Game engine based on the Quake 1 engine by id Software, developed by LadyHavoc
snd_main.c File Reference
#include "quakedef.h"
#include "snd_main.h"
#include "snd_ogg.h"
#include "csprogs.h"
#include "cl_collision.h"
#include "cdaudio.h"
+ Include dependency graph for snd_main.c:

Go to the source code of this file.


#define SND_MAX_CHANNELS   8
#define SND_MAX_SPEED   192000
#define SND_MAX_WIDTH   2
#define SND_MIN_CHANNELS   1
#define SND_MIN_SPEED   8000
#define SND_MIN_WIDTH   1
#define SND_SPEAKERLAYOUTS   (sizeof(snd_speakerlayouts) / sizeof(snd_speakerlayouts[0]))
#define SWAP_LISTENERS(l1, l2, tmpl)




void S_ClearUsed (void)
sfx_t * S_FindName (const char *name)
void S_FreeSfx (sfx_t *sfx, qbool force)
float S_GetChannelPosition (unsigned int ch_ind)
float S_GetEntChannelPosition (int entnum, int entchannel)
int S_GetSoundChannels (void)
int S_GetSoundRate (void)
int S_GetSoundWidth (void)
void S_Init (void)
qbool S_IsSoundPrecached (const sfx_t *sfx)
qbool S_LocalSound (const char *sound)
qbool S_LocalSoundEx (const char *sound, int chan, float fvol)
static void S_PaintAndSubmit (void)
void S_PauseGameSounds (qbool toggle)
static void S_PauseSound_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
static void S_Play2_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
static void S_Play_Common (cmd_state_t *cmd, float fvol, float attenuation)
static void S_Play_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
static void S_PlaySfxOnChannel (sfx_t *sfx, channel_t *target_chan, unsigned int flags, vec3_t origin, float fvol, float attenuation, qbool isstatic, int entnum, int entchannel, int startpos, float fspeed)
static void S_PlayVol_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
sfx_t * S_PrecacheSound (const char *name, qbool complain, qbool levelsound)
void S_PurgeUnused (void)
static void S_Restart_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
qbool S_SetChannelFlag (unsigned int ch_ind, unsigned int flag, qbool value)
static void S_SetChannelLayout (void)
void S_SetChannelSpeed (unsigned int ch_ind, float fspeed)
void S_SetChannelVolume (unsigned int ch_ind, float fvol)
void S_Shutdown (void)
static void S_SoundInfo_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
float S_SoundLength (const char *name)
static void S_SoundList_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
int S_StartSound (int entnum, int entchannel, sfx_t *sfx, vec3_t origin, float fvol, float attenuation)
 S_StartSound returns the channel index, or -1 if an error occurred.
int S_StartSound_StartPosition_Flags (int entnum, int entchannel, sfx_t *sfx, vec3_t origin, float fvol, float attenuation, float startposition, int flags, float fspeed)
void S_Startup (void)
void S_StaticSound (sfx_t *sfx, vec3_t origin, float fvol, float attenuation)
void S_StopAllSounds (void)
void S_StopAllSounds_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
void S_StopChannel (unsigned int channel_ind, qbool lockmutex, qbool freesfx)
void S_StopSound (int entnum, int entchannel)
void S_Terminate (void)
void S_UnloadAllSounds_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
void S_Update (const matrix4x4_t *listenermatrix)
static void S_UpdateAmbientSounds (void)
static channel_tSND_PickChannel (int entnum, int entchannel)
static void SND_Spatialize (channel_t *ch, qbool isstatic)
static void SND_Spatialize_WithSfx (channel_t *ch, qbool isstatic, sfx_t *sfx)


cvar_t _snd_mixahead = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "_snd_mixahead", "0.15", "how much sound to mix ahead of time"}
static cvar_t ambient_fade = {CF_CLIENT, "ambient_fade", "100", "rate of volume fading when moving from one environment to another"}
static cvar_t ambient_level = {CF_CLIENT, "ambient_level", "0.3", "volume of environment noises (water and wind)"}
static const char * ambient_names [2] = { "sound/ambience/water1.wav", "sound/ambience/wind2.wav" }
static sfx_t * ambient_sfxs [2] = { NULL, NULL }
cvar_t bgmvolume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "bgmvolume", "1", "volume of background music (such as CD music or replacement files such as sound/cdtracks/track002.ogg)"}
sfx_t changevolume_sfx = {""}
channel_t channels [MAX_CHANNELS]
cvar_t cl_gameplayfix_soundsmovewithentities
static int current_channellayout = SND_CHANNELLAYOUT_AUTO
static int current_channellayout_used = SND_CHANNELLAYOUT_AUTO
static bool current_swapstereo = false
static unsigned int extrasoundtime = 0
static sfx_t * known_sfx = NULL
matrix4x4_t listener_basematrix
matrix4x4_t listener_matrix [SND_LISTENERS]
vec3_t listener_origin
static unsigned char * listener_pvs = NULL
static int listener_pvsbytes = 0
cvar_t mastervolume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "mastervolume", "0.7", "master volume"}
static cvar_t nosound = {CF_CLIENT, "nosound", "0", "disables sound"}
static unsigned int oldpaintedtime = 0
qbool simsound = false
 If simsound is true, the sound card is not initialized and no sound is submitted to it.
cvar_t snd_attenuation_decibel = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_attenuation_decibel", "0", "Decibel sound attenuation per sound radius distance"}
cvar_t snd_attenuation_exponent = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_attenuation_exponent", "1", "Exponent of (1-radius) in sound attenuation formula"}
bool snd_blocked = false
 When true, we submit silence to the audio device.
cvar_t snd_bufferlength = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_bufferlength", "20", "Desired length of the SDL2 audio buffer in milliseconds, smaller values reduce latency but can lead to underflow if the system is heavily loaded. Affects only how many sample frames are requested (which will be a power of 2 between 512 and 8192 inclusive)"}
cvar_t snd_channel0volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_channel0volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the auto-allocate entity channel"}
cvar_t snd_channel1volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_channel1volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 1st entity channel"}
cvar_t snd_channel2volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_channel2volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 2nd entity channel"}
cvar_t snd_channel3volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_channel3volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 3rd entity channel"}
cvar_t snd_channel4volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_channel4volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 4th entity channel"}
cvar_t snd_channel5volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_channel5volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 5th entity channel"}
cvar_t snd_channel6volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_channel6volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 6th entity channel"}
cvar_t snd_channel7volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_channel7volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 7th entity channel"}
cvar_t snd_channellayout = {CF_CLIENT, "snd_channellayout", "0", "channel layout. Can be 0 (auto - snd_restart needed), 1 (standard layout), or 2 (ALSA layout)"}
static cvar_t snd_channels = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_channels", "2", "number of channels for the sound output (2 for stereo; up to 8 supported for 3D sound)"}
cvar_t snd_csqcchannel0volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_csqcchannel0volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the auto-allocate entity channel CSQC entities (DEPRECATED)"}
cvar_t snd_csqcchannel1volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_csqcchannel1volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 1st entity channel of CSQC entities (DEPRECATED)"}
cvar_t snd_csqcchannel2volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_csqcchannel2volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 2nd entity channel of CSQC entities (DEPRECATED)"}
cvar_t snd_csqcchannel3volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_csqcchannel3volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 3rd entity channel of CSQC entities (DEPRECATED)"}
cvar_t snd_csqcchannel4volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_csqcchannel4volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 4th entity channel of CSQC entities (DEPRECATED)"}
cvar_t snd_csqcchannel5volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_csqcchannel5volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 5th entity channel of CSQC entities (DEPRECATED)"}
cvar_t snd_csqcchannel6volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_csqcchannel6volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 6th entity channel of CSQC entities (DEPRECATED)"}
cvar_t snd_csqcchannel7volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_csqcchannel7volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 7th entity channel of CSQC entities (DEPRECATED)"}
cvar_t snd_entchannel0volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_entchannel0volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the auto-allocate entity channel of regular entities (DEPRECATED)"}
cvar_t snd_entchannel1volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_entchannel1volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 1st entity channel of regular entities (DEPRECATED)"}
cvar_t snd_entchannel2volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_entchannel2volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 2nd entity channel of regular entities (DEPRECATED)"}
cvar_t snd_entchannel3volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_entchannel3volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 3rd entity channel of regular entities (DEPRECATED)"}
cvar_t snd_entchannel4volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_entchannel4volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 4th entity channel of regular entities (DEPRECATED)"}
cvar_t snd_entchannel5volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_entchannel5volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 5th entity channel of regular entities (DEPRECATED)"}
cvar_t snd_entchannel6volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_entchannel6volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 6th entity channel of regular entities (DEPRECATED)"}
cvar_t snd_entchannel7volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_entchannel7volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 7th entity channel of regular entities (DEPRECATED)"}
static cvar_t snd_identicalsoundrandomization_tics = {CF_CLIENT, "snd_identicalsoundrandomization_tics", "0", "if nonzero, how many tics to limit sound randomization as defined by snd_identicalsoundrandomization_time"}
static cvar_t snd_identicalsoundrandomization_time = {CF_CLIENT, "snd_identicalsoundrandomization_time", "0.1", "how much seconds to randomly skip (positive) or delay (negative) sounds when multiple identical sounds are started on the same frame"}
cvar_t snd_initialized = {CF_CLIENT | CF_READONLY, "snd_initialized", "0", "indicates the sound subsystem is active"}
cvar_t snd_maxchannelvolume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_maxchannelvolume", "10", "maximum volume of a single sound"}
cvar_t snd_mutewhenidle = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_mutewhenidle", "1", "1 disables sound output when game window is inactive, 2 disables it only when the window is minimised"}
cvar_t snd_playerchannel0volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_playerchannel0volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the auto-allocate entity channel of player entities (DEPRECATED)"}
cvar_t snd_playerchannel1volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_playerchannel1volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 1st entity channel of player entities (DEPRECATED)"}
cvar_t snd_playerchannel2volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_playerchannel2volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 2nd entity channel of player entities (DEPRECATED)"}
cvar_t snd_playerchannel3volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_playerchannel3volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 3rd entity channel of player entities (DEPRECATED)"}
cvar_t snd_playerchannel4volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_playerchannel4volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 4th entity channel of player entities (DEPRECATED)"}
cvar_t snd_playerchannel5volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_playerchannel5volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 5th entity channel of player entities (DEPRECATED)"}
cvar_t snd_playerchannel6volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_playerchannel6volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 6th entity channel of player entities (DEPRECATED)"}
cvar_t snd_playerchannel7volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_playerchannel7volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 7th entity channel of player entities (DEPRECATED)"}
static cvar_t snd_precache = {CF_CLIENT, "snd_precache", "1", "loads sounds before they are used"}
snd_ringbuffer_tsnd_renderbuffer = NULL
static cvar_t snd_show = {CF_CLIENT, "snd_show", "0", "shows some statistics about sound mixing"}
cvar_t snd_softclip = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_softclip", "0", "Use soft-clipping. Soft-clipping can make the sound more smooth if very high volume levels are used. Enable this option if the dynamic range of the loudspeakers is very low. WARNING: This feature creates distortion and should be considered a last resort."}
cvar_t snd_soundradius = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_soundradius", "1200", "radius of weapon sounds and other standard sound effects (monster idle noises are half this radius and flickering light noises are one third of this radius)"}
cvar_t snd_spatialization_control = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_spatialization_control", "0", "enable spatialization control (headphone friendly mode)"}
cvar_t snd_spatialization_max = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_spatialization_max", "0.95", "maximum spatialization of sounds"}
cvar_t snd_spatialization_max_radius = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_spatialization_max_radius", "100", "use maximum spatialization below this radius"}
cvar_t snd_spatialization_min = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_spatialization_min", "0.70", "minimum spatializazion of sounds"}
cvar_t snd_spatialization_min_radius = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_spatialization_min_radius", "10000", "use minimum spatialization above to this radius"}
cvar_t snd_spatialization_occlusion = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_spatialization_occlusion", "1", "enable occlusion testing on spatialized sounds, which simply quiets sounds that are blocked by the world; 1 enables PVS method, 2 enables LineOfSight method, 3 enables both"}
cvar_t snd_spatialization_power = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_spatialization_power", "0", "exponent of the spatialization falloff curve (0: logarithmic)"}
cvar_t snd_spatialization_prologic = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_spatialization_prologic", "0", "use dolby prologic (I, II or IIx) encoding (snd_channels must be 2)"}
cvar_t snd_spatialization_prologic_frontangle = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_spatialization_prologic_frontangle", "30", "the angle between the front speakers and the center speaker"}
speakerlayout_t snd_speakerlayout
static const speakerlayout_t snd_speakerlayouts []
static cvar_t snd_speed = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_speed", "48000", "sound output frequency, in hertz"}
static cvar_t snd_startloopingsounds = {CF_CLIENT, "snd_startloopingsounds", "1", "whether to start sounds that would loop (you want this to be 1); existing sounds are not affected"}
static cvar_t snd_startnonloopingsounds = {CF_CLIENT, "snd_startnonloopingsounds", "1", "whether to start sounds that would not loop (you want this to be 1); existing sounds are not affected"}
static double snd_starttime = 0.0
cvar_t snd_staticvolume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_staticvolume", "1", "volume of ambient sound effects (such as swampy sounds at the start of e1m2)"}
cvar_t snd_streaming = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_streaming", "1", "enables keeping compressed ogg sound files compressed, decompressing them only as needed, otherwise they will be decompressed completely at load (may use a lot of memory); when set to 2, streaming is performed even if this would waste memory"}
cvar_t snd_streaming_length = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_streaming_length", "1", "decompress sounds completely if they are less than this play time when snd_streaming is 1"}
cvar_t snd_swapstereo = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_swapstereo", "0", "swaps left/right speakers for old ISA soundblaster cards"}
qbool snd_threaded = false
 enables use of snd_usethreadedmixing, provided that no sound hacks are in effect (like timedemo)
qbool snd_usethreadedmixing = false
 if true, the main thread does not mix sound, soundtime does not advance, and neither does snd_renderbuffer->endframe, instead the audio thread will call S_MixToBuffer as needed
cvar_t snd_waterfx = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_waterfx", "1", "underwater sound filter strength"}
static cvar_t snd_width = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_width", "4", "sound output precision, in bytes - 1 = 8bit, 2 = 16bit, 4 = 32bit float"}
cvar_t snd_worldchannel0volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_worldchannel0volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the auto-allocate entity channel of the world entity (DEPRECATED)"}
cvar_t snd_worldchannel1volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_worldchannel1volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 1st entity channel of the world entity (DEPRECATED)"}
cvar_t snd_worldchannel2volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_worldchannel2volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 2nd entity channel of the world entity (DEPRECATED)"}
cvar_t snd_worldchannel3volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_worldchannel3volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 3rd entity channel of the world entity (DEPRECATED)"}
cvar_t snd_worldchannel4volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_worldchannel4volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 4th entity channel of the world entity (DEPRECATED)"}
cvar_t snd_worldchannel5volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_worldchannel5volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 5th entity channel of the world entity (DEPRECATED)"}
cvar_t snd_worldchannel6volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_worldchannel6volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 6th entity channel of the world entity (DEPRECATED)"}
cvar_t snd_worldchannel7volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_worldchannel7volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 7th entity channel of the world entity (DEPRECATED)"}
static unsigned int soundtime = 0
static float spatialdiff
static float spatialfactor
spatialmethod_t spatialmethod
static float spatialmin
static float spatialoffset
static float spatialpower
unsigned int total_channels
cvar_t v_flipped
cvar_t volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "volume", "0.7", "volume of sound effects"}

Macro Definition Documentation


#define SND_MAX_CHANNELS   8

Definition at line 39 of file snd_main.c.

Referenced by S_Startup().


#define SND_MAX_SPEED   192000

Definition at line 35 of file snd_main.c.

Referenced by S_Startup().


#define SND_MAX_WIDTH   2

Definition at line 37 of file snd_main.c.

Referenced by S_Startup().


#define SND_MIN_CHANNELS   1

Definition at line 38 of file snd_main.c.

Referenced by S_Startup().


#define SND_MIN_SPEED   8000

Definition at line 34 of file snd_main.c.

Referenced by S_Startup().


#define SND_MIN_WIDTH   1

Definition at line 36 of file snd_main.c.

Referenced by S_Startup().


#define SND_SPEAKERLAYOUTS   (sizeof(snd_speakerlayouts) / sizeof(snd_speakerlayouts[0]))

Definition at line 49 of file snd_main.c.

Referenced by S_SetChannelLayout().


#define SWAP_LISTENERS ( l1,
tmpl )
{ tmpl = (l1); (l1) = (l2); (l2) = tmpl; }

Definition at line 393 of file snd_main.c.

Referenced by S_SetChannelLayout().

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ spatialmethod_t


Definition at line 161 of file snd_main.c.

Definition snd_main.c:161
Definition snd_main.c:161
Definition snd_main.c:161
Definition snd_main.c:161
Definition snd_main.c:161

Function Documentation

◆ S_ClearUsed()

void S_ClearUsed ( void )

Definition at line 996 of file snd_main.c.

998 sfx_t *sfx;
999// sfx_t *sfxnext;
1000 unsigned int i;
1002 // Start the ambient sounds and make them loop
1003 for (i = 0; i < sizeof (ambient_sfxs) / sizeof (ambient_sfxs[0]); i++)
1004 {
1005 // Precache it if it's not done (and pass false for levelsound because these are permanent)
1006 if (ambient_sfxs[i] == NULL)
1007 ambient_sfxs[i] = S_PrecacheSound (ambient_names[i], false, false);
1008 if (ambient_sfxs[i] != NULL)
1009 {
1013 channels[i].basevolume = 0.0f;
1015 }
1016 }
1018 // Clear SFXFLAG_LEVELSOUND flag so that sounds not precached this level will be purged
1019 for (sfx = known_sfx; sfx != NULL; sfx = sfx->next)
1020 sfx->flags &= ~SFXFLAG_LEVELSOUND;
int i
#define NULL
Definition qtypes.h:12
static sfx_t * ambient_sfxs[2]
Definition snd_main.c:258
static sfx_t * known_sfx
Definition snd_main.c:147
channel_t channels[MAX_CHANNELS]
Definition snd_main.c:128
sfx_t * S_PrecacheSound(const char *name, qbool complain, qbool levelsound)
Definition snd_main.c:1048
static const char * ambient_names[2]
Definition snd_main.c:259
the sfx is part of the server or client precache list for this level
Definition snd_main.h:61
not freed during level change (menu sounds, music, etc)
Definition snd_main.h:63
Definition sound.h:39
unsigned int flags
cf CHANNELFLAG_* defines
Definition snd_main.h:91
float basevolume
0-1 master volume
Definition snd_main.h:90
float basespeed
playback rate multiplier for pitch variation
Definition snd_main.h:98
struct sfx_s * sfx
pointer to sound sample being used
Definition snd_main.h:89
float mixspeed
these are often updated while mixer is running, glitching should be minimized (mismatched channel vol...
Definition snd_main.h:102
unsigned int flags
cf SFXFLAG_* defines
Definition snd_main.h:73

References ambient_names, ambient_sfxs, channel_t::basespeed, channel_t::basevolume, CHANNELFLAG_FORCELOOP, channels, channel_t::flags, sfx_t::flags, i, known_sfx, channel_t::mixspeed, NULL, S_PrecacheSound(), channel_t::sfx, SFXFLAG_LEVELSOUND, and SFXFLAG_MENUSOUND.

Referenced by CL_ParseServerInfo(), and QW_CL_RequestNextDownload().

◆ S_FindName()

sfx_t * S_FindName ( const char * name)

Definition at line 895 of file snd_main.c.

897 sfx_t *sfx;
900 return NULL;
902 if(!strcmp(name, changevolume_sfx.name))
903 return &changevolume_sfx;
905 if (strlen (name) >= sizeof (sfx->name))
906 {
907 Con_Printf ("S_FindName: sound name too long (%s)\n", name);
908 return NULL;
909 }
911 // Look for this sound in the list of known sfx
912 // TODO: hash table search?
913 for (sfx = known_sfx; sfx != NULL; sfx = sfx->next)
914 if(!strcmp (sfx->name, name))
915 return sfx;
917 // check for # in the beginning, try lookup by soundindex
918 if (name[0] == '#' && name[1])
919 {
920 int soundindex = atoi(name + 1);
921 if (soundindex > 0 && soundindex < MAX_SOUNDS)
922 if (cl.sound_precache[soundindex]->name[0])
923 return cl.sound_precache[soundindex];
924 }
926 // Add a sfx_t struct for this sound
927 sfx = (sfx_t *)Mem_Alloc (snd_mempool, sizeof (*sfx));
928 memset (sfx, 0, sizeof(*sfx));
929 dp_strlcpy (sfx->name, name, sizeof (sfx->name));
930 sfx->memsize = sizeof(*sfx);
931 sfx->next = known_sfx;
932 known_sfx = sfx;
934 return sfx;
client_state_t cl
Definition cl_main.c:117
#define dp_strlcpy(dst, src, dsize)
Definition common.h:303
void Con_Printf(const char *fmt,...)
Prints to all appropriate console targets.
Definition console.c:1514
const GLchar * name
Definition glquake.h:601
float strlen(string s)
#define MAX_SOUNDS
max number of sounds loaded at once
Definition qdefs.h:107
mempool_t * snd_mempool
Definition snd_main.c:144
sfx_t changevolume_sfx
Definition snd_main.c:894
cvar_t snd_initialized
Definition snd_main.c:167
struct sfx_s * sound_precache[MAX_SOUNDS]
Definition client.h:889
int integer
Definition cvar.h:73
char name[MAX_QPATH]
Definition snd_main.h:68
#define Mem_Alloc(pool, size)
Definition zone.h:92

References changevolume_sfx, cl, Con_Printf(), dp_strlcpy, cvar_t::integer, known_sfx, MAX_SOUNDS, Mem_Alloc, name, sfx_t::name, NULL, snd_initialized, snd_mempool, client_state_t::sound_precache, and strlen().

Referenced by S_PrecacheSound(), S_SoundLength(), VM_CL_ambientsound(), VM_CL_pointsound(), and VM_CL_sound().

◆ S_FreeSfx()

void S_FreeSfx ( sfx_t * sfx,
qbool force )

Definition at line 943 of file snd_main.c.

945 unsigned int i;
947 // Do not free a precached sound during purge
948 if (!force && (sfx->flags & (SFXFLAG_LEVELSOUND | SFXFLAG_MENUSOUND)))
949 return;
952 Con_Printf ("unloading sound %s\n", sfx->name);
954 // Remove it from the list of known sfx
955 if (sfx == known_sfx)
956 known_sfx = known_sfx->next;
957 else
958 {
959 sfx_t *prev_sfx;
961 for (prev_sfx = known_sfx; prev_sfx != NULL; prev_sfx = prev_sfx->next)
962 if (prev_sfx->next == sfx)
963 {
964 prev_sfx->next = sfx->next;
965 break;
966 }
967 if (prev_sfx == NULL)
968 {
969 Con_Printf ("S_FreeSfx: Can't find SFX %s in the list!\n", sfx->name);
970 return;
971 }
972 }
974 // Stop all channels using this sfx
975 for (i = 0; i < total_channels; i++)
976 {
977 if (channels[i].sfx == sfx)
978 {
979 Con_Printf("S_FreeSfx: stopping channel %i for sfx \"%s\"\n", i, sfx->name);
980 S_StopChannel (i, true, false);
981 }
982 }
984 // Free it
985 if (sfx->fetcher != NULL && sfx->fetcher->freesfx != NULL)
986 sfx->fetcher->freesfx(sfx);
987 Mem_Free (sfx);
cvar_t developer_loading
Definition host.c:52
unsigned int total_channels
Definition snd_main.c:129
void S_StopChannel(unsigned int channel_ind, qbool lockmutex, qbool freesfx)
Definition snd_main.c:1648
#define Mem_Free(mem)
Definition zone.h:96

References channels, Con_Printf(), developer_loading, i, cvar_t::integer, known_sfx, Mem_Free, NULL, S_StopChannel(), SFXFLAG_LEVELSOUND, SFXFLAG_MENUSOUND, and total_channels.

Referenced by S_Play_Common(), S_PurgeUnused(), S_StopChannel(), S_Terminate(), and S_UnloadAllSounds_f().

◆ S_GetChannelPosition()

float S_GetChannelPosition ( unsigned int ch_ind)

Definition at line 1773 of file snd_main.c.

1775 // note: this is NOT accurate yet
1776 double s;
1777 channel_t *ch = &channels[ch_ind];
1778 sfx_t *sfx = ch->sfx;
1779 if (!sfx)
1780 return -1;
1782 s = ch->position / sfx->format.speed;
1783 /*
1784 if(!snd_usethreadedmixing)
1785 s += _snd_mixahead.value;
1786 */
1787 return (float)s;
double position
updated ONLY by mixer position in sfx, starts at 0, loops or stops at sfx->total_length
Definition snd_main.h:108

References channels, channel_t::position, and channel_t::sfx.

Referenced by CDAudio_GetPosition(), and S_GetEntChannelPosition().

◆ S_GetEntChannelPosition()

float S_GetEntChannelPosition ( int entnum,
int entchannel )

Definition at line 1790 of file snd_main.c.

1792 channel_t *ch;
1793 unsigned int i;
1795 for (i = 0; i < total_channels; i++)
1796 {
1797 ch = &channels[i];
1798 if (ch->entnum == entnum && ch->entchannel == entchannel)
1799 return S_GetChannelPosition(i);
1800 }
1801 return -1; // no playing sound in this channel
float entnum
float S_GetChannelPosition(unsigned int ch_ind)
Definition snd_main.c:1773
int entchannel
which channel id on the entity
Definition snd_main.h:93
int entnum
makes sound follow entity origin (allows replacing interrupting existing sound on same id)
Definition snd_main.h:92

References channels, channel_t::entchannel, channel_t::entnum, entnum, i, S_GetChannelPosition(), and total_channels.

Referenced by VM_getsoundtime().

◆ S_GetSoundChannels()

int S_GetSoundChannels ( void )

Definition at line 382 of file snd_main.c.

snd_ringbuffer_t * snd_renderbuffer
Definition snd_main.c:131
unsigned short channels
Definition snd_main.h:34
snd_format_t format
Definition snd_main.h:47

References snd_format_t::channels, snd_ringbuffer_t::format, and snd_renderbuffer.

Referenced by XMP_LoadModFile().

◆ S_GetSoundRate()

int S_GetSoundRate ( void )

Definition at line 377 of file snd_main.c.

unsigned int speed
Definition snd_main.h:32

References snd_ringbuffer_t::format, snd_renderbuffer, and snd_format_t::speed.

Referenced by S_SoundLength(), and XMP_LoadModFile().

◆ S_GetSoundWidth()

int S_GetSoundWidth ( void )

Definition at line 387 of file snd_main.c.

unsigned short width
Definition snd_main.h:33

References snd_ringbuffer_t::format, snd_renderbuffer, and snd_format_t::width.

Referenced by XMP_LoadModFile().

◆ S_Init()

void S_Init ( void )

Definition at line 706 of file snd_main.c.

780// COMMANDLINEOPTION: Sound: -nosound disables sound (including CD audio)
781 if (Sys_CheckParm("-nosound"))
782 {
783 // dummy out Play and Play2 because mods stuffcmd that
784 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_CLIENT, "play", Cmd_NoOperation_f, "does nothing because -nosound was specified");
785 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_CLIENT, "play2", Cmd_NoOperation_f, "does nothing because -nosound was specified");
786 return;
787 }
789 snd_mempool = Mem_AllocPool("sound", 0, NULL);
791// COMMANDLINEOPTION: Sound: -simsound runs sound mixing but with no output
792 if (Sys_CheckParm("-simsound"))
793 simsound = true;
795 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_CLIENT, "play", S_Play_f, "play a sound at your current location (not heard by anyone else)");
796 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_CLIENT, "play2", S_Play2_f, "play a sound globally throughout the level (not heard by anyone else)");
797 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_CLIENT, "playvol", S_PlayVol_f, "play a sound at the specified volume level at your current location (not heard by anyone else)");
798 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_CLIENT, "stopsound", S_StopAllSounds_f, "silence");
799 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_CLIENT, "pausesound", S_PauseSound_f, "temporary silence");
800 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_CLIENT, "soundlist", S_SoundList_f, "list loaded sounds");
801 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_CLIENT, "soundinfo", S_SoundInfo_f, "print sound system information (such as channels and speed)");
802 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_CLIENT, "snd_restart", S_Restart_f, "restart sound system");
803 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_CLIENT, "snd_unloadallsounds", S_UnloadAllSounds_f, "unload all sound files");
815 Cvar_RegisterVariable(&snd_swapstereo); // for people with backwards sound wiring
821 known_sfx = NULL;
824 memset(channels, 0, MAX_CHANNELS * sizeof(channel_t));
827#ifdef USEXMP
831 CDAudio_Init();
Definition bspfile.h:307
int CDAudio_Init(void)
Definition cd_shared.c:544
void Cmd_AddCommand(unsigned flags, const char *cmd_name, xcommand_t function, const char *description)
called by the init functions of other parts of the program to register commands and functions to call...
Definition cmd.c:1661
void Cmd_NoOperation_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition cmd.c:2240
#define CF_CLIENT
cvar/command that only the client can change/execute
Definition cmd.h:48
void Cvar_SetValueQuick(cvar_t *var, float value)
Definition cvar.c:473
void Cvar_RegisterVariable(cvar_t *variable)
registers a cvar that already has the name, string, and optionally the archive elements set.
Definition cvar.c:599
Definition qdefs.h:146
Definition qdefs.h:147
cvar_t snd_csqcchannel6volume
Definition snd_main.c:226
cvar_t snd_spatialization_max
Definition snd_main.c:184
static void S_PauseSound_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition snd_main.c:368
cvar_t snd_channel6volume
Definition snd_main.c:234
cvar_t snd_csqcchannel2volume
Definition snd_main.c:222
cvar_t snd_spatialization_min
Definition snd_main.c:183
static void S_SoundInfo_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition snd_main.c:353
cvar_t snd_attenuation_decibel
Definition snd_main.c:180
cvar_t snd_channellayout
Definition snd_main.c:170
static cvar_t snd_startloopingsounds
Definition snd_main.c:250
cvar_t snd_playerchannel2volume
Definition snd_main.c:206
cvar_t snd_entchannel3volume
Definition snd_main.c:199
cvar_t snd_attenuation_exponent
Definition snd_main.c:179
cvar_t snd_bufferlength
Definition snd_main.c:248
cvar_t snd_playerchannel1volume
Definition snd_main.c:205
cvar_t snd_csqcchannel4volume
Definition snd_main.c:224
static cvar_t snd_identicalsoundrandomization_tics
Definition snd_main.c:255
static cvar_t nosound
Definition snd_main.c:237
cvar_t snd_spatialization_min_radius
Definition snd_main.c:181
cvar_t snd_entchannel6volume
Definition snd_main.c:202
cvar_t snd_entchannel2volume
Definition snd_main.c:198
cvar_t snd_entchannel5volume
Definition snd_main.c:201
cvar_t snd_swapstereo
Definition snd_main.c:191
cvar_t snd_waterfx
Definition snd_main.c:173
cvar_t snd_mutewhenidle
Definition snd_main.c:193
cvar_t bgmvolume
Definition snd_main.c:165
qbool simsound
If simsound is true, the sound card is not initialized and no sound is submitted to it.
Definition snd_main.c:149
cvar_t snd_channel4volume
Definition snd_main.c:232
static cvar_t ambient_level
Definition snd_main.c:239
void S_StopAllSounds_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition snd_main.c:1743
cvar_t snd_entchannel7volume
Definition snd_main.c:203
cvar_t snd_staticvolume
Definition snd_main.c:177
cvar_t snd_worldchannel5volume
Definition snd_main.c:217
cvar_t snd_spatialization_power
Definition snd_main.c:185
static cvar_t snd_speed
Definition snd_main.c:245
static cvar_t snd_startnonloopingsounds
Definition snd_main.c:251
cvar_t snd_worldchannel3volume
Definition snd_main.c:215
cvar_t snd_playerchannel6volume
Definition snd_main.c:210
static cvar_t snd_identicalsoundrandomization_time
Definition snd_main.c:254
cvar_t snd_playerchannel4volume
Definition snd_main.c:208
cvar_t snd_streaming
Definition snd_main.c:171
cvar_t snd_csqcchannel0volume
Definition snd_main.c:220
cvar_t snd_channel3volume
Definition snd_main.c:231
cvar_t snd_csqcchannel1volume
Definition snd_main.c:221
cvar_t snd_soundradius
Definition snd_main.c:178
static void S_Play2_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition snd_main.c:311
cvar_t snd_playerchannel7volume
Definition snd_main.c:211
static cvar_t snd_channels
Definition snd_main.c:247
cvar_t snd_playerchannel0volume
Definition snd_main.c:204
cvar_t snd_maxchannelvolume
Definition snd_main.c:192
cvar_t snd_csqcchannel3volume
Definition snd_main.c:223
static cvar_t snd_precache
Definition snd_main.c:238
cvar_t snd_csqcchannel5volume
Definition snd_main.c:225
cvar_t snd_spatialization_prologic
Definition snd_main.c:187
cvar_t mastervolume
Definition snd_main.c:176
cvar_t snd_worldchannel7volume
Definition snd_main.c:219
cvar_t snd_playerchannel5volume
Definition snd_main.c:209
cvar_t snd_csqcchannel7volume
Definition snd_main.c:227
cvar_t snd_playerchannel3volume
Definition snd_main.c:207
cvar_t snd_spatialization_control
Definition snd_main.c:186
cvar_t snd_channel7volume
Definition snd_main.c:235
static cvar_t snd_show
Definition snd_main.c:241
cvar_t snd_worldchannel4volume
Definition snd_main.c:216
cvar_t snd_channel5volume
Definition snd_main.c:233
static void S_Play_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition snd_main.c:306
static cvar_t ambient_fade
Definition snd_main.c:240
cvar_t snd_channel1volume
Definition snd_main.c:229
void S_UnloadAllSounds_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition snd_main.c:864
cvar_t snd_channel0volume
Definition snd_main.c:228
cvar_t snd_entchannel4volume
Definition snd_main.c:200
static void S_SoundList_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition snd_main.c:321
cvar_t snd_spatialization_prologic_frontangle
Definition snd_main.c:188
static cvar_t snd_width
Definition snd_main.c:246
static void S_PlayVol_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition snd_main.c:316
cvar_t snd_channel2volume
Definition snd_main.c:230
cvar_t snd_entchannel1volume
Definition snd_main.c:197
cvar_t snd_worldchannel0volume
Definition snd_main.c:212
cvar_t snd_softclip
Definition snd_main.c:194
cvar_t snd_streaming_length
Definition snd_main.c:172
cvar_t snd_entchannel0volume
Definition snd_main.c:196
cvar_t snd_spatialization_occlusion
Definition snd_main.c:189
cvar_t snd_worldchannel2volume
Definition snd_main.c:214
cvar_t snd_worldchannel1volume
Definition snd_main.c:213
cvar_t snd_worldchannel6volume
Definition snd_main.c:218
cvar_t volume
Definition snd_main.c:166
cvar_t _snd_mixahead
Definition snd_main.c:190
cvar_t snd_spatialization_max_radius
Definition snd_main.c:182
static void S_Restart_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition snd_main.c:687
qbool OGG_OpenLibrary(void)
Definition snd_ogg.c:267
qbool XMP_OpenLibrary(void)
Definition snd_xmp.c:349
int Sys_CheckParm(const char *parm)
Definition sys_shared.c:327
#define Mem_AllocPool(name, flags, parent)
Definition zone.h:104

References _snd_mixahead, ambient_fade, ambient_level, bgmvolume, CDAudio_Init(), CF_CLIENT, channels, Cmd_AddCommand(), Cmd_NoOperation_f(), Cvar_RegisterVariable(), Cvar_SetValueQuick(), known_sfx, mastervolume, MAX_CHANNELS, MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS, Mem_AllocPool, nosound, NULL, NUM_AMBIENTS, OGG_OpenLibrary(), S_PauseSound_f(), S_Play2_f(), S_Play_f(), S_PlayVol_f(), S_Restart_f(), S_SoundInfo_f(), S_SoundList_f(), S_StopAllSounds_f(), S_UnloadAllSounds_f(), simsound, snd_attenuation_decibel, snd_attenuation_exponent, snd_bufferlength, snd_channel0volume, snd_channel1volume, snd_channel2volume, snd_channel3volume, snd_channel4volume, snd_channel5volume, snd_channel6volume, snd_channel7volume, snd_channellayout, snd_channels, snd_csqcchannel0volume, snd_csqcchannel1volume, snd_csqcchannel2volume, snd_csqcchannel3volume, snd_csqcchannel4volume, snd_csqcchannel5volume, snd_csqcchannel6volume, snd_csqcchannel7volume, snd_entchannel0volume, snd_entchannel1volume, snd_entchannel2volume, snd_entchannel3volume, snd_entchannel4volume, snd_entchannel5volume, snd_entchannel6volume, snd_entchannel7volume, snd_identicalsoundrandomization_tics, snd_identicalsoundrandomization_time, snd_initialized, snd_maxchannelvolume, snd_mempool, snd_mutewhenidle, snd_playerchannel0volume, snd_playerchannel1volume, snd_playerchannel2volume, snd_playerchannel3volume, snd_playerchannel4volume, snd_playerchannel5volume, snd_playerchannel6volume, snd_playerchannel7volume, snd_precache, snd_show, snd_softclip, snd_soundradius, snd_spatialization_control, snd_spatialization_max, snd_spatialization_max_radius, snd_spatialization_min, snd_spatialization_min_radius, snd_spatialization_occlusion, snd_spatialization_power, snd_spatialization_prologic, snd_spatialization_prologic_frontangle, snd_speed, snd_startloopingsounds, snd_startnonloopingsounds, snd_staticvolume, snd_streaming, snd_streaming_length, snd_swapstereo, snd_waterfx, snd_width, snd_worldchannel0volume, snd_worldchannel1volume, snd_worldchannel2volume, snd_worldchannel3volume, snd_worldchannel4volume, snd_worldchannel5volume, snd_worldchannel6volume, snd_worldchannel7volume, Sys_CheckParm(), total_channels, volume, and XMP_OpenLibrary().

Referenced by CL_Init().

◆ S_IsSoundPrecached()

qbool S_IsSoundPrecached ( const sfx_t * sfx)

Definition at line 1105 of file snd_main.c.

1107 return (sfx != NULL && sfx->fetcher != NULL) || (sfx == &changevolume_sfx);

References changevolume_sfx, and NULL.

Referenced by CL_BeginDownloads().

◆ S_LocalSound()

◆ S_LocalSoundEx()

qbool S_LocalSoundEx ( const char * sound,
int chan,
float fvol )

Definition at line 2217 of file snd_main.c.

2219 sfx_t *sfx;
2220 int ch_ind;
2223 return true;
2225 sfx = S_PrecacheSound (sound, true, false);
2226 if (!sfx)
2227 {
2228 Con_Printf("S_LocalSound: can't precache %s\n", sound);
2229 return false;
2230 }
2232 // menu sounds must not be freed on level change
2233 sfx->flags |= SFXFLAG_MENUSOUND;
2235 // fun fact: in Quake 1, this used -1 "replace any entity channel",
2236 // which we no longer support anyway
2237 // changed by Black in r4297 "Changed S_LocalSound to play multiple sounds at a time."
2238 ch_ind = S_StartSound (cl.viewentity, chan, sfx, vec3_origin, fvol, 0);
2239 if (ch_ind < 0)
2240 return false;
2243 return true;
vec3_t vec3_origin
Definition mathlib.c:26
int S_StartSound(int entnum, int entchannel, sfx_t *sfx, vec3_t origin, float fvol, float attenuation)
S_StartSound returns the channel index, or -1 if an error occurred.
Definition snd_main.c:1643
Definition sound.h:40

References CHANNELFLAG_LOCALSOUND, channels, cl, Con_Printf(), channel_t::flags, cvar_t::integer, nosound, S_PrecacheSound(), S_StartSound(), SFXFLAG_MENUSOUND, snd_initialized, vec3_origin, and client_state_t::viewentity.

Referenced by S_LocalSound(), and VM_localsound().

◆ S_PaintAndSubmit()

static void S_PaintAndSubmit ( void )

Definition at line 1895 of file snd_main.c.

1897 unsigned int newsoundtime, paintedtime, endtime, maxtime, usedframes;
1898 int usesoundtimehack;
1899 static int soundtimehack = -1;
1900 static int oldsoundtime = 0;
1903 return;
1905 // Update sound time
1906 snd_usethreadedmixing = false;
1907 usesoundtimehack = true;
1908 if (cls.timedemo) // SUPER NASTY HACK to mix non-realtime sound for more reliable benchmarking
1909 {
1910 usesoundtimehack = 1;
1911 newsoundtime = (unsigned int)((double)cl.mtime[0] * (double)snd_renderbuffer->format.speed);
1912 }
1914 else if (cls.capturevideo.soundrate && !cls.capturevideo.realtime) // SUPER NASTY HACK to record non-realtime sound
1915 {
1916 usesoundtimehack = 2;
1917 newsoundtime = (unsigned int)((double)cls.capturevideo.frame * (double)snd_renderbuffer->format.speed / (double)cls.capturevideo.framerate);
1918 }
1920 else if (simsound)
1921 {
1922 usesoundtimehack = 3;
1923 newsoundtime = (unsigned int)((host.realtime - snd_starttime) * (double)snd_renderbuffer->format.speed);
1924 }
1925 else
1926 {
1928 snd_usethreadedmixing = snd_threaded && !cls.capturevideo.soundrate;
1932 usesoundtimehack = 0;
1933 newsoundtime = SndSys_GetSoundTime();
1934 }
1935 // if the soundtimehack state changes we need to reset the soundtime
1936 if (soundtimehack != usesoundtimehack)
1937 {
1940 // Mute the contents of the submission buffer
1942 {
1943 int clear;
1944 size_t memsize;
1946 clear = (snd_renderbuffer->format.width == 1) ? 0x80 : 0;
1948 memset(snd_renderbuffer->ring, clear, memsize);
1950 if (!simsound)
1952 }
1953 }
1954 soundtimehack = usesoundtimehack;
1956 // mixing is always required here when capturing, even if output is muted
1957 // (capture doesn't use threaded/callback mode)
1958 if (!soundtimehack && snd_blocked && !cls.capturevideo.active)
1959 return;
1962 return; // the audio thread will mix its own data
1964 newsoundtime += extrasoundtime;
1965 if (newsoundtime < soundtime)
1966 {
1968 if ((cls.capturevideo.soundrate != 0) != recording_sound)
1969 {
1970 unsigned int additionaltime;
1972 // add some time to extrasoundtime make newsoundtime higher
1974 // The extra time must be a multiple of the render buffer size
1975 // to avoid modifying the current position in the buffer,
1976 // some modules write directly to a shared (DMA) buffer
1977 additionaltime = (soundtime - newsoundtime) + snd_renderbuffer->maxframes - 1;
1978 additionaltime -= additionaltime % snd_renderbuffer->maxframes;
1980 extrasoundtime += additionaltime;
1981 newsoundtime += additionaltime;
1982 Con_DPrintf("S_PaintAndSubmit: new extra sound time = %u\n",
1984 }
1985 else if (!soundtimehack)
1987 if (!soundtimehack)
1989 Con_Printf("S_PaintAndSubmit: WARNING: newsoundtime < soundtime (%u < %u)\n",
1990 newsoundtime, soundtime);
1991 }
1992 soundtime = newsoundtime;
1994 recording_sound = (cls.capturevideo.soundrate != 0);
1997 // Lock submitbuffer
1999 {
2000 // If the lock failed, stop here
2001 Con_DPrint(">> S_PaintAndSubmit: SndSys_LockRenderBuffer() failed\n");
2002 return;
2003 }
2005 // Check to make sure that we haven't overshot
2006 paintedtime = snd_renderbuffer->endframe;
2007 if (paintedtime < soundtime)
2008 paintedtime = soundtime;
2010 // mix ahead of current position
2011 if (soundtimehack)
2012 endtime = soundtime + (unsigned int)(_snd_mixahead.value * (float)snd_renderbuffer->format.speed);
2013 else
2014 endtime = soundtime + (unsigned int)(max(_snd_mixahead.value * (float)snd_renderbuffer->format.speed, min(3 * (soundtime - oldsoundtime), 0.3 * (float)snd_renderbuffer->format.speed)));
2016 maxtime = paintedtime + snd_renderbuffer->maxframes - usedframes;
2017 endtime = min(endtime, maxtime);
2019 while (paintedtime < endtime)
2020 {
2021 unsigned int startoffset;
2022 unsigned int nbframes;
2024 // see how much we can fit in the paint buffer
2025 nbframes = endtime - paintedtime;
2026 // limit to the end of the ring buffer (in case of wrapping)
2027 startoffset = paintedtime % snd_renderbuffer->maxframes;
2028 nbframes = min(nbframes, snd_renderbuffer->maxframes - startoffset);
2030 // mix into the buffer
2033 paintedtime += nbframes;
2034 snd_renderbuffer->endframe = paintedtime;
2035 }
2036 if (!simsound)
2039 // Remove outdated samples from the ring buffer, if any
2043 if (simsound)
2045 else
2046 SndSys_Submit();
2048 oldsoundtime = soundtime;
2051 R_TimeReport("audiomix");
client_static_t cls
Definition cl_main.c:116
void Con_DPrintf(const char *fmt,...)
A Con_Printf that only shows up if the "developer" cvar is set.
Definition console.c:1544
void Con_DPrint(const char *msg)
A Con_Print that only shows up if the "developer" cvar is set.
Definition console.c:1531
static int(ZEXPORT *qz_inflate)(z_stream *strm
host_static_t host
Definition host.c:41
#define max(A, B)
Definition mathlib.h:38
#define min(A, B)
Definition mathlib.h:37
void R_TimeReport(const char *desc)
Definition r_stats.c:193
qbool snd_threaded
enables use of snd_usethreadedmixing, provided that no sound hacks are in effect (like timedemo)
Definition snd_main.c:136
static unsigned int soundtime
Definition snd_main.c:132
bool snd_blocked
When true, we submit silence to the audio device.
Definition snd_main.c:155
static unsigned int extrasoundtime
Definition snd_main.c:134
static double snd_starttime
Definition snd_main.c:135
qbool snd_usethreadedmixing
if true, the main thread does not mix sound, soundtime does not advance, and neither does snd_renderb...
Definition snd_main.c:137
void SndSys_Submit(void)
Submit the contents of "snd_renderbuffer" to the sound card.
Definition snd_sdl.c:196
unsigned int SndSys_GetSoundTime(void)
Returns the number of sample frames consumed since the sound started.
Definition snd_sdl.c:209
void S_MixToBuffer(void *stream, unsigned int frames)
Definition snd_mix.c:369
qbool SndSys_LockRenderBuffer(void)
Get the exclusive lock on "snd_renderbuffer".
Definition snd_sdl.c:222
void SndSys_UnlockRenderBuffer(void)
Release the exclusive lock on "snd_renderbuffer".
Definition snd_sdl.c:236
int latency_milliseconds
Definition client.h:558
double mtime[2]
Definition client.h:861
cl_soundstats_t soundstats
Definition client.h:607
qbool timedemo
Definition client.h:589
float value
Definition cvar.h:74
double realtime
the accumulated mainloop time since application started (with filtering), without any slowmo or clamp...
Definition host.h:46
unsigned char * ring
Definition snd_main.h:48
unsigned int startframe
index of the first frame in the buffer if startframe == endframe, the bufffer is empty
Definition snd_main.h:52
unsigned int maxframes
max size (buffer size), in sample frames
Definition snd_main.h:49
unsigned int endframe
index of the first EMPTY frame in the "ring" buffer may be smaller than startframe if the "ring" buff...
Definition snd_main.h:55

References _snd_mixahead, snd_format_t::channels, cl, cls, Con_DPrint(), Con_DPrintf(), Con_Printf(), snd_ringbuffer_t::endframe, extrasoundtime, snd_ringbuffer_t::format, host, int(), cvar_t::integer, cl_soundstats_t::latency_milliseconds, max, snd_ringbuffer_t::maxframes, min, client_state_t::mtime, nosound, NULL, R_TimeReport(), host_static_t::realtime, snd_ringbuffer_t::ring, S_MixToBuffer(), simsound, snd_blocked, snd_renderbuffer, snd_starttime, snd_threaded, snd_usethreadedmixing, SndSys_GetSoundTime(), SndSys_LockRenderBuffer(), SndSys_Submit(), SndSys_UnlockRenderBuffer(), client_static_t::soundstats, soundtime, snd_format_t::speed, snd_ringbuffer_t::startframe, client_static_t::timedemo, cvar_t::value, and snd_format_t::width.

Referenced by S_Update().

◆ S_PauseGameSounds()

void S_PauseGameSounds ( qbool toggle)

Definition at line 1749 of file snd_main.c.

1751 unsigned int i;
1753 for (i = 0; i < total_channels; i++)
1754 {
1755 channel_t *ch;
1757 ch = &channels[i];
1758 if (ch->sfx != NULL && ! (ch->flags & CHANNELFLAG_LOCALSOUND))
1760 }
qbool S_SetChannelFlag(unsigned int ch_ind, unsigned int flag, qbool value)
Definition snd_main.c:1679
Definition sound.h:41

References CHANNELFLAG_LOCALSOUND, CHANNELFLAG_PAUSED, channels, channel_t::flags, i, NULL, S_SetChannelFlag(), channel_t::sfx, and total_channels.

Referenced by CL_ParseServerMessage(), and S_PauseSound_f().

◆ S_PauseSound_f()

static void S_PauseSound_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 368 of file snd_main.c.

370 if( Cmd_Argc(cmd) != 2 ) {
371 Con_Print("pausesound <pause>\n");
372 return;
373 }
374 S_PauseGameSounds(atoi( Cmd_Argv(cmd, 1 ) ) != 0);
static int Cmd_Argc(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition cmd.h:249
static const char * Cmd_Argv(cmd_state_t *cmd, int arg)
Cmd_Argv(cmd, ) will return an empty string (not a NULL) if arg > argc, so string operations are alwa...
Definition cmd.h:254
void Con_Print(const char *msg)
Prints to all appropriate console targets, and adds timestamps.
Definition console.c:1504
void cmd(string command,...)
void S_PauseGameSounds(qbool toggle)
Definition snd_main.c:1749

References cmd(), Cmd_Argc(), Cmd_Argv(), Con_Print(), and S_PauseGameSounds().

Referenced by S_Init().

◆ S_Play2_f()

static void S_Play2_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 311 of file snd_main.c.

313 S_Play_Common(cmd, 1.0f, 0.0f);
static void S_Play_Common(cmd_state_t *cmd, float fvol, float attenuation)
Definition snd_main.c:270

References cmd(), and S_Play_Common().

Referenced by S_Init().

◆ S_Play_Common()

static void S_Play_Common ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
float fvol,
float attenuation )

Definition at line 270 of file snd_main.c.

272 int i, ch_ind;
273 char name [MAX_QPATH];
274 sfx_t *sfx;
276 i = 1;
277 while (i < Cmd_Argc (cmd))
278 {
279 // Get the name, and appends ".wav" as an extension if there's none
280 dp_strlcpy (name, Cmd_Argv(cmd, i), sizeof (name));
281 if (!strrchr (name, '.'))
282 dp_strlcat (name, ".wav", sizeof (name));
283 i++;
285 // If we need to get the volume from the command line
286 if (fvol == -1.0f)
287 {
288 fvol = atof (Cmd_Argv(cmd, i));
289 i++;
290 }
292 sfx = S_PrecacheSound (name, true, true);
293 if (sfx)
294 {
295 ch_ind = S_StartSound (-1, 0, sfx, listener_origin, fvol, attenuation);
297 // Free the sfx if the file didn't exist
298 if (!sfx->fetcher)
299 S_FreeSfx (sfx, false);
300 else
302 }
303 }
#define dp_strlcat(dst, src, dsize)
Definition common.h:304
#define MAX_QPATH
max length of a quake game pathname
Definition qdefs.h:169
void S_FreeSfx(sfx_t *sfx, qbool force)
Definition snd_main.c:943
vec3_t listener_origin
Definition snd_main.c:139

References CHANNELFLAG_LOCALSOUND, channels, cmd(), Cmd_Argc(), Cmd_Argv(), dp_strlcat, dp_strlcpy, channel_t::flags, i, listener_origin, MAX_QPATH, name, S_FreeSfx(), S_PrecacheSound(), and S_StartSound().

Referenced by S_Play2_f(), S_Play_f(), and S_PlayVol_f().

◆ S_Play_f()

static void S_Play_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 306 of file snd_main.c.

308 S_Play_Common(cmd, 1.0f, 1.0f);

References cmd(), and S_Play_Common().

Referenced by S_Init().

◆ S_PlaySfxOnChannel()

static void S_PlaySfxOnChannel ( sfx_t * sfx,
channel_t * target_chan,
unsigned int flags,
vec3_t origin,
float fvol,
float attenuation,
qbool isstatic,
int entnum,
int entchannel,
int startpos,
float fspeed )

Definition at line 1514 of file snd_main.c.

1516 if (!sfx)
1517 {
1518 Con_Printf("S_PlaySfxOnChannel called with NULL??\n");
1519 return;
1520 }
1522 if ((sfx->loopstart < sfx->total_length) || (flags & CHANNELFLAG_FORCELOOP))
1523 {
1525 return;
1526 }
1527 else
1528 {
1530 return;
1531 }
1533 // Initialize the channel
1534 // a crash was reported on an in-use channel, so check here...
1535 if (target_chan->sfx)
1536 {
1537 int channelindex = (int)(target_chan - channels);
1538 Con_Printf("S_PlaySfxOnChannel(%s): channel %i already in use?? Clearing.\n", sfx->name, channelindex);
1539 S_StopChannel (channelindex, true, false);
1540 }
1541 // We MUST set sfx LAST because otherwise we could crash a threaded mixer
1542 // (otherwise we'd have to call SndSys_LockRenderBuffer here)
1543 memset (target_chan, 0, sizeof (*target_chan));
1544 VectorCopy (origin, target_chan->origin);
1545 target_chan->flags = flags;
1546 target_chan->position = startpos; // start of the sound
1547 target_chan->entnum = entnum;
1548 target_chan->entchannel = entchannel;
1550 // If it's a static sound
1551 if (isstatic)
1552 {
1553 if (sfx->loopstart >= sfx->total_length && (cls.protocol == PROTOCOL_QUAKE || cls.protocol == PROTOCOL_QUAKEWORLD))
1554 Con_DPrintf("Quake compatibility warning: Static sound \"%s\" is not looped\n", sfx->name);
1555 target_chan->distfade = attenuation / (64.0f * snd_soundradius.value);
1556 }
1557 else
1558 target_chan->distfade = attenuation / snd_soundradius.value;
1560 // set the listener volumes
1561 S_SetChannelVolume(target_chan - channels, fvol);
1562 S_SetChannelSpeed(target_chan - channels, fspeed);
1563 SND_Spatialize_WithSfx (target_chan, isstatic, sfx);
1565 // finally, set the sfx pointer, so the channel becomes valid for playback
1566 // and will be noticed by the mixer
1567 target_chan->sfx = sfx;
quake (aka netquake/normalquake/nq) protocol
Definition common.h:144
quakeworld protocol
Definition common.h:145
float flags
vector origin
#define VectorCopy(in, out)
Definition mathlib.h:101
void S_SetChannelVolume(unsigned int ch_ind, float fvol)
Definition snd_main.c:1763
static void SND_Spatialize_WithSfx(channel_t *ch, qbool isstatic, sfx_t *sfx)
Definition snd_main.c:1191
void S_SetChannelSpeed(unsigned int ch_ind, float fspeed)
Definition snd_main.c:1768
vec_t distfade
distance multiplier (attenuation/clipK)
Definition snd_main.h:95
vec3_t origin
origin of sound effect
Definition snd_main.h:94
protocolversion_t protocol
Definition client.h:617

References CHANNELFLAG_FORCELOOP, channels, cls, Con_DPrintf(), Con_Printf(), channel_t::distfade, channel_t::entchannel, channel_t::entnum, entnum, channel_t::flags, flags, int(), cvar_t::integer, channel_t::origin, origin, channel_t::position, client_static_t::protocol, PROTOCOL_QUAKE, PROTOCOL_QUAKEWORLD, S_SetChannelSpeed(), S_SetChannelVolume(), S_StopChannel(), channel_t::sfx, snd_soundradius, SND_Spatialize_WithSfx(), snd_startloopingsounds, snd_startnonloopingsounds, cvar_t::value, and VectorCopy.

Referenced by S_StartSound_StartPosition_Flags(), and S_StaticSound().

◆ S_PlayVol_f()

static void S_PlayVol_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 316 of file snd_main.c.

318 S_Play_Common(cmd, -1.0f, 0.0f);

References cmd(), and S_Play_Common().

Referenced by S_Init().

◆ S_PrecacheSound()

sfx_t * S_PrecacheSound ( const char * name,
qbool complain,
qbool levelsound )

Definition at line 1048 of file snd_main.c.

1050 sfx_t *sfx;
1053 return NULL;
1055 if (name == NULL || name[0] == 0)
1056 return NULL;
1058 sfx = S_FindName (name);
1060 if (sfx == NULL)
1061 return NULL;
1063 // clear the FILEMISSING flag so that S_LoadSound will try again on a
1064 // previously missing file
1065 sfx->flags &= ~ SFXFLAG_FILEMISSING;
1067 // set a flag to indicate this has been precached for this level or permanently
1068 if (levelsound)
1069 sfx->flags |= SFXFLAG_LEVELSOUND;
1070 else
1071 sfx->flags |= SFXFLAG_MENUSOUND;
1074 S_LoadSound(sfx, complain);
1076 return sfx;
sfx_t * S_FindName(const char *name)
Definition snd_main.c:895
qbool S_LoadSound(struct sfx_s *sfx, qbool complain)

References cvar_t::integer, name, nosound, NULL, S_FindName(), S_LoadSound(), SFXFLAG_LEVELSOUND, SFXFLAG_MENUSOUND, snd_initialized, and snd_precache.

Referenced by CDAudio_Play_byName(), CL_BeginDownloads(), CL_ParseServerInfo(), CL_ParseServerMessage(), dpvsimpledecode_open(), jam_open(), LibAvW_OpenVideo(), QW_CL_RequestNextDownload(), S_ClearUsed(), S_LocalSoundEx(), S_Play_Common(), and VM_precache_sound().

◆ S_PurgeUnused()

void S_PurgeUnused ( void )

Definition at line 1028 of file snd_main.c.

1030 sfx_t *sfx;
1031 sfx_t *sfxnext;
1033 // Free all not-precached per-level sfx
1034 for (sfx = known_sfx;sfx;sfx = sfxnext)
1035 {
1036 sfxnext = sfx->next;
1037 if (!(sfx->flags & (SFXFLAG_LEVELSOUND | SFXFLAG_MENUSOUND)))
1038 S_FreeSfx (sfx, false);
1039 }

References known_sfx, S_FreeSfx(), SFXFLAG_LEVELSOUND, and SFXFLAG_MENUSOUND.

Referenced by CL_SignonReply().

◆ S_Restart_f()

static void S_Restart_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 687 of file snd_main.c.

689 // NOTE: we can't free all sounds if we are running a map (this frees sfx_t that are still referenced by precaches)
690 // So, refuse to do this if we are connected.
691 if(cls.state == ca_connected)
692 {
693 Con_Printf("snd_restart would wreak havoc if you do that while connected!\n");
694 return;
695 }
697 S_Shutdown();
698 S_Startup();
@ ca_connected
Definition client.h:532
void S_Startup(void)
Definition snd_main.c:476
void S_Shutdown(void)
Definition snd_main.c:668
cactive_t state
Definition client.h:568

References ca_connected, cls, Con_Printf(), S_Shutdown(), S_Startup(), and client_static_t::state.

Referenced by S_Init().

◆ S_SetChannelFlag()

qbool S_SetChannelFlag ( unsigned int ch_ind,
unsigned int flag,
qbool value )

Definition at line 1679 of file snd_main.c.

1681 if (ch_ind >= total_channels)
1682 return false;
1684 if (flag != CHANNELFLAG_FORCELOOP &&
1685 flag != CHANNELFLAG_PAUSED &&
1688 return false;
1690 if (value)
1691 channels[ch_ind].flags |= flag;
1692 else
1693 channels[ch_ind].flags &= ~flag;
1695 return true;
GLsizei const GLfloat * value
Definition glquake.h:740
Definition sound.h:42


Referenced by CDAudio_Pause(), CDAudio_Resume(), S_PauseGameSounds(), and S_StartSound_StartPosition_Flags().

◆ S_SetChannelLayout()

static void S_SetChannelLayout ( void )

Definition at line 395 of file snd_main.c.

397 unsigned int i;
398 listener_t swaplistener;
399 listener_t *listeners;
400 int layout;
402 for (i = 0; i < SND_SPEAKERLAYOUTS; i++)
404 break;
406 {
407 Con_Printf("S_SetChannelLayout: can't find the speaker layout for %hu channels. Defaulting to mono output\n",
410 }
413 listeners = snd_speakerlayout.listeners;
415 // Swap the left and right channels if snd_swapstereo is set
417 {
419 {
420 case 8:
421 SWAP_LISTENERS(listeners[6], listeners[7], swaplistener);
422 // no break
423 case 4:
424 case 6:
425 SWAP_LISTENERS(listeners[2], listeners[3], swaplistener);
426 // no break
427 case 2:
428 SWAP_LISTENERS(listeners[0], listeners[1], swaplistener);
429 break;
431 default:
432 case 1:
433 // Nothing to do
434 break;
435 }
436 }
438 // Sanity check
444 {
445 // If we're in the sound engine initialization
447 {
450 }
451 else
453 }
454 else
455 layout = snd_channellayout.integer;
457 // Convert our layout (= ALSA) to the standard layout if necessary
459 {
461 {
462 SWAP_LISTENERS(listeners[2], listeners[4], swaplistener);
463 SWAP_LISTENERS(listeners[3], listeners[5], swaplistener);
464 }
466 Con_Printf("S_SetChannelLayout: using %s speaker layout for 3D sound\n",
467 (layout == SND_CHANNELLAYOUT_ALSA) ? "ALSA" : "standard");
468 }
#define boolxor(a, b)
boolean XOR (why doesn't C have the ^^ operator for this purpose?)
Definition mathlib.h:60
static bool current_swapstereo
Definition snd_main.c:156
static const speakerlayout_t snd_speakerlayouts[]
Definition snd_main.c:50
cvar_t v_flipped
Definition gl_backend.c:20
static int current_channellayout
Definition snd_main.c:157
speakerlayout_t snd_speakerlayout
Definition snd_main.c:44
#define SWAP_LISTENERS(l1, l2, tmpl)
Definition snd_main.c:393
static int current_channellayout_used
Definition snd_main.c:158
Definition snd_main.c:49
Definition snd_main.h:135
Definition snd_main.h:136
Definition snd_main.h:134
unsigned int channels
Definition snd_main.h:212
listener_t listeners[SND_LISTENERS]
Definition snd_main.h:213

References boolxor, channels, snd_format_t::channels, speakerlayout_t::channels, Con_Printf(), current_channellayout, current_channellayout_used, current_swapstereo, Cvar_SetValueQuick(), snd_ringbuffer_t::format, i, cvar_t::integer, speakerlayout_t::listeners, snd_channellayout, SND_CHANNELLAYOUT_ALSA, SND_CHANNELLAYOUT_AUTO, SND_CHANNELLAYOUT_STANDARD, snd_renderbuffer, snd_speakerlayout, SND_SPEAKERLAYOUTS, snd_speakerlayouts, snd_swapstereo, SWAP_LISTENERS, and v_flipped.

Referenced by S_Startup(), and S_Update().

◆ S_SetChannelSpeed()

void S_SetChannelSpeed ( unsigned int ch_ind,
float fspeed )

Definition at line 1768 of file snd_main.c.

1770 channels[ch_ind].basespeed = fspeed;

References channel_t::basespeed, and channels.

Referenced by S_PlaySfxOnChannel(), and S_StartSound_StartPosition_Flags().

◆ S_SetChannelVolume()

void S_SetChannelVolume ( unsigned int ch_ind,
float fvol )

Definition at line 1763 of file snd_main.c.

1765 channels[ch_ind].basevolume = fvol;

References channel_t::basevolume, and channels.

Referenced by CDAudio_SetVolume(), S_PlaySfxOnChannel(), and S_StartSound_StartPosition_Flags().

◆ S_Shutdown()

void S_Shutdown ( void )

Definition at line 668 of file snd_main.c.

670 if (snd_renderbuffer == NULL)
671 return;
677 if (simsound)
678 {
682 }
683 else
void CDAudio_Shutdown(void)
Definition cd_shared.c:590
static unsigned int oldpaintedtime
Definition snd_main.c:133
void SndSys_Shutdown(void)
Stop the sound card, delete "snd_renderbuffer" and free its other resources.
Definition snd_sdl.c:174

References CDAudio_Shutdown(), snd_ringbuffer_t::endframe, Mem_Free, NULL, oldpaintedtime, snd_ringbuffer_t::ring, simsound, snd_renderbuffer, and SndSys_Shutdown().

Referenced by S_Restart_f(), and S_Terminate().

◆ S_SoundInfo_f()

static void S_SoundInfo_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 353 of file snd_main.c.

355 if (snd_renderbuffer == NULL)
356 {
357 Con_Print("sound system not started\n");
358 return;
359 }
361 Con_Printf("%5d speakers\n", snd_renderbuffer->format.channels);
362 Con_Printf("%5d frames\n", snd_renderbuffer->maxframes);
363 Con_Printf("%5d samplebits\n", snd_renderbuffer->format.width * 8);
364 Con_Printf("%5d speed\n", snd_renderbuffer->format.speed);
365 Con_Printf("%5u total_channels\n", total_channels);

References snd_format_t::channels, Con_Print(), Con_Printf(), snd_ringbuffer_t::format, snd_ringbuffer_t::maxframes, NULL, snd_renderbuffer, snd_format_t::speed, total_channels, and snd_format_t::width.

Referenced by S_Init().

◆ S_SoundLength()

float S_SoundLength ( const char * name)

Definition at line 1085 of file snd_main.c.

1087 sfx_t *sfx;
1090 return -1;
1091 if (name == NULL || name[0] == 0)
1092 return -1;
1094 sfx = S_FindName(name);
1095 if (sfx == NULL)
1096 return -1;
1097 return sfx->total_length / (float) S_GetSoundRate();
precision highp float
Definition shader_glsl.h:53
int S_GetSoundRate(void)
Definition snd_main.c:377

References float, cvar_t::integer, name, NULL, S_FindName(), S_GetSoundRate(), and snd_initialized.

Referenced by VM_soundlength().

◆ S_SoundList_f()

static void S_SoundList_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 321 of file snd_main.c.

323 unsigned int i;
324 sfx_t *sfx;
325 unsigned int total;
327 total = 0;
328 for (sfx = known_sfx, i = 0; sfx != NULL; sfx = sfx->next, i++)
329 {
330 if (sfx->fetcher != NULL)
331 {
332 unsigned int size;
334 size = (unsigned int)sfx->memsize;
335 Con_Printf ("%c%c%c(%5iHz %2db %6s) %8i : %s\n",
336 (sfx->loopstart < sfx->total_length) ? 'L' : ' ',
337 (sfx->flags & SFXFLAG_STREAMED) ? 'S' : ' ',
338 (sfx->flags & SFXFLAG_MENUSOUND) ? 'P' : ' ',
339 sfx->format.speed,
340 sfx->format.width * 8,
341 (sfx->format.channels == 1) ? "mono" : "stereo",
342 size,
343 sfx->name);
344 total += size;
345 }
346 else
347 Con_Printf (" ( unknown ) unloaded : %s\n", sfx->name);
348 }
349 Con_Printf("Total resident: %i\n", total);
vector size
informative only. You shouldn't need to know that
Definition snd_main.h:62

References Con_Printf(), i, int(), known_sfx, NULL, SFXFLAG_MENUSOUND, SFXFLAG_STREAMED, and size.

Referenced by S_Init().

◆ S_StartSound()

int S_StartSound ( int entnum,
int entchannel,
sfx_t * sfx,
vec3_t origin,
float fvol,
float attenuation )

S_StartSound returns the channel index, or -1 if an error occurred.

Definition at line 1643 of file snd_main.c.

1645 return S_StartSound_StartPosition_Flags(entnum, entchannel, sfx, origin, fvol, attenuation, 0, CHANNELFLAG_NONE, 1.0f);
int S_StartSound_StartPosition_Flags(int entnum, int entchannel, sfx_t *sfx, vec3_t origin, float fvol, float attenuation, float startposition, int flags, float fspeed)
Definition snd_main.c:1571
Definition sound.h:37

References CHANNELFLAG_NONE, entnum, origin, and S_StartSound_StartPosition_Flags().

Referenced by CL_ParseTempEntity(), dpvsimpledecode_open(), jam_open(), libavw_decodeframe(), S_LocalSoundEx(), S_Play_Common(), VM_CL_pointsound(), VM_CL_te_explosion(), VM_CL_te_explosion2(), VM_CL_te_explosionquad(), VM_CL_te_gunshot(), VM_CL_te_gunshotquad(), VM_CL_te_knightspike(), VM_CL_te_spike(), VM_CL_te_spikequad(), VM_CL_te_superspike(), VM_CL_te_superspikequad(), VM_CL_te_tarexplosion(), and VM_CL_te_wizspike().

◆ S_StartSound_StartPosition_Flags()

int S_StartSound_StartPosition_Flags ( int entnum,
int entchannel,
sfx_t * sfx,
vec3_t origin,
float fvol,
float attenuation,
float startposition,
int flags,
float fspeed )

Definition at line 1571 of file snd_main.c.

1573 channel_t *target_chan, *check, *ch;
1574 int ch_idx, startpos, i;
1576 if (snd_renderbuffer == NULL || sfx == NULL || nosound.integer)
1577 return -1;
1579 if(sfx == &changevolume_sfx)
1580 {
1581 if (!IS_CHAN_SINGLE(entchannel))
1582 return -1;
1583 for (ch_idx=NUM_AMBIENTS ; ch_idx < NUM_AMBIENTS + MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS ; ch_idx++)
1584 {
1585 ch = &channels[ch_idx];
1586 if (ch->entnum == entnum && ch->entchannel == entchannel)
1587 {
1588 S_SetChannelVolume(ch_idx, fvol);
1589 S_SetChannelSpeed(ch_idx, fspeed);
1590 for(i = 1; i > 0 && (i <= flags || i <= (int) channels[ch_idx].flags); i <<= 1)
1591 if((flags ^ channels[ch_idx].flags) & i)
1592 S_SetChannelFlag(ch_idx, i, (flags & i) != 0);
1593 ch->distfade = attenuation / snd_soundradius.value;
1594 SND_Spatialize(ch, false);
1595 return ch_idx;
1596 }
1597 }
1598 return -1;
1599 }
1601 if (sfx->fetcher == NULL)
1602 return -1;
1604 // Pick a channel to play on
1605 target_chan = SND_PickChannel(entnum, entchannel);
1606 if (!target_chan)
1607 return -1;
1609 // if an identical sound has also been started this frame, offset the pos
1610 // a bit to keep it from just making the first one louder
1611 check = &channels[NUM_AMBIENTS];
1612 startpos = (int)(startposition * sfx->format.speed);
1613 if (startpos == 0)
1614 {
1615 for (ch_idx=NUM_AMBIENTS ; ch_idx < NUM_AMBIENTS + MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS ; ch_idx++, check++)
1616 {
1617 if (check == target_chan)
1618 continue;
1619 if (check->sfx == sfx && check->position == 0 && check->basespeed == fspeed)
1620 {
1621 // calculate max offset
1624 float maxticsdelta = ((cls.state == ca_connected) ? (maxtics * (cl.mtime[0] - cl.mtime[1])) : 0);
1625 float maxdelta = 0;
1626 if(maxticsdelta == 0 || fabs(maxticsdelta) > fabs(maxtime))
1627 maxdelta = maxtime;
1628 else
1629 maxdelta = fabs(maxticsdelta) * ((maxtime > 0) ? 1 : -1);
1631 // use negative pos offset to delay this sound effect
1632 startpos = lhrandom(0, maxdelta * sfx->format.speed);
1633 break;
1634 }
1635 }
1636 }
1638 S_PlaySfxOnChannel (sfx, target_chan, flags, origin, fvol, attenuation, false, entnum, entchannel, startpos, fspeed);
1640 return (target_chan - channels);
#define lhrandom(MIN, MAX)
LadyHavoc: this function never returns exactly MIN or exactly MAX, because of a QuakeC bug in id1 whe...
Definition mathlib.h:48
float fabs(float f)
static void SND_Spatialize(channel_t *ch, qbool isstatic)
Definition snd_main.c:1503
static void S_PlaySfxOnChannel(sfx_t *sfx, channel_t *target_chan, unsigned int flags, vec3_t origin, float fvol, float attenuation, qbool isstatic, int entnum, int entchannel, int startpos, float fspeed)
Definition snd_main.c:1514
static channel_t * SND_PickChannel(int entnum, int entchannel)
Definition snd_main.c:1118
#define IS_CHAN_SINGLE(n)
Definition sound.h:81

References channel_t::basespeed, ca_connected, changevolume_sfx, channels, cl, cls, channel_t::distfade, channel_t::entchannel, channel_t::entnum, entnum, fabs(), channel_t::flags, flags, i, int(), cvar_t::integer, IS_CHAN_SINGLE, lhrandom, MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS, client_state_t::mtime, nosound, NULL, NUM_AMBIENTS, origin, channel_t::position, S_PlaySfxOnChannel(), S_SetChannelFlag(), S_SetChannelSpeed(), S_SetChannelVolume(), channel_t::sfx, snd_identicalsoundrandomization_tics, snd_identicalsoundrandomization_time, SND_PickChannel(), snd_renderbuffer, snd_soundradius, SND_Spatialize(), client_static_t::state, and cvar_t::value.

Referenced by CDAudio_Play_byName(), CL_ParseStartSoundPacket(), S_StartSound(), and VM_CL_sound().

◆ S_Startup()

void S_Startup ( void )

Definition at line 476 of file snd_main.c.

478 snd_format_t chosen_fmt;
479 static snd_format_t prev_render_format = {0, 0, 0};
480 char* env;
481#if _MSC_VER >= 1400
482 size_t envlen;
484 int i;
487 return;
489 // Get the starting sound format from the cvars
490 chosen_fmt.speed = snd_speed.integer;
491 chosen_fmt.width = snd_width.integer;
492 chosen_fmt.channels = snd_channels.integer;
494 // Check the environment variables to see if the player wants a particular sound format
495#if _MSC_VER >= 1400
496 _dupenv_s(&env, &envlen, "QUAKE_SOUND_CHANNELS");
498 env = getenv("QUAKE_SOUND_CHANNELS");
500 if (env != NULL)
501 {
502 chosen_fmt.channels = atoi (env);
503#if _MSC_VER >= 1400
504 free(env);
506 }
507#if _MSC_VER >= 1400
508 _dupenv_s(&env, &envlen, "QUAKE_SOUND_SPEED");
510 env = getenv("QUAKE_SOUND_SPEED");
512 if (env != NULL)
513 {
514 chosen_fmt.speed = atoi (env);
515#if _MSC_VER >= 1400
516 free(env);
518 }
519#if _MSC_VER >= 1400
520 _dupenv_s(&env, &envlen, "QUAKE_SOUND_SAMPLEBITS");
522 env = getenv("QUAKE_SOUND_SAMPLEBITS");
524 if (env != NULL)
525 {
526 chosen_fmt.width = atoi (env) / 8;
527#if _MSC_VER >= 1400
528 free(env);
530 }
532 // Parse the command line to see if the player wants a particular sound format
533// COMMANDLINEOPTION: Sound: -sndquad sets sound output to 4 channel surround
534 if (Sys_CheckParm ("-sndquad") != 0)
535 {
536 chosen_fmt.channels = 4;
537 }
538// COMMANDLINEOPTION: Sound: -sndstereo sets sound output to stereo
539 else if (Sys_CheckParm ("-sndstereo") != 0)
540 {
541 chosen_fmt.channels = 2;
542 }
543// COMMANDLINEOPTION: Sound: -sndmono sets sound output to mono
544 else if (Sys_CheckParm ("-sndmono") != 0)
545 {
546 chosen_fmt.channels = 1;
547 }
548// COMMANDLINEOPTION: Sound: -sndspeed <hz> chooses sound output rate (supported values are 48000, 44100, 32000, 24000, 22050, 16000, 11025 (quake), 8000)
549 i = Sys_CheckParm ("-sndspeed");
550 if (0 < i && i < sys.argc - 1)
551 {
552 chosen_fmt.speed = atoi (sys.argv[i + 1]);
553 }
554// COMMANDLINEOPTION: Sound: -sndbits <bits> chooses 8 bit or 16 bit or 32bit float sound output
555 i = Sys_CheckParm ("-sndbits");
556 if (0 < i && i < sys.argc - 1)
557 {
558 chosen_fmt.width = atoi (sys.argv[i + 1]) / 8;
559 }
561#if 0
562 // LadyHavoc: now you can with the resampler...
563 // You can't change sound speed after start time (not yet supported)
564 if (prev_render_format.speed != 0)
565 {
566 if (chosen_fmt.speed != prev_render_format.speed)
567 {
568 Con_Printf("S_Startup: sound speed has changed! This is NOT supported yet. Falling back to previous speed (%u Hz)\n",
569 prev_render_format.speed);
570 chosen_fmt.speed = prev_render_format.speed;
571 }
572 }
575 // Sanity checks
576 if (chosen_fmt.speed < SND_MIN_SPEED)
577 {
578 chosen_fmt.speed = SND_MIN_SPEED;
579 }
580 else if (chosen_fmt.speed > SND_MAX_SPEED)
581 {
582 chosen_fmt.speed = SND_MAX_SPEED;
583 }
585 if (chosen_fmt.width < SND_MIN_WIDTH)
586 {
587 chosen_fmt.width = SND_MIN_WIDTH;
588 }
589 else if (chosen_fmt.width == 3)
590 {
591 chosen_fmt.width = 4;
592 }
593 else if (chosen_fmt.width > SND_MAX_WIDTH)
594 {
595 chosen_fmt.width = SND_MAX_WIDTH;
596 }
598 if (chosen_fmt.channels < SND_MIN_CHANNELS)
599 {
600 chosen_fmt.channels = SND_MIN_CHANNELS;
601 }
602 else if (chosen_fmt.channels > SND_MAX_CHANNELS)
603 {
604 chosen_fmt.channels = SND_MAX_CHANNELS;
605 }
607 // create the sound buffer used for sumitting the samples to the plaform-dependent module
608 if (!simsound)
609 {
610 Con_Printf("S_Startup: initializing sound output format: %dHz, %d bit, %d channels...\n",
611 chosen_fmt.speed,
612 chosen_fmt.width,
613 chosen_fmt.channels);
615 if (!SndSys_Init(&chosen_fmt))
616 {
617 Con_Print("S_Startup: SndSys_Init failed.\n");
618 return;
619 }
620 }
621 else
622 {
623 snd_renderbuffer = Snd_CreateRingBuffer(&chosen_fmt, 0, NULL);
624 Con_Print ("S_Startup: simulating sound output\n");
625 }
627 memcpy(&prev_render_format, &snd_renderbuffer->format, sizeof(prev_render_format));
628 Con_Printf("Sound format: %dHz, %d channels, %d bits per sample\n",
629 chosen_fmt.speed, chosen_fmt.channels, chosen_fmt.width * 8);
631 // Update the cvars
632 if (snd_speed.integer != (int)chosen_fmt.speed)
633 Cvar_SetValueQuick(&snd_speed, chosen_fmt.speed);
634 if (snd_width.integer != chosen_fmt.width)
635 Cvar_SetValueQuick(&snd_width, chosen_fmt.width);
636 if (snd_channels.integer != chosen_fmt.channels)
644 // If the sound module has already run, add an extra time to make sure
645 // the sound time doesn't decrease, to not confuse playing SFXs
646 if (oldpaintedtime != 0)
647 {
648 // The extra time must be a multiple of the render buffer size
649 // to avoid modifying the current position in the buffer,
650 // some modules write directly to a shared (DMA) buffer
653 Con_Printf("S_Startup: extra sound time = %u\n", extrasoundtime);
656 }
657 else
658 extrasoundtime = 0;
662 recording_sound = false;
int CDAudio_Startup(void)
Definition cd_shared.c:578
static void S_SetChannelLayout(void)
Definition snd_main.c:395
Definition snd_main.c:37
Definition snd_main.c:39
Definition snd_main.c:38
Definition snd_main.c:34
Definition snd_main.c:36
Definition snd_main.c:35
snd_ringbuffer_t * Snd_CreateRingBuffer(const snd_format_t *format, unsigned int sampleframes, void *buffer)
If "buffer" is NULL, the function allocates one buffer of "sampleframes" sample frames itself (if "sa...
Definition snd_mem.c:43
qbool SndSys_Init(snd_format_t *fmt)
Create "snd_renderbuffer", attempting to use the chosen sound format, but accepting if the driver wan...
Definition snd_sdl.c:103
int argc
Definition sys.h:146
const char ** argv
Definition sys.h:147
sys_t sys
Definition sys_shared.c:42

References sys_t::argc, sys_t::argv, CDAudio_Startup(), snd_format_t::channels, Con_Print(), Con_Printf(), current_channellayout_used, Cvar_SetValueQuick(), snd_ringbuffer_t::endframe, extrasoundtime, snd_ringbuffer_t::format, host, i, cvar_t::integer, snd_ringbuffer_t::maxframes, NULL, oldpaintedtime, host_static_t::realtime, S_SetChannelLayout(), simsound, SND_CHANNELLAYOUT_AUTO, snd_channels, Snd_CreateRingBuffer(), snd_initialized, SND_MAX_CHANNELS, SND_MAX_SPEED, SND_MAX_WIDTH, SND_MIN_CHANNELS, SND_MIN_SPEED, SND_MIN_WIDTH, snd_renderbuffer, snd_speed, snd_starttime, snd_width, SndSys_Init(), soundtime, snd_format_t::speed, snd_ringbuffer_t::startframe, sys, Sys_CheckParm(), and snd_format_t::width.

Referenced by Host_Init(), and S_Restart_f().

◆ S_StaticSound()

void S_StaticSound ( sfx_t * sfx,
vec3_t origin,
float fvol,
float attenuation )

Definition at line 1809 of file snd_main.c.

1811 channel_t *target_chan;
1813 if (snd_renderbuffer == NULL || sfx == NULL || nosound.integer)
1814 return;
1815 if (!sfx->fetcher)
1816 {
1817 Con_Printf ("S_StaticSound: \"%s\" hasn't been precached\n", sfx->name);
1818 return;
1819 }
1822 {
1823 Con_Print("S_StaticSound: total_channels == MAX_CHANNELS\n");
1824 return;
1825 }
1827 target_chan = &channels[total_channels++];
1828 S_PlaySfxOnChannel (sfx, target_chan, CHANNELFLAG_FORCELOOP, origin, fvol, attenuation, true, 0, 0, 0, 1.0f);

References CHANNELFLAG_FORCELOOP, channels, Con_Print(), Con_Printf(), cvar_t::integer, MAX_CHANNELS, nosound, NULL, origin, S_PlaySfxOnChannel(), snd_renderbuffer, and total_channels.

Referenced by CL_ParseStaticSound(), and VM_CL_ambientsound().

◆ S_StopAllSounds()

void S_StopAllSounds ( void )

Definition at line 1710 of file snd_main.c.

1712 unsigned int i;
1714 // TOCHECK: is this test necessary?
1715 if (snd_renderbuffer == NULL)
1716 return;
1718 // stop CD audio because it may be using a faketrack
1719 CDAudio_Stop();
1722 {
1723 int clear;
1724 size_t memsize;
1726 for (i = 0; i < total_channels; i++)
1727 if (channels[i].sfx)
1728 S_StopChannel (i, false, false);
1731 memset(channels, 0, MAX_CHANNELS * sizeof(channel_t));
1733 // Mute the contents of the submittion buffer
1734 clear = (snd_renderbuffer->format.width == 1) ? 0x80 : 0;
1736 memset(snd_renderbuffer->ring, clear, memsize);
1738 if (!simsound)
1740 }
void CDAudio_Stop(void)
Definition cd_shared.c:229

References CDAudio_Stop(), channels, snd_format_t::channels, snd_ringbuffer_t::format, i, MAX_CHANNELS, MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS, snd_ringbuffer_t::maxframes, NULL, NUM_AMBIENTS, snd_ringbuffer_t::ring, S_StopChannel(), simsound, snd_renderbuffer, SndSys_LockRenderBuffer(), SndSys_UnlockRenderBuffer(), total_channels, and snd_format_t::width.

Referenced by CL_ClearState(), CL_DisconnectEx(), CL_ParseServerInfo(), CL_Reconnect_f(), CL_Shutdown(), QW_CL_Changing_f(), S_StopAllSounds_f(), S_UnloadAllSounds_f(), SV_SpawnServer(), Sys_Error(), and Sys_HandleCrash().

◆ S_StopAllSounds_f()

void S_StopAllSounds_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 1743 of file snd_main.c.

void S_StopAllSounds(void)
Definition snd_main.c:1710

References S_StopAllSounds().

Referenced by S_Init().

◆ S_StopChannel()

void S_StopChannel ( unsigned int channel_ind,
qbool lockmutex,
qbool freesfx )

Definition at line 1648 of file snd_main.c.

1650 channel_t *ch;
1651 sfx_t *sfx;
1653 if (channel_ind >= total_channels)
1654 return;
1656 // we have to lock an audio mutex to prevent crashes if an audio mixer
1657 // thread is currently mixing this channel
1658 // the SndSys_LockRenderBuffer function uses such a mutex in
1659 // threaded sound backends
1660 if (lockmutex && !simsound)
1663 ch = &channels[channel_ind];
1664 sfx = ch->sfx;
1665 if (sfx != NULL)
1666 {
1667 if (sfx->fetcher != NULL && sfx->fetcher->stopchannel != NULL)
1668 sfx->fetcher->stopchannel(ch);
1669 ch->fetcher_data = NULL;
1670 ch->sfx = NULL;
1671 if (freesfx)
1672 S_FreeSfx(sfx, true);
1673 }
1674 if (lockmutex && !simsound)
void * fetcher_data
Per-channel data for the sound fetching function.
Definition snd_main.h:96

References channels, channel_t::fetcher_data, NULL, S_FreeSfx(), channel_t::sfx, simsound, SndSys_LockRenderBuffer(), SndSys_UnlockRenderBuffer(), and total_channels.

Referenced by CDAudio_Stop(), dpvsimpledecode_close(), jam_close(), libavw_close(), S_FreeSfx(), S_MixToBuffer(), S_PlaySfxOnChannel(), S_StopAllSounds(), S_StopSound(), and SND_PickChannel().

◆ S_StopSound()

void S_StopSound ( int entnum,
int entchannel )

Definition at line 1698 of file snd_main.c.

1700 unsigned int i;
1702 for (i = 0; i < MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS; i++)
1703 if (channels[i].entnum == entnum && channels[i].entchannel == entchannel)
1704 {
1705 S_StopChannel (i, true, false);
1706 return;
1707 }

References channels, entnum, i, MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS, and S_StopChannel().

Referenced by CL_ParseServerMessage().

◆ S_Terminate()

void S_Terminate ( void )

Definition at line 842 of file snd_main.c.

844 S_Shutdown ();
845#ifdef USEXMP
850 // Free all SFXs
851 while (known_sfx != NULL)
852 S_FreeSfx (known_sfx, true);
void OGG_CloseLibrary(void)
Definition snd_ogg.c:320
void XMP_CloseLibrary(void)
Definition snd_xmp.c:398
#define Mem_FreePool(pool)
Definition zone.h:105

References Cvar_SetValueQuick(), known_sfx, Mem_FreePool, NULL, OGG_CloseLibrary(), S_FreeSfx(), S_Shutdown(), snd_initialized, snd_mempool, and XMP_CloseLibrary().

Referenced by CL_Shutdown().

◆ S_UnloadAllSounds_f()

void S_UnloadAllSounds_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 864 of file snd_main.c.

866 int i;
868 // NOTE: we can't free all sounds if we are running a map (this frees sfx_t that are still referenced by precaches)
869 // So, refuse to do this if we are connected.
870 if(cls.state == ca_connected)
871 {
872 Con_Printf("snd_unloadallsounds would wreak havoc if you do that while connected!\n");
873 return;
874 }
876 // stop any active sounds
879 // because the ambient sounds will be freed, clear the pointers
880 for (i = 0;i < (int)sizeof (ambient_sfxs) / (int)sizeof (ambient_sfxs[0]);i++)
883 // now free all sounds
884 while (known_sfx != NULL)
885 S_FreeSfx (known_sfx, true);

References ambient_sfxs, ca_connected, cls, Con_Printf(), i, int(), known_sfx, NULL, S_FreeSfx(), S_StopAllSounds(), and client_static_t::state.

Referenced by FS_ChangeGameDirs(), and S_Init().

◆ S_Update()

void S_Update ( const matrix4x4_t * listenermatrix)

Definition at line 2061 of file snd_main.c.

2063 unsigned int i, j, k;
2064 channel_t *ch, *combine;
2065 matrix4x4_t rotatematrix;
2068 return;
2070 // enable/disable sound on focus gain/loss
2073 || cls.timedemo;
2075 {
2076 double mindist_trans, maxdist_trans;
2082 {
2085 if(spatialpower == 0)
2086 {
2088 mindist_trans = log(max(1, snd_spatialization_min_radius.value));
2089 maxdist_trans = log(max(1, snd_spatialization_max_radius.value));
2090 }
2091 else
2092 {
2096 }
2098 if(mindist_trans - maxdist_trans == 0)
2099 {
2101 mindist_trans = snd_spatialization_min_radius.value;
2102 }
2103 else
2104 {
2105 spatialoffset = mindist_trans;
2106 spatialfactor = 1 / (maxdist_trans - mindist_trans);
2107 }
2108 }
2109 else
2112 }
2114 // If snd_swapstereo or snd_channellayout has changed, recompute the channel layout
2121 if (cl.worldmodel && cl.worldmodel->brush.FatPVS && cl.worldmodel->brush.num_pvsclusterbytes && cl.worldmodel->brush.PointInLeaf)
2123 else
2124 {
2125 if(listener_pvs)
2126 {
2129 }
2131 }
2133 // calculate the current matrices
2134 for (j = 0;j < SND_LISTENERS;j++)
2135 {
2136 Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(&rotatematrix, 0, 0, 0, 0, -snd_speakerlayout.listeners[j].yawangle, 0, 1);
2138 // I think this should now do this:
2139 // 1. create a rotation matrix for rotating by e.g. -90 degrees CCW
2140 // (note: the matrix will rotate the OBJECT, not the VIEWER, so its
2141 // angle has to be taken negative)
2142 // 2. create a transform which first rotates and moves its argument
2143 // into the player's view coordinates (using basematrix which is
2144 // an inverted "absolute" listener matrix), then applies the
2145 // rotation matrix for the ear
2146 // Isn't Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity a bit misleading because this
2147 // does not actually refer to an entity?
2148 }
2150 // update general area ambient sound sources
2153 combine = NULL;
2154 R_TimeReport("audioprep");
2156 // update spatialization for static and dynamic sounds
2160 for (i=NUM_AMBIENTS ; i<total_channels; i++, ch++)
2161 {
2162 if (!ch->sfx)
2163 continue;
2166 // respatialize channel
2169 // try to combine static sounds with a previous channel of the same
2170 // sound effect so we don't mix five torches every frame
2172 {
2173 // no need to merge silent channels
2174 for (j = 0;j < SND_LISTENERS;j++)
2175 if (ch->volume[j])
2176 break;
2177 if (j == SND_LISTENERS)
2178 continue;
2179 // if the last combine chosen isn't suitable, find a new one
2180 if (!(combine && combine != ch && combine->sfx == ch->sfx))
2181 {
2182 // search for one
2183 combine = NULL;
2184 for (j = MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS + NUM_AMBIENTS;j < i;j++)
2185 {
2186 if (channels[j].sfx == ch->sfx)
2187 {
2188 combine = channels + j;
2189 break;
2190 }
2191 }
2192 }
2193 if (combine && combine != ch && combine->sfx == ch->sfx)
2194 {
2195 for (j = 0;j < SND_LISTENERS;j++)
2196 {
2197 combine->volume[j] += ch->volume[j];
2198 ch->volume[j] = 0;
2199 }
2200 }
2201 }
2202 for (k = 0;k < SND_LISTENERS;k++)
2203 if (ch->volume[k])
2204 break;
2205 if (k < SND_LISTENERS)
2207 }
2208 R_TimeReport("audiospatialize");
2210 // debugging output
2211 if (snd_show.integer)
2212 Con_Printf("----(%u)----\n", cls.soundstats.mixedsounds);
float log(float f)
void Matrix4x4_Concat(matrix4x4_t *out, const matrix4x4_t *in1, const matrix4x4_t *in2)
Definition matrixlib.c:83
void Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(matrix4x4_t *out, double x, double y, double z, double pitch, double yaw, double roll, double scale)
Definition matrixlib.c:715
void Matrix4x4_Invert_Simple(matrix4x4_t *out, const matrix4x4_t *in1)
Definition matrixlib.c:422
void Matrix4x4_OriginFromMatrix(const matrix4x4_t *in, float *out)
Definition matrixlib.c:1792
float pow(float a, float b)
static float spatialmin
Definition snd_main.c:160
static float spatialdiff
Definition snd_main.c:160
static int listener_pvsbytes
Definition snd_main.c:142
matrix4x4_t listener_matrix[SND_LISTENERS]
Definition snd_main.c:143
static unsigned char * listener_pvs
Definition snd_main.c:141
static float spatialoffset
Definition snd_main.c:160
static void S_UpdateAmbientSounds(void)
Definition snd_main.c:1836
static float spatialfactor
Definition snd_main.c:160
matrix4x4_t listener_basematrix
Definition snd_main.c:140
spatialmethod_t spatialmethod
Definition snd_main.c:162
static float spatialpower
Definition snd_main.c:160
static void S_PaintAndSubmit(void)
Definition snd_main.c:1895
Definition snd_main.h:84
float volume[SND_LISTENERS]
spatialized volume per speaker (mastervol * distanceattenuation * channelvolume cvars)
Definition snd_main.h:104
struct model_s * worldmodel
Definition client.h:934
float yawangle
Definition snd_main.h:203
qbool vid_hidden
Definition vid_shared.c:74
qbool vid_activewindow
Definition vid_shared.c:77

References boolxor, channels, cl, cls, Con_Printf(), current_channellayout, current_swapstereo, i, cvar_t::integer, listener_basematrix, listener_matrix, listener_origin, listener_pvs, listener_pvsbytes, speakerlayout_t::listeners, log(), Matrix4x4_Concat(), Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(), Matrix4x4_Invert_Simple(), Matrix4x4_OriginFromMatrix(), max, MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS, Mem_Free, cl_soundstats_t::mixedsounds, nosound, NULL, NUM_AMBIENTS, pow(), R_TimeReport(), S_PaintAndSubmit(), S_SetChannelLayout(), S_UpdateAmbientSounds(), channel_t::sfx, snd_blocked, snd_channellayout, SND_LISTENERS, snd_mempool, snd_mutewhenidle, snd_renderbuffer, snd_show, snd_spatialization_control, snd_spatialization_max, snd_spatialization_max_radius, snd_spatialization_min, snd_spatialization_min_radius, snd_spatialization_power, SND_Spatialize(), snd_speakerlayout, snd_swapstereo, client_static_t::soundstats, SPATIAL_LOG, SPATIAL_NONE, SPATIAL_POW, SPATIAL_THRESH, spatialdiff, spatialfactor, spatialmethod, spatialmin, spatialoffset, spatialpower, client_static_t::timedemo, total_channels, cl_soundstats_t::totalsounds, v_flipped, cvar_t::value, vid_activewindow, vid_hidden, channel_t::volume, client_state_t::worldmodel, and listener_t::yawangle.

Referenced by CL_Frame().

◆ S_UpdateAmbientSounds()

static void S_UpdateAmbientSounds ( void )

Definition at line 1836 of file snd_main.c.

1838 int i;
1839 float vol;
1840 float fade = (float)max(0.0, cl.time - cl.oldtime) * ambient_fade.value / 256.0f;
1841 int ambient_channel;
1842 channel_t *chan;
1843 unsigned char ambientlevels[NUM_AMBIENTS];
1844 sfx_t *sfx;
1846 memset(ambientlevels, 0, sizeof(ambientlevels));
1847 if (cl.worldmodel && cl.worldmodel->brush.AmbientSoundLevelsForPoint)
1848 cl.worldmodel->brush.AmbientSoundLevelsForPoint(cl.worldmodel, listener_origin, ambientlevels, sizeof(ambientlevels));
1851 // Calc ambient sound levels
1854 for (ambient_channel = 0 ; ambient_channel< NUM_AMBIENTS ; ambient_channel++)
1855 {
1856 chan = &channels[ambient_channel];
1857 sfx = chan->sfx; // fetch the volatile variable
1858 if (sfx == NULL || sfx->fetcher == NULL)
1859 continue;
1861 i = ambientlevels[ambient_channel];
1862 if (i < 8)
1863 i = 0;
1864 vol = i * (1.0f / 256.0f);
1866 // Don't adjust volume too fast
1867 if (chan->basevolume < vol)
1868 {
1869 chan->basevolume += fade;
1870 if (chan->basevolume > vol)
1871 chan->basevolume = vol;
1872 }
1873 else if (chan->basevolume > vol)
1874 {
1875 chan->basevolume -= fade;
1876 if (chan->basevolume < vol)
1877 chan->basevolume = vol;
1878 }
1881 {
1884 for (i = 2;i < SND_LISTENERS;i++)
1885 chan->volume[i] = 0.0f;
1886 }
1887 else
1888 {
1889 for (i = 0;i < SND_LISTENERS;i++)
1891 }
1892 }
float sqrt(float f)
void S_SetUnderwaterIntensity(void)
Definition snd_mix.c:320
double oldtime
Definition client.h:868
double time
Definition client.h:868
float ambientvolume
Definition snd_main.h:206

References ambient_fade, ambient_level, listener_t::ambientvolume, channel_t::basevolume, channels, cl, float, i, cvar_t::integer, listener_origin, speakerlayout_t::listeners, mastervolume, max, NULL, NUM_AMBIENTS, client_state_t::oldtime, S_SetUnderwaterIntensity(), channel_t::sfx, SND_LISTENERS, snd_spatialization_prologic, snd_speakerlayout, sqrt(), client_state_t::time, cvar_t::value, channel_t::volume, volume, and client_state_t::worldmodel.

Referenced by S_Update().

◆ SND_PickChannel()

static channel_t * SND_PickChannel ( int entnum,
int entchannel )

Definition at line 1118 of file snd_main.c.

1120 int ch_idx;
1121 int first_to_die;
1122 int first_life_left, life_left;
1123 channel_t* ch;
1124 sfx_t *sfx; // use this instead of ch->sfx->, because that is volatile.
1126// Check for replacement sound, or find the best one to replace
1127 first_to_die = -1;
1128 first_life_left = 0x7fffffff;
1130 // entity channels try to replace the existing sound on the channel
1131 // channels <= 0 are autochannels
1132 if (IS_CHAN_SINGLE(entchannel))
1133 {
1134 for (ch_idx=NUM_AMBIENTS ; ch_idx < NUM_AMBIENTS + MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS ; ch_idx++)
1135 {
1136 ch = &channels[ch_idx];
1137 if (ch->entnum == entnum && ch->entchannel == entchannel)
1138 {
1139 // always override sound from same entity
1140 S_StopChannel (ch_idx, true, false);
1141 return &channels[ch_idx];
1142 }
1143 }
1144 }
1146 // there was no channel to override, so look for the first empty one
1147 for (ch_idx=NUM_AMBIENTS ; ch_idx < NUM_AMBIENTS + MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS ; ch_idx++)
1148 {
1149 ch = &channels[ch_idx];
1150 sfx = ch->sfx; // fetch the volatile variable
1151 if (!sfx)
1152 {
1153 // no sound on this channel
1154 first_to_die = ch_idx;
1155 goto emptychan_found;
1156 }
1158 // don't let monster sounds override player sounds
1159 if ((ch->entnum == cl.viewentity || ch->entnum == CL_VM_GetViewEntity()) && !(entnum == cl.viewentity || entnum == CL_VM_GetViewEntity()))
1160 continue;
1162 // don't override looped sounds
1163 if ((ch->flags & CHANNELFLAG_FORCELOOP) || sfx->loopstart < sfx->total_length)
1164 continue;
1165 life_left = (int)((double)sfx->total_length - ch->position);
1167 if (life_left < first_life_left)
1168 {
1169 first_life_left = life_left;
1170 first_to_die = ch_idx;
1171 }
1172 }
1174 if (first_to_die == -1)
1175 return NULL;
1177 S_StopChannel (first_to_die, true, false);
1180 return &channels[first_to_die];
int CL_VM_GetViewEntity(void)
Definition csprogs.c:1238

References CHANNELFLAG_FORCELOOP, channels, cl, CL_VM_GetViewEntity(), channel_t::entchannel, channel_t::entnum, entnum, channel_t::flags, int(), IS_CHAN_SINGLE, MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS, NULL, NUM_AMBIENTS, channel_t::position, S_StopChannel(), channel_t::sfx, and client_state_t::viewentity.

Referenced by S_StartSound_StartPosition_Flags().

◆ SND_Spatialize()

static void SND_Spatialize ( channel_t * ch,
qbool isstatic )

Definition at line 1503 of file snd_main.c.

1505 sfx_t *sfx = ch->sfx;
1506 SND_Spatialize_WithSfx(ch, isstatic, sfx);

References channel_t::sfx, and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

Referenced by S_StartSound_StartPosition_Flags(), and S_Update().

◆ SND_Spatialize_WithSfx()

static void SND_Spatialize_WithSfx ( channel_t * ch,
qbool isstatic,
sfx_t * sfx )

Definition at line 1191 of file snd_main.c.

1193 int i;
1194 double f;
1195 float angle_side, angle_front, angle_factor, mixspeed;
1196 vec_t dist, mastervol, intensity;
1197 vec3_t source_vec;
1198 char vabuf[1024];
1200 // update sound origin if we know about the entity
1202 {
1203 if (ch->entnum >= MAX_EDICTS)
1204 {
1205 //Con_Printf("-- entnum %i origin %f %f %f neworigin %f %f %f\n", ch->entnum, ch->origin[0], ch->origin[1], ch->origin[2], cl.entities[ch->entnum].state_current.origin[0], cl.entities[ch->entnum].state_current.origin[1], cl.entities[ch->entnum].state_current.origin[2]);
1207 if (CLVM_prog->loaded && ch->entnum > MAX_EDICTS)
1209 ch->entnum = MAX_EDICTS; // entity was removed, disown sound
1210 }
1211 else if (cl.entities[ch->entnum].state_current.active)
1212 {
1213 model_t *model;
1214 //Con_Printf("-- entnum %i origin %f %f %f neworigin %f %f %f\n", ch->entnum, ch->origin[0], ch->origin[1], ch->origin[2], cl.entities[ch->entnum].state_current.origin[0], cl.entities[ch->entnum].state_current.origin[1], cl.entities[ch->entnum].state_current.origin[2]);
1216 if (model && model->soundfromcenter)
1217 VectorMAM(0.5f, cl.entities[ch->entnum].render.mins, 0.5f, cl.entities[ch->entnum].render.maxs, ch->origin);
1218 else
1220 }
1221 else if (CLVM_prog->loaded && cl.csqc_server2csqcentitynumber[ch->entnum])
1222 {
1223 //Con_Printf("-- entnum %i (client %i) origin %f %f %f neworigin %f %f %f\n", ch->entnum, cl.csqc_server2csqcentitynumber[ch->entnum], ch->origin[0], ch->origin[1], ch->origin[2], cl.entities[ch->entnum].state_current.origin[0], cl.entities[ch->entnum].state_current.origin[1], cl.entities[ch->entnum].state_current.origin[2]);
1226 ch->entnum = MAX_EDICTS; // entity was removed, disown sound
1227 }
1228 }
1230 mastervol = ch->basevolume;
1231 mixspeed = ch->basespeed;
1233 // TODO: implement doppler based on origin change relative to viewer and time of recent origin changes
1235 // Adjust volume of static sounds
1236 if (isstatic)
1237 mastervol *= snd_staticvolume.value;
1238 else if(!(ch->flags & CHANNELFLAG_FULLVOLUME)) // same as SND_PaintChannel uses
1239 {
1240 // old legacy separated cvars
1241 if(ch->entnum >= MAX_EDICTS)
1242 {
1243 switch(ch->entchannel)
1244 {
1245 case 0: mastervol *= snd_csqcchannel0volume.value; break;
1246 case 1: mastervol *= snd_csqcchannel1volume.value; break;
1247 case 2: mastervol *= snd_csqcchannel2volume.value; break;
1248 case 3: mastervol *= snd_csqcchannel3volume.value; break;
1249 case 4: mastervol *= snd_csqcchannel4volume.value; break;
1250 case 5: mastervol *= snd_csqcchannel5volume.value; break;
1251 case 6: mastervol *= snd_csqcchannel6volume.value; break;
1252 case 7: mastervol *= snd_csqcchannel7volume.value; break;
1253 default: break;
1254 }
1255 }
1256 else if(ch->entnum == 0)
1257 {
1258 switch(ch->entchannel)
1259 {
1260 case 0: mastervol *= snd_worldchannel0volume.value; break;
1261 case 1: mastervol *= snd_worldchannel1volume.value; break;
1262 case 2: mastervol *= snd_worldchannel2volume.value; break;
1263 case 3: mastervol *= snd_worldchannel3volume.value; break;
1264 case 4: mastervol *= snd_worldchannel4volume.value; break;
1265 case 5: mastervol *= snd_worldchannel5volume.value; break;
1266 case 6: mastervol *= snd_worldchannel6volume.value; break;
1267 case 7: mastervol *= snd_worldchannel7volume.value; break;
1268 default: break;
1269 }
1270 }
1271 else if(ch->entnum > 0 && ch->entnum <= cl.maxclients)
1272 {
1273 switch(ch->entchannel)
1274 {
1275 case 0: mastervol *= snd_playerchannel0volume.value; break;
1276 case 1: mastervol *= snd_playerchannel1volume.value; break;
1277 case 2: mastervol *= snd_playerchannel2volume.value; break;
1278 case 3: mastervol *= snd_playerchannel3volume.value; break;
1279 case 4: mastervol *= snd_playerchannel4volume.value; break;
1280 case 5: mastervol *= snd_playerchannel5volume.value; break;
1281 case 6: mastervol *= snd_playerchannel6volume.value; break;
1282 case 7: mastervol *= snd_playerchannel7volume.value; break;
1283 default: break;
1284 }
1285 }
1286 else
1287 {
1288 switch(ch->entchannel)
1289 {
1290 case 0: mastervol *= snd_entchannel0volume.value; break;
1291 case 1: mastervol *= snd_entchannel1volume.value; break;
1292 case 2: mastervol *= snd_entchannel2volume.value; break;
1293 case 3: mastervol *= snd_entchannel3volume.value; break;
1294 case 4: mastervol *= snd_entchannel4volume.value; break;
1295 case 5: mastervol *= snd_entchannel5volume.value; break;
1296 case 6: mastervol *= snd_entchannel6volume.value; break;
1297 case 7: mastervol *= snd_entchannel7volume.value; break;
1298 default: break;
1299 }
1300 }
1302 switch(ch->entchannel)
1303 {
1304 case 0: mastervol *= snd_channel0volume.value; break;
1305 case 1: mastervol *= snd_channel1volume.value; break;
1306 case 2: mastervol *= snd_channel2volume.value; break;
1307 case 3: mastervol *= snd_channel3volume.value; break;
1308 case 4: mastervol *= snd_channel4volume.value; break;
1309 case 5: mastervol *= snd_channel5volume.value; break;
1310 case 6: mastervol *= snd_channel6volume.value; break;
1311 case 7: mastervol *= snd_channel7volume.value; break;
1312 default: mastervol *= Cvar_VariableValueOr(&cvars_all, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "snd_channel%dvolume", CHAN_ENGINE2CVAR(ch->entchannel)), 1.0, ~0); break;
1313 }
1314 }
1316 // If this channel does not manage its own volume (like CD tracks)
1317 if (!(ch->flags & CHANNELFLAG_FULLVOLUME))
1318 mastervol *= volume.value;
1321 {
1322 // clamp HERE to allow to go at most 10dB past mastervolume (before clamping), when mastervolume < -10dB (so relative volumes don't get too messy)
1323 mastervol = bound(0.0f, mastervol, 10.0f * snd_maxchannelvolume.value);
1324 }
1326 // always apply "master"
1327 mastervol *= mastervolume.value;
1329 // add in ReplayGain very late; prevent clipping when close
1330 if(sfx)
1331 if(sfx->volume_peak > 0)
1332 {
1333 // Replaygain support
1334 // Con_DPrintf("Setting volume on ReplayGain-enabled track... %f -> ", fvol);
1335 mastervol *= sfx->volume_mult;
1337 {
1338 if(mastervol * sfx->volume_peak > snd_maxchannelvolume.value)
1339 mastervol = snd_maxchannelvolume.value / sfx->volume_peak;
1340 }
1341 // Con_DPrintf("%f\n", fvol);
1342 }
1345 {
1346 // clamp HERE to keep relative volumes of the channels correct
1347 mastervol = min(mastervol, snd_maxchannelvolume.value);
1348 }
1350 mastervol = max(0.0f, mastervol);
1352 ch->mixspeed = mixspeed;
1354 // anything coming from the view entity will always be full volume
1355 // LadyHavoc: make sounds with ATTN_NONE have no spatialization
1356 if (ch->entnum == cl.viewentity || ch->entnum == CL_VM_GetViewEntity() || ch->distfade == 0)
1357 {
1358 ch->prologic_invert = 1;
1360 {
1361 ch->volume[0] = mastervol * snd_speakerlayout.listeners[0].ambientvolume * sqrt(0.5);
1362 ch->volume[1] = mastervol * snd_speakerlayout.listeners[1].ambientvolume * sqrt(0.5);
1363 for (i = 2;i < SND_LISTENERS;i++)
1364 ch->volume[i] = 0;
1365 }
1366 else
1367 {
1368 for (i = 0;i < SND_LISTENERS;i++)
1369 ch->volume[i] = mastervol * snd_speakerlayout.listeners[i].ambientvolume;
1370 }
1371 }
1372 else
1373 {
1374 // calculate stereo seperation and distance attenuation
1375 VectorSubtract(listener_origin, ch->origin, source_vec);
1376 dist = VectorLength(source_vec);
1377 f = dist * ch->distfade;
1379 f =
1380 ((snd_attenuation_exponent.value == 0) ? 1.0 : pow(1.0 - min(1.0, f), (double)snd_attenuation_exponent.value))
1381 *
1382 ((snd_attenuation_decibel.value == 0) ? 1.0 : pow(0.1, 0.1 * snd_attenuation_decibel.value * f));
1384 intensity = mastervol * f;
1385 if (intensity > 0)
1386 {
1387 qbool occluded = false;
1389 {
1392 {
1393 int cluster = cl.worldmodel->brush.PointInLeaf(cl.worldmodel, ch->origin)->clusterindex;
1394 if(cluster >= 0 && cluster < 8 * listener_pvsbytes && !CHECKPVSBIT(listener_pvs, cluster))
1395 occluded = true;
1396 }
1399 if(!occluded)
1400 if(cl.worldmodel && cl.worldmodel->brush.TraceLineOfSight && !cl.worldmodel->brush.TraceLineOfSight(cl.worldmodel, listener_origin, ch->origin, ch->origin, ch->origin))
1401 occluded = true;
1402 }
1403 if(occluded)
1404 intensity *= 0.5f;
1406 ch->prologic_invert = 1;
1408 {
1409 if (dist == 0)
1410 angle_factor = 0.5f;
1411 else
1412 {
1414 VectorNormalize(source_vec);
1416 switch(spatialmethod)
1417 {
1418 case SPATIAL_LOG:
1419 if(dist == 0)
1420 f = spatialmin + spatialdiff * (spatialfactor < 0); // avoid log(0), but do the right thing
1421 else
1422 f = spatialmin + spatialdiff * bound(0, (log(dist) - spatialoffset) * spatialfactor, 1);
1423 VectorScale(source_vec, f, source_vec);
1424 break;
1425 case SPATIAL_POW:
1427 f = spatialmin + spatialdiff * bound(0, f, 1);
1428 VectorScale(source_vec, f, source_vec);
1429 break;
1431 f = spatialmin + spatialdiff * (dist < spatialoffset);
1432 VectorScale(source_vec, f, source_vec);
1433 break;
1434 case SPATIAL_NONE:
1435 default:
1436 break;
1437 }
1439 // the z axis needs to be removed and normalized because otherwise the volume would get lower as the sound source goes higher or lower then normal
1440 source_vec[2] = 0;
1441 VectorNormalize(source_vec);
1442 angle_side = acos(source_vec[0]) / M_PI * 180; // angle between 0 and 180 degrees
1443 angle_front = asin(source_vec[1]) / M_PI * 180; // angle between -90 and 90 degrees
1445 {
1446 ch->prologic_invert = -1; // this will cause the right channel to do a 180 degrees phase shift (turning the sound wave upside down),
1447 // but the best would be 90 degrees phase shift left and a -90 degrees phase shift right.
1449 // angle_factor is between 0 and 1 and represents the angle range from the front left, to all the surround speakers (amount may vary,
1450 // 1 in prologic I 2 in prologic II and 3 or 4 in prologic IIx) to the front right speaker.
1451 if (angle_front > 0)
1452 angle_factor = 1 - angle_factor;
1453 }
1454 else
1455 angle_factor = angle_front / snd_spatialization_prologic_frontangle.value / 2.0 + 0.5;
1456 //angle_factor is between 0 and 1 and represents the angle range from the front left to the center to the front right speaker
1457 }
1459 ch->volume[0] = intensity * sqrt(angle_factor);
1460 ch->volume[1] = intensity * sqrt(1 - angle_factor);
1461 for (i = 2;i < SND_LISTENERS;i++)
1462 ch->volume[i] = 0;
1463 }
1464 else
1465 {
1466 for (i = 0;i < SND_LISTENERS;i++)
1467 {
1468 Matrix4x4_Transform(&listener_matrix[i], ch->origin, source_vec);
1469 VectorNormalize(source_vec);
1471 switch(spatialmethod)
1472 {
1473 case SPATIAL_LOG:
1474 if(dist == 0)
1475 f = spatialmin + spatialdiff * (spatialfactor < 0); // avoid log(0), but do the right thing
1476 else
1477 f = spatialmin + spatialdiff * bound(0, (log(dist) - spatialoffset) * spatialfactor, 1);
1478 VectorScale(source_vec, f, source_vec);
1479 break;
1480 case SPATIAL_POW:
1482 f = spatialmin + spatialdiff * bound(0, f, 1);
1483 VectorScale(source_vec, f, source_vec);
1484 break;
1486 f = spatialmin + spatialdiff * (dist < spatialoffset);
1487 VectorScale(source_vec, f, source_vec);
1488 break;
1489 case SPATIAL_NONE:
1490 default:
1491 break;
1492 }
1495 }
1496 }
1497 }
1498 else
1499 for (i = 0;i < SND_LISTENERS;i++)
1500 ch->volume[i] = 0;
1501 }
model_t * CL_GetModelByIndex(int modelindex)
char * va(char *buf, size_t buflen, const char *format,...)
Definition common.c:972
qbool CL_VM_GetEntitySoundOrigin(int entnum, vec3_t out)
Definition csprogs.c:1172
string model
float Cvar_VariableValueOr(cvar_state_t *cvars, const char *var_name, float def, unsigned neededflags)
Definition cvar.c:119
cvar_state_t cvars_all
Definition cvar.c:28
#define VectorNormalize(v)
Definition mathlib.h:104
#define bound(min, num, max)
Definition mathlib.h:34
#define VectorLength(a)
Definition mathlib.h:109
#define VectorSubtract(a, b, out)
Definition mathlib.h:99
#define VectorScale(in, scale, out)
Definition mathlib.h:111
#define VectorMAM(scale1, b1, scale2, b2, out)
Definition mathlib.h:116
#define M_PI
Definition mathlib.h:28
void Matrix4x4_Transform(const matrix4x4_t *in, const float v[3], float out[3])
Definition matrixlib.c:1657
#define CHECKPVSBIT(pvs, b)
#define CLVM_prog
Definition progsvm.h:767
#define MAX_EDICTS
max number of objects in game world at once (32768 protocol limit)
Definition qdefs.h:105
float vec_t
Definition qtypes.h:68
vec_t vec3_t[3]
Definition qtypes.h:71
bool qbool
Definition qtypes.h:9
float f
cvar_t cl_gameplayfix_soundsmovewithentities
Definition cl_parse.c:174
float intensity
Definition snd_mix.c:314
Definition sound.h:92
int prologic_invert
whether a sound is played on the surround channels in prologic
Definition snd_main.h:97
unsigned short csqc_server2csqcentitynumber[MAX_EDICTS]
Definition client.h:1110
entity_t * entities
Definition client.h:991
matrix4x4_t matrix
Definition client.h:332
vec3_t mins
Definition client.h:371
vec3_t maxs
Definition client.h:371
unsigned short modelindex
Definition protocol.h:449
unsigned char active
Definition protocol.h:459
entity_state_t state_current
Definition client.h:471
entity_render_t render
Definition client.h:477
float dotscale
Definition snd_main.h:204
float dotbias
Definition snd_main.h:205

References entity_state_t::active, listener_t::ambientvolume, channel_t::basespeed, channel_t::basevolume, bound, ca_connected, CHAN_ENGINE2CVAR, CHANNELFLAG_FULLVOLUME, CHECKPVSBIT, cl, cl_gameplayfix_soundsmovewithentities, CL_GetModelByIndex(), CL_VM_GetEntitySoundOrigin(), CL_VM_GetViewEntity(), cls, CLVM_prog, client_state_t::csqc_server2csqcentitynumber, Cvar_VariableValueOr(), cvars_all, channel_t::distfade, listener_t::dotbias, listener_t::dotscale, channel_t::entchannel, client_state_t::entities, channel_t::entnum, f, channel_t::flags, i, cvar_t::integer, intensity, listener_basematrix, listener_matrix, listener_origin, listener_pvs, listener_pvsbytes, speakerlayout_t::listeners, log(), M_PI, mastervolume, entity_render_t::matrix, Matrix4x4_OriginFromMatrix(), Matrix4x4_Transform(), max, MAX_EDICTS, client_state_t::maxclients, entity_render_t::maxs, min, entity_render_t::mins, channel_t::mixspeed, model, entity_state_t::modelindex, channel_t::origin, pow(), channel_t::prologic_invert, entity_t::render, snd_attenuation_decibel, snd_attenuation_exponent, snd_channel0volume, snd_channel1volume, snd_channel2volume, snd_channel3volume, snd_channel4volume, snd_channel5volume, snd_channel6volume, snd_channel7volume, snd_csqcchannel0volume, snd_csqcchannel1volume, snd_csqcchannel2volume, snd_csqcchannel3volume, snd_csqcchannel4volume, snd_csqcchannel5volume, snd_csqcchannel6volume, snd_csqcchannel7volume, snd_entchannel0volume, snd_entchannel1volume, snd_entchannel2volume, snd_entchannel3volume, snd_entchannel4volume, snd_entchannel5volume, snd_entchannel6volume, snd_entchannel7volume, SND_LISTENERS, snd_maxchannelvolume, snd_playerchannel0volume, snd_playerchannel1volume, snd_playerchannel2volume, snd_playerchannel3volume, snd_playerchannel4volume, snd_playerchannel5volume, snd_playerchannel6volume, snd_playerchannel7volume, snd_spatialization_occlusion, snd_spatialization_prologic, snd_spatialization_prologic_frontangle, snd_speakerlayout, snd_staticvolume, snd_worldchannel0volume, snd_worldchannel1volume, snd_worldchannel2volume, snd_worldchannel3volume, snd_worldchannel4volume, snd_worldchannel5volume, snd_worldchannel6volume, snd_worldchannel7volume, SPATIAL_LOG, SPATIAL_NONE, SPATIAL_POW, SPATIAL_THRESH, spatialdiff, spatialfactor, spatialmethod, spatialmin, spatialoffset, spatialpower, sqrt(), client_static_t::state, entity_t::state_current, va(), cvar_t::value, VectorLength, VectorMAM, VectorNormalize, VectorScale, VectorSubtract, client_state_t::viewentity, channel_t::volume, volume, and client_state_t::worldmodel.

Referenced by S_PlaySfxOnChannel(), and SND_Spatialize().

Variable Documentation

◆ _snd_mixahead

cvar_t _snd_mixahead = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "_snd_mixahead", "0.15", "how much sound to mix ahead of time"}

Definition at line 190 of file snd_main.c.

190{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "_snd_mixahead", "0.15", "how much sound to mix ahead of time"};
#define CF_ARCHIVE
cvar should have its set value saved to config.cfg and persist across sessions
Definition cmd.h:53

Referenced by S_Init(), and S_PaintAndSubmit().

◆ ambient_fade

cvar_t ambient_fade = {CF_CLIENT, "ambient_fade", "100", "rate of volume fading when moving from one environment to another"}

Definition at line 240 of file snd_main.c.

240{CF_CLIENT, "ambient_fade", "100", "rate of volume fading when moving from one environment to another"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and S_UpdateAmbientSounds().

◆ ambient_level

cvar_t ambient_level = {CF_CLIENT, "ambient_level", "0.3", "volume of environment noises (water and wind)"}

Definition at line 239 of file snd_main.c.

239{CF_CLIENT, "ambient_level", "0.3", "volume of environment noises (water and wind)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and S_UpdateAmbientSounds().

◆ ambient_names

const char* ambient_names[2] = { "sound/ambience/water1.wav", "sound/ambience/wind2.wav" }

Definition at line 259 of file snd_main.c.

259{ "sound/ambience/water1.wav", "sound/ambience/wind2.wav" };

Referenced by S_ClearUsed().

◆ ambient_sfxs

sfx_t* ambient_sfxs[2] = { NULL, NULL }

Definition at line 258 of file snd_main.c.

258{ NULL, NULL };

Referenced by S_ClearUsed(), and S_UnloadAllSounds_f().

◆ bgmvolume

cvar_t bgmvolume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "bgmvolume", "1", "volume of background music (such as CD music or replacement files such as sound/cdtracks/track002.ogg)"}

Definition at line 165 of file snd_main.c.

165{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "bgmvolume", "1", "volume of background music (such as CD music or replacement files such as sound/cdtracks/track002.ogg)"};

Referenced by CDAudio_Play_byName(), CDAudio_Update(), CL_ParseServerMessage(), M_Menu_Options_AdjustSliders(), M_Options_Draw(), and S_Init().

◆ changevolume_sfx

sfx_t changevolume_sfx = {""}

Definition at line 894 of file snd_main.c.


Referenced by S_FindName(), S_IsSoundPrecached(), and S_StartSound_StartPosition_Flags().

◆ channels

◆ cl_gameplayfix_soundsmovewithentities

cvar_t cl_gameplayfix_soundsmovewithentities

Definition at line 174 of file cl_parse.c.

174{CF_CLIENT, "cl_gameplayfix_soundsmovewithentities", "1", "causes sounds made by lifts, players, projectiles, and any other entities, to move with the entity, so for example a rocket noise follows the rocket rather than staying at the starting position"};

Referenced by CL_Parse_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ current_channellayout

int current_channellayout = SND_CHANNELLAYOUT_AUTO

Definition at line 157 of file snd_main.c.

Referenced by S_SetChannelLayout(), and S_Update().

◆ current_channellayout_used

int current_channellayout_used = SND_CHANNELLAYOUT_AUTO

Definition at line 158 of file snd_main.c.

Referenced by S_SetChannelLayout(), and S_Startup().

◆ current_swapstereo

bool current_swapstereo = false

Definition at line 156 of file snd_main.c.

Referenced by S_SetChannelLayout(), and S_Update().

◆ extrasoundtime

unsigned int extrasoundtime = 0

Definition at line 134 of file snd_main.c.

Referenced by S_PaintAndSubmit(), and S_Startup().

◆ known_sfx

sfx_t* known_sfx = NULL

◆ listener_basematrix

matrix4x4_t listener_basematrix

Definition at line 140 of file snd_main.c.

Referenced by S_Update(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ listener_matrix

matrix4x4_t listener_matrix[SND_LISTENERS]

Definition at line 143 of file snd_main.c.

Referenced by S_Update(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ listener_origin

vec3_t listener_origin

Definition at line 139 of file snd_main.c.

Referenced by S_Play_Common(), S_Update(), S_UpdateAmbientSounds(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ listener_pvs

unsigned char* listener_pvs = NULL

Definition at line 141 of file snd_main.c.

Referenced by S_Update(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ listener_pvsbytes

int listener_pvsbytes = 0

Definition at line 142 of file snd_main.c.

Referenced by S_Update(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ mastervolume

cvar_t mastervolume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "mastervolume", "0.7", "master volume"}

Definition at line 176 of file snd_main.c.

176{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "mastervolume", "0.7", "master volume"};

Referenced by S_Init(), S_UpdateAmbientSounds(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ nosound

cvar_t nosound = {CF_CLIENT, "nosound", "0", "disables sound"}

Definition at line 237 of file snd_main.c.

237{CF_CLIENT, "nosound", "0", "disables sound"};

Referenced by S_Init(), S_LocalSoundEx(), S_PaintAndSubmit(), S_PrecacheSound(), S_StartSound_StartPosition_Flags(), S_StaticSound(), and S_Update().

◆ oldpaintedtime

unsigned int oldpaintedtime = 0

Definition at line 133 of file snd_main.c.

Referenced by S_Shutdown(), and S_Startup().

◆ simsound

qbool simsound = false

If simsound is true, the sound card is not initialized and no sound is submitted to it.

More generally, all arch-dependent operations are skipped or emulated. Used for isolating performance in the renderer.

Definition at line 149 of file snd_main.c.

Referenced by S_Init(), S_PaintAndSubmit(), S_Shutdown(), S_Startup(), S_StopAllSounds(), and S_StopChannel().

◆ snd_attenuation_decibel

cvar_t snd_attenuation_decibel = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_attenuation_decibel", "0", "Decibel sound attenuation per sound radius distance"}

Definition at line 180 of file snd_main.c.

180{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_attenuation_decibel", "0", "Decibel sound attenuation per sound radius distance"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_attenuation_exponent

cvar_t snd_attenuation_exponent = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_attenuation_exponent", "1", "Exponent of (1-radius) in sound attenuation formula"}

Definition at line 179 of file snd_main.c.

179{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_attenuation_exponent", "1", "Exponent of (1-radius) in sound attenuation formula"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_blocked

bool snd_blocked = false

When true, we submit silence to the audio device.

Definition at line 155 of file snd_main.c.

Referenced by Buffer_Callback(), S_PaintAndSubmit(), and S_Update().

◆ snd_bufferlength

cvar_t snd_bufferlength = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_bufferlength", "20", "Desired length of the SDL2 audio buffer in milliseconds, smaller values reduce latency but can lead to underflow if the system is heavily loaded. Affects only how many sample frames are requested (which will be a power of 2 between 512 and 8192 inclusive)"}

Definition at line 248 of file snd_main.c.

248{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_bufferlength", "20", "Desired length of the SDL2 audio buffer in milliseconds, smaller values reduce latency but can lead to underflow if the system is heavily loaded. Affects only how many sample frames are requested (which will be a power of 2 between 512 and 8192 inclusive)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SndSys_Init().

◆ snd_channel0volume

cvar_t snd_channel0volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_channel0volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the auto-allocate entity channel"}

Definition at line 228 of file snd_main.c.

228{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_channel0volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the auto-allocate entity channel"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_channel1volume

cvar_t snd_channel1volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_channel1volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 1st entity channel"}

Definition at line 229 of file snd_main.c.

229{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_channel1volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 1st entity channel"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_channel2volume

cvar_t snd_channel2volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_channel2volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 2nd entity channel"}

Definition at line 230 of file snd_main.c.

230{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_channel2volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 2nd entity channel"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_channel3volume

cvar_t snd_channel3volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_channel3volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 3rd entity channel"}

Definition at line 231 of file snd_main.c.

231{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_channel3volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 3rd entity channel"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_channel4volume

cvar_t snd_channel4volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_channel4volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 4th entity channel"}

Definition at line 232 of file snd_main.c.

232{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_channel4volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 4th entity channel"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_channel5volume

cvar_t snd_channel5volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_channel5volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 5th entity channel"}

Definition at line 233 of file snd_main.c.

233{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_channel5volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 5th entity channel"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_channel6volume

cvar_t snd_channel6volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_channel6volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 6th entity channel"}

Definition at line 234 of file snd_main.c.

234{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_channel6volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 6th entity channel"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_channel7volume

cvar_t snd_channel7volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_channel7volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 7th entity channel"}

Definition at line 235 of file snd_main.c.

235{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_channel7volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 7th entity channel"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_channellayout

cvar_t snd_channellayout = {CF_CLIENT, "snd_channellayout", "0", "channel layout. Can be 0 (auto - snd_restart needed), 1 (standard layout), or 2 (ALSA layout)"}

Definition at line 170 of file snd_main.c.

170{CF_CLIENT, "snd_channellayout", "0", "channel layout. Can be 0 (auto - snd_restart needed), 1 (standard layout), or 2 (ALSA layout)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), S_SetChannelLayout(), S_Update(), and SndSys_Init().

◆ snd_channels

cvar_t snd_channels = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_channels", "2", "number of channels for the sound output (2 for stereo; up to 8 supported for 3D sound)"}

Definition at line 247 of file snd_main.c.

247{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_channels", "2", "number of channels for the sound output (2 for stereo; up to 8 supported for 3D sound)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and S_Startup().

◆ snd_csqcchannel0volume

cvar_t snd_csqcchannel0volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_csqcchannel0volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the auto-allocate entity channel CSQC entities (DEPRECATED)"}

Definition at line 220 of file snd_main.c.

220{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_csqcchannel0volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the auto-allocate entity channel CSQC entities (DEPRECATED)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_csqcchannel1volume

cvar_t snd_csqcchannel1volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_csqcchannel1volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 1st entity channel of CSQC entities (DEPRECATED)"}

Definition at line 221 of file snd_main.c.

221{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_csqcchannel1volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 1st entity channel of CSQC entities (DEPRECATED)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_csqcchannel2volume

cvar_t snd_csqcchannel2volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_csqcchannel2volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 2nd entity channel of CSQC entities (DEPRECATED)"}

Definition at line 222 of file snd_main.c.

222{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_csqcchannel2volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 2nd entity channel of CSQC entities (DEPRECATED)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_csqcchannel3volume

cvar_t snd_csqcchannel3volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_csqcchannel3volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 3rd entity channel of CSQC entities (DEPRECATED)"}

Definition at line 223 of file snd_main.c.

223{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_csqcchannel3volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 3rd entity channel of CSQC entities (DEPRECATED)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_csqcchannel4volume

cvar_t snd_csqcchannel4volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_csqcchannel4volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 4th entity channel of CSQC entities (DEPRECATED)"}

Definition at line 224 of file snd_main.c.

224{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_csqcchannel4volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 4th entity channel of CSQC entities (DEPRECATED)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_csqcchannel5volume

cvar_t snd_csqcchannel5volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_csqcchannel5volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 5th entity channel of CSQC entities (DEPRECATED)"}

Definition at line 225 of file snd_main.c.

225{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_csqcchannel5volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 5th entity channel of CSQC entities (DEPRECATED)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_csqcchannel6volume

cvar_t snd_csqcchannel6volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_csqcchannel6volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 6th entity channel of CSQC entities (DEPRECATED)"}

Definition at line 226 of file snd_main.c.

226{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_csqcchannel6volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 6th entity channel of CSQC entities (DEPRECATED)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_csqcchannel7volume

cvar_t snd_csqcchannel7volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_csqcchannel7volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 7th entity channel of CSQC entities (DEPRECATED)"}

Definition at line 227 of file snd_main.c.

227{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_csqcchannel7volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 7th entity channel of CSQC entities (DEPRECATED)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_entchannel0volume

cvar_t snd_entchannel0volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_entchannel0volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the auto-allocate entity channel of regular entities (DEPRECATED)"}

Definition at line 196 of file snd_main.c.

196{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_entchannel0volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the auto-allocate entity channel of regular entities (DEPRECATED)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_entchannel1volume

cvar_t snd_entchannel1volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_entchannel1volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 1st entity channel of regular entities (DEPRECATED)"}

Definition at line 197 of file snd_main.c.

197{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_entchannel1volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 1st entity channel of regular entities (DEPRECATED)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_entchannel2volume

cvar_t snd_entchannel2volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_entchannel2volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 2nd entity channel of regular entities (DEPRECATED)"}

Definition at line 198 of file snd_main.c.

198{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_entchannel2volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 2nd entity channel of regular entities (DEPRECATED)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_entchannel3volume

cvar_t snd_entchannel3volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_entchannel3volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 3rd entity channel of regular entities (DEPRECATED)"}

Definition at line 199 of file snd_main.c.

199{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_entchannel3volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 3rd entity channel of regular entities (DEPRECATED)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_entchannel4volume

cvar_t snd_entchannel4volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_entchannel4volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 4th entity channel of regular entities (DEPRECATED)"}

Definition at line 200 of file snd_main.c.

200{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_entchannel4volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 4th entity channel of regular entities (DEPRECATED)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_entchannel5volume

cvar_t snd_entchannel5volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_entchannel5volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 5th entity channel of regular entities (DEPRECATED)"}

Definition at line 201 of file snd_main.c.

201{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_entchannel5volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 5th entity channel of regular entities (DEPRECATED)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_entchannel6volume

cvar_t snd_entchannel6volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_entchannel6volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 6th entity channel of regular entities (DEPRECATED)"}

Definition at line 202 of file snd_main.c.

202{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_entchannel6volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 6th entity channel of regular entities (DEPRECATED)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_entchannel7volume

cvar_t snd_entchannel7volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_entchannel7volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 7th entity channel of regular entities (DEPRECATED)"}

Definition at line 203 of file snd_main.c.

203{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_entchannel7volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 7th entity channel of regular entities (DEPRECATED)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_identicalsoundrandomization_tics

cvar_t snd_identicalsoundrandomization_tics = {CF_CLIENT, "snd_identicalsoundrandomization_tics", "0", "if nonzero, how many tics to limit sound randomization as defined by snd_identicalsoundrandomization_time"}

Definition at line 255 of file snd_main.c.

255{CF_CLIENT, "snd_identicalsoundrandomization_tics", "0", "if nonzero, how many tics to limit sound randomization as defined by snd_identicalsoundrandomization_time"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and S_StartSound_StartPosition_Flags().

◆ snd_identicalsoundrandomization_time

cvar_t snd_identicalsoundrandomization_time = {CF_CLIENT, "snd_identicalsoundrandomization_time", "0.1", "how much seconds to randomly skip (positive) or delay (negative) sounds when multiple identical sounds are started on the same frame"}

Definition at line 254 of file snd_main.c.

254{CF_CLIENT, "snd_identicalsoundrandomization_time", "0.1", "how much seconds to randomly skip (positive) or delay (negative) sounds when multiple identical sounds are started on the same frame"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and S_StartSound_StartPosition_Flags().

◆ snd_initialized

cvar_t snd_initialized = {CF_CLIENT | CF_READONLY, "snd_initialized", "0", "indicates the sound subsystem is active"}

Definition at line 167 of file snd_main.c.

167{CF_CLIENT | CF_READONLY, "snd_initialized", "0", "indicates the sound subsystem is active"};
cvar cannot be changed from the console or the command buffer, and is considered CF_PERSISTENT
Definition cmd.h:54

Referenced by CL_ParseServerMessage(), M_Options_Draw(), S_FindName(), S_Init(), S_LocalSoundEx(), S_PrecacheSound(), S_SoundLength(), S_Startup(), S_Terminate(), and VM_precache_sound().

◆ snd_maxchannelvolume

cvar_t snd_maxchannelvolume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_maxchannelvolume", "10", "maximum volume of a single sound"}

Definition at line 192 of file snd_main.c.

192{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_maxchannelvolume", "10", "maximum volume of a single sound"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_mempool

◆ snd_mutewhenidle

cvar_t snd_mutewhenidle = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_mutewhenidle", "1", "1 disables sound output when game window is inactive, 2 disables it only when the window is minimised"}

Definition at line 193 of file snd_main.c.

193{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_mutewhenidle", "1", "1 disables sound output when game window is inactive, 2 disables it only when the window is minimised"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and S_Update().

◆ snd_playerchannel0volume

cvar_t snd_playerchannel0volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_playerchannel0volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the auto-allocate entity channel of player entities (DEPRECATED)"}

Definition at line 204 of file snd_main.c.

204{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_playerchannel0volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the auto-allocate entity channel of player entities (DEPRECATED)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_playerchannel1volume

cvar_t snd_playerchannel1volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_playerchannel1volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 1st entity channel of player entities (DEPRECATED)"}

Definition at line 205 of file snd_main.c.

205{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_playerchannel1volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 1st entity channel of player entities (DEPRECATED)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_playerchannel2volume

cvar_t snd_playerchannel2volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_playerchannel2volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 2nd entity channel of player entities (DEPRECATED)"}

Definition at line 206 of file snd_main.c.

206{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_playerchannel2volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 2nd entity channel of player entities (DEPRECATED)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_playerchannel3volume

cvar_t snd_playerchannel3volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_playerchannel3volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 3rd entity channel of player entities (DEPRECATED)"}

Definition at line 207 of file snd_main.c.

207{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_playerchannel3volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 3rd entity channel of player entities (DEPRECATED)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_playerchannel4volume

cvar_t snd_playerchannel4volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_playerchannel4volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 4th entity channel of player entities (DEPRECATED)"}

Definition at line 208 of file snd_main.c.

208{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_playerchannel4volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 4th entity channel of player entities (DEPRECATED)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_playerchannel5volume

cvar_t snd_playerchannel5volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_playerchannel5volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 5th entity channel of player entities (DEPRECATED)"}

Definition at line 209 of file snd_main.c.

209{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_playerchannel5volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 5th entity channel of player entities (DEPRECATED)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_playerchannel6volume

cvar_t snd_playerchannel6volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_playerchannel6volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 6th entity channel of player entities (DEPRECATED)"}

Definition at line 210 of file snd_main.c.

210{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_playerchannel6volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 6th entity channel of player entities (DEPRECATED)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_playerchannel7volume

cvar_t snd_playerchannel7volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_playerchannel7volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 7th entity channel of player entities (DEPRECATED)"}

Definition at line 211 of file snd_main.c.

211{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_playerchannel7volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 7th entity channel of player entities (DEPRECATED)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_precache

cvar_t snd_precache = {CF_CLIENT, "snd_precache", "1", "loads sounds before they are used"}

Definition at line 238 of file snd_main.c.

238{CF_CLIENT, "snd_precache", "1", "loads sounds before they are used"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and S_PrecacheSound().

◆ snd_renderbuffer

◆ snd_show

cvar_t snd_show = {CF_CLIENT, "snd_show", "0", "shows some statistics about sound mixing"}

Definition at line 241 of file snd_main.c.

241{CF_CLIENT, "snd_show", "0", "shows some statistics about sound mixing"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and S_Update().

◆ snd_softclip

cvar_t snd_softclip = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_softclip", "0", "Use soft-clipping. Soft-clipping can make the sound more smooth if very high volume levels are used. Enable this option if the dynamic range of the loudspeakers is very low. WARNING: This feature creates distortion and should be considered a last resort."}

Definition at line 194 of file snd_main.c.

194{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_softclip", "0", "Use soft-clipping. Soft-clipping can make the sound more smooth if very high volume levels are used. Enable this option if the dynamic range of the loudspeakers is very low. WARNING: This feature creates distortion and should be considered a last resort."};

Referenced by S_Init(), and S_SoftClipPaintBuffer().

◆ snd_soundradius

cvar_t snd_soundradius = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_soundradius", "1200", "radius of weapon sounds and other standard sound effects (monster idle noises are half this radius and flickering light noises are one third of this radius)"}

Definition at line 178 of file snd_main.c.

178{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_soundradius", "1200", "radius of weapon sounds and other standard sound effects (monster idle noises are half this radius and flickering light noises are one third of this radius)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), S_PlaySfxOnChannel(), and S_StartSound_StartPosition_Flags().

◆ snd_spatialization_control

cvar_t snd_spatialization_control = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_spatialization_control", "0", "enable spatialization control (headphone friendly mode)"}

Definition at line 186 of file snd_main.c.

186{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_spatialization_control", "0", "enable spatialization control (headphone friendly mode)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and S_Update().

◆ snd_spatialization_max

cvar_t snd_spatialization_max = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_spatialization_max", "0.95", "maximum spatialization of sounds"}

Definition at line 184 of file snd_main.c.

184{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_spatialization_max", "0.95", "maximum spatialization of sounds"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and S_Update().

◆ snd_spatialization_max_radius

cvar_t snd_spatialization_max_radius = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_spatialization_max_radius", "100", "use maximum spatialization below this radius"}

Definition at line 182 of file snd_main.c.

182{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_spatialization_max_radius", "100", "use maximum spatialization below this radius"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and S_Update().

◆ snd_spatialization_min

cvar_t snd_spatialization_min = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_spatialization_min", "0.70", "minimum spatializazion of sounds"}

Definition at line 183 of file snd_main.c.

183{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_spatialization_min", "0.70", "minimum spatializazion of sounds"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and S_Update().

◆ snd_spatialization_min_radius

cvar_t snd_spatialization_min_radius = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_spatialization_min_radius", "10000", "use minimum spatialization above to this radius"}

Definition at line 181 of file snd_main.c.

181{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_spatialization_min_radius", "10000", "use minimum spatialization above to this radius"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and S_Update().

◆ snd_spatialization_occlusion

cvar_t snd_spatialization_occlusion = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_spatialization_occlusion", "1", "enable occlusion testing on spatialized sounds, which simply quiets sounds that are blocked by the world; 1 enables PVS method, 2 enables LineOfSight method, 3 enables both"}

Definition at line 189 of file snd_main.c.

189{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_spatialization_occlusion", "1", "enable occlusion testing on spatialized sounds, which simply quiets sounds that are blocked by the world; 1 enables PVS method, 2 enables LineOfSight method, 3 enables both"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_spatialization_power

cvar_t snd_spatialization_power = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_spatialization_power", "0", "exponent of the spatialization falloff curve (0: logarithmic)"}

Definition at line 185 of file snd_main.c.

185{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_spatialization_power", "0", "exponent of the spatialization falloff curve (0: logarithmic)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and S_Update().

◆ snd_spatialization_prologic

cvar_t snd_spatialization_prologic = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_spatialization_prologic", "0", "use dolby prologic (I, II or IIx) encoding (snd_channels must be 2)"}

Definition at line 187 of file snd_main.c.

187{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_spatialization_prologic", "0", "use dolby prologic (I, II or IIx) encoding (snd_channels must be 2)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), S_UpdateAmbientSounds(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_spatialization_prologic_frontangle

cvar_t snd_spatialization_prologic_frontangle = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_spatialization_prologic_frontangle", "30", "the angle between the front speakers and the center speaker"}

Definition at line 188 of file snd_main.c.

188{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_spatialization_prologic_frontangle", "30", "the angle between the front speakers and the center speaker"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_speakerlayout

◆ snd_speakerlayouts

const speakerlayout_t snd_speakerlayouts[]

Definition at line 50 of file snd_main.c.

52 {
53 "surround71", 8,
54 {
55 {0, 45, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.5f}, // front left
56 {1, 315, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.5f}, // front right
57 {2, 135, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.5f}, // rear left
58 {3, 225, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.5f}, // rear right
59 {4, 0, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.5f}, // front center
60 {5, 0, 0, 0, 0}, // lfe (we don't have any good lfe sound sources and it would take some filtering work to generate them (and they'd probably still be wrong), so... no lfe)
61 {6, 90, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.5f}, // side left
62 {7, 180, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.5f}, // side right
63 }
64 },
65 {
66 "surround51", 6,
67 {
68 {0, 45, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.5f}, // front left
69 {1, 315, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.5f}, // front right
70 {2, 135, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.5f}, // rear left
71 {3, 225, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.5f}, // rear right
72 {4, 0, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.5f}, // front center
73 {5, 0, 0, 0, 0}, // lfe (we don't have any good lfe sound sources and it would take some filtering work to generate them (and they'd probably still be wrong), so... no lfe)
74 {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
75 {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
76 }
77 },
78 {
79 // these systems sometimes have a subwoofer as well, but it has no
80 // channel of its own
81 "surround40", 4,
82 {
83 {0, 45, 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.8f}, // front left
84 {1, 315, 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.8f}, // front right
85 {2, 135, 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.8f}, // rear left
86 {3, 225, 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.8f}, // rear right
87 {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
88 {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
89 {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
90 {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
91 }
92 },
93 {
94 // these systems sometimes have a subwoofer as well, but it has no
95 // channel of its own
96 "stereo", 2,
97 {
98 {0, 90, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1}, // side left
99 {1, 270, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1}, // side right
100 {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
101 {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
102 {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
103 {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
104 {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
105 {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
106 }
107 },
108 {
109 "mono", 1,
110 {
111 {0, 0, 0, 1, 1}, // center
112 {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
113 {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
114 {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
115 {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
116 {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
117 {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
118 {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
119 }
120 }

Referenced by S_SetChannelLayout().

◆ snd_speed

cvar_t snd_speed = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_speed", "48000", "sound output frequency, in hertz"}

Definition at line 245 of file snd_main.c.

245{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_speed", "48000", "sound output frequency, in hertz"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and S_Startup().

◆ snd_startloopingsounds

cvar_t snd_startloopingsounds = {CF_CLIENT, "snd_startloopingsounds", "1", "whether to start sounds that would loop (you want this to be 1); existing sounds are not affected"}

Definition at line 250 of file snd_main.c.

250{CF_CLIENT, "snd_startloopingsounds", "1", "whether to start sounds that would loop (you want this to be 1); existing sounds are not affected"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and S_PlaySfxOnChannel().

◆ snd_startnonloopingsounds

cvar_t snd_startnonloopingsounds = {CF_CLIENT, "snd_startnonloopingsounds", "1", "whether to start sounds that would not loop (you want this to be 1); existing sounds are not affected"}

Definition at line 251 of file snd_main.c.

251{CF_CLIENT, "snd_startnonloopingsounds", "1", "whether to start sounds that would not loop (you want this to be 1); existing sounds are not affected"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and S_PlaySfxOnChannel().

◆ snd_starttime

double snd_starttime = 0.0

Definition at line 135 of file snd_main.c.

Referenced by S_PaintAndSubmit(), and S_Startup().

◆ snd_staticvolume

cvar_t snd_staticvolume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_staticvolume", "1", "volume of ambient sound effects (such as swampy sounds at the start of e1m2)"}

Definition at line 177 of file snd_main.c.

177{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_staticvolume", "1", "volume of ambient sound effects (such as swampy sounds at the start of e1m2)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_streaming

cvar_t snd_streaming = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_streaming", "1", "enables keeping compressed ogg sound files compressed, decompressing them only as needed, otherwise they will be decompressed completely at load (may use a lot of memory); when set to 2, streaming is performed even if this would waste memory"}

Definition at line 171 of file snd_main.c.

171{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_streaming", "1", "enables keeping compressed ogg sound files compressed, decompressing them only as needed, otherwise they will be decompressed completely at load (may use a lot of memory); when set to 2, streaming is performed even if this would waste memory"};

Referenced by OGG_LoadVorbisFile(), and S_Init().

◆ snd_streaming_length

cvar_t snd_streaming_length = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_streaming_length", "1", "decompress sounds completely if they are less than this play time when snd_streaming is 1"}

Definition at line 172 of file snd_main.c.

172{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_streaming_length", "1", "decompress sounds completely if they are less than this play time when snd_streaming is 1"};

Referenced by OGG_LoadVorbisFile(), and S_Init().

◆ snd_swapstereo

cvar_t snd_swapstereo = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_swapstereo", "0", "swaps left/right speakers for old ISA soundblaster cards"}

Definition at line 191 of file snd_main.c.

191{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_swapstereo", "0", "swaps left/right speakers for old ISA soundblaster cards"};

Referenced by S_Init(), S_SetChannelLayout(), and S_Update().

◆ snd_threaded

qbool snd_threaded = false

enables use of snd_usethreadedmixing, provided that no sound hacks are in effect (like timedemo)

Definition at line 136 of file snd_main.c.

Referenced by S_PaintAndSubmit(), and SndSys_Init().

◆ snd_usethreadedmixing

qbool snd_usethreadedmixing = false

if true, the main thread does not mix sound, soundtime does not advance, and neither does snd_renderbuffer->endframe, instead the audio thread will call S_MixToBuffer as needed

Definition at line 137 of file snd_main.c.

Referenced by Buffer_Callback(), S_MixToBuffer(), and S_PaintAndSubmit().

◆ snd_waterfx

cvar_t snd_waterfx = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_waterfx", "1", "underwater sound filter strength"}

Definition at line 173 of file snd_main.c.

173{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_waterfx", "1", "underwater sound filter strength"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and S_SetUnderwaterIntensity().

◆ snd_width

cvar_t snd_width = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_width", "4", "sound output precision, in bytes - 1 = 8bit, 2 = 16bit, 4 = 32bit float"}

Definition at line 246 of file snd_main.c.

246{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_width", "4", "sound output precision, in bytes - 1 = 8bit, 2 = 16bit, 4 = 32bit float"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and S_Startup().

◆ snd_worldchannel0volume

cvar_t snd_worldchannel0volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_worldchannel0volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the auto-allocate entity channel of the world entity (DEPRECATED)"}

Definition at line 212 of file snd_main.c.

212{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_worldchannel0volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the auto-allocate entity channel of the world entity (DEPRECATED)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_worldchannel1volume

cvar_t snd_worldchannel1volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_worldchannel1volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 1st entity channel of the world entity (DEPRECATED)"}

Definition at line 213 of file snd_main.c.

213{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_worldchannel1volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 1st entity channel of the world entity (DEPRECATED)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_worldchannel2volume

cvar_t snd_worldchannel2volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_worldchannel2volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 2nd entity channel of the world entity (DEPRECATED)"}

Definition at line 214 of file snd_main.c.

214{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_worldchannel2volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 2nd entity channel of the world entity (DEPRECATED)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_worldchannel3volume

cvar_t snd_worldchannel3volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_worldchannel3volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 3rd entity channel of the world entity (DEPRECATED)"}

Definition at line 215 of file snd_main.c.

215{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_worldchannel3volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 3rd entity channel of the world entity (DEPRECATED)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_worldchannel4volume

cvar_t snd_worldchannel4volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_worldchannel4volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 4th entity channel of the world entity (DEPRECATED)"}

Definition at line 216 of file snd_main.c.

216{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_worldchannel4volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 4th entity channel of the world entity (DEPRECATED)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_worldchannel5volume

cvar_t snd_worldchannel5volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_worldchannel5volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 5th entity channel of the world entity (DEPRECATED)"}

Definition at line 217 of file snd_main.c.

217{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_worldchannel5volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 5th entity channel of the world entity (DEPRECATED)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_worldchannel6volume

cvar_t snd_worldchannel6volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_worldchannel6volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 6th entity channel of the world entity (DEPRECATED)"}

Definition at line 218 of file snd_main.c.

218{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_worldchannel6volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 6th entity channel of the world entity (DEPRECATED)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ snd_worldchannel7volume

cvar_t snd_worldchannel7volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_worldchannel7volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 7th entity channel of the world entity (DEPRECATED)"}

Definition at line 219 of file snd_main.c.

219{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "snd_worldchannel7volume", "1", "volume multiplier of the 7th entity channel of the world entity (DEPRECATED)"};

Referenced by S_Init(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ soundtime

unsigned int soundtime = 0

Definition at line 132 of file snd_main.c.

Referenced by S_PaintAndSubmit(), and S_Startup().

◆ spatialdiff

float spatialdiff

Definition at line 160 of file snd_main.c.

Referenced by S_Update(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ spatialfactor

float spatialfactor

Definition at line 160 of file snd_main.c.

Referenced by S_Update(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ spatialmethod

spatialmethod_t spatialmethod

Definition at line 162 of file snd_main.c.

Referenced by S_Update(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ spatialmin

float spatialmin

Definition at line 160 of file snd_main.c.

Referenced by S_Update(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ spatialoffset

float spatialoffset

Definition at line 160 of file snd_main.c.

Referenced by S_Update(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ spatialpower

float spatialpower

Definition at line 160 of file snd_main.c.

Referenced by S_Update(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().

◆ total_channels

◆ v_flipped

cvar_t v_flipped

Definition at line 20 of file gl_backend.c.

20{CF_CLIENT, "v_flipped", "0", "mirror the screen (poor man's left handed mode)"};

Referenced by gl_backend_init(), R_SetViewport(), R_Viewport_InitOrtho3D(), R_Viewport_InitPerspective(), R_Viewport_InitPerspectiveInfinite(), S_SetChannelLayout(), and S_Update().

◆ volume

cvar_t volume = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "volume", "0.7", "volume of sound effects"}

Definition at line 166 of file snd_main.c.

166{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "volume", "0.7", "volume of sound effects"};

Referenced by M_Menu_Options_AdjustSliders(), M_Options_Draw(), S_Init(), S_UpdateAmbientSounds(), and SND_Spatialize_WithSfx().