_SignonReply(), CL_Startdemos_f(), CL_StopDownload(), CL_ValidateState(), CL_VM_Init(), CLVM_ExecuteProgram(), Cmd_AddCommand(), Cmd_RestoreInitState(), Collision_CalcPlanesForTriangleBrushFloat(), Collision_NewBrushFromPlanes(), Crypto_ServerError(), Crypto_SoftClientError(), Crypto_SoftServerError(), Curl_Begin(), Curl_CheckCommandWhenDone(), curl_default_callback(), Cvar_Get(), Cvar_RegisterCallback(), Cvar_RegisterVariable(), Cvar_RegisterVirtual(), Cvar_RestoreInitState(), Cvar_SetQuick(), Draw_CachePic_Flags(), Draw_Frame(), Draw_FreePic(), Draw_GetPicTexture(), Draw_IsPicLoaded(), Draw_NewPic(), EntityFrame5_WriteFrame(), EntityFrameCSQC_LostFrame(), EntityFrameQW_CL_ReadFrame(), EntityState5_Priority(), Font_LoadFile(), Font_LoadMap(), FS_FindFile(), FS_Init_Dir(), FS_LoadPackPAK(), FS_LoadPackPK3FromFD(), FS_LoadPackVirtual(), FS_OpenReadFile(), FS_UnloadPacks_dlcache(), FS_WriteFileInBlocks(), GetMapList(), GL_Backend_CompileProgram(), GL_CheckExtension(), GL_InitFunctions(), gl_main_start(), GL_Setup(), JPEG_SaveImage_to_Buffer(), Key_Event(), LHNET_OpenSocket_Connectionless(), LHNET_Read(), LHNET_Write(), LoadFont(), LoadFont_f(), loadimagepixelsbgra(), LoadSubtitles(), Mod_BuildAliasSkinsFromSkinFiles(), Mod_LoadCustomMaterial(), Mod_LoadModel(), Mod_LoadQ3Shaders(), Mod_LoadQ3Shaders_EnumerateWaveFunc(), Mod_LoadTextureFromQ3Shader(), Mod_Mesh_Validate(), Mod_OBJ_Load(), Mod_PSKMODEL_Load(), Mod_Q1BSP_Load(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadTextures(), Mod_Q2BSP_Load(), Mod_Q2BSP_LoadBrushes(), Mod_Q3BSP_Load(), Mod_Q3BSP_LoadFaces(), Mod_Q3BSP_LoadLightmaps(), NetConn_ClientParsePacket(), NetConn_ServerParsePacket(), PRVM_ED_LoadFromFile(), PRVM_ED_ParseEdict(), PRVM_ED_ParseEpair(), PRVM_ED_ParseGlobals(), PRVM_GarbageCollection(), PRVM_Init(), PRVM_MarkReferencedEdicts(), PRVM_Prog_Load(), PRVM_SetEngineString(), PRVM_SetTempString(), Q3Shader_AddToHash(), QW_CL_NextUpload_f(), QW_CL_ServerInfo(), QW_CL_StartUpload(), R_BuildFogTexture(), R_GLSL_CompilePermutation(), R_LoadCubemap(), R_LoadTextureDDSFile(), R_Mesh_Draw(), R_Mesh_VertexPointer(), R_Modules_Shutdown(), R_Modules_Start(), R_Q1BSP_CallRecursiveGetLightInfo(), R_RTLight_Compile(), R_SetupShader_SetPermutationGLSL(), R_UpdateTexture(), S_PaintAndSubmit(), S_PlaySfxOnChannel(), Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay(), SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_BeginVideo(), SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Finish(), SCR_DrawInfobar(), SCR_PopLoadingScreen(), ShaderModeInfo_GetShaderText(), SV_ConnectClient(), SV_Download_f(), SV_DropClient(), SV_LinkEdict(), SV_Prepare_CSQC(), SV_ReadClientMessage(), SV_ReadClientMove(), SV_SendServerinfo(), SV_Shutdown(), SV_ThreadFunc(), SV_UnstickEntity(), SV_VM_Setup(), SVVM_ExecuteProgram(), Sys_LoadDependency(), Sys_LoadDependencyFunctions(), Sys_SDL_HandleEvents(), VID_ApplyDisplayMode(), VID_ApplyDisplayMode_c(), VID_EnableJoystick(), VID_ListModes(), VID_SetMouse(), VID_SetVsync_c(), VM_CL_gettagindex(), VM_CL_gettaginfo(), VM_CL_R_AddDynamicLight(), VM_CL_setattachment(), VM_dprint(), VM_fclose(), VM_fgets(), VM_fopen(), VM_fputs(), VM_FrameBlendFromFrameGroupBlend(), VM_SV_gettagindex(), VM_SV_gettaginfo(), VM_SV_setattachment(), VM_SV_sound(), and World_SetSize().
Definition at line 2138 of file console.c.
References alpha, CACHEPICFLAG_FAILONMISSING, CACHEPICFLAG_NOCLAMP, con_backscroll, Con_DrawConsoleLine(), Con_DrawInput(), Con_LastVisibleLine(), CON_LINES, CON_LINES_COUNT, CON_MASK_DEVELOPER, con_mutex, con_textsize, con_vislines, count, developer, Draw_CachePic_Flags(), Draw_IsPicLoaded(), DrawQ_Fill(), DrawQ_String(), DrawQ_SuperPic(), DrawQ_TextWidth(), engineversion, floor(), FONT_CONSOLE, host, i, int(), cvar_t::integer, NULL, r_draw2d_force, host_static_t::realtime, scr_conalpha, scr_conalpha2factor, scr_conalpha3factor, scr_conalphafactor, scr_conbrightness, scr_conscroll2_x, scr_conscroll2_y, scr_conscroll3_x, scr_conscroll3_y, scr_conscroll_x, scr_conscroll_y, Thread_LockMutex, Thread_UnlockMutex, cvar_t::value, vid_conheight, vid_conwidth, and y.
Referenced by SCR_DrawConsole().
static |
Definition at line 2064 of file console.c.
References con_text_info_t::alignment, COM_Wordwrap(), Con_DisplayLineFunc(), Con_LineHeight(), CON_LINES, con_textsize, Con_WordWidthFunc(), con_text_info_t::continuationString, con_text_info_t::font, FONT_CONSOLE, con_text_info_t::fontsize, con_lineinfo_t::len, con_lineinfo_t::mask, con_lineinfo_t::start, cvar_t::value, vid_conwidth, con_text_info_t::width, width, con_text_info_t::x, con_text_info_t::y, y, con_text_info_t::ymax, and con_text_info_t::ymin.
Referenced by Con_DrawConsole().
Definition at line 1684 of file console.c.
References chat_buffer, chat_bufferpos, chat_mode, con_cursorspeed, dp_strlcpy, DrawQ_String(), DrawQ_TextWidth(), DrawQ_TextWidth_UntilWidth_TrackColors(), FONT_CHAT, FONT_CONSOLE, host, i, int(), cvar_t::integer, key_consoleactive, key_insert, key_line, key_linepos, MAX_INPUTLINE, NULL, ofs, prefix, host_static_t::realtime, STRING_COLOR_RGB_TAG_CHAR, STRING_COLOR_TAG, strlen(), u8_encodech(), utf8_enable, v, cvar_t::value, vid_conwidth, x, and y.
Referenced by Con_DrawConsole(), and Con_DrawNotify().
Definition at line 1945 of file console.c.
References chat_bufferpos, con, con_chat, con_chatpos, con_chatrect, con_chatrect_x, con_chatrect_y, con_chatsize, con_chattime, con_chatwidth, Con_DrawInput(), Con_DrawNotifyRect(), CON_MASK_CHAT, CON_MASK_DEVELOPER, CON_MASK_HIDENOTIFY, CON_MASK_INPUT, con_mutex, con_notify, con_notifyalign, con_notifysize, con_notifytime, ConBuffer_FixTimes(), Cvar_SetValueQuick(), GAME_TRANSFUSION, gamemode, height, cvar_t::integer, IS_OLDNEXUIZ_DERIVED, key_dest, key_message, cvar_t::string, Thread_LockMutex, Thread_UnlockMutex, v, cvar_t::value, value, vid_conheight, vid_conwidth, and x.
Referenced by SCR_DrawScreen().
static |
Definition at line 1863 of file console.c.
References con_lineinfo_t::addtime, con_text_info_t::alignment, cl, COM_Wordwrap(), Con_CountLineFunc(), Con_DisplayLineFunc(), CON_LINES, CON_LINES_COUNT, CON_MASK_CHAT, Con_WordWidthFunc(), con_text_info_t::continuationString, floor(), con_text_info_t::font, FONT_CHAT, FONT_NOTIFY, con_text_info_t::fontsize, height, i, int(), con_lineinfo_t::len, con_lineinfo_t::mask, NULL, con_lineinfo_t::start, strlen(), client_state_t::time, con_text_info_t::width, width, con_text_info_t::x, x, con_text_info_t::y, y, con_text_info_t::ymax, and con_text_info_t::ymin.
Referenced by Con_DrawNotify().
Definition at line 861 of file console.c.
References CF_CLIENT, CF_SHARED, Cmd_AddCommand(), con, con_chat, con_chatpos, con_chatrect, con_chatrect_x, con_chatrect_y, con_chatsize, con_chatsound, con_chatsound_file, con_chatsound_team_file, con_chatsound_team_mask, con_chattime, con_chatwidth, Con_Clear_f(), Con_CommandMode_f(), con_completion_exec, con_completion_playdemo, con_completion_timedemo, Con_ConDump_f(), con_initialized, con_linewidth, Con_Maps_f(), CON_MAXLINES, Con_MessageMode2_f(), Con_MessageMode_f(), con_mutex, con_nickcompletion, con_nickcompletion_flags, con_notify, con_notifyalign, con_notifysize, con_notifytime, Con_RCon_ClearPassword_c(), CON_TEXTSIZE, con_textsize, Con_ToggleConsole_f(), ConBuffer_Init(), condump_stripcolors, Cvar_RegisterCallback(), Cvar_RegisterVariable(), Cvar_SetQuick(), log_dest_udp, log_file, log_file_stripcolors, logq_ind, logq_size, logqueue, MAX_INPUTLINE, Mem_Alloc, rcon_address, rcon_password, rcon_secure, rcon_secure_challengetimeout, Sys_CheckParm(), sys_colortranslation, sys_specialcharactertranslation, tempmempool, Thread_CreateMutex, Thread_HasThreads(), and zonemempool.
Referenced by Host_Init().
static |
Definition at line 2096 of file console.c.
References con_backscroll, Con_LineHeight(), CON_LINES, CON_LINES_COUNT, i, and mask.
Referenced by Con_DrawConsole().
Definition at line 2041 of file console.c.
References COM_Wordwrap(), Con_CountLineFunc(), CON_LINES, con_textsize, Con_WordWidthFunc(), con_text_info_t::font, FONT_CONSOLE, con_text_info_t::fontsize, con_lineinfo_t::height, con_lineinfo_t::len, NULL, con_lineinfo_t::start, cvar_t::value, vid_conwidth, and width.
Referenced by Con_DrawConsoleLine(), and Con_LastVisibleLine().
static |
Definition at line 789 of file console.c.
References cmd(), Cmd_Argc(), Cmd_Argv(), Con_Printf(), GetMapList(), and NULL.
Referenced by Con_Init().
void Con_MaskPrint | ( | unsigned | additionalmask, |
const char * | msg ) |
Prints to a chosen console target.
Definition at line 1161 of file console.c.
References bound, ca_dedicated, cl, cls, color, con_chatsound, con_chatsound_file, con_chatsound_team_file, con_chatsound_team_mask, con_initialized, CON_MASK_CHAT, CON_MASK_DEVELOPER, con_mutex, Con_PrintToHistory(), Con_Rcon_AddChar(), developer, client_state_t::foundteamchatsound, i, index, cvar_t::integer, Log_ConPrint(), mask, MAX_INPUTLINE, sys_t::outfd, qfont_table, r_textbrightness, r_textcontrast, rgb, S_LocalSound(), client_static_t::state, cvar_t::string, STRING_COLOR_DEFAULT, STRING_COLOR_RGB_TAG_CHAR, STRING_COLOR_TAG, string_colors, strlen(), sys, sys_colortranslation, Sys_Con_NearestColor(), Sys_Print(), sys_specialcharactertranslation, Sys_TimeString(), Thread_LockMutex, Thread_UnlockMutex, timeformat, timestamps, u8_getchar, cvar_t::value, VectorCopy, and VectorScale.
Referenced by Con_DPrint(), Con_DPrintf(), Con_MaskPrintf(), Con_Print(), and Con_Printf().
void Con_MaskPrintf | ( | unsigned | mask, |
const char * | fmt, | ||
... ) |
Definition at line 1487 of file console.c.
References Con_MaskPrint(), dpvsnprintf(), mask, and MAX_INPUTLINE.
Referenced by Con_CenterPrint(), and Con_CenterPrintf().
static |
Definition at line 743 of file console.c.
References cmd(), and Con_MsgCmdMode().
Referenced by Con_Init().
static |
Definition at line 731 of file console.c.
References cmd(), and Con_MsgCmdMode().
Referenced by Con_Init().
static |
Definition at line 710 of file console.c.
References chat_buffer, chat_bufferpos, chat_mode, cls, cmd(), Cmd_Argc(), Cmd_Args(), client_static_t::demoplayback, dpsnprintf(), key_dest, key_message, and mode.
Referenced by Con_CommandMode_f(), Con_MessageMode2_f(), and Con_MessageMode_f().
void Con_Print | ( | const char * | msg | ) |
Prints to all appropriate console targets, and adds timestamps.
Definition at line 1504 of file console.c.
References CON_MASK_PRINT, and Con_MaskPrint().
Referenced by CDAudio_Startup(), CheckPendingDownloads(), CL_Color_f(), CL_Connect_f(), CL_DrawVideo(), CL_KeepaliveMessage(), CL_NextDemo(), CL_Parse_DumpPacket(), CL_ParseServerInfo(), CL_ParseServerMessage(), CL_PauseDemo_f(), CL_PlayDemo_f(), CL_PlayVideo_f(), CL_Reconnect_f(), CL_Record_f(), CL_Stop_f(), CL_TimeDemo_f(), CL_UpdateScreen(), Cmd_Alias_f(), Cmd_Echo_f(), Cmd_Exec_f(), Cmd_StuffCmds_f(), Cmd_Toggle_f(), Cmd_UnAlias_f(), Collision_ValidateBrush(), Com_HexDumpToConsole(), Con_DisplayList(), Crypto_DecryptPacket(), Crypto_EncryptPacket(), Crypto_HostKey_Clear_f(), Crypto_HostKeys_f(), Crypto_KeyGen_f(), Crypto_KeyGen_Finished(), Crypto_Keys_f(), CSQC_AddPrintText(), Curl_Curl_f(), Curl_Info_f(), Cvar_Callback(), Cvar_PrintHelp(), Cvar_Readonly(), Cvar_RegisterCallback(), Cvar_SetQuick(), EntityFrame4_AckFrame(), EntityFrame4_CL_ReadFrame(), EntityFrame4_WriteFrame(), EntityFrame_AddFrame_Client(), EntityFrame_AddFrame_Server(), EntityState5_ReadUpdate(), EntityState_ReadFields(), EntityStateQW_ReadEntityUpdate(), FindViewthing(), font_start(), FS_Inflate(), FS_ListDirectoryCmd(), FS_Path_f(), FS_Rescan(), GetMapList(), GetWavinfo(), GL_Backend_ResetState(), gl_backend_shutdown(), GL_Setup(), GL_TextureMode_f(), hmac_mdfour_challenge_matching(), hmac_mdfour_time_matching(), Image_Compress(), JPEG_SaveImage_preflipped(), JPEG_SaveImage_to_Buffer(), Key_Bind_f(), Key_History_Shutdown(), Key_In_Bind_f(), Key_In_Bindmap_f(), Key_In_Unbind_f(), Key_Unbind_f(), KeyDown(), LHNET_Init(), LHNET_OpenSocket_Connectionless(), LHNET_Read(), LoadConChars_BGRA(), LoadLMP_BGRA(), LoadPCX_BGRA(), LoadSky_f(), LoadTGA_BGRA(), LoadWAL_BGRA(), LoadWAL_GetMetadata(), Mem_PrintList(), MemList_f(), Mod_BSP_RecursiveNodePortals(), Mod_Decompile_f(), Mod_Precache_f(), Mod_Print_f(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadLeafs(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadLighting(), Mod_Q1BSP_RecursiveHullCheck(), Mod_Q1BSP_TraceBox(), Mod_Q1BSP_TraceLine(), Mod_Q2BSP_LoadLeafs(), Mod_Q3BSP_LoadFaces(), Mod_ShadowMesh_AddMesh(), Mod_ValidateElements(), MVM_error_cmd(), Net_Heartbeat_f(), Net_Stats_f(), NetConn_CL_UpdateSockets_Callback(), NetConn_SendUnreliableMessage(), NetConn_sv_netport_Callback(), plaintext_matching(), PNG_SaveImage_preflipped(), Portal_Visibility(), PRVM_CallProfile_f(), PRVM_ChildProfile_f(), PRVM_ED_CallSpawnFunction(), PRVM_ED_Count_f(), PRVM_ED_EdictGet_f(), PRVM_ED_EdictSet_f(), PRVM_ED_GlobalGet_f(), PRVM_ED_Print(), PRVM_ED_PrintEdict_f(), PRVM_ED_PrintEdicts_f(), PRVM_Fields_f(), PRVM_Globals_f(), PRVM_LeakTest(), PRVM_PrintStatement(), PRVM_Profile_f(), PRVM_StackTrace(), R_Envmap_f(), R_ListWorldTextures_f(), R_LoadCubemap(), R_Modules_Restart_f(), R_ReplaceWorldTexture_f(), R_Shadow_EditLights_CopyInfo_f(), R_Shadow_EditLights_Edit_f(), R_Shadow_EditLights_EditAll_f(), R_Shadow_EditLights_Help_f(), R_Shadow_EditLights_Lock_f(), R_Shadow_EditLights_PasteInfo_f(), R_Shadow_EditLights_Remove_f(), R_Shadow_EditLights_Spawn_f(), R_Shadow_EditLights_ToggleCorona_f(), R_Shadow_EditLights_ToggleShadow_f(), R_Shadow_LoadLightsFile(), R_Shadow_LoadWorldLights(), R_Shadow_LoadWorldLightsFromMap_LightArghliteTyrlite(), R_Shadow_SaveWorldLights(), R_TextureStats_Print(), S_PauseSound_f(), S_SoundInfo_f(), S_Startup(), S_StaticSound(), SCR_ScreenShot_f(), SndSys_Init(), SV_Begin_f(), SV_BroadcastPrint(), SV_Changelevel_f(), SV_Loadgame_f(), SV_Map_f(), SV_MaxPlayers_f(), SV_PreSpawn_f(), SV_ReadClientMessage(), SV_Restart_f(), SV_SaveEntFile_f(), SV_Savegame_f(), SV_Savegame_to(), SV_Say(), SV_Spawn_f(), SV_StartDemoRecording(), SV_Tell_f(), Sys_SDL_HandleEvents(), SZ_GetSpace(), VID_Restart_f(), VID_SetMouse(), VID_Start(), VM_print(), VM_SV_clientcommand(), VM_SV_setcolor(), VM_SV_setspawnparms(), VM_SV_sprint(), W_GetLumpName(), W_GetTextureBGRA(), and W_LoadTextureWadFile().
void Con_Printf | ( | const char * | fmt, |
... ) |
Prints to all appropriate console targets.
Definition at line 1514 of file console.c.
References CON_MASK_PRINT, Con_MaskPrint(), dpvsnprintf(), and MAX_INPUTLINE.
Referenced by AnglesFromVectors(), Cbuf_AddText(), Cbuf_Execute(), Cbuf_InsertText(), CD_f(), CheckPendingDownloads(), CL_BeginDownloads(), CL_BeginDownloads_f(), CL_Cache_TraceLineSurfaces(), CL_ClearTempEntities(), CL_Color_f(), CL_DisconnectEx(), CL_DownloadBegin_f(), CL_DownloadFinished_f(), CL_Effect(), CL_EstablishConnection(), CL_ExaminePrintString(), CL_FinishTimeDemo(), CL_Fog_f(), CL_Fog_HeightTexture_f(), CL_ForwardToServer(), CL_Frame(), CL_FullInfo_f(), CL_FullServerinfo_f(), CL_Init(), CL_IPLog_List_f(), CL_IPLog_Load(), CL_LinkEdict(), CL_Locs_Add_f(), CL_Locs_FreeNode(), CL_Locs_Reload_f(), CL_Locs_RemoveNearest_f(), CL_Locs_Save_f(), CL_ModelIndexList_f(), CL_Name_f(), CL_NewBeam(), CL_NewFrameReceived(), CL_OpenVideo(), CL_Packet_f(), CL_ParseBeam(), CL_ParseDownload(), CL_ParseServerInfo(), CL_ParseServerMessage(), CL_ParseStartSoundPacket(), CL_ParseStaticSound(), CL_ParticleRain(), CL_Particles_ParseEffectInfo(), CL_PlayDemo(), CL_PQRcon_f(), CL_PrintEntities_f(), CL_Rcon_f(), CL_ReadPointFile_f(), CL_Reconnect_f(), CL_Record_f(), CL_SendMove(), CL_SetInfo(), CL_SetInfo_f(), CL_SoundIndexList_f(), CL_Startdemos_f(), CL_StopDownload(), CL_StopDownload_f(), CL_TimeRefresh_f(), CL_TraceBox(), CL_TraceLine(), CL_TracePoint(), CL_User_f(), CL_Users_f(), CL_VM_Init(), CLVM_count_edicts(), Cmd_AddCommand(), Cmd_Alias_f(), Cmd_Apropos_f(), Cmd_Callback(), Cmd_CheckParm(), Cmd_CL_Callback(), Cmd_CompleteAliasPrint(), Cmd_CompleteCommandPrint(), Cmd_CompleteNicksPrint(), Cmd_Defer_f(), Cmd_Echo_f(), Cmd_Exec(), Cmd_Exec_f(), Cmd_ExecuteString(), Cmd_GetCvarValue(), Cmd_List_f(), Cmd_Toggle_f(), Cmd_TokenizeString(), Cmd_UnAlias_f(), Collision_ClipLineToGenericEntity(), Collision_ClipPointToGenericEntity(), Collision_ClipToGenericEntity(), Collision_ClipTrace_Box(), Collision_PrintBrushAsQHull(), Collision_ValidateBrush(), COM_ChangeGameTypeForGameDirs(), Con_CenterPrintf(), Con_CompleteCommandLine(), Con_ConDump_f(), Con_Maps_f(), Crypto_DecryptPacket(), Crypto_EncryptPacket(), Crypto_FinishInstance(), Crypto_HostKey_Clear_f(), Crypto_HostKeys_f(), Crypto_Init(), Crypto_KeyGen_f(), Crypto_KeyGen_Finished(), Crypto_Keys_f(), Crypto_LoadKeys(), Crypto_ServerParsePacket(), Crypto_StoreHostKey(), Curl_Begin(), Curl_Curl_f(), Curl_EndDownload(), Curl_Info_f(), Curl_Select(), Curl_SendRequirements(), Cvar_Del_f(), Cvar_Delete(), Cvar_Get(), Cvar_List_f(), Cvar_PrintHelp(), Cvar_Readonly(), Cvar_RegisterVariable(), Cvar_RegisterVirtual(), Cvar_Set(), Cvar_Set_f(), Cvar_SetA_f(), Cvar_SetQuick(), decode_image(), dp__strlcpy(), dp_stpecpy(), dp_ustr2stp(), em_savefs_f(), EntityFrame4_AckFrame(), EntityFrame4_CL_ReadFrame(), EntityFrame4_WriteFrame(), EntityFrame5_CL_ReadFrame(), EntityFrame5_WriteFrame(), EntityFrame_CL_ReadFrame(), EntityFrameCSQC_DeallocFrame(), EntityFrameCSQC_LostFrame(), EntityFrameQW_CL_ReadFrame(), EntityState5_ReadUpdate(), EntityState_ReadFields(), EntityStateQW_ReadEntityUpdate(), FindFont(), Font_GetKerningForMap(), Font_LoadFile(), Font_LoadFont(), Font_LoadMap(), Font_LoadSize(), Font_SearchSize(), fractalnoise(), fractalnoisequick(), FS_AddFileToPack(), FS_AddPack(), FS_AddPack_Fullpath(), FS_Deflate(), FS_GameDir_f(), FS_Inflate(), FS_ListDirectory(), FS_ListDirectoryCmd(), FS_LoadAndCloseQFile(), FS_LoadPackPAK(), FS_LoadPackPK3FromFD(), FS_OpenPackedFile(), FS_OpenReadFile(), FS_OpenRealFile(), FS_OpenVirtualFile(), FS_Path_f(), FS_Read(), FS_Search(), FS_Seek(), FS_SetGameDirs(), FS_SysOpenFiledesc(), FS_Which_f(), FS_Write(), FS_WriteFileInBlocks(), GetMapList(), GetWavinfo(), GL_Backend_CompileShader(), gl_backend_start(), GL_DebugOutputCallback(), GL_Mesh_ListVBOs(), GL_Setup(), GL_TextureMode_f(), Host_Error(), Host_Init(), Host_LockSession(), Host_Quit_f(), Host_SaveConfig(), Host_Version_f(), Image_Compress(), Image_FixTransparentPixels_f(), Image_MipReduce32(), Image_Resample32(), IN_BestWeapon_f(), IN_BestWeapon_Register(), IN_BestWeapon_Register_f(), InfoString_GetValue(), InfoString_Print(), InfoString_SetValue(), jam_video(), JPEG_LoadImage_BGRA(), JPEG_OpenLibrary(), JPEG_SaveImage_to_Buffer(), Key_Bind_f(), Key_Event(), Key_History_f(), Key_History_Find_All(), Key_History_Find_Backwards(), Key_History_Find_Forwards(), Key_History_Push(), Key_In_Bind_f(), Key_In_BindList_f(), Key_In_Bindmap_f(), Key_In_Unbind_f(), Key_Parse_CommonKeys(), Key_PrintBindList(), Key_Unbind_f(), LHNET_OpenSocket_Connectionless(), LHNETADDRESS_FromString(), LibAV_LoadLibrary(), libavw_decodeframe(), libavw_message(), LibAvW_OpenLibrary(), LoadConChars_BGRA(), LoadFont_f(), loadimagepixelsbgra(), LoadLMP_BGRA(), LoadPCX_BGRA(), LoadSky_f(), LoadSubtitles(), LoadTGA_BGRA(), LoadWAL_BGRA(), Matrix4x4_Print(), Mem_PrintList(), Mem_PrintStats(), Mod_AliasInit(), Mod_BSP_DecompressVis(), Mod_BuildVBOs(), Mod_DARKPLACESMODEL_Load(), Mod_Decompile_OBJ(), Mod_Decompile_SMD(), Mod_FrameGroupify(), Mod_FrameGroupify_ParseGroups(), Mod_GenerateLightmaps_CreateLightmaps(), Mod_GenerateLightmaps_f(), Mod_IDP0_Load(), Mod_IDP2_Load(), Mod_IDS2_Load(), Mod_INTERQUAKEMODEL_Load(), Mod_LoadModel(), Mod_LoadQ3Shaders(), Mod_LoadSkinFiles(), Mod_LoadTextureFromQ3Shader(), Mod_MDL_LoadFrames(), Mod_Print_f(), Mod_PSKMODEL_Load(), Mod_Q1BSP_Load(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadEdges(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadLeafs(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadLighting(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadMapBrushes(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadNodes(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadTexinfo(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadTextures(), Mod_Q1BSP_TraceBox(), Mod_Q1BSP_TraceLine(), Mod_Q2BSP_Load(), Mod_Q2BSP_LoadLeafs(), Mod_Q2BSP_LoadNodes(), Mod_Q2BSP_LoadTexinfo(), Mod_Q3BSP_LoadEffects(), Mod_Q3BSP_LoadEntities(), Mod_Q3BSP_LoadFaces(), Mod_Q3BSP_LoadLightGrid(), Mod_Q3BSP_LoadLightmaps(), Mod_Q3BSP_LoadTriangles(), Mod_UnloadModel(), Mod_ValidateElements(), Mod_VBSP_LoadEdges(), Mod_VBSP_LoadTexinfo(), Mod_VBSP_LoadTextures(), Mod_ZYMOTICMODEL_Load(), ModList_Enable(), MVM_count_edicts(), MVM_error_cmd(), NetConn_ClientFrame(), NetConn_ClientParsePacket(), NetConn_ConnectionEstablished(), NetConn_Init(), NetConn_OpenClientPort(), NetConn_OpenClientPorts(), NetConn_OpenServerPort(), NetConn_Read(), NetConn_ReceivedMessage(), NetConn_SendUnreliableMessage(), NetConn_ServerParsePacket(), NetConn_UpdateSockets(), NetConn_Write(), OGG_LoadVorbisFile(), OpenStream(), PHYS_TestEntityPosition(), PK3_GetTrueFileOffset(), PNG_error_fn(), PNG_fReadData(), PNG_LoadImage_BGRA(), PNG_warning_fn(), Portal_CheckPolygon(), Portal_Visibility(), PrintFrameName(), PrintStats(), PrintTargaHeader(), PRVM_Breakpoint(), PRVM_Breakpoint_f(), PRVM_CallProfile(), PRVM_ChildProfile_f(), PRVM_Crash(), PRVM_ED_EdictGet_f(), PRVM_ED_EdictSet_f(), PRVM_ED_GlobalGet_f(), PRVM_ED_ParseEdict(), PRVM_ED_ParseEpair(), PRVM_ED_ParseGlobals(), PRVM_ED_Print(), PRVM_ED_PrintEdicts_f(), PRVM_ED_Write(), PRVM_ED_WriteGlobals(), PRVM_EdictWatchpoint_f(), PRVM_ExplicitCoverageEvent(), PRVM_Fields_f(), PRVM_FriendlyProgFromString(), PRVM_FunctionCoverageEvent(), PRVM_GameCommand(), PRVM_Global_f(), PRVM_Globals_f(), PRVM_GlobalSet_f(), PRVM_GlobalWatchpoint_f(), PRVM_LeakTest(), PRVM_MarkReferencedEdicts(), PRVM_PrintFunction_f(), PRVM_PrintFunctionStatements(), PRVM_PrintState(), PRVM_PrintStatement(), PRVM_Profile(), PRVM_Profile_f(), PRVM_Prog_Load(), PRVM_StackTrace(), PRVM_StatementCoverageEvent(), PRVM_UpdateBreakpoints(), QW_CL_Changing_f(), QW_CL_CheckOrDownloadFile(), QW_CL_NextUpload_f(), QW_CL_ParseDownload(), QW_CL_RequestNextDownload(), QW_CL_SetInfo(), QW_CL_UpdateUserInfo(), R_Envmap_f(), R_GLSL_CompilePermutation(), R_GLSL_DumpShader_f(), R_InitParticleTexture(), R_ListWorldTextures_f(), R_LoadCubemap(), R_LoadQWSkin(), R_LoadSkyBox(), R_LoadTextureDDSFile(), R_Mesh_CreateFramebufferObject(), R_Mesh_Draw(), R_Mesh_Start(), R_Model_Sprite_Draw_TransparentCallback(), R_Modules_Start(), R_RegisterModule(), R_ReplaceWorldTexture_f(), R_SetSkyBox(), R_SetupTexture(), R_Shadow_ComputeShadowCasterCullingPlanes(), R_Shadow_EditLights_Edit_f(), R_Shadow_LoadLightsFile(), R_Shadow_LoadWorldLights(), R_Shadow_RenderLighting(), R_SkinFrame_LoadExternal_SkinFrame(), R_SkinFrame_LoadInternal8bit(), R_SkinFrame_LoadInternalBGRA(), R_SkinFrame_LoadInternalQuake(), R_SkinFrame_LoadInternalUsingTexture(), R_TextureStats_Print(), R_UnloadSkyBox(), R_Viewport_InitOrtho(), R_Water_ProcessPlanes(), RCon_Execute(), S_FindName(), S_FreeSfx(), S_LoadSound(), S_LoadWavFile(), S_LocalSoundEx(), S_PaintAndSubmit(), S_PlaySfxOnChannel(), S_Restart_f(), S_SetChannelLayout(), S_SoundInfo_f(), S_SoundList_f(), S_Startup(), S_StaticSound(), S_UnloadAllSounds_f(), S_Update(), SCR_CaptureVideo_Avi_BeginVideo(), SCR_CaptureVideo_Ogg_BeginVideo(), SCR_CaptureVideo_RIFF_Pop(), SCR_InfoBar_f(), SCR_ScreenShot_f(), SndSys_Init(), SV_Begin_f(), SV_CanSeeBox(), SV_CheckVelocity(), SV_ConnectClient(), SV_DropClient(), SV_Ent_Create_f(), SV_Ent_Remove_All_f(), SV_Ent_Remove_f(), SV_ExecuteClientMoves(), SV_FlyMove(), SV_Impact(), SV_LinkEdict(), SV_LinkEdict_TouchAreaGrid(), SV_Loadgame_f(), SV_MaxPlayers_f(), SV_ModelIndex(), SV_ParticleEffectIndex(), SV_Pause_f(), SV_Physics_ClientEntity(), SV_Physics_ClientEntity_NoThink(), SV_Physics_Entity(), SV_Ping_f(), SV_PointSuperContents(), SV_PushEntity(), SV_PushMove(), SV_ReadClientMessage(), SV_ReadClientMove(), SV_Savegame_to(), SV_ServerOptions(), SV_SoundIndex(), SV_Spawn_f(), SV_SpawnServer(), SV_StartDemoRecording(), SV_StartPointSound(), SV_StartSound(), SV_Status_f(), SV_StopDemoRecording(), SV_TraceBox(), SV_TraceLine(), SV_TracePoint(), SV_UnstickEntity(), SV_Viewmodel_f(), SV_WriteEntitiesToClient(), SVVM_count_edicts(), Sys_DirtyTime(), Sys_Error(), Sys_LoadDependency(), Sys_SDL_HandleEvents(), Sys_Sleep(), Sys_UpdateTime(), testmul128(), Thread_Init(), V_BonusFlash_f(), VID_ApplyDisplayMode(), VID_ApplyJoyState(), VID_EnableJoystick(), VID_Init(), VID_InitModeGL(), VID_Mode(), VID_Restart_f(), VID_SetVsync_c(), VID_Shared_SetJoystick(), VM_CL_effect(), VM_CL_findbox(), VM_CL_findradius(), VM_CL_makestatic(), VM_error(), VM_GetFileHandle(), VM_objerror(), VM_SV_findbox(), VM_SV_findradius(), VM_Warning(), W_LoadTextureWadFile(), World_LinkEdict_AreaGrid(), World_PrintAreaStats(), XMP_LoadModFile(), and XMP_OpenLibrary().
Definition at line 959 of file console.c.
References buf, con, CON_TEXTSIZE, ConBuffer_AddLine(), ConBuffer_DeleteLastLine(), mask, conbuffer_t::text, and conbuffer_t::textsize.
Referenced by Con_MaskPrint().
const char * Con_Quakebar | ( | int | len, |
char * | bar, | ||
size_t | barsize ) |
Returns a horizontal line.
Returns a graphical horizontal line of length len, but never wider than the console. Includes a newline, unless len is >= to the console width
[in] | len | Length of the horizontal line |
Definition at line 1570 of file console.c.
References con_linewidth, and min.
Referenced by Con_CenterPrint().
Adds a character to the rcon buffer.
Definition at line 1060 of file console.c.
References Con_Rcon_Redirect_Flush(), log_dest_buffer, log_dest_buffer_appending, log_dest_buffer_pos, log_dest_udp, Log_DestBuffer_Flush_NoLock(), Log_DestBuffer_Init(), rcon_redirect_buffer, rcon_redirect_bufferpos, rcon_redirect_dest, and cvar_t::string.
Referenced by Con_MaskPrint().
Definition at line 847 of file console.c.
References Cvar_SetQuick(), cvar_t::integer, and rcon_password.
Referenced by Con_Init().
Definition at line 1048 of file console.c.
References NULL, rcon_redirect_dest, and rcon_redirect_sock.
Referenced by Host_Error().
Definition at line 1041 of file console.c.
References Con_Rcon_Redirect_Flush(), NULL, rcon_redirect_dest, and rcon_redirect_sock.
Referenced by RCon_Execute().
Definition at line 1024 of file console.c.
References NetConn_Write(), NETFLAG_CTL, NETFLAG_LENGTH_MASK, rcon_redirect_buffer, rcon_redirect_bufferpos, rcon_redirect_dest, rcon_redirect_proquakeprotocol, rcon_redirect_sock, and StoreBigLong().
Referenced by Con_Rcon_AddChar(), and Con_Rcon_Redirect_End().
void Con_Rcon_Redirect_Init | ( | lhnetsocket_t * | sock, |
lhnetaddress_t * | dest, | ||
qbool | proquakeprotocol ) |
Definition at line 1004 of file console.c.
References CCREP_RCON, rcon_redirect_buffer, rcon_redirect_bufferpos, rcon_redirect_dest, rcon_redirect_proquakeprotocol, and rcon_redirect_sock.
Referenced by RCon_Execute().
Definition at line 941 of file console.c.
References con, con_mutex, ConBuffer_Shutdown(), NULL, Thread_DestroyMutex, Thread_LockMutex, and Thread_UnlockMutex.
Referenced by Host_Shutdown().
void Con_ToggleConsole_f | ( | cmd_state_t * | cmd | ) |
Definition at line 686 of file console.c.
References Con_ClearNotify(), key_consoleactive, KEY_CONSOLEACTIVE_USER, and Sys_CheckParm().
Referenced by Con_Init(), IN_Move_TouchScreen_Quake(), Key_Event(), M_Main_Key(), and M_Options_Key().
static |
Definition at line 1812 of file console.c.
References con_text_info_t::colorindex, DrawQ_TextWidth(), DrawQ_TextWidth_UntilWidth(), con_text_info_t::font, con_text_info_t::fontsize, length, dp_font_t::maxwidth, NULL, Sys_Printf(), and w.
Referenced by Con_DrawConsoleLine(), Con_DrawNotifyRect(), and Con_LineHeight().
void ConBuffer_AddLine | ( | conbuffer_t * | buf, |
const char * | line, | ||
int | len, | ||
unsigned | mask ) |
Appends a given string as a new line to the console.
Definition at line 332 of file console.c.
References con_lineinfo_t::addtime, buf, cl, ConBuffer_BytesLeft(), ConBuffer_DeleteLine(), ConBuffer_FixTimes(), CONBUFFER_LINES_LAST, con_lineinfo_t::height, con_lineinfo_t::len, con_lineinfo_t::mask, mask, con_lineinfo_t::start, and client_state_t::time.
Referenced by Con_PrintToHistory(), Key_History_Init(), and Key_History_Push().
static |
Definition at line 293 of file console.c.
References buf, CONBUFFER_LINES_LAST, and NULL.
Referenced by ConBuffer_AddLine().
void ConBuffer_Clear | ( | conbuffer_t * | buf | ) |
Definition at line 212 of file console.c.
References buf.
Referenced by Con_Clear_f(), and Key_History_f().
void ConBuffer_DeleteLastLine | ( | conbuffer_t * | buf | ) |
void ConBuffer_DeleteLine | ( | conbuffer_t * | buf | ) |
int ConBuffer_FindPrevLine | ( | conbuffer_t * | buf, |
unsigned | mask_must, | ||
unsigned | mask_mustnot, | ||
int | start ) |
Definition at line 366 of file console.c.
References buf, CONBUFFER_LINES, i, and con_lineinfo_t::mask.
void ConBuffer_FixTimes | ( | conbuffer_t * | buf | ) |
Notifies the console code about the current time (and shifts back times of other entries when the time went backwards)
Definition at line 242 of file console.c.
References buf, cl, CONBUFFER_LINES, CONBUFFER_LINES_LAST, i, and client_state_t::time.
Referenced by Con_DrawNotify(), and ConBuffer_AddLine().
const char * ConBuffer_GetLine | ( | conbuffer_t * | buf, |
int | i ) |
Definition at line 386 of file console.c.
References buf, CONBUFFER_LINES, dp_ustr2stp(), i, con_lineinfo_t::len, MAX_INPUTLINE, and con_lineinfo_t::start.
Referenced by Key_History_Down(), Key_History_f(), Key_History_Find_All(), Key_History_Find_Backwards(), Key_History_Find_Forwards(), Key_History_First(), Key_History_Get_foundCommand(), Key_History_Last(), Key_History_Shutdown(), and Key_History_Up().
void ConBuffer_Init | ( | conbuffer_t * | buf, |
int | textsize, | ||
int | maxlines, | ||
mempool_t * | mempool ) |
Definition at line 108 of file console.c.
References buf, and Mem_Alloc.
Referenced by Con_Init(), and Key_History_Init().
void ConBuffer_Shutdown | ( | conbuffer_t * | buf | ) |
Definition at line 222 of file console.c.
References buf, Mem_Free, and NULL.
Referenced by Con_Shutdown(), and Key_History_Shutdown().
Definition at line 2275 of file console.c.
References BSPVERSION, buf, BuffLittleLong(), COM_ParseToken_Simple(), com_token, Con_DPrintf(), Con_Print(), Con_Printf(), data, developer_extra, dp_strlcpy, dpsnprintf(), f, hl2lump_t::filelen, lump_t::filelen, fssearch_t::filenames, hl2lump_t::fileofs, lump_t::fileofs, FS_Close(), FS_FreeSearch(), FS_LoadFile(), FS_OpenVirtualFile(), FS_Read(), FS_Search(), FS_Seek(), HL2LUMP_ENTITIES, i, int(), cvar_t::integer, ISWHITESPACE, LittleLong, LUMP_ENTITIES, hl2dheader_t::lumps, q2dheader_t::lumps, q3dheader_t::lumps, max, MAX_QPATH, message, min, NULL, fssearch_t::numfilenames, Q2BSPVERSION, Q2LUMP_ENTITIES, Q3BSPVERSION, Q3BSPVERSION_IG, Q3BSPVERSION_LIVE, Q3LUMP_ENTITIES, strlen(), tempmempool, Z_Free, and Z_Malloc.
Referenced by Con_CompleteCommandLine(), and Con_Maps_f().
Definition at line 521 of file console.c.
References crt_log_file, FS_Close(), FS_Print(), Log_Timestamp(), logfile, and NULL.
Referenced by Host_Shutdown(), and Log_ConPrint().
void Log_ConPrint | ( | const char * | msg | ) |
Definition at line 584 of file console.c.
References crt_log_file, FS_Print(), cvar_t::integer, Log_Close(), log_file, log_file_stripcolors, Log_Open(), logfile, logq_ind, logq_size, logqueue, Mem_Alloc, Mem_Free, NULL, SanitizeString(), cvar_t::string, strlen(), and tempmempool.
Referenced by Con_MaskPrint().
call this once per frame to send out replies to rcon streaming clients
Definition at line 465 of file console.c.
References con_mutex, Log_DestBuffer_Flush_NoLock(), Thread_LockMutex, and Thread_UnlockMutex.
Referenced by Host_Frame().
Definition at line 426 of file console.c.
References COM_ParseToken_Console(), com_token, LHNETADDRESS_FromString(), log_dest_buffer, log_dest_buffer_appending, log_dest_buffer_pos, log_dest_udp, NetConn_ChooseClientSocketForAddress(), NetConn_ChooseServerSocketForAddress(), NetConn_CloseServerPorts(), NetConn_HaveClientPorts(), NetConn_HaveServerPorts(), NetConn_OpenServerPorts(), NetConn_WriteString(), and cvar_t::string.
Referenced by Con_Rcon_AddChar(), Log_DestBuffer_Flush(), and Log_Start().
Definition at line 420 of file console.c.
References log_dest_buffer, and log_dest_buffer_pos.
Referenced by Con_Rcon_AddChar(), and Log_Start().
Definition at line 503 of file console.c.
References crt_log_file, dp_strlcpy, FS_OpenRealFile(), FS_Print(), log_file, Log_Timestamp(), logfile, NULL, and cvar_t::string.
Referenced by Log_ConPrint(), and Log_Start().
void Log_Printf | ( | const char * | logfilename, |
const char * | fmt, | ||
... ) |
Definition at line 655 of file console.c.
References FS_Close(), FS_OpenRealFile(), FS_VPrintf(), and NULL.
Referenced by CL_FinishTimeDemo(), CL_IPLog_Add(), loadimagepixelsbgra(), and R_LoadTextureDDSFile().
Definition at line 542 of file console.c.
References FS_Write(), log_dest_buffer, log_dest_buffer_pos, log_dest_udp, Log_DestBuffer_Flush_NoLock(), Log_DestBuffer_Init(), Log_Open(), logfile, logq_ind, logq_size, logqueue, Mem_Free, min, n, NULL, and cvar_t::string.
Referenced by Host_Init().
static |
Definition at line 474 of file console.c.
References dpsnprintf(), NULL, and time.
Referenced by Log_Close(), and Log_Open().
Definition at line 2826 of file console.c.
References b, buffer, color, con_nickcompletion_flags, g, cvar_t::integer, NICKS_ADD_COLOR, NICKS_ADD_QUOTE, NICKS_FORCE_COLOR, Nicks_matchpos, r, STRING_COLOR_DEFAULT, STRING_COLOR_RGB_TAG_CHAR, and STRING_COLOR_TAG.
Referenced by Con_CompleteCommandLine().
static |
Definition at line 2806 of file console.c.
References buf, count, Mem_Alloc, Nicks_CutMatches(), Nicks_offset, Nicks_sanlist, NULL, and tempmempool.
Referenced by Con_CompleteCommandLine().
Definition at line 2570 of file console.c.
References cl, con_nickcompletion, count, dp_strlcpy, i, cvar_t::integer, MAX_SCOREBOARDNAME, client_state_t::maxclients, name, scoreboard_t::name, Nicks_list, Nicks_matchpos, Nicks_offset, Nicks_sanlist, Nicks_strncasecmp(), SanitizeString(), and client_state_t::scores.
Referenced by Con_CompleteCommandLine().
Definition at line 2796 of file console.c.
References con_nickcompletion_flags, count, cvar_t::integer, NICKS_ALPHANUMERICS_ONLY, Nicks_CutMatchesAlphaNumeric(), Nicks_CutMatchesNormal(), Nicks_CutMatchesNoSpaces(), and NICKS_NO_SPACES.
Referenced by Nicks_CompleteBuildList().
Definition at line 2681 of file console.c.
References a, b, con_nickcompletion_flags, count, dp_strlcpy, i, int(), cvar_t::integer, Nicks_CutMatchesNormal(), NICKS_NO_SPACES, Nicks_sanlist, Nicks_strcleanlen(), and strlen().
Referenced by Nicks_CutMatches().
Definition at line 2643 of file console.c.
References count, i, int(), Nicks_sanlist, and strlen().
Referenced by Nicks_CutMatches(), Nicks_CutMatchesAlphaNumeric(), and Nicks_CutMatchesNoSpaces().
Definition at line 2740 of file console.c.
References a, b, count, dp_strlcpy, i, int(), Nicks_CutMatchesNormal(), Nicks_sanlist, Nicks_strcleanlen(), and strlen().
Referenced by Nicks_CutMatches().
static |
Definition at line 2666 of file console.c.
Referenced by Nicks_CutMatchesAlphaNumeric(), and Nicks_CutMatchesNoSpaces().
Definition at line 2519 of file console.c.
References a, b, con_nickcompletion_flags, cvar_t::integer, NICKS_ALPHANUMERICS_ONLY, NICKS_NO_SPACES, and Nicks_strncasecmp_nospaces().
Referenced by Nicks_CompleteCountPossible().
static |
Definition at line 160 of file console.c.
References qfont_table, STRING_COLOR_RGB_TAG_CHAR, and STRING_COLOR_TAG.
Referenced by Con_ConDump_f(), Log_ConPrint(), and Nicks_CompleteCountPossible().
static |
Convert an RGB color to its nearest quake color.
I'll cheat on this a bit by translating the colors to HSV first, S and V decide if it's black or white, otherwise, H will decide the actual color.
_r | Red (0-255) |
_g | Green (0-255) |
_b | Blue (0-255) |
< Hue angle [0,360]
< Saturation [0,1]
< In HSV v == max [0,1]
Definition at line 1099 of file console.c.
References b, float, g, int(), max, min, r, and v.
Referenced by Con_MaskPrint().
conbuffer_t con |
Definition at line 39 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_CheckResize(), Con_Clear_f(), Con_DrawNotify(), Con_Init(), Con_PrintToHistory(), and Con_Shutdown().
int con_backscroll |
Definition at line 37 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_CheckResize(), Con_DrawConsole(), Con_LastVisibleLine(), Key_Console(), and Key_Parse_CommonKeys().
cvar_t con_chat = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "con_chat","0", "how many chat lines to show in a dedicated chat area"} |
Definition at line 51 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_DrawNotify(), and Con_Init().
cvar_t con_chatpos = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "con_chatpos","0", "where to put chat (negative: lines from bottom of screen, positive: lines below notify, 0: at top)"} |
Definition at line 52 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_DrawNotify(), and Con_Init().
cvar_t con_chatrect = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "con_chatrect","0", "use con_chatrect_x and _y to position con_notify and con_chat freely instead of con_chatpos"} |
Definition at line 53 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_DrawNotify(), and Con_Init().
cvar_t con_chatrect_x = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "con_chatrect_x","", "where to put chat, relative x coordinate of left edge on screen (use con_chatwidth for width)"} |
Definition at line 54 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_DrawNotify(), and Con_Init().
cvar_t con_chatrect_y = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "con_chatrect_y","", "where to put chat, relative y coordinate of top edge on screen (use con_chat for line count)"} |
Definition at line 55 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_DrawNotify(), and Con_Init().
cvar_t con_chatsize = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "con_chatsize","8", "chat text size in virtual 2D pixels (if con_chat is enabled)"} |
Definition at line 59 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_DrawNotify(), and Con_Init().
cvar_t con_chatsound = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "con_chatsound","1", "enables chat sound to play on message"} |
cvar_t con_chatsound_file = {CF_CLIENT, "con_chatsound_file","sound/misc/talk.wav", "The sound to play for chat messages"} |
cvar_t con_chatsound_team_file = {CF_CLIENT, "con_chatsound_team_file","sound/misc/talk2.wav", "The sound to play for team chat messages"} |
Definition at line 62 of file console.c.
Referenced by CL_SetupWorldModel(), Con_Init(), and Con_MaskPrint().
cvar_t con_chatsound_team_mask = {CF_CLIENT, "con_chatsound_team_mask","40","Magic ASCII code that denotes a team chat message"} |
cvar_t con_chattime = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "con_chattime","30", "how long chat lines last, in seconds"} |
cvar_t con_chatwidth = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "con_chatwidth","1.0", "relative chat window width"} |
cvar_t con_completion_exec = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "con_completion_exec", "*.cfg", "completion pattern for the exec command"} |
Definition at line 85 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_Init().
cvar_t con_completion_playdemo = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "con_completion_playdemo", "*.dem", "completion pattern for the playdemo command"} |
Definition at line 83 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_Init().
cvar_t con_completion_timedemo = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "con_completion_timedemo", "*.dem", "completion pattern for the timedemo command"} |
Definition at line 84 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_Init().
float con_cursorspeed = 4 |
Definition at line 34 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_DrawInput().
qbool con_initialized |
Definition at line 97 of file console.c.
Referenced by CL_UpdateScreen(), Con_Init(), and Con_MaskPrint().
int con_linewidth |
Definition at line 94 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_CenterPrintf(), Con_CheckResize(), Con_DisplayList(), Con_Init(), Con_Quakebar(), FS_ListDirectory(), and LoadFont().
Definition at line 40 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_Clear_f(), Con_ConDump_f(), Con_DrawConsole(), Con_DrawNotify(), Con_Init(), Con_MaskPrint(), Con_Shutdown(), and Log_DestBuffer_Flush().
cvar_t con_nickcompletion = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "con_nickcompletion", "1", "tab-complete nicks in console and message input"} |
Definition at line 69 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_Init(), and Nicks_CompleteCountPossible().
cvar_t con_nickcompletion_flags |
Definition at line 70 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_Init(), Nicks_AddLastColor(), Nicks_CutMatches(), Nicks_CutMatchesAlphaNumeric(), and Nicks_strncasecmp().
cvar_t con_notify = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "con_notify","4", "how many notify lines to show"} |
cvar_t con_notifyalign = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "con_notifyalign", "", "how to align notify lines: 0 = left, 0.5 = center, 1 = right, empty string = game default)"} |
Definition at line 48 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_DrawNotify(), and Con_Init().
cvar_t con_notifysize = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "con_notifysize","8", "notify text size in virtual 2D pixels"} |
cvar_t con_notifytime = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "con_notifytime","3", "how long notify lines last, in seconds"} |
cvar_t con_textsize = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "con_textsize","8", "console text size in virtual 2D pixels"} |
Definition at line 57 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_CheckResize(), Con_DrawConsole(), Con_DrawConsoleLine(), Con_Init(), Con_LineHeight(), and Key_Console().
int con_vislines |
Definition at line 95 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_DrawConsole(), and SCR_DrawConsole().
cvar_t condump_stripcolors = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER| CF_ARCHIVE, "condump_stripcolors", "0", "strip color codes from console dumps"} |
Definition at line 87 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_ConDump_f(), and Con_Init().
char crt_log_file[MAX_OSPATH] = "" |
Definition at line 411 of file console.c.
Referenced by Log_Close(), Log_ConPrint(), and Log_Open().
char log_dest_buffer[1400] |
Definition at line 408 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_Rcon_AddChar(), Log_DestBuffer_Flush_NoLock(), Log_DestBuffer_Init(), and Log_Start().
unsigned int log_dest_buffer_appending |
Definition at line 410 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_Rcon_AddChar(), and Log_DestBuffer_Flush_NoLock().
size_t log_dest_buffer_pos |
Definition at line 409 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_Rcon_AddChar(), Log_DestBuffer_Flush_NoLock(), Log_DestBuffer_Init(), and Log_Start().
cvar_t log_dest_udp = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER, "log_dest_udp", "", "UDP address to log messages to (in QW rcon compatible format); multiple destinations can be separated by spaces; DO NOT SPECIFY DNS NAMES HERE"} |
Definition at line 407 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_Init(), Con_Rcon_AddChar(), Log_DestBuffer_Flush_NoLock(), and Log_Start().
Definition at line 405 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_Init(), Log_ConPrint(), and Log_Open().
cvar_t log_file_stripcolors = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER, "log_file_stripcolors", "0", "strip color codes from log messages"} |
Definition at line 406 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_Init(), and Log_ConPrint().
qfile_t* logfile = NULL |
Definition at line 412 of file console.c.
Referenced by Log_Close(), Log_ConPrint(), Log_Open(), and Log_Start().
size_t logq_ind = 0 |
Definition at line 415 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_Init(), Log_ConPrint(), and Log_Start().
size_t logq_size = 0 |
Definition at line 416 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_Init(), Log_ConPrint(), and Log_Start().
unsigned char* logqueue = NULL |
Definition at line 414 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_Init(), Log_ConPrint(), and Log_Start().
static |
Definition at line 2486 of file console.c.
Referenced by Cmd_CompleteNicksPrint(), Con_CompleteCommandLine(), and Nicks_CompleteCountPossible().
static |
Definition at line 2490 of file console.c.
Referenced by Nicks_AddLastColor(), and Nicks_CompleteCountPossible().
static |
Definition at line 2489 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_CompleteCommandLine(), Nicks_CompleteBuildList(), and Nicks_CompleteCountPossible().
static |
Definition at line 2487 of file console.c.
Referenced by Nicks_CompleteBuildList(), Nicks_CompleteCountPossible(), Nicks_CutMatchesAlphaNumeric(), Nicks_CutMatchesNormal(), and Nicks_CutMatchesNoSpaces().
static |
The translation table between the graphical font and plain ASCII –KB
Definition at line 120 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_MaskPrint(), and SanitizeString().
extern |
Definition at line 55 of file gl_draw.c.
Referenced by Con_MaskPrint(), DrawQ_GetTextColor(), and GL_Draw_Init().
extern |
Definition at line 56 of file gl_draw.c.
Referenced by Con_MaskPrint(), DrawQ_GetTextColor(), and GL_Draw_Init().
cvar_t rcon_address = {CF_CLIENT, "rcon_address", "", "server address to send rcon commands to (when not connected to a server)"} |
Definition at line 92 of file console.c.
Referenced by CL_PQRcon_f(), CL_Rcon_f(), and Con_Init().
cvar_t rcon_password = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER | CF_PRIVATE, "rcon_password", "", "password to authenticate rcon commands; NOTE: changing rcon_secure clears rcon_password, so set rcon_secure always before rcon_password; may be set to a string of the form user1:pass1 user2:pass2 user3:pass3 to allow multiple user accounts - the client then has to specify ONE of these combinations"} |
Definition at line 89 of file console.c.
Referenced by CL_Connect_f(), CL_PQRcon_f(), CL_Rcon_f(), Con_Init(), Con_RCon_ClearPassword_c(), NetConn_ClientParsePacket(), and RCon_Authenticate().
char rcon_redirect_buffer[1400] |
Definition at line 103 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_Rcon_AddChar(), Con_Rcon_Redirect_Flush(), and Con_Rcon_Redirect_Init().
int rcon_redirect_bufferpos = 0 |
Definition at line 102 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_Rcon_AddChar(), Con_Rcon_Redirect_Flush(), and Con_Rcon_Redirect_Init().
lhnetaddress_t* rcon_redirect_dest = NULL |
Definition at line 101 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_Rcon_AddChar(), Con_Rcon_Redirect_Abort(), Con_Rcon_Redirect_End(), Con_Rcon_Redirect_Flush(), and Con_Rcon_Redirect_Init().
Definition at line 104 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_Rcon_Redirect_Flush(), and Con_Rcon_Redirect_Init().
lhnetsocket_t* rcon_redirect_sock = NULL |
Definition at line 100 of file console.c.
Referenced by Con_Rcon_Redirect_Abort(), Con_Rcon_Redirect_End(), Con_Rcon_Redirect_Flush(), and Con_Rcon_Redirect_Init().
cvar_t rcon_secure = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER, "rcon_secure", "0", "force secure rcon authentication (1 = time based, 2 = challenge based); NOTE: changing rcon_secure clears rcon_password, so set rcon_secure always before rcon_password"} |
Definition at line 90 of file console.c.
Referenced by CL_Connect_f(), CL_PQRcon_f(), CL_Rcon_f(), Con_Init(), and NetConn_ServerParsePacket().
cvar_t rcon_secure_challengetimeout = {CF_CLIENT, "rcon_secure_challengetimeout", "5", "challenge-based secure rcon: time out requests if no challenge came within this time interval"} |
Definition at line 91 of file console.c.
Referenced by CL_Rcon_f(), Con_Init(), and NetConn_ClientParsePacket().
cvar_t sys_colortranslation = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER, "sys_colortranslation", "1", "terminal console color translation (supported values: -1 = print codes without translation, 0 = strip color codes, 1 = translate to ANSI codes, 2 = translate DP RGB to 24-bit and Quake colors to ANSI, 3 = translate all colors to 24-bit RGB)"} |
cvar_t sys_specialcharactertranslation = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER, "sys_specialcharactertranslation", "1", "terminal console conchars to ASCII translation (set to 0 if your conchars.tga is for an 8bit character set or if you want raw output)"} |
extern |
Definition at line 56 of file host.c.
Referenced by Con_MaskPrint(), Host_InitLocal(), and Sys_TimeString().
extern |