37typedef struct tridecal_s
40 float texcoord2f[3][2];
55typedef struct decalsystem_s
70typedef struct effect_s
97typedef struct rtlight_particle_s
104typedef struct rtlight_s
118 char cubemapname[64];
188 int shadowmapatlasposition[2];
224 float bouncegrid_photoncolor[3];
232typedef struct dlight_s
239 struct entity_render_s *
255 char cubemapname[64];
310typedef struct frameblend_s
325typedef struct entity_render_s
406 float custommodellight_origin[3];
412 float render_fullbright[3];
414 float render_glowmod[3];
416 float render_modellight_ambient[3];
417 float render_modellight_diffuse[3];
418 float render_modellight_lightdir_world[3];
419 float render_modellight_lightdir_local[3];
420 float render_modellight_specular[3];
422 float render_lightmap_ambient[3];
423 float render_lightmap_diffuse[3];
424 float render_lightmap_specular[3];
426 float render_rtlight_diffuse[3];
427 float render_rtlight_specular[3];
449typedef struct entity_persistent_s
464typedef struct entity_s
481typedef struct lightstyle_s
487typedef struct scoreboard_s
504typedef struct cshift_s
511#define CSHIFT_CONTENTS 0
512#define CSHIFT_DAMAGE 1
513#define CSHIFT_BONUS 2
514#define CSHIFT_POWERUP 3
515#define CSHIFT_VCSHIFT 4
518#define NAME_LENGTH 64
527typedef enum cactive_e
536typedef enum qw_downloadtype_e
548typedef struct cl_downloadack_s
554typedef struct cl_soundstats_s
566typedef struct client_static_s
676 capturevideostate_t capturevideo;
711typedef enum cl_parsingtextmode_e
721typedef struct cl_locnode_s
729typedef struct showlmp_s
743typedef struct client_state_s
763 float item_gettime[32];
874#define NUM_TS_ERRORS 32
1212extern void CL_AllocLightFlash (
entity_render_t *ent,
matrix4x4_t *matrix,
float radius,
float red,
float green,
float blue,
float decay,
float lifetime,
char *cubemapname,
int style,
int shadowenable,
vec_t corona,
vec_t coronasizescale,
vec_t ambientscale,
vec_t diffusescale,
vec_t specularscale,
int flags);
1243typedef struct kbutton_s
1323typedef enum waterlevel_e
1332typedef struct cl_clientmovement_state_s
1363typedef enum meshname_e {
1371#define CL_Mesh_Scene() (&cl_meshentitymodels[MESH_SCENE])
1372#define CL_Mesh_UI() (&cl_meshentitymodels[MESH_UI])
void CL_MeshEntities_Scene_AddRenderEntity(void)
void CL_PlayDemo_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
void CL_WriteDemoMessage(sizebuf_t *mesage)
void CL_UpdateViewEntities(void)
model_t cl_meshentitymodels[NUM_MESHENTITIES]
cvar_t cl_explosions_lifetime
void CL_Stop_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
double CL_Frame(double time)
void CL_MeshEntities_Scene_FinalizeRenderEntity(void)
void CL_UpdateWorld(void)
cvar_t cl_autodemo_delete
void CL_UpdateRenderEntity(entity_render_t *ent)
void CL_WriteToServer(void)
void CL_Beam_CalculatePositions(const beam_t *b, vec3_t start, vec3_t end)
void CL_ForwardToServer_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
adds the current command line as a clc_stringcmd to the client message.
cvar_t cl_pitchdriftspeed
cvar_t cl_prydoncursor_notrace
void CL_DisconnectEx(qbool kicked, const char *reason,...)
void CL_PasteDemo(unsigned char **buf, fs_offset_t *filesize)
void CL_Disconnect_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
void CL_ReadDemoMessage(void)
cvar_t cl_stainmaps_clearonload
void CL_Effect(vec3_t org, model_t *model, int startframe, int framecount, float framerate)
void CL_ClientMovement_Replay(void)
void CL_ClearTempEntities(void)
void CL_NewFrameReceived(int num)
void CL_RotateMoves(const matrix4x4_t *m)
void CL_Locs_FindLocationName(char *buffer, size_t buffersize, vec3_t point)
void CL_LerpUpdate(entity_t *e)
cvar_t cl_nettimesyncboundmode
entity_render_t * CL_NewTempEntity(double shadertime)
cvar_t cl_explosions_size_start
void CL_ParseEntityLump(char *entitystring)
void CL_ExpandCSQCRenderEntities(int num)
void CL_TimeDemo_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
void CL_MoveLerpEntityStates(entity_t *ent)
void CL_RelinkBeams(void)
void CL_AllocLightFlash(entity_render_t *ent, matrix4x4_t *matrix, float radius, float red, float green, float blue, float decay, float lifetime, char *cubemapname, int style, int shadowenable, vec_t corona, vec_t coronasizescale, vec_t ambientscale, vec_t diffusescale, vec_t specularscale, int flags)
void CL_NewBeam(int ent, vec3_t start, vec3_t end, model_t *m, int lightning)
void CL_ValidateState(entity_state_t *s)
void CL_Record_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
cvar_t cl_explosions_size_end
void CL_CutDemo(unsigned char **buf, fs_offset_t *filesize)
void CL_StopPlayback(void)
void CL_ClientMovement_PlayerMove_Frame(cl_clientmovement_state_t *s)
void CL_PlayDemo(const char *demo)
cl_locnode_t * CL_Locs_FindNearest(const vec3_t point)
cvar_t cl_nettimesyncfactor
void CL_InitCommands(void)
void CL_RelinkLightFlashes(void)
cvar_t cl_nettimesyncboundtolerance
cvar_t cl_name
User-visible names of these CF_USERINFO cvars must be matched in CL_SetInfo()!
void CL_Locs_Reload_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
cvar_t cl_autodemo_nameformat
void CL_SetInfo(const char *key, const char *value, qbool send, qbool allowstarkey, qbool allowmodel, qbool quiet)
float CL_KeyState(kbutton_t *key)
void CL_Beam_AddPolygons(const beam_t *b)
void CL_FindNonSolidLocation(const vec3_t in, vec3_t out, vec_t radius)
void CL_ForwardToServer(const char *s)
adds the string as a clc_stringcmd to the client message.
void CL_SetEntityColormapColors(entity_render_t *ent, int colormap)
cvar_t cl_explosions_alpha_start
const char * cl_meshentitynames[NUM_MESHENTITIES]
void CL_UpdateMoveVars(void)
void CL_UpdateEntityShading(void)
void CL_MeshEntities_Scene_Clear(void)
cvar_t cl_explosions_alpha_end
void CL_EstablishConnection(const char *host, int firstarg)
void CL_ExpandEntities(int num)
void CL_MeshEntities_Init(void)
entity_t cl_meshentities[NUM_MESHENTITIES]
cvar_t cl_areagrid_link_SOLID_NOT
GLsizei const GLfloat * value
GLenum GLuint GLenum GLsizei const GLchar * buf
maximum size of console commandline, QuakeC strings, and many other text processing buffers
max length of flicker pattern for light style
#define MAX_EDICTS
max number of objects in game world at once (32768 protocol limit)
max length of infostring for PROTOCOL_QUAKEWORLD (196 in QuakeWorld)
#define MAX_SOUNDS
max number of sounds loaded at once
max demo name length for demos command
max length of player name in game
#define MAX_QPATH
max length of a quake game pathname
max length of server infostring for PROTOCOL_QUAKEWORLD (512 in QuakeWorld)
#define MAX_DEMOS
max demos provided to demos command
max number of predicted input packets in queue
#define MAX_MODELS
max number of models loaded at once (including during level transitions)
struct prvm_edict_s * self
struct cl_locnode_s * next
float movevars_warsowbunny_airforwardaccel
vec3_t csqc_viewanglesfromengine
float movevars_maxairstrafespeed
float movevars_entgravity
lightstyle_t * lightstyle
float movevars_waterfriction
vec3_t qw_intermission_origin
int parsingtextexpectingpingforscores
int parsingtextplayerindex
float movevars_jumpvelocity
int downloadmodel_current
float movevars_warsowbunny_accel
float movevars_spectatormaxspeed
float last_received_message
qbool csqc_usecsqclistener
int num_brushmodel_entities
unsigned char * entities_active
size_t csqc_printtextbuf_len
float movevars_aircontrol
float movevars_airaccel_qw_stretchfactor
uint8_t opt_inputs_since_update
size_t buildlightmapmemorysize
int max_csqcrenderentities
int max_brushmodel_entities
qbool movement_replay_canjump
unsigned int decalsequence
unsigned char ts_error_num
int qw_modelindex_s_explod
vec3_t csqc_vieworiginfromengine
float movevars_airaccel_qw
float movevars_warsowbunny_topspeed
unsigned char * buildlightmapmemory
double calcrefdef_prevtime
int latestframenumsposition
float movevars_airspeedlimit_nonqw
float movevars_airstrafeaccelerate
entityframeqw_database_t * entitydatabaseqw
int * brushmodel_entities
struct model_s * worldmodel
float movevars_maxairspeed
qbool csqc_wantsmousemove
float movevars_warsowbunny_turnaccel
float movevars_accelerate
matrix4x4_t csqc_viewmodelmatrixfromengine
float movevars_aircontrol_power
skeleton_t * engineskeletonobjects
float movevars_airaccel_sideways_friction
float movevars_edgefriction
float movevars_warsowbunny_backtosideratio
vec3_t gunangles_highpass
double particles_updatetime
entity_render_t * csqcrenderentities
entity_t * static_entities
float movevars_aircontrol_penalty
vec3_t gunangles_adjustment_lowpass
float movevars_airaccelerate
float movevars_stepheight
cl_parsingtextmode_t parsingtextmode
unsigned int qw_validsequence
entityframe_database_t * entitydatabase
vec3_t qw_intermission_angles
int downloadsound_current
vec3_t gunorg_adjustment_lowpass
csqc_vidvars_t csqc_vidvars
vec3_t gunangles_adjustment_highpass
float movevars_wateraccelerate
matrix4x4_t csqc_listenermatrix
float movevars_airstrafeaccel_qw
float movevars_airstopaccelerate
float movevars_wallfriction
entityframe4_database_t * entitydatabase4
vec3_t gunorg_adjustment_highpass
double td_onesecondframes
unsigned char * caughtcsprogsdata
unsigned int servermovesequence
mempool_t * permanentmempool
int r_speeds_graph_length
cl_soundstats_t soundstats
int * r_speeds_graph_data
int connect_remainingtries
double td_onesecondavgfps
double td_onesecondrealtime
int qw_downloadspeedcount
double td_onesecondmaxfps
int proquake_serverversion
unsigned char * qw_downloadmemory
qbool qw_download_deflate
fs_offset_t demo_lastcsprogssize
unsigned int qw_outgoing_sequence
unsigned int qw_incoming_sequence
fs_offset_t caughtcsprogsdatasize
double td_onesecondnexttime
int r_speeds_graph_current
int qw_downloadmemorymaxsize
lhnetaddress_t rcon_address
double connect_nextsendtime
lhnetaddress_t connect_address
lhnetsocket_t * connect_mysocket
int qw_downloadmemorycursize
double qw_downloadspeedtime
protocolversion_t protocol
qw_downloadtype_t qw_downloadtype
unsigned char * qw_uploaddata
double td_onesecondminfps
command interpreter state - the tokenizing and execution of commands, as well as pointers to which cv...
unsigned short * element3s
struct entity_render_s * ent
vec3_t custommodellight_lightdir
float * animcache_skeletaltransform3x4
matrix4x4_t inversematrix
r_meshbuffer_t * animcache_vertex3f_vertexbuffer
float * animcache_normal3f
int animcache_skeletaltransform3x4size
qbool render_rtlight_disabled
int animcache_vertex3f_bufferoffset
r_meshbuffer_t * animcache_svector3f_vertexbuffer
vec3_t custommodellight_diffuse
decalsystem_t decalsystem
vec3_t colormap_shirtcolor
r_meshbuffer_t * animcache_tvector3f_vertexbuffer
qbool render_modellight_forced
double last_trace_visibility
vec3_t custommodellight_ambient
float * animcache_vertex3f
int animcache_svector3f_bufferoffset
r_meshbuffer_t * animcache_skeletaltransform3x4buffer
r_meshbuffer_t * animcache_normal3f_vertexbuffer
float * animcache_svector3f
int animcache_tvector3f_bufferoffset
float * animcache_tvector3f
vec3_t colormap_pantscolor
int animcache_skeletaltransform3x4offset
int animcache_normal3f_bufferoffset
entity_state_t state_baseline
entity_persistent_t persistent
entity_state_t state_current
entity_state_t state_previous
int particlecache_updateparticle
vec_t ambientscale
ambient intensity to render
rtexture_t * currentcubemap
this is R_GetCubemap(rtlight->cubemapname)
struct entity_render_s ** cached_lightentities_noselfshadow
float corona_visibility
used by corona updates, due to occlusion query
unsigned char * static_shadowtrispvs
int shadowmapatlassidesize
size of one side of this light in the shadowmap atlas (for omnidirectional shadowmaps this is the min...
int shadow
whether light should render shadows (see castshadows for whether it actually does this frame)
int static_shadowmap_receivers
masks of all shadowmap sides that have any potential static receivers or casters
int particlecache_numparticles
particle-tracing cache for global illumination
int cached_numlightentities
these fields are set by R_Shadow_PrepareLight for later drawing
unsigned char * static_leafpvs
vec3_t color
typically 1 1 1, can be lower (dim) or higher (overbright)
int static_shadowmap_casters
double trace_timer
when r_shadow_culllights_trace is set, this is refreshed by each successful trace.
unsigned char * cached_shadowtrispvs
vec_t corona
intensity of corona to render
int static_numleafpvsbytes
vec_t specularscale
specular intensity to render
unsigned int corona_queryindex_visiblepixels
int particlecache_maxparticles
int cached_numlightentities_noselfshadow
int flags
LIGHTFLAG_* flags.
int compiled
true if this is a compiled world light, cleared if the light changes
unsigned char * static_lighttrispvs
int cached_numshadowentities
int style
light style to monitor for brightness
qbool draw
set by R_Shadow_PrepareLight to decide whether R_Shadow_DrawLight should draw it
shadowmesh_t * static_meshchain_shadow_shadowmap
optimized and culled mesh to render for world entity shadows
int cached_numfrustumplanes
vec3_t shadoworigin
used only for casting shadows
float bouncegrid_effectiveradius
int isstatic
static light info true if this light should be compiled as a static light
int static_numlighttrispvsbytes
this allows the lighting batch code to skip backfaces andother culled triangles not relevant for ligh...
vec_t coronasizescale
radius scale of corona to render (1.0 means same as light radius)
int static_numsurfaces
surfaces seen by light
int shadowmapsidesize
the size that this light should have (assuming no scene LOD kicking in to reduce it)
matrix4x4_t matrix_lighttoworld
matrix for transforming light filter coordinates to world coordinates
struct entity_render_s ** cached_shadowentities_noselfshadow
matrix4x4_t matrix_worldtolight
matrix for transforming world coordinates to light filter coordinates
int static_numshadowtrispvsbytes
flag bits indicating which triangles of the world model should cast shadows, and which ones should be...
vec_t diffusescale
diffuse intensity to render
struct entity_render_s ** cached_lightentities
int static_numleafs
used for visibility testing (more exact than bbox)
int cached_numshadowentities_noselfshadow
unsigned char * cached_lighttrispvs
qbool castshadows
set by R_Shadow_PrepareLight to indicate whether R_Shadow_DrawShadowMaps should do anything
vec_t radius
size of the light (remove?)
rtlight_particle_t * particlecache_particles
struct entity_render_s ** cached_shadowentities
unsigned int corona_queryindex_allpixels
unsigned int decalsequence