Game engine based on the Quake 1 engine by id Software, developed by LadyHavoc
client_state_t Struct Reference

#include <client.h>

+ Collaboration diagram for client_state_t:

Data Fields

int activeweapon
float bob2_smooth
float bobfall_speed
float bobfall_swing
unsigned char * buildlightmapmemory
size_t buildlightmapmemorysize
double calcrefdef_prevtime
int cdtrack
usercmd_t cmd
double completed_time
cshift_t cshifts [NUM_CSHIFTS]
matrix4x4_t csqc_listenermatrix
struct model_s * csqc_model_precache [MAX_MODELS]
char csqc_printtextbuf [MAX_INPUTLINE]
size_t csqc_printtextbuf_len
unsigned short csqc_server2csqcentitynumber [MAX_EDICTS]
qbool csqc_usecsqclistener
csqc_vidvars_t csqc_vidvars
vec3_t csqc_viewangles
vec3_t csqc_viewanglesfromengine
matrix4x4_t csqc_viewmodelmatrixfromengine
vec3_t csqc_vieworigin
vec3_t csqc_vieworiginfromengine
qbool csqc_wantsmousemove
float deathfade
double decals_updatetime
unsigned int decalsequence
qbool downloadcsqc
int downloadmodel_current
int downloadsound_current
float driftmove
unsigned char * entities_active
float faceanimtime
qbool fixangle [2]
qbool foundteamchatsound
int free_decal
int free_particle
int gametype
vec3_t gunangles_adjustment_highpass
vec3_t gunangles_adjustment_lowpass
vec3_t gunangles_highpass
vec3_t gunangles_prev
vec3_t gunorg_adjustment_highpass
vec3_t gunorg_adjustment_lowpass
vec3_t gunorg_highpass
vec3_t gunorg_prev
double hitgroundtime
float idealpitch
int intermission
qbool inwater
int islocalgame
unsigned char isquakeentity [MAX_EDICTS]
float item_gettime [32]
double last_ping_request
float last_received_message
vec3_t lastdeathorigin
double lastongroundtime
int lastquakeentity
double laststop
int latestframenums [LATESTFRAMENUMS]
int latestframenumsposition
unsigned int latestsendnums [LATESTFRAMENUMS]
qbool loadbegun
qbool loadcsqc
qbool loadfinished
int loadmodel_current
int loadmodel_total
int loadsound_current
int loadsound_total
int looptrack
int max_beams
int max_brushmodel_entities
int max_csqcrenderentities
int max_dlights
int max_effects
int max_entities
int max_lightstyle
int max_particles
int max_showlmps
int max_static_entities
int maxclients
char model_name [MAX_MODELS][MAX_QPATH]
struct model_s * model_precache [MAX_MODELS]
float motionbluralpha
usercmd_t movecmd [CL_MAX_USERCMDS]
unsigned int moveflags
vec3_t movement_origin
qbool movement_predicted
qbool movement_replay
qbool movement_replay_canjump
vec3_t movement_velocity
float movevars_accelerate
float movevars_airaccel_qw
float movevars_airaccel_qw_stretchfactor
float movevars_airaccel_sideways_friction
float movevars_airaccelerate
float movevars_aircontrol
float movevars_aircontrol_penalty
float movevars_aircontrol_power
float movevars_airspeedlimit_nonqw
float movevars_airstopaccelerate
float movevars_airstrafeaccel_qw
float movevars_airstrafeaccelerate
float movevars_edgefriction
float movevars_entgravity
float movevars_friction
float movevars_gravity
float movevars_jumpvelocity
float movevars_maxairspeed
float movevars_maxairstrafespeed
float movevars_maxspeed
float movevars_spectatormaxspeed
float movevars_stepheight
float movevars_stopspeed
float movevars_ticrate
float movevars_timescale
float movevars_wallfriction
float movevars_warsowbunny_accel
float movevars_warsowbunny_airforwardaccel
float movevars_warsowbunny_backtosideratio
float movevars_warsowbunny_topspeed
float movevars_warsowbunny_turnaccel
float movevars_wateraccelerate
float movevars_waterfriction
vec3_t mpunchangle [2]
vec3_t mpunchvector [2]
double mtime [2]
vec3_t mvelocity [2]
vec3_t mviewangles [2]
vec_t mviewzoom [2]
qbool nodrift
int num_beams
int num_brushmodel_entities
int num_decals
int num_dlights
int num_effects
int num_entities
int num_particles
int num_showlmps
int num_static_entities
int olditems
qbool oldonground
double oldtime
qbool onground
uint8_t opt_inputs_since_update
int parsingtextexpectingpingforscores
cl_parsingtextmode_t parsingtextmode
int parsingtextplayerindex
double particles_updatetime
qbool paused
float pitchvel
vec3_t playercrouchmaxs
vec3_t playercrouchmins
int playerentity
vec3_t playerstandmaxs
vec3_t playerstandmins
cshift_t prev_cshifts [NUM_CSHIFTS]
vec3_t punchangle
vec3_t punchvector
unsigned int qw_deltasequence [QW_UPDATE_BACKUP]
vec3_t qw_intermission_angles
vec3_t qw_intermission_origin
int qw_modelindex_flag
int qw_modelindex_player
int qw_modelindex_s_explod
int qw_modelindex_spike
vec_t qw_nails [255][6]
int qw_num_nails
int qw_servercount
char qw_serverinfo [MAX_SERVERINFO_STRING]
int qw_teamplay
unsigned int qw_validsequence
float qw_weaponkick
double realframetime
int realplayerentity
float sendnoptime
float sensitivityscale
sfx_t * sfx_knighthit
sfx_t * sfx_r_exp3
sfx_t * sfx_ric1
sfx_t * sfx_ric2
sfx_t * sfx_ric3
sfx_t * sfx_tink1
sfx_t * sfx_wizhit
char sound_name [MAX_SOUNDS][MAX_QPATH]
struct sfx_ssound_precache [MAX_SOUNDS]
double stairsmoothtime
float stairsmoothz
int stats [MAX_CL_STATS]
double time
float timesincepacket
unsigned char ts_error_num
float ts_error_stor [NUM_TS_ERRORS]
vec3_t velocity
qbool view_underwater
vec3_t viewangles
entity_t viewent
int viewentity
vec_t viewzoom
float weapontime
world_t world
char worldbasename [MAX_QPATH]
char worldmessage [MAX_QPATH]
struct model_s * worldmodel
char worldname [MAX_QPATH]
char worldnamenoextension [MAX_QPATH]

Detailed Description

Definition at line 743 of file client.h.

Field Documentation

◆ activeweapon

int client_state_t::activeweapon

Definition at line 765 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_UpdateItemsAndWeapon(), and IN_Move_TouchScreen_SteelStorm().

◆ beams

beam_t* client_state_t::beams

Definition at line 996 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ClearState(), CL_NewBeam(), and CL_RelinkBeams().

◆ bob2_smooth

float client_state_t::bob2_smooth

Definition at line 850 of file client.h.

Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing().

◆ bobfall_speed

float client_state_t::bobfall_speed

Definition at line 851 of file client.h.

Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing().

◆ bobfall_swing

float client_state_t::bobfall_swing

Definition at line 852 of file client.h.

Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing().

◆ brushmodel_entities

int* client_state_t::brushmodel_entities

◆ buildlightmapmemory

unsigned char* client_state_t::buildlightmapmemory

Definition at line 1133 of file client.h.

Referenced by R_BuildLightMap().

◆ buildlightmapmemorysize

size_t client_state_t::buildlightmapmemorysize

Definition at line 1132 of file client.h.

Referenced by R_BuildLightMap().

◆ calcrefdef_prevtime

double client_state_t::calcrefdef_prevtime

Definition at line 853 of file client.h.

Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing().

◆ cdtrack

int client_state_t::cdtrack

Definition at line 940 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ParseServerMessage().

◆ cmd

◆ completed_time

double client_state_t::completed_time

◆ cshifts

cshift_t client_state_t::cshifts[NUM_CSHIFTS]

◆ csqc_listenermatrix

matrix4x4_t client_state_t::csqc_listenermatrix

Definition at line 1117 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_Frame(), and VM_CL_setlistener().

◆ csqc_model_precache

struct model_s* client_state_t::csqc_model_precache[MAX_MODELS]

Definition at line 836 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_GetModelByIndex(), VM_CL_precache_model(), and VM_CL_setmodel().

◆ csqc_printtextbuf

char client_state_t::csqc_printtextbuf[MAX_INPUTLINE]

Definition at line 1118 of file client.h.

Referenced by CSQC_AddPrintText().

◆ csqc_printtextbuf_len

size_t client_state_t::csqc_printtextbuf_len


Definition at line 1119 of file client.h.

Referenced by CSQC_AddPrintText().

◆ csqc_server2csqcentitynumber

◆ csqc_usecsqclistener

qbool client_state_t::csqc_usecsqclistener

Definition at line 1116 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_Frame(), and VM_CL_setlistener().

◆ csqc_vidvars

◆ csqc_viewangles

vec3_t client_state_t::csqc_viewangles

◆ csqc_viewanglesfromengine

vec3_t client_state_t::csqc_viewanglesfromengine

◆ csqc_viewmodelmatrixfromengine

matrix4x4_t client_state_t::csqc_viewmodelmatrixfromengine

◆ csqc_vieworigin

vec3_t client_state_t::csqc_vieworigin

◆ csqc_vieworiginfromengine

vec3_t client_state_t::csqc_vieworiginfromengine

◆ csqc_wantsmousemove

qbool client_state_t::csqc_wantsmousemove

Definition at line 835 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_Input(), Sys_SDL_HandleEvents(), VM_CL_getmousepos(), and VM_CL_setcursormode().

◆ csqcrenderentities

◆ deathfade

float client_state_t::deathfade

Definition at line 879 of file client.h.

Referenced by V_CalcViewBlend().

◆ decals_updatetime

double client_state_t::decals_updatetime

Definition at line 1014 of file client.h.

◆ decalsequence

unsigned int client_state_t::decalsequence

Definition at line 978 of file client.h.

Referenced by R_DecalSystem_SplatEntities(), and R_DrawModelDecals_FadeEntity().

◆ dlights

dlight_t* client_state_t::dlights

◆ downloadcsqc

qbool client_state_t::downloadcsqc

Definition at line 1025 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_BeginDownloads(), and CL_ParseServerInfo().

◆ downloadmodel_current

int client_state_t::downloadmodel_current

Definition at line 1020 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_BeginDownloads(), and CL_ParseServerInfo().

◆ downloadsound_current

int client_state_t::downloadsound_current

Definition at line 1023 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_BeginDownloads(), and CL_ParseServerInfo().

◆ driftmove

float client_state_t::driftmove

Definition at line 829 of file client.h.

Referenced by V_DriftPitch(), and V_StartPitchDrift().

◆ effects

cl_effect_t* client_state_t::effects

Definition at line 995 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ClearState(), CL_Effect(), and CL_RelinkEffects().

◆ engineskeletonobjects

skeleton_t* client_state_t::engineskeletonobjects

Definition at line 1136 of file client.h.

Referenced by EntityState5_ReadUpdate().

◆ entities

◆ entities_active

◆ entitydatabase

entityframe_database_t* client_state_t::entitydatabase

Definition at line 963 of file client.h.

Referenced by EntityFrame_CL_ReadFrame().

◆ entitydatabase4

entityframe4_database_t* client_state_t::entitydatabase4

Definition at line 964 of file client.h.

Referenced by EntityFrame4_CL_ReadFrame().

◆ entitydatabaseqw

entityframeqw_database_t* client_state_t::entitydatabaseqw

Definition at line 965 of file client.h.

Referenced by EntityFrameQW_CL_ReadFrame().

◆ faceanimtime

float client_state_t::faceanimtime

Definition at line 769 of file client.h.

Referenced by Sbar_DrawFace(), and V_ParseDamage().

◆ fixangle

qbool client_state_t::fixangle[2]

◆ foundteamchatsound

qbool client_state_t::foundteamchatsound

Definition at line 929 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_SetupWorldModel(), and Con_MaskPrint().

◆ free_decal

int client_state_t::free_decal

Definition at line 1016 of file client.h.

◆ free_particle

int client_state_t::free_particle

Definition at line 1015 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_NewParticle(), and R_DrawParticles().

◆ gametype

int client_state_t::gametype

Definition at line 914 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ParseServerInfo(), CL_VM_Init(), Sbar_Draw(), and Sbar_IntermissionOverlay().

◆ gunangles_adjustment_highpass

vec3_t client_state_t::gunangles_adjustment_highpass

Definition at line 818 of file client.h.

Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing().

◆ gunangles_adjustment_lowpass

vec3_t client_state_t::gunangles_adjustment_lowpass

Definition at line 817 of file client.h.

Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing().

◆ gunangles_highpass

vec3_t client_state_t::gunangles_highpass

Definition at line 816 of file client.h.

Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing().

◆ gunangles_prev

vec3_t client_state_t::gunangles_prev

Definition at line 815 of file client.h.

Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing().

◆ gunorg_adjustment_highpass

vec3_t client_state_t::gunorg_adjustment_highpass

Definition at line 823 of file client.h.

Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing().

◆ gunorg_adjustment_lowpass

vec3_t client_state_t::gunorg_adjustment_lowpass

Definition at line 822 of file client.h.

Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing().

◆ gunorg_highpass

vec3_t client_state_t::gunorg_highpass

Definition at line 821 of file client.h.

Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing().

◆ gunorg_prev

vec3_t client_state_t::gunorg_prev

Definition at line 820 of file client.h.

Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing().

◆ hitgroundtime

double client_state_t::hitgroundtime

Definition at line 849 of file client.h.

Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing().

◆ idealpitch

float client_state_t::idealpitch

Definition at line 826 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ParseClientdata(), EntityStateQW_ReadPlayerUpdate(), and V_DriftPitch().

◆ intermission

◆ inwater

qbool client_state_t::inwater

Definition at line 844 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ParseClientdata(), and CSQC_SetGlobals().

◆ islocalgame

◆ isquakeentity

unsigned char client_state_t::isquakeentity[MAX_EDICTS]

Definition at line 969 of file client.h.

Referenced by EntityFrameQuake_ISeeDeadEntities(), and EntityFrameQuake_ReadEntity().

◆ item_gettime

float client_state_t::item_gettime[32]

Definition at line 763 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_UpdateItemsAndWeapon(), and Sbar_DrawInventory().

◆ last_ping_request

double client_state_t::last_ping_request

Definition at line 1036 of file client.h.

Referenced by Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay().

◆ last_received_message

float client_state_t::last_received_message

Definition at line 885 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ParseServerMessage(), CL_SendMove(), and SCR_DrawNet().

◆ lastdeathorigin

vec3_t client_state_t::lastdeathorigin

Definition at line 1128 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ForwardToServer().

◆ lastongroundtime

double client_state_t::lastongroundtime

Definition at line 848 of file client.h.

Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing().

◆ lastquakeentity

int client_state_t::lastquakeentity

Definition at line 968 of file client.h.

Referenced by EntityFrameQuake_ISeeDeadEntities(), and EntityFrameQuake_ReadEntity().

◆ laststop

double client_state_t::laststop

Definition at line 830 of file client.h.

Referenced by V_StartPitchDrift(), and V_StopPitchDrift().

◆ latestframenums

int client_state_t::latestframenums[LATESTFRAMENUMS]

Definition at line 961 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_NewFrameReceived(), and CL_SendMove().

◆ latestframenumsposition

int client_state_t::latestframenumsposition

Definition at line 960 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_NewFrameReceived(), and CL_SendMove().

◆ latestsendnums

unsigned int client_state_t::latestsendnums[LATESTFRAMENUMS]

Definition at line 962 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_NewFrameReceived(), and CL_SendMove().

◆ lightstyle

lightstyle_t* client_state_t::lightstyle

◆ loadbegun

qbool client_state_t::loadbegun

Definition at line 1027 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_BeginDownloads(), CL_BeginDownloads_f(), CL_ParseServerInfo(), and Curl_Curl_f().

◆ loadcsqc

qbool client_state_t::loadcsqc

Definition at line 1026 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ParseServerInfo(), CL_ReadDemoMessage(), and CL_SetupWorldModel().

◆ loadfinished

qbool client_state_t::loadfinished

Definition at line 1028 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_BeginDownloads(), CL_ParseServerInfo(), and QW_CL_RequestNextDownload().

◆ loadmodel_current

int client_state_t::loadmodel_current

Definition at line 1019 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_BeginDownloads(), and CL_ParseServerInfo().

◆ loadmodel_total

int client_state_t::loadmodel_total

Definition at line 1021 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_BeginDownloads(), and CL_ParseServerInfo().

◆ loadsound_current

int client_state_t::loadsound_current

Definition at line 1022 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_BeginDownloads(), and CL_ParseServerInfo().

◆ loadsound_total

int client_state_t::loadsound_total

Definition at line 1024 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_BeginDownloads(), and CL_ParseServerInfo().

◆ locnodes

cl_locnode_t* client_state_t::locnodes

◆ looptrack

int client_state_t::looptrack

Definition at line 940 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ParseServerMessage().

◆ max_beams

int client_state_t::max_beams

Definition at line 984 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ClearState(), and CL_NewBeam().

◆ max_brushmodel_entities

int client_state_t::max_brushmodel_entities

Definition at line 987 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ClearState().

◆ max_csqcrenderentities

int client_state_t::max_csqcrenderentities

Definition at line 981 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ClearState(), and CL_ExpandCSQCRenderEntities().

◆ max_dlights

int client_state_t::max_dlights

Definition at line 985 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_AllocLightFlash(), and CL_ClearState().

◆ max_effects

int client_state_t::max_effects

Definition at line 983 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ClearState(), and CL_Effect().

◆ max_entities

◆ max_lightstyle

int client_state_t::max_lightstyle

◆ max_particles

int client_state_t::max_particles

Definition at line 988 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ClearState(), CL_NewParticle(), CL_ReadPointFile_f(), and R_DrawParticles().

◆ max_showlmps

int client_state_t::max_showlmps

Definition at line 989 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ClearState(), and SHOWLMP_decodeshow().

◆ max_static_entities

int client_state_t::max_static_entities

Definition at line 982 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ClearState(), CL_ParseStatic(), and VM_CL_makestatic().

◆ maxclients

◆ model_beam

model_t* client_state_t::model_beam

◆ model_bolt

model_t* client_state_t::model_bolt

◆ model_bolt2

model_t* client_state_t::model_bolt2

◆ model_bolt3

model_t* client_state_t::model_bolt3

◆ model_name

◆ model_precache

◆ motionbluralpha

float client_state_t::motionbluralpha

Definition at line 882 of file client.h.

Referenced by R_MotionBlurView(), and Sbar_ShowFPS().

◆ movecmd

◆ moveflags

unsigned int client_state_t::moveflags

◆ movement_origin

vec3_t client_state_t::movement_origin

◆ movement_predicted

qbool client_state_t::movement_predicted

Definition at line 805 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ClientMovement_Replay(), and CL_UpdateNetworkEntity().

◆ movement_replay

qbool client_state_t::movement_replay

Definition at line 807 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ClientMovement_Replay(), CL_NetworkTimeReceived(), and CL_SendMove().

◆ movement_replay_canjump

qbool client_state_t::movement_replay_canjump

Definition at line 812 of file client.h.

◆ movement_velocity

vec3_t client_state_t::movement_velocity

◆ movevars_accelerate

float client_state_t::movevars_accelerate

◆ movevars_airaccel_qw

float client_state_t::movevars_airaccel_qw

◆ movevars_airaccel_qw_stretchfactor

float client_state_t::movevars_airaccel_qw_stretchfactor

Definition at line 1072 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ClientMovement_Physics_Walk(), and CL_UpdateMoveVars().

◆ movevars_airaccel_sideways_friction

float client_state_t::movevars_airaccel_sideways_friction

◆ movevars_airaccelerate

float client_state_t::movevars_airaccelerate

◆ movevars_aircontrol

float client_state_t::movevars_aircontrol

◆ movevars_aircontrol_penalty

float client_state_t::movevars_aircontrol_penalty

Definition at line 1080 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ClientMovement_Physics_CPM_PM_Aircontrol(), and CL_UpdateMoveVars().

◆ movevars_aircontrol_power

float client_state_t::movevars_aircontrol_power

Definition at line 1079 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ClientMovement_Physics_CPM_PM_Aircontrol(), and CL_UpdateMoveVars().

◆ movevars_airspeedlimit_nonqw

float client_state_t::movevars_airspeedlimit_nonqw

Definition at line 1087 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ClientMovement_Physics_Walk(), and CL_UpdateMoveVars().

◆ movevars_airstopaccelerate

float client_state_t::movevars_airstopaccelerate

Definition at line 1074 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ClientMovement_Physics_Walk(), and CL_UpdateMoveVars().

◆ movevars_airstrafeaccel_qw

float client_state_t::movevars_airstrafeaccel_qw

Definition at line 1077 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ClientMovement_Physics_Walk(), and CL_UpdateMoveVars().

◆ movevars_airstrafeaccelerate

float client_state_t::movevars_airstrafeaccelerate

Definition at line 1075 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ClientMovement_Physics_Walk(), and CL_UpdateMoveVars().

◆ movevars_edgefriction

float client_state_t::movevars_edgefriction

◆ movevars_entgravity

float client_state_t::movevars_entgravity

◆ movevars_friction

float client_state_t::movevars_friction

◆ movevars_gravity

◆ movevars_jumpvelocity

float client_state_t::movevars_jumpvelocity

◆ movevars_maxairspeed

◆ movevars_maxairstrafespeed

float client_state_t::movevars_maxairstrafespeed

Definition at line 1076 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ClientMovement_Physics_Walk(), and CL_UpdateMoveVars().

◆ movevars_maxspeed

◆ movevars_spectatormaxspeed

float client_state_t::movevars_spectatormaxspeed

Definition at line 1062 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ParseServerInfo(), and CL_UpdateMoveVars().

◆ movevars_stepheight

float client_state_t::movevars_stepheight

◆ movevars_stopspeed

float client_state_t::movevars_stopspeed

◆ movevars_ticrate

float client_state_t::movevars_ticrate

Definition at line 1086 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_NetworkTimeReceived(), CL_SendMove(), and CL_UpdateMoveVars().

◆ movevars_timescale

float client_state_t::movevars_timescale

◆ movevars_wallfriction

float client_state_t::movevars_wallfriction

Definition at line 1055 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ParseServerInfo(), and CL_UpdateMoveVars().

◆ movevars_warsowbunny_accel

float client_state_t::movevars_warsowbunny_accel

Definition at line 1082 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ClientMovement_Physics_PM_AirAccelerate(), and CL_UpdateMoveVars().

◆ movevars_warsowbunny_airforwardaccel

float client_state_t::movevars_warsowbunny_airforwardaccel

Definition at line 1081 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ClientMovement_Physics_PM_AirAccelerate(), and CL_UpdateMoveVars().

◆ movevars_warsowbunny_backtosideratio

float client_state_t::movevars_warsowbunny_backtosideratio

Definition at line 1085 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ClientMovement_Physics_PM_AirAccelerate(), and CL_UpdateMoveVars().

◆ movevars_warsowbunny_topspeed

float client_state_t::movevars_warsowbunny_topspeed

Definition at line 1083 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ClientMovement_Physics_PM_AirAccelerate(), and CL_UpdateMoveVars().

◆ movevars_warsowbunny_turnaccel

float client_state_t::movevars_warsowbunny_turnaccel

◆ movevars_wateraccelerate

float client_state_t::movevars_wateraccelerate

◆ movevars_waterfriction

float client_state_t::movevars_waterfriction

◆ mpunchangle

vec3_t client_state_t::mpunchangle[2]

Definition at line 788 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_LerpPlayer(), CL_ParseClientdata(), and EntityStateQW_ReadPlayerUpdate().

◆ mpunchvector

vec3_t client_state_t::mpunchvector[2]

Definition at line 790 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_LerpPlayer(), CL_ParseClientdata(), and EntityStateQW_ReadPlayerUpdate().

◆ mtime

◆ mvelocity

vec3_t client_state_t::mvelocity[2]

◆ mviewangles

vec3_t client_state_t::mviewangles[2]

◆ mviewzoom

vec_t client_state_t::mviewzoom[2]

◆ nodrift

qbool client_state_t::nodrift

Definition at line 828 of file client.h.

Referenced by V_DriftPitch(), V_StartPitchDrift(), and V_StopPitchDrift().

◆ num_beams

int client_state_t::num_beams

Definition at line 1007 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ClearState(), CL_NewBeam(), and CL_RelinkBeams().

◆ num_brushmodel_entities

◆ num_decals

int client_state_t::num_decals

Definition at line 1010 of file client.h.

◆ num_dlights

int client_state_t::num_dlights

◆ num_effects

int client_state_t::num_effects

Definition at line 1006 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ClearState(), CL_Effect(), and CL_RelinkEffects().

◆ num_entities

◆ num_particles

int client_state_t::num_particles

◆ num_showlmps

int client_state_t::num_showlmps

Definition at line 1011 of file client.h.

Referenced by SHOWLMP_decodehide(), SHOWLMP_decodeshow(), and SHOWLMP_drawall().

◆ num_static_entities

int client_state_t::num_static_entities

◆ olditems

int client_state_t::olditems

Definition at line 761 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_UpdateItemsAndWeapon().

◆ oldonground

qbool client_state_t::oldonground

Definition at line 847 of file client.h.

Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing().

◆ oldtime

◆ onground

◆ opt_inputs_since_update

uint8_t client_state_t::opt_inputs_since_update

Definition at line 1051 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_NetworkTimeReceived(), and CL_SendMove().

◆ parsingtextexpectingpingforscores

int client_state_t::parsingtextexpectingpingforscores

Definition at line 955 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_DisconnectEx(), CL_ExaminePrintString(), and Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay().

◆ parsingtextmode

cl_parsingtextmode_t client_state_t::parsingtextmode

Definition at line 948 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ExaminePrintString().

◆ parsingtextplayerindex

int client_state_t::parsingtextplayerindex

Definition at line 949 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ExaminePrintString().

◆ particles

particle_t* client_state_t::particles

◆ particles_updatetime

double client_state_t::particles_updatetime

Definition at line 1013 of file client.h.

Referenced by R_DrawParticles().

◆ paused

qbool client_state_t::paused

Definition at line 842 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_Frame(), CL_ParseServerMessage(), and SCR_DrawPause().

◆ pitchvel

float client_state_t::pitchvel

Definition at line 827 of file client.h.

Referenced by V_DriftPitch(), V_StartPitchDrift(), and V_StopPitchDrift().

◆ playercrouchmaxs

vec3_t client_state_t::playercrouchmaxs

◆ playercrouchmins

vec3_t client_state_t::playercrouchmins

◆ playerentity

◆ playerstandmaxs

vec3_t client_state_t::playerstandmaxs

◆ playerstandmins

vec3_t client_state_t::playerstandmins

◆ prev_cshifts

cshift_t client_state_t::prev_cshifts[NUM_CSHIFTS]

Definition at line 777 of file client.h.

◆ punchangle

vec3_t client_state_t::punchangle

Definition at line 788 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_LerpPlayer(), CSQC_SetGlobals(), and V_CalcRefdefUsing().

◆ punchvector

vec3_t client_state_t::punchvector

Definition at line 790 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_LerpPlayer(), CSQC_SetGlobals(), and V_CalcRefdefUsing().

◆ qw_deltasequence

unsigned int client_state_t::qw_deltasequence[QW_UPDATE_BACKUP]

Definition at line 1106 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ClearState(), CL_SendMove(), and EntityFrameQW_CL_ReadFrame().

◆ qw_intermission_angles

vec3_t client_state_t::qw_intermission_angles

Definition at line 1096 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ParseServerMessage(), and V_CalcIntermissionRefdef().

◆ qw_intermission_origin

vec3_t client_state_t::qw_intermission_origin

Definition at line 1095 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ParseServerMessage(), and V_CalcIntermissionRefdef().

◆ qw_modelindex_flag

int client_state_t::qw_modelindex_flag

Definition at line 1092 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_AddQWCTFFlagModel(), and QW_CL_RequestNextDownload().

◆ qw_modelindex_player

int client_state_t::qw_modelindex_player

Definition at line 1091 of file client.h.

Referenced by EntityStateQW_ReadPlayerUpdate(), and QW_CL_RequestNextDownload().

◆ qw_modelindex_s_explod

int client_state_t::qw_modelindex_s_explod

Definition at line 1093 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ParseTempEntity(), and QW_CL_RequestNextDownload().

◆ qw_modelindex_spike

int client_state_t::qw_modelindex_spike

Definition at line 1090 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_RelinkQWNails(), and QW_CL_RequestNextDownload().

◆ qw_nails

vec_t client_state_t::qw_nails[255][6]

Definition at line 1100 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_RelinkQWNails(), and QW_CL_ParseNails().

◆ qw_num_nails

int client_state_t::qw_num_nails

Definition at line 1099 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ParseServerMessage(), CL_RelinkQWNails(), and QW_CL_ParseNails().

◆ qw_servercount

int client_state_t::qw_servercount

◆ qw_serverinfo

char client_state_t::qw_serverinfo[MAX_SERVERINFO_STRING]

Definition at line 1033 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_FullServerinfo_f(), QW_CL_ServerInfo(), and VM_CL_serverkey().

◆ qw_teamplay

int client_state_t::qw_teamplay

Definition at line 1042 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_FullServerinfo_f(), QW_CL_ServerInfo(), and Sbar_PrintScoreboardItem().

◆ qw_validsequence

unsigned int client_state_t::qw_validsequence

Definition at line 1104 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_SendMove(), and EntityFrameQW_CL_ReadFrame().

◆ qw_weaponkick

float client_state_t::qw_weaponkick

Definition at line 1102 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ParseServerMessage(), and V_CalcRefdefUsing().

◆ realframetime

◆ realplayerentity

int client_state_t::realplayerentity

Definition at line 905 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ParseServerInfo(), CL_ParseServerMessage(), and CL_VM_Init().

◆ scores

◆ sendnoptime

float client_state_t::sendnoptime

Definition at line 749 of file client.h.

◆ sensitivityscale

float client_state_t::sensitivityscale

Definition at line 833 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ClearState(), CL_Input(), and VM_CL_setsensitivityscale().

◆ sfx_knighthit

sfx_t* client_state_t::sfx_knighthit

◆ sfx_r_exp3

◆ sfx_ric1

◆ sfx_ric2

◆ sfx_ric3

◆ sfx_tink1

◆ sfx_wizhit

sfx_t* client_state_t::sfx_wizhit

◆ showlmps

showlmp_t* client_state_t::showlmps

Definition at line 1001 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ClearState(), SHOWLMP_decodehide(), SHOWLMP_decodeshow(), and SHOWLMP_drawall().

◆ sound_name

char client_state_t::sound_name[MAX_SOUNDS][MAX_QPATH]

◆ sound_precache

◆ stairsmoothtime

double client_state_t::stairsmoothtime

Definition at line 772 of file client.h.

Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing().

◆ stairsmoothz

float client_state_t::stairsmoothz

Definition at line 771 of file client.h.

Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing().

◆ static_entities

entity_t* client_state_t::static_entities

Definition at line 994 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ClearState(), CL_ParseStatic(), CL_RelinkStaticEntities(), and VM_CL_makestatic().

◆ stats

◆ statsf

float* client_state_t::statsf

Definition at line 759 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ClearState(), CL_UpdateMoveVars(), and Sbar_Score().

◆ time

double client_state_t::time

Definition at line 868 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_AllocLightFlash(), CL_DecayLightFlashes(), CL_Effect(), CL_EntityParticles(), CL_ForwardToServer(), CL_Frame(), CL_GetEntityLocalTagMatrix(), CL_LerpPoint(), CL_MoveLerpEntityStates(), CL_NetworkTimeReceived(), CL_NewParticle(), CL_ParseServerMessage(), CL_ReadDemoMessage(), CL_RelinkBeams(), CL_RelinkEffects(), CL_RelinkLightFlashes(), CL_RelinkStaticEntities(), CL_RelinkWorld(), CL_SendMove(), CL_UpdateItemsAndWeapon(), CL_UpdateNetworkEntity(), CL_UpdateNetworkEntityTrail(), CL_UpdateRenderEntity(), CL_UpdateScreen(), CL_UpdateViewModel(), CL_UpdateWorld(), CL_VM_ConsoleCommand(), CL_VM_DrawHud(), CL_VM_Event_Sound(), CL_VM_Init(), CL_VM_InputEvent(), CL_VM_Parse_CenterPrint(), CL_VM_Parse_Print(), CL_VM_Parse_StuffCmd(), CL_VM_Parse_TempEntity(), CL_VM_ShutDown(), CL_VM_TransformView(), CL_VM_UpdateView(), CLVM_init_edict(), Con_DrawNotifyRect(), ConBuffer_AddLine(), ConBuffer_FixTimes(), CSQC_AddRenderEdict(), CSQC_ReadEntities(), CSQC_SetGlobals(), EntityState5_ReadUpdate(), R_DrawParticles(), R_MotionBlurView(), R_MoveExplosion(), R_NewExplosion(), R_SetupShader_SetPermutationGLSL(), R_TimeReport_EndFrame(), S_UpdateAmbientSounds(), Sbar_Draw(), Sbar_DrawFace(), Sbar_DrawInventory(), Sbar_PrintScoreboardItem(), Sbar_Score(), Sbar_SoloScoreboard(), SCR_CenterPrint(), SCR_CheckDrawCenterString(), SCR_DrawCenterString(), SCR_DrawScreen(), SCR_InfobarHeight(), V_CalcRefdefUsing(), V_CalcViewBlend(), V_FadeViewFlashs(), V_ParseDamage(), V_StartPitchDrift(), V_StopPitchDrift(), VM_CL_gettaginfo(), VM_CL_R_AddEntities(), VM_CL_skel_build(), VM_CL_sound(), VM_CL_SpawnParticle(), and VM_CL_SpawnParticleDelayed().

◆ timesincepacket

float client_state_t::timesincepacket

Definition at line 1049 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_SendMove().

◆ ts_error_num

unsigned char client_state_t::ts_error_num

Definition at line 875 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_NetworkTimeReceived().

◆ ts_error_stor

float client_state_t::ts_error_stor[NUM_TS_ERRORS]

Definition at line 876 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_NetworkTimeReceived().

◆ velocity

vec3_t client_state_t::velocity

Definition at line 792 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_LerpPlayer(), and V_CalcRefdef().

◆ view_underwater

qbool client_state_t::view_underwater

Definition at line 1139 of file client.h.

Referenced by S_SetUnderwaterIntensity(), and V_CalcViewBlend().

◆ viewangles

◆ viewent

entity_t client_state_t::viewent

Definition at line 937 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_UpdateViewEntities(), CL_UpdateViewModel(), and CSQC_RelinkAllEntities().

◆ viewentity

◆ viewzoom

vec_t client_state_t::viewzoom

Definition at line 794 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_Input(), CL_LerpPlayer(), SCR_DrawScreen(), and V_MakeViewIsometric().

◆ weapontime

float client_state_t::weapontime

Definition at line 767 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_UpdateItemsAndWeapon(), and Sbar_Draw().

◆ world

◆ worldbasename

◆ worldmessage

char client_state_t::worldmessage[MAX_QPATH]

Definition at line 896 of file client.h.

Referenced by CL_ParseServerInfo(), CL_SetupWorldModel(), CL_VM_Init(), and Sbar_SoloScoreboard().

◆ worldmodel

◆ worldname

char client_state_t::worldname[MAX_QPATH]

◆ worldnamenoextension

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: