Game engine based on the Quake 1 engine by id Software, developed by LadyHavoc
cmd.c File Reference
#include "quakedef.h"
#include "thread.h"
+ Include dependency graph for cmd.c:

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  cmd_iter_t


void Cbuf_AddText (cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *text)
void Cbuf_Clear (cmd_buf_t *cbuf)
 Clears all command buffers.
void Cbuf_Execute (cmd_buf_t *cbuf)
static void Cbuf_Execute_Deferred (cmd_buf_t *cbuf)
void Cbuf_Frame (cmd_buf_t *cbuf)
static void Cbuf_Frame_Input (void)
void Cbuf_InsertText (cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *text)
static void Cbuf_LinkString (cmd_state_t *cmd, llist_t *head, cmd_input_t *existing, const char *text, qbool leavepending, unsigned int cmdsize)
void Cbuf_Lock (cmd_buf_t *cbuf)
static cmd_input_tCbuf_NodeGet (cmd_buf_t *cbuf, cmd_input_t *existing)
static void Cbuf_ParseText (cmd_state_t *cmd, llist_t *head, cmd_input_t *existing, const char *text, qbool allowpending)
void Cbuf_Unlock (cmd_buf_t *cbuf)
void Cmd_AddCommand (unsigned flags, const char *cmd_name, xcommand_t function, const char *description)
 called by the init functions of other parts of the program to register commands and functions to call for them.
static cmd_state_tCmd_AddInterpreter (cmd_buf_t *cbuf, cvar_state_t *cvars, unsigned cvars_flagsmask, unsigned cmds_flagsmask, cmd_userdefined_t *userdefined)
static void Cmd_Alias_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
static void Cmd_Apropos_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
qbool Cmd_Callback (cmd_state_t *cmd, cmd_function_t *func)
int Cmd_CheckParm (cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *parm)
 Returns the position (1 to argc-1) in the command's argument list where the given parameter apears, or 0 if not present.
qbool Cmd_CL_Callback (cmd_state_t *cmd, cmd_function_t *func, const char *text, size_t textlen, cmd_source_t src)
void Cmd_ClearCSQCCommands (cmd_state_t *cmd)
const char * Cmd_CompleteAlias (cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *partial)
const char ** Cmd_CompleteAliasBuildList (cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *partial)
int Cmd_CompleteAliasCountPossible (cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *partial)
void Cmd_CompleteAliasPrint (cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *partial)
const char ** Cmd_CompleteBuildList (cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *partial)
const char * Cmd_CompleteCommand (cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *partial)
 attempts to match a partial command for automatic command line completion returns NULL if nothing fits
void Cmd_CompleteCommandPrint (cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *partial)
int Cmd_CompleteCountPossible (cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *partial)
static void Cmd_Defer_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
static void Cmd_Echo_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
static void Cmd_Exec (cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *filename)
static void Cmd_Exec_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
static void Cmd_ExecuteAlias (cmd_state_t *cmd, cmd_alias_t *alias)
void Cmd_ExecuteString (cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *text, size_t textlen, cmd_source_t src, qbool lockmutex)
 Parses a single line of text into arguments and tries to execute it.
qbool Cmd_Exists (cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *cmd_name)
 used by the cvar code to check for cvar / command name overlap
static const char * Cmd_GetCvarValue (cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *var, size_t varlen, cmd_alias_t *alias)
static const char * Cmd_GetDirectCvarValue (cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *varname, cmd_alias_t *alias, qbool *is_multiple)
void Cmd_Init (void)
 Command execution takes a null terminated string, breaks it into tokens, then searches for a command or variable that matches the first token.
static void Cmd_List_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
void Cmd_NoOperation_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
void Cmd_PreprocessAndExecuteString (cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *text, size_t textlen, cmd_source_t src, qbool lockmutex)
 Like Cmd_ExecuteString, but with variable expansion.
static size_t Cmd_PreprocessString (cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *intext, char *outtext, unsigned maxoutlen, cmd_alias_t *alias)
qbool Cmd_QuoteString (char *out, size_t outlen, const char *in, const char *quoteset, qbool putquotes)
 quotes a string so that it can be used as a command argument again; quoteset is a string that contains one or more of ", \, $ and specifies the characters to be quoted (you usually want to either pass ""\" or ""\$").
void Cmd_RestoreInitState (void)
 Restores cvars, commands and aliases to their init values and deletes any that were added since init.
void Cmd_SaveInitState (void)
 called by Host_Init, this marks cvars, commands and aliases with their init values
void Cmd_Shutdown (void)
static void Cmd_StuffCmds_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
qbool Cmd_SV_Callback (cmd_state_t *cmd, cmd_function_t *func, const char *text, size_t textlen, cmd_source_t src)
static void Cmd_Toggle_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
static void Cmd_TokenizeString (cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *text)
static void Cmd_UnAlias_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
static void Cmd_Wait_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)


static cmd_iter_tcmd_iter_all
 command interpreter for local commands injected by SVQC, CSQC, MQC, server or client engine code uses cmddefs_all
 command interpreter for server commands received over network from clients uses cmddefs_null
cmd_userdefined_t cmd_userdefined_all
 aliases and csqc functions
cmd_userdefined_t cmd_userdefined_null
 intentionally empty
qbool host_stuffcmdsrun = false
qbool prvm_runawaycheck
cvar_t sv_cheats

Function Documentation

◆ Cbuf_AddText()

void Cbuf_AddText ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
const char * text )

as new commands are generated from the console or keybindings, the text is added to the end of the command buffer.

Definition at line 264 of file cmd.c.

266 size_t l = strlen(text);
267 cmd_buf_t *cbuf = cmd->cbuf;
268 llist_t llist = {&llist, &llist};
270 if (cbuf->size + l > cbuf->maxsize)
271 {
272 Con_Printf(CON_WARN "Cbuf_AddText: input too large, %luKB ought to be enough for anybody.\n", (unsigned long)(cbuf->maxsize / 1024));
273 return;
274 }
276 Cbuf_Lock(cbuf);
278 // If the string terminates but the (last) line doesn't, the node will be left in the pending state (to be continued).
279 Cbuf_ParseText(cmd, &llist, (List_Is_Empty(&cbuf->start) ? NULL : List_Entry(cbuf->start.prev, cmd_input_t, list)), text, true);
280 List_Splice_Tail(&llist, &cbuf->start);
282 Cbuf_Unlock(cbuf);
void Cbuf_Unlock(cmd_buf_t *cbuf)
Definition cmd.c:50
static void Cbuf_ParseText(cmd_state_t *cmd, llist_t *head, cmd_input_t *existing, const char *text, qbool allowpending)
Definition cmd.c:210
void Cbuf_Lock(cmd_buf_t *cbuf)
Definition cmd.c:45
static void List_Splice_Tail(const llist_t *list, llist_t *head)
Definition com_list.h:409
#define List_Entry(ptr, type, member)
Definition com_list.h:44
static qbool List_Is_Empty(const llist_t *list)
Definition com_list.h:211
void Con_Printf(const char *fmt,...)
Prints to all appropriate console targets.
Definition console.c:1514
#define CON_WARN
Definition console.h:101
float strlen(string s)
void cmd(string command,...)
#define NULL
Definition qtypes.h:12
size_t maxsize
Definition cmd.h:117
llist_t start
Definition cmd.h:113
size_t size
Definition cmd.h:118
struct llist_s * prev
Definition com_list.h:32

References Cbuf_Lock(), Cbuf_ParseText(), Cbuf_Unlock(), cmd(), Con_Printf(), CON_WARN, List_Entry, List_Is_Empty(), List_Splice_Tail(), cmd_buf_t::maxsize, NULL, llist_t::prev, cmd_buf_t::size, cmd_buf_t::start, and strlen().

Referenced by Cbuf_Execute_Deferred(), CL_FinishTimeDemo(), CL_SignonReply(), CL_VM_Parse_StuffCmd(), Curl_CheckCommandWhenDone(), Host_Init(), Key_Console(), Key_Event(), M_Demo_Key(), M_GameOptions_Key(), M_LanConfig_Key(), M_Load_Key(), M_Main_Key(), M_Menu_Options_Graphics_AdjustSliders(), M_Options_Key(), M_Reset_Key(), M_Save_Key(), M_ServerList_Key(), M_Setup_Key(), M_SinglePlayer_Key(), M_Transfusion_Episode_Key(), M_Transfusion_Skill_Key(), M_Video_Key(), VM_changelevel(), VM_coredump(), and VM_localcmd().

◆ Cbuf_Clear()

void Cbuf_Clear ( cmd_buf_t * cbuf)

Clears all command buffers.

Definition at line 436 of file cmd.c.

438 while (!List_Is_Empty(&cbuf->start))
439 List_Move_Tail(cbuf->start.next, &cbuf->free);
440 while (!List_Is_Empty(&cbuf->deferred))
441 List_Move_Tail(cbuf->deferred.next, &cbuf->free);
442 cbuf->size = 0;
static void List_Move_Tail(llist_t *list, llist_t *head)
Definition com_list.h:336
llist_t deferred
Definition cmd.h:114
llist_t free
Definition cmd.h:115
struct llist_s * next
Definition com_list.h:33

References cmd_buf_t::deferred, cmd_buf_t::free, List_Is_Empty(), List_Move_Tail(), llist_t::next, cmd_buf_t::size, and cmd_buf_t::start.

Referenced by Cbuf_Execute(), Host_Error(), and MVM_error_cmd().

◆ Cbuf_Execute()

void Cbuf_Execute ( cmd_buf_t * cbuf)

Pulls off terminated lines of text from the command buffer and sends them through Cmd_ExecuteString. Stops when the buffer is empty. Normally called once per frame, but may be explicitly invoked.

Do not call inside a command function!

Definition at line 351 of file cmd.c.

353 cmd_input_t *current;
354 unsigned int i = 0;
356 // LadyHavoc: making sure the tokenizebuffer doesn't get filled up by repeated crashes
357 cbuf->tokenizebufferpos = 0;
359 while (!List_Is_Empty(&cbuf->start))
360 {
361 /*
362 * Delete the text from the command buffer and move remaining
363 * commands down. This is necessary because commands (exec, alias)
364 * can insert data at the beginning of the text buffer
365 */
366 current = List_Entry(cbuf->start.next, cmd_input_t, list);
368 /*
369 * Assume we're rolling with the current command-line and
370 * always set this false because alias expansion or cbuf insertion
371 * without a newline may set this true, and cause weirdness.
372 */
373 current->pending = false;
375 Cmd_PreprocessAndExecuteString(current->source, current->text, current->length, src_local, false);
376 cbuf->size -= current->length;
377 // Recycle memory so using WASD doesn't cause a malloc and free
378 List_Move_Tail(&current->list, &cbuf->free);
380 if (cbuf->wait)
381 {
382 /*
383 * Skip out while text still remains in
384 * buffer, leaving it for next frame
385 */
386 cbuf->wait = false;
387 break;
388 }
390 if (++i == 1000000 && prvm_runawaycheck)
391 {
392 Con_Printf(CON_WARN "Cbuf_Execute: runaway loop counter hit limit of %d commands, clearing command buffers!\n", i);
393 Cbuf_Clear(cbuf);
394 }
395 }
void Cbuf_Clear(cmd_buf_t *cbuf)
Clears all command buffers.
Definition cmd.c:436
qbool prvm_runawaycheck
Definition prvm_edict.c:60
void Cmd_PreprocessAndExecuteString(cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *text, size_t textlen, cmd_source_t src, qbool lockmutex)
Like Cmd_ExecuteString, but with variable expansion.
Definition cmd.c:1323
@ src_local
from the command buffer
Definition cmd.h:75
int i
qbool wait
Definition cmd.h:116
int tokenizebufferpos
Definition cmd.h:120
char * text
Definition cmd.h:162
size_t length
excludes \0 terminator
Definition cmd.h:161
qbool pending
Definition cmd.h:163
cmd_state_t * source
Definition cmd.h:158
llist_t list
Definition cmd.h:157

References Cbuf_Clear(), Cmd_PreprocessAndExecuteString(), Con_Printf(), CON_WARN, cmd_buf_t::free, i, cmd_input_t::length, cmd_input_t::list, List_Entry, List_Is_Empty(), List_Move_Tail(), llist_t::next, cmd_input_t::pending, prvm_runawaycheck, cmd_buf_t::size, cmd_input_t::source, src_local, cmd_buf_t::start, cmd_input_t::text, cmd_buf_t::tokenizebufferpos, and cmd_buf_t::wait.

Referenced by Cbuf_Frame(), CL_ReadDemoMessage(), and Host_Init().

◆ Cbuf_Execute_Deferred()

static void Cbuf_Execute_Deferred ( cmd_buf_t * cbuf)

Definition at line 320 of file cmd.c.

322 cmd_input_t *current, *n;
323 vec_t eat;
325 if (host.realtime - cbuf->deferred_oldtime < 0 || host.realtime - cbuf->deferred_oldtime > 1800)
327 eat = host.realtime - cbuf->deferred_oldtime;
328 if (eat < 1.0/128.0)
329 return;
332 List_For_Each_Entry_Safe(current, n, &cbuf->deferred, cmd_input_t, list)
333 {
334 current->delay -= eat;
335 if(current->delay <= 0)
336 {
337 Cbuf_AddText(current->source, current->text); // parse deferred string and append its cmdstring(s)
338 List_Entry(cbuf->start.prev, cmd_input_t, list)->pending = false; // faster than div0-stable's Cbuf_AddText(";\n");
339 List_Move_Tail(&current->list, &cbuf->free); // make deferred string memory available for reuse
340 cbuf->size -= current->length;
341 }
342 }
void Cbuf_AddText(cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *text)
Definition cmd.c:264
#define List_For_Each_Entry_Safe(pos, n, head, type, member)
Definition com_list.h:173
#define n(x, y)
host_static_t host
Definition host.c:41
float vec_t
Definition qtypes.h:68
double deferred_oldtime
Definition cmd.h:121
vec_t delay
Definition cmd.h:159
double realtime
the accumulated mainloop time since application started (with filtering), without any slowmo or clamp...
Definition host.h:46

References Cbuf_AddText(), cmd_buf_t::deferred, cmd_buf_t::deferred_oldtime, cmd_input_t::delay, cmd_buf_t::free, host, cmd_input_t::length, cmd_input_t::list, List_Entry, List_For_Each_Entry_Safe, List_Move_Tail(), n, llist_t::prev, host_static_t::realtime, cmd_buf_t::size, cmd_input_t::source, cmd_buf_t::start, and cmd_input_t::text.

Referenced by Cbuf_Frame().

◆ Cbuf_Frame()

void Cbuf_Frame ( cmd_buf_t * cbuf)

Performs deferred commands and runs Cbuf_Execute, called by Host_Frame

Definition at line 417 of file cmd.c.

419 // check for commands typed to the host
422// R_TimeReport("preconsole");
424 // execute commands queued with the defer command
426 if (cbuf->size)
427 {
429 Cbuf_Execute(cbuf);
431 }
433// R_TimeReport("console");
static void Cbuf_Frame_Input(void)
Definition cmd.c:405
static void Cbuf_Execute_Deferred(cmd_buf_t *cbuf)
Definition cmd.c:320
void Cbuf_Execute(cmd_buf_t *cbuf)
Definition cmd.c:351
#define SV_LockThreadMutex()
Definition server.h:606
#define SV_UnlockThreadMutex()
Definition server.h:607

References Cbuf_Execute(), Cbuf_Execute_Deferred(), Cbuf_Frame_Input(), cmd_buf_t::size, SV_LockThreadMutex, and SV_UnlockThreadMutex.

Referenced by Host_Frame().

◆ Cbuf_Frame_Input()

static void Cbuf_Frame_Input ( void )

Definition at line 405 of file cmd.c.

407 char *line;
409 if ((line = Sys_ConsoleInput()))
410 {
411 // bones_was_here: prepending allows a loop such as `alias foo "bar; wait; foo"; foo`
412 // to be broken with an alias or unalias command
414 }
void Cbuf_InsertText(cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *text)
Definition cmd.c:292
cmd_state_t * cmd_local
command interpreter for local commands injected by SVQC, CSQC, MQC, server or client engine code uses...
Definition cmd.c:25
char * Sys_ConsoleInput(void)
Reads a line from POSIX stdin or the Windows console.
Definition sys_shared.c:667

References Cbuf_InsertText(), cmd_local, and Sys_ConsoleInput().

Referenced by Cbuf_Frame().

◆ Cbuf_InsertText()

void Cbuf_InsertText ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
const char * text )

when a command wants to issue other commands immediately, the text is inserted at the beginning of the buffer, before any remaining unexecuted commands.

Definition at line 292 of file cmd.c.

294 cmd_buf_t *cbuf = cmd->cbuf;
295 llist_t llist = {&llist, &llist};
296 size_t l = strlen(text);
298 if (cbuf->size + l > cbuf->maxsize)
299 {
300 Con_Printf(CON_WARN "Cbuf_InsertText: input too large, %luKB ought to be enough for anybody.\n", (unsigned long)(cbuf->maxsize / 1024));
301 return;
302 }
304 Cbuf_Lock(cbuf);
306 // bones_was_here assertion: when prepending to the buffer it never makes sense to leave node(s) in the `pending` state,
307 // it would have been impossible to append to such text later in the old raw text buffer,
308 // and allowing it causes bugs when .cfg files lack \n at EOF (see: https://gitlab.com/xonotic/darkplaces/-/issues/378).
309 Cbuf_ParseText(cmd, &llist, (List_Is_Empty(&cbuf->start) ? NULL : List_Entry(cbuf->start.next, cmd_input_t, list)), text, false);
310 List_Splice(&llist, &cbuf->start);
312 Cbuf_Unlock(cbuf);
static void List_Splice(const llist_t *list, llist_t *head)
Definition com_list.h:400

References Cbuf_Lock(), Cbuf_ParseText(), Cbuf_Unlock(), cmd(), Con_Printf(), CON_WARN, List_Entry, List_Is_Empty(), List_Splice(), cmd_buf_t::maxsize, llist_t::next, NULL, cmd_buf_t::size, cmd_buf_t::start, and strlen().

Referenced by Cbuf_Frame_Input(), CL_NextDemo(), Cmd_Exec(), Cmd_ExecuteAlias(), Cmd_StuffCmds_f(), FS_ChangeGameDirs(), Host_AddConfigText(), Key_Console(), Key_Event(), and M_Keys_Key().

◆ Cbuf_LinkString()

static void Cbuf_LinkString ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
llist_t * head,
cmd_input_t * existing,
const char * text,
qbool leavepending,
unsigned int cmdsize )

Definition at line 176 of file cmd.c.

178 cmd_buf_t *cbuf = cmd->cbuf;
179 cmd_input_t *node = Cbuf_NodeGet(cbuf, existing);
180 unsigned int offset = node->length; // > 0 if(pending)
182 // node will match existing if its text was pending continuation
183 if(node != existing)
184 {
185 node->source = cmd;
186 List_Move_Tail(&node->list, head);
187 }
189 node->length += cmdsize;
190 if(node->size < node->length)
191 {
192 node->text = (char *)Mem_Realloc(cbuf_mempool, node->text, node->length + 1);
193 node->size = node->length;
194 }
195 cbuf->size += cmdsize;
197 dp_ustr2stp(&node->text[offset], node->length + 1, text, cmdsize);
198 //Con_Printf("^5Cbuf_LinkString(): %s `^7%s^5`\n", node->pending ? "append" : "new", &node->text[offset]);
199 node->pending = leavepending;
mempool_t * cbuf_mempool
Definition cmd.c:38
static cmd_input_t * Cbuf_NodeGet(cmd_buf_t *cbuf, cmd_input_t *existing)
Definition cmd.c:149
char * dp_ustr2stp(char *dst, size_t dsize, const char *src, size_t slen)
Copies a measured byte sequence (unterminated string) to a null-terminated string.
Definition common.c:1388
GLuint GLuint GLintptr offset
Definition glquake.h:632
size_t size
excludes \0 terminator
Definition cmd.h:160
#define Mem_Realloc(pool, data, size)
Definition zone.h:94

References cbuf_mempool, Cbuf_NodeGet(), cmd(), dp_ustr2stp(), cmd_input_t::length, cmd_input_t::list, List_Move_Tail(), Mem_Realloc, offset, cmd_input_t::pending, cmd_buf_t::size, cmd_input_t::size, cmd_input_t::source, and cmd_input_t::text.

Referenced by Cbuf_ParseText(), and Cmd_Defer_f().

◆ Cbuf_Lock()

void Cbuf_Lock ( cmd_buf_t * cbuf)

Definition at line 45 of file cmd.c.

void * lock
Definition cmd.h:122
#define Thread_LockMutex(m)
Definition thread.h:17

References cmd_buf_t::lock, and Thread_LockMutex.

Referenced by Cbuf_AddText(), Cbuf_InsertText(), Cmd_Defer_f(), and Cmd_ExecuteString().

◆ Cbuf_NodeGet()

static cmd_input_t * Cbuf_NodeGet ( cmd_buf_t * cbuf,
cmd_input_t * existing )

Definition at line 149 of file cmd.c.

151 cmd_input_t *node;
152 if(existing && existing->pending)
153 node = existing;
154 else if(!List_Is_Empty(&cbuf->free))
155 {
156 node = List_Entry(cbuf->free.next, cmd_input_t, list);
157 node->length = node->pending = 0;
158 }
159 else
160 {
161 node = (cmd_input_t *)Mem_Alloc(cbuf_mempool, sizeof(cmd_input_t));
162 node->list.prev = node->list.next = &node->list;
163 node->size = node->length = node->pending = 0;
164 }
165 return node;
#define Mem_Alloc(pool, size)
Definition zone.h:92

References cbuf_mempool, cmd_buf_t::free, cmd_input_t::length, cmd_input_t::list, List_Entry, List_Is_Empty(), Mem_Alloc, llist_t::next, cmd_input_t::pending, llist_t::prev, and cmd_input_t::size.

Referenced by Cbuf_LinkString().

◆ Cbuf_ParseText()

static void Cbuf_ParseText ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
llist_t * head,
cmd_input_t * existing,
const char * text,
qbool allowpending )

Definition at line 210 of file cmd.c.

212 unsigned int cmdsize = 0, start = 0, pos;
213 qbool quotes = false, comment = false;
215 for (pos = 0; text[pos]; ++pos)
216 {
217 switch(text[pos])
218 {
219 case ';':
220 if (comment || quotes)
221 break;
222 case '\r':
223 case '\n':
224 comment = false;
225 quotes = false; // matches div0-stable
226 if (cmdsize)
227 {
228 Cbuf_LinkString(cmd, head, existing, &text[start], false, cmdsize);
229 cmdsize = 0;
230 }
231 else if (existing && existing->pending) // all I got was this lousy \n
232 existing->pending = false;
233 continue; // don't increment cmdsize
235 case '/':
236 if (!quotes && text[pos + 1] == '/' && (pos == 0 || ISWHITESPACE(text[pos - 1])))
237 comment = true;
238 break;
239 case '"':
240 if (!comment && (pos == 0 || text[pos - 1] != '\\'))
241 quotes = !quotes;
242 break;
243 }
245 if (!comment)
246 {
247 if (!cmdsize)
248 start = pos;
249 ++cmdsize;
250 }
251 }
253 if (cmdsize) // the line didn't end yet but we do have a string
254 Cbuf_LinkString(cmd, head, existing, &text[start], allowpending, cmdsize);
static void Cbuf_LinkString(cmd_state_t *cmd, llist_t *head, cmd_input_t *existing, const char *text, qbool leavepending, unsigned int cmdsize)
Definition cmd.c:176
#define ISWHITESPACE(ch)
Definition qdefs.h:184
bool qbool
Definition qtypes.h:9

References Cbuf_LinkString(), cmd(), ISWHITESPACE, and cmd_input_t::pending.

Referenced by Cbuf_AddText(), and Cbuf_InsertText().

◆ Cbuf_Unlock()

void Cbuf_Unlock ( cmd_buf_t * cbuf)

Definition at line 50 of file cmd.c.

#define Thread_UnlockMutex(m)
Definition thread.h:18

References cmd_buf_t::lock, and Thread_UnlockMutex.

Referenced by Cbuf_AddText(), Cbuf_InsertText(), Cmd_Defer_f(), Cmd_ExecuteString(), and Cmd_Shutdown().

◆ Cmd_AddCommand()

void Cmd_AddCommand ( unsigned flags,
const char * cmd_name,
xcommand_t function,
const char * description )

called by the init functions of other parts of the program to register commands and functions to call for them.

The cmd_name is referenced later, so it should not be in temp memory

Definition at line 1661 of file cmd.c.

1663 cmd_function_t *func;
1664 cmd_function_t *prev, *current;
1666 int i;
1668 for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
1669 {
1670 cmd = cmd_iter_all[i].cmd;
1671 if (flags & cmd->cmd_flagsmask)
1672 {
1673 // fail if the command is a variable name
1674 if (Cvar_FindVar(cmd->cvars, cmd_name, ~0))
1675 {
1676 Con_Printf(CON_WARN "Cmd_AddCommand: %s already defined as a var\n", cmd_name);
1677 return;
1678 }
1680 if (function)
1681 {
1682 // fail if the command already exists in this interpreter
1683 for (func = cmd->engine_functions; func; func = func->next)
1684 {
1685 if (!strcmp(cmd_name, func->name))
1686 {
1687 Con_Printf(CON_WARN "Cmd_AddCommand: %s already defined\n", cmd_name);
1688 continue;
1689 }
1690 }
1692 func = (cmd_function_t *)Mem_Alloc(cmd->mempool, sizeof(cmd_function_t));
1693 func->flags = flags;
1694 func->name = cmd_name;
1695 func->function = function;
1696 func->description = description;
1697 func->next = cmd->engine_functions;
1699 // insert it at the right alphanumeric position
1700 for (prev = NULL, current = cmd->engine_functions; current && strcmp(current->name, func->name) < 0; prev = current, current = current->next)
1701 ;
1702 if (prev) {
1703 prev->next = func;
1704 }
1705 else {
1706 cmd->engine_functions = func;
1707 }
1708 func->next = current;
1709 }
1710 else
1711 {
1712 // mark qcfunc if the function already exists in the qc_functions list
1713 for (func = cmd->userdefined->qc_functions; func; func = func->next)
1714 {
1715 if (!strcmp(cmd_name, func->name))
1716 {
1717 func->qcfunc = true; //[515]: csqc
1718 continue;
1719 }
1720 }
1722 func = (cmd_function_t *)Mem_Alloc(cmd->mempool, sizeof(cmd_function_t));
1723 func->flags = flags;
1724 func->name = cmd_name;
1725 func->function = function;
1726 func->description = description;
1727 func->qcfunc = true; //[515]: csqc
1728 func->next = cmd->userdefined->qc_functions;
1730 // bones_was_here: if this QC command overrides an engine command, store its pointer
1731 // to avoid doing this search at invocation if QC declines to handle this command.
1732 for (cmd_function_t *f = cmd->engine_functions; f; f = f->next)
1733 {
1734 if (!strcmp(cmd_name, f->name))
1735 {
1736 Con_DPrintf("Adding QC override of engine command %s\n", cmd_name);
1737 func->overridden = f;
1738 break;
1739 }
1740 }
1742 // insert it at the right alphanumeric position
1743 for (prev = NULL, current = cmd->userdefined->qc_functions; current && strcmp(current->name, func->name) < 0; prev = current, current = current->next)
1744 ;
1745 if (prev) {
1746 prev->next = func;
1747 }
1748 else {
1749 cmd->userdefined->qc_functions = func;
1750 }
1751 func->next = current;
1752 }
1753 }
1754 }
static cmd_iter_t * cmd_iter_all
Definition cmd.c:36
void Con_DPrintf(const char *fmt,...)
A Con_Printf that only shows up if the "developer" cvar is set.
Definition console.c:1544
float flags
cvar_t * Cvar_FindVar(cvar_state_t *cvars, const char *var_name, unsigned neededflags)
Definition cvar.c:36
float f
struct cmd_function_s * overridden
the engine cmd overriden by this QC cmd, if applicable
Definition cmd.h:95
const char * name
Definition cmd.h:91
struct cmd_function_s * next
Definition cmd.h:90
qbool qcfunc
Definition cmd.h:94
unsigned flags
Definition cmd.h:89
const char * description
Definition cmd.h:92
xcommand_t function
Definition cmd.h:93
cmd_state_t * cmd
Definition cmd.c:32
command interpreter state - the tokenizing and execution of commands, as well as pointers to which cv...
Definition cmd.h:127

References cmd(), cmd_iter_t::cmd, cmd_iter_all, Con_DPrintf(), Con_Printf(), CON_WARN, Cvar_FindVar(), cmd_function_t::description, f, cmd_function_t::flags, flags, cmd_function_t::function, i, Mem_Alloc, cmd_function_t::name, cmd_function_t::next, NULL, cmd_function_t::overridden, and cmd_function_t::qcfunc.

Referenced by CDAudio_Init(), CL_Demo_Init(), CL_Init(), CL_InitCommands(), CL_InitInput(), CL_Parse_Init(), CL_Particles_Init(), CL_Screen_Init(), CL_Video_Init(), Cmd_Init(), Con_Init(), Crypto_Init_Commands(), Curl_Init_Commands(), FS_Init_Commands(), gl_backend_init(), GL_Draw_Init(), GL_Main_Init(), GL_Surf_Init(), Host_InitLocal(), Key_Init(), M_Init(), Memory_Init_Commands(), Mod_Init(), MR_Init_Commands(), NetConn_Init(), PRVM_Init(), R_Modules_Init(), R_Shadow_EditLights_Init(), R_Sky_Init(), R_Textures_Init(), S_Init(), Sbar_Init(), SV_Init(), SV_InitOperatorCommands(), Sys_EM_Register_Commands(), V_Init(), VID_Shared_Init(), VM_CL_registercmd(), VM_M_registercommand(), and VM_SV_registercommand().

◆ Cmd_AddInterpreter()

static cmd_state_t * Cmd_AddInterpreter ( cmd_buf_t * cbuf,
cvar_state_t * cvars,
unsigned cvars_flagsmask,
unsigned cmds_flagsmask,
cmd_userdefined_t * userdefined )

Definition at line 1470 of file cmd.c.

1474 cmd->mempool = Mem_AllocPool("commands", 0, NULL);
1475 // space for commands and script files
1476 cmd->cbuf = cbuf;
1477 cmd->null_string = "";
1479 cmd->cvars = cvars;
1480 cmd->cvars_flagsmask = cvars_flagsmask;
1481 cmd->cmd_flagsmask = cmds_flagsmask;
1482 cmd->userdefined = userdefined;
1484 return cmd;
struct mempool_s * mempool
Definition cmd.h:128
mempool_t * tempmempool
Definition zone.c:794
#define Mem_AllocPool(name, flags, parent)
Definition zone.h:104

References cmd(), Mem_Alloc, Mem_AllocPool, cmd_state_t::mempool, NULL, and tempmempool.

Referenced by Cmd_Init().

◆ Cmd_Alias_f()

static void Cmd_Alias_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 813 of file cmd.c.

815 cmd_alias_t *a;
816 char line[MAX_INPUTLINE];
817 int i, c;
818 const char *s;
819 size_t alloclen;
821 if (Cmd_Argc(cmd) == 1)
822 {
823 Con_Print("Current alias commands:\n");
824 for (a = cmd->userdefined->alias ; a ; a=a->next)
825 Con_Printf("%s : %s", a->name, a->value);
826 return;
827 }
829 s = Cmd_Argv(cmd, 1);
830 if (strlen(s) >= MAX_ALIAS_NAME)
831 {
832 Con_Print(CON_WARN "Alias name is too long\n");
833 return;
834 }
836 // if the alias already exists, reuse it
837 for (a = cmd->userdefined->alias ; a ; a=a->next)
838 {
839 if (!strcmp(s, a->name))
840 {
841 Z_Free (a->value);
842 break;
843 }
844 }
846 if (!a)
847 {
848 cmd_alias_t *prev, *current;
850 a = (cmd_alias_t *)Z_Malloc (sizeof(cmd_alias_t));
851 dp_strlcpy (a->name, s, sizeof (a->name));
852 // insert it at the right alphanumeric position
853 for( prev = NULL, current = cmd->userdefined->alias ; current && strcmp( current->name, a->name ) < 0 ; prev = current, current = current->next )
854 ;
855 if( prev ) {
856 prev->next = a;
857 } else {
858 cmd->userdefined->alias = a;
859 }
860 a->next = current;
861 }
864// copy the rest of the command line
865 line[0] = 0; // start out with a null string
866 c = Cmd_Argc(cmd);
867 for (i=2 ; i < c ; i++)
868 {
869 if (i != 2)
870 dp_strlcat (line, " ", sizeof (line));
871 dp_strlcat (line, Cmd_Argv(cmd, i), sizeof (line));
872 }
873 dp_strlcat (line, "\n", sizeof (line));
875 alloclen = strlen (line) + 1;
876 if(alloclen >= 2)
877 line[alloclen - 2] = '\n'; // to make sure a newline is appended even if too long
878 a->value = (char *)Z_Malloc (alloclen);
879 memcpy (a->value, line, alloclen);
static int Cmd_Argc(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition cmd.h:249
static const char * Cmd_Argv(cmd_state_t *cmd, int arg)
Cmd_Argv(cmd, ) will return an empty string (not a NULL) if arg > argc, so string operations are alwa...
Definition cmd.h:254
#define dp_strlcat(dst, src, dsize)
Definition common.h:304
#define dp_strlcpy(dst, src, dsize)
Definition common.h:303
void Con_Print(const char *msg)
Prints to all appropriate console targets, and adds timestamps.
Definition console.c:1504
maximum size of console commandline, QuakeC strings, and many other text processing buffers
Definition qdefs.h:94
Definition qdefs.h:99
ret a
struct cmd_alias_s * next
Definition cmd.h:80
char name[MAX_ALIAS_NAME]
Definition cmd.h:81
#define Z_Malloc(size)
Definition zone.h:161
#define Z_Free(data)
Definition zone.h:164

References a, cmd(), Cmd_Argc(), Cmd_Argv(), Con_Print(), Con_Printf(), CON_WARN, dp_strlcat, dp_strlcpy, i, MAX_ALIAS_NAME, MAX_INPUTLINE, cmd_alias_t::name, cmd_alias_t::next, NULL, strlen(), Z_Free, and Z_Malloc.

Referenced by Cmd_Init().

◆ Cmd_Apropos_f()

static void Cmd_Apropos_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 1400 of file cmd.c.

1402 cmd_function_t *func;
1403 cvar_t *cvar;
1404 cmd_alias_t *alias;
1405 const char *partial;
1406 int count;
1407 qbool ispattern;
1408 char vabuf[1024];
1410 if (Cmd_Argc(cmd) > 1)
1411 partial = Cmd_Args(cmd);
1412 else
1413 {
1414 Con_Printf("usage: %s <string>\n",Cmd_Argv(cmd, 0));
1415 return;
1416 }
1418 ispattern = partial && (strchr(partial, '*') || strchr(partial, '?'));
1419 if(!ispattern)
1420 partial = va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "*%s*", partial);
1422 count = 0;
1423 for (cvar = cmd->cvars->vars; cvar; cvar = cvar->next)
1424 {
1425 if (matchpattern_with_separator(cvar->name, partial, true, "", false) ||
1426 matchpattern_with_separator(cvar->description, partial, true, "", false))
1427 {
1428 Con_Printf ("cvar ");
1429 Cvar_PrintHelp(cvar, cvar->name, true);
1430 count++;
1431 }
1432 for (char **cvar_alias = cvar->aliases; cvar_alias && *cvar_alias; cvar_alias++)
1433 {
1434 if (matchpattern_with_separator(*cvar_alias, partial, true, "", false))
1435 {
1436 Con_Printf ("cvar ");
1437 Cvar_PrintHelp(cvar, *cvar_alias, true);
1438 count++;
1439 }
1440 }
1441 }
1442 for (func = cmd->userdefined->qc_functions; func; func = func->next)
1443 {
1444 if (!matchpattern_with_separator(func->name, partial, true, "", false))
1445 if (!matchpattern_with_separator(func->description, partial, true, "", false))
1446 continue;
1447 Con_Printf("command ^2%s^7: %s\n", func->name, func->description);
1448 count++;
1449 }
1450 for (func = cmd->engine_functions; func; func = func->next)
1451 {
1452 if (!matchpattern_with_separator(func->name, partial, true, "", false))
1453 if (!matchpattern_with_separator(func->description, partial, true, "", false))
1454 continue;
1455 Con_Printf("command ^2%s^7: %s\n", func->name, func->description);
1456 count++;
1457 }
1458 for (alias = cmd->userdefined->alias; alias; alias = alias->next)
1459 {
1460 // procede here a bit differently as an alias value always got a final \n
1461 if (!matchpattern_with_separator(alias->name, partial, true, "", false))
1462 if (!matchpattern_with_separator(alias->value, partial, true, "\n", false)) // when \n is as separator wildcards don't match it
1463 continue;
1464 Con_Printf("alias ^5%s^7: %s", alias->name, alias->value); // do not print an extra \n
1465 count++;
1466 }
1467 Con_Printf("%i result%s\n\n", count, (count > 1) ? "s" : "");
static const char * Cmd_Args(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition cmd.h:260
char * va(char *buf, size_t buflen, const char *format,...)
Definition common.c:972
void Cvar_PrintHelp(cvar_t *cvar, const char *name, qbool full)
Definition cvar.c:274
int matchpattern_with_separator(const char *in, const char *pattern, int caseinsensitive, const char *separators, qbool wildcard_least_one)
Definition filematch.c:23
GLenum GLenum GLsizei count
Definition glquake.h:656
float cvar(string name)
char * value
Definition cmd.h:82
Definition cvar.h:66

References cmd(), Cmd_Argc(), Cmd_Args(), Cmd_Argv(), Con_Printf(), count, cvar(), Cvar_PrintHelp(), cmd_function_t::description, matchpattern_with_separator(), cmd_alias_t::name, cmd_function_t::name, cmd_alias_t::next, cmd_function_t::next, va(), and cmd_alias_t::value.

Referenced by Cmd_Init().

◆ Cmd_Callback()

qbool Cmd_Callback ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
cmd_function_t * func )

Definition at line 2008 of file cmd.c.

2010 if (func->function)
2011 func->function(cmd);
2012 else
2013 Con_Printf(CON_WARN "Command \"%s\" can not be executed\n", Cmd_Argv(cmd, 0));
2014 return true;

References cmd(), Cmd_Argv(), Con_Printf(), CON_WARN, and cmd_function_t::function.

Referenced by Cmd_CL_Callback().

◆ Cmd_CheckParm()

int Cmd_CheckParm ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
const char * parm )

Returns the position (1 to argc-1) in the command's argument list where the given parameter apears, or 0 if not present.

Definition at line 2140 of file cmd.c.

2142 int i;
2144 if (!parm)
2145 {
2146 Con_Printf(CON_WARN "Cmd_CheckParm: NULL");
2147 return 0;
2148 }
2150 for (i = 1; i < Cmd_Argc (cmd); i++)
2151 if (!strcasecmp (parm, Cmd_Argv(cmd, i)))
2152 return i;
2154 return 0;

References cmd(), Cmd_Argc(), Cmd_Argv(), Con_Printf(), CON_WARN, and i.

◆ Cmd_CL_Callback()

qbool Cmd_CL_Callback ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
cmd_function_t * func,
const char * text,
size_t textlen,
cmd_source_t src )

Definition at line 2017 of file cmd.c.

2019 // TODO: Assign these functions to QC commands directly?
2020 if(func->qcfunc)
2021 {
2022 if(((func->flags & CF_CLIENT) && CL_VM_ConsoleCommand(text, textlen)) ||
2023 ((func->flags & CF_SERVER) && SV_VM_ConsoleCommand(text, textlen)))
2024 return true;
2026 if (func->overridden) // If this QC command overrides an engine command,
2027 func = func->overridden; // fall back to that command.
2028 }
2029 if (func->flags & CF_SERVER_FROM_CLIENT)
2030 {
2032 {
2034 return true;
2035 }
2036 else if(!(func->flags & CF_SERVER))
2037 {
2038 Con_Printf(CON_WARN "Cannot execute client commands from a dedicated server console.\n");
2039 return true;
2040 }
2041 }
2042 return Cmd_Callback(cmd, func);
void CL_ForwardToServer_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
adds the current command line as a clc_stringcmd to the client message.
Definition cl_cmd.c:174
qbool Cmd_Callback(cmd_state_t *cmd, cmd_function_t *func)
Definition cmd.c:2008
#define CF_SERVER
cvar/command that only the server can change/execute
Definition cmd.h:49
command the client is allowed to execute on the server as a stringcmd
Definition cmd.h:51
#define CF_CLIENT
cvar/command that only the client can change/execute
Definition cmd.h:48
qbool CL_VM_ConsoleCommand(const char *text, size_t textlen)
Definition csprogs.c:573
cvar_t host_isclient
Definition host.c:61
qbool SV_VM_ConsoleCommand(const char *text, size_t textlen)
Definition svvm_cmds.c:2927
int integer
Definition cvar.h:73

References CF_CLIENT, CF_SERVER, CF_SERVER_FROM_CLIENT, CL_ForwardToServer_f(), CL_VM_ConsoleCommand(), cmd(), Cmd_Callback(), Con_Printf(), CON_WARN, cmd_function_t::flags, host_isclient, cvar_t::integer, cmd_function_t::overridden, cmd_function_t::qcfunc, and SV_VM_ConsoleCommand().

Referenced by Cmd_Init().

◆ Cmd_ClearCSQCCommands()

void Cmd_ClearCSQCCommands ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 1981 of file cmd.c.

1983 cmd_function_t *func;
1984 cmd_function_t **next = &cmd->userdefined->qc_functions;
1986 while(*next)
1987 {
1988 func = *next;
1989 *next = func->next;
1990 Z_Free(func);
1991 }

References cmd(), cmd_function_t::next, and Z_Free.

Referenced by CL_VM_ShutDown().

◆ Cmd_CompleteAlias()

const char * Cmd_CompleteAlias ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
const char * partial )

Definition at line 1892 of file cmd.c.

1894 cmd_alias_t *alias;
1895 size_t len;
1897 len = strlen(partial);
1899 if (!len)
1900 return NULL;
1902 // Check functions
1903 for (alias = cmd->userdefined->alias; alias; alias = alias->next)
1904 if (!strncasecmp(partial, alias->name, len))
1905 return alias->name;
1907 return NULL;

References cmd(), cmd_alias_t::name, cmd_alias_t::next, NULL, and strlen().

◆ Cmd_CompleteAliasBuildList()

const char ** Cmd_CompleteAliasBuildList ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
const char * partial )

Definition at line 1961 of file cmd.c.

1963 cmd_alias_t *alias;
1964 size_t len = 0;
1965 size_t bpos = 0;
1966 size_t sizeofbuf = (Cmd_CompleteAliasCountPossible (cmd, partial) + 1) * sizeof (const char *);
1967 const char **buf;
1969 len = strlen(partial);
1970 buf = (const char **)Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, sizeofbuf + sizeof (const char *));
1971 // Loop through the alias list and print all matches
1972 for (alias = cmd->userdefined->alias; alias; alias = alias->next)
1973 if (!strncasecmp(partial, alias->name, len))
1974 buf[bpos++] = alias->name;
1976 buf[bpos] = NULL;
1977 return buf;
int Cmd_CompleteAliasCountPossible(cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *partial)
Definition cmd.c:1931
GLenum GLuint GLenum GLsizei const GLchar * buf
Definition glquake.h:657

References buf, cmd(), Cmd_CompleteAliasCountPossible(), Mem_Alloc, cmd_alias_t::name, cmd_alias_t::next, NULL, strlen(), and tempmempool.

Referenced by Con_CompleteCommandLine().

◆ Cmd_CompleteAliasCountPossible()

int Cmd_CompleteAliasCountPossible ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
const char * partial )

Definition at line 1931 of file cmd.c.

1933 cmd_alias_t *alias;
1934 size_t len;
1935 int h;
1937 h = 0;
1939 len = strlen(partial);
1941 if (!len)
1942 return 0;
1944 // Loop through the command list and count all partial matches
1945 for (alias = cmd->userdefined->alias; alias; alias = alias->next)
1946 if (!strncasecmp(partial, alias->name, len))
1947 h++;
1949 return h;

References cmd(), cmd_alias_t::name, cmd_alias_t::next, and strlen().

Referenced by Cmd_CompleteAliasBuildList(), and Con_CompleteCommandLine().

◆ Cmd_CompleteAliasPrint()

void Cmd_CompleteAliasPrint ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
const char * partial )

Definition at line 1911 of file cmd.c.

1913 cmd_alias_t *alias;
1914 size_t len = strlen(partial);
1915 // Loop through the alias list and print all matches
1916 for (alias = cmd->userdefined->alias; alias; alias = alias->next)
1917 if (!strncasecmp(partial, alias->name, len))
1918 Con_Printf("^5%s^7: %s", alias->name, alias->value);

References cmd(), Con_Printf(), cmd_alias_t::name, cmd_alias_t::next, strlen(), and cmd_alias_t::value.

Referenced by Con_CompleteCommandLine().

◆ Cmd_CompleteBuildList()

const char ** Cmd_CompleteBuildList ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
const char * partial )

Definition at line 1847 of file cmd.c.

1849 cmd_function_t *func;
1850 size_t len = 0;
1851 size_t bpos = 0;
1852 size_t sizeofbuf = (Cmd_CompleteCountPossible (cmd, partial) + 1) * sizeof (const char *);
1853 const char **buf;
1855 len = strlen(partial);
1856 buf = (const char **)Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, sizeofbuf + sizeof (const char *));
1857 // Loop through the functions lists and print all matches
1858 for (func = cmd->userdefined->qc_functions; func; func = func->next)
1859 if (!strncasecmp(partial, func->name, len))
1860 buf[bpos++] = func->name;
1861 for (func = cmd->engine_functions; func; func = func->next)
1862 if (!strncasecmp(partial, func->name, len))
1863 buf[bpos++] = func->name;
1865 buf[bpos] = NULL;
1866 return buf;
int Cmd_CompleteCountPossible(cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *partial)
Definition cmd.c:1814

References buf, cmd(), Cmd_CompleteCountPossible(), Mem_Alloc, cmd_function_t::name, cmd_function_t::next, NULL, strlen(), and tempmempool.

Referenced by Con_CompleteCommandLine().

◆ Cmd_CompleteCommand()

const char * Cmd_CompleteCommand ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
const char * partial )

attempts to match a partial command for automatic command line completion returns NULL if nothing fits

Definition at line 1783 of file cmd.c.

1785 cmd_function_t *func;
1786 size_t len;
1788 len = strlen(partial);
1790 if (!len)
1791 return NULL;
1793// check functions
1794 for (func = cmd->userdefined->qc_functions; func; func = func->next)
1795 if (!strncasecmp(partial, func->name, len))
1796 return func->name;
1798 for (func = cmd->engine_functions; func; func = func->next)
1799 if (!strncasecmp(partial, func->name, len))
1800 return func->name;
1802 return NULL;

References cmd(), cmd_function_t::name, cmd_function_t::next, NULL, and strlen().

◆ Cmd_CompleteCommandPrint()

void Cmd_CompleteCommandPrint ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
const char * partial )

Definition at line 1870 of file cmd.c.

1872 cmd_function_t *func;
1873 size_t len = strlen(partial);
1874 // Loop through the command list and print all matches
1875 for (func = cmd->userdefined->qc_functions; func; func = func->next)
1876 if (!strncasecmp(partial, func->name, len))
1877 Con_Printf("^2%s^7: %s\n", func->name, func->description);
1878 for (func = cmd->engine_functions; func; func = func->next)
1879 if (!strncasecmp(partial, func->name, len))
1880 Con_Printf("^2%s^7: %s\n", func->name, func->description);

References cmd(), Con_Printf(), cmd_function_t::description, cmd_function_t::name, cmd_function_t::next, and strlen().

Referenced by Con_CompleteCommandLine().

◆ Cmd_CompleteCountPossible()

int Cmd_CompleteCountPossible ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
const char * partial )

Definition at line 1814 of file cmd.c.

1816 cmd_function_t *func;
1817 size_t len;
1818 int h;
1820 h = 0;
1821 len = strlen(partial);
1823 if (!len)
1824 return 0;
1826 // Loop through the command list and count all partial matches
1827 for (func = cmd->userdefined->qc_functions; func; func = func->next)
1828 if (!strncasecmp(partial, func->name, len))
1829 h++;
1831 for (func = cmd->engine_functions; func; func = func->next)
1832 if (!strncasecmp(partial, func->name, len))
1833 h++;
1835 return h;

References cmd(), cmd_function_t::name, cmd_function_t::next, and strlen().

Referenced by Cmd_CompleteBuildList(), and Con_CompleteCommandLine().

◆ Cmd_Defer_f()

static void Cmd_Defer_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 79 of file cmd.c.

81 cmd_input_t *current;
82 cmd_buf_t *cbuf = cmd->cbuf;
83 unsigned int cmdsize;
85 if(Cmd_Argc(cmd) == 1)
86 {
87 if(List_Is_Empty(&cbuf->deferred))
88 Con_Printf("No commands are pending.\n");
89 else
90 {
91 List_For_Each_Entry(current, &cbuf->deferred, cmd_input_t, list)
92 Con_Printf("-> In %9.2f: %s\n", current->delay, current->text);
93 }
94 }
95 else if(Cmd_Argc(cmd) == 2 && !strcasecmp("clear", Cmd_Argv(cmd, 1)))
96 {
97 while(!List_Is_Empty(&cbuf->deferred))
98 {
99 cbuf->size -= List_Entry(cbuf->deferred.next, cmd_input_t, list)->length;
100 List_Move_Tail(cbuf->deferred.next, &cbuf->free);
101 }
102 }
103 else if(Cmd_Argc(cmd) == 3 && (cmdsize = strlen(Cmd_Argv(cmd, 2))) )
104 {
105 Cbuf_Lock(cbuf);
107 Cbuf_LinkString(cmd, &cbuf->deferred, NULL, Cmd_Argv(cmd, 2), false, cmdsize);
108 List_Entry(cbuf->deferred.prev, cmd_input_t, list)->delay = atof(Cmd_Argv(cmd, 1));
110 Cbuf_Unlock(cbuf);
111 }
112 else
113 {
114 Con_Printf("usage: defer <seconds> <command>\n"
115 " defer clear\n");
116 return;
117 }
#define List_For_Each_Entry(pos, head, type, member)
Definition com_list.h:121

References Cbuf_LinkString(), Cbuf_Lock(), Cbuf_Unlock(), cmd(), Cmd_Argc(), Cmd_Argv(), Con_Printf(), cmd_buf_t::deferred, cmd_input_t::delay, cmd_buf_t::free, List_Entry, List_For_Each_Entry, List_Is_Empty(), List_Move_Tail(), llist_t::next, NULL, llist_t::prev, cmd_buf_t::size, strlen(), and cmd_input_t::text.

Referenced by Cmd_Init().

◆ Cmd_Echo_f()

static void Cmd_Echo_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 717 of file cmd.c.

719 int i;
721 for (i=1 ; i<Cmd_Argc(cmd) ; i++)
722 Con_Printf("%s ",Cmd_Argv(cmd, i));
723 Con_Print("\n");

References cmd(), Cmd_Argc(), Cmd_Argv(), Con_Print(), Con_Printf(), and i.

Referenced by Cmd_Init().

◆ Cmd_Exec()

static void Cmd_Exec ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
const char * filename )

Definition at line 516 of file cmd.c.

518 char *f;
519 size_t filenameLen = strlen(filename);
520 qbool isdefaultcfg =
521 !strcmp(filename, "default.cfg") ||
522 (filenameLen >= 12 && !strcmp(filename + filenameLen - 12, "/default.cfg"));
524 if (!strcmp(filename, "config.cfg"))
525 {
526 filename = CONFIGFILENAME;
527 if (Sys_CheckParm("-noconfig"))
528 return; // don't execute config.cfg
529 }
531 f = (char *)FS_LoadFile (filename, tempmempool, false, NULL);
532 if (!f)
533 {
534 Con_Printf(CON_WARN "couldn't exec %s\n",filename);
535 return;
536 }
537 Con_Printf("execing %s\n",filename);
539 // if executing default.cfg for the first time, lock the cvar defaults
540 // it may seem backwards to insert this text BEFORE the default.cfg
541 // but Cbuf_InsertText inserts before, so this actually ends up after it.
542 if (isdefaultcfg)
543 Cbuf_InsertText(cmd, "\ncvar_lockdefaults\n");
546 Mem_Free(f);
548 if (isdefaultcfg)
549 {
550 // special defaults for specific games go here, these execute before default.cfg
551 // and after gamegroup defaults (see below)
552 switch(gamemode)
553 {
554 case GAME_NEHAHRA:
555 Cbuf_InsertText(cmd, "\n"
556// Nehahra pushable crates malfunction in some levels if this is on
557"sv_gameplayfix_upwardvelocityclearsongroundflag 0\n"
558// Nehahra NPC AI is confused by blowupfallenzombies
559"sv_gameplayfix_blowupfallenzombies 0\n"
560 );
561 break;
563 case GAME_QUOTH:
564 Cbuf_InsertText(cmd, "\n"
565// hipnotic mission pack has issues in their 'friendly monster' ai, which seem to attempt to attack themselves for some reason when findradius() returns non-solid entities.
566"sv_gameplayfix_blowupfallenzombies 0\n"
567// hipnotic mission pack has issues with bobbing water entities 'jittering' between different heights on alternate frames at the default 0.0138889 ticrate, 0.02 avoids this issue
568"sys_ticrate 0.02\n"
569// hipnotic mission pack has issues in their proximity mine sticking code, which causes them to bounce off.
570"sv_gameplayfix_slidemoveprojectiles 0\n"
571 );
572 break;
573 case GAME_ROGUE:
574 Cbuf_InsertText(cmd, "\n"
575// rogue mission pack has a guardian boss that does not wake up if findradius returns one of the entities around its spawn area
576"sv_gameplayfix_blowupfallenzombies 0\n"
577// On r2m3 3 of the 4 monster_lava_man are placed in solid clips so droptofloor() moves them to a lower level if tracebox can
578// move them out of solid, if it can't they're stuck (original behaviour), only proper fix is to move them with a .ent file.
579"mod_q1bsp_traceoutofsolid 0\n"
580 );
581 break;
583 if (cls.state != ca_dedicated)
584 Cbuf_InsertText(cmd, "\n"
585"r_shadow_gloss 2\n"
586"r_shadow_bumpscale_basetexture 4\n"
587 );
588 break;
589 case GAME_NEXUIZ:
590 Cbuf_InsertText(cmd, "\n"
591"sv_gameplayfix_q2airaccelerate 1\n"
592"sv_gameplayfix_stepmultipletimes 1\n"
593 );
594 if (cls.state != ca_dedicated)
595 Cbuf_InsertText(cmd, "\n"
596"csqc_polygons_defaultmaterial_nocullface 1\n"
597"con_chatsound_team_mask 13\n"
598 );
599 break;
600 case GAME_XONOTIC:
602 Cbuf_InsertText(cmd, "\n"
603// compatibility for versions prior to 2020-05-25, this can be overridden in newer versions to get the default behavior and be consistent with FTEQW engine
604"sv_qcstats 1\n"
605"mod_q1bsp_zero_hullsize_cutoff 8.03125\n"
606 );
607 if (cls.state != ca_dedicated)
608 Cbuf_InsertText(cmd, "\n"
609"csqc_polygons_defaultmaterial_nocullface 1\n"
610"con_chatsound_team_mask 13\n"
611 );
612 break;
614 if (cls.state != ca_dedicated)
615 Cbuf_InsertText(cmd, "\n"
616// Steel Storm: Burning Retribution csqc misinterprets CSQC_InputEvent if type is a value other than 0 or 1
617"cl_csqc_generatemousemoveevents 0\n"
618"csqc_polygons_defaultmaterial_nocullface 1\n"
619 );
620 break;
621 case GAME_QUAKE15:
622 Cbuf_InsertText(cmd, "\n"
623// Corpses slide around without this bug from old DP versions
624"sv_gameplayfix_impactbeforeonground 1\n"
625// Reduce likelihood of incorrectly placed corpses sinking into the ground
626"sv_gameplayfix_unstickentities 1\n"
627 );
628 break;
629 case GAME_AD:
630 if (cls.state != ca_dedicated)
631 Cbuf_InsertText(cmd, "\n"
632// Arcane Dimensions V1.80 Patch 1 assumes engines that don't pass values to CSQC_Init() are DP,
633// instead of doing a workaround there we can give it what it really wants (fixes offscreen HUD).
634"csqc_lowres 1\n"
635 );
636 break;
637 case GAME_CTSJ2:
638 Cbuf_InsertText(cmd, "\n"
639// Doesn't completely initialise during worldspawn and the init frames, sometimes causing the
640// essential item on start.bsp to not spawn when the local client connects and spawns "too fast".
641"sv_init_frame_count 3\n"
642 );
643 default:
644 break;
645 }
647 // special defaults for game groups go here, these execute before the specific games above
648 switch (com_startupgamegroup)
649 {
650 case GAME_NORMAL: // id1 Quake and its mods
651 Cbuf_InsertText(cmd, "\n"
652"sv_gameplayfix_blowupfallenzombies 0\n"
653"sv_gameplayfix_findradiusdistancetobox 0\n"
654"sv_gameplayfix_grenadebouncedownslopes 0\n"
655"sv_gameplayfix_slidemoveprojectiles 0\n"
656"sv_gameplayfix_upwardvelocityclearsongroundflag 0\n"
657"sv_gameplayfix_setmodelrealbox 0\n"
658"sv_gameplayfix_droptofloorstartsolid 0\n"
659"sv_gameplayfix_droptofloorstartsolid_nudgetocorrect 0\n"
660"sv_gameplayfix_noairborncorpse 0\n"
661"sv_gameplayfix_noairborncorpse_allowsuspendeditems 0\n"
662"sv_gameplayfix_easierwaterjump 0\n"
663"sv_gameplayfix_delayprojectiles 0\n"
664"sv_gameplayfix_multiplethinksperframe 0\n"
665"sv_gameplayfix_fixedcheckwatertransition 0\n"
666"sv_gameplayfix_q1bsptracelinereportstexture 0\n"
667"sv_gameplayfix_swiminbmodels 0\n"
668"sv_gameplayfix_downtracesupportsongroundflag 0\n"
669// Work around low brightness and poor legibility of Quake font
670"r_textbrightness 0.25\n"
671"r_textcontrast 1.25\n"
672 );
673 break;
674 default:
675 break;
676 }
677 }
client_static_t cls
Definition cl_main.c:116
@ ca_dedicated
Definition client.h:530
gamemode_t gamemode
Definition com_game.c:26
gamemode_t com_startupgamegroup
Definition com_game.c:36
Definition com_game.h:33
Definition com_game.h:31
Definition com_game.h:30
added by motorsep
Definition com_game.h:53
Definition com_game.h:60
added by bones_was_here as it depends on an old bug and a workaround
Definition com_game.h:63
Definition com_game.h:32
Definition com_game.h:28
added by bones_was_here as it has a race condition that requires a workaound
Definition com_game.h:65
full of evil hackery
Definition com_game.h:41
Definition com_game.h:34
added by bones_was_here as it depends on old DP behaviour or csqc_lowres
Definition com_game.h:64
Definition com_game.h:29
unsigned char * FS_LoadFile(const char *path, mempool_t *pool, qbool quiet, fs_offset_t *filesizepointer)
Definition fs.c:3540
Definition quakedef.h:29
cactive_t state
Definition client.h:568
int Sys_CheckParm(const char *parm)
Definition sys_shared.c:327
#define Mem_Free(mem)
Definition zone.h:96

References ca_dedicated, Cbuf_InsertText(), cls, cmd(), com_startupgamegroup, Con_Printf(), CON_WARN, CONFIGFILENAME, f, FS_LoadFile(), GAME_AD, GAME_CTSJ2, GAME_HIPNOTIC, GAME_NEHAHRA, GAME_NEXUIZ, GAME_NORMAL, GAME_QUAKE15, GAME_QUOTH, GAME_ROGUE, GAME_STEELSTORM, GAME_TENEBRAE, GAME_VORETOURNAMENT, GAME_XONOTIC, gamemode, Mem_Free, NULL, client_static_t::state, strlen(), Sys_CheckParm(), and tempmempool.

Referenced by Cmd_Exec_f().

◆ Cmd_Exec_f()

static void Cmd_Exec_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 685 of file cmd.c.

687 fssearch_t *s;
688 int i;
690 if (Cmd_Argc(cmd) != 2)
691 {
692 Con_Print("exec <filename> : execute a script file\n");
693 return;
694 }
696 s = FS_Search(Cmd_Argv(cmd, 1), true, true, NULL);
697 if(!s || !s->numfilenames)
698 {
699 Con_Printf(CON_WARN "couldn't exec %s\n",Cmd_Argv(cmd, 1));
700 return;
701 }
703 for(i = 0; i < s->numfilenames; ++i)
704 Cmd_Exec(cmd, s->filenames[i]);
706 FS_FreeSearch(s);
static void Cmd_Exec(cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *filename)
Definition cmd.c:516
void FS_FreeSearch(fssearch_t *search)
Definition fs.c:3963
fssearch_t * FS_Search(const char *pattern, int caseinsensitive, int quiet, const char *packfile)
Definition fs.c:3756
char ** filenames
Definition fs.h:117
int numfilenames
Definition fs.h:116

References cmd(), Cmd_Argc(), Cmd_Argv(), Cmd_Exec(), Con_Print(), Con_Printf(), CON_WARN, fssearch_t::filenames, FS_FreeSearch(), FS_Search(), i, NULL, and fssearch_t::numfilenames.

Referenced by Cmd_Init().

◆ Cmd_ExecuteAlias()

static void Cmd_ExecuteAlias ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
cmd_alias_t * alias )

Definition at line 1306 of file cmd.c.

1308 static char buffer[ MAX_INPUTLINE ]; // cmd_mutex
1309 static char buffer2[ MAX_INPUTLINE ]; // cmd_mutex
1310 qbool ret = Cmd_PreprocessString( cmd, alias->value, buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 2, alias );
1311 if(!ret)
1312 return;
1313 // insert at start of command buffer, so that aliases execute in order
1314 // (fixes bug introduced by Black on 20050705)
1316 // Note: Cbuf_PreprocessString will be called on this string AGAIN! So we
1317 // have to make sure that no second variable expansion takes place, otherwise
1318 // alias parameters containing dollar signs can have bad effects.
1319 Cmd_QuoteString(buffer2, sizeof(buffer2), buffer, "$", false);
1320 Cbuf_InsertText(cmd, buffer2);
qbool Cmd_QuoteString(char *out, size_t outlen, const char *in, const char *quoteset, qbool putquotes)
quotes a string so that it can be used as a command argument again; quoteset is a string that contain...
Definition cmd.c:1000
static size_t Cmd_PreprocessString(cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *intext, char *outtext, unsigned maxoutlen, cmd_alias_t *alias)
Definition cmd.c:1176
GLuint buffer
Definition glquake.h:630
return ret

References buffer, Cbuf_InsertText(), cmd(), Cmd_PreprocessString(), Cmd_QuoteString(), MAX_INPUTLINE, ret, and cmd_alias_t::value.

Referenced by Cmd_ExecuteString().

◆ Cmd_ExecuteString()

void Cmd_ExecuteString ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
const char * text,
size_t textlen,
cmd_source_t src,
qbool lockmutex )

Parses a single line of text into arguments and tries to execute it.

The text can come from the command buffer, a remote client, or stdin.

Definition at line 2068 of file cmd.c.

2070 int oldpos;
2071 cmd_function_t *func;
2072 cmd_alias_t *a;
2074 if (lockmutex)
2075 Cbuf_Lock(cmd->cbuf);
2076 oldpos = cmd->cbuf->tokenizebufferpos;
2077 cmd->source = src;
2079 Cmd_TokenizeString (cmd, text);
2081// execute the command line
2082 if (!Cmd_Argc(cmd))
2083 goto done; // no tokens
2085// check functions
2086 for (func = cmd->userdefined->qc_functions; func; func = func->next)
2087 if (!strcasecmp(cmd->argv[0], func->name))
2088 if(cmd->Handle(cmd, func, text, textlen, src))
2089 goto functions_done;
2091 for (func = cmd->engine_functions; func; func=func->next)
2092 if (!strcasecmp (cmd->argv[0], func->name))
2093 if(cmd->Handle(cmd, func, text, textlen, src))
2094 goto functions_done;
2097 // If it's a client command and wasn't found and handled, say so.
2098 // Also don't let clients call server aliases.
2099 if (cmd->source == src_client)
2100 {
2101 if (!func)
2102 Con_Printf("Client \"%s\" tried to execute \"%s\"\n", host_client->name, text);
2103 goto done;
2104 }
2106// check alias
2107 // Execute any alias with the same name as a command after the command.
2108 for (a=cmd->userdefined->alias ; a ; a=a->next)
2109 {
2110 if (!strcasecmp (cmd->argv[0], a->name))
2111 {
2113 goto done;
2114 }
2115 }
2117 // If the command was found and handled don't try to handle it as a cvar.
2118 if (func)
2119 goto done;
2121// check cvars
2122 // Xonotic is still maintained so we don't want to hide problems from getting fixed
2123 if (!Cvar_Command(cmd) && (host.framecount > 0 || gamemode == GAME_XONOTIC))
2124 Con_Printf(CON_WARN "Unknown command \"%s\"\n", Cmd_Argv(cmd, 0));
2126 cmd->cbuf->tokenizebufferpos = oldpos;
2127 if (lockmutex)
2128 Cbuf_Unlock(cmd->cbuf);
static void Cmd_TokenizeString(cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *text)
Definition cmd.c:1601
static void Cmd_ExecuteAlias(cmd_state_t *cmd, cmd_alias_t *alias)
Definition cmd.c:1306
@ src_client
came in over a net connection as a clc_stringcmd host_client will be valid during this state.
Definition cmd.h:73
qbool Cvar_Command(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition cvar.c:833
prvm_eval_t * src
client_t * host_client
Definition sv_main.c:29
Definition server.h:235
unsigned int framecount
incremented every frame, never reset, >0 means Host_AbortCurrentFrame() is possible
Definition host.h:45

References a, Cbuf_Lock(), Cbuf_Unlock(), cmd(), Cmd_Argc(), Cmd_Argv(), Cmd_ExecuteAlias(), Cmd_TokenizeString(), Con_Printf(), CON_WARN, Cvar_Command(), host_static_t::framecount, GAME_XONOTIC, gamemode, host, host_client, client_t::name, cmd_function_t::name, cmd_function_t::next, src, and src_client.

Referenced by CL_ParseServerMessage(), CL_Record_f(), CL_VM_Parse_StuffCmd(), Cmd_PreprocessAndExecuteString(), Key_Message(), SV_ReadClientMessage(), and VM_SV_clientcommand().

◆ Cmd_Exists()

qbool Cmd_Exists ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
const char * cmd_name )

used by the cvar code to check for cvar / command name overlap

Definition at line 1762 of file cmd.c.

1764 cmd_function_t *func;
1766 for (func = cmd->userdefined->qc_functions; func; func = func->next)
1767 if (!strcmp(cmd_name, func->name))
1768 return true;
1770 for (func=cmd->engine_functions ; func ; func=func->next)
1771 if (!strcmp (cmd_name,func->name))
1772 return true;
1774 return false;

References cmd(), cmd_function_t::name, and cmd_function_t::next.

Referenced by Cvar_Get(), Cvar_RegisterVariable(), Cvar_RegisterVirtual(), and VM_registercvar().

◆ Cmd_GetCvarValue()

static const char * Cmd_GetCvarValue ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
const char * var,
size_t varlen,
cmd_alias_t * alias )

Definition at line 1059 of file cmd.c.

1061 static char varname[MAX_INPUTLINE]; // cmd_mutex
1062 static char varval[MAX_INPUTLINE]; // cmd_mutex
1063 const char *varstr = NULL;
1064 char *varfunc;
1065 qbool required = false;
1066 qbool optional = false;
1067 static char asis[] = "asis"; // just to suppress const char warnings
1069 if(varlen >= MAX_INPUTLINE)
1070 varlen = MAX_INPUTLINE - 1;
1071 memcpy(varname, var, varlen);
1072 varname[varlen] = 0;
1073 varfunc = strchr(varname, ' ');
1075 if(varfunc)
1076 {
1077 *varfunc = 0;
1078 ++varfunc;
1079 }
1081 if(*var == 0)
1082 {
1083 // empty cvar name?
1084 if(alias)
1085 Con_Printf(CON_WARN "Warning: Could not expand $ in alias %s\n", alias->name);
1086 else
1087 Con_Printf(CON_WARN "Warning: Could not expand $\n");
1088 return "$";
1089 }
1091 if(varfunc)
1092 {
1093 char *p;
1094 // ? means optional
1095 while((p = strchr(varfunc, '?')))
1096 {
1097 optional = true;
1098 memmove(p, p+1, strlen(p)); // with final NUL
1099 }
1100 // ! means required
1101 while((p = strchr(varfunc, '!')))
1102 {
1103 required = true;
1104 memmove(p, p+1, strlen(p)); // with final NUL
1105 }
1106 // kill spaces
1107 while((p = strchr(varfunc, ' ')))
1108 {
1109 memmove(p, p+1, strlen(p)); // with final NUL
1110 }
1111 // if no function is left, NULL it
1112 if(!*varfunc)
1113 varfunc = NULL;
1114 }
1116 if(varname[0] == '$')
1117 varstr = Cmd_GetDirectCvarValue(cmd, Cmd_GetDirectCvarValue(cmd, varname + 1, alias, NULL), alias, NULL);
1118 else
1119 {
1120 qbool is_multiple = false;
1121 // Exception: $* and $n- don't use the quoted form by default
1122 varstr = Cmd_GetDirectCvarValue(cmd, varname, alias, &is_multiple);
1123 if(is_multiple)
1124 if(!varfunc)
1125 varfunc = asis;
1126 }
1128 if(!varstr)
1129 {
1130 if(required)
1131 {
1132 if(alias)
1133 Con_Printf(CON_ERROR "Error: Could not expand $%s in alias %s\n", varname, alias->name);
1134 else
1135 Con_Printf(CON_ERROR "Error: Could not expand $%s\n", varname);
1136 return NULL;
1137 }
1138 else if(optional)
1139 {
1140 return "";
1141 }
1142 else
1143 {
1144 if(alias)
1145 Con_Printf(CON_WARN "Warning: Could not expand $%s in alias %s\n", varname, alias->name);
1146 else
1147 Con_Printf(CON_WARN "Warning: Could not expand $%s\n", varname);
1148 dpsnprintf(varval, sizeof(varval), "$%s", varname);
1149 return varval;
1150 }
1151 }
1153 if(!varfunc || !strcmp(varfunc, "q")) // note: quoted form is default, use "asis" to override!
1154 {
1155 // quote it so it can be used inside double quotes
1156 // we just need to replace " by \", and of course, double backslashes
1157 Cmd_QuoteString(varval, sizeof(varval), varstr, "\"\\", false);
1158 return varval;
1159 }
1160 else if(!strcmp(varfunc, "asis"))
1161 {
1162 return varstr;
1163 }
1164 else
1165 Con_Printf("Unknown variable function %s\n", varfunc);
1167 return varstr;
static const char * Cmd_GetDirectCvarValue(cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *varname, cmd_alias_t *alias, qbool *is_multiple)
Definition cmd.c:933
int dpsnprintf(char *buffer, size_t buffersize, const char *format,...)
Returns the number of printed characters, excluding the final '\0' or returns -1 if the buffer isn't ...
Definition common.c:997
#define CON_ERROR
Definition console.h:102

References cmd(), Cmd_GetDirectCvarValue(), Cmd_QuoteString(), CON_ERROR, Con_Printf(), CON_WARN, dpsnprintf(), MAX_INPUTLINE, cmd_alias_t::name, NULL, and strlen().

Referenced by Cmd_PreprocessString().

◆ Cmd_GetDirectCvarValue()

static const char * Cmd_GetDirectCvarValue ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
const char * varname,
cmd_alias_t * alias,
qbool * is_multiple )

Definition at line 933 of file cmd.c.

935 cvar_t *cvar;
936 long argno;
937 char *endptr;
938 static char vabuf[1024]; // cmd_mutex
940 if(is_multiple)
941 *is_multiple = false;
943 if(!varname || !*varname)
944 return NULL;
946 if(alias)
947 {
948 if(!strcmp(varname, "*"))
949 {
950 if(is_multiple)
951 *is_multiple = true;
952 return Cmd_Args(cmd);
953 }
954 else if(!strcmp(varname, "#"))
955 {
956 return va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%d", Cmd_Argc(cmd));
957 }
958 else if(varname[strlen(varname) - 1] == '-')
959 {
960 argno = strtol(varname, &endptr, 10);
961 if(endptr == varname + strlen(varname) - 1)
962 {
963 // whole string is a number, apart from the -
964 const char *p = Cmd_Args(cmd);
965 for(; argno > 1; --argno)
967 break;
968 if(p)
969 {
970 if(is_multiple)
971 *is_multiple = true;
973 // kill pre-argument whitespace
974 for (;*p && ISWHITESPACE(*p);p++)
975 ;
977 return p;
978 }
979 }
980 }
981 else
982 {
983 argno = strtol(varname, &endptr, 10);
984 if(*endptr == 0)
985 {
986 // whole string is a number
987 // NOTE: we already made sure we don't have an empty cvar name!
988 if(argno >= 0 && argno < Cmd_Argc(cmd))
989 return Cmd_Argv(cmd, argno);
990 }
991 }
992 }
994 if((cvar = Cvar_FindVar(cmd->cvars, varname, cmd->cvars_flagsmask)) && !(cvar->flags & CF_PRIVATE))
995 return cvar->string;
997 return NULL;
#define CF_PRIVATE
cvar should not be $ expanded or sent to the server under any circumstances (rcon_password,...
Definition cmd.h:59
qbool COM_ParseToken_Console(const char **datapointer)
Definition common.c:819

References CF_PRIVATE, cmd(), Cmd_Argc(), Cmd_Args(), Cmd_Argv(), COM_ParseToken_Console(), cvar(), Cvar_FindVar(), ISWHITESPACE, NULL, strlen(), and va().

Referenced by Cmd_GetCvarValue().

◆ Cmd_Init()

void Cmd_Init ( void )

Command execution takes a null terminated string, breaks it into tokens, then searches for a command or variable that matches the first token.

Commands can come from three sources, but the handler functions may choose to dissallow the action or forward it to a remote server if the source is not apropriate.

Definition at line 1492 of file cmd.c.

1494 cmd_buf_t *cbuf;
1495 unsigned cvars_flagsmask, cmds_flagsmask;
1497 cbuf_mempool = Mem_AllocPool("Command buffer", 0, NULL);
1498 cbuf = (cmd_buf_t *)Mem_Alloc(cbuf_mempool, sizeof(cmd_buf_t));
1499 cbuf->maxsize = CMDBUFSIZE;
1500 cbuf->lock = Thread_CreateMutex();
1501 cbuf->wait = false;
1502 host.cbuf = cbuf;
1504 cbuf->start.prev = cbuf->start.next = &(cbuf->start);
1505 cbuf->deferred.prev = cbuf->deferred.next = &(cbuf->deferred);
1506 cbuf->free.prev = cbuf->free.next = &(cbuf->free);
1508 // FIXME: Get rid of cmd_iter_all eventually. This is just a hack to reduce the amount of work to make the interpreters dynamic.
1511 // local console
1512 if (cls.state == ca_dedicated)
1513 {
1514 cvars_flagsmask = CF_SERVER;
1515 cmds_flagsmask = CF_SERVER | CF_SERVER_FROM_CLIENT;
1516 }
1517 else
1518 {
1519 cvars_flagsmask = CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER;
1521 }
1522 cmd_iter_all[0].cmd = cmd_local = Cmd_AddInterpreter(cbuf, &cvars_all, cvars_flagsmask, cmds_flagsmask, &cmd_userdefined_all);
1525 // server commands received from clients have no reason to access cvars, cvar expansion seems perilous.
1529 cmd_iter_all[2].cmd = NULL;
1531// register our commands
1533 // client-only commands
1534 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_SHARED, "wait", Cmd_Wait_f, "make script execution wait for next rendered frame");
1536 // maintenance commands used for upkeep of cvars and saved configs
1537 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_SHARED, "stuffcmds", Cmd_StuffCmds_f, "execute commandline parameters (must be present in quake.rc script)");
1538 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_SHARED, "cvar_lockdefaults", Cvar_LockDefaults_f, "stores the current values of all cvars into their default values, only used once during startup after parsing default.cfg");
1539 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_SHARED, "cvar_resettodefaults_all", Cvar_ResetToDefaults_All_f, "sets all cvars to their locked default values");
1540 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_SHARED, "cvar_resettodefaults_nosaveonly", Cvar_ResetToDefaults_NoSaveOnly_f, "sets all non-saved cvars to their locked default values (variables that will not be saved to config.cfg)");
1541 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_SHARED, "cvar_resettodefaults_saveonly", Cvar_ResetToDefaults_SaveOnly_f, "sets all saved cvars to their locked default values (variables that will be saved to config.cfg)");
1543 // general console commands used in multiple environments
1544 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_SHARED, "exec", Cmd_Exec_f, "execute a script file");
1545 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_SHARED, "echo",Cmd_Echo_f, "print a message to the console (useful in scripts)");
1546 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_SHARED, "alias",Cmd_Alias_f, "create a script function (parameters are passed in as $X (being X a number), $* for all parameters, $X- for all parameters starting from $X). Without arguments show the list of all alias");
1547 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_SHARED, "unalias",Cmd_UnAlias_f, "remove an alias");
1548 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_SHARED, "set", Cvar_Set_f, "create or change the value of a console variable");
1549 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_SHARED, "seta", Cvar_SetA_f, "create or change the value of a console variable that will be saved to config.cfg");
1550 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_SHARED, "unset", Cvar_Del_f, "delete a cvar (does not work for static ones like _cl_name, or read-only ones)");
1553 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_SHARED, "fillallcvarswithrubbish", Cvar_FillAll_f, "fill all cvars with a specified number of characters to provoke buffer overruns");
1556 // 2000-01-09 CmdList, CvarList commands By Matthias "Maddes" Buecher
1557 // Added/Modified by EvilTypeGuy eviltypeguy@qeradiant.com
1558 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_SHARED, "cmdlist", Cmd_List_f, "lists all console commands beginning with the specified prefix or matching the specified wildcard pattern");
1559 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_SHARED, "cvarlist", Cvar_List_f, "lists all console variables beginning with the specified prefix or matching the specified wildcard pattern");
1560 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_SHARED, "apropos", Cmd_Apropos_f, "lists all console variables/commands/aliases containing the specified string in the name or description");
1561 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_SHARED, "find", Cmd_Apropos_f, "lists all console variables/commands/aliases containing the specified string in the name or description");
1563 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_SHARED, "defer", Cmd_Defer_f, "execute a command in the future");
1565 // DRESK - 5/14/06
1566 // Support Doom3-style Toggle Command
1567 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_SHARED | CF_CLIENT_FROM_SERVER, "toggle", Cmd_Toggle_f, "toggles a console variable's values (use for more info)");
static void Cmd_Wait_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition cmd.c:65
static void Cmd_Apropos_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition cmd.c:1400
static void Cmd_Defer_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition cmd.c:79
static void Cmd_List_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition cmd.c:1352
qbool Cmd_SV_Callback(cmd_state_t *cmd, cmd_function_t *func, const char *text, size_t textlen, cmd_source_t src)
Definition cmd.c:2045
static void Cmd_StuffCmds_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition cmd.c:463
cmd_userdefined_t cmd_userdefined_all
aliases and csqc functions
Definition cmd.c:28
static void Cmd_Echo_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition cmd.c:717
void Cmd_AddCommand(unsigned flags, const char *cmd_name, xcommand_t function, const char *description)
called by the init functions of other parts of the program to register commands and functions to call...
Definition cmd.c:1661
static cmd_state_t * Cmd_AddInterpreter(cmd_buf_t *cbuf, cvar_state_t *cvars, unsigned cvars_flagsmask, unsigned cmds_flagsmask, cmd_userdefined_t *userdefined)
Definition cmd.c:1470
static void Cmd_UnAlias_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition cmd.c:889
qbool Cmd_CL_Callback(cmd_state_t *cmd, cmd_function_t *func, const char *text, size_t textlen, cmd_source_t src)
Definition cmd.c:2017
static void Cmd_Toggle_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition cmd.c:735
cmd_state_t * cmd_serverfromclient
command interpreter for server commands received over network from clients uses cmddefs_null
Definition cmd.c:26
static void Cmd_Exec_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition cmd.c:685
static void Cmd_Alias_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition cmd.c:813
cmd_userdefined_t cmd_userdefined_null
intentionally empty
Definition cmd.c:29
#define CF_SHARED
Definition cmd.h:67
command or cvar used to communicate userinfo to the server
Definition cmd.h:57
command that the server is allowed to execute on the client
Definition cmd.h:50
void Cvar_Del_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition cvar.c:1110
void Cvar_ResetToDefaults_NoSaveOnly_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition cvar.c:952
void Cvar_ResetToDefaults_All_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition cvar.c:940
void Cvar_Set_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition cvar.c:1060
void Cvar_LockDefaults_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition cvar.c:871
cvar_state_t cvars_all
Definition cvar.c:28
cvar_state_t cvars_null
Definition cvar.c:29
void Cvar_SetA_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition cvar.c:1085
void Cvar_List_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition cvar.c:1008
void Cvar_ResetToDefaults_SaveOnly_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition cvar.c:965
maximum script size that can be loaded by the exec command (8192 in Quake)
Definition qdefs.h:100
qbool(* Handle)(struct cmd_state_s *, struct cmd_function_s *, const char *, size_t, enum cmd_source_s)
Definition cmd.h:147
cmd_buf_t * cbuf
Definition host.h:51
#define Thread_CreateMutex()
Definition thread.h:15

References ca_dedicated, host_static_t::cbuf, cbuf_mempool, CF_CLIENT, CF_CLIENT_FROM_SERVER, CF_SERVER, CF_SERVER_FROM_CLIENT, CF_SHARED, CF_USERINFO, cls, cmd_iter_t::cmd, Cmd_AddCommand(), Cmd_AddInterpreter(), Cmd_Alias_f(), Cmd_Apropos_f(), Cmd_CL_Callback(), Cmd_Defer_f(), Cmd_Echo_f(), Cmd_Exec_f(), cmd_iter_all, Cmd_List_f(), cmd_local, cmd_serverfromclient, Cmd_StuffCmds_f(), Cmd_SV_Callback(), Cmd_Toggle_f(), Cmd_UnAlias_f(), cmd_userdefined_all, cmd_userdefined_null, Cmd_Wait_f(), CMDBUFSIZE, Cvar_Del_f(), Cvar_List_f(), Cvar_LockDefaults_f(), Cvar_ResetToDefaults_All_f(), Cvar_ResetToDefaults_NoSaveOnly_f(), Cvar_ResetToDefaults_SaveOnly_f(), Cvar_Set_f(), Cvar_SetA_f(), cvars_all, cvars_null, cmd_buf_t::deferred, cmd_buf_t::free, cmd_state_t::Handle, host, cmd_buf_t::lock, cmd_buf_t::maxsize, Mem_Alloc, Mem_AllocPool, llist_t::next, NULL, llist_t::prev, cmd_buf_t::start, client_static_t::state, tempmempool, Thread_CreateMutex, and cmd_buf_t::wait.

Referenced by Host_Init().

◆ Cmd_List_f()

static void Cmd_List_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 1352 of file cmd.c.

1354 cmd_function_t *func;
1355 const char *partial;
1356 size_t len;
1357 int count;
1358 qbool ispattern;
1360 if (Cmd_Argc(cmd) > 1)
1361 {
1362 partial = Cmd_Argv(cmd, 1);
1363 len = strlen(partial);
1364 ispattern = (strchr(partial, '*') || strchr(partial, '?'));
1365 }
1366 else
1367 {
1368 partial = NULL;
1369 len = 0;
1370 ispattern = false;
1371 }
1373 count = 0;
1374 for (func = cmd->userdefined->qc_functions; func; func = func->next)
1375 {
1376 if (partial && (ispattern ? !matchpattern_with_separator(func->name, partial, false, "", false) : strncmp(partial, func->name, len)))
1377 continue;
1378 Con_Printf("%s : %s\n", func->name, func->description);
1379 count++;
1380 }
1381 for (func = cmd->engine_functions; func; func = func->next)
1382 {
1383 if (partial && (ispattern ? !matchpattern_with_separator(func->name, partial, false, "", false) : strncmp(partial, func->name, len)))
1384 continue;
1385 Con_Printf("%s : %s\n", func->name, func->description);
1386 count++;
1387 }
1389 if (len)
1390 {
1391 if(ispattern)
1392 Con_Printf("%i Command%s matching \"%s\"\n\n", count, (count > 1) ? "s" : "", partial);
1393 else
1394 Con_Printf("%i Command%s beginning with \"%s\"\n\n", count, (count > 1) ? "s" : "", partial);
1395 }
1396 else
1397 Con_Printf("%i Command%s\n\n", count, (count > 1) ? "s" : "");

References cmd(), Cmd_Argc(), Cmd_Argv(), Con_Printf(), count, cmd_function_t::description, matchpattern_with_separator(), cmd_function_t::name, cmd_function_t::next, NULL, and strlen().

Referenced by Cmd_Init().

◆ Cmd_NoOperation_f()

void Cmd_NoOperation_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 2240 of file cmd.c.


Referenced by S_Init().

◆ Cmd_PreprocessAndExecuteString()

void Cmd_PreprocessAndExecuteString ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
const char * text,
size_t textlen,
cmd_source_t src,
qbool lockmutex )

Like Cmd_ExecuteString, but with variable expansion.

Definition at line 1323 of file cmd.c.

1325 char preprocessed[MAX_INPUTLINE];
1326 size_t preprocessed_len;
1327 const char *firstchar;
1329 firstchar = text;
1330 while(*firstchar && ISWHITESPACE(*firstchar))
1331 ++firstchar;
1332 if((strncmp(firstchar, "alias", 5) || !ISWHITESPACE(firstchar[5]))
1333 && (strncmp(firstchar, "bind", 4) || !ISWHITESPACE(firstchar[4]))
1334 && (strncmp(firstchar, "in_bind", 7) || !ISWHITESPACE(firstchar[7])))
1335 {
1336 if((preprocessed_len = Cmd_PreprocessString(cmd, text, preprocessed, sizeof(preprocessed), NULL)))
1337 Cmd_ExecuteString(cmd, preprocessed, preprocessed_len, src, lockmutex);
1338 }
1339 else
1340 Cmd_ExecuteString(cmd, text, textlen, src, lockmutex);
void Cmd_ExecuteString(cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *text, size_t textlen, cmd_source_t src, qbool lockmutex)
Parses a single line of text into arguments and tries to execute it.
Definition cmd.c:2068

References cmd(), Cmd_ExecuteString(), Cmd_PreprocessString(), ISWHITESPACE, MAX_INPUTLINE, NULL, and src.

Referenced by Cbuf_Execute(), and RCon_Execute().

◆ Cmd_PreprocessString()

static size_t Cmd_PreprocessString ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
const char * intext,
char * outtext,
unsigned maxoutlen,
cmd_alias_t * alias )


Preprocesses strings and replaces $*, $param#, $cvar accordingly. Also strips comments. Returns the number of bytes written to *outtext excluding the \0 terminator.

Definition at line 1176 of file cmd.c.

1178 const char *in;
1179 size_t eat, varlen;
1180 unsigned outlen;
1181 const char *val;
1183 // don't crash if there's no room in the outtext buffer
1184 if( maxoutlen == 0 ) {
1185 return 0;
1186 }
1187 maxoutlen--; // because of \0
1189 in = intext;
1190 outlen = 0;
1192 while( *in && outlen < maxoutlen ) {
1193 if( *in == '$' ) {
1194 // this is some kind of expansion, see what comes after the $
1195 in++;
1197 // The console does the following preprocessing:
1198 //
1199 // - $$ is transformed to a single dollar sign.
1200 // - $var or ${var} are expanded to the contents of the named cvar,
1201 // with quotation marks and backslashes quoted so it can safely
1202 // be used inside quotation marks (and it should always be used
1203 // that way)
1204 // - ${var asis} inserts the cvar value as is, without doing this
1205 // quoting
1206 // - ${var ?} silently expands to the empty string if
1207 // $var does not exist
1208 // - ${var !} fails expansion and executes nothing if
1209 // $var does not exist
1210 // - prefix the cvar name with a dollar sign to do indirection;
1211 // for example, if $x has the value timelimit, ${$x} will return
1212 // the value of $timelimit
1213 // - when expanding an alias, the special variable name $* refers
1214 // to all alias parameters, and a number refers to that numbered
1215 // alias parameter, where the name of the alias is $0, the first
1216 // parameter is $1 and so on; as a special case, $* inserts all
1217 // parameters, without extra quoting, so one can use $* to just
1218 // pass all parameters around. All parameters starting from $n
1219 // can be referred to as $n- (so $* is equivalent to $1-).
1220 // - ${* q} and ${n- q} force quoting anyway
1221 //
1222 // Note: when expanding an alias, cvar expansion is done in the SAME step
1223 // as alias expansion so that alias parameters or cvar values containing
1224 // dollar signs have no unwanted bad side effects. However, this needs to
1225 // be accounted for when writing complex aliases. For example,
1226 // alias foo "set x NEW; echo $x"
1227 // actually expands to
1228 // "set x NEW; echo OLD"
1229 // and will print OLD! To work around this, use a second alias:
1230 // alias foo "set x NEW; foo2"
1231 // alias foo2 "echo $x"
1232 //
1233 // Also note: lines starting with alias are exempt from cvar expansion.
1234 // If you want cvar expansion, write "alias" instead:
1235 //
1236 // set x 1
1237 // alias foo "echo $x"
1238 // "alias" bar "echo $x"
1239 // set x 2
1240 //
1241 // foo will print 2, because the variable $x will be expanded when the alias
1242 // gets expanded. bar will print 1, because the variable $x was expanded
1243 // at definition time. foo can be equivalently defined as
1244 //
1245 // "alias" foo "echo $$x"
1246 //
1247 // because at definition time, $$ will get replaced to a single $.
1249 if( *in == '$' ) {
1250 val = "$";
1251 eat = 1;
1252 } else if(*in == '{') {
1253 varlen = strcspn(in + 1, "}");
1254 if(in[varlen + 1] == '}')
1255 {
1256 val = Cmd_GetCvarValue(cmd, in + 1, varlen, alias);
1257 if(!val)
1258 return 0;
1259 eat = varlen + 2;
1260 }
1261 else
1262 {
1263 // ran out of data?
1264 val = NULL;
1265 eat = varlen + 1;
1266 }
1267 } else {
1268 varlen = strspn(in, "#*0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_-");
1269 val = Cmd_GetCvarValue(cmd, in, varlen, alias);
1270 if(!val)
1271 return 0;
1272 eat = varlen;
1273 }
1274 if(val)
1275 {
1276 // insert the cvar value
1277 while(*val && outlen < maxoutlen)
1278 outtext[outlen++] = *val++;
1279 in += eat;
1280 }
1281 else
1282 {
1283 // copy the unexpanded text
1284 outtext[outlen++] = '$';
1285 while(eat && outlen < maxoutlen)
1286 {
1287 outtext[outlen++] = *in++;
1288 --eat;
1289 }
1290 }
1291 }
1292 else
1293 outtext[outlen++] = *in++;
1294 }
1295 outtext[outlen] = '\0';
1296 return outlen;
static const char * Cmd_GetCvarValue(cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *var, size_t varlen, cmd_alias_t *alias)
Definition cmd.c:1059

References cmd(), Cmd_GetCvarValue(), and NULL.

Referenced by Cmd_ExecuteAlias(), and Cmd_PreprocessAndExecuteString().

◆ Cmd_QuoteString()

qbool Cmd_QuoteString ( char * out,
size_t outlen,
const char * in,
const char * quoteset,
qbool putquotes )

quotes a string so that it can be used as a command argument again; quoteset is a string that contains one or more of ", \, $ and specifies the characters to be quoted (you usually want to either pass ""\" or ""\$").

Returns true on success, and false on overrun (in which case out will contain a part of the quoted string). If putquotes is set, the enclosing quote marks are also put.

Definition at line 1000 of file cmd.c.

1002 qbool quote_quot = !!strchr(quoteset, '"');
1003 qbool quote_backslash = !!strchr(quoteset, '\\');
1004 qbool quote_dollar = !!strchr(quoteset, '$');
1006 if(putquotes)
1007 {
1008 if(outlen <= 2)
1009 {
1010 *out++ = 0;
1011 return false;
1012 }
1013 *out++ = '"'; --outlen;
1014 --outlen;
1015 }
1017 while(*in)
1018 {
1019 if(*in == '"' && quote_quot)
1020 {
1021 if(outlen <= 2)
1022 goto fail;
1023 *out++ = '\\'; --outlen;
1024 *out++ = '"'; --outlen;
1025 }
1026 else if(*in == '\\' && quote_backslash)
1027 {
1028 if(outlen <= 2)
1029 goto fail;
1030 *out++ = '\\'; --outlen;
1031 *out++ = '\\'; --outlen;
1032 }
1033 else if(*in == '$' && quote_dollar)
1034 {
1035 if(outlen <= 2)
1036 goto fail;
1037 *out++ = '$'; --outlen;
1038 *out++ = '$'; --outlen;
1039 }
1040 else
1041 {
1042 if(outlen <= 1)
1043 goto fail;
1044 *out++ = *in; --outlen;
1045 }
1046 ++in;
1047 }
1048 if(putquotes)
1049 *out++ = '"';
1050 *out++ = 0;
1051 return true;
1053 if(putquotes)
1054 *out++ = '"';
1055 *out++ = 0;
1056 return false;

Referenced by Cmd_ExecuteAlias(), Cmd_GetCvarValue(), Cvar_WriteVariables(), Key_PrintBindList(), and Key_WriteBindings().

◆ Cmd_RestoreInitState()

void Cmd_RestoreInitState ( void )

Restores cvars, commands and aliases to their init values and deletes any that were added since init.

Definition at line 2180 of file cmd.c.

2182 cmd_iter_t *cmd_iter;
2183 for (cmd_iter = cmd_iter_all; cmd_iter->cmd; cmd_iter++)
2184 {
2185 cmd_state_t *cmd = cmd_iter->cmd;
2186 cmd_function_t *f, **fp;
2187 cmd_alias_t *a, **ap;
2188 for (fp = &cmd->userdefined->qc_functions; (f = *fp);)
2189 {
2190 if (f->initstate)
2191 fp = &f->next;
2192 else
2193 {
2194 // destroy this command, it didn't exist at init
2195 Con_DPrintf("Cmd_RestoreInitState: Destroying command %s\n", f->name);
2196 *fp = f->next;
2197 Z_Free(f);
2198 }
2199 }
2200 for (fp = &cmd->engine_functions; (f = *fp);)
2201 {
2202 if (f->initstate)
2203 fp = &f->next;
2204 else
2205 {
2206 // destroy this command, it didn't exist at init
2207 Con_DPrintf("Cmd_RestoreInitState: Destroying command %s\n", f->name);
2208 *fp = f->next;
2209 Z_Free(f);
2210 }
2211 }
2212 for (ap = &cmd->userdefined->alias; (a = *ap);)
2213 {
2214 if (a->initstate)
2215 {
2216 // restore this alias, it existed at init
2217 if (strcmp(a->value ? a->value : "", a->initialvalue ? a->initialvalue : ""))
2218 {
2219 Con_DPrintf("Cmd_RestoreInitState: Restoring alias %s\n", a->name);
2220 if (a->value)
2221 Z_Free(a->value);
2222 a->value = Mem_strdup(zonemempool, a->initialvalue);
2223 }
2224 ap = &a->next;
2225 }
2226 else
2227 {
2228 // free this alias, it didn't exist at init...
2229 Con_DPrintf("Cmd_RestoreInitState: Destroying alias %s\n", a->name);
2230 *ap = a->next;
2231 if (a->value)
2232 Z_Free(a->value);
2233 Z_Free(a);
2234 }
2235 }
2236 }
void Cvar_RestoreInitState(cvar_state_t *cvars)
Definition cvar.c:901
mempool_t * zonemempool
Definition zone.c:796
#define Mem_strdup(pool, s)
Definition zone.h:97

References a, cmd(), cmd_iter_t::cmd, cmd_iter_all, Con_DPrintf(), Cvar_RestoreInitState(), cvars_all, f, Mem_strdup, cmd_alias_t::next, Z_Free, and zonemempool.

Referenced by Host_LoadConfig_f().

◆ Cmd_SaveInitState()

void Cmd_SaveInitState ( void )

called by Host_Init, this marks cvars, commands and aliases with their init values

Definition at line 2159 of file cmd.c.

2161 cmd_iter_t *cmd_iter;
2162 for (cmd_iter = cmd_iter_all; cmd_iter->cmd; cmd_iter++)
2163 {
2164 cmd_state_t *cmd = cmd_iter->cmd;
2166 cmd_alias_t *a;
2167 for (f = cmd->userdefined->qc_functions; f; f = f->next)
2168 f->initstate = true;
2169 for (f = cmd->engine_functions; f; f = f->next)
2170 f->initstate = true;
2171 for (a = cmd->userdefined->alias; a; a = a->next)
2172 {
2173 a->initstate = true;
2174 a->initialvalue = Mem_strdup(zonemempool, a->value);
2175 }
2176 }
void Cvar_SaveInitState(cvar_state_t *cvars)
Definition cvar.c:892

References a, cmd(), cmd_iter_t::cmd, cmd_iter_all, Cvar_SaveInitState(), cvars_all, f, Mem_strdup, and zonemempool.

Referenced by Host_Init().

◆ Cmd_Shutdown()

void Cmd_Shutdown ( void )

Definition at line 1575 of file cmd.c.

1577 cmd_iter_t *cmd_iter;
1578 for (cmd_iter = cmd_iter_all; cmd_iter->cmd; cmd_iter++)
1579 {
1580 cmd_state_t *cmd = cmd_iter->cmd;
1582 if (cmd->cbuf->lock)
1583 {
1584 // we usually have this locked when we get here from Host_Quit_f
1585 Cbuf_Unlock(cmd->cbuf);
1586 }
1588 Mem_FreePool(&cmd->mempool);
1589 }
#define Mem_FreePool(pool)
Definition zone.h:105

References Cbuf_Unlock(), cmd(), cmd_iter_t::cmd, cmd_iter_all, and Mem_FreePool.

Referenced by Host_Shutdown().

◆ Cmd_StuffCmds_f()

static void Cmd_StuffCmds_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 463 of file cmd.c.

465 int i, j, l;
466 // this is for all commandline options combined (and is bounds checked)
467 char build[MAX_INPUTLINE];
469 if (Cmd_Argc (cmd) != 1)
470 {
471 Con_Print("stuffcmds : execute command line parameters\n");
472 return;
473 }
475 // no reason to run the commandline arguments twice
477 return;
479 host_stuffcmdsrun = true;
480 build[0] = 0;
481 l = 0;
482 for (i = 0;i < sys.argc;i++)
483 {
484 if (sys.argv[i] && sys.argv[i][0] == '+' && (sys.argv[i][1] < '0' || sys.argv[i][1] > '9') && l + strlen(sys.argv[i]) - 1 <= sizeof(build) - 1)
485 {
486 j = 1;
487 while (sys.argv[i][j])
488 build[l++] = sys.argv[i][j++];
489 i++;
490 for (;i < sys.argc;i++)
491 {
492 if (!sys.argv[i])
493 continue;
494 if ((sys.argv[i][0] == '+' || sys.argv[i][0] == '-') && (sys.argv[i][1] < '0' || sys.argv[i][1] > '9'))
495 break;
496 if (l + strlen(sys.argv[i]) + 4 > sizeof(build) - 1)
497 break;
498 build[l++] = ' ';
499 if (strchr(sys.argv[i], ' '))
500 build[l++] = '\"';
501 for (j = 0;sys.argv[i][j];j++)
502 build[l++] = sys.argv[i][j];
503 if (strchr(sys.argv[i], ' '))
504 build[l++] = '\"';
505 }
506 build[l++] = '\n';
507 i--;
508 }
509 }
510 // now terminate the combined string and prepend it to the command buffer
511 // we already reserved space for the terminator
512 build[l++] = 0;
513 Cbuf_InsertText (cmd, build);
qbool host_stuffcmdsrun
Definition cmd.c:41
int argc
Definition sys.h:146
const char ** argv
Definition sys.h:147
sys_t sys
Definition sys_shared.c:42

References sys_t::argc, sys_t::argv, Cbuf_InsertText(), cmd(), Cmd_Argc(), Con_Print(), host_stuffcmdsrun, i, MAX_INPUTLINE, strlen(), and sys.

Referenced by Cmd_Init().

◆ Cmd_SV_Callback()

qbool Cmd_SV_Callback ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
cmd_function_t * func,
const char * text,
size_t textlen,
cmd_source_t src )

Definition at line 2045 of file cmd.c.

2047 if(func->qcfunc && (func->flags & CF_SERVER))
2048 return SV_VM_ConsoleCommand(text, textlen);
2049 else if (src == src_client)
2050 {
2051 if((func->flags & CF_CHEAT) && !sv_cheats.integer)
2052 SV_ClientPrintf(CON_WARN "No cheats allowed. The server must have sv_cheats set to 1\n");
2053 else
2054 func->function(cmd);
2055 return true;
2056 }
2057 return false;
cvar_t sv_cheats
Definition sv_ccmds.c:28
#define CF_CHEAT
command or cvar that gives an unfair advantage over other players and is blocked unless sv_cheats is ...
Definition cmd.h:52
void SV_ClientPrintf(const char *fmt,...) DP_FUNC_PRINTF(1)
Definition sv_send.c:72

References CF_CHEAT, CF_SERVER, cmd(), CON_WARN, cmd_function_t::flags, cmd_function_t::function, cvar_t::integer, cmd_function_t::qcfunc, src, src_client, sv_cheats, SV_ClientPrintf(), and SV_VM_ConsoleCommand().

Referenced by Cmd_Init().

◆ Cmd_Toggle_f()

static void Cmd_Toggle_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 735 of file cmd.c.

737 // Acquire Number of Arguments
738 int nNumArgs = Cmd_Argc(cmd);
740 if(nNumArgs == 1)
741 // No Arguments Specified; Print Usage
742 Con_Print("Toggle Console Variable - Usage\n toggle <variable> - toggles between 0 and 1\n toggle <variable> <value> - toggles between 0 and <value>\n toggle <variable> [string 1] [string 2]...[string n] - cycles through all strings\n");
743 else
744 { // Correct Arguments Specified
745 // Acquire Potential CVar
746 cvar_t* cvCVar = Cvar_FindVar(cmd->cvars, Cmd_Argv(cmd, 1), cmd->cvars_flagsmask);
748 if(cvCVar != NULL)
749 { // Valid CVar
750 if(nNumArgs == 2)
751 { // Default Usage
752 if(cvCVar->integer)
753 Cvar_SetValueQuick(cvCVar, 0);
754 else
755 Cvar_SetValueQuick(cvCVar, 1);
756 }
757 else
758 if(nNumArgs == 3)
759 { // 0 and Specified Usage
760 if(cvCVar->integer == atoi(Cmd_Argv(cmd, 2) ) )
761 // CVar is Specified Value; // Reset to 0
762 Cvar_SetValueQuick(cvCVar, 0);
763 else
764 if(cvCVar->integer == 0)
765 // CVar is 0; Specify Value
766 Cvar_SetQuick(cvCVar, Cmd_Argv(cmd, 2) );
767 else
768 // CVar does not match; Reset to 0
769 Cvar_SetValueQuick(cvCVar, 0);
770 }
771 else
772 { // Variable Values Specified
773 int nCnt;
774 int bFound = 0;
776 for(nCnt = 2; nCnt < nNumArgs; nCnt++)
777 { // Cycle through Values
778 if( strcmp(cvCVar->string, Cmd_Argv(cmd, nCnt) ) == 0)
779 { // Current Value Located; Increment to Next
780 if( (nCnt + 1) == nNumArgs)
781 // Max Value Reached; Reset
782 Cvar_SetQuick(cvCVar, Cmd_Argv(cmd, 2) );
783 else
784 // Next Value
785 Cvar_SetQuick(cvCVar, Cmd_Argv(cmd, nCnt + 1) );
787 // End Loop
788 nCnt = nNumArgs;
789 // Assign Found
790 bFound = 1;
791 }
792 }
793 if(!bFound)
794 // Value not Found; Reset to Original
795 Cvar_SetQuick(cvCVar, Cmd_Argv(cmd, 2) );
796 }
798 }
799 else
800 { // Invalid CVar
801 Con_Printf(CON_WARN "ERROR : CVar '%s' not found\n", Cmd_Argv(cmd, 1) );
802 }
803 }
void Cvar_SetValueQuick(cvar_t *var, float value)
Definition cvar.c:473
void Cvar_SetQuick(cvar_t *var, const char *value)
Definition cvar.c:436
const char * string
Definition cvar.h:71

References cmd(), Cmd_Argc(), Cmd_Argv(), Con_Print(), Con_Printf(), CON_WARN, Cvar_FindVar(), Cvar_SetQuick(), Cvar_SetValueQuick(), cvar_t::integer, NULL, and cvar_t::string.

Referenced by Cmd_Init().

◆ Cmd_TokenizeString()

static void Cmd_TokenizeString ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
const char * text )

Definition at line 1601 of file cmd.c.

1603 int l;
1605 cmd->argc = 0;
1606 cmd->args = NULL;
1607 cmd->cmdline = NULL;
1609 while (1)
1610 {
1611 // skip whitespace up to a /n
1612 while (*text && ISWHITESPACE(*text) && *text != '\r' && *text != '\n')
1613 text++;
1615 // line endings:
1616 // UNIX: \n
1617 // Mac: \r
1618 // Windows: \r\n
1619 if (*text == '\n' || *text == '\r')
1620 {
1621 // a newline separates commands in the buffer
1622 if (*text == '\r' && text[1] == '\n')
1623 text++;
1624 text++;
1625 break;
1626 }
1628 if (!*text)
1629 return;
1631 if(!cmd->argc)
1632 cmd->cmdline = text;
1633 if (cmd->argc == 1)
1634 cmd->args = text;
1636 if (!COM_ParseToken_Console(&text))
1637 return;
1639 if (cmd->argc < MAX_ARGS)
1640 {
1641 l = (int)strlen(com_token) + 1;
1642 if (cmd->cbuf->tokenizebufferpos + l > CMD_TOKENIZELENGTH)
1643 {
1644 Con_Printf(CON_WARN "Cmd_TokenizeString: ran out of %i character buffer space for command arguments\n", CMD_TOKENIZELENGTH);
1645 break;
1646 }
1647 memcpy (cmd->cbuf->tokenizebuffer + cmd->cbuf->tokenizebufferpos, com_token, l);
1648 cmd->argv[cmd->argc] = cmd->cbuf->tokenizebuffer + cmd->cbuf->tokenizebufferpos;
1649 cmd->cbuf->tokenizebufferpos += l;
1650 cmd->argc++;
1651 }
1652 }
char com_token[MAX_INPUTLINE]
Definition common.c:39
static int(ZEXPORT *qz_inflate)(z_stream *strm
#define MAX_ARGS
maximum number of parameters to a console command or alias
Definition qdefs.h:101
maximum tokenizable commandline length (counting trailing 0)
Definition qdefs.h:166

References cmd(), CMD_TOKENIZELENGTH, COM_ParseToken_Console(), com_token, Con_Printf(), CON_WARN, int(), ISWHITESPACE, MAX_ARGS, NULL, and strlen().

Referenced by Cmd_ExecuteString().

◆ Cmd_UnAlias_f()

static void Cmd_UnAlias_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 889 of file cmd.c.

891 cmd_alias_t *a, *p;
892 int i;
893 const char *s;
895 if(Cmd_Argc(cmd) == 1)
896 {
897 Con_Print("unalias: Usage: unalias alias1 [alias2 ...]\n");
898 return;
899 }
901 for(i = 1; i < Cmd_Argc(cmd); ++i)
902 {
903 s = Cmd_Argv(cmd, i);
904 p = NULL;
905 for(a = cmd->userdefined->alias; a; p = a, a = a->next)
906 {
907 if(!strcmp(s, a->name))
908 {
909 if (a->initstate) // we can not remove init aliases
910 continue;
911 if(a == cmd->userdefined->alias)
912 cmd->userdefined->alias = a->next;
913 if(p)
914 p->next = a->next;
915 Z_Free(a->value);
916 Z_Free(a);
917 break;
918 }
919 }
920 if(!a)
921 Con_Printf("unalias: %s alias not found\n", s);
922 }

References a, cmd(), Cmd_Argc(), Cmd_Argv(), Con_Print(), Con_Printf(), i, cmd_alias_t::next, NULL, and Z_Free.

Referenced by Cmd_Init().

◆ Cmd_Wait_f()

static void Cmd_Wait_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 65 of file cmd.c.

67 cmd->cbuf->wait = true;

References cmd().

Referenced by Cmd_Init().

Variable Documentation

◆ cbuf_mempool

mempool_t* cbuf_mempool

Definition at line 38 of file cmd.c.

Referenced by Cbuf_LinkString(), Cbuf_NodeGet(), and Cmd_Init().

◆ cmd_iter_all

cmd_iter_t* cmd_iter_all

Definition at line 36 of file cmd.c.

Referenced by Cmd_AddCommand(), Cmd_Init(), Cmd_RestoreInitState(), Cmd_SaveInitState(), and Cmd_Shutdown().

◆ cmd_local

◆ cmd_serverfromclient

cmd_state_t* cmd_serverfromclient

command interpreter for server commands received over network from clients uses cmddefs_null

Definition at line 26 of file cmd.c.

Referenced by Cmd_Init(), SV_ReadClientMessage(), and VM_SV_clientcommand().

◆ cmd_userdefined_all

cmd_userdefined_t cmd_userdefined_all

aliases and csqc functions

Definition at line 28 of file cmd.c.

Referenced by Cmd_Init().

◆ cmd_userdefined_null

cmd_userdefined_t cmd_userdefined_null

intentionally empty

Definition at line 29 of file cmd.c.

Referenced by Cmd_Init().

◆ host_stuffcmdsrun

qbool host_stuffcmdsrun = false

Definition at line 41 of file cmd.c.

Referenced by Cmd_StuffCmds_f().

◆ prvm_runawaycheck

qbool prvm_runawaycheck

Definition at line 60 of file prvm_edict.c.

Referenced by Cbuf_Execute(), and while().

◆ sv_cheats

cvar_t sv_cheats

Definition at line 28 of file sv_ccmds.c.

28{CF_SERVER | CF_NOTIFY, "sv_cheats", "0", "enables cheat commands in any game, and cheat impulses in dpmod"};
#define CF_NOTIFY
cvar should trigger a chat notification to all connected clients when changed
Definition cmd.h:55

Referenced by Cmd_SV_Callback(), and SV_InitOperatorCommands().