![]() |
Game engine based on the Quake 1 engine by id Software, developed by LadyHavoc
Go to the source code of this file.
Variables | |
cvar_t | chase_active = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "chase_active", "0", "enables chase cam"} |
cvar_t | chase_back = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "chase_back", "48", "chase cam distance from the player"} |
cvar_t | chase_overhead = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "chase_overhead", "0", "chase cam looks straight down if this is not zero"} |
cvar_t | chase_pitchangle = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "chase_pitchangle", "55", "chase cam pitch angle"} |
cvar_t | chase_stevie = {CF_CLIENT, "chase_stevie", "0", "(GOODVSBAD2 only) chase cam view from above"} |
cvar_t | chase_up = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "chase_up", "24", "chase cam distance from the player"} |
cvar_t | cl_bob = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bob","0.02", "view bobbing amount"} |
cvar_t | cl_bob2 = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bob2","0", "sideways view bobbing amount"} |
cvar_t | cl_bob2cycle = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bob2cycle","0.6", "sideways view bobbing speed"} |
cvar_t | cl_bob2smooth = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bob2smooth","0.05", "how fast the view goes back when you stop touching the ground"} |
cvar_t | cl_bob_limit = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bob_limit", "7", "limits bobbing to this much distance from view_ofs"} |
cvar_t | cl_bob_limit_heightcheck = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bob_limit_heightcheck", "0", "check ceiling and floor height against cl_bob_limit and scale down all view bobbing if could result in camera being in solid"} |
cvar_t | cl_bob_limit_heightcheck_dontcrosswatersurface = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bob_limit_heightcheck_dontcrosswatersurface", "1", "limit cl_bob_limit to not crossing liquid surfaces also"} |
cvar_t | cl_bob_velocity_limit = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bob_velocity_limit", "400", "limits the xyspeed value in the bobbing code"} |
cvar_t | cl_bobcycle = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bobcycle","0.6", "view bobbing speed"} |
cvar_t | cl_bobfall = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bobfall","0", "how much the view swings down when falling (influenced by the speed you hit the ground with)"} |
cvar_t | cl_bobfallcycle = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bobfallcycle","3", "speed of the bobfall swing"} |
cvar_t | cl_bobfallminspeed = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bobfallminspeed","200", "necessary amount of speed for bob-falling to occur"} |
cvar_t | cl_bobmodel = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bobmodel", "1", "enables gun bobbing"} |
cvar_t | cl_bobmodel_classic = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bobmodel_classic", "1", "classic Quake-style forward gun bobbing"} |
cvar_t | cl_bobmodel_forward = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bobmodel_forward", "0", "gun bobbing forward movement amount"} |
cvar_t | cl_bobmodel_side = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bobmodel_side", "0.15", "gun bobbing sideways sway amount"} |
cvar_t | cl_bobmodel_speed = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bobmodel_speed", "7", "gun bobbing speed"} |
cvar_t | cl_bobmodel_up = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bobmodel_up", "0.06", "gun bobbing upward movement amount"} |
cvar_t | cl_bobup = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bobup","0.5", "view bobbing adjustment that makes the up or down swing of the bob last longer"} |
cvar_t | cl_followmodel = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_followmodel", "0", "enables gun following"} |
cvar_t | cl_followmodel_side_highpass = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_followmodel_side_highpass", "5", "gun following sideways highpass in 1/s"} |
cvar_t | cl_followmodel_side_highpass1 = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_followmodel_side_highpass1", "30", "gun following sideways pre-highpass in 1/s"} |
cvar_t | cl_followmodel_side_limit = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_followmodel_side_limit", "6", "gun following sideways limit"} |
cvar_t | cl_followmodel_side_lowpass = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_followmodel_side_lowpass", "10", "gun following sideways lowpass in 1/s"} |
cvar_t | cl_followmodel_side_speed = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_followmodel_side_speed", "0.25", "gun following sideways speed"} |
cvar_t | cl_followmodel_up_highpass = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_followmodel_up_highpass", "2", "gun following upward highpass in 1/s"} |
cvar_t | cl_followmodel_up_highpass1 = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_followmodel_up_highpass1", "60", "gun following upward pre-highpass in 1/s"} |
cvar_t | cl_followmodel_up_limit = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_followmodel_up_limit", "5", "gun following upward limit"} |
cvar_t | cl_followmodel_up_lowpass = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_followmodel_up_lowpass", "10", "gun following upward lowpass in 1/s"} |
cvar_t | cl_followmodel_up_speed = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_followmodel_up_speed", "0.5", "gun following upward speed"} |
cvar_t | cl_leanmodel = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_leanmodel", "0", "enables gun leaning"} |
cvar_t | cl_leanmodel_side_highpass = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_leanmodel_side_highpass", "3", "gun leaning sideways highpass in 1/s"} |
cvar_t | cl_leanmodel_side_highpass1 = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_leanmodel_side_highpass1", "30", "gun leaning sideways pre-highpass in 1/s"} |
cvar_t | cl_leanmodel_side_limit = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_leanmodel_side_limit", "35", "gun leaning sideways limit"} |
cvar_t | cl_leanmodel_side_lowpass = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_leanmodel_side_lowpass", "20", "gun leaning sideways lowpass in 1/s"} |
cvar_t | cl_leanmodel_side_speed = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_leanmodel_side_speed", "0.7", "gun leaning sideways speed"} |
cvar_t | cl_leanmodel_up_highpass = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_leanmodel_up_highpass", "15", "gun leaning upward highpass in 1/s"} |
cvar_t | cl_leanmodel_up_highpass1 = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_leanmodel_up_highpass1", "5", "gun leaning upward pre-highpass in 1/s"} |
cvar_t | cl_leanmodel_up_limit = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_leanmodel_up_limit", "50", "gun leaning upward limit"} |
cvar_t | cl_leanmodel_up_lowpass = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_leanmodel_up_lowpass", "20", "gun leaning upward lowpass in 1/s"} |
cvar_t | cl_leanmodel_up_speed = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_leanmodel_up_speed", "0.65", "gun leaning upward speed"} |
int | cl_punchangle_applied |
cvar_t | cl_rollangle = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_rollangle", "2.0", "how much to tilt the view when strafing"} |
cvar_t | cl_rollspeed = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_rollspeed", "200", "how much strafing is necessary to tilt the view"} |
cvar_t | cl_smoothviewheight = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_smoothviewheight", "0", "time of the averaging to the viewheight value so that it creates a smooth transition. higher values = longer transition, 0 for instant transition."} |
cvar_t | cl_stairsmoothspeed = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_stairsmoothspeed", "160", "how fast your view moves upward/downward when running up/down stairs"} |
cvar_t | cl_viewmodel_scale = {CF_CLIENT, "cl_viewmodel_scale", "1", "changes size of gun model, lower values prevent poking into walls but cause strange artifacts on lighting and especially r_stereo/vid_stereobuffer options where the size of the gun becomes visible"} |
cvar_t | crosshair = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "crosshair", "0", "selects crosshair to use (0 is none)"} |
cvar_t | r_viewmodel_quake = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "r_viewmodel_quake", "0", "Quake-style weapon viewmodel angle adjustment"} |
cvar_t | v_centermove = {CF_CLIENT, "v_centermove", "0.15", "how long before the view begins to center itself (if freelook/+mlook/+jlook/+klook are off)"} |
cvar_t | v_centerspeed = {CF_CLIENT, "v_centerspeed","500", "how fast the view centers itself"} |
static cshift_t | v_cshift |
cvar_t | v_deathtilt = {CF_CLIENT, "v_deathtilt", "1", "whether to use sideways view when dead"} |
cvar_t | v_deathtiltangle = {CF_CLIENT, "v_deathtiltangle", "80", "what roll angle to use when tilting the view while dead"} |
float | v_dmg_pitch |
float | v_dmg_roll |
float | v_dmg_time |
cvar_t | v_idlescale = {CF_CLIENT, "v_idlescale", "0", "how much of the quake 'drunken view' effect to use"} |
cvar_t | v_ipitch_cycle = {CF_CLIENT, "v_ipitch_cycle", "1", "v_idlescale pitch speed"} |
cvar_t | v_ipitch_level = {CF_CLIENT, "v_ipitch_level", "0.3", "v_idlescale pitch amount"} |
cvar_t | v_iroll_cycle = {CF_CLIENT, "v_iroll_cycle", "0.5", "v_idlescale roll speed"} |
cvar_t | v_iroll_level = {CF_CLIENT, "v_iroll_level", "0.1", "v_idlescale roll amount"} |
cvar_t | v_isometric = {CF_CLIENT, "v_isometric", "0", "changes view to isometric (non-perspective)"} |
cvar_t | v_isometric_flipcullface = {CF_CLIENT, "v_isometric_flipcullface", "0", "flips the backface culling"} |
cvar_t | v_isometric_locked_orientation = {CF_CLIENT, "v_isometric_locked_orientation", "1", "camera rotation is fixed"} |
cvar_t | v_isometric_relx = {CF_CLIENT, "v_isometric_relx", "0", "camera position*forward"} |
cvar_t | v_isometric_rely = {CF_CLIENT, "v_isometric_rely", "0", "camera position*left"} |
cvar_t | v_isometric_relz = {CF_CLIENT, "v_isometric_relz", "0", "camera position*up"} |
cvar_t | v_isometric_rot_pitch = {CF_CLIENT, "v_isometric_rot_pitch", "60", "camera rotation"} |
cvar_t | v_isometric_rot_roll = {CF_CLIENT, "v_isometric_rot_roll", "0", "camera rotation"} |
cvar_t | v_isometric_rot_yaw = {CF_CLIENT, "v_isometric_rot_yaw", "135", "camera rotation"} |
cvar_t | v_isometric_tx = {CF_CLIENT, "v_isometric_tx", "0", "camera position (player-relative)"} |
cvar_t | v_isometric_ty = {CF_CLIENT, "v_isometric_ty", "0", "camera position (player-relative)"} |
cvar_t | v_isometric_tz = {CF_CLIENT, "v_isometric_tz", "0", "camera position (player-relative)"} |
cvar_t | v_isometric_usevieworiginculling = {CF_CLIENT, "v_isometric_usevieworiginculling", "0", "check visibility to the player location (can look pretty weird)"} |
cvar_t | v_isometric_verticalfov = {CF_CLIENT, "v_isometric_verticalfov", "512", "vertical field of view in game units (horizontal is computed using aspect ratio based on this)"} |
cvar_t | v_isometric_xx = {CF_CLIENT, "v_isometric_xx", "1", "camera matrix"} |
cvar_t | v_isometric_xy = {CF_CLIENT, "v_isometric_xy", "0", "camera matrix"} |
cvar_t | v_isometric_xz = {CF_CLIENT, "v_isometric_xz", "0", "camera matrix"} |
cvar_t | v_isometric_yx = {CF_CLIENT, "v_isometric_yx", "0", "camera matrix"} |
cvar_t | v_isometric_yy = {CF_CLIENT, "v_isometric_yy", "1", "camera matrix"} |
cvar_t | v_isometric_yz = {CF_CLIENT, "v_isometric_yz", "0", "camera matrix"} |
cvar_t | v_isometric_zx = {CF_CLIENT, "v_isometric_zx", "0", "camera matrix"} |
cvar_t | v_isometric_zy = {CF_CLIENT, "v_isometric_zy", "0", "camera matrix"} |
cvar_t | v_isometric_zz = {CF_CLIENT, "v_isometric_zz", "1", "camera matrix"} |
cvar_t | v_iyaw_cycle = {CF_CLIENT, "v_iyaw_cycle", "2", "v_idlescale yaw speed"} |
cvar_t | v_iyaw_level = {CF_CLIENT, "v_iyaw_level", "0.3", "v_idlescale yaw amount"} |
cvar_t | v_kickpitch = {CF_CLIENT, "v_kickpitch", "0.6", "how much a view kick from damage pitches your view"} |
cvar_t | v_kickroll = {CF_CLIENT, "v_kickroll", "0.6", "how much a view kick from damage rolls your view"} |
cvar_t | v_kicktime = {CF_CLIENT, "v_kicktime", "0.5", "how long a view kick from damage lasts"} |
cvar_t | v_yshearing = {CF_CLIENT, "v_yshearing", "0", "be all out of gum (set this to the maximum angle to allow Y shearing for - try values like 75)"} |
matrix4x4_t | viewmodelmatrix_nobob |
matrix4x4_t | viewmodelmatrix_withbob |
Definition at line 410 of file view.c.
References lowpass(), and value.
Referenced by highpass3().
static |
Definition at line 427 of file view.c.
References highpass(), and value.
Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing().
static |
Definition at line 434 of file view.c.
References highpass_limited(), and value.
Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing().
Definition at line 415 of file view.c.
References lowpass_limited(), and value.
Referenced by highpass3_limited().
Definition at line 398 of file view.c.
Referenced by highpass(), lowpass3(), and lowpass_limited().
static |
Definition at line 345 of file view.c.
References cshift_t::alphafade, cl, cmd(), Cmd_Argc(), Cmd_Argv(), Con_Printf(), CSHIFT_BONUS, client_state_t::cshifts, cshift_t::destcolor, and cshift_t::percent.
Referenced by V_Init().
static |
Definition at line 487 of file view.c.
References cl, cl_viewmodel_scale, cls, client_state_t::csqc_viewanglesfromengine, client_state_t::csqc_viewmodelmatrixfromengine, client_state_t::csqc_vieworiginfromengine, r_refdef_view_t::matrix, Matrix4x4_AdjustOrigin(), Matrix4x4_ConcatScale(), Matrix4x4_Copy(), Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(), Matrix4x4_CreateScale(), Matrix4x4_Invert_Simple(), Matrix4x4_QuakeToDuke3D(), client_static_t::protocol, PROTOCOL_QUAKEWORLD, client_state_t::qw_intermission_angles, client_state_t::qw_intermission_origin, r_refdef, v_yshearing, cvar_t::value, VectorCopy, r_refdef_t::view, viewmodelmatrix_nobob, and viewmodelmatrix_withbob.
Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing().
Definition at line 944 of file view.c.
References ca_connected, cl, cls, client_state_t::cmd, client_state_t::csqc_server2csqcentitynumber, client_state_t::csqc_viewanglesfromengine, client_state_t::csqc_viewmodelmatrixfromengine, client_state_t::csqc_vieworiginfromengine, client_state_t::entities, identitymatrix, usercmd_t::jump, entity_render_t::matrix, r_refdef_view_t::matrix, client_state_t::onground, entity_t::persistent, r_refdef, entity_t::render, client_static_t::signon, SIGNONS, STAT_HEALTH, STAT_VIEWHEIGHT, client_static_t::state, client_state_t::stats, entity_persistent_t::trail_allowed, V_CalcRefdefUsing(), VectorClear, VectorCopy, client_state_t::velocity, r_refdef_t::view, client_state_t::viewangles, client_state_t::viewentity, viewmodelmatrix_nobob, and viewmodelmatrix_withbob.
Referenced by CL_UpdateWorld().
void V_CalcRefdefUsing | ( | const matrix4x4_t * | entrendermatrix, |
const vec3_t | clviewangles, | ||
qbool | teleported, | ||
qbool | clonground, | ||
qbool | clcmdjump, | ||
float | clstatsviewheight, | ||
qbool | cldead, | ||
const vec3_t | clvelocity ) |
Definition at line 512 of file view.c.
References AngleVectors(), client_state_t::bob2_smooth, client_state_t::bobfall_speed, client_state_t::bobfall_swing, bound, client_state_t::calcrefdef_prevtime, chase_active, chase_back, chase_overhead, chase_pitchangle, chase_stevie, chase_up, cl, cl_bob, cl_bob2, cl_bob2cycle, cl_bob2smooth, cl_bob_limit, cl_bob_limit_heightcheck, cl_bob_limit_heightcheck_dontcrosswatersurface, cl_bob_velocity_limit, cl_bobcycle, cl_bobfall, cl_bobfallcycle, cl_bobfallminspeed, cl_bobmodel, cl_bobmodel_classic, cl_bobmodel_side, cl_bobmodel_speed, cl_bobmodel_up, cl_bobup, cl_followmodel, cl_followmodel_side_highpass, cl_followmodel_side_highpass1, cl_followmodel_side_limit, cl_followmodel_side_lowpass, cl_followmodel_side_speed, cl_followmodel_up_highpass, cl_followmodel_up_highpass1, cl_followmodel_up_limit, cl_followmodel_up_lowpass, cl_followmodel_up_speed, cl_leanmodel, cl_leanmodel_side_highpass, cl_leanmodel_side_highpass1, cl_leanmodel_side_limit, cl_leanmodel_side_lowpass, cl_leanmodel_side_speed, cl_leanmodel_up_highpass, cl_leanmodel_up_highpass1, cl_leanmodel_up_limit, cl_leanmodel_up_lowpass, cl_leanmodel_up_speed, cl_punchangle_applied, cl_rollangle, cl_rollspeed, cl_smoothviewheight, cl_stairsmoothspeed, CL_TraceLine(), cl_viewmodel_scale, collision_extendmovelength, Com_CalcRoll(), cos(), client_state_t::csqc_viewanglesfromengine, client_state_t::csqc_viewmodelmatrixfromengine, client_state_t::csqc_vieworiginfromengine, DotProduct, trace_t::endpos, floor(), forward, trace_t::fraction, frametime, GAME_GOODVSBAD2, gamemode, client_state_t::gunangles_adjustment_highpass, client_state_t::gunangles_adjustment_lowpass, client_state_t::gunangles_highpass, client_state_t::gunangles_prev, client_state_t::gunorg_adjustment_highpass, client_state_t::gunorg_adjustment_lowpass, client_state_t::gunorg_highpass, client_state_t::gunorg_prev, highpass3(), highpass3_limited(), client_state_t::hitgroundtime, i, identitymatrix, int(), cvar_t::integer, client_state_t::intermission, client_state_t::lastongroundtime, lowpass3(), M_PI, MATERIALFLAGMASK_TRANSLUCENT, r_refdef_view_t::matrix, Matrix4x4_Concat(), Matrix4x4_ConcatScale(), Matrix4x4_Copy(), Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(), Matrix4x4_Invert_Simple(), Matrix4x4_OriginFromMatrix(), Matrix4x4_QuakeToDuke3D(), max, min, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, client_state_t::movecmd, client_state_t::movevars_stepheight, client_state_t::movevars_timescale, plane_t::normal, NULL, offset, client_state_t::oldonground, client_state_t::oldtime, PITCH, trace_t::plane, client_state_t::punchangle, client_state_t::punchvector, client_state_t::qw_weaponkick, r_refdef, r_viewmodel_quake, right, ROLL, scr_viewsize, sin(), sqrt(), client_state_t::stairsmoothtime, client_state_t::stairsmoothz, SUPERCONTENTS_LIQUIDSMASK, SUPERCONTENTS_SKY, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID, client_state_t::time, usercmd_t::time, up, V_CalcIntermissionRefdef(), v_deathtilt, v_deathtiltangle, v_dmg_pitch, v_dmg_roll, v_dmg_time, v_idlescale, v_ipitch_cycle, v_ipitch_level, v_iroll_cycle, v_iroll_level, v_iyaw_cycle, v_iyaw_level, v_kicktime, v_yshearing, cvar_t::value, VectorAdd, VectorClear, VectorCopy, VectorMA, VectorMAMAM, VectorScale, VectorSet, VectorSubtract, r_refdef_t::view, viewmodelmatrix_nobob, viewmodelmatrix_withbob, and YAW.
Referenced by V_CalcRefdef(), and VM_CL_V_CalcRefdef().
Definition at line 1043 of file view.c.
References a, bound, ca_connected, cl, cl_deathfade, CL_PointSuperContents, cls, CSHIFT_CONTENTS, CSHIFT_POWERUP, CSHIFT_VCSHIFT, client_state_t::cshifts, client_state_t::deathfade, cshift_t::destcolor, r_refdef_t::frustumscale_x, r_refdef_t::frustumscale_y, GAME_TRANSFUSION, gamemode, gl_polyblend, Image_LinearFloatFromsRGB, IT_INVISIBILITY, IT_INVULNERABILITY, IT_QUAD, IT_SUIT, r_refdef_view_t::matrix, Matrix4x4_OriginFromMatrix(), max, NUM_CSHIFTS, client_state_t::oldtime, cshift_t::percent, r_refdef, r_waterwarp, client_static_t::signon, SIGNONS, sin(), viddef_t::sRGB3D, STAT_HEALTH, STAT_ITEMS, client_static_t::state, client_state_t::stats, SUPERCONTENTS_LAVA, SUPERCONTENTS_LIQUIDSMASK, SUPERCONTENTS_SLIME, client_state_t::time, v_cshift, cvar_t::value, VectorLerp, VectorMAM, VectorScale, vid, r_refdef_t::view, client_state_t::view_underwater, and r_refdef_t::viewblend.
Referenced by CSQC_RelinkAllEntities().
static |
Definition at line 329 of file view.c.
References cmd(), Cmd_Argv(), cshift_t::destcolor, cshift_t::percent, and v_cshift.
Referenced by V_Init().
Definition at line 189 of file view.c.
References cl, cl_forwardspeed, cls, client_state_t::cmd, client_static_t::demoplayback, client_state_t::driftmove, fabs(), usercmd_t::forwardmove, client_state_t::idealpitch, noclip_anglehack, client_state_t::nodrift, client_state_t::onground, PITCH, client_state_t::pitchvel, client_state_t::realframetime, v_centermove, v_centerspeed, V_StartPitchDrift(), cvar_t::value, and client_state_t::viewangles.
Referenced by CL_UpdateWorld().
Definition at line 1028 of file view.c.
References cshift_t::alphafade, cl, CSHIFT_BONUS, CSHIFT_DAMAGE, client_state_t::cshifts, client_state_t::oldtime, cshift_t::percent, and client_state_t::time.
Referenced by CL_UpdateWorld().
Definition at line 1196 of file view.c.
References CF_CLIENT, CF_CLIENT_FROM_SERVER, chase_active, chase_back, chase_overhead, chase_pitchangle, chase_stevie, chase_up, cl_bob, cl_bob2, cl_bob2cycle, cl_bob2smooth, cl_bob_limit, cl_bob_limit_heightcheck, cl_bob_limit_heightcheck_dontcrosswatersurface, cl_bob_velocity_limit, cl_bobcycle, cl_bobfall, cl_bobfallcycle, cl_bobfallminspeed, cl_bobmodel, cl_bobmodel_classic, cl_bobmodel_forward, cl_bobmodel_side, cl_bobmodel_speed, cl_bobmodel_up, cl_bobup, cl_followmodel, cl_followmodel_side_highpass, cl_followmodel_side_highpass1, cl_followmodel_side_limit, cl_followmodel_side_lowpass, cl_followmodel_side_speed, cl_followmodel_up_highpass, cl_followmodel_up_highpass1, cl_followmodel_up_limit, cl_followmodel_up_lowpass, cl_followmodel_up_speed, cl_leanmodel, cl_leanmodel_side_highpass, cl_leanmodel_side_highpass1, cl_leanmodel_side_limit, cl_leanmodel_side_lowpass, cl_leanmodel_side_speed, cl_leanmodel_up_highpass, cl_leanmodel_up_highpass1, cl_leanmodel_up_limit, cl_leanmodel_up_lowpass, cl_leanmodel_up_speed, cl_rollangle, cl_rollspeed, cl_smoothviewheight, cl_stairsmoothspeed, cl_viewmodel_scale, Cmd_AddCommand(), crosshair, Cvar_RegisterVariable(), r_viewmodel_quake, V_BonusFlash_f(), v_centermove, v_centerspeed, V_cshift_f(), v_deathtilt, v_deathtiltangle, v_idlescale, v_ipitch_cycle, v_ipitch_level, v_iroll_cycle, v_iroll_level, v_isometric, v_isometric_flipcullface, v_isometric_locked_orientation, v_isometric_relx, v_isometric_rely, v_isometric_relz, v_isometric_rot_pitch, v_isometric_rot_roll, v_isometric_rot_yaw, v_isometric_tx, v_isometric_ty, v_isometric_tz, v_isometric_usevieworiginculling, v_isometric_verticalfov, v_isometric_xx, v_isometric_xy, v_isometric_xz, v_isometric_yx, v_isometric_yy, v_isometric_yz, v_isometric_zx, v_isometric_zy, v_isometric_zz, v_iyaw_cycle, v_iyaw_level, v_kickpitch, v_kickroll, v_kicktime, V_StartPitchDrift_f(), and v_yshearing.
Referenced by CL_Init().
Definition at line 968 of file view.c.
References a, cl, r_refdef_view_t::cullface_back, r_refdef_view_t::cullface_front, float, forward, r_refdef_view_t::frustum_x, r_refdef_view_t::frustum_y, r_refdef_t::frustumscale_x, r_refdef_t::frustumscale_y, r_refdef_view_t::height, cvar_t::integer, r_refdef_view_t::matrix, Matrix4x4_Concat(), Matrix4x4_CreateFromQuakeEntity(), Matrix4x4_CreateTranslate(), Matrix4x4_FromArrayFloatGL(), Matrix4x4_FromVectors(), Matrix4x4_ToVectors(), origin, r_refdef_view_t::ortho_x, r_refdef_view_t::ortho_y, r_refdef, r_trippy, up, r_refdef_view_t::useperspective, r_refdef_view_t::usevieworiginculling, v_isometric_flipcullface, v_isometric_locked_orientation, v_isometric_relx, v_isometric_rely, v_isometric_relz, v_isometric_rot_pitch, v_isometric_rot_roll, v_isometric_rot_yaw, v_isometric_tx, v_isometric_ty, v_isometric_tz, v_isometric_usevieworiginculling, v_isometric_verticalfov, v_isometric_xx, v_isometric_xy, v_isometric_xz, v_isometric_yx, v_isometric_yy, v_isometric_yz, v_isometric_zx, v_isometric_zy, v_isometric_zz, cvar_t::value, VectorMAMAMAM, vid_pixelheight, r_refdef_t::view, client_state_t::viewzoom, and r_refdef_view_t::width.
Referenced by R_RenderView().
Definition at line 261 of file view.c.
References entity_state_t::active, cshift_t::alphafade, cl, cl_message, CL_VM_UpdateDmgGlobals(), cls, count, CSHIFT_DAMAGE, client_state_t::cshifts, cshift_t::destcolor, client_state_t::entities, client_state_t::faceanimtime, entity_render_t::inversematrix, Matrix4x4_Transform(), MSG_ReadByte, MSG_ReadVector(), cshift_t::percent, client_static_t::protocol, entity_t::render, entity_t::state_current, client_state_t::time, v_dmg_pitch, v_dmg_roll, v_dmg_time, v_kickpitch, v_kickroll, v_kicktime, cvar_t::value, VectorNormalize, and client_state_t::viewentity.
Referenced by CL_ParseServerMessage().
Definition at line 151 of file view.c.
References cl, client_state_t::driftmove, client_state_t::laststop, client_state_t::nodrift, client_state_t::pitchvel, client_state_t::time, v_centerspeed, and cvar_t::value.
Referenced by V_DriftPitch(), and V_StartPitchDrift_f().
void V_StartPitchDrift_f | ( | cmd_state_t * | cmd | ) |
Definition at line 164 of file view.c.
References V_StartPitchDrift().
Referenced by IN_MLookUp(), and V_Init().
Definition at line 169 of file view.c.
References cl, client_state_t::laststop, client_state_t::nodrift, client_state_t::pitchvel, and client_state_t::time.
Referenced by CL_AdjustAngles(), and CL_Input().
cvar_t chase_active = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "chase_active", "0", "enables chase cam"} |
Definition at line 132 of file view.c.
Referenced by CL_Beam_CalculatePositions(), CL_SelectTraceLine(), CL_UpdatePrydonCursor(), R_View_UpdateEntityVisible(), R_Water_ProcessPlanes(), V_CalcRefdefUsing(), and V_Init().
cvar_t chase_back = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "chase_back", "48", "chase cam distance from the player"} |
cvar_t chase_overhead = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "chase_overhead", "0", "chase cam looks straight down if this is not zero"} |
Definition at line 133 of file view.c.
Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing(), and V_Init().
cvar_t chase_pitchangle = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "chase_pitchangle", "55", "chase cam pitch angle"} |
cvar_t chase_stevie = {CF_CLIENT, "chase_stevie", "0", "(GOODVSBAD2 only) chase cam view from above"} |
cvar_t chase_up = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "chase_up", "24", "chase cam distance from the player"} |
cvar_t cl_bob = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bob","0.02", "view bobbing amount"} |
cvar_t cl_bob2 = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bob2","0", "sideways view bobbing amount"} |
cvar_t cl_bob2cycle = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bob2cycle","0.6", "sideways view bobbing speed"} |
cvar_t cl_bob2smooth = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bob2smooth","0.05", "how fast the view goes back when you stop touching the ground"} |
Definition at line 43 of file view.c.
Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing(), and V_Init().
cvar_t cl_bob_limit = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bob_limit", "7", "limits bobbing to this much distance from view_ofs"} |
Definition at line 53 of file view.c.
Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing(), and V_Init().
cvar_t cl_bob_limit_heightcheck = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bob_limit_heightcheck", "0", "check ceiling and floor height against cl_bob_limit and scale down all view bobbing if could result in camera being in solid"} |
Definition at line 54 of file view.c.
Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing(), and V_Init().
cvar_t cl_bob_limit_heightcheck_dontcrosswatersurface = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bob_limit_heightcheck_dontcrosswatersurface", "1", "limit cl_bob_limit to not crossing liquid surfaces also"} |
Definition at line 55 of file view.c.
Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing(), and V_Init().
cvar_t cl_bob_velocity_limit = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bob_velocity_limit", "400", "limits the xyspeed value in the bobbing code"} |
Definition at line 56 of file view.c.
Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing(), and V_Init().
cvar_t cl_bobcycle = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bobcycle","0.6", "view bobbing speed"} |
cvar_t cl_bobfall = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bobfall","0", "how much the view swings down when falling (influenced by the speed you hit the ground with)"} |
Definition at line 44 of file view.c.
Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing(), and V_Init().
cvar_t cl_bobfallcycle = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bobfallcycle","3", "speed of the bobfall swing"} |
cvar_t cl_bobfallminspeed = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bobfallminspeed","200", "necessary amount of speed for bob-falling to occur"} |
Definition at line 46 of file view.c.
Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing(), and V_Init().
cvar_t cl_bobmodel = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bobmodel", "1", "enables gun bobbing"} |
cvar_t cl_bobmodel_classic = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bobmodel_classic", "1", "classic Quake-style forward gun bobbing"} |
cvar_t cl_bobmodel_forward = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bobmodel_forward", "0", "gun bobbing forward movement amount"} |
cvar_t cl_bobmodel_side = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bobmodel_side", "0.15", "gun bobbing sideways sway amount"} |
cvar_t cl_bobmodel_speed = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bobmodel_speed", "7", "gun bobbing speed"} |
cvar_t cl_bobmodel_up = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bobmodel_up", "0.06", "gun bobbing upward movement amount"} |
cvar_t cl_bobup = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_bobup","0.5", "view bobbing adjustment that makes the up or down swing of the bob last longer"} |
Definition at line 40 of file view.c.
Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing(), and V_Init().
cvar_t cl_followmodel = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_followmodel", "0", "enables gun following"} |
cvar_t cl_followmodel_side_highpass = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_followmodel_side_highpass", "5", "gun following sideways highpass in 1/s"} |
Definition at line 74 of file view.c.
Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing(), and V_Init().
cvar_t cl_followmodel_side_highpass1 = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_followmodel_side_highpass1", "30", "gun following sideways pre-highpass in 1/s"} |
Definition at line 73 of file view.c.
Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing(), and V_Init().
cvar_t cl_followmodel_side_limit = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_followmodel_side_limit", "6", "gun following sideways limit"} |
cvar_t cl_followmodel_side_lowpass = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_followmodel_side_lowpass", "10", "gun following sideways lowpass in 1/s"} |
Definition at line 75 of file view.c.
Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing(), and V_Init().
cvar_t cl_followmodel_side_speed = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_followmodel_side_speed", "0.25", "gun following sideways speed"} |
cvar_t cl_followmodel_up_highpass = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_followmodel_up_highpass", "2", "gun following upward highpass in 1/s"} |
Definition at line 79 of file view.c.
Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing(), and V_Init().
cvar_t cl_followmodel_up_highpass1 = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_followmodel_up_highpass1", "60", "gun following upward pre-highpass in 1/s"} |
Definition at line 78 of file view.c.
Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing(), and V_Init().
cvar_t cl_followmodel_up_limit = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_followmodel_up_limit", "5", "gun following upward limit"} |
cvar_t cl_followmodel_up_lowpass = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_followmodel_up_lowpass", "10", "gun following upward lowpass in 1/s"} |
Definition at line 80 of file view.c.
Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing(), and V_Init().
cvar_t cl_followmodel_up_speed = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_followmodel_up_speed", "0.5", "gun following upward speed"} |
cvar_t cl_leanmodel = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_leanmodel", "0", "enables gun leaning"} |
cvar_t cl_leanmodel_side_highpass = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_leanmodel_side_highpass", "3", "gun leaning sideways highpass in 1/s"} |
Definition at line 62 of file view.c.
Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing(), and V_Init().
cvar_t cl_leanmodel_side_highpass1 = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_leanmodel_side_highpass1", "30", "gun leaning sideways pre-highpass in 1/s"} |
Definition at line 61 of file view.c.
Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing(), and V_Init().
cvar_t cl_leanmodel_side_limit = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_leanmodel_side_limit", "35", "gun leaning sideways limit"} |
cvar_t cl_leanmodel_side_lowpass = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_leanmodel_side_lowpass", "20", "gun leaning sideways lowpass in 1/s"} |
Definition at line 63 of file view.c.
Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing(), and V_Init().
cvar_t cl_leanmodel_side_speed = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_leanmodel_side_speed", "0.7", "gun leaning sideways speed"} |
cvar_t cl_leanmodel_up_highpass = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_leanmodel_up_highpass", "15", "gun leaning upward highpass in 1/s"} |
cvar_t cl_leanmodel_up_highpass1 = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_leanmodel_up_highpass1", "5", "gun leaning upward pre-highpass in 1/s"} |
Definition at line 66 of file view.c.
Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing(), and V_Init().
cvar_t cl_leanmodel_up_limit = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_leanmodel_up_limit", "50", "gun leaning upward limit"} |
cvar_t cl_leanmodel_up_lowpass = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_leanmodel_up_lowpass", "20", "gun leaning upward lowpass in 1/s"} |
cvar_t cl_leanmodel_up_speed = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_leanmodel_up_speed", "0.65", "gun leaning upward speed"} |
int cl_punchangle_applied |
Definition at line 149 of file view.c.
Referenced by CL_UpdateScreen(), and V_CalcRefdefUsing().
cvar_t cl_rollangle = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_rollangle", "2.0", "how much to tilt the view when strafing"} |
Definition at line 36 of file view.c.
Referenced by EntityStateQW_ReadPlayerUpdate(), V_CalcRefdefUsing(), and V_Init().
cvar_t cl_rollspeed = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_rollspeed", "200", "how much strafing is necessary to tilt the view"} |
Definition at line 35 of file view.c.
Referenced by EntityStateQW_ReadPlayerUpdate(), V_CalcRefdefUsing(), and V_Init().
cvar_t cl_smoothviewheight = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_smoothviewheight", "0", "time of the averaging to the viewheight value so that it creates a smooth transition. higher values = longer transition, 0 for instant transition."} |
Definition at line 128 of file view.c.
Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing(), and V_Init().
cvar_t cl_stairsmoothspeed = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_stairsmoothspeed", "160", "how fast your view moves upward/downward when running up/down stairs"} |
Definition at line 126 of file view.c.
Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing(), and V_Init().
cvar_t cl_viewmodel_scale = {CF_CLIENT, "cl_viewmodel_scale", "1", "changes size of gun model, lower values prevent poking into walls but cause strange artifacts on lighting and especially r_stereo/vid_stereobuffer options where the size of the gun becomes visible"} |
Definition at line 82 of file view.c.
Referenced by CSQC_R_RecalcView(), SV_GetEntityMatrix(), V_CalcIntermissionRefdef(), V_CalcRefdefUsing(), and V_Init().
cvar_t crosshair = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "crosshair", "0", "selects crosshair to use (0 is none)"} |
Definition at line 121 of file view.c.
Referenced by M_Menu_Options_AdjustSliders(), M_Options_Draw(), Sbar_Draw(), and V_Init().
cvar_t r_viewmodel_quake = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "r_viewmodel_quake", "0", "Quake-style weapon viewmodel angle adjustment"} |
Definition at line 145 of file view.c.
Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing(), and V_Init().
cvar_t v_centermove = {CF_CLIENT, "v_centermove", "0.15", "how long before the view begins to center itself (if freelook/+mlook/+jlook/+klook are off)"} |
Definition at line 123 of file view.c.
Referenced by V_DriftPitch(), and V_Init().
Definition at line 124 of file view.c.
Referenced by V_DriftPitch(), V_Init(), and V_StartPitchDrift().
static |
Definition at line 322 of file view.c.
Referenced by V_CalcViewBlend(), and V_cshift_f().
cvar_t v_deathtiltangle = {CF_CLIENT, "v_deathtiltangle", "80", "what roll angle to use when tilting the view while dead"} |
Definition at line 138 of file view.c.
Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing(), and V_Init().
float v_dmg_pitch |
Definition at line 147 of file view.c.
Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing(), and V_ParseDamage().
float v_dmg_roll |
Definition at line 147 of file view.c.
Referenced by V_CalcRefdefUsing(), and V_ParseDamage().
float v_dmg_time |
Definition at line 147 of file view.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw(), V_CalcRefdefUsing(), and V_ParseDamage().
cvar_t v_idlescale = {CF_CLIENT, "v_idlescale", "0", "how much of the quake 'drunken view' effect to use"} |
cvar_t v_isometric_flipcullface = {CF_CLIENT, "v_isometric_flipcullface", "0", "flips the backface culling"} |
cvar_t v_isometric_locked_orientation = {CF_CLIENT, "v_isometric_locked_orientation", "1", "camera rotation is fixed"} |
cvar_t v_isometric_usevieworiginculling = {CF_CLIENT, "v_isometric_usevieworiginculling", "0", "check visibility to the player location (can look pretty weird)"} |
Definition at line 119 of file view.c.
Referenced by V_Init(), and V_MakeViewIsometric().
cvar_t v_isometric_verticalfov = {CF_CLIENT, "v_isometric_verticalfov", "512", "vertical field of view in game units (horizontal is computed using aspect ratio based on this)"} |
Definition at line 98 of file view.c.
Referenced by V_Init(), and V_MakeViewIsometric().
cvar_t v_kickpitch = {CF_CLIENT, "v_kickpitch", "0.6", "how much a view kick from damage pitches your view"} |
cvar_t v_kickroll = {CF_CLIENT, "v_kickroll", "0.6", "how much a view kick from damage rolls your view"} |
Definition at line 84 of file view.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw(), V_CalcRefdefUsing(), V_Init(), and V_ParseDamage().
cvar_t v_yshearing = {CF_CLIENT, "v_yshearing", "0", "be all out of gum (set this to the maximum angle to allow Y shearing for - try values like 75)"} |
Definition at line 143 of file view.c.
Referenced by CSQC_R_RecalcView(), V_CalcIntermissionRefdef(), V_CalcRefdefUsing(), and V_Init().
extern |
Definition at line 1057 of file cl_main.c.
Referenced by CL_UpdateNetworkEntity(), CSQC_R_RecalcView(), V_CalcIntermissionRefdef(), V_CalcRefdef(), and V_CalcRefdefUsing().
extern |
Definition at line 1056 of file cl_main.c.
Referenced by CL_UpdateNetworkEntity(), CSQC_R_RecalcView(), V_CalcIntermissionRefdef(), V_CalcRefdef(), and V_CalcRefdefUsing().