Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- h -
- h : dhlmdl_texture_t
- h_samp_factor : jpeg_component_info
- Handle : cmd_state_t
- handle : pack_t, qfile_t, taskqueue_state_thread_t, threadwrapper_t
- has_kerning : ft2_font_t
- hasaabbplanes : colbrushf_t
- hasalpha : skinframe_t
- hash : q3shader_data_t, r_skinframe_t
- hash_entries : q3shader_data_t
- hashnext : r_glsl_permutation_t
- hashtable : cvar_state_t, po_t
- header : modloader_t, ogg_page, ogg_stream_state
- header_fill : ogg_stream_state
- header_len : ogg_page
- headerbytes : ogg_sync_state
- headersize : modloader_t
- headnode : mmodel_t, q2dmodel_t
- health : entvars_t
- height : cachepic_t, cl_video_subtitle_info_t, clvideo_t, con_lineinfo_t, dsprite2frame_t, dsprite_t, dspriteframe_t, dspritehl_t, embeddedpic_t, FT_Bitmap_Size, FT_FaceRec, FT_Glyph_Metrics, FT_Size_Metrics, FT_Size_RequestRec, mod_alloclightmap_state_t, q2wal_t, qpic_t, r_refdef_view_t, r_viewport_t, TargaHeader, texture_t, theora_info, vid_mode_t, viddef_mode_t, video_resolution_t
- height_in_blocks : jpeg_component_info
- here : mportal_t
- hideplayer : r_waterstate_t
- highpixels : r_shadow_bouncegrid_state_t
- highpixels_index : r_shadow_bouncegrid_state_t
- hinting : ft2_settings_t
- hitgroundtime : client_state_t
- hitmodels : r_shadow_bouncegrid_settings_t
- hitq3surfaceflags : trace_t
- hitsupercontents : trace_t
- hitsupercontentsmask : collision_cachedtrace_parameters_t, trace_t
- hittexture : trace_t
- hlwads : wadstate_t
- hook : host_static_t
- horiAdvance : FT_Glyph_Metrics
- horiBearingX : FT_Glyph_Metrics
- horiBearingY : FT_Glyph_Metrics
- horiResolution : FT_Size_RequestRec
- hres : pcx_t
- hull : RecursiveHullCheckTraceInfo_t
- hulls : model_brushq1_t
- hullsizes : hullinfo_t