Game engine based on the Quake 1 engine by id Software, developed by LadyHavoc
crypto.c File Reference
#include "quakedef.h"
#include "crypto.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "thread.h"
#include "hmac.h"
#include "libcurl.h"
+ Include dependency graph for crypto.c:

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  crypto_data_t
struct  crypto_storedhostkey_t
struct  server_cryptoconnect_t


#define CDATA   ((crypto_data_t *) crypto->data)
#define CLEAR_CDATA   if(crypto->data) { if(CDATA->id) qd0_blind_id_free(CDATA->id); Z_Free(crypto->data); } crypto->data = NULL
#define D0_BOOL   int
#define D0_EXPORT
#define D0_RIJNDAEL_KEYLENGTH(keybits)
#define D0_RIJNDAEL_NROUNDS(keybits)
#define D0_RIJNDAEL_RKLENGTH(keybits)
#define FOURCC_D0ER   (('d' << 0) | ('0' << 8) | ('e' << 16) | ('r' << 24))
#define FOURCC_D0IC   (('d' << 0) | ('0' << 8) | ('i' << 16) | ('c' << 24))
#define FOURCC_D0IQ   (('d' << 0) | ('0' << 8) | ('i' << 16) | ('q' << 24))
#define FOURCC_D0IR   (('d' << 0) | ('0' << 8) | ('i' << 16) | ('r' << 24))
#define FOURCC_D0PI   (('d' << 0) | ('0' << 8) | ('p' << 16) | ('i' << 24))
#define FOURCC_D0PK   (('d' << 0) | ('0' << 8) | ('p' << 16) | ('k' << 24))
#define FOURCC_D0SI   (('d' << 0) | ('0' << 8) | ('s' << 16) | ('i' << 24))
#define FOURCC_D0SK   (('d' << 0) | ('0' << 8) | ('s' << 16) | ('k' << 24))
#define MAKE_CDATA   if(!crypto->data) crypto->data = Z_Malloc(sizeof(crypto_data_t))
#define MAX_PUBKEYS   16
#define PROTOCOL_VLEN   (('v' << 0) | ('l' << 8) | ('e' << 16) | ('n' << 24))
#define USE_AES


typedef struct d0_blind_id_s d0_blind_id_t
typedef voidd0_createmutex_t(void)
typedef void d0_destroymutex_t(void *)
typedef D0_BOOL(* d0_fastreject_function) (const d0_blind_id_t *ctx, void *pass)
typedef void d0_free_t(void *p)
typedef int d0_lockmutex_t(void *)
typedef voidd0_malloc_t(size_t len)
typedef int d0_unlockmutex_t(void *)


static void aescpy (unsigned char *key, const unsigned char *iv, unsigned char *dst, const unsigned char *src, size_t len)
static qbool Crypto_AddPrivateKey (d0_blind_id_t *pk, char *buf, size_t len)
qbool Crypto_Available (void)
static void Crypto_BuildChallengeAppend (void)
static void Crypto_BuildIdString (void)
static qbool Crypto_ClearHostKey (lhnetaddress_t *peeraddress)
static void Crypto_ClearHostKeys (void)
static int Crypto_ClientError (char *data_out, size_t *len_out, const char *msg)
int Crypto_ClientParsePacket (const char *data_in, size_t len_in, char *data_out, size_t *len_out, lhnetaddress_t *peeraddress, const char *peeraddressstring)
static void Crypto_CloseLibrary (void)
static voidCrypto_d0_createmutex (void)
static void Crypto_d0_destroymutex (void *m)
static void Crypto_d0_free (void *p)
static int Crypto_d0_lockmutex (void *m)
static voidCrypto_d0_malloc (size_t len)
static int Crypto_d0_unlockmutex (void *m)
const voidCrypto_DecryptPacket (crypto_t *crypto, const void *data_src, size_t len_src, void *data_dst, size_t *len_dst, size_t len)
const voidCrypto_EncryptPacket (crypto_t *crypto, const void *data_src, size_t len_src, void *data_dst, size_t *len_dst, size_t len)
qbool Crypto_FinishInstance (crypto_t *out, crypto_t *crypto)
const char * Crypto_GetInfoResponseDataString (void)
static void Crypto_HostKey_Clear_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
static void Crypto_HostKeys_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
void Crypto_Init (void)
void Crypto_Init_Commands (void)
static void Crypto_InitHostKeys (void)
static void Crypto_KeyGen_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
static void Crypto_KeyGen_Finished (int code, size_t length_received, unsigned char *buffer, void *cbdata)
static void Crypto_Keys_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
static unsigned long Crypto_LittleLong (const char *data)
static size_t Crypto_LoadFile (const char *path, char *buf, size_t nmax, qbool inuserdir)
void Crypto_LoadKeys (void)
static qbool Crypto_OpenLibrary (void)
static size_t Crypto_ParsePack (const char *buf, size_t len, unsigned long header, const char **lumps, size_t *lumpsize, size_t nlumps)
static d0_blind_id_tCrypto_ReadPublicKey (char *buf, size_t len)
static void Crypto_Reload_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
qbool Crypto_RetrieveHostKey (lhnetaddress_t *peeraddress, int *keyid, char *keyfp, size_t keyfplen, char *idfp, size_t idfplen, int *aeslevel, qbool *issigned)
int Crypto_RetrieveLocalKey (int keyid, char *keyfp, size_t keyfplen, char *idfp, size_t idfplen, qbool *issigned)
static void Crypto_Rijndael_CloseLibrary (void)
static qbool Crypto_Rijndael_OpenLibrary (void)
static qbool Crypto_SavePubKeyTextFile (int i)
qbool Crypto_ServerAppendToChallenge (const char *data_in, size_t len_in, char *data_out, size_t *len_out, size_t maxlen_out)
static int Crypto_ServerError (char *data_out, size_t *len_out, const char *msg, const char *msg_client)
static crypto_tCrypto_ServerFindInstance (lhnetaddress_t *peeraddress, qbool allow_create)
crypto_tCrypto_ServerGetInstance (lhnetaddress_t *peeraddress)
int Crypto_ServerParsePacket (const char *data_in, size_t len_in, char *data_out, size_t *len_out, lhnetaddress_t *peeraddress)
static int Crypto_ServerParsePacket_Internal (const char *data_in, size_t len_in, char *data_out, size_t *len_out, lhnetaddress_t *peeraddress)
void Crypto_Shutdown (void)
size_t Crypto_SignData (const void *data, size_t datasize, int keyid, void *signed_data, size_t signed_size)
size_t Crypto_SignDataDetached (const void *data, size_t datasize, int keyid, void *signed_data, size_t signed_size)
static int Crypto_SoftClientError (char *data_out, size_t *len_out, const char *msg)
static int Crypto_SoftServerError (char *data_out, size_t *len_out, const char *msg)
static void Crypto_StoreHostKey (lhnetaddress_t *peeraddress, const char *keystring, qbool complain)
static void Crypto_UnLittleLong (char *data, unsigned long l)
static void Crypto_UnloadKeys (void)
static size_t Crypto_UnParsePack (char *buf, size_t len, unsigned long header, const char *const *lumps, const size_t *lumpsize, size_t nlumps)
static const char * GetUntilNul (const char **data, size_t *len)
static qbool PutWithNul (char **data, size_t *len, const char *str)
static void seacpy (unsigned char *key, const unsigned char *iv, unsigned char *dst, const unsigned char *src, size_t len)
void sha256 (unsigned char *out, const unsigned char *in, int n)


static int cdata_id = 0
static char challenge_append [1400]
static size_t challenge_append_length
cvar_t crypto_aeslevel = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER | CF_ARCHIVE, "crypto_aeslevel", "1", "whether to support AES encryption in authenticated connections (0 = no, 1 = supported, 2 = requested, 3 = required)"}
cvar_t crypto_developer = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER | CF_ARCHIVE, "crypto_developer", "0", "print extra info about crypto handshake"}
static const char * crypto_idstring = NULL
static char crypto_idstring_buf [512]
int crypto_keyfp_recommended_length
static double crypto_servercpu_accumulator = 0
static double crypto_servercpu_lastrealtime = 0
cvar_t crypto_servercpudebug = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER | CF_ARCHIVE, "crypto_servercpudebug", "0", "print statistics about time usage by crypto"}
cvar_t crypto_servercpumaxtime = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER | CF_ARCHIVE, "crypto_servercpumaxtime", "0.01", "maximum allowed crypto CPU time per frame (0 = no limit)"}
cvar_t crypto_servercpupercent = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER | CF_ARCHIVE, "crypto_servercpupercent", "10", "allowed crypto CPU load in percent for server operation (0 = no limit, faster)"}
static crypto_storedhostkey_tcrypto_storedhostkey_hashtable [CRYPTO_HOSTKEY_HASHSIZE]
static server_cryptoconnect_t cryptoconnects [MAX_CRYPTOCONNECTS]
static mempool_tcryptomempool
static dllhandle_t d0_blind_id_dll = NULL
static dllfunction_t d0_blind_id_funcs []
static dllhandle_t d0_rijndael_dll = NULL
static dllfunction_t d0_rijndael_funcs []
static char keygen_buf [8192]
static int keygen_i = -1
cvar_t net_sourceaddresscheck
static d0_blind_id_tpubkeys [MAX_PUBKEYS]
static char pubkeys_fp64 [MAX_PUBKEYS][FP64_SIZE+1]
static qbool pubkeys_havepriv [MAX_PUBKEYS]
static qbool pubkeys_havesig [MAX_PUBKEYS]
static char pubkeys_priv_fp64 [MAX_PUBKEYS][FP64_SIZE+1]
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_challenge )(d0_blind_id_t *ctx, D0_BOOL is_first, D0_BOOL recv_modulus, const char *inbuf, size_t inbuflen, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen, D0_BOOL *status)
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_response )(d0_blind_id_t *ctx, const char *inbuf, size_t inbuflen, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen)
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_start )(d0_blind_id_t *ctx, D0_BOOL is_first, D0_BOOL send_modulus, const char *message, size_t msglen, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen)
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_verify )(d0_blind_id_t *ctx, const char *inbuf, size_t inbuflen, char *msg, size_t *msglen, D0_BOOL *status)
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_copy )(d0_blind_id_t *ctx, const d0_blind_id_t *src)
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_id )(const d0_blind_id_t *ctx, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen)
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_key )(const d0_blind_id_t *ctx, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen)
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_finish_private_id_request )(d0_blind_id_t *ctx, const char *inbuf, size_t inbuflen)
static D0_EXPORT void(* qd0_blind_id_free )(d0_blind_id_t *a)
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_generate_private_id_request )(d0_blind_id_t *ctx, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen)
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_generate_private_id_start )(d0_blind_id_t *ctx)
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_INITIALIZE )(void)
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT d0_blind_id_t *(* qd0_blind_id_new )(void)
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_read_private_id )(d0_blind_id_t *ctx, const char *inbuf, size_t inbuflen)
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_read_private_id_modulus )(d0_blind_id_t *ctx, const char *inbuf, size_t inbuflen)
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_read_public_key )(d0_blind_id_t *ctx, const char *inbuf, size_t inbuflen)
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_sessionkey_public_id )(const d0_blind_id_t *ctx, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen)
static D0_EXPORT void(* qd0_blind_id_setmallocfuncs )(d0_malloc_t *m, d0_free_t *f)
static D0_EXPORT void(* qd0_blind_id_setmutexfuncs )(d0_createmutex_t *c, d0_destroymutex_t *d, d0_lockmutex_t *l, d0_unlockmutex_t *u)
static D0_EXPORT void(* qd0_blind_id_SHUTDOWN )(void)
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_sign_with_private_id_sign )(d0_blind_id_t *ctx, D0_BOOL is_first, D0_BOOL send_modulus, const char *message, size_t msglen, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen)
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_sign_with_private_id_sign_detached )(d0_blind_id_t *ctx, D0_BOOL is_first, D0_BOOL send_modulus, const char *message, size_t msglen, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen)
static D0_EXPORT void(* qd0_blind_id_util_sha256 )(char *out, const char *in, size_t n)
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_verify_private_id )(const d0_blind_id_t *ctx)
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_verify_public_id )(const d0_blind_id_t *ctx, D0_BOOL *status)
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_write_private_id )(const d0_blind_id_t *ctx, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen)
D0_EXPORT void(* qd0_rijndael_decrypt )(const unsigned long *rk, int nrounds, const unsigned char ciphertext[16], unsigned char plaintext[16])
D0_EXPORT void(* qd0_rijndael_encrypt )(const unsigned long *rk, int nrounds, const unsigned char plaintext[16], unsigned char ciphertext[16])
D0_EXPORT int(* qd0_rijndael_setup_decrypt )(unsigned long *rk, const unsigned char *key, int keybits)
D0_EXPORT int(* qd0_rijndael_setup_encrypt )(unsigned long *rk, const unsigned char *key, int keybits)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define CDATA   ((crypto_data_t *) crypto->data)

Definition at line 524 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_ClientParsePacket(), and Crypto_ServerParsePacket_Internal().


#define CLEAR_CDATA   if(crypto->data) { if(CDATA->id) qd0_blind_id_free(CDATA->id); Z_Free(crypto->data); } crypto->data = NULL



Definition at line 496 of file crypto.c.



Definition at line 498 of file crypto.c.



Definition at line 494 of file crypto.c.



Definition at line 495 of file crypto.c.



Definition at line 497 of file crypto.c.



#define D0_EXPORT

Definition at line 181 of file crypto.c.


#define D0_RIJNDAEL_KEYLENGTH ( keybits)

Definition at line 338 of file crypto.c.


#define D0_RIJNDAEL_NROUNDS ( keybits)

Definition at line 340 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by aescpy(), and seacpy().


#define D0_RIJNDAEL_RKLENGTH ( keybits)

Definition at line 339 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by aescpy(), and seacpy().



Definition at line 185 of file crypto.c.


#define FOURCC_D0ER   (('d' << 0) | ('0' << 8) | ('e' << 16) | ('r' << 24))

Definition at line 56 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_KeyGen_Finished().


#define FOURCC_D0IC   (('d' << 0) | ('0' << 8) | ('i' << 16) | ('c' << 24))

Definition at line 57 of file crypto.c.


#define FOURCC_D0IQ   (('d' << 0) | ('0' << 8) | ('i' << 16) | ('q' << 24))

Definition at line 54 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_KeyGen_f().


#define FOURCC_D0IR   (('d' << 0) | ('0' << 8) | ('i' << 16) | ('r' << 24))

Definition at line 55 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_KeyGen_Finished().


#define FOURCC_D0PI   (('d' << 0) | ('0' << 8) | ('p' << 16) | ('i' << 24))

Definition at line 52 of file crypto.c.


#define FOURCC_D0PK   (('d' << 0) | ('0' << 8) | ('p' << 16) | ('k' << 24))

Definition at line 50 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_ReadPublicKey().


#define FOURCC_D0SI   (('d' << 0) | ('0' << 8) | ('s' << 16) | ('i' << 24))

Definition at line 53 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_AddPrivateKey(), Crypto_KeyGen_f(), and Crypto_KeyGen_Finished().


#define FOURCC_D0SK   (('d' << 0) | ('0' << 8) | ('s' << 16) | ('k' << 24))

Definition at line 51 of file crypto.c.


#define MAKE_CDATA   if(!crypto->data) crypto->data = Z_Malloc(sizeof(crypto_data_t))

Definition at line 525 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_ClientParsePacket(), and Crypto_ServerParsePacket_Internal().



Definition at line 493 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_ServerFindInstance(), and Crypto_Shutdown().




Definition at line 46 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_BuildChallengeAppend(), and Crypto_ClientParsePacket().


#define PROTOCOL_VLEN   (('v' << 0) | ('l' << 8) | ('e' << 16) | ('n' << 24))

Definition at line 47 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_BuildChallengeAppend(), and Crypto_ClientParsePacket().


#define USE_AES

Definition at line 128 of file crypto.c.

Typedef Documentation

◆ d0_blind_id_t

typedef struct d0_blind_id_s d0_blind_id_t

Definition at line 196 of file crypto.c.

◆ d0_createmutex_t

typedef void * d0_createmutex_t(void)

Definition at line 191 of file crypto.c.

◆ d0_destroymutex_t

typedef void d0_destroymutex_t(void *)

Definition at line 192 of file crypto.c.

◆ d0_fastreject_function

typedef D0_BOOL(* d0_fastreject_function) (const d0_blind_id_t *ctx, void *pass)

Definition at line 197 of file crypto.c.

◆ d0_free_t

typedef void d0_free_t(void *p)

Definition at line 190 of file crypto.c.

◆ d0_lockmutex_t

typedef int d0_lockmutex_t(void *)

Definition at line 193 of file crypto.c.

◆ d0_malloc_t

typedef void * d0_malloc_t(size_t len)

Definition at line 189 of file crypto.c.

◆ d0_unlockmutex_t

typedef int d0_unlockmutex_t(void *)

Definition at line 194 of file crypto.c.

Function Documentation

◆ aescpy()

static void aescpy ( unsigned char * key,
const unsigned char * iv,
unsigned char * dst,
const unsigned char * src,
size_t len )

Definition at line 1472 of file crypto.c.

1474 const unsigned char *xorpos = iv;
1475 unsigned char xorbuf[16];
1476 unsigned long rk[D0_RIJNDAEL_RKLENGTH(DHKEY_SIZE * 8)];
1477 size_t i;
1479 while(len > 16)
1480 {
1481 for(i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
1482 xorbuf[i] = src[i] ^ xorpos[i];
1484 xorpos = dst;
1485 len -= 16;
1486 src += 16;
1487 dst += 16;
1488 }
1489 if(len > 0)
1490 {
1491 for(i = 0; i < len; ++i)
1492 xorbuf[i] = src[i] ^ xorpos[i];
1493 for(; i < 16; ++i)
1494 xorbuf[i] = xorpos[i];
1496 }
D0_EXPORT int(* qd0_rijndael_setup_encrypt)(unsigned long *rk, const unsigned char *key, int keybits)
Definition crypto.c:330
D0_EXPORT void(* qd0_rijndael_encrypt)(const unsigned long *rk, int nrounds, const unsigned char plaintext[16], unsigned char ciphertext[16])
Definition crypto.c:334
#define D0_RIJNDAEL_NROUNDS(keybits)
Definition crypto.c:340
#define D0_RIJNDAEL_RKLENGTH(keybits)
Definition crypto.c:339
#define DHKEY_SIZE
Definition crypto.h:39
prvm_eval_t * src
int i

References D0_RIJNDAEL_NROUNDS, D0_RIJNDAEL_RKLENGTH, DHKEY_SIZE, i, qd0_rijndael_encrypt, qd0_rijndael_setup_encrypt, and src.

Referenced by Crypto_EncryptPacket().

◆ Crypto_AddPrivateKey()

static qbool Crypto_AddPrivateKey ( d0_blind_id_t * pk,
char * buf,
size_t len )

Definition at line 469 of file crypto.c.

471 const char *p[1];
472 size_t l[1];
473 if(Crypto_ParsePack(buf, len, FOURCC_D0SI, p, l, 1))
474 {
475 if(qd0_blind_id_read_private_id(pk, p[0], l[0]))
476 return true;
477 }
478 return false;
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_read_private_id)(d0_blind_id_t *ctx, const char *inbuf, size_t inbuflen)
Definition crypto.c:218
#define FOURCC_D0SI
Definition crypto.c:53
static size_t Crypto_ParsePack(const char *buf, size_t len, unsigned long header, const char **lumps, size_t *lumpsize, size_t nlumps)
Definition crypto.c:76
GLenum GLuint GLenum GLsizei const GLchar * buf
Definition glquake.h:657

References buf, Crypto_ParsePack(), FOURCC_D0SI, and qd0_blind_id_read_private_id.

Referenced by Crypto_LoadKeys().

◆ Crypto_Available()

qbool Crypto_Available ( void )

Definition at line 1097 of file crypto.c.

1099 if(!d0_blind_id_dll)
1100 return false;
1101 return true;
static dllhandle_t d0_blind_id_dll
Definition crypto.c:282

References d0_blind_id_dll.

Referenced by checkextension(), and VM_digest_hex().

◆ Crypto_BuildChallengeAppend()

static void Crypto_BuildChallengeAppend ( void )

Definition at line 785 of file crypto.c.

787 char *p, *lengthptr, *startptr;
788 size_t n;
789 int i;
791 n = sizeof(challenge_append);
793 p += 4;
794 n -= 4;
795 lengthptr = p;
797 p += 4;
798 n -= 4;
800 p += 4;
801 n -= 4;
802 startptr = p;
803 for(i = 0; i < MAX_PUBKEYS; ++i)
805 PutWithNul(&p, &n, pubkeys_fp64[i]);
806 PutWithNul(&p, &n, "");
807 for(i = 0; i < MAX_PUBKEYS; ++i)
808 if(!pubkeys_havepriv[i] && pubkeys[i])
809 PutWithNul(&p, &n, pubkeys_fp64[i]);
810 Crypto_UnLittleLong(lengthptr, p - startptr);
static char challenge_append[1400]
Definition crypto.c:487
Definition crypto.c:47
Definition crypto.c:46
static qbool PutWithNul(char **data, size_t *len, const char *str)
Definition crypto.c:406
static size_t challenge_append_length
Definition crypto.c:488
Definition crypto.c:481
static qbool pubkeys_havepriv[MAX_PUBKEYS]
Definition crypto.c:484
static char pubkeys_fp64[MAX_PUBKEYS][FP64_SIZE+1]
Definition crypto.c:483
static d0_blind_id_t * pubkeys[MAX_PUBKEYS]
Definition crypto.c:482
static void Crypto_UnLittleLong(char *data, unsigned long l)
Definition crypto.c:68
#define n(x, y)

References challenge_append, challenge_append_length, Crypto_UnLittleLong(), i, MAX_PUBKEYS, n, PROTOCOL_D0_BLIND_ID, PROTOCOL_VLEN, pubkeys, pubkeys_fp64, pubkeys_havepriv, and PutWithNul().

Referenced by Crypto_KeyGen_f(), and Crypto_LoadKeys().

◆ Crypto_BuildIdString()

static void Crypto_BuildIdString ( void )

Definition at line 842 of file crypto.c.

844 int i;
845 char vabuf[1024];
849 for (i = 0; i < MAX_PUBKEYS; ++i)
850 if (pubkeys[i])
851 dp_strlcat(crypto_idstring_buf, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), " %s@%s%s", pubkeys_priv_fp64[i], pubkeys_havesig[i] ? "" : "~", pubkeys_fp64[i]), sizeof(crypto_idstring_buf));
char * va(char *buf, size_t buflen, const char *format,...)
Definition common.c:972
int dpsnprintf(char *buffer, size_t buffersize, const char *format,...)
Returns the number of printed characters, excluding the final '\0' or returns -1 if the buffer isn't ...
Definition common.c:997
#define dp_strlcat(dst, src, dsize)
Definition common.h:304
static char pubkeys_priv_fp64[MAX_PUBKEYS][FP64_SIZE+1]
Definition crypto.c:486
static char crypto_idstring_buf[512]
Definition crypto.c:43
static qbool pubkeys_havesig[MAX_PUBKEYS]
Definition crypto.c:485
static const char * crypto_idstring
Definition crypto.c:42
cvar_t crypto_aeslevel
Definition crypto.c:31
static dllhandle_t d0_rijndael_dll
Definition crypto.c:351
#define NULL
Definition qtypes.h:12
int integer
Definition cvar.h:73

References crypto_aeslevel, crypto_idstring, crypto_idstring_buf, d0_rijndael_dll, dp_strlcat, dpsnprintf(), i, cvar_t::integer, MAX_PUBKEYS, NULL, pubkeys, pubkeys_fp64, pubkeys_havesig, pubkeys_priv_fp64, and va().

Referenced by Crypto_KeyGen_Finished(), and Crypto_LoadKeys().

◆ Crypto_ClearHostKey()

static qbool Crypto_ClearHostKey ( lhnetaddress_t * peeraddress)

Definition at line 613 of file crypto.c.

615 char buf[128];
616 int hashindex;
618 qbool found = false;
620 LHNETADDRESS_ToString(peeraddress, buf, sizeof(buf), 1);
621 hashindex = CRC_Block((const unsigned char *) buf, strlen(buf)) % CRYPTO_HOSTKEY_HASHSIZE;
622 for(hkp = &crypto_storedhostkey_hashtable[hashindex]; *hkp && LHNETADDRESS_Compare(&((*hkp)->addr), peeraddress); hkp = &((*hkp)->next));
624 if(*hkp)
625 {
626 crypto_storedhostkey_t *hk = *hkp;
627 *hkp = hk->next;
628 Z_Free(hk);
629 found = true;
630 }
632 return found;
unsigned short CRC_Block(const unsigned char *data, size_t size)
Definition com_crc16.c:75
static crypto_storedhostkey_t * crypto_storedhostkey_hashtable[CRYPTO_HOSTKEY_HASHSIZE]
Definition crypto.c:589
int LHNETADDRESS_ToString(const lhnetaddress_t *vaddress, char *string, int stringbuffersize, int includeport)
Returns the number of bytes written to *string excluding the \0 terminator.
Definition lhnet.c:540
int LHNETADDRESS_Compare(const lhnetaddress_t *vaddress1, const lhnetaddress_t *vaddress2)
Definition lhnet.c:665
float strlen(string s)
number of hash buckets for accelerating host key lookups
Definition qdefs.h:126
bool qbool
Definition qtypes.h:9
struct crypto_storedhostkey_s * next
Definition crypto.c:581
#define Z_Free(data)
Definition zone.h:164

References buf, CRC_Block(), CRYPTO_HOSTKEY_HASHSIZE, crypto_storedhostkey_hashtable, LHNETADDRESS_Compare(), LHNETADDRESS_ToString(), crypto_storedhostkey_t::next, strlen(), and Z_Free.

Referenced by Crypto_HostKey_Clear_f().

◆ Crypto_ClearHostKeys()

static void Crypto_ClearHostKeys ( void )

Definition at line 598 of file crypto.c.

600 int i;
601 crypto_storedhostkey_t *hk, *hkn;
602 for(i = 0; i < CRYPTO_HOSTKEY_HASHSIZE; ++i)
603 {
604 for(hk = crypto_storedhostkey_hashtable[i]; hk; hk = hkn)
605 {
606 hkn = hk->next;
607 Z_Free(hk);
608 }
610 }

References CRYPTO_HOSTKEY_HASHSIZE, crypto_storedhostkey_hashtable, i, crypto_storedhostkey_t::next, NULL, and Z_Free.

Referenced by Crypto_Reload_f().

◆ Crypto_ClientError()

static int Crypto_ClientError ( char * data_out,
size_t * len_out,
const char * msg )

Definition at line 2093 of file crypto.c.

2095 dpsnprintf(data_out, *len_out, "reject %s", msg);
2096 *len_out = strlen(data_out);
2097 return CRYPTO_REPLACE;
Definition crypto.h:67

References CRYPTO_REPLACE, dpsnprintf(), and strlen().

Referenced by Crypto_ClientParsePacket().

◆ Crypto_ClientParsePacket()

int Crypto_ClientParsePacket ( const char * data_in,
size_t len_in,
char * data_out,
size_t * len_out,
lhnetaddress_t * peeraddress,
const char * peeraddressstring )

Definition at line 2107 of file crypto.c.

2109 crypto_t *crypto = &cls.crypto;
2110 const char *string = data_in;
2111 D0_BOOL aes;
2112 char *data_out_p = data_out;
2113 D0_BOOL status;
2114 char infostringvalue[MAX_INPUTLINE];
2115 char vabuf[1024];
2117 if(!d0_blind_id_dll)
2118 return CRYPTO_NOMATCH; // no support
2120 // if "challenge": verify challenge, and discard message, send next crypto protocol message instead
2121 // otherwise, just handle actual protocol messages
2123 if (len_in == 6 && !memcmp(string, "accept", 6) && cls.connect_trying && d0_rijndael_dll)
2124 {
2125 int wantserverid = -1;
2126 Crypto_RetrieveHostKey(&cls.connect_address, &wantserverid, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
2127 if(!crypto || !crypto->authenticated) // we ALSO get here if we are using an encrypted connection, so let's rule this out
2128 {
2129 if(wantserverid >= 0)
2130 return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "Server tried an unauthenticated connection even though a host key is present");
2131 if(crypto_aeslevel.integer >= 3)
2132 return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "This server requires encryption to be not required (crypto_aeslevel <= 2)");
2133 }
2134 return CRYPTO_NOMATCH;
2135 }
2136 else if (len_in >= 1 && string[0] == 'j' && cls.connect_trying && d0_rijndael_dll)
2137 {
2138 int wantserverid = -1;
2139 Crypto_RetrieveHostKey(&cls.connect_address, &wantserverid, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
2140 //if(!crypto || !crypto->authenticated)
2141 {
2142 if(wantserverid >= 0)
2143 return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "Server tried an unauthenticated connection even though a host key is present");
2144 if(crypto_aeslevel.integer >= 3)
2145 return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "This server requires encryption to be not required (crypto_aeslevel <= 2)");
2146 }
2147 return CRYPTO_NOMATCH;
2148 }
2149 else if (len_in >= 5 && BuffLittleLong((unsigned char *) string) == ((int)NETFLAG_CTL | (int)len_in))
2150 {
2151 int wantserverid = -1;
2153 // these three are harmless
2154 if((unsigned char) string[4] == CCREP_SERVER_INFO)
2155 return CRYPTO_NOMATCH;
2156 if((unsigned char) string[4] == CCREP_PLAYER_INFO)
2157 return CRYPTO_NOMATCH;
2158 if((unsigned char) string[4] == CCREP_RULE_INFO)
2159 return CRYPTO_NOMATCH;
2161 Crypto_RetrieveHostKey(&cls.connect_address, &wantserverid, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
2162 //if(!crypto || !crypto->authenticated)
2163 {
2164 if(wantserverid >= 0)
2165 return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "Server tried an unauthenticated connection even though a host key is present");
2166 if(crypto_aeslevel.integer >= 3)
2167 return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "This server requires encryption to be not required (crypto_aeslevel <= 2)");
2168 }
2169 return CRYPTO_NOMATCH;
2170 }
2171 else if (len_in >= 13 && !memcmp(string, "infoResponse\x0A", 13))
2172 {
2173 if(InfoString_GetValue(string + 13, "d0_blind_id", infostringvalue, sizeof(infostringvalue)))
2174 Crypto_StoreHostKey(peeraddress, infostringvalue, true);
2175 return CRYPTO_NOMATCH;
2176 }
2177 else if (len_in >= 15 && !memcmp(string, "statusResponse\x0A", 15))
2178 {
2179 char save = 0;
2180 const char *p;
2181 p = strchr(string + 15, '\n');
2182 if(p)
2183 {
2184 save = *p;
2185 * (char *) p = 0; // cut off the string there
2186 }
2187 if(InfoString_GetValue(string + 15, "d0_blind_id", infostringvalue, sizeof(infostringvalue)))
2188 Crypto_StoreHostKey(peeraddress, infostringvalue, true);
2189 if(p)
2190 {
2191 * (char *) p = save;
2192 // invoking those nasal demons again (do not run this on the DS9k)
2193 }
2194 return CRYPTO_NOMATCH;
2195 }
2196 else if(len_in > 10 && !memcmp(string, "challenge ", 10) && cls.connect_trying)
2197 {
2198 const char *vlen_blind_id_ptr = NULL;
2199 size_t len_blind_id_ptr = 0;
2200 unsigned long k, v;
2201 const char *challenge = data_in + 10;
2202 const char *p;
2203 int i;
2204 int clientid = -1, serverid = -1, wantserverid = -1;
2205 qbool server_can_auth = true;
2206 char wantserver_idfp[FP64_SIZE+1];
2207 int wantserver_aeslevel = 0;
2208 qbool wantserver_issigned = false;
2210 // Must check the source IP here, if we want to prevent other servers' replies from falsely advancing the crypto state, preventing successful connect to the real server.
2212 {
2213 char warn_msg[128];
2215 dpsnprintf(warn_msg, sizeof(warn_msg), "ignoring challenge message from wrong server %s", peeraddressstring);
2216 return Crypto_SoftClientError(data_out, len_out, warn_msg);
2217 }
2219 // if we have a stored host key for the server, assume serverid to already be selected!
2220 // (the loop will refuse to overwrite this one then)
2221 wantserver_idfp[0] = 0;
2222 Crypto_RetrieveHostKey(&cls.connect_address, &wantserverid, NULL, 0, wantserver_idfp, sizeof(wantserver_idfp), &wantserver_aeslevel, &wantserver_issigned);
2223 // requirement: wantserver_idfp is a full ID if wantserverid set
2225 // if we leave, we have to consider the connection
2226 // unauthenticated; NOTE: this may be faked by a clever
2227 // attacker to force an unauthenticated connection; so we have
2228 // a safeguard check in place when encryption is required too
2229 // in place, or when authentication is required by the server
2230 crypto->authenticated = false;
2232 GetUntilNul(&data_in, &len_in);
2233 if(!data_in)
2234 return (wantserverid >= 0) ? Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "Server tried an unauthenticated connection even though a host key is present") :
2235 (d0_rijndael_dll && crypto_aeslevel.integer >= 3) ? Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "This server requires encryption to be not required (crypto_aeslevel <= 2)") :
2238 // FTEQW extension protocol
2239 while(len_in >= 8)
2240 {
2241 k = Crypto_LittleLong(data_in);
2242 v = Crypto_LittleLong(data_in + 4);
2243 data_in += 8;
2244 len_in -= 8;
2245 switch(k)
2246 {
2247 case PROTOCOL_VLEN:
2248 if(len_in >= 4 + v)
2249 {
2250 k = Crypto_LittleLong(data_in);
2251 data_in += 4;
2252 len_in -= 4;
2253 switch(k)
2254 {
2256 vlen_blind_id_ptr = data_in;
2257 len_blind_id_ptr = v;
2258 break;
2259 }
2260 data_in += v;
2261 len_in -= v;
2262 }
2263 break;
2264 default:
2265 break;
2266 }
2267 }
2269 if(!vlen_blind_id_ptr)
2270 return (wantserverid >= 0) ? Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "Server tried an unauthenticated connection even though authentication is required") :
2271 (d0_rijndael_dll && crypto_aeslevel.integer >= 3) ? Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "This server requires encryption to be not required (crypto_aeslevel <= 2)") :
2274 data_in = vlen_blind_id_ptr;
2275 len_in = len_blind_id_ptr;
2277 // parse fingerprints
2278 // once we found a fingerprint we can auth to (ANY), select it as clientfp
2279 // once we found a fingerprint in the first list that we know, select it as serverfp
2281 for(;;)
2282 {
2283 p = GetUntilNul(&data_in, &len_in);
2284 if(!p)
2285 break;
2286 if(!*p)
2287 {
2288 if(!server_can_auth)
2289 break; // other protocol message may follow
2290 server_can_auth = false;
2291 if(clientid >= 0)
2292 break;
2293 continue;
2294 }
2295 // Find the highest numbered matching key for p.
2296 for(i = 0; i < MAX_PUBKEYS; ++i)
2297 {
2298 if(pubkeys[i])
2299 if(!strcmp(p, pubkeys_fp64[i]))
2300 {
2301 if(pubkeys_havepriv[i])
2302 clientid = i;
2303 if(server_can_auth)
2304 if(wantserverid < 0 || i == wantserverid)
2305 serverid = i;
2306 }
2307 }
2308 // Not breaking, as higher keys in the list always have priority.
2309 }
2311 // if stored host key is not found:
2312 if(wantserverid >= 0 && serverid < 0)
2313 return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "Server CA does not match stored host key, refusing to connect");
2315 if(serverid >= 0 || clientid >= 0)
2316 {
2318 CDATA->cdata_id = ++cdata_id;
2319 CDATA->s = serverid;
2320 CDATA->c = clientid;
2321 memset(crypto->dhkey, 0, sizeof(crypto->dhkey));
2322 dp_strlcpy(CDATA->challenge, challenge, sizeof(CDATA->challenge));
2323 crypto->client_keyfp[0] = 0;
2324 crypto->client_idfp[0] = 0;
2325 crypto->server_keyfp[0] = 0;
2326 crypto->server_idfp[0] = 0;
2327 memcpy(CDATA->wantserver_idfp, wantserver_idfp, sizeof(crypto->server_idfp));
2328 CDATA->wantserver_issigned = wantserver_issigned;
2330 if(CDATA->wantserver_idfp[0]) // if we know a host key, honor its encryption setting
2331 switch(bound(0, d0_rijndael_dll ? crypto_aeslevel.integer : 0, 3))
2332 {
2333 default: // dummy, never happens, but to make gcc happy...
2334 case 0:
2335 if(wantserver_aeslevel >= 3)
2336 return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "This server requires encryption to be not required (crypto_aeslevel <= 2)");
2337 CDATA->wantserver_aes = false;
2338 break;
2339 case 1:
2340 CDATA->wantserver_aes = (wantserver_aeslevel >= 2);
2341 break;
2342 case 2:
2343 CDATA->wantserver_aes = (wantserver_aeslevel >= 1);
2344 break;
2345 case 3:
2346 if(wantserver_aeslevel <= 0)
2347 return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "This server requires encryption to be supported (crypto_aeslevel >= 1, and d0_rijndael library must be present)");
2348 CDATA->wantserver_aes = true;
2349 break;
2350 }
2352 // build outgoing message
2353 // append regular stuff
2354 PutWithNul(&data_out_p, len_out, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "d0pk\\cnt\\0\\id\\%d\\aeslevel\\%d\\challenge\\%s", CDATA->cdata_id, d0_rijndael_dll ? crypto_aeslevel.integer : 0, challenge));
2355 PutWithNul(&data_out_p, len_out, serverid >= 0 ? pubkeys_fp64[serverid] : "");
2356 PutWithNul(&data_out_p, len_out, clientid >= 0 ? pubkeys_fp64[clientid] : "");
2358 if(clientid >= 0)
2359 {
2360 // I am the client, and my key is ok... so let's set client_keyfp and client_idfp
2361 dp_strlcpy(crypto->client_keyfp, pubkeys_fp64[CDATA->c], sizeof(crypto->client_keyfp));
2362 dp_strlcpy(crypto->client_idfp, pubkeys_priv_fp64[CDATA->c], sizeof(crypto->client_idfp));
2364 }
2366 if(serverid >= 0)
2367 {
2368 if(!CDATA->id)
2369 CDATA->id = qd0_blind_id_new();
2370 if(!CDATA->id)
2371 {
2373 return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_new failed");
2374 }
2375 if(!qd0_blind_id_copy(CDATA->id, pubkeys[CDATA->s]))
2376 {
2378 return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_copy failed");
2379 }
2380 CDATA->next_step = 1;
2381 *len_out = data_out_p - data_out;
2382 }
2383 else // if(clientid >= 0) // guaranteed by condition one level outside
2384 {
2385 // skip over server auth, perform client auth only
2386 if(!CDATA->id)
2387 CDATA->id = qd0_blind_id_new();
2388 if(!CDATA->id)
2389 {
2391 return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_new failed");
2392 }
2393 if(!qd0_blind_id_copy(CDATA->id, pubkeys[CDATA->c]))
2394 {
2396 return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_copy failed");
2397 }
2398 if(!qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_start(CDATA->id, true, false, "XONOTIC", 8, data_out_p, len_out)) // len_out receives used size by this op
2399 {
2401 return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_start failed");
2402 }
2403 CDATA->next_step = 5;
2404 data_out_p += *len_out;
2405 *len_out = data_out_p - data_out;
2406 }
2407 return CRYPTO_DISCARD;
2408 }
2409 else
2410 {
2411 if(wantserver_idfp[0]) // if we know a host key, honor its encryption setting
2412 if(wantserver_aeslevel >= 3)
2413 return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "Server insists on encryption, but neither can authenticate to the other");
2414 return (d0_rijndael_dll && crypto_aeslevel.integer >= 3) ? Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "This server requires encryption to be not required (crypto_aeslevel <= 2)") :
2416 }
2417 }
2418 else if(len_in > 5 && !memcmp(string, "d0pk\\", 5) && cls.connect_trying)
2419 {
2420 const char *cnt;
2421 int id;
2423 // Must check the source IP here, if we want to prevent other servers' replies from falsely advancing the crypto state, preventing successful connect to the real server.
2425 {
2426 char warn_msg[128];
2428 dpsnprintf(warn_msg, sizeof(warn_msg), "ignoring d0pk\\ message from wrong server %s", peeraddressstring);
2429 return Crypto_SoftClientError(data_out, len_out, warn_msg);
2430 }
2432 id = (InfoString_GetValue(string + 4, "id", infostringvalue, sizeof(infostringvalue)) ? atoi(infostringvalue) : -1);
2433 cnt = (InfoString_GetValue(string + 4, "cnt", infostringvalue, sizeof(infostringvalue)) ? infostringvalue : NULL);
2434 if(!cnt)
2435 return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "d0pk\\ message without cnt");
2436 GetUntilNul(&data_in, &len_in);
2437 if(!data_in)
2438 return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "d0pk\\ message without attachment");
2440 if(!strcmp(cnt, "1"))
2441 {
2442 if(id >= 0)
2443 if(CDATA->cdata_id != id)
2444 return Crypto_SoftClientError(data_out, len_out, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "Got d0pk\\id\\%d when expecting %d", id, CDATA->cdata_id));
2445 if(CDATA->next_step != 1)
2446 return Crypto_SoftClientError(data_out, len_out, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "Got d0pk\\cnt\\%s when expecting %d", cnt, CDATA->next_step));
2448 cls.connect_nextsendtime = max(cls.connect_nextsendtime, host.realtime + 1); // prevent "hammering"
2450 if(InfoString_GetValue(string + 4, "aes", infostringvalue, sizeof(infostringvalue)))
2451 aes = atoi(infostringvalue);
2452 else
2453 aes = false;
2454 // we CANNOT toggle the AES status any more!
2455 // as the server already decided
2456 if(CDATA->wantserver_idfp[0]) // if we know a host key, honor its encryption setting
2457 if(!aes && CDATA->wantserver_aes)
2458 {
2460 return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "Stored host key requires encryption, but server did not enable encryption");
2461 }
2462 if(aes && (!d0_rijndael_dll || crypto_aeslevel.integer <= 0))
2463 {
2465 return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "Server insists on encryption too hard");
2466 }
2467 if(!aes && (d0_rijndael_dll && crypto_aeslevel.integer >= 3))
2468 {
2470 return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "Server insists on plaintext too hard");
2471 }
2472 crypto->use_aes = aes != 0;
2474 PutWithNul(&data_out_p, len_out, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "d0pk\\cnt\\2\\id\\%d", CDATA->cdata_id));
2475 if(!qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_challenge(CDATA->id, true, false, data_in, len_in, data_out_p, len_out, &status))
2476 {
2478 return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_challenge failed");
2479 }
2480 CDATA->next_step = 3;
2481 data_out_p += *len_out;
2482 *len_out = data_out_p - data_out;
2483 return CRYPTO_DISCARD;
2484 }
2485 else if(!strcmp(cnt, "3"))
2486 {
2487 static char msgbuf[32];
2488 size_t msgbuflen = sizeof(msgbuf);
2489 size_t fpbuflen;
2491 if(id >= 0)
2492 if(CDATA->cdata_id != id)
2493 return Crypto_SoftClientError(data_out, len_out, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "Got d0pk\\id\\%d when expecting %d", id, CDATA->cdata_id));
2494 if(CDATA->next_step != 3)
2495 return Crypto_SoftClientError(data_out, len_out, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "Got d0pk\\cnt\\%s when expecting %d", cnt, CDATA->next_step));
2497 cls.connect_nextsendtime = max(cls.connect_nextsendtime, host.realtime + 1); // prevent "hammering"
2499 if(!qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_verify(CDATA->id, data_in, len_in, msgbuf, &msgbuflen, &status))
2500 {
2502 return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_verify failed (server authentication error)");
2503 }
2505 dp_strlcpy(crypto->server_keyfp, pubkeys_fp64[CDATA->s], sizeof(crypto->server_keyfp));
2506 if (!status && CDATA->wantserver_issigned)
2507 {
2509 return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "Stored host key requires a valid signature, but server did not provide any");
2510 }
2511 crypto->server_issigned = status;
2513 memset(crypto->server_idfp, 0, sizeof(crypto->server_idfp));
2514 fpbuflen = FP64_SIZE;
2515 if(!qd0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_id(CDATA->id, crypto->server_idfp, &fpbuflen))
2516 {
2518 return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_id failed");
2519 }
2520 if(CDATA->wantserver_idfp[0])
2521 if(memcmp(CDATA->wantserver_idfp, crypto->server_idfp, sizeof(crypto->server_idfp)))
2522 {
2524 return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "Server ID does not match stored host key, refusing to connect");
2525 }
2526 fpbuflen = DHKEY_SIZE;
2527 if(!qd0_blind_id_sessionkey_public_id(CDATA->id, (char *) crypto->dhkey, &fpbuflen))
2528 {
2530 return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_sessionkey_public_id failed");
2531 }
2533 // cache the server key
2534 Crypto_StoreHostKey(&cls.connect_address, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%d %s@%s%s", crypto->use_aes ? 1 : 0, crypto->server_idfp, crypto->server_issigned ? "" : "~", pubkeys_fp64[CDATA->s]), false);
2536 if(CDATA->c >= 0)
2537 {
2538 // client will auth next
2539 PutWithNul(&data_out_p, len_out, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "d0pk\\cnt\\4\\id\\%d", CDATA->cdata_id));
2540 if(!qd0_blind_id_copy(CDATA->id, pubkeys[CDATA->c]))
2541 {
2543 return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_copy failed");
2544 }
2545 if(!qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_start(CDATA->id, true, false, "XONOTIC", 8, data_out_p, len_out)) // len_out receives used size by this op
2546 {
2548 return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_start failed");
2549 }
2550 CDATA->next_step = 5;
2551 data_out_p += *len_out;
2552 *len_out = data_out_p - data_out;
2553 return CRYPTO_DISCARD;
2554 }
2555 else
2556 {
2557 // session key is FINISHED (no server part is to be expected)! By this, all keys are set up
2558 crypto->authenticated = true;
2559 CDATA->next_step = 0;
2560 // assume we got the empty challenge to finish the protocol
2561 PutWithNul(&data_out_p, len_out, "challenge ");
2562 *len_out = data_out_p - data_out;
2563 --*len_out; // remove NUL terminator
2564 return CRYPTO_REPLACE;
2565 }
2566 }
2567 else if(!strcmp(cnt, "5"))
2568 {
2569 size_t fpbuflen;
2570 unsigned char dhkey[DHKEY_SIZE];
2571 int i;
2573 if(id >= 0)
2574 if(CDATA->cdata_id != id)
2575 return Crypto_SoftClientError(data_out, len_out, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "Got d0pk\\id\\%d when expecting %d", id, CDATA->cdata_id));
2576 if(CDATA->next_step != 5)
2577 return Crypto_SoftClientError(data_out, len_out, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "Got d0pk\\cnt\\%s when expecting %d", cnt, CDATA->next_step));
2579 cls.connect_nextsendtime = max(cls.connect_nextsendtime, host.realtime + 1); // prevent "hammering"
2581 if(CDATA->s < 0) // only if server didn't auth
2582 {
2583 if(InfoString_GetValue(string + 4, "aes", infostringvalue, sizeof(infostringvalue)))
2584 aes = atoi(infostringvalue);
2585 else
2586 aes = false;
2587 if(CDATA->wantserver_idfp[0]) // if we know a host key, honor its encryption setting
2588 if(!aes && CDATA->wantserver_aes)
2589 {
2591 return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "Stored host key requires encryption, but server did not enable encryption");
2592 }
2593 if(aes && (!d0_rijndael_dll || crypto_aeslevel.integer <= 0))
2594 {
2596 return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "Server insists on encryption too hard");
2597 }
2598 if(!aes && (d0_rijndael_dll && crypto_aeslevel.integer >= 3))
2599 {
2601 return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "Server insists on plaintext too hard");
2602 }
2603 crypto->use_aes = aes != 0;
2604 }
2606 PutWithNul(&data_out_p, len_out, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "d0pk\\cnt\\6\\id\\%d", CDATA->cdata_id));
2607 if(!qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_response(CDATA->id, data_in, len_in, data_out_p, len_out))
2608 {
2610 return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_response failed");
2611 }
2612 fpbuflen = DHKEY_SIZE;
2613 if(!qd0_blind_id_sessionkey_public_id(CDATA->id, (char *) dhkey, &fpbuflen))
2614 {
2616 return Crypto_ClientError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_sessionkey_public_id failed");
2617 }
2618 // XOR the two DH keys together to make one
2619 for(i = 0; i < DHKEY_SIZE; ++i)
2620 crypto->dhkey[i] ^= dhkey[i];
2621 // session key is FINISHED! By this, all keys are set up
2622 crypto->authenticated = true;
2623 CDATA->next_step = 0;
2624 data_out_p += *len_out;
2625 *len_out = data_out_p - data_out;
2626 return CRYPTO_DISCARD;
2627 }
2628 return Crypto_SoftClientError(data_out, len_out, "Got unknown d0_blind_id message from server");
2629 }
2631 return CRYPTO_NOMATCH;
client_static_t cls
Definition cl_main.c:116
size_t InfoString_GetValue(const char *buffer, const char *key, char *value, size_t valuesize)
Returns the number of bytes written to *value excluding the \0 terminator.
int BuffLittleLong(const unsigned char *buffer)
Extract a little endian 32bit int from the given buffer.
Definition com_msg.c:71
#define dp_strlcpy(dst, src, dsize)
Definition common.h:303
static int cdata_id
Definition crypto.c:509
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_challenge)(d0_blind_id_t *ctx, D0_BOOL is_first, D0_BOOL recv_modulus, const char *inbuf, size_t inbuflen, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen, D0_BOOL *status)
Definition crypto.c:223
#define D0_BOOL
Definition crypto.c:187
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT d0_blind_id_t *(* qd0_blind_id_new)(void)
Definition crypto.c:198
qbool Crypto_RetrieveHostKey(lhnetaddress_t *peeraddress, int *keyid, char *keyfp, size_t keyfplen, char *idfp, size_t idfplen, int *aeslevel, qbool *issigned)
Definition crypto.c:734
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_sessionkey_public_id)(const d0_blind_id_t *ctx, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen)
Definition crypto.c:227
#define CDATA
Definition crypto.c:524
static int Crypto_ClientError(char *data_out, size_t *len_out, const char *msg)
Definition crypto.c:2093
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_id)(const d0_blind_id_t *ctx, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen)
Definition crypto.c:226
#define MAKE_CDATA
Definition crypto.c:525
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_start)(d0_blind_id_t *ctx, D0_BOOL is_first, D0_BOOL send_modulus, const char *message, size_t msglen, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen)
Definition crypto.c:222
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_response)(d0_blind_id_t *ctx, const char *inbuf, size_t inbuflen, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen)
Definition crypto.c:224
static void Crypto_StoreHostKey(lhnetaddress_t *peeraddress, const char *keystring, qbool complain)
Definition crypto.c:635
static unsigned long Crypto_LittleLong(const char *data)
Definition crypto.c:59
static int Crypto_SoftClientError(char *data_out, size_t *len_out, const char *msg)
Definition crypto.c:2100
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_copy)(d0_blind_id_t *ctx, const d0_blind_id_t *src)
Definition crypto.c:201
Definition crypto.c:526
cvar_t net_sourceaddresscheck
Definition netconn.c:87
static const char * GetUntilNul(const char **data, size_t *len)
Definition crypto.c:418
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_verify)(d0_blind_id_t *ctx, const char *inbuf, size_t inbuflen, char *msg, size_t *msglen, D0_BOOL *status)
Definition crypto.c:225
Definition crypto.h:66
#define FP64_SIZE
Definition crypto.h:38
Definition crypto.h:64
GLenum GLuint id
Definition glquake.h:657
const GLdouble * v
Definition glquake.h:762
host_static_t host
Definition host.c:41
#define max(A, B)
Definition mathlib.h:38
#define bound(min, num, max)
Definition mathlib.h:34
Definition netconn.h:127
Definition netconn.h:44
Definition netconn.h:128
Definition netconn.h:129
maximum size of console commandline, QuakeC strings, and many other text processing buffers
Definition qdefs.h:94
qbool connect_trying
Definition client.h:609
crypto_t crypto
Definition client.h:680
double connect_nextsendtime
Definition client.h:611
lhnetaddress_t connect_address
Definition client.h:613
char server_keyfp[FP64_SIZE+1]
Definition crypto.h:48
qbool server_issigned
Definition crypto.h:49
char client_idfp[FP64_SIZE+1]
Definition crypto.h:44
unsigned char dhkey[DHKEY_SIZE]
Definition crypto.h:43
char client_keyfp[FP64_SIZE+1]
Definition crypto.h:45
qbool authenticated
Definition crypto.h:50
qbool client_issigned
Definition crypto.h:46
char server_idfp[FP64_SIZE+1]
Definition crypto.h:47
qbool use_aes
Definition crypto.h:51
double realtime
the accumulated mainloop time since application started (with filtering), without any slowmo or clamp...
Definition host.h:46

References crypto_t::authenticated, bound, BuffLittleLong(), CCREP_PLAYER_INFO, CCREP_RULE_INFO, CCREP_SERVER_INFO, CDATA, cdata_id, CLEAR_CDATA, crypto_t::client_idfp, crypto_t::client_issigned, crypto_t::client_keyfp, cls, client_static_t::connect_address, client_static_t::connect_nextsendtime, client_static_t::connect_trying, client_static_t::crypto, crypto_aeslevel, Crypto_ClientError(), CRYPTO_DISCARD, Crypto_LittleLong(), CRYPTO_NOMATCH, CRYPTO_REPLACE, Crypto_RetrieveHostKey(), Crypto_SoftClientError(), Crypto_StoreHostKey(), d0_blind_id_dll, D0_BOOL, d0_rijndael_dll, crypto_t::dhkey, DHKEY_SIZE, dp_strlcpy, dpsnprintf(), FP64_SIZE, GetUntilNul(), host, i, id, InfoString_GetValue(), cvar_t::integer, LHNETADDRESS_Compare(), MAKE_CDATA, max, MAX_INPUTLINE, MAX_PUBKEYS, net_sourceaddresscheck, NETFLAG_CTL, NULL, PROTOCOL_D0_BLIND_ID, PROTOCOL_VLEN, pubkeys, pubkeys_fp64, pubkeys_havepriv, pubkeys_havesig, pubkeys_priv_fp64, PutWithNul(), qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_challenge, qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_response, qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_start, qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_verify, qd0_blind_id_copy, qd0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_id, qd0_blind_id_new, qd0_blind_id_sessionkey_public_id, host_static_t::realtime, crypto_t::server_idfp, crypto_t::server_issigned, crypto_t::server_keyfp, crypto_t::use_aes, v, and va().

Referenced by NetConn_ClientParsePacket().

◆ Crypto_CloseLibrary()

static void Crypto_CloseLibrary ( void )

Definition at line 306 of file crypto.c.

void Sys_FreeLibrary(dllhandle_t *handle)
Definition sys_shared.c:245

References d0_blind_id_dll, and Sys_FreeLibrary().

Referenced by Crypto_Init(), and Crypto_Shutdown().

◆ Crypto_d0_createmutex()

static void * Crypto_d0_createmutex ( void )

Definition at line 1020 of file crypto.c.

1022 return Thread_CreateMutex();
#define Thread_CreateMutex()
Definition thread.h:15

References Thread_CreateMutex.

Referenced by Crypto_Init().

◆ Crypto_d0_destroymutex()

static void Crypto_d0_destroymutex ( void * m)

Definition at line 1025 of file crypto.c.

#define Thread_DestroyMutex(m)
Definition thread.h:16

References Thread_DestroyMutex.

Referenced by Crypto_Init().

◆ Crypto_d0_free()

static void Crypto_d0_free ( void * p)

Definition at line 1015 of file crypto.c.

1017 Mem_Free(p);
#define Mem_Free(mem)
Definition zone.h:96

References Mem_Free.

Referenced by Crypto_Init().

◆ Crypto_d0_lockmutex()

static int Crypto_d0_lockmutex ( void * m)

Definition at line 1030 of file crypto.c.

1032 return Thread_LockMutex(m);
#define Thread_LockMutex(m)
Definition thread.h:17

References Thread_LockMutex.

Referenced by Crypto_Init().

◆ Crypto_d0_malloc()

static void * Crypto_d0_malloc ( size_t len)

Definition at line 1010 of file crypto.c.

1012 return Mem_Alloc(cryptomempool, len);
static mempool_t * cryptomempool
Definition crypto.c:1004
#define Mem_Alloc(pool, size)
Definition zone.h:92

References cryptomempool, and Mem_Alloc.

Referenced by Crypto_Init().

◆ Crypto_d0_unlockmutex()

static int Crypto_d0_unlockmutex ( void * m)

Definition at line 1035 of file crypto.c.

1037 return Thread_UnlockMutex(m);
#define Thread_UnlockMutex(m)
Definition thread.h:18

References Thread_UnlockMutex.

Referenced by Crypto_Init().

◆ Crypto_DecryptPacket()

const void * Crypto_DecryptPacket ( crypto_t * crypto,
const void * data_src,
size_t len_src,
void * data_dst,
size_t * len_dst,
size_t len )

Definition at line 1584 of file crypto.c.

1586 unsigned char h[32];
1587 int i;
1589 // silently handle non-crypto packets
1590 i = BuffBigLong((unsigned char *) data_src);
1591 if(
1592 (i == (int)0xFFFFFFFF) // avoid QW control packet
1593 ||
1594 (i == (int)0x80000000 + (int)len_src) // avoid NQ control packet
1595 )
1596 return NULL;
1598 if(crypto->authenticated)
1599 {
1600 if(crypto->use_aes)
1601 {
1602 if(len_src < 16 || ((len_src - 16) % 16))
1603 {
1604 Con_Printf("Crypto_DecryptPacket failed (not enough space: %d bytes in, %d bytes out)\n", (int) len_src, (int) len);
1605 return NULL;
1606 }
1607 *len_dst = len_src - ((unsigned char *) data_src)[0];
1608 if(len < *len_dst || *len_dst > len_src - 16)
1609 {
1610 Con_Printf("Crypto_DecryptPacket failed (not enough space: %d bytes in, %d->%d bytes out)\n", (int) len_src, (int) *len_dst, (int) len);
1611 return NULL;
1612 }
1613 seacpy(crypto->dhkey, (unsigned char *) data_src, (unsigned char *) data_dst, ((const unsigned char *) data_src) + 16, *len_dst);
1614 // IV dst src len
1615 if(!HMAC_SHA256_32BYTES(h, (const unsigned char *) data_dst, (int)*len_dst, crypto->dhkey, DHKEY_SIZE))
1616 {
1617 Con_Printf("HMAC fail\n");
1618 return NULL;
1619 }
1620 if(memcmp(((const unsigned char *) data_src)+1, h, 15)) // ignore first byte, used for length
1621 {
1622 Con_Printf("HMAC mismatch\n");
1623 return NULL;
1624 }
1626 {
1627 Con_Print("Decrypted:\n");
1628 Com_HexDumpToConsole((const unsigned char *) data_dst, (int)*len_dst);
1629 }
1630 return data_dst; // no need to copy
1631 }
1632 else
1633 {
1634 if(len_src < 16)
1635 {
1636 Con_Printf("Crypto_DecryptPacket failed (not enough space: %d bytes in, %d bytes out)\n", (int) len_src, (int) len);
1637 return NULL;
1638 }
1639 *len_dst = len_src - 16;
1640 if(len < *len_dst)
1641 {
1642 Con_Printf("Crypto_DecryptPacket failed (not enough space: %d bytes in, %d->%d bytes out)\n", (int) len_src, (int) *len_dst, (int) len);
1643 return NULL;
1644 }
1645 //memcpy(data_dst, data_src + 16, *len_dst);
1646 if(!HMAC_SHA256_32BYTES(h, ((const unsigned char *) data_src) + 16, (int)*len_dst, crypto->dhkey, DHKEY_SIZE))
1647 {
1648 Con_Printf("HMAC fail\n");
1649 Com_HexDumpToConsole((const unsigned char *) data_src, (int)len_src);
1650 return NULL;
1651 }
1653 if(memcmp((const unsigned char *) data_src, h, 16)) // ignore first byte, used for length
1654 {
1655 // undo the "avoid conditions"
1656 if(
1657 (i == (int)0x7FFFFFFF) // avoided QW control packet
1658 ||
1659 (i == (int)0x00000000 + (int)len_src) // avoided NQ control packet
1660 )
1661 {
1662 // do the avoidance on the hash too
1663 h[0] ^= 0x80;
1664 if(memcmp((const unsigned char *) data_src, h, 16)) // ignore first byte, used for length
1665 {
1666 Con_Printf("HMAC mismatch\n");
1667 Com_HexDumpToConsole((const unsigned char *) data_src, (int)len_src);
1668 return NULL;
1669 }
1670 }
1671 else
1672 {
1673 Con_Printf("HMAC mismatch\n");
1674 Com_HexDumpToConsole((const unsigned char *) data_src, (int)len_src);
1675 return NULL;
1676 }
1677 }
1678 return ((const unsigned char *) data_src) + 16; // no need to copy, so data_dst is not used
1679 }
1680 }
1681 else
1682 {
1683 *len_dst = len_src;
1684 return data_src;
1685 }
int BuffBigLong(const unsigned char *buffer)
Extract a big endian 32bit int from the given buffer.
Definition com_msg.c:49
void Com_HexDumpToConsole(const unsigned char *data, int size)
Definition common.c:82
void Con_Print(const char *msg)
Prints to all appropriate console targets, and adds timestamps.
Definition console.c:1504
void Con_Printf(const char *fmt,...)
Prints to all appropriate console targets.
Definition console.c:1514
static void seacpy(unsigned char *key, const unsigned char *iv, unsigned char *dst, const unsigned char *src, size_t len)
Definition crypto.c:1498
#define HMAC_SHA256_32BYTES(out, in, n, key, k)
Definition hmac.h:15
cvar_t developer_networking
Definition netconn.c:89

References crypto_t::authenticated, BuffBigLong(), Com_HexDumpToConsole(), Con_Print(), Con_Printf(), developer_networking, crypto_t::dhkey, DHKEY_SIZE, HMAC_SHA256_32BYTES, i, cvar_t::integer, NULL, seacpy(), and crypto_t::use_aes.

Referenced by NetConn_ReceivedMessage().

◆ Crypto_EncryptPacket()

const void * Crypto_EncryptPacket ( crypto_t * crypto,
const void * data_src,
size_t len_src,
void * data_dst,
size_t * len_dst,
size_t len )

Definition at line 1527 of file crypto.c.

1529 unsigned char h[32];
1530 int i;
1531 if(crypto->authenticated)
1532 {
1533 if(crypto->use_aes)
1534 {
1535 // AES packet = 1 byte length overhead, 15 bytes from HMAC-SHA-256, data, 0..15 bytes padding
1536 // 15 bytes HMAC-SHA-256 (112bit) suffice as the attacker can't do more than forge a random-looking packet
1537 // HMAC is needed to not leak information about packet content
1539 {
1540 Con_Print("To be encrypted:\n");
1541 Com_HexDumpToConsole((const unsigned char *) data_src, (int)len_src);
1542 }
1543 if(len_src + 32 > len || !HMAC_SHA256_32BYTES(h, (const unsigned char *) data_src, (int)len_src, crypto->dhkey, DHKEY_SIZE))
1544 {
1545 Con_Printf("Crypto_EncryptPacket failed (not enough space: %d bytes in, %d bytes out)\n", (int) len_src, (int) len);
1546 return NULL;
1547 }
1548 *len_dst = ((len_src + 15) / 16) * 16 + 16; // add 16 for HMAC, then round to 16-size for AES
1549 ((unsigned char *) data_dst)[0] = (unsigned char)(*len_dst - len_src);
1550 memcpy(((unsigned char *) data_dst)+1, h, 15);
1551 aescpy(crypto->dhkey, (const unsigned char *) data_dst, ((unsigned char *) data_dst) + 16, (const unsigned char *) data_src, len_src);
1552 // IV dst src len
1553 }
1554 else
1555 {
1556 // HMAC packet = 16 bytes HMAC-SHA-256 (truncated to 128 bits), data
1557 if(len_src + 16 > len || !HMAC_SHA256_32BYTES(h, (const unsigned char *) data_src, (int)len_src, crypto->dhkey, DHKEY_SIZE))
1558 {
1559 Con_Printf("Crypto_EncryptPacket failed (not enough space: %d bytes in, %d bytes out)\n", (int) len_src, (int) len);
1560 return NULL;
1561 }
1562 *len_dst = len_src + 16;
1563 memcpy(data_dst, h, 16);
1564 memcpy(((unsigned char *) data_dst) + 16, (unsigned char *) data_src, len_src);
1566 // handle the "avoid" conditions:
1567 i = BuffBigLong((unsigned char *) data_dst);
1568 if(
1569 (i == (int)0xFFFFFFFF) // avoid QW control packet
1570 ||
1571 (i == (int)0x80000000 + (int)*len_dst) // avoid NQ control packet
1572 )
1573 *(unsigned char *)data_dst ^= 0x80; // this will ALWAYS fix it
1574 }
1575 return data_dst;
1576 }
1577 else
1578 {
1579 *len_dst = len_src;
1580 return data_src;
1581 }
static void aescpy(unsigned char *key, const unsigned char *iv, unsigned char *dst, const unsigned char *src, size_t len)
Definition crypto.c:1472

References aescpy(), crypto_t::authenticated, BuffBigLong(), Com_HexDumpToConsole(), Con_Print(), Con_Printf(), developer_networking, crypto_t::dhkey, DHKEY_SIZE, HMAC_SHA256_32BYTES, i, cvar_t::integer, NULL, and crypto_t::use_aes.

Referenced by NetConn_ReceivedMessage(), and NetConn_SendUnreliableMessage().

◆ Crypto_FinishInstance()

qbool Crypto_FinishInstance ( crypto_t * out,
crypto_t * crypto )

Definition at line 558 of file crypto.c.

560 // no check needed here (returned pointers are only used in prefilled fields)
561 if(!crypto || !crypto->authenticated)
562 {
563 Con_Printf("Passed an invalid crypto connect instance\n");
564 memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out));
565 return false;
566 }
568 memcpy(out, crypto, sizeof(*out));
569 memset(crypto, 0, sizeof(*crypto));
570 return true;

References crypto_t::authenticated, CLEAR_CDATA, and Con_Printf().

Referenced by NetConn_ConnectionEstablished(), and NetConn_ServerParsePacket().

◆ Crypto_GetInfoResponseDataString()

const char * Crypto_GetInfoResponseDataString ( void )

Definition at line 1689 of file crypto.c.

1692 return crypto_idstring;

References crypto_aeslevel, crypto_idstring, crypto_idstring_buf, and cvar_t::integer.

Referenced by NetConn_BuildStatusResponse().

◆ Crypto_HostKey_Clear_f()

static void Crypto_HostKey_Clear_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 1428 of file crypto.c.

1431 int i;
1433 if(!d0_blind_id_dll)
1434 {
1435 Con_Print("libd0_blind_id DLL not found, this command is inactive.\n");
1436 return;
1437 }
1439 for(i = 1; i < Cmd_Argc(cmd); ++i)
1440 {
1443 {
1444 Con_Printf("cleared host key for %s\n", Cmd_Argv(cmd, i));
1445 }
1446 }
static int Cmd_Argc(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition cmd.h:249
static const char * Cmd_Argv(cmd_state_t *cmd, int arg)
Cmd_Argv(cmd, ) will return an empty string (not a NULL) if arg > argc, so string operations are alwa...
Definition cmd.h:254
static qbool Crypto_ClearHostKey(lhnetaddress_t *peeraddress)
Definition crypto.c:613
int LHNETADDRESS_FromString(lhnetaddress_t *vaddress, const char *string, int defaultport)
Definition lhnet.c:204
void cmd(string command,...)
prvm_uint_t addr

References addr, cmd(), Cmd_Argc(), Cmd_Argv(), Con_Print(), Con_Printf(), Crypto_ClearHostKey(), d0_blind_id_dll, i, and LHNETADDRESS_FromString().

Referenced by Crypto_Init_Commands().

◆ Crypto_HostKeys_f()

static void Crypto_HostKeys_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 1403 of file crypto.c.

1405 int i;
1407 char buf[128];
1409 if(!d0_blind_id_dll)
1410 {
1411 Con_Print("libd0_blind_id DLL not found, this command is inactive.\n");
1412 return;
1413 }
1414 for(i = 0; i < CRYPTO_HOSTKEY_HASHSIZE; ++i)
1415 {
1416 for(hk = crypto_storedhostkey_hashtable[i]; hk; hk = hk->next)
1417 {
1418 LHNETADDRESS_ToString(&hk->addr, buf, sizeof(buf), 1);
1419 Con_Printf("%d %s@%.*s %s\n",
1420 hk->aeslevel,
1421 hk->idfp,
1423 buf);
1424 }
1425 }
int crypto_keyfp_recommended_length
Definition crypto.c:41
char idfp[FP64_SIZE+1]
Definition crypto.c:584
lhnetaddress_t addr
Definition crypto.c:582

References crypto_storedhostkey_t::addr, crypto_storedhostkey_t::aeslevel, buf, Con_Print(), Con_Printf(), CRYPTO_HOSTKEY_HASHSIZE, crypto_keyfp_recommended_length, crypto_storedhostkey_hashtable, d0_blind_id_dll, i, crypto_storedhostkey_t::idfp, crypto_storedhostkey_t::keyid, LHNETADDRESS_ToString(), crypto_storedhostkey_t::next, and pubkeys_fp64.

Referenced by Crypto_Init_Commands().

◆ Crypto_Init()

void Crypto_Init ( void )

Definition at line 1072 of file crypto.c.

1074 cryptomempool = Mem_AllocPool("crypto", 0, NULL);
1076 if(!Crypto_OpenLibrary())
1077 return;
1080 if (Thread_HasThreads())
1084 {
1087 Con_Printf("libd0_blind_id initialization FAILED, cryptography support has been disabled\n");
1088 return;
1089 }
1091 (void) Crypto_Rijndael_OpenLibrary(); // if this fails, it's uncritical
static void Crypto_d0_free(void *p)
Definition crypto.c:1015
static void Crypto_d0_destroymutex(void *m)
Definition crypto.c:1025
static int Crypto_d0_lockmutex(void *m)
Definition crypto.c:1030
static void Crypto_InitHostKeys(void)
Definition crypto.c:591
static D0_EXPORT void(* qd0_blind_id_setmallocfuncs)(d0_malloc_t *m, d0_free_t *f)
Definition crypto.c:233
static qbool Crypto_OpenLibrary(void)
Definition crypto.c:283
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_INITIALIZE)(void)
Definition crypto.c:228
static qbool Crypto_Rijndael_OpenLibrary(void)
Definition crypto.c:352
static void Crypto_Rijndael_CloseLibrary(void)
Definition crypto.c:375
static int Crypto_d0_unlockmutex(void *m)
Definition crypto.c:1035
static void Crypto_CloseLibrary(void)
Definition crypto.c:306
static void * Crypto_d0_malloc(size_t len)
Definition crypto.c:1010
static void * Crypto_d0_createmutex(void)
Definition crypto.c:1020
static D0_EXPORT void(* qd0_blind_id_setmutexfuncs)(d0_createmutex_t *c, d0_destroymutex_t *d, d0_lockmutex_t *l, d0_unlockmutex_t *u)
Definition crypto.c:234
void() predraw
qbool Thread_HasThreads(void)
Definition thread_null.c:13
#define Mem_AllocPool(name, flags, parent)
Definition zone.h:104

References Con_Printf(), Crypto_CloseLibrary(), Crypto_d0_createmutex(), Crypto_d0_destroymutex(), Crypto_d0_free(), Crypto_d0_lockmutex(), Crypto_d0_malloc(), Crypto_d0_unlockmutex(), Crypto_InitHostKeys(), Crypto_OpenLibrary(), Crypto_Rijndael_CloseLibrary(), Crypto_Rijndael_OpenLibrary(), cryptomempool, Mem_AllocPool, NULL, qd0_blind_id_INITIALIZE, qd0_blind_id_setmallocfuncs, qd0_blind_id_setmutexfuncs, Thread_HasThreads(), and void().

Referenced by Host_Init().

◆ Crypto_Init_Commands()

void Crypto_Init_Commands ( void )

Definition at line 1449 of file crypto.c.

1451 if(d0_blind_id_dll)
1452 {
1453 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_SHARED, "crypto_reload", Crypto_Reload_f, "reloads cryptographic keys");
1454 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_SHARED, "crypto_keygen", Crypto_KeyGen_f, "generates and saves a cryptographic key");
1455 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_SHARED, "crypto_keys", Crypto_Keys_f, "lists the loaded keys");
1456 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_SHARED, "crypto_hostkeys", Crypto_HostKeys_f, "lists the cached host keys");
1457 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_SHARED, "crypto_hostkey_clear", Crypto_HostKey_Clear_f, "clears a cached host key");
1460 if(d0_rijndael_dll)
1462 else
1463 crypto_aeslevel.integer = 0; // make sure
1467 }
void Cmd_AddCommand(unsigned flags, const char *cmd_name, xcommand_t function, const char *description)
called by the init functions of other parts of the program to register commands and functions to call...
Definition cmd.c:1661
#define CF_SHARED
Definition cmd.h:67
static void Crypto_Reload_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition crypto.c:1373
cvar_t crypto_servercpupercent
Definition crypto.c:33
cvar_t crypto_developer
Definition crypto.c:30
cvar_t crypto_servercpumaxtime
Definition crypto.c:34
cvar_t crypto_servercpudebug
Definition crypto.c:35
static void Crypto_HostKeys_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition crypto.c:1403
static void Crypto_KeyGen_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition crypto.c:1217
static void Crypto_HostKey_Clear_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition crypto.c:1428
static void Crypto_Keys_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition crypto.c:1380
void Cvar_RegisterVariable(cvar_t *variable)
registers a cvar that already has the name, string, and optionally the archive elements set.
Definition cvar.c:599

References CF_SHARED, Cmd_AddCommand(), crypto_aeslevel, crypto_developer, Crypto_HostKey_Clear_f(), Crypto_HostKeys_f(), Crypto_KeyGen_f(), Crypto_Keys_f(), Crypto_Reload_f(), crypto_servercpudebug, crypto_servercpumaxtime, crypto_servercpupercent, Cvar_RegisterVariable(), d0_blind_id_dll, d0_rijndael_dll, and cvar_t::integer.

Referenced by Host_Init().

◆ Crypto_InitHostKeys()

static void Crypto_InitHostKeys ( void )

Definition at line 591 of file crypto.c.

593 int i;
594 for(i = 0; i < CRYPTO_HOSTKEY_HASHSIZE; ++i)

References CRYPTO_HOSTKEY_HASHSIZE, crypto_storedhostkey_hashtable, i, and NULL.

Referenced by Crypto_Init().

◆ Crypto_KeyGen_f()

static void Crypto_KeyGen_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 1217 of file crypto.c.

1219 int i;
1220 const char *p[1];
1221 size_t l[1];
1222 static char buf[8192];
1223 static char buf2[8192];
1224 size_t buf2size;
1225 size_t buf2l, buf2pos;
1226 char vabuf[1024];
1227 size_t len2;
1228 qfile_t *f = NULL;
1230 if(!d0_blind_id_dll)
1231 {
1232 Con_Print("libd0_blind_id DLL not found, this command is inactive.\n");
1233 return;
1234 }
1235 if(Cmd_Argc(cmd) != 3)
1236 {
1237 Con_Printf("usage:\n%s id url\n", Cmd_Argv(cmd, 0));
1238 return;
1239 }
1242 i = atoi(Cmd_Argv(cmd, 1));
1243 if(!pubkeys[i])
1244 {
1245 Con_Printf("there is no public key %d\n", i);
1247 return;
1248 }
1249 if(keygen_i >= 0)
1250 {
1251 Con_Printf("there is already a keygen run on the way\n");
1253 return;
1254 }
1255 keygen_i = i;
1257 // how to START the keygenning...
1259 {
1261 {
1262 Con_Printf("there is already a signed private key for %d\n", i);
1263 keygen_i = -1;
1265 return;
1266 }
1267 // if we get here, we only need a signature, no new keygen run needed
1268 Con_Printf("Only need a signature for an existing key...\n");
1269 }
1270 else
1271 {
1272 // we also need a new ID itself
1274 {
1275 Con_Printf("d0_blind_id_start failed\n");
1276 keygen_i = -1;
1278 return;
1279 }
1280 // verify the key we just got (just in case)
1282 {
1283 Con_Printf("d0_blind_id_verify_private_id failed\n");
1284 keygen_i = -1;
1286 return;
1287 }
1288 // we have a valid key now!
1289 // make the rest of crypto.c know that
1290 len2 = FP64_SIZE;
1292 {
1293 Con_Printf("Generated private ID key_%d.d0pk (public key fingerprint: %s)\n", keygen_i, pubkeys_priv_fp64[keygen_i]);
1294 pubkeys_havepriv[keygen_i] = true;
1298 }
1299 // write the key to disk
1300 p[0] = buf;
1301 l[0] = sizeof(buf);
1303 {
1304 Con_Printf("d0_blind_id_write_private_id failed\n");
1305 keygen_i = -1;
1307 return;
1308 }
1309 if(!(buf2size = Crypto_UnParsePack(buf2, sizeof(buf2), FOURCC_D0SI, p, l, 1)))
1310 {
1311 Con_Printf("Crypto_UnParsePack failed\n");
1312 keygen_i = -1;
1314 return;
1315 }
1317 FS_CreatePath(va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%skey_%d.d0si%s", *fs_userdir ? fs_userdir : fs_basedir, keygen_i, sessionid.string));
1318 f = FS_SysOpen(va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%skey_%d.d0si%s", *fs_userdir ? fs_userdir : fs_basedir, keygen_i, sessionid.string), "wb", false);
1319 if(!f)
1320 {
1321 Con_Printf("Cannot open key_%d.d0si%s\n", keygen_i, sessionid.string);
1322 keygen_i = -1;
1324 return;
1325 }
1326 FS_Write(f, buf2, buf2size);
1327 FS_Close(f);
1331 Con_Printf("Saved unsigned key to key_%d.d0si%s\n", keygen_i, sessionid.string);
1332 }
1333 p[0] = buf;
1334 l[0] = sizeof(buf);
1336 {
1337 Con_Printf("d0_blind_id_generate_private_id_request failed\n");
1338 keygen_i = -1;
1340 return;
1341 }
1342 buf2pos = strlen(Cmd_Argv(cmd, 2));
1343 memcpy(buf2, Cmd_Argv(cmd, 2), buf2pos);
1344 if(!(buf2l = Crypto_UnParsePack(buf2 + buf2pos, sizeof(buf2) - buf2pos - 1, FOURCC_D0IQ, p, l, 1)))
1345 {
1346 Con_Printf("Crypto_UnParsePack failed\n");
1347 keygen_i = -1;
1349 return;
1350 }
1351 if(!(buf2l = base64_encode((unsigned char *) (buf2 + buf2pos), buf2l, sizeof(buf2) - buf2pos - 1)))
1352 {
1353 Con_Printf("base64_encode failed\n");
1354 keygen_i = -1;
1356 return;
1357 }
1358 buf2l += buf2pos;
1359 buf2[buf2l] = 0;
1360 if(!Curl_Begin_ToMemory(buf2, 0, (unsigned char *) keygen_buf, sizeof(keygen_buf), Crypto_KeyGen_Finished, NULL))
1361 {
1362 Con_Printf("curl failed\n");
1363 keygen_i = -1;
1365 return;
1366 }
1367 Con_Printf("Signature generation in progress...\n");
size_t base64_encode(unsigned char *buf, size_t buflen, size_t outbuflen)
Definition common.c:1502
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_generate_private_id_request)(d0_blind_id_t *ctx, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen)
Definition crypto.c:213
void Crypto_LoadKeys(void)
Definition crypto.c:855
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_write_private_id)(const d0_blind_id_t *ctx, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen)
Definition crypto.c:220
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_verify_private_id)(const d0_blind_id_t *ctx)
Definition crypto.c:236
static size_t Crypto_UnParsePack(char *buf, size_t len, unsigned long header, const char *const *lumps, const size_t *lumpsize, size_t nlumps)
Definition crypto.c:103
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_generate_private_id_start)(d0_blind_id_t *ctx)
Definition crypto.c:212
static void Crypto_KeyGen_Finished(int code, size_t length_received, unsigned char *buffer, void *cbdata)
Definition crypto.c:1105
static qbool Crypto_SavePubKeyTextFile(int i)
Definition crypto.c:814
static char keygen_buf[8192]
Definition crypto.c:491
#define FOURCC_D0IQ
Definition crypto.c:54
static int keygen_i
Definition crypto.c:490
static void Crypto_BuildChallengeAppend(void)
Definition crypto.c:785
fs_offset_t FS_Write(qfile_t *file, const void *data, size_t datasize)
Definition fs.c:3019
qfile_t * FS_SysOpen(const char *filepath, const char *mode, qbool nonblocking)
Definition fs.c:2484
int FS_Close(qfile_t *file)
Definition fs.c:2970
void FS_CreatePath(char *path)
Definition fs.c:1028
char fs_basedir[MAX_OSPATH]
Definition fs.c:444
char fs_userdir[MAX_OSPATH]
Definition fs.c:442
cvar_t sessionid
Definition host.c:58
qbool Curl_Begin_ToMemory(const char *URL, double maxspeed, unsigned char *buf, size_t bufsize, curl_callback_t callback, void *cbdata)
Definition libcurl.c:1117
#define SV_LockThreadMutex()
Definition server.h:606
#define SV_UnlockThreadMutex()
Definition server.h:607
float f
const char * string
Definition cvar.h:71

References base64_encode(), buf, cmd(), Cmd_Argc(), Cmd_Argv(), Con_Print(), Con_Printf(), Crypto_BuildChallengeAppend(), crypto_idstring, crypto_idstring_buf, Crypto_KeyGen_Finished(), Crypto_LoadKeys(), Crypto_SavePubKeyTextFile(), Crypto_UnParsePack(), Curl_Begin_ToMemory(), d0_blind_id_dll, dp_strlcat, f, FOURCC_D0IQ, FOURCC_D0SI, FP64_SIZE, fs_basedir, FS_Close(), FS_CreatePath(), FS_SysOpen(), fs_userdir, FS_Write(), i, keygen_buf, keygen_i, NULL, pubkeys, pubkeys_fp64, pubkeys_havepriv, pubkeys_havesig, pubkeys_priv_fp64, qd0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_id, qd0_blind_id_generate_private_id_request, qd0_blind_id_generate_private_id_start, qd0_blind_id_verify_private_id, qd0_blind_id_write_private_id, sessionid, cvar_t::string, strlen(), SV_LockThreadMutex, SV_UnlockThreadMutex, and va().

Referenced by Crypto_Init_Commands().

◆ Crypto_KeyGen_Finished()

static void Crypto_KeyGen_Finished ( int code,
size_t length_received,
unsigned char * buffer,
void * cbdata )

Definition at line 1105 of file crypto.c.

1107 const char *p[1];
1108 size_t l[1];
1109 static char buf[8192];
1110 static char buf2[8192];
1111 size_t buf2size;
1112 qfile_t *f = NULL;
1113 D0_BOOL status;
1114 char vabuf[1024];
1118 if(!d0_blind_id_dll)
1119 {
1120 Con_Print("libd0_blind_id DLL not found, this command is inactive.\n");
1121 keygen_i = -1;
1123 return;
1124 }
1126 if(keygen_i < 0)
1127 {
1128 Con_Printf("Unexpected response from keygen server:\n");
1129 Com_HexDumpToConsole(buffer, (int)length_received);
1131 return;
1132 }
1134 {
1135 Con_Printf("overflow of keygen_i\n");
1136 keygen_i = -1;
1138 return;
1139 }
1140 if(!Crypto_ParsePack((const char *) buffer, length_received, FOURCC_D0IR, p, l, 1))
1141 {
1142 if(length_received >= 5 && Crypto_LittleLong((const char *) buffer) == FOURCC_D0ER)
1143 {
1144 Con_Printf(CON_ERROR "Error response from keygen server: %.*s\n", (int)(length_received - 5), buffer + 5);
1145 }
1146 else
1147 {
1148 Con_Printf(CON_ERROR "Invalid response from keygen server:\n");
1149 Com_HexDumpToConsole(buffer, (int)length_received);
1150 }
1151 keygen_i = -1;
1153 return;
1154 }
1156 {
1157 Con_Printf("d0_blind_id_finish_private_id_request failed\n");
1158 keygen_i = -1;
1160 return;
1161 }
1163 // verify the key we just got (just in case)
1164 if(!qd0_blind_id_verify_public_id(pubkeys[keygen_i], &status) || !status)
1165 {
1166 Con_Printf("d0_blind_id_verify_public_id failed\n");
1167 keygen_i = -1;
1169 return;
1170 }
1172 // we have a valid key now!
1173 // make the rest of crypto.c know that
1174 Con_Printf("Received signature for private ID key_%d.d0pk (public key fingerprint: %s)\n", keygen_i, pubkeys_priv_fp64[keygen_i]);
1175 pubkeys_havesig[keygen_i] = true;
1177 // write the key to disk
1178 p[0] = buf;
1179 l[0] = sizeof(buf);
1181 {
1182 Con_Printf("d0_blind_id_write_private_id failed\n");
1183 keygen_i = -1;
1185 return;
1186 }
1187 if(!(buf2size = Crypto_UnParsePack(buf2, sizeof(buf2), FOURCC_D0SI, p, l, 1)))
1188 {
1189 Con_Printf("Crypto_UnParsePack failed\n");
1190 keygen_i = -1;
1192 return;
1193 }
1195 FS_CreatePath(va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%skey_%d.d0si%s", *fs_userdir ? fs_userdir : fs_basedir, keygen_i, sessionid.string));
1196 f = FS_SysOpen(va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%skey_%d.d0si%s", *fs_userdir ? fs_userdir : fs_basedir, keygen_i, sessionid.string), "wb", false);
1197 if(!f)
1198 {
1199 Con_Printf("Cannot open key_%d.d0si%s\n", keygen_i, sessionid.string);
1200 keygen_i = -1;
1202 return;
1203 }
1204 FS_Write(f, buf2, buf2size);
1205 FS_Close(f);
1209 Con_Printf("Saved to key_%d.d0si%s\n", keygen_i, sessionid.string);
1213 keygen_i = -1;
#define CON_ERROR
Definition console.h:102
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_verify_public_id)(const d0_blind_id_t *ctx, D0_BOOL *status)
Definition crypto.c:235
static void Crypto_BuildIdString(void)
Definition crypto.c:842
#define FOURCC_D0IR
Definition crypto.c:55
#define FOURCC_D0ER
Definition crypto.c:56
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_finish_private_id_request)(d0_blind_id_t *ctx, const char *inbuf, size_t inbuflen)
Definition crypto.c:215
GLuint buffer
Definition glquake.h:630

References buf, buffer, Com_HexDumpToConsole(), CON_ERROR, Con_Print(), Con_Printf(), Crypto_BuildIdString(), Crypto_LittleLong(), Crypto_ParsePack(), Crypto_SavePubKeyTextFile(), Crypto_UnParsePack(), d0_blind_id_dll, D0_BOOL, f, FOURCC_D0ER, FOURCC_D0IR, FOURCC_D0SI, fs_basedir, FS_Close(), FS_CreatePath(), FS_SysOpen(), fs_userdir, FS_Write(), keygen_i, MAX_PUBKEYS, NULL, pubkeys, pubkeys_havesig, pubkeys_priv_fp64, qd0_blind_id_finish_private_id_request, qd0_blind_id_verify_public_id, qd0_blind_id_write_private_id, sessionid, cvar_t::string, SV_LockThreadMutex, SV_UnlockThreadMutex, and va().

Referenced by Crypto_KeyGen_f().

◆ Crypto_Keys_f()

static void Crypto_Keys_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 1380 of file crypto.c.

1382 int i;
1383 if(!d0_blind_id_dll)
1384 {
1385 Con_Print("libd0_blind_id DLL not found, this command is inactive.\n");
1386 return;
1387 }
1388 for(i = 0; i < MAX_PUBKEYS; ++i)
1389 {
1390 if(pubkeys[i])
1391 {
1392 Con_Printf("%2d: public key key_%d.d0pk (fingerprint: %s)\n", i, i, pubkeys_fp64[i]);
1393 if(pubkeys_havepriv[i])
1394 {
1395 Con_Printf(" private ID key_%d.d0si%s (public key fingerprint: %s)\n", i, sessionid.string, pubkeys_priv_fp64[i]);
1396 if(!pubkeys_havesig[i])
1397 Con_Printf(" NOTE: this ID has not yet been signed!\n");
1398 }
1399 }
1400 }

References Con_Print(), Con_Printf(), d0_blind_id_dll, i, MAX_PUBKEYS, pubkeys, pubkeys_fp64, pubkeys_havepriv, pubkeys_havesig, pubkeys_priv_fp64, sessionid, and cvar_t::string.

Referenced by Crypto_Init_Commands().

◆ Crypto_LittleLong()

static unsigned long Crypto_LittleLong ( const char * data)

Definition at line 59 of file crypto.c.

61 return
62 ((unsigned char) data[0]) |
63 (((unsigned char) data[1]) << 8) |
64 (((unsigned char) data[2]) << 16) |
65 (((unsigned char) data[3]) << 24);
GLsizeiptr const GLvoid * data
Definition glquake.h:639

References data.

Referenced by Crypto_ClientParsePacket(), Crypto_KeyGen_Finished(), and Crypto_ParsePack().

◆ Crypto_LoadFile()

static size_t Crypto_LoadFile ( const char * path,
char * buf,
size_t nmax,
qbool inuserdir )

Definition at line 388 of file crypto.c.

390 char vabuf[1024];
391 qfile_t *f = NULL;
393 if(inuserdir)
394 f = FS_SysOpen(va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%s%s", *fs_userdir ? fs_userdir : fs_basedir, path), "rb", false);
395 else
396 f = FS_SysOpen(va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%s%s", fs_basedir, path), "rb", false);
397 if(!f)
398 return 0;
399 n = FS_Read(f, buf, nmax);
400 if(n < 0)
401 n = 0;
402 FS_Close(f);
403 return (size_t) n;
fs_offset_t FS_Read(qfile_t *file, void *buffer, size_t buffersize)
Definition fs.c:3066
int64_t fs_offset_t
Definition fs.h:37

References buf, f, fs_basedir, FS_Close(), FS_Read(), FS_SysOpen(), fs_userdir, n, NULL, and va().

Referenced by Crypto_LoadKeys().

◆ Crypto_LoadKeys()

void Crypto_LoadKeys ( void )

Definition at line 855 of file crypto.c.

857 char buf[8192];
858 size_t len, len2;
859 int i;
860 char vabuf[1024];
862 if(!d0_blind_id_dll) // don't if we can't
863 return;
865 if(crypto_idstring) // already loaded? then not
866 return;
868 Host_LockSession(); // we use the session ID here
870 // load keys
871 // note: we are just a CLIENT
872 // so we load:
873 // PUBLIC KEYS to accept (including modulus)
874 // PRIVATE KEY of user
876 for(i = 0; i < MAX_PUBKEYS; ++i)
877 {
878 memset(pubkeys_fp64[i], 0, sizeof(pubkeys_fp64[i]));
879 memset(pubkeys_priv_fp64[i], 0, sizeof(pubkeys_fp64[i]));
880 pubkeys_havepriv[i] = false;
881 pubkeys_havesig[i] = false;
882 len = Crypto_LoadFile(va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "key_%d.d0pk", i), buf, sizeof(buf), false);
883 if((pubkeys[i] = Crypto_ReadPublicKey(buf, len)))
884 {
885 len2 = FP64_SIZE;
886 if(qd0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_key(pubkeys[i], pubkeys_fp64[i], &len2)) // keeps final NUL
887 {
888 Con_Printf("Loaded public key key_%d.d0pk (fingerprint: %s)\n", i, pubkeys_fp64[i]);
889 len = Crypto_LoadFile(va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "key_%d.d0si%s", i, sessionid.string), buf, sizeof(buf), true);
890 if(len)
891 {
893 {
894 len2 = FP64_SIZE;
895 if(qd0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_id(pubkeys[i], pubkeys_priv_fp64[i], &len2)) // keeps final NUL
896 {
897 D0_BOOL status = 0;
899 Con_Printf("Loaded private ID key_%d.d0si%s for key_%d.d0pk (public key fingerprint: %s)\n", i, sessionid.string, i, pubkeys_priv_fp64[i]);
901 // verify the key we just loaded (just in case)
903 {
904 pubkeys_havepriv[i] = true;
905 pubkeys_havesig[i] = status;
907 // verify the key we just got (just in case)
908 if(!status)
909 Con_Printf("NOTE: this ID has not yet been signed!\n");
912 }
913 else
914 {
915 Con_Printf("d0_blind_id_verify_private_id failed, this is not a valid key!\n");
917 pubkeys[i] = NULL;
918 }
919 }
920 else
921 {
922 Con_Printf("d0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_id failed\n");
924 pubkeys[i] = NULL;
925 }
926 }
927 }
928 }
929 else
930 {
931 // can't really happen
933 pubkeys[i] = NULL;
934 }
935 }
936 }
938 keygen_i = -1;
942 // find a good prefix length for all the keys we know (yes, algorithm is not perfect yet, may yield too long prefix length)
944 memset(buf+256, 0, MAX_PUBKEYS + MAX_PUBKEYS);
946 {
947 memset(buf, 0, 256);
948 for(i = 0; i < MAX_PUBKEYS; ++i)
949 if(pubkeys[i])
950 {
951 if(!buf[256 + i])
954 if(!buf[256 + MAX_PUBKEYS + i])
956 }
957 for(i = 0; i < MAX_PUBKEYS; ++i)
958 if(pubkeys[i])
959 {
960 if(!buf[256 + i])
961 if(buf[(unsigned char) pubkeys_fp64[i][crypto_keyfp_recommended_length]] < 2)
962 buf[256 + i] = 1;
964 if(!buf[256 + MAX_PUBKEYS + i])
965 if(buf[(unsigned char) pubkeys_priv_fp64[i][crypto_keyfp_recommended_length]] < 2)
966 buf[256 + MAX_PUBKEYS + i] = 1;
967 }
969 for(i = 0; i < MAX_PUBKEYS; ++i)
970 if(pubkeys[i])
971 {
972 if(!buf[256 + i])
973 break;
975 if(!buf[256 + MAX_PUBKEYS + i])
976 break;
977 }
978 if(i >= MAX_PUBKEYS)
979 break;
980 }
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_key)(const d0_blind_id_t *ctx, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen)
Definition crypto.c:208
static d0_blind_id_t * Crypto_ReadPublicKey(char *buf, size_t len)
Definition crypto.c:450
static D0_EXPORT void(* qd0_blind_id_free)(d0_blind_id_t *a)
Definition crypto.c:199
static size_t Crypto_LoadFile(const char *path, char *buf, size_t nmax, qbool inuserdir)
Definition crypto.c:388
static qbool Crypto_AddPrivateKey(d0_blind_id_t *pk, char *buf, size_t len)
Definition crypto.c:469
void Host_LockSession(void)
Definition host.c:330

References buf, Con_Printf(), Crypto_AddPrivateKey(), Crypto_BuildChallengeAppend(), Crypto_BuildIdString(), crypto_idstring, crypto_keyfp_recommended_length, Crypto_LoadFile(), Crypto_ReadPublicKey(), Crypto_SavePubKeyTextFile(), d0_blind_id_dll, D0_BOOL, FP64_SIZE, Host_LockSession(), i, keygen_i, MAX_PUBKEYS, NULL, pubkeys, pubkeys_fp64, pubkeys_havepriv, pubkeys_havesig, pubkeys_priv_fp64, qd0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_id, qd0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_key, qd0_blind_id_free, qd0_blind_id_verify_private_id, qd0_blind_id_verify_public_id, sessionid, cvar_t::string, and va().

Referenced by Crypto_KeyGen_f(), Crypto_Reload_f(), NetConn_OpenClientPorts(), NetConn_OpenServerPorts(), and PRVM_Prog_Load().

◆ Crypto_OpenLibrary()

static qbool Crypto_OpenLibrary ( void )

Definition at line 283 of file crypto.c.

285 const char* dllnames [] =
286 {
287#if defined(WIN32)
288 "libd0_blind_id-0.dll",
289#elif defined(MACOSX)
290 "libd0_blind_id.0.dylib",
292 "libd0_blind_id.so.0",
293 "libd0_blind_id.so", // FreeBSD
295 NULL
296 };
298 // Already loaded?
299 if (d0_blind_id_dll)
300 return true;
302 // Load the DLL
static dllfunction_t d0_blind_id_funcs[]
Definition crypto.c:237
qbool Sys_LoadDependency(const char **dllnames, dllhandle_t *handle, const dllfunction_t *fcts)
Definition sys_shared.c:131

References d0_blind_id_dll, d0_blind_id_funcs, NULL, and Sys_LoadDependency().

Referenced by Crypto_Init().

◆ Crypto_ParsePack()

static size_t Crypto_ParsePack ( const char * buf,
size_t len,
unsigned long header,
const char ** lumps,
size_t * lumpsize,
size_t nlumps )

Definition at line 76 of file crypto.c.

78 size_t i;
79 size_t pos;
80 pos = 0;
81 if(header)
82 {
83 if(len < 4)
84 return 0;
85 if(Crypto_LittleLong(buf) != header)
86 return 0;
87 pos += 4;
88 }
89 for(i = 0; i < nlumps; ++i)
90 {
91 if(pos + 4 > len)
92 return 0;
93 lumpsize[i] = Crypto_LittleLong(&buf[pos]);
94 pos += 4;
95 if(pos + lumpsize[i] > len)
96 return 0;
97 lumps[i] = &buf[pos];
98 pos += lumpsize[i];
99 }
100 return pos;

References buf, Crypto_LittleLong(), and i.

Referenced by Crypto_AddPrivateKey(), Crypto_KeyGen_Finished(), and Crypto_ReadPublicKey().

◆ Crypto_ReadPublicKey()

static d0_blind_id_t * Crypto_ReadPublicKey ( char * buf,
size_t len )

Definition at line 450 of file crypto.c.

452 d0_blind_id_t *pk = NULL;
453 const char *p[2];
454 size_t l[2];
455 if(Crypto_ParsePack(buf, len, FOURCC_D0PK, p, l, 2))
456 {
457 pk = qd0_blind_id_new();
458 if(pk)
459 if(qd0_blind_id_read_public_key(pk, p[0], l[0]))
460 if(qd0_blind_id_read_private_id_modulus(pk, p[1], l[1]))
461 return pk;
462 }
463 if(pk)
465 return NULL;
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_read_public_key)(d0_blind_id_t *ctx, const char *inbuf, size_t inbuflen)
Definition crypto.c:205
#define FOURCC_D0PK
Definition crypto.c:50
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_read_private_id_modulus)(d0_blind_id_t *ctx, const char *inbuf, size_t inbuflen)
Definition crypto.c:210
struct d0_blind_id_s d0_blind_id_t
Definition crypto.c:196

References buf, Crypto_ParsePack(), FOURCC_D0PK, NULL, qd0_blind_id_free, qd0_blind_id_new, qd0_blind_id_read_private_id_modulus, and qd0_blind_id_read_public_key.

Referenced by Crypto_LoadKeys().

◆ Crypto_Reload_f()

static void Crypto_Reload_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 1373 of file crypto.c.

static void Crypto_ClearHostKeys(void)
Definition crypto.c:598
static void Crypto_UnloadKeys(void)
Definition crypto.c:985

References Crypto_ClearHostKeys(), Crypto_LoadKeys(), and Crypto_UnloadKeys().

Referenced by Crypto_Init_Commands().

◆ Crypto_RetrieveHostKey()

qbool Crypto_RetrieveHostKey ( lhnetaddress_t * peeraddress,
int * keyid,
char * keyfp,
size_t keyfplen,
char * idfp,
size_t idfplen,
int * aeslevel,
qbool * issigned )

Definition at line 734 of file crypto.c.

736 char buf[128];
737 int hashindex;
740 if(!d0_blind_id_dll)
741 return false;
743 LHNETADDRESS_ToString(peeraddress, buf, sizeof(buf), 1);
744 hashindex = CRC_Block((const unsigned char *) buf, strlen(buf)) % CRYPTO_HOSTKEY_HASHSIZE;
745 for(hk = crypto_storedhostkey_hashtable[hashindex]; hk && LHNETADDRESS_Compare(&hk->addr, peeraddress); hk = hk->next);
747 if(!hk)
748 return false;
750 if(keyid)
751 *keyid = hk->keyid;
752 if(keyfp)
753 dp_strlcpy(keyfp, pubkeys_fp64[hk->keyid], keyfplen);
754 if(idfp)
755 dp_strlcpy(idfp, hk->idfp, idfplen);
756 if(aeslevel)
757 *aeslevel = hk->aeslevel;
758 if(issigned)
759 *issigned = hk->issigned;
761 return true;

References crypto_storedhostkey_t::addr, crypto_storedhostkey_t::aeslevel, buf, CRC_Block(), CRYPTO_HOSTKEY_HASHSIZE, crypto_storedhostkey_hashtable, d0_blind_id_dll, dp_strlcpy, crypto_storedhostkey_t::idfp, crypto_storedhostkey_t::issigned, crypto_storedhostkey_t::keyid, LHNETADDRESS_Compare(), LHNETADDRESS_ToString(), crypto_storedhostkey_t::next, pubkeys_fp64, and strlen().

Referenced by Crypto_ClientParsePacket(), VM_M_crypto_getencryptlevel(), VM_M_crypto_getidfp(), VM_M_crypto_getidstatus(), and VM_M_crypto_getkeyfp().

◆ Crypto_RetrieveLocalKey()

int Crypto_RetrieveLocalKey ( int keyid,
char * keyfp,
size_t keyfplen,
char * idfp,
size_t idfplen,
qbool * issigned )

Definition at line 763 of file crypto.c.

765 if(keyid < 0 || keyid >= MAX_PUBKEYS)
766 return 0;
767 if(keyfp)
768 *keyfp = 0;
769 if(idfp)
770 *idfp = 0;
771 if(!pubkeys[keyid])
772 return -1;
773 if(keyfp)
774 dp_strlcpy(keyfp, pubkeys_fp64[keyid], keyfplen);
775 if(idfp)
776 if(pubkeys_havepriv[keyid])
777 dp_strlcpy(idfp, pubkeys_priv_fp64[keyid], idfplen);
778 if(issigned)
779 *issigned = pubkeys_havesig[keyid];
780 return 1;

References dp_strlcpy, MAX_PUBKEYS, pubkeys, pubkeys_fp64, pubkeys_havepriv, pubkeys_havesig, and pubkeys_priv_fp64.

Referenced by VM_M_crypto_getmyidfp(), VM_M_crypto_getmyidstatus(), and VM_M_crypto_getmykeyfp().

◆ Crypto_Rijndael_CloseLibrary()

static void Crypto_Rijndael_CloseLibrary ( void )

Definition at line 375 of file crypto.c.


References d0_rijndael_dll, and Sys_FreeLibrary().

Referenced by Crypto_Init(), and Crypto_Shutdown().

◆ Crypto_Rijndael_OpenLibrary()

static qbool Crypto_Rijndael_OpenLibrary ( void )

Definition at line 352 of file crypto.c.

354 const char* dllnames [] =
355 {
356#if defined(WIN32)
357 "libd0_rijndael-0.dll",
358#elif defined(MACOSX)
359 "libd0_rijndael.0.dylib",
361 "libd0_rijndael.so.0",
362 "libd0_rijndael.so", // FreeBSD
364 NULL
365 };
367 // Already loaded?
368 if (d0_rijndael_dll)
369 return true;
371 // Load the DLL
static dllfunction_t d0_rijndael_funcs[]
Definition crypto.c:341

References d0_rijndael_dll, d0_rijndael_funcs, NULL, and Sys_LoadDependency().

Referenced by Crypto_Init().

◆ Crypto_SavePubKeyTextFile()

static qbool Crypto_SavePubKeyTextFile ( int i)

Definition at line 814 of file crypto.c.

816 qfile_t *f;
817 char vabuf[1024];
819 if(!pubkeys_havepriv[i])
820 return false;
821 f = FS_SysOpen(va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%skey_%d-public-fp%s.txt", *fs_userdir ? fs_userdir : fs_basedir, i, sessionid.string), "w", false);
822 if(!f)
823 return false;
825 // we ignore errors for this file, as it's not necessary to have
826 FS_Printf(f, "ID-Fingerprint: %s\n", pubkeys_priv_fp64[i]);
827 FS_Printf(f, "ID-Is-Signed: %s\n", pubkeys_havesig[i] ? "yes" : "no");
828 FS_Printf(f, "ID-Is-For-Key: %s\n", pubkeys_fp64[i]);
829 FS_Printf(f, "\n");
830 FS_Printf(f, "This is a PUBLIC ID file for DarkPlaces.\n");
831 FS_Printf(f, "You are free to share this file or its contents.\n");
832 FS_Printf(f, "\n");
833 FS_Printf(f, "This file will be automatically generated again if deleted.\n");
834 FS_Printf(f, "\n");
835 FS_Printf(f, "However, NEVER share the accompanying SECRET ID file called\n");
836 FS_Printf(f, "key_%d.d0si%s, as doing so would compromise security!\n", i, sessionid.string);
837 FS_Close(f);
839 return true;
int FS_Printf(qfile_t *file, const char *format,...)
Definition fs.c:3273

References f, fs_basedir, FS_Close(), FS_Printf(), FS_SysOpen(), fs_userdir, i, pubkeys_fp64, pubkeys_havepriv, pubkeys_havesig, pubkeys_priv_fp64, sessionid, cvar_t::string, and va().

Referenced by Crypto_KeyGen_f(), Crypto_KeyGen_Finished(), and Crypto_LoadKeys().

◆ Crypto_ServerAppendToChallenge()

qbool Crypto_ServerAppendToChallenge ( const char * data_in,
size_t len_in,
char * data_out,
size_t * len_out,
size_t maxlen_out )

Definition at line 1696 of file crypto.c.

1698 // cheap op, all is precomputed
1699 if(!d0_blind_id_dll)
1700 return false; // no support
1701 // append challenge
1702 if(maxlen_out <= *len_out + challenge_append_length)
1703 return false;
1704 memcpy(data_out + *len_out, challenge_append, challenge_append_length);
1705 *len_out += challenge_append_length;
1706 return false;

References challenge_append, challenge_append_length, and d0_blind_id_dll.

Referenced by NetConn_ServerParsePacket().

◆ Crypto_ServerError()

static int Crypto_ServerError ( char * data_out,
size_t * len_out,
const char * msg,
const char * msg_client )

Definition at line 1709 of file crypto.c.

1711 if(!msg_client)
1712 msg_client = msg;
1713 Con_DPrintf("rejecting client: %s\n", msg);
1714 if(*msg_client)
1715 dpsnprintf(data_out, *len_out, "reject %s", msg_client);
1716 *len_out = strlen(data_out);
1717 return CRYPTO_DISCARD;
void Con_DPrintf(const char *fmt,...)
A Con_Printf that only shows up if the "developer" cvar is set.
Definition console.c:1544

References Con_DPrintf(), CRYPTO_DISCARD, dpsnprintf(), and strlen().

Referenced by Crypto_ServerParsePacket_Internal().

◆ Crypto_ServerFindInstance()

static crypto_t * Crypto_ServerFindInstance ( lhnetaddress_t * peeraddress,
qbool allow_create )

Definition at line 528 of file crypto.c.

530 crypto_t *crypto;
531 int i, best;
533 if(!d0_blind_id_dll)
534 return NULL; // no support
536 for(i = 0; i < MAX_CRYPTOCONNECTS; ++i)
537 if(LHNETADDRESS_Compare(peeraddress, &cryptoconnects[i].address))
538 break;
539 if(i < MAX_CRYPTOCONNECTS && (allow_create || cryptoconnects[i].crypto.data))
540 {
541 crypto = &cryptoconnects[i].crypto;
543 return crypto;
544 }
545 if(!allow_create)
546 return NULL;
547 best = 0;
548 for(i = 1; i < MAX_CRYPTOCONNECTS; ++i)
549 if(cryptoconnects[i].lasttime < cryptoconnects[best].lasttime)
550 best = i;
551 crypto = &cryptoconnects[best].crypto;
553 memcpy(&cryptoconnects[best].address, peeraddress, sizeof(cryptoconnects[best].address));
555 return crypto;
Definition crypto.c:493
static server_cryptoconnect_t cryptoconnects[MAX_CRYPTOCONNECTS]
Definition crypto.c:507
void * data
Definition crypto.h:52

References CLEAR_CDATA, server_cryptoconnect_t::crypto, cryptoconnects, d0_blind_id_dll, crypto_t::data, host, i, server_cryptoconnect_t::lasttime, LHNETADDRESS_Compare(), MAX_CRYPTOCONNECTS, NULL, and host_static_t::realtime.

Referenced by Crypto_ServerGetInstance(), and Crypto_ServerParsePacket_Internal().

◆ Crypto_ServerGetInstance()

crypto_t * Crypto_ServerGetInstance ( lhnetaddress_t * peeraddress)

Definition at line 573 of file crypto.c.

575 // no check needed here (returned pointers are only used in prefilled fields)
576 return Crypto_ServerFindInstance(peeraddress, false);
static crypto_t * Crypto_ServerFindInstance(lhnetaddress_t *peeraddress, qbool allow_create)
Definition crypto.c:528

References Crypto_ServerFindInstance().

Referenced by NetConn_ServerParsePacket().

◆ Crypto_ServerParsePacket()

int Crypto_ServerParsePacket ( const char * data_in,
size_t len_in,
char * data_out,
size_t * len_out,
lhnetaddress_t * peeraddress )

Definition at line 2036 of file crypto.c.

2038 int ret;
2039 double t = 0;
2040 static double complain_time = 0;
2041 const char *cnt;
2042 qbool do_time = false;
2043 qbool do_reject = false;
2044 char infostringvalue[MAX_INPUTLINE];
2046 if(len_in > 5 && !memcmp(data_in, "d0pk\\", 5))
2047 {
2048 do_time = true;
2049 cnt = (InfoString_GetValue(data_in + 4, "cnt", infostringvalue, sizeof(infostringvalue)) ? infostringvalue : NULL);
2050 if(cnt)
2051 if(!strcmp(cnt, "0"))
2052 do_reject = true;
2053 }
2054 if(do_time)
2055 {
2056 // check if we may perform crypto...
2058 {
2063 }
2064 else
2065 {
2069 }
2071 if(do_reject && crypto_servercpu_accumulator < 0)
2072 {
2073 if(host.realtime > complain_time + 5)
2074 Con_Printf("crypto: cannot perform requested crypto operations; denial service attack or crypto_servercpupercent/crypto_servercpumaxtime are too low\n");
2075 *len_out = 0;
2076 return CRYPTO_DISCARD;
2077 }
2078 t = Sys_DirtyTime();
2079 }
2080 ret = Crypto_ServerParsePacket_Internal(data_in, len_in, data_out, len_out, peeraddress);
2081 if(do_time)
2082 {
2083 t = Sys_DirtyTime() - t;if (t < 0.0) t = 0.0; // dirtytime can step backwards
2085 Con_Printf("crypto: accumulator was %.1f ms, used %.1f ms for crypto, ", crypto_servercpu_accumulator * 1000, t * 1000);
2088 Con_Printf("is %.1f ms\n", crypto_servercpu_accumulator * 1000);
2089 }
2090 return ret;
static double crypto_servercpu_accumulator
Definition crypto.c:36
static double crypto_servercpu_lastrealtime
Definition crypto.c:37
static int Crypto_ServerParsePacket_Internal(const char *data_in, size_t len_in, char *data_out, size_t *len_out, lhnetaddress_t *peeraddress)
Definition crypto.c:1727
return ret
float value
Definition cvar.h:74
double Sys_DirtyTime(void)
Definition sys_shared.c:417

References Con_Printf(), CRYPTO_DISCARD, crypto_servercpu_accumulator, crypto_servercpu_lastrealtime, crypto_servercpudebug, crypto_servercpumaxtime, crypto_servercpupercent, Crypto_ServerParsePacket_Internal(), host, InfoString_GetValue(), cvar_t::integer, MAX_INPUTLINE, NULL, host_static_t::realtime, ret, Sys_DirtyTime(), and cvar_t::value.

Referenced by NetConn_ServerParsePacket().

◆ Crypto_ServerParsePacket_Internal()

static int Crypto_ServerParsePacket_Internal ( const char * data_in,
size_t len_in,
char * data_out,
size_t * len_out,
lhnetaddress_t * peeraddress )

Definition at line 1727 of file crypto.c.

1729 // if "connect": reject if in the middle of crypto handshake
1730 crypto_t *crypto = NULL;
1731 char *data_out_p = data_out;
1732 const char *string = data_in;
1733 int aeslevel;
1734 D0_BOOL aes;
1735 D0_BOOL status;
1736 char infostringvalue[MAX_INPUTLINE];
1737 char vabuf[1024];
1739 if(!d0_blind_id_dll)
1740 return CRYPTO_NOMATCH; // no support
1742 if (len_in > 8 && !memcmp(string, "connect\\", 8) && d0_rijndael_dll && crypto_aeslevel.integer >= 3)
1743 {
1744 int i;
1745 // sorry, we have to verify the challenge here to not reflect network spam
1747 if (!InfoString_GetValue(string + 4, "challenge", infostringvalue, sizeof(infostringvalue)))
1748 return CRYPTO_NOMATCH; // will be later accepted if encryption was set up
1749 // validate the challenge
1750 for (i = 0;i < MAX_CHALLENGES;i++)
1751 if(challenges[i].time > 0)
1752 if (!LHNETADDRESS_Compare(peeraddress, &challenges[i].address) && !strcmp(challenges[i].string, infostringvalue))
1753 break;
1754 // if the challenge is not recognized, drop the packet
1755 if (i == MAX_CHALLENGES) // challenge mismatch is silent
1756 return Crypto_SoftServerError(data_out, len_out, "missing challenge in connect");
1758 crypto = Crypto_ServerFindInstance(peeraddress, false);
1759 if(!crypto || !crypto->authenticated)
1760 return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "This server requires authentication and encryption to be supported by your client", NULL);
1761 }
1762 else if(len_in > 5 && !memcmp(string, "d0pk\\", 5) && ((LHNETADDRESS_GetAddressType(peeraddress) == LHNETADDRESSTYPE_LOOP) || sv_public.integer > -3))
1763 {
1764 const char *cnt, *p;
1765 int id;
1766 int clientid = -1, serverid = -1;
1767 id = (InfoString_GetValue(string + 4, "id", infostringvalue, sizeof(infostringvalue)) ? atoi(infostringvalue) : -1);
1768 cnt = (InfoString_GetValue(string + 4, "cnt", infostringvalue, sizeof(infostringvalue)) ? infostringvalue : NULL);
1769 if(!cnt)
1770 return Crypto_SoftServerError(data_out, len_out, "missing cnt in d0pk");
1771 GetUntilNul(&data_in, &len_in);
1772 if(!data_in)
1773 return Crypto_SoftServerError(data_out, len_out, "missing appended data in d0pk");
1774 if(!strcmp(cnt, "0"))
1775 {
1776 int i;
1777 if (!InfoString_GetValue(string + 4, "challenge", infostringvalue, sizeof(infostringvalue)))
1778 return Crypto_SoftServerError(data_out, len_out, "missing challenge in d0pk\\0");
1779 // validate the challenge
1780 for (i = 0;i < MAX_CHALLENGES;i++)
1781 if(challenges[i].time > 0)
1782 if (!LHNETADDRESS_Compare(peeraddress, &challenges[i].address) && !strcmp(challenges[i].string, infostringvalue))
1783 break;
1784 // if the challenge is not recognized, drop the packet
1785 if (i == MAX_CHALLENGES)
1786 return Crypto_SoftServerError(data_out, len_out, "invalid challenge in d0pk\\0");
1788 if (!InfoString_GetValue(string + 4, "aeslevel", infostringvalue, sizeof(infostringvalue)))
1789 aeslevel = 0; // not supported
1790 else
1791 aeslevel = bound(0, atoi(infostringvalue), 3);
1792 switch(bound(0, d0_rijndael_dll ? crypto_aeslevel.integer : 0, 3))
1793 {
1794 default: // dummy, never happens, but to make gcc happy...
1795 case 0:
1796 if(aeslevel >= 3)
1797 return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "This server requires encryption to be not required (crypto_aeslevel <= 2)", NULL);
1798 aes = false;
1799 break;
1800 case 1:
1801 aes = (aeslevel >= 2);
1802 break;
1803 case 2:
1804 aes = (aeslevel >= 1);
1805 break;
1806 case 3:
1807 if(aeslevel <= 0)
1808 return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "This server requires encryption to be supported (crypto_aeslevel >= 1, and d0_rijndael library must be present)", NULL);
1809 aes = true;
1810 break;
1811 }
1813 p = GetUntilNul(&data_in, &len_in);
1814 if(p && *p)
1815 {
1816 // Find the highest numbered matching key for p.
1817 for(i = 0; i < MAX_PUBKEYS; ++i)
1818 {
1819 if(pubkeys[i])
1820 if(!strcmp(p, pubkeys_fp64[i]))
1821 if(pubkeys_havepriv[i])
1822 serverid = i;
1823 }
1824 if(serverid < 0)
1825 return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "Invalid server key", NULL);
1826 }
1827 p = GetUntilNul(&data_in, &len_in);
1828 if(p && *p)
1829 {
1830 // Find the highest numbered matching key for p.
1831 for(i = 0; i < MAX_PUBKEYS; ++i)
1832 {
1833 if(pubkeys[i])
1834 if(!strcmp(p, pubkeys_fp64[i]))
1835 clientid = i;
1836 }
1837 if(clientid < 0)
1838 return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "Invalid client key", NULL);
1839 }
1841 crypto = Crypto_ServerFindInstance(peeraddress, true);
1842 if(!crypto)
1843 return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "Could not create a crypto connect instance", NULL);
1845 CDATA->cdata_id = id;
1846 CDATA->s = serverid;
1847 CDATA->c = clientid;
1848 memset(crypto->dhkey, 0, sizeof(crypto->dhkey));
1849 CDATA->challenge[0] = 0;
1850 crypto->client_keyfp[0] = 0;
1851 crypto->client_idfp[0] = 0;
1852 crypto->server_keyfp[0] = 0;
1853 crypto->server_idfp[0] = 0;
1854 crypto->use_aes = aes != 0;
1856 if(CDATA->s >= 0)
1857 {
1858 // I am the server, and my key is ok... so let's set server_keyfp and server_idfp
1859 dp_strlcpy(crypto->server_keyfp, pubkeys_fp64[CDATA->s], sizeof(crypto->server_keyfp));
1860 dp_strlcpy(crypto->server_idfp, pubkeys_priv_fp64[CDATA->s], sizeof(crypto->server_idfp));
1863 if(!CDATA->id)
1864 CDATA->id = qd0_blind_id_new();
1865 if(!CDATA->id)
1866 {
1868 return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_new failed", "Internal error");
1869 }
1870 if(!qd0_blind_id_copy(CDATA->id, pubkeys[CDATA->s]))
1871 {
1873 return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_copy failed", "Internal error");
1874 }
1875 PutWithNul(&data_out_p, len_out, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "d0pk\\cnt\\1\\id\\%d\\aes\\%d", CDATA->cdata_id, crypto->use_aes));
1876 if(!qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_start(CDATA->id, true, false, "XONOTIC", 8, data_out_p, len_out)) // len_out receives used size by this op
1877 {
1879 return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_start failed", "Internal error");
1880 }
1881 CDATA->next_step = 2;
1882 data_out_p += *len_out;
1883 *len_out = data_out_p - data_out;
1884 return CRYPTO_DISCARD;
1885 }
1886 else if(CDATA->c >= 0)
1887 {
1888 if(!CDATA->id)
1889 CDATA->id = qd0_blind_id_new();
1890 if(!CDATA->id)
1891 {
1893 return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_new failed", "Internal error");
1894 }
1895 if(!qd0_blind_id_copy(CDATA->id, pubkeys[CDATA->c]))
1896 {
1898 return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_copy failed", "Internal error");
1899 }
1900 PutWithNul(&data_out_p, len_out, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "d0pk\\cnt\\5\\id\\%d\\aes\\%d", CDATA->cdata_id, crypto->use_aes));
1901 if(!qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_challenge(CDATA->id, true, false, data_in, len_in, data_out_p, len_out, &status))
1902 {
1904 return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_challenge failed", "Internal error");
1905 }
1906 CDATA->next_step = 6;
1907 data_out_p += *len_out;
1908 *len_out = data_out_p - data_out;
1909 return CRYPTO_DISCARD;
1910 }
1911 else
1912 {
1914 return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "Missing client and server key", NULL);
1915 }
1916 }
1917 else if(!strcmp(cnt, "2"))
1918 {
1919 size_t fpbuflen;
1920 crypto = Crypto_ServerFindInstance(peeraddress, false);
1921 if(!crypto)
1922 return CRYPTO_NOMATCH; // pre-challenge, rather be silent
1923 if(id >= 0)
1924 if(CDATA->cdata_id != id)
1925 return Crypto_SoftServerError(data_out, len_out, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "Got d0pk\\id\\%d when expecting %d", id, CDATA->cdata_id));
1926 if(CDATA->next_step != 2)
1927 return Crypto_SoftServerError(data_out, len_out, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "Got d0pk\\cnt\\%s when expecting %d", cnt, CDATA->next_step));
1929 PutWithNul(&data_out_p, len_out, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "d0pk\\cnt\\3\\id\\%d", CDATA->cdata_id));
1930 if(!qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_response(CDATA->id, data_in, len_in, data_out_p, len_out))
1931 {
1933 return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_response failed", "Internal error");
1934 }
1935 fpbuflen = DHKEY_SIZE;
1936 if(!qd0_blind_id_sessionkey_public_id(CDATA->id, (char *) crypto->dhkey, &fpbuflen))
1937 {
1939 return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_sessionkey_public_id failed", "Internal error");
1940 }
1941 if(CDATA->c >= 0)
1942 {
1943 if(!qd0_blind_id_copy(CDATA->id, pubkeys[CDATA->c]))
1944 {
1946 return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_copy failed", "Internal error");
1947 }
1948 CDATA->next_step = 4;
1949 }
1950 else
1951 {
1952 // session key is FINISHED (no server part is to be expected)! By this, all keys are set up
1953 crypto->authenticated = true;
1954 CDATA->next_step = 0;
1955 }
1956 data_out_p += *len_out;
1957 *len_out = data_out_p - data_out;
1958 return CRYPTO_DISCARD;
1959 }
1960 else if(!strcmp(cnt, "4"))
1961 {
1962 crypto = Crypto_ServerFindInstance(peeraddress, false);
1963 if(!crypto)
1964 return CRYPTO_NOMATCH; // pre-challenge, rather be silent
1965 if(id >= 0)
1966 if(CDATA->cdata_id != id)
1967 return Crypto_SoftServerError(data_out, len_out, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "Got d0pk\\id\\%d when expecting %d", id, CDATA->cdata_id));
1968 if(CDATA->next_step != 4)
1969 return Crypto_SoftServerError(data_out, len_out, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "Got d0pk\\cnt\\%s when expecting %d", cnt, CDATA->next_step));
1970 PutWithNul(&data_out_p, len_out, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "d0pk\\cnt\\5\\id\\%d", CDATA->cdata_id));
1971 if(!qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_challenge(CDATA->id, true, false, data_in, len_in, data_out_p, len_out, &status))
1972 {
1974 return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_challenge failed", "Internal error");
1975 }
1976 CDATA->next_step = 6;
1977 data_out_p += *len_out;
1978 *len_out = data_out_p - data_out;
1979 return CRYPTO_DISCARD;
1980 }
1981 else if(!strcmp(cnt, "6"))
1982 {
1983 static char msgbuf[32];
1984 size_t msgbuflen = sizeof(msgbuf);
1985 size_t fpbuflen;
1986 int i;
1987 unsigned char dhkey[DHKEY_SIZE];
1988 crypto = Crypto_ServerFindInstance(peeraddress, false);
1989 if(!crypto)
1990 return CRYPTO_NOMATCH; // pre-challenge, rather be silent
1991 if(id >= 0)
1992 if(CDATA->cdata_id != id)
1993 return Crypto_SoftServerError(data_out, len_out, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "Got d0pk\\id\\%d when expecting %d", id, CDATA->cdata_id));
1994 if(CDATA->next_step != 6)
1995 return Crypto_SoftServerError(data_out, len_out, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "Got d0pk\\cnt\\%s when expecting %d", cnt, CDATA->next_step));
1997 if(!qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_verify(CDATA->id, data_in, len_in, msgbuf, &msgbuflen, &status))
1998 {
2000 return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_verify failed (authentication error)", "Authentication error");
2001 }
2002 dp_strlcpy(crypto->client_keyfp, pubkeys_fp64[CDATA->c], sizeof(crypto->client_keyfp));
2003 crypto->client_issigned = status;
2005 memset(crypto->client_idfp, 0, sizeof(crypto->client_idfp));
2006 fpbuflen = FP64_SIZE;
2007 if(!qd0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_id(CDATA->id, crypto->client_idfp, &fpbuflen))
2008 {
2010 return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_id failed", "Internal error");
2011 }
2012 fpbuflen = DHKEY_SIZE;
2013 if(!qd0_blind_id_sessionkey_public_id(CDATA->id, (char *) dhkey, &fpbuflen))
2014 {
2016 return Crypto_ServerError(data_out, len_out, "d0_blind_id_sessionkey_public_id failed", "Internal error");
2017 }
2018 // XOR the two DH keys together to make one
2019 for(i = 0; i < DHKEY_SIZE; ++i)
2020 crypto->dhkey[i] ^= dhkey[i];
2022 // session key is FINISHED (no server part is to be expected)! By this, all keys are set up
2023 crypto->authenticated = true;
2024 CDATA->next_step = 0;
2025 // send a challenge-less challenge
2026 PutWithNul(&data_out_p, len_out, "challenge ");
2027 *len_out = data_out_p - data_out;
2028 --*len_out; // remove NUL terminator
2029 return CRYPTO_MATCH;
2030 }
2031 return CRYPTO_NOMATCH; // pre-challenge, rather be silent
2032 }
2033 return CRYPTO_NOMATCH;
static int Crypto_ServerError(char *data_out, size_t *len_out, const char *msg, const char *msg_client)
Definition crypto.c:1709
static int Crypto_SoftServerError(char *data_out, size_t *len_out, const char *msg)
Definition crypto.c:1720
Definition crypto.h:65
float time
Definition lhnet.h:13
static lhnetaddresstype_t LHNETADDRESS_GetAddressType(const lhnetaddress_t *address)
Definition lhnet.h:31
cvar_t sv_public
Definition netconn.c:36
challenge_t challenges[MAX_CHALLENGES]
Definition netconn.c:123
Definition netconn.h:476

References crypto_t::authenticated, bound, CDATA, challenges, CLEAR_CDATA, crypto_t::client_idfp, crypto_t::client_issigned, crypto_t::client_keyfp, crypto_aeslevel, CRYPTO_DISCARD, CRYPTO_MATCH, CRYPTO_NOMATCH, Crypto_ServerError(), Crypto_ServerFindInstance(), Crypto_SoftServerError(), d0_blind_id_dll, D0_BOOL, d0_rijndael_dll, crypto_t::dhkey, DHKEY_SIZE, dp_strlcpy, FP64_SIZE, GetUntilNul(), i, id, InfoString_GetValue(), cvar_t::integer, LHNETADDRESS_Compare(), LHNETADDRESS_GetAddressType(), LHNETADDRESSTYPE_LOOP, MAKE_CDATA, MAX_CHALLENGES, MAX_INPUTLINE, MAX_PUBKEYS, NULL, pubkeys, pubkeys_fp64, pubkeys_havepriv, pubkeys_havesig, pubkeys_priv_fp64, PutWithNul(), qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_challenge, qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_response, qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_start, qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_verify, qd0_blind_id_copy, qd0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_id, qd0_blind_id_new, qd0_blind_id_sessionkey_public_id, crypto_t::server_idfp, crypto_t::server_issigned, crypto_t::server_keyfp, sv_public, time, crypto_t::use_aes, and va().

Referenced by Crypto_ServerParsePacket().

◆ Crypto_Shutdown()

void Crypto_Shutdown ( void )

Definition at line 1043 of file crypto.c.

1045 crypto_t *crypto;
1046 int i;
1050 if(d0_blind_id_dll)
1051 {
1052 // free memory
1053 for(i = 0; i < MAX_CRYPTOCONNECTS; ++i)
1054 {
1055 crypto = &cryptoconnects[i].crypto;
1057 }
1058 memset(cryptoconnects, 0, sizeof(cryptoconnects));
1059 crypto = &cls.crypto;
1067 }
static D0_EXPORT void(* qd0_blind_id_SHUTDOWN)(void)
Definition crypto.c:229
#define Mem_FreePool(pool)
Definition zone.h:105

References CLEAR_CDATA, cls, client_static_t::crypto, server_cryptoconnect_t::crypto, Crypto_CloseLibrary(), Crypto_Rijndael_CloseLibrary(), Crypto_UnloadKeys(), cryptoconnects, cryptomempool, d0_blind_id_dll, i, MAX_CRYPTOCONNECTS, Mem_FreePool, and qd0_blind_id_SHUTDOWN.

Referenced by Host_Shutdown().

◆ Crypto_SignData()

size_t Crypto_SignData ( const void * data,
size_t datasize,
int keyid,
void * signed_data,
size_t signed_size )

Definition at line 2634 of file crypto.c.

2636 if(keyid < 0 || keyid >= MAX_PUBKEYS)
2637 return 0;
2638 if(!pubkeys_havepriv[keyid])
2639 return 0;
2640 if(qd0_blind_id_sign_with_private_id_sign(pubkeys[keyid], true, false, (const char *)data, datasize, (char *)signed_data, &signed_size))
2641 return signed_size;
2642 return 0;
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_sign_with_private_id_sign)(d0_blind_id_t *ctx, D0_BOOL is_first, D0_BOOL send_modulus, const char *message, size_t msglen, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen)
Definition crypto.c:231

References data, MAX_PUBKEYS, pubkeys, pubkeys_havepriv, and qd0_blind_id_sign_with_private_id_sign.

◆ Crypto_SignDataDetached()

size_t Crypto_SignDataDetached ( const void * data,
size_t datasize,
int keyid,
void * signed_data,
size_t signed_size )

Definition at line 2645 of file crypto.c.

2647 if(keyid < 0 || keyid >= MAX_PUBKEYS)
2648 return 0;
2649 if(!pubkeys_havepriv[keyid])
2650 return 0;
2651 if(qd0_blind_id_sign_with_private_id_sign_detached(pubkeys[keyid], true, false, (const char *)data, datasize, (char *)signed_data, &signed_size))
2652 return signed_size;
2653 return 0;
static D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_sign_with_private_id_sign_detached)(d0_blind_id_t *ctx, D0_BOOL is_first, D0_BOOL send_modulus, const char *message, size_t msglen, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen)
Definition crypto.c:232

References data, MAX_PUBKEYS, pubkeys, pubkeys_havepriv, and qd0_blind_id_sign_with_private_id_sign_detached.

Referenced by VM_uri_get().

◆ Crypto_SoftClientError()

static int Crypto_SoftClientError ( char * data_out,
size_t * len_out,
const char * msg )

Definition at line 2100 of file crypto.c.

2102 *len_out = 0;
2103 Con_DPrintf("%s\n", msg);
2104 return CRYPTO_DISCARD;

References Con_DPrintf(), and CRYPTO_DISCARD.

Referenced by Crypto_ClientParsePacket().

◆ Crypto_SoftServerError()

static int Crypto_SoftServerError ( char * data_out,
size_t * len_out,
const char * msg )

Definition at line 1720 of file crypto.c.

1722 *len_out = 0;
1723 Con_DPrintf("%s\n", msg);
1724 return CRYPTO_DISCARD;

References Con_DPrintf(), and CRYPTO_DISCARD.

Referenced by Crypto_ServerParsePacket_Internal().

◆ Crypto_StoreHostKey()

static void Crypto_StoreHostKey ( lhnetaddress_t * peeraddress,
const char * keystring,
qbool complain )

Definition at line 635 of file crypto.c.

637 char buf[128];
638 int hashindex;
640 int keyid;
641 char idfp[FP64_SIZE+1];
642 int aeslevel;
643 qbool issigned;
645 if(!d0_blind_id_dll)
646 return;
648 // syntax of keystring:
649 // aeslevel id@key id@key ...
651 if(!*keystring)
652 return;
653 aeslevel = bound(0, *keystring - '0', 3);
654 while(*keystring && *keystring != ' ')
655 ++keystring;
657 keyid = -1;
658 issigned = false;
659 while(*keystring && keyid < 0)
660 {
661 // id@key
662 const char *idstart, *idend, *keystart, *keyend;
663 qbool thisissigned = true;
664 ++keystring; // skip the space
665 idstart = keystring;
666 while(*keystring && *keystring != ' ' && *keystring != '@')
667 ++keystring;
668 idend = keystring;
669 if(!*keystring)
670 break;
671 ++keystring;
672 keystart = keystring;
673 while(*keystring && *keystring != ' ')
674 ++keystring;
675 keyend = keystring;
677 if (keystart[0] == '~')
678 {
679 thisissigned = false;
680 ++keystart;
681 }
683 if(idend - idstart == FP64_SIZE && keyend - keystart == FP64_SIZE)
684 {
685 int thiskeyid;
686 for(thiskeyid = MAX_PUBKEYS - 1; thiskeyid >= 0; --thiskeyid)
687 if(pubkeys[thiskeyid])
688 if(!memcmp(pubkeys_fp64[thiskeyid], keystart, FP64_SIZE))
689 {
690 memcpy(idfp, idstart, FP64_SIZE);
691 idfp[FP64_SIZE] = 0;
692 keyid = thiskeyid;
693 issigned = thisissigned;
694 break;
695 }
696 // If this failed, keyid will be -1.
697 }
698 }
700 if(keyid < 0)
701 return;
703 LHNETADDRESS_ToString(peeraddress, buf, sizeof(buf), 1);
704 hashindex = CRC_Block((const unsigned char *) buf, strlen(buf)) % CRYPTO_HOSTKEY_HASHSIZE;
705 for(hk = crypto_storedhostkey_hashtable[hashindex]; hk && LHNETADDRESS_Compare(&hk->addr, peeraddress); hk = hk->next);
707 if(hk)
708 {
709 if(complain)
710 {
711 if(hk->keyid != keyid || memcmp(hk->idfp, idfp, FP64_SIZE+1))
712 Con_Printf("Server %s tried to change the host key to a value not in the host cache. Connecting to it will fail. To accept the new host key, do crypto_hostkey_clear %s\n", buf, buf);
713 if(hk->aeslevel > aeslevel)
714 Con_Printf("Server %s tried to reduce encryption status, not accepted. Connecting to it will fail. To accept, do crypto_hostkey_clear %s\n", buf, buf);
715 if(hk->issigned > issigned)
716 Con_Printf("Server %s tried to reduce signature status, not accepted. Connecting to it will fail. To accept, do crypto_hostkey_clear %s\n", buf, buf);
717 }
718 hk->aeslevel = max(aeslevel, hk->aeslevel);
719 hk->issigned = issigned;
720 return;
721 }
723 // great, we did NOT have it yet
724 hk = (crypto_storedhostkey_t *) Z_Malloc(sizeof(*hk));
725 memcpy(&hk->addr, peeraddress, sizeof(hk->addr));
726 hk->keyid = keyid;
727 memcpy(hk->idfp, idfp, FP64_SIZE+1);
728 hk->next = crypto_storedhostkey_hashtable[hashindex];
729 hk->aeslevel = aeslevel;
730 hk->issigned = issigned;
731 crypto_storedhostkey_hashtable[hashindex] = hk;
#define Z_Malloc(size)
Definition zone.h:161

References crypto_storedhostkey_t::addr, crypto_storedhostkey_t::aeslevel, bound, buf, Con_Printf(), CRC_Block(), CRYPTO_HOSTKEY_HASHSIZE, crypto_storedhostkey_hashtable, d0_blind_id_dll, FP64_SIZE, crypto_storedhostkey_t::idfp, crypto_storedhostkey_t::issigned, crypto_storedhostkey_t::keyid, LHNETADDRESS_Compare(), LHNETADDRESS_ToString(), max, MAX_PUBKEYS, crypto_storedhostkey_t::next, pubkeys, pubkeys_fp64, strlen(), and Z_Malloc.

Referenced by Crypto_ClientParsePacket().

◆ Crypto_UnLittleLong()

static void Crypto_UnLittleLong ( char * data,
unsigned long l )

Definition at line 68 of file crypto.c.

70 data[0] = l & 0xFF;
71 data[1] = (l >> 8) & 0xFF;
72 data[2] = (l >> 16) & 0xFF;
73 data[3] = (l >> 24) & 0xFF;

References data.

Referenced by Crypto_BuildChallengeAppend(), and Crypto_UnParsePack().

◆ Crypto_UnloadKeys()

static void Crypto_UnloadKeys ( void )

Definition at line 985 of file crypto.c.

987 int i;
989 keygen_i = -1;
990 for(i = 0; i < MAX_PUBKEYS; ++i)
991 {
992 if(pubkeys[i])
994 pubkeys[i] = NULL;
995 pubkeys_havepriv[i] = false;
996 pubkeys_havesig[i] = false;
997 memset(pubkeys_fp64[i], 0, sizeof(pubkeys_fp64[i]));
998 memset(pubkeys_priv_fp64[i], 0, sizeof(pubkeys_fp64[i]));
1000 }

References challenge_append_length, crypto_idstring, i, keygen_i, MAX_PUBKEYS, NULL, pubkeys, pubkeys_fp64, pubkeys_havepriv, pubkeys_havesig, pubkeys_priv_fp64, and qd0_blind_id_free.

Referenced by Crypto_Reload_f(), and Crypto_Shutdown().

◆ Crypto_UnParsePack()

static size_t Crypto_UnParsePack ( char * buf,
size_t len,
unsigned long header,
const char *const * lumps,
const size_t * lumpsize,
size_t nlumps )

Definition at line 103 of file crypto.c.

105 size_t i;
106 size_t pos;
107 pos = 0;
108 if(header)
109 {
110 if(len < 4)
111 return 0;
112 Crypto_UnLittleLong(buf, header);
113 pos += 4;
114 }
115 for(i = 0; i < nlumps; ++i)
116 {
117 if(pos + 4 + lumpsize[i] > len)
118 return 0;
119 Crypto_UnLittleLong(&buf[pos], (unsigned long)lumpsize[i]);
120 pos += 4;
121 memcpy(&buf[pos], lumps[i], lumpsize[i]);
122 pos += lumpsize[i];
123 }
124 return pos;

References buf, Crypto_UnLittleLong(), and i.

Referenced by Crypto_KeyGen_f(), and Crypto_KeyGen_Finished().

◆ GetUntilNul()

static const char * GetUntilNul ( const char ** data,
size_t * len )

Definition at line 418 of file crypto.c.

420 // invariant: data points to next character to take
421 const char *data_save = *data;
422 size_t n;
423 const char *p;
425 if(!*data)
426 return NULL;
428 if(!*len)
429 {
430 *data = NULL;
431 return NULL;
432 }
434 p = (const char *) memchr(*data, 0, *len);
435 if(!p) // no terminating NUL
436 {
437 *data = NULL;
438 *len = 0;
439 return NULL;
440 }
441 n = (p - *data) + 1;
442 *len -= n;
443 *data += n;
444 if(*len == 0)
445 *data = NULL;
446 return (const char *) data_save;

References data, n, and NULL.

Referenced by Crypto_ClientParsePacket(), and Crypto_ServerParsePacket_Internal().

◆ PutWithNul()

static qbool PutWithNul ( char ** data,
size_t * len,
const char * str )

Definition at line 406 of file crypto.c.

408 // invariant: data points to insertion point
409 size_t l = strlen(str);
410 if(l >= *len)
411 return false;
412 memcpy(*data, str, l+1);
413 *data += l+1;
414 *len -= l+1;
415 return true;

References data, and strlen().

Referenced by Crypto_BuildChallengeAppend(), Crypto_ClientParsePacket(), and Crypto_ServerParsePacket_Internal().

◆ seacpy()

static void seacpy ( unsigned char * key,
const unsigned char * iv,
unsigned char * dst,
const unsigned char * src,
size_t len )

Definition at line 1498 of file crypto.c.

1500 const unsigned char *xorpos = iv;
1501 unsigned char xorbuf[16];
1502 unsigned long rk[D0_RIJNDAEL_RKLENGTH(DHKEY_SIZE * 8)];
1503 size_t i;
1505 while(len > 16)
1506 {
1508 for(i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
1509 dst[i] = xorbuf[i] ^ xorpos[i];
1510 xorpos = src;
1511 len -= 16;
1512 src += 16;
1513 dst += 16;
1514 }
1515 if(len > 0)
1516 {
1518 for(i = 0; i < len; ++i)
1519 dst[i] = xorbuf[i] ^ xorpos[i];
1520 }
D0_EXPORT int(* qd0_rijndael_setup_decrypt)(unsigned long *rk, const unsigned char *key, int keybits)
Definition crypto.c:332
D0_EXPORT void(* qd0_rijndael_decrypt)(const unsigned long *rk, int nrounds, const unsigned char ciphertext[16], unsigned char plaintext[16])
Definition crypto.c:336

References D0_RIJNDAEL_NROUNDS, D0_RIJNDAEL_RKLENGTH, DHKEY_SIZE, i, qd0_rijndael_decrypt, qd0_rijndael_setup_decrypt, and src.

Referenced by Crypto_DecryptPacket().

◆ sha256()

void sha256 ( unsigned char * out,
const unsigned char * in,
int n )

Definition at line 383 of file crypto.c.

385 qd0_blind_id_util_sha256((char *) out, (const char *) in, n);
static D0_EXPORT void(* qd0_blind_id_util_sha256)(char *out, const char *in, size_t n)
Definition crypto.c:230

References n, and qd0_blind_id_util_sha256.

Referenced by VM_digest_hex().

Variable Documentation

◆ cdata_id

int cdata_id = 0

Definition at line 509 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_ClientParsePacket().

◆ challenge_append

char challenge_append[1400]

Definition at line 487 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_BuildChallengeAppend(), and Crypto_ServerAppendToChallenge().

◆ challenge_append_length

size_t challenge_append_length

◆ crypto_aeslevel

cvar_t crypto_aeslevel = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER | CF_ARCHIVE, "crypto_aeslevel", "1", "whether to support AES encryption in authenticated connections (0 = no, 1 = supported, 2 = requested, 3 = required)"}

Definition at line 31 of file crypto.c.

31{CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER | CF_ARCHIVE, "crypto_aeslevel", "1", "whether to support AES encryption in authenticated connections (0 = no, 1 = supported, 2 = requested, 3 = required)"};
#define CF_SERVER
cvar/command that only the server can change/execute
Definition cmd.h:49
#define CF_CLIENT
cvar/command that only the client can change/execute
Definition cmd.h:48
#define CF_ARCHIVE
cvar should have its set value saved to config.cfg and persist across sessions
Definition cmd.h:53

Referenced by Crypto_BuildIdString(), Crypto_ClientParsePacket(), Crypto_GetInfoResponseDataString(), Crypto_Init_Commands(), and Crypto_ServerParsePacket_Internal().

◆ crypto_developer

cvar_t crypto_developer = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER | CF_ARCHIVE, "crypto_developer", "0", "print extra info about crypto handshake"}

Definition at line 30 of file crypto.c.

30{CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER | CF_ARCHIVE, "crypto_developer", "0", "print extra info about crypto handshake"};

Referenced by Crypto_Init_Commands(), and NetConn_ServerParsePacket().

◆ crypto_idstring

◆ crypto_idstring_buf

char crypto_idstring_buf[512]

◆ crypto_keyfp_recommended_length

int crypto_keyfp_recommended_length

◆ crypto_servercpu_accumulator

double crypto_servercpu_accumulator = 0

Definition at line 36 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_ServerParsePacket().

◆ crypto_servercpu_lastrealtime

double crypto_servercpu_lastrealtime = 0

Definition at line 37 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_ServerParsePacket().

◆ crypto_servercpudebug

cvar_t crypto_servercpudebug = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER | CF_ARCHIVE, "crypto_servercpudebug", "0", "print statistics about time usage by crypto"}

Definition at line 35 of file crypto.c.

35{CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER | CF_ARCHIVE, "crypto_servercpudebug", "0", "print statistics about time usage by crypto"};

Referenced by Crypto_Init_Commands(), and Crypto_ServerParsePacket().

◆ crypto_servercpumaxtime

cvar_t crypto_servercpumaxtime = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER | CF_ARCHIVE, "crypto_servercpumaxtime", "0.01", "maximum allowed crypto CPU time per frame (0 = no limit)"}

Definition at line 34 of file crypto.c.

34{CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER | CF_ARCHIVE, "crypto_servercpumaxtime", "0.01", "maximum allowed crypto CPU time per frame (0 = no limit)"};

Referenced by Crypto_Init_Commands(), and Crypto_ServerParsePacket().

◆ crypto_servercpupercent

cvar_t crypto_servercpupercent = {CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER | CF_ARCHIVE, "crypto_servercpupercent", "10", "allowed crypto CPU load in percent for server operation (0 = no limit, faster)"}

Definition at line 33 of file crypto.c.

33{CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER | CF_ARCHIVE, "crypto_servercpupercent", "10", "allowed crypto CPU load in percent for server operation (0 = no limit, faster)"};

Referenced by Crypto_Init_Commands(), and Crypto_ServerParsePacket().

◆ crypto_storedhostkey_hashtable

◆ cryptoconnects

Definition at line 507 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_ServerFindInstance(), and Crypto_Shutdown().

◆ cryptomempool

mempool_t* cryptomempool

Definition at line 1004 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_d0_malloc(), Crypto_Init(), and Crypto_Shutdown().

◆ d0_blind_id_dll

◆ d0_blind_id_funcs

dllfunction_t d0_blind_id_funcs[]

Definition at line 237 of file crypto.c.

239 {"d0_blind_id_new", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_new},
240 {"d0_blind_id_free", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_free},
241 //{"d0_blind_id_clear", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_clear},
242 {"d0_blind_id_copy", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_copy},
243 //{"d0_blind_id_generate_private_key", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_generate_private_key},
244 //{"d0_blind_id_generate_private_key_fastreject", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_generate_private_key_fastreject},
245 //{"d0_blind_id_read_private_key", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_read_private_key},
246 {"d0_blind_id_read_public_key", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_read_public_key},
247 //{"d0_blind_id_write_private_key", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_write_private_key},
248 //{"d0_blind_id_write_public_key", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_write_public_key},
249 {"d0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_key", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_key},
250 //{"d0_blind_id_generate_private_id_modulus", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_generate_private_id_modulus},
251 {"d0_blind_id_read_private_id_modulus", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_read_private_id_modulus},
252 //{"d0_blind_id_write_private_id_modulus", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_write_private_id_modulus},
253 {"d0_blind_id_generate_private_id_start", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_generate_private_id_start},
254 {"d0_blind_id_generate_private_id_request", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_generate_private_id_request},
255 //{"d0_blind_id_answer_private_id_request", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_answer_private_id_request},
256 {"d0_blind_id_finish_private_id_request", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_finish_private_id_request},
257 //{"d0_blind_id_read_private_id_request_camouflage", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_read_private_id_request_camouflage},
258 //{"d0_blind_id_write_private_id_request_camouflage", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_write_private_id_request_camouflage},
259 {"d0_blind_id_read_private_id", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_read_private_id},
260 //{"d0_blind_id_read_public_id", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_read_public_id},
261 {"d0_blind_id_write_private_id", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_write_private_id},
262 //{"d0_blind_id_write_public_id", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_write_public_id},
263 {"d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_start", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_start},
264 {"d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_challenge", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_challenge},
265 {"d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_response", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_response},
266 {"d0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_verify", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_verify},
267 {"d0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_id", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_id},
268 {"d0_blind_id_sessionkey_public_id", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_sessionkey_public_id},
269 {"d0_blind_id_INITIALIZE", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_INITIALIZE},
270 {"d0_blind_id_SHUTDOWN", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_SHUTDOWN},
271 {"d0_blind_id_util_sha256", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_util_sha256},
272 {"d0_blind_id_sign_with_private_id_sign", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_sign_with_private_id_sign},
273 {"d0_blind_id_sign_with_private_id_sign_detached", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_sign_with_private_id_sign_detached},
274 {"d0_blind_id_setmallocfuncs", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_setmallocfuncs},
275 {"d0_blind_id_setmutexfuncs", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_setmutexfuncs},
276 {"d0_blind_id_verify_public_id", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_verify_public_id},
277 {"d0_blind_id_verify_private_id", (void **) &qd0_blind_id_verify_private_id},
278 {NULL, NULL}

Referenced by Crypto_OpenLibrary().

◆ d0_rijndael_dll

◆ d0_rijndael_funcs

dllfunction_t d0_rijndael_funcs[]
Initial value:
{"d0_rijndael_setup_decrypt", (void **) &qd0_rijndael_setup_decrypt},
{"d0_rijndael_setup_encrypt", (void **) &qd0_rijndael_setup_encrypt},
{"d0_rijndael_decrypt", (void **) &qd0_rijndael_decrypt},
{"d0_rijndael_encrypt", (void **) &qd0_rijndael_encrypt},

Definition at line 341 of file crypto.c.

343 {"d0_rijndael_setup_decrypt", (void **) &qd0_rijndael_setup_decrypt},
344 {"d0_rijndael_setup_encrypt", (void **) &qd0_rijndael_setup_encrypt},
345 {"d0_rijndael_decrypt", (void **) &qd0_rijndael_decrypt},
346 {"d0_rijndael_encrypt", (void **) &qd0_rijndael_encrypt},
347 {NULL, NULL}

Referenced by Crypto_Rijndael_OpenLibrary().

◆ keygen_buf

char keygen_buf[8192]

Definition at line 491 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_KeyGen_f().

◆ keygen_i

int keygen_i = -1

◆ net_sourceaddresscheck

cvar_t net_sourceaddresscheck

Definition at line 87 of file netconn.c.

87{CF_CLIENT, "net_sourceaddresscheck", "1", "compare the source IP address for replies (more secure, may break some bad multihoming setups"};

Referenced by Crypto_ClientParsePacket(), NetConn_ClientParsePacket(), and NetConn_Init().

◆ pubkeys

◆ pubkeys_fp64

◆ pubkeys_havepriv

◆ pubkeys_havesig

◆ pubkeys_priv_fp64

◆ qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_challenge

D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_challenge) (d0_blind_id_t *ctx, D0_BOOL is_first, D0_BOOL recv_modulus, const char *inbuf, size_t inbuflen, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen, D0_BOOL *status) ( d0_blind_id_t * ctx,
D0_BOOL is_first,
D0_BOOL recv_modulus,
const char * inbuf,
size_t inbuflen,
char * outbuf,
size_t * outbuflen,
D0_BOOL * status )

Definition at line 223 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_ClientParsePacket(), and Crypto_ServerParsePacket_Internal().

◆ qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_response

D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_response) (d0_blind_id_t *ctx, const char *inbuf, size_t inbuflen, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen) ( d0_blind_id_t * ctx,
const char * inbuf,
size_t inbuflen,
char * outbuf,
size_t * outbuflen )

Definition at line 224 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_ClientParsePacket(), and Crypto_ServerParsePacket_Internal().

◆ qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_start

D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_start) (d0_blind_id_t *ctx, D0_BOOL is_first, D0_BOOL send_modulus, const char *message, size_t msglen, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen) ( d0_blind_id_t * ctx,
D0_BOOL is_first,
D0_BOOL send_modulus,
const char * message,
size_t msglen,
char * outbuf,
size_t * outbuflen )

Definition at line 222 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_ClientParsePacket(), and Crypto_ServerParsePacket_Internal().

◆ qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_verify

D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_authenticate_with_private_id_verify) (d0_blind_id_t *ctx, const char *inbuf, size_t inbuflen, char *msg, size_t *msglen, D0_BOOL *status) ( d0_blind_id_t * ctx,
const char * inbuf,
size_t inbuflen,
char * msg,
size_t * msglen,
D0_BOOL * status )

Definition at line 225 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_ClientParsePacket(), and Crypto_ServerParsePacket_Internal().

◆ qd0_blind_id_copy

D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_copy) (d0_blind_id_t *ctx, const d0_blind_id_t *src) ( d0_blind_id_t * ctx,
const d0_blind_id_t * src )

Definition at line 201 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_ClientParsePacket(), and Crypto_ServerParsePacket_Internal().

◆ qd0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_id

D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_id) (const d0_blind_id_t *ctx, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen) ( const d0_blind_id_t * ctx,
char * outbuf,
size_t * outbuflen )

◆ qd0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_key

D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_key) (const d0_blind_id_t *ctx, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen) ( const d0_blind_id_t * ctx,
char * outbuf,
size_t * outbuflen )

Definition at line 208 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_LoadKeys().

◆ qd0_blind_id_finish_private_id_request

D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_finish_private_id_request) (d0_blind_id_t *ctx, const char *inbuf, size_t inbuflen) ( d0_blind_id_t * ctx,
const char * inbuf,
size_t inbuflen )

Definition at line 215 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_KeyGen_Finished().

◆ qd0_blind_id_free

D0_EXPORT void(* qd0_blind_id_free) (d0_blind_id_t *a) ( d0_blind_id_t * a)

Definition at line 199 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_LoadKeys(), Crypto_ReadPublicKey(), and Crypto_UnloadKeys().

◆ qd0_blind_id_generate_private_id_request

D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_generate_private_id_request) (d0_blind_id_t *ctx, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen) ( d0_blind_id_t * ctx,
char * outbuf,
size_t * outbuflen )

Definition at line 213 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_KeyGen_f().

◆ qd0_blind_id_generate_private_id_start

D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_generate_private_id_start) (d0_blind_id_t *ctx) ( d0_blind_id_t * ctx)

Definition at line 212 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_KeyGen_f().

◆ qd0_blind_id_INITIALIZE

D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_INITIALIZE) (void) ( void )

Definition at line 228 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_Init().

◆ qd0_blind_id_new

◆ qd0_blind_id_read_private_id

D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_read_private_id) (d0_blind_id_t *ctx, const char *inbuf, size_t inbuflen) ( d0_blind_id_t * ctx,
const char * inbuf,
size_t inbuflen )

Definition at line 218 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_AddPrivateKey().

◆ qd0_blind_id_read_private_id_modulus

D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_read_private_id_modulus) (d0_blind_id_t *ctx, const char *inbuf, size_t inbuflen) ( d0_blind_id_t * ctx,
const char * inbuf,
size_t inbuflen )

Definition at line 210 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_ReadPublicKey().

◆ qd0_blind_id_read_public_key

D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_read_public_key) (d0_blind_id_t *ctx, const char *inbuf, size_t inbuflen) ( d0_blind_id_t * ctx,
const char * inbuf,
size_t inbuflen )

Definition at line 205 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_ReadPublicKey().

◆ qd0_blind_id_sessionkey_public_id

D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_sessionkey_public_id) (const d0_blind_id_t *ctx, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen) ( const d0_blind_id_t * ctx,
char * outbuf,
size_t * outbuflen )

Definition at line 227 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_ClientParsePacket(), and Crypto_ServerParsePacket_Internal().

◆ qd0_blind_id_setmallocfuncs

D0_EXPORT void(* qd0_blind_id_setmallocfuncs) (d0_malloc_t *m, d0_free_t *f) ( d0_malloc_t * m,
d0_free_t * f )

Definition at line 233 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_Init().

◆ qd0_blind_id_setmutexfuncs

Definition at line 234 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_Init().

◆ qd0_blind_id_SHUTDOWN

D0_EXPORT void(* qd0_blind_id_SHUTDOWN) (void) ( void )

Definition at line 229 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_Shutdown().

◆ qd0_blind_id_sign_with_private_id_sign

D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_sign_with_private_id_sign) (d0_blind_id_t *ctx, D0_BOOL is_first, D0_BOOL send_modulus, const char *message, size_t msglen, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen) ( d0_blind_id_t * ctx,
D0_BOOL is_first,
D0_BOOL send_modulus,
const char * message,
size_t msglen,
char * outbuf,
size_t * outbuflen )

Definition at line 231 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_SignData().

◆ qd0_blind_id_sign_with_private_id_sign_detached

D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_sign_with_private_id_sign_detached) (d0_blind_id_t *ctx, D0_BOOL is_first, D0_BOOL send_modulus, const char *message, size_t msglen, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen) ( d0_blind_id_t * ctx,
D0_BOOL is_first,
D0_BOOL send_modulus,
const char * message,
size_t msglen,
char * outbuf,
size_t * outbuflen )

Definition at line 232 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_SignDataDetached().

◆ qd0_blind_id_util_sha256

D0_EXPORT void(* qd0_blind_id_util_sha256) (char *out, const char *in, size_t n) ( char * out,
const char * in,
size_t n )

Definition at line 230 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by sha256().

◆ qd0_blind_id_verify_private_id

D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_verify_private_id) (const d0_blind_id_t *ctx) ( const d0_blind_id_t * ctx)

Definition at line 236 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_KeyGen_f(), and Crypto_LoadKeys().

◆ qd0_blind_id_verify_public_id

D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_verify_public_id) (const d0_blind_id_t *ctx, D0_BOOL *status) ( const d0_blind_id_t * ctx,
D0_BOOL * status )

Definition at line 235 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_KeyGen_Finished(), and Crypto_LoadKeys().

◆ qd0_blind_id_write_private_id

D0_EXPORT D0_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT D0_BOOL(* qd0_blind_id_write_private_id) (const d0_blind_id_t *ctx, char *outbuf, size_t *outbuflen) ( const d0_blind_id_t * ctx,
char * outbuf,
size_t * outbuflen )

Definition at line 220 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by Crypto_KeyGen_f(), and Crypto_KeyGen_Finished().

◆ qd0_rijndael_decrypt

D0_EXPORT void(* qd0_rijndael_decrypt) (const unsigned long *rk, int nrounds, const unsigned char ciphertext[16], unsigned char plaintext[16]) ( const unsigned long * rk,
int nrounds,
const unsigned char ciphertext[16],
unsigned char plaintext[16] )

Definition at line 336 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by seacpy().

◆ qd0_rijndael_encrypt

D0_EXPORT void(* qd0_rijndael_encrypt) (const unsigned long *rk, int nrounds, const unsigned char plaintext[16], unsigned char ciphertext[16]) ( const unsigned long * rk,
int nrounds,
const unsigned char plaintext[16],
unsigned char ciphertext[16] )

Definition at line 334 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by aescpy().

◆ qd0_rijndael_setup_decrypt

D0_EXPORT int(* qd0_rijndael_setup_decrypt) (unsigned long *rk, const unsigned char *key, int keybits) ( unsigned long * rk,
const unsigned char * key,
int keybits )

Definition at line 332 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by seacpy().

◆ qd0_rijndael_setup_encrypt

D0_EXPORT int(* qd0_rijndael_setup_encrypt) (unsigned long *rk, const unsigned char *key, int keybits) ( unsigned long * rk,
const unsigned char * key,
int keybits )

Definition at line 330 of file crypto.c.

Referenced by aescpy().