45typedef struct animscene_s
57typedef struct texvecvertex_s
64typedef struct blendweights_s
67 unsigned char influence[4];
71typedef struct r_meshbuffer_s
86typedef struct surfmesh_s
135 float num_morphmdlframescale[3];
136 float num_morphmdlframetranslate[3];
153typedef struct shadowmeshvertexhash_s
155 struct shadowmeshvertexhash_s *
159typedef struct shadowmesh_s
179 int sideoffsets[6], sidetotals[6];
187typedef struct texture_s
219 struct texture_s *anim_frames[2][10];
234 int currentblendfunc[2];
271 float render_glowmod[3];
273 float render_modellight_ambient[3];
274 float render_modellight_diffuse[3];
275 float render_modellight_lightdir_world[3];
276 float render_modellight_lightdir_local[3];
277 float render_modellight_specular[3];
279 float render_lightmap_ambient[3];
280 float render_lightmap_diffuse[3];
281 float render_lightmap_specular[3];
283 float render_rtlight_diffuse[3];
284 float render_rtlight_specular[3];
286 float render_colormap_pants[3];
288 float render_colormap_shirt[3];
291 int customblendfunc[2];
316 float r_water_waterscroll[2];
342typedef struct mtexinfo_s
354typedef struct msurface_lightmapinfo_s
368 int lightmaporigin[2];
377typedef struct msurface_s
428typedef struct model_s
509 void(*DrawSky)(
struct entity_render_s *ent);
511 void(*DrawAddWaterPlanes)(
struct entity_render_s *ent);
513 void(*Draw)(
struct entity_render_s *ent);
515 void(*DrawDepth)(
struct entity_render_s *ent);
517 void(*DrawDebug)(
struct entity_render_s *ent);
519 void(*DrawPrepass)(
struct entity_render_s *ent);
521 void(*CompileShadowMap)(
struct entity_render_s *ent,
vec3_t relativelightorigin,
vec3_t relativelightdirection,
float lightradius,
int numsurfaces,
const int *surfacelist);
523 void(*DrawShadowMap)(
int side,
struct entity_render_s *ent,
const vec3_t relativelightorigin,
const vec3_t relativelightdirection,
float lightradius,
int numsurfaces,
const int *surfacelist,
const unsigned char *surfacesides,
const vec3_t lightmins,
const vec3_t lightmaxs);
525 void(*GetLightInfo)(
struct entity_render_s *ent,
vec3_t relativelightorigin,
float lightradius,
vec3_t outmins,
vec3_t outmaxs,
int *outleaflist,
unsigned char *outleafpvs,
int *outnumleafspointer,
int *outsurfacelist,
unsigned char *outsurfacepvs,
int *outnumsurfacespointer,
unsigned char *outshadowtrispvs,
unsigned char *outlighttrispvs,
unsigned char *visitingleafpvs,
int numfrustumplanes,
const mplane_t *frustumplanes,
qbool noocclusion);
527 void(*DrawLight)(
struct entity_render_s *ent,
int numsurfaces,
const int *surfacelist,
const unsigned char *trispvs);
529 void (*TraceBox)(
struct model_s *
const struct frameblend_s *frameblend,
const struct skeleton_s *skeleton,
struct trace_s *trace,
const vec3_t start,
const vec3_t boxmins,
const vec3_t boxmaxs,
const vec3_t end,
int hitsupercontentsmask,
int skipsupercontentsmask,
int skipmaterialflagsmask);
530 void (*TraceBrush)(
struct model_s *
const struct frameblend_s *frameblend,
const struct skeleton_s *skeleton,
struct trace_s *trace,
struct colbrushf_s *start,
struct colbrushf_s *end,
int hitsupercontentsmask,
int skipsupercontentsmask,
int skipmaterialflagsmask);
532 void (*TraceLine)(
struct model_s *
const struct frameblend_s *frameblend,
const struct skeleton_s *skeleton,
struct trace_s *trace,
const vec3_t start,
const vec3_t end,
int hitsupercontentsmask,
int skipsupercontentsmask,
int skipmaterialflagsmask);
534 void (*TracePoint)(
struct model_s *
const struct frameblend_s *frameblend,
const struct skeleton_s *skeleton,
struct trace_s *trace,
const vec3_t start,
int hitsupercontentsmask,
int skipsupercontentsmask,
int skipmaterialflagsmask);
538 void (*TraceLineAgainstSurfaces)(
struct model_s *
const struct frameblend_s *frameblend,
const struct skeleton_s *skeleton,
struct trace_s *trace,
const vec3_t start,
const vec3_t end,
int hitsupercontentsmask,
int skipsupercontentsmask,
int skipmaterialflagsmask);
561typedef struct modloader_s
602void Mod_BuildNormals(
int firstvertex,
int numvertices,
int numtriangles,
const float *vertex3f,
const int *elements,
float *normal3f,
qbool areaweighting);
603void Mod_BuildTextureVectorsFromNormals(
int firstvertex,
int numvertices,
int numtriangles,
const float *vertex3f,
const float *texcoord2f,
const float *normal3f,
const int *elements,
float *svector3f,
float *tvector3f,
qbool areaweighting);
605qbool Mod_ValidateElements(
int *element3i,
unsigned short *element3s,
int numtriangles,
int firstvertex,
int numvertices,
const char *filename,
int fileline);
642typedef struct skinfileitem_s
650typedef struct skinfile_s
662void Mod_SnapVertices(
int numcomponents,
int numvertices,
float *vertices,
float snap);
666typedef struct mod_alloclightmap_row_s
673typedef struct mod_alloclightmap_state_s
697struct entity_render_s;
704void R_Mod_GetLightInfo(
struct entity_render_s *ent,
vec3_t relativelightorigin,
float lightradius,
vec3_t outmins,
vec3_t outmaxs,
int *outleaflist,
unsigned char *outleafpvs,
int *outnumleafspointer,
int *outsurfacelist,
unsigned char *outsurfacepvs,
int *outnumsurfacespointer,
unsigned char *outshadowtrispvs,
unsigned char *outlighttrispvs,
unsigned char *visitingleafpvs,
int numfrustumplanes,
const mplane_t *frustumplanes,
qbool noocclusion);
706void R_Mod_DrawShadowMap(
int side,
struct entity_render_s *ent,
const vec3_t relativelightorigin,
const vec3_t relativelightdirection,
float lightradius,
int modelnumsurfaces,
const int *modelsurfacelist,
const unsigned char *surfacesides,
const vec3_t lightmins,
const vec3_t lightmaxs);
707void R_Mod_DrawLight(
struct entity_render_s *ent,
int numsurfaces,
const int *surfacelist,
const unsigned char *trispvs);
715int Mod_Mesh_IndexForVertex(
model_t *
msurface_t *surf,
float x,
float y,
float z,
float nx,
float ny,
float nz,
float s,
float t,
float u,
float v,
float r,
float g,
float b,
float a);
721void Mod_CollisionBIH_TracePoint(
model_t *
const struct frameblend_s *frameblend,
const struct skeleton_s *skeleton,
struct trace_s *trace,
const vec3_t start,
int hitsupercontentsmask,
int skipsupercontentsmask,
int skipmaterialflagsmask);
722void Mod_CollisionBIH_TraceLine(
model_t *
const struct frameblend_s *frameblend,
const struct skeleton_s *skeleton,
struct trace_s *trace,
const vec3_t start,
const vec3_t end,
int hitsupercontentsmask,
int skipsupercontentsmask,
int skipmaterialflagsmask);
723void Mod_CollisionBIH_TraceBox(
model_t *
const struct frameblend_s *frameblend,
const struct skeleton_s *skeleton,
struct trace_s *trace,
const vec3_t start,
const vec3_t boxmins,
const vec3_t boxmaxs,
const vec3_t end,
int hitsupercontentsmask,
int skipsupercontentsmask,
int skipmaterialflagsmask);
724void Mod_CollisionBIH_TraceBrush(
model_t *
const struct frameblend_s *frameblend,
const struct skeleton_s *skeleton,
struct trace_s *trace,
struct colbrushf_s *start,
struct colbrushf_s *end,
int hitsupercontentsmask,
int skipsupercontentsmask,
int skipmaterialflagsmask);
float mod(float dividend, float divisor)
static int(ZEXPORT *qz_inflate)(z_stream *strm
GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte z
GLenum GLenum GLuint texture
GLenum GLsizei GLsizei height
GLenum GLenum GLuint GLint GLint layer
GLint GLenum GLint GLint y
void Mod_CollisionBIH_TraceLine(model_t *model, const struct frameblend_s *frameblend, const struct skeleton_s *skeleton, struct trace_s *trace, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, int hitsupercontentsmask, int skipsupercontentsmask, int skipmaterialflagsmask)
void R_Mod_CompileShadowMap(struct entity_render_s *ent, vec3_t relativelightorigin, vec3_t relativelightdirection, float lightradius, int numsurfaces, const int *surfacelist)
void Mod_CollisionBIH_TraceBox(model_t *model, const struct frameblend_s *frameblend, const struct skeleton_s *skeleton, struct trace_s *trace, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t boxmins, const vec3_t boxmaxs, const vec3_t end, int hitsupercontentsmask, int skipsupercontentsmask, int skipmaterialflagsmask)
shader_t * Mod_LookupQ3Shader(const char *name)
void Mod_Mesh_Create(model_t *mod, const char *name)
void Mod_Mesh_Reset(model_t *mod)
struct cvar_s mod_q3shader_default_offsetmapping_bias
void Mod_AllocLightmap_Reset(mod_alloclightmap_state_t *state)
void Mod_BuildAliasSkinsFromSkinFiles(texture_t *skin, skinfile_t *skinfile, const char *meshname, const char *shadername)
struct cvar_s mod_q3shader_force_addalpha
int Mod_Q1BSP_SuperContentsFromNativeContents(int nativecontents)
msurface_t * Mod_Mesh_AddSurface(model_t *mod, texture_t *tex, qbool batchwithprevioussurface)
void Mod_ZYMOTICMODEL_Load(model_t *mod, void *buffer, void *bufferend)
void Mod_LoadCustomMaterial(struct mempool_s *mempool, texture_t *texture, const char *name, int supercontents, int materialflags, struct skinframe_s *skinframe)
Sets up a material to render the provided skinframe. See also R_SkinFrame_LoadInternalBGRA.
void Mod_AllocLightmap_Free(mod_alloclightmap_state_t *state)
int Mod_Mesh_IndexForVertex(model_t *mod, msurface_t *surf, float x, float y, float z, float nx, float ny, float nz, float s, float t, float u, float v, float r, float g, float b, float a)
void Mod_ShadowMesh_CalcBBox(shadowmesh_t *firstmesh, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t center, float *radius)
void Mod_OBJ_Load(model_t *mod, void *buffer, void *bufferend)
skinfile_t * Mod_LoadSkinFiles(void)
void R_Mod_DrawDepth(struct entity_render_s *ent)
void Mod_BuildNormals(int firstvertex, int numvertices, int numtriangles, const float *vertex3f, const int *elements, float *normal3f, qbool areaweighting)
void Mod_Mesh_Validate(model_t *mod)
model_t * Mod_ForName(const char *name, qbool crash, qbool checkdisk, const char *parentname)
void Mod_ShadowMesh_Free(shadowmesh_t *mesh)
struct cvar_s mod_q3shader_default_offsetmapping
texture_t * Mod_Mesh_GetTexture(model_t *mod, const char *name, int defaultdrawflags, int defaulttexflags, int defaultmaterialflags)
struct cvar_s mod_noshader_default_offsetmapping
int Mod_Alias_GetExtendedTagInfoForIndex(const model_t *model, unsigned int skin, const struct frameblend_s *frameblend, const struct skeleton_s *skeleton, int tagindex, int *parentindex, const char **tagname, matrix4x4_t *tag_localmatrix)
struct cvar_s r_fullbrights
void Mod_Mesh_AddTriangle(model_t *mod, msurface_t *surf, int e0, int e1, int e2)
void Mod_PurgeUnused(void)
void Mod_IDSP_Load(model_t *mod, void *buffer, void *bufferend)
struct cvar_s mod_q3bsp_lightgrid_bsp_surfaces
int Mod_CountSkinFiles(skinfile_t *skinfile)
void Mod_SpriteInit(void)
int Mod_Q1BSP_NativeContentsFromSuperContents(int supercontents)
void Mod_PSKMODEL_Load(model_t *mod, void *buffer, void *bufferend)
int Mod_BuildVertexRemapTableFromElements(int numelements, const int *elements, int numvertices, int *remapvertices)
void Mod_HLBSP_Load(model_t *mod, void *buffer, void *bufferend)
void R_Mod_DrawSky(struct entity_render_s *ent)
void Mod_CollisionBIH_TraceBrush(model_t *model, const struct frameblend_s *frameblend, const struct skeleton_s *skeleton, struct trace_s *trace, struct colbrushf_s *start, struct colbrushf_s *end, int hitsupercontentsmask, int skipsupercontentsmask, int skipmaterialflagsmask)
void Mod_RemoveStaleWorldModels(model_t *skip)
struct cvar_s r_mipnormalmaps
int Mod_ShadowMesh_AddVertex(shadowmesh_t *mesh, const float *vertex3f)
void R_Mod_DrawLight(struct entity_render_s *ent, int numsurfaces, const int *surfacelist, const unsigned char *trispvs)
shadowmesh_t * Mod_ShadowMesh_Alloc(struct mempool_s *mempool, int maxverts, int maxtriangles)
qbool Mod_CollisionBIH_TraceLineOfSight(struct model_s *model, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, const vec3_t acceptmins, const vec3_t acceptmaxs)
void Mod_Skeletal_FreeBuffers(void)
void R_Mod_GetLightInfo(struct entity_render_s *ent, vec3_t relativelightorigin, float lightradius, vec3_t outmins, vec3_t outmaxs, int *outleaflist, unsigned char *outleafpvs, int *outnumleafspointer, int *outsurfacelist, unsigned char *outsurfacepvs, int *outnumsurfacespointer, unsigned char *outshadowtrispvs, unsigned char *outlighttrispvs, unsigned char *visitingleafpvs, int numfrustumplanes, const mplane_t *frustumplanes, qbool noocclusion)
void Mod_IBSP_Load(model_t *mod, void *buffer, void *bufferend)
int Mod_Q2BSP_SuperContentsFromNativeContents(int nativecontents)
void R_Mod_DrawPrepass(struct entity_render_s *ent)
void Mod_Mesh_Destroy(model_t *mod)
struct cvar_s mod_q3shader_default_refractive_index
void Mod_INTERQUAKEMODEL_Load(model_t *mod, void *buffer, void *bufferend)
void R_Mod_DrawDebug(struct entity_render_s *ent)
qbool Mod_AllocLightmap_Block(mod_alloclightmap_state_t *state, int blockwidth, int blockheight, int *outx, int *outy)
void Mod_CollisionBIH_TracePoint(model_t *model, const struct frameblend_s *frameblend, const struct skeleton_s *skeleton, struct trace_s *trace, const vec3_t start, int hitsupercontentsmask, int skipsupercontentsmask, int skipmaterialflagsmask)
struct cvar_s mod_q3bsp_lightgrid_texture
void Mod_SnapVertices(int numcomponents, int numvertices, float *vertices, float snap)
int Mod_RemoveDegenerateTriangles(int numtriangles, const int *inelement3i, int *outelement3i, const float *vertex3f)
model_t * Mod_FindName(const char *name, const char *parentname)
void Mod_IDP0_Load(model_t *mod, void *buffer, void *bufferend)
shadowmesh_t * Mod_ShadowMesh_Begin(struct mempool_s *mempool, int maxverts, int maxtriangles)
struct cvar_s mod_q3shader_force_terrain_alphaflag
qbool Mod_LoadTextureFromQ3Shader(struct mempool_s *mempool, const char *modelname, texture_t *texture, const char *name, qbool warnmissing, qbool fallback, int defaulttexflags, int defaultmaterialflags)
void Mod_BuildTextureVectorsFromNormals(int firstvertex, int numvertices, int numtriangles, const float *vertex3f, const float *texcoord2f, const float *normal3f, const int *elements, float *svector3f, float *tvector3f, qbool areaweighting)
void Mod_FreeSkinFiles(skinfile_t *skinfile)
void Mod_MakeSortedSurfaces(model_t *mod)
void Mod_2PSB_Load(model_t *mod, void *buffer, void *bufferend)
void Mod_AllocLightmap_Init(mod_alloclightmap_state_t *state, struct mempool_s *mempool, int width, int height)
void Mod_CreateCollisionMesh(model_t *mod)
struct cvar_s mod_q3shader_default_polygonoffset
struct cvar_s mod_q3bsp_lightgrid_world_surfaces
void Mod_UnloadModel(model_t *mod)
void Mod_ShadowMesh_AddMesh(shadowmesh_t *mesh, const float *vertex3f, int numtris, const int *element3i)
int Mod_CollisionBIH_PointSuperContents(struct model_s *model, int frame, const vec3_t point)
void Mod_VBSP_Load(model_t *mod, void *buffer, void *bufferend)
int Mod_Q2BSP_NativeContentsFromSuperContents(int supercontents)
void Mod_FreeQ3Shaders(void)
qbool Mod_ValidateElements(int *element3i, unsigned short *element3s, int numtriangles, int firstvertex, int numvertices, const char *filename, int fileline)
bih_t * Mod_MakeCollisionBIH(model_t *model, qbool userendersurfaces, bih_t *out)
void Mod_Q1BSP_Load(model_t *mod, void *buffer, void *bufferend)
model_t * Mod_LoadModel(model_t *mod, qbool crash, qbool checkdisk)
int Mod_Alias_GetTagIndexForName(const model_t *model, unsigned int skin, const char *tagname)
void Mod_IDP3_Load(model_t *mod, void *buffer, void *bufferend)
int Mod_Alias_GetTagMatrix(const model_t *model, const struct frameblend_s *frameblend, const struct skeleton_s *skeleton, int tagindex, matrix4x4_t *outmatrix)
void R_Mod_DrawShadowMap(int side, struct entity_render_s *ent, const vec3_t relativelightorigin, const vec3_t relativelightdirection, float lightradius, int modelnumsurfaces, const int *modelsurfacelist, const unsigned char *surfacesides, const vec3_t lightmins, const vec3_t lightmaxs)
void Mod_AllocSurfMesh(struct mempool_s *mempool, int numvertices, int numtriangles, qbool lightmapoffsets, qbool vertexcolors)
void Mod_BSP2_Load(model_t *mod, void *buffer, void *bufferend)
void Mod_Mesh_Finalize(model_t *mod)
void Mod_LoadQ3Shaders(void)
void Mod_UnloadCustomMaterial(texture_t *texture, qbool purgeskins)
Removes all shaderpasses from material, and optionally deletes the textures in the skinframes.
void R_Mod_Draw(struct entity_render_s *ent)
void Mod_DARKPLACESMODEL_Load(model_t *mod, void *buffer, void *bufferend)
struct cvar_s mod_q3shader_default_offsetmapping_scale
void Mod_MAP_Load(model_t *mod, void *buffer, void *bufferend)
texture_shaderpass_t * Mod_CreateShaderPass(struct mempool_s *mempool, struct skinframe_s *skinframe)
struct cvar_s mod_q3shader_default_polygonfactor
void Mod_VertexRangeFromElements(int numelements, const int *elements, int *firstvertexpointer, int *lastvertexpointer)
int Mod_CollisionBIH_PointSuperContents_Mesh(struct model_s *model, int frame, const vec3_t point)
shadowmesh_t * Mod_ShadowMesh_Finish(shadowmesh_t *firstmesh, qbool createvbo)
void Mod_IDS2_Load(model_t *mod, void *buffer, void *bufferend)
void Mod_SetDrawSkyAndWater(model_t *mod)
Sets the mod->DrawSky and mod->DrawAddWaterPlanes pointers conditionally based on whether surfaces in...
void Mod_CollisionBIH_TracePoint_Mesh(model_t *model, const struct frameblend_s *frameblend, const struct skeleton_s *skeleton, struct trace_s *trace, const vec3_t start, int hitsupercontentsmask, int skipsupercontentsmask, int skipmaterialflagsmask)
void R_Mod_DrawAddWaterPlanes(struct entity_render_s *ent)
texture_shaderpass_t * Mod_CreateShaderPassFromQ3ShaderLayer(struct mempool_s *mempool, const char *modelname, q3shaderinfo_layer_t *layer, int layerindex, int texflags, const char *texturename)
void Mod_IDP2_Load(model_t *mod, void *buffer, void *bufferend)
#define MAX_QPATH
max length of a quake game pathname
mod_alloclightmap_row_t * rows
float * data_baseboneposeinverse
int * modelsurfaces_sorted
surface indices of model in an optimal draw order (submodelindex -> texture -> lightmap -> index)
msurface_t * data_surfaces
msurface_lightmapinfo_t * data_surfaces_lightmapinfo
int submodelsurfaces_start
rtexturepool_t * texturepool
struct mempool_s * mempool
const char * modeldatatypestring
texture_t * data_textures
unsigned char * stainsamples
unsigned char * nmapsamples
describes the textures to use on a range of triangles in the model, and mins/maxs (AABB) for culling.
int num_collisiontriangles
msurface_lightmapinfo_t * lightmapinfo
lightmaptexture rebuild information not used in q3bsp
int num_triangles
range of triangles and vertices in model->surfmesh
int num_firstcollisiontriangle
mesh information for collisions (only used by q3bsp curves)
texture_t * texture
the texture to use on the surface
vec3_t mins
bounding box for onscreen checks
struct q3deffect_s * effect
fog volume info in q3bsp
int num_collisionvertices
struct rtexture_s * deluxemaptexture
the lighting direction texture fragment to use on the rendering mesh
struct rtexture_s * lightmaptexture
the lightmap texture fragment to use on the rendering mesh
int element3s_bufferoffset
int element3i_bufferoffset
r_meshbuffer_t * element3s_indexbuffer
struct mempool_s * mempool
r_meshbuffer_t * vbo_vertexbuffer
r_meshbuffer_t * element3i_indexbuffer
unsigned short * element3s
shadowmeshvertexhash_t * vertexhashentries
struct shadowmeshvertexhash_s * next
struct skinfileitem_s * next
r_meshbuffer_t * data_svector3f_vertexbuffer
int data_normal3f_bufferoffset
int data_element3s_bufferoffset
struct texvecvertex_s * data_morphtexvecvertex
int data_skeletalweight4ub_bufferoffset
r_meshbuffer_t * data_lightmapcolor4f_vertexbuffer
r_meshbuffer_t * data_normal3f_vertexbuffer
int data_element3i_bufferoffset
int data_texcoordlightmap2f_bufferoffset
int data_skeletalindex4ub_bufferoffset
int data_svector3f_bufferoffset
float * data_lightmapcolor4f
unsigned char * data_skeletalweight4ub
unsigned char * data_skeletalindex4ub
unsigned short * data_element3s
r_meshbuffer_t * data_texcoordtexture2f_vertexbuffer
r_meshbuffer_t * data_skeletalindex4ub_vertexbuffer
r_meshbuffer_t * data_tvector3f_vertexbuffer
struct trivertx_s * data_morphmdlvertex
r_meshbuffer_t * data_element3i_indexbuffer
struct blendweights_s * data_blendweights
int * data_lightmapoffsets
float * data_morphmd2framesize6f
int data_texcoordtexture2f_bufferoffset
int data_tvector3f_bufferoffset
struct md3vertex_s * data_morphmd3vertex
r_meshbuffer_t * data_texcoordlightmap2f_vertexbuffer
r_meshbuffer_t * data_skeletalweight4ub_vertexbuffer
int data_vertex3f_bufferoffset
int data_lightmapcolor4f_bufferoffset
float * data_texcoordtexture2f
r_meshbuffer_t * data_element3s_indexbuffer
float * data_texcoordlightmap2f
r_meshbuffer_t * data_vertex3f_vertexbuffer
struct skinframe_s * backgroundcurrentskinframe
struct rtexture_s * basetexture
matrix4x4_t currenttexmatrix
struct rtexture_s * glosstexture
dptransparentsortcategory_t transparentsort
struct rtexture_s * nmaptexture
dpoffsetmapping_technique_t offsetmapping
struct rtexture_s * backgroundglosstexture
struct rtexture_s * backgroundbasetexture
texture_shaderpass_t * backgroundshaderpass
void * update_lastrenderentity
struct rtexture_s * shirttexture
struct rtexture_s * pantstexture
struct texture_s * currentframe
struct rtexture_s * glowtexture
int update_lastrenderframe
struct rtexture_s * backgroundglowtexture
unsigned char endpreshaderpass
struct rtexture_s * reflectmasktexture
matrix4x4_t currentbackgroundtexmatrix
struct rtexture_s * fogtexture
struct rtexture_s * reflectcubetexture
struct texture_s * skynoshadowtexture
this points to a variant of the sky texture that has MATERIALFLAG_NOSHADOW, for the e1m5 logo shadow ...
texture_shaderpass_t * materialshaderpass
unsigned char endpostshaderpass
struct rtexture_s * backgroundnmaptexture
unsigned char startpostshaderpass
struct skinframe_s * currentskinframe
unsigned char startpreshaderpass
int mesh_defaultmaterialflags