![]() |
Game engine based on the Quake 1 engine by id Software, developed by LadyHavoc
Go to the source code of this file.
Macros | |
#define | STAT_MINUS 10 |
Variables | |
cvar_t | cl_deathscoreboard = {CF_CLIENT, "cl_deathscoreboard", "1", "shows scoreboard (+showscores) while dead"} |
cvar_t | cl_showblur = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_showblur", "0", "shows the current alpha level of motionblur"} |
cvar_t | cl_showdate = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_showdate", "0", "shows current date (useful on screenshots)"} |
cvar_t | cl_showdate_format = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_showdate_format", "%Y-%m-%d", "format string for date"} |
cvar_t | cl_showfps = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_showfps", "0", "shows your rendered fps (frames per second)"} |
cvar_t | cl_showsound = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_showsound", "0", "shows number of active sound sources, sound latency, and other statistics"} |
cvar_t | cl_showspeed = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_showspeed", "0", "shows your current speed (qu per second); number selects unit: 1 = qu/s, 2 = m/s, 3 = km/h, 4 = mph, 5 = knots"} |
cvar_t | cl_showspeed_factor = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_showspeed_factor", "2.54", "multiplier of the centimeter for cl_showspeed. 1 unit = 1 inch in Quake, so this should be 2.54 for Quake, etc"} |
cvar_t | cl_showtex = {CF_CLIENT, "cl_showtex", "0", "shows the name of the texture on the crosshair (for map debugging)"} |
cvar_t | cl_showtime = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_showtime", "0", "shows current time of day (useful on screenshots)"} |
cvar_t | cl_showtime_format = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_showtime_format", "%H:%M:%S", "format string for time of day"} |
cvar_t | cl_showtopspeed = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_showtopspeed", "0", "shows your top speed (kept on screen for max 3 seconds); value -1 takes over the unit from cl_showspeed, otherwise it's an unit number just like in cl_showspeed"} |
cvar_t | crosshair_color_alpha = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "crosshair_color_alpha", "1", "how opaque the crosshair should be"} |
cvar_t | crosshair_color_blue = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "crosshair_color_blue", "0", "customizable crosshair color"} |
cvar_t | crosshair_color_green = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "crosshair_color_green", "0", "customizable crosshair color"} |
cvar_t | crosshair_color_red = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "crosshair_color_red", "1", "customizable crosshair color"} |
cvar_t | crosshair_size = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "crosshair_size", "1", "adjusts size of the crosshair on the screen"} |
time_t | current_time = 3 |
static int | fragsort [MAX_SCOREBOARD] |
cachepic_t * | hsb_items [2] |
cachepic_t * | hsb_weapons [7][5] |
cachepic_t * | rsb_ammo [3] |
cachepic_t * | rsb_invbar [2] |
cachepic_t * | rsb_items [2] |
cachepic_t * | rsb_teambord |
cachepic_t * | rsb_weapons [5] |
cachepic_t * | sb_ammo [4] |
cachepic_t * | sb_armor [3] |
cachepic_t * | sb_colon |
cachepic_t * | sb_complete |
cachepic_t * | sb_disc |
cachepic_t * | sb_face_invis |
cachepic_t * | sb_face_invis_invuln |
cachepic_t * | sb_face_invuln |
cachepic_t * | sb_face_quad |
cachepic_t * | sb_faces [5][2] |
cachepic_t * | sb_finale |
cachepic_t * | sb_health |
cachepic_t * | sb_ibar |
cachepic_t * | sb_inter |
cachepic_t * | sb_items [32] |
int | sb_lines |
scan lines to draw | |
cachepic_t * | sb_nums [2][11] |
cachepic_t * | sb_ranking |
cachepic_t * | sb_sbar |
cachepic_t * | sb_sbar_minimal |
cachepic_t * | sb_sbar_overlay |
cachepic_t * | sb_scorebar |
qbool | sb_showscores |
cachepic_t * | sb_sigil [4] |
cachepic_t * | sb_slash |
cachepic_t * | sb_weapons [7][9] |
cvar_t | sbar_alpha_bg = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "sbar_alpha_bg", "0.4", "opacity value of the statusbar background image"} |
cvar_t | sbar_alpha_fg = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "sbar_alpha_fg", "1", "opacity value of the statusbar weapon/item icons and numbers"} |
cvar_t | sbar_flagstatus_pos = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "sbar_flagstatus_pos", "115", "pixel position of the Nexuiz flag status icons, from the bottom"} |
cvar_t | sbar_flagstatus_right = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "sbar_flagstatus_right", "0", "moves Nexuiz flag status icons to the right"} |
cvar_t | sbar_gametime = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "sbar_gametime", "1", "shows an overlay for the time left in the current match/level (or current game time if there is no timelimit set)"} |
cvar_t | sbar_hudselector = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "sbar_hudselector", "0", "selects which of the builtin hud layouts to use (meaning is somewhat dependent on gamemode, so nexuiz has a very different set of hud layouts than quake for example)"} |
cvar_t | sbar_info_pos = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "sbar_info_pos", "0", "pixel position of the info strings (such as showfps), from the bottom"} |
cvar_t | sbar_miniscoreboard_size = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "sbar_miniscoreboard_size", "-1", "sets the size of the mini deathmatch overlay in items, or disables it when set to 0, or sets it to a sane default when set to -1"} |
cvar_t | sbar_scorerank = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "sbar_scorerank", "1", "shows an overlay for your score (or team score) and rank in the scoreboard"} |
int | sbar_x |
int | sbar_y |
static int | scoreboardlines |
static int | showfps_framecount = 0 |
static double | showfps_framerate = 0 |
static double | showfps_lasttime = -1 |
static double | showfps_nexttime = 0 |
static int | teamlines |
static scoreboard_t | teams [MAX_SCOREBOARD] |
static int | teamsort [MAX_SCOREBOARD] |
time_t | top_time = 0 |
double | topspeed = 0 |
double | topspeedxy = 0 |
time_t | topxy_time = 0 |
float | v_dmg_pitch |
float | v_dmg_roll |
float | v_dmg_time |
cvar_t | v_kicktime |
cachepic_t * | zymsb_crosshair_ammo |
cachepic_t * | zymsb_crosshair_background |
cachepic_t * | zymsb_crosshair_center |
cachepic_t * | zymsb_crosshair_clip |
cachepic_t * | zymsb_crosshair_health |
cachepic_t * | zymsb_crosshair_left1 |
cachepic_t * | zymsb_crosshair_left2 |
cachepic_t * | zymsb_crosshair_line |
cachepic_t * | zymsb_crosshair_right |
#define STAT_MINUS 10 |
Definition at line 29 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_DrawNum(), and Sbar_DrawXNum().
static |
Definition at line 1048 of file sbar.c.
References cl_showspeed, cl_showspeed_factor, cvar_t::integer, and cvar_t::value.
Referenced by Sbar_ShowFPS().
Definition at line 1866 of file sbar.c.
References cl, clc_stringcmd, cls, Con_DPrintf(), Draw_GetPicWidth(), DrawQ_Pic(), DrawQ_String(), FONT_SBAR, fragsort, gamemode, host, i, int(), cvar_t::integer, IS_OLDNEXUIZ_DERIVED, client_state_t::last_ping_request, netconn_t::message, MSG_WriteByte(), MSG_WriteString(), client_static_t::netcon, NULL, client_state_t::parsingtextexpectingpingforscores, client_static_t::protocol, PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES1, PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES2, PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES3, PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES4, PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES5, PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES6, PROTOCOL_NEHAHRABJP, PROTOCOL_NEHAHRABJP2, PROTOCOL_NEHAHRABJP3, PROTOCOL_NEHAHRAMOVIE, PROTOCOL_QUAKE, PROTOCOL_QUAKEDP, PROTOCOL_QUAKEWORLD, qw_clc_stringcmd, host_static_t::realtime, sb_ranking, sbar_alpha_bg, sbar_alpha_fg, Sbar_IsTeammatch(), Sbar_PrintScoreboardItem(), Sbar_SortFrags(), scoreboardlines, client_state_t::scores, teamlines, teams, teamsort, va(), cvar_t::value, vid_conheight, vid_conwidth, and y.
Referenced by CL_VM_DrawHud(), Sbar_DrawScoreboard(), and Sbar_IntermissionOverlay().
static |
Definition at line 146 of file sbar.c.
References CL_VM_UpdateShowingScoresState(), and sb_showscores.
Referenced by Sbar_Init().
called every frame by screen
Definition at line 1372 of file sbar.c.
References bound, cl, cl_deathscoreboard, cl_prydoncursor, client_state_t::cmd, crosshair, crosshair_color_alpha, crosshair_color_blue, crosshair_color_green, crosshair_color_red, crosshair_size, client_state_t::csqc_vidvars, usercmd_t::cursor_screen, Draw_CachePic(), Draw_GetPicHeight(), Draw_GetPicWidth(), csqc_vidvars_t::drawcrosshair, csqc_vidvars_t::drawenginesbar, DRAWFLAG_MODULATE, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL, DrawQ_Pic(), DrawQ_SuperPic(), GAME_COOP, GAME_DELUXEQUAKE, GAME_GOODVSBAD2, GAME_HIPNOTIC, GAME_QUOTH, GAME_ROGUE, GAME_TRANSFUSION, GAME_ZYMOTIC, gamemode, client_state_t::gametype, i, int(), cvar_t::integer, client_state_t::intermission, IS_OLDNEXUIZ_DERIVED, client_state_t::islocalgame, IT_ARMOR1, IT_ARMOR2, IT_ARMOR3, IT_CELLS, IT_INVULNERABILITY, IT_KEY1, IT_KEY2, IT_NAILS, IT_ROCKETS, IT_SHELLS, min, NEX_IT_BULLETS, NEX_IT_CELLS, NEX_IT_ROCKETS, NEX_IT_SHELLS, offset, r_letterbox, RIT_ARMOR1, RIT_ARMOR2, RIT_ARMOR3, RIT_CELLS, RIT_LAVA_NAILS, RIT_MULTI_ROCKETS, RIT_NAILS, RIT_PLASMA_AMMO, RIT_ROCKETS, RIT_SHELLS, rsb_ammo, sb_ammo, sb_armor, sb_disc, sb_health, sb_items, sb_lines, sb_sbar, sb_sbar_minimal, sb_sbar_overlay, sb_scorebar, sb_showscores, sbar_alpha_bg, sbar_alpha_fg, Sbar_DrawAlphaPic(), Sbar_DrawFace(), Sbar_DrawFrags(), Sbar_DrawGauge(), Sbar_DrawInventory(), Sbar_DrawNum(), Sbar_DrawPic(), Sbar_DrawScoreboard(), Sbar_DrawStretchPic(), Sbar_DrawWeapon(), Sbar_DrawXNum(), Sbar_FinaleOverlay(), sbar_flagstatus_pos, sbar_flagstatus_right, SBAR_HEIGHT, sbar_hudselector, Sbar_IntermissionOverlay(), Sbar_MiniDeathmatchOverlay(), Sbar_Score(), sbar_x, sbar_y, scale, STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON, STAT_AMMO, STAT_ARMOR, STAT_HEALTH, STAT_ITEMS, STAT_NAILS, STAT_ROCKETS, STAT_SHELLS, client_state_t::stats, client_state_t::time, v_dmg_pitch, v_dmg_roll, v_dmg_time, v_kicktime, va(), cvar_t::value, VectorClear, vid_conheight, vid_conwidth, client_state_t::weapontime, x, zymsb_crosshair_ammo, zymsb_crosshair_background, zymsb_crosshair_center, zymsb_crosshair_clip, zymsb_crosshair_health, zymsb_crosshair_left1, zymsb_crosshair_left2, zymsb_crosshair_line, and zymsb_crosshair_right.
Referenced by SCR_DrawScreen().
Definition at line 431 of file sbar.c.
References alpha, DrawQ_Pic(), sbar_x, sbar_y, x, and y.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw(), and Sbar_DrawInventory().
Definition at line 443 of file sbar.c.
References DrawQ_String(), FONT_SBAR, NULL, sbar_alpha_fg, sbar_x, sbar_y, va(), cvar_t::value, x, and y.
Referenced by Sbar_DrawFace(), Sbar_DrawFrags(), and Sbar_DrawInventory().
Definition at line 983 of file sbar.c.
References bound, cl, scoreboard_t::colors, dpsnprintf(), DrawQ_Fill(), f, client_state_t::faceanimtime, scoreboard_t::frags, GAME_ROGUE, gamemode, cvar_t::integer, client_state_t::islocalgame, IT_INVISIBILITY, IT_INVULNERABILITY, IT_QUAD, palette_rgb_pantsscoreboard, palette_rgb_shirtscoreboard, rsb_teambord, sb_face_invis, sb_face_invis_invuln, sb_face_invuln, sb_face_quad, sb_faces, sbar_alpha_fg, Sbar_DrawCharacter(), Sbar_DrawPic(), SBAR_HEIGHT, sbar_x, client_state_t::scores, STAT_HEALTH, STAT_ITEMS, client_state_t::stats, teamplay, client_state_t::time, cvar_t::value, vid_conheight, and client_state_t::viewentity.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw().
Definition at line 934 of file sbar.c.
References cl, scoreboard_t::colors, dpsnprintf(), DrawQ_Fill(), f, scoreboard_t::frags, fragsort, i, min, palette_rgb_pantsscoreboard, palette_rgb_shirtscoreboard, sbar_alpha_fg, Sbar_DrawCharacter(), Sbar_SortFrags(), sbar_x, sbar_y, scoreboardlines, client_state_t::scores, cvar_t::value, client_state_t::viewentity, and x.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw().
static |
Definition at line 1344 of file sbar.c.
References bound, DrawQ_SuperPic(), height, r, width, x, and y.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw().
Definition at line 783 of file sbar.c.
References cl, dpsnprintf(), GAME_HIPNOTIC, GAME_QUOTH, GAME_ROGUE, gamemode, hipweapons, HIT_PROXIMITY_GUN, hsb_items, hsb_weapons, i, int(), IT_SHOTGUN, client_state_t::item_gettime, max, RIT_LAVA_NAILGUN, rsb_invbar, rsb_items, rsb_weapons, sb_ibar, sb_items, sb_sigil, sb_weapons, sbar_alpha_bg, Sbar_DrawAlphaPic(), Sbar_DrawCharacter(), Sbar_DrawPic(), STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON, STAT_ITEMS, STAT_SHELLS, client_state_t::stats, client_state_t::time, time, and cvar_t::value.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw().
Definition at line 464 of file sbar.c.
References color, dpsnprintf(), frame, sb_nums, Sbar_DrawPic(), STAT_MINUS, x, and y.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw(), and Sbar_IntermissionOverlay().
Definition at line 426 of file sbar.c.
References DrawQ_Pic(), sbar_alpha_fg, sbar_x, sbar_y, cvar_t::value, x, and y.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw(), Sbar_DrawFace(), Sbar_DrawInventory(), Sbar_DrawNum(), and Sbar_IntermissionOverlay().
Definition at line 743 of file sbar.c.
References cl, client_state_t::islocalgame, Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay(), and Sbar_SoloScoreboard().
Referenced by Sbar_Draw().
Definition at line 454 of file sbar.c.
References DrawQ_String(), FONT_SBAR, NULL, sbar_alpha_fg, sbar_x, sbar_y, cvar_t::value, x, and y.
Referenced by Sbar_SoloScoreboard().
Definition at line 755 of file sbar.c.
References DRAWFLAG_NORMAL, DrawQ_Pic(), DrawQ_String(), FONT_DEFAULT, cvar_t::integer, NULL, sb_weapons, sbar_alpha_fg, sbar_hudselector, va(), cvar_t::value, vid_conheight, and vid_conwidth.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw().
static |
Definition at line 496 of file sbar.c.
References a, b, dpsnprintf(), DrawQ_Pic(), flags, frame, g, r, sb_nums, sbar_alpha_fg, sbar_x, sbar_y, STAT_MINUS, cvar_t::value, x, and y.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw(), and Sbar_Score().
Definition at line 2263 of file sbar.c.
References Draw_GetPicWidth(), DrawQ_Pic(), cvar_t::integer, sb_finale, sbar_alpha_fg, cvar_t::value, and vid_conwidth.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw().
Definition at line 546 of file sbar.c.
References fragsort, index, and scoreboardlines.
Referenced by VM_CL_getplayerkey().
Definition at line 359 of file sbar.c.
References CF_CLIENT, cl_deathscoreboard, cl_showblur, cl_showdate, cl_showdate_format, cl_showfps, cl_showsound, cl_showspeed, cl_showspeed_factor, cl_showtex, cl_showtime, cl_showtime_format, cl_showtopspeed, Cmd_AddCommand(), crosshair_color_alpha, crosshair_color_blue, crosshair_color_green, crosshair_color_red, crosshair_size, Cvar_RegisterVariable(), Cvar_RegisterVirtual(), NULL, R_RegisterModule(), sbar_alpha_bg, sbar_alpha_fg, Sbar_DontShowScores_f(), sbar_flagstatus_pos, sbar_flagstatus_right, sbar_gametime, sbar_hudselector, sbar_info_pos, sbar_miniscoreboard_size, sbar_newmap(), sbar_scorerank, Sbar_ShowScores_f(), sbar_shutdown(), and sbar_start().
Referenced by Render_Init().
Definition at line 2205 of file sbar.c.
References cl, client_state_t::completed_time, DrawQ_Pic(), GAME_DEATHMATCH, gamemode, client_state_t::gametype, int(), cvar_t::integer, IS_OLDNEXUIZ_DERIVED, sb_colon, sb_complete, sb_inter, sb_nums, sb_slash, sbar_alpha_fg, Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay(), Sbar_DrawNum(), Sbar_DrawPic(), sbar_x, sbar_y, STAT_MONSTERS, STAT_SECRETS, STAT_TOTALMONSTERS, STAT_TOTALSECRETS, client_state_t::stats, cvar_t::value, vid_conheight, and vid_conwidth.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw().
Definition at line 531 of file sbar.c.
References gamemode, IS_OLDNEXUIZ_DERIVED, and teamplay.
Referenced by Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay(), Sbar_MiniDeathmatchOverlay(), Sbar_Score(), and Sbar_SortFrags().
Definition at line 1953 of file sbar.c.
References cl, scoreboard_t::colors, fragsort, GAME_TRANSFUSION, gamemode, i, int(), cvar_t::integer, max, min, client_state_t::playerentity, Sbar_IsTeammatch(), sbar_miniscoreboard_size, Sbar_PrintScoreboardItem(), Sbar_SortFrags(), scoreboardlines, client_state_t::scores, teamlines, teams, teamsort, cvar_t::value, vid_conheight, vid_conwidth, x, and y.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw().
static |
Definition at line 1796 of file sbar.c.
References bound, cl, cls, scoreboard_t::colors, client_state_t::completed_time, DrawQ_Fill(), DrawQ_String(), FONT_SBAR, scoreboard_t::frags, int(), client_state_t::intermission, MAX_SCOREBOARD, scoreboard_t::name, NULL, palette_rgb_pantsscoreboard, palette_rgb_shirtscoreboard, client_state_t::playerentity, client_static_t::protocol, PROTOCOL_QUAKEWORLD, scoreboard_t::qw_entertime, scoreboard_t::qw_packetloss, scoreboard_t::qw_ping, scoreboard_t::qw_spectator, scoreboard_t::qw_team, client_state_t::qw_teamplay, sbar_alpha_fg, client_state_t::scores, teams, client_state_t::time, va(), cvar_t::value, x, and y.
Referenced by Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay(), and Sbar_MiniDeathmatchOverlay().
Definition at line 2059 of file sbar.c.
References cl, scoreboard_t::colors, Draw_IsPicLoaded(), DrawQ_Pic(), floor(), frags, scoreboard_t::frags, i, int(), cvar_t::integer, max, client_state_t::maxclients, scoreboard_t::name, palette_rgb_shirtscoreboard, client_state_t::playerentity, sb_colon, sbar_alpha_fg, Sbar_DrawXNum(), sbar_gametime, Sbar_IsTeammatch(), sbar_scorerank, Sbar_SortFrags(), Sbar_TeamColorCompare(), sbar_x, sbar_y, client_state_t::scores, seconds, STAT_TIMELIMIT, client_state_t::statsf, teamlines, teams, client_state_t::time, cvar_t::value, and vid_conheight.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw().
Definition at line 1099 of file sbar.c.
References server_t::active, cl, cl_showblur, cl_showdate, cl_showdate_format, cl_showfps, cl_showsound, cl_showspeed, cl_showtex, cl_showtime, cl_showtime_format, cl_showtopspeed, CL_TraceLine(), cls, CLVM_prog, collision_extendmovelength, current_time, dp_strlcpy, dpsnprintf(), DrawQ_Fill(), DrawQ_String(), DrawQ_TextWidth(), trace_t::ent, f, FONT_INFOBAR, trace_t::fraction, get_showspeed_unit(), trace_t::hittexture, host, cvar_t::integer, cl_soundstats_t::latency_milliseconds, MATERIALFLAGMASK_TRANSLUCENT, r_refdef_view_t::matrix, Matrix4x4_OriginFromMatrix(), Matrix4x4_Transform(), max, MAX_QPATH, cl_soundstats_t::mixedsounds, client_state_t::motionbluralpha, MOVE_HITMODEL, client_state_t::movement_velocity, NULL, PRVM_EDICT_TO_PROG, r_draw2d_force, r_refdef, host_static_t::realtime, sbar_info_pos, showfps_framerate, client_static_t::soundstats, sqrt(), cvar_t::string, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID, sv, SV_TraceLine(), SVVM_prog, Sys_TimeString(), client_static_t::td_frames, client_static_t::td_onesecondavgcount, client_static_t::td_onesecondavgfps, client_static_t::td_onesecondmaxfps, client_static_t::td_onesecondminfps, client_static_t::td_starttime, time, client_static_t::timedemo, top_time, topspeed, topspeedxy, topxy_time, cl_soundstats_t::totalsounds, cvar_t::value, VectorLength, VectorSet, vid_conheight, vid_conwidth, and r_refdef_t::view.
Referenced by SCR_DrawScreen().
Definition at line 1082 of file sbar.c.
References host, host_static_t::realtime, showfps_framecount, showfps_framerate, showfps_lasttime, and showfps_nexttime.
Referenced by CL_UpdateScreen().
static |
Definition at line 131 of file sbar.c.
References CL_VM_UpdateShowingScoresState(), and sb_showscores.
Referenced by Sbar_Init().
Definition at line 661 of file sbar.c.
References cl, client_state_t::completed_time, dpsnprintf(), floor(), gamemode, int(), client_state_t::intermission, IS_OLDNEXUIZ_DERIVED, max, Sbar_DrawString(), seconds, STAT_MONSTERS, STAT_SECRETS, STAT_TOTALMONSTERS, STAT_TOTALSECRETS, client_state_t::stats, strlen(), client_state_t::time, units, va(), client_state_t::worldbasename, client_state_t::worldmessage, and client_state_t::worldname.
Referenced by Sbar_DrawScoreboard().
Definition at line 554 of file sbar.c.
References cl, color, scoreboard_t::colors, dp_strlcpy, frags, scoreboard_t::frags, fragsort, i, client_state_t::maxclients, name, scoreboard_t::name, Sbar_IsTeammatch(), scoreboardlines, client_state_t::scores, teamlines, teams, and teamsort.
Referenced by Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay(), Sbar_DrawFrags(), Sbar_MiniDeathmatchOverlay(), Sbar_Score(), and VM_CL_getplayerkey().
Definition at line 152 of file sbar.c.
References CACHEPICFLAG_FAILONMISSING, CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET, Draw_CachePic_Flags(), GAME_BLOODOMNICIDE, GAME_DELUXEQUAKE, GAME_HIPNOTIC, GAME_QUOTH, GAME_ROGUE, GAME_ZYMOTIC, gamemode, hsb_items, hsb_weapons, i, IS_OLDNEXUIZ_DERIVED, NULL, rsb_ammo, rsb_invbar, rsb_items, rsb_teambord, rsb_weapons, sb_ammo, sb_armor, sb_colon, sb_complete, sb_disc, sb_face_invis, sb_face_invis_invuln, sb_face_invuln, sb_face_quad, sb_faces, sb_finale, sb_health, sb_ibar, sb_inter, sb_items, sb_nums, sb_ranking, sb_sbar, sb_sbar_minimal, sb_sbar_overlay, sb_scorebar, sb_sigil, sb_slash, sb_weapons, va(), zymsb_crosshair_ammo, zymsb_crosshair_background, zymsb_crosshair_center, zymsb_crosshair_clip, zymsb_crosshair_health, zymsb_crosshair_left1, zymsb_crosshair_left2, zymsb_crosshair_line, and zymsb_crosshair_right.
Referenced by Sbar_Init().
Definition at line 2031 of file sbar.c.
References scoreboard_t::colors.
Referenced by Sbar_Score().
cvar_t cl_deathscoreboard = {CF_CLIENT, "cl_deathscoreboard", "1", "shows scoreboard (+showscores) while dead"} |
cvar_t cl_showblur = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_showblur", "0", "shows the current alpha level of motionblur"} |
Definition at line 90 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Init(), and Sbar_ShowFPS().
cvar_t cl_showdate = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_showdate", "0", "shows current date (useful on screenshots)"} |
Definition at line 96 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by M_Menu_Options_AdjustSliders(), M_Options_Draw(), Sbar_Init(), and Sbar_ShowFPS().
cvar_t cl_showdate_format = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_showdate_format", "%Y-%m-%d", "format string for date"} |
cvar_t cl_showfps = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_showfps", "0", "shows your rendered fps (frames per second)"} |
Definition at line 88 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by M_Menu_Options_AdjustSliders(), M_Options_Draw(), Sbar_Init(), and Sbar_ShowFPS().
cvar_t cl_showsound = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_showsound", "0", "shows number of active sound sources, sound latency, and other statistics"} |
Definition at line 89 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Init(), and Sbar_ShowFPS().
cvar_t cl_showspeed = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_showspeed", "0", "shows your current speed (qu per second); number selects unit: 1 = qu/s, 2 = m/s, 3 = km/h, 4 = mph, 5 = knots"} |
Definition at line 91 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by get_showspeed_unit(), Sbar_Init(), and Sbar_ShowFPS().
cvar_t cl_showspeed_factor = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_showspeed_factor", "2.54", "multiplier of the centimeter for cl_showspeed. 1 unit = 1 inch in Quake, so this should be 2.54 for Quake, etc"} |
Definition at line 92 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by get_showspeed_unit(), and Sbar_Init().
cvar_t cl_showtex = {CF_CLIENT, "cl_showtex", "0", "shows the name of the texture on the crosshair (for map debugging)"} |
Definition at line 98 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Init(), and Sbar_ShowFPS().
cvar_t cl_showtime = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_showtime", "0", "shows current time of day (useful on screenshots)"} |
Definition at line 94 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by M_Menu_Options_AdjustSliders(), M_Options_Draw(), Sbar_Init(), and Sbar_ShowFPS().
cvar_t cl_showtime_format = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_showtime_format", "%H:%M:%S", "format string for time of day"} |
cvar_t cl_showtopspeed = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_showtopspeed", "0", "shows your top speed (kept on screen for max 3 seconds); value -1 takes over the unit from cl_showspeed, otherwise it's an unit number just like in cl_showspeed"} |
Definition at line 93 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Init(), and Sbar_ShowFPS().
cvar_t crosshair_color_alpha = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "crosshair_color_alpha", "1", "how opaque the crosshair should be"} |
cvar_t crosshair_color_blue = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "crosshair_color_blue", "0", "customizable crosshair color"} |
cvar_t crosshair_color_green = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "crosshair_color_green", "0", "customizable crosshair color"} |
cvar_t crosshair_color_red = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "crosshair_color_red", "1", "customizable crosshair color"} |
cvar_t crosshair_size = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "crosshair_size", "1", "adjusts size of the crosshair on the screen"} |
time_t current_time = 3 |
Definition at line 1044 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_ShowFPS().
static |
Definition at line 543 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay(), Sbar_DrawFrags(), Sbar_GetSortedPlayerIndex(), Sbar_MiniDeathmatchOverlay(), and Sbar_SortFrags().
cachepic_t* hsb_items[2] |
Definition at line 71 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_DrawInventory(), and sbar_start().
cachepic_t* hsb_weapons[7][5] |
Definition at line 67 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_DrawInventory(), and sbar_start().
cachepic_t* rsb_ammo[3] |
Definition at line 63 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw(), and sbar_start().
cachepic_t* rsb_invbar[2] |
Definition at line 60 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_DrawInventory(), and sbar_start().
cachepic_t* rsb_items[2] |
Definition at line 62 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_DrawInventory(), and sbar_start().
cachepic_t* rsb_teambord |
Definition at line 64 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_DrawFace(), and sbar_start().
cachepic_t* rsb_weapons[5] |
Definition at line 61 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_DrawInventory(), and sbar_start().
cachepic_t* sb_ammo[4] |
Definition at line 41 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw(), and sbar_start().
cachepic_t* sb_armor[3] |
Definition at line 43 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw(), and sbar_start().
cachepic_t* sb_colon |
Definition at line 31 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_IntermissionOverlay(), Sbar_Score(), and sbar_start().
cachepic_t* sb_complete |
Definition at line 84 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_IntermissionOverlay(), and sbar_start().
cachepic_t* sb_disc |
Definition at line 27 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw(), and sbar_start().
cachepic_t* sb_face_invis |
Definition at line 51 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_DrawFace(), and sbar_start().
cachepic_t* sb_face_invis_invuln |
Definition at line 54 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_DrawFace(), and sbar_start().
cachepic_t* sb_face_invuln |
Definition at line 53 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_DrawFace(), and sbar_start().
cachepic_t* sb_face_quad |
Definition at line 52 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_DrawFace(), and sbar_start().
cachepic_t* sb_faces[5][2] |
Definition at line 48 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_DrawFace(), and sbar_start().
cachepic_t* sb_finale |
Definition at line 86 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_FinaleOverlay(), and sbar_start().
cachepic_t* sb_health |
Definition at line 49 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw(), and sbar_start().
cachepic_t* sb_ibar |
Definition at line 32 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_DrawInventory(), and sbar_start().
cachepic_t* sb_inter |
Definition at line 85 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_IntermissionOverlay(), and sbar_start().
cachepic_t* sb_items[32] |
Definition at line 44 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw(), Sbar_DrawInventory(), and sbar_start().
int sb_lines |
scan lines to draw
Definition at line 58 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by R_TimeReport_EndFrame(), Sbar_Draw(), and SCR_UpdateVars().
cachepic_t* sb_nums[2][11] |
Definition at line 30 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_DrawNum(), Sbar_DrawXNum(), Sbar_IntermissionOverlay(), and sbar_start().
cachepic_t* sb_ranking |
Definition at line 83 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay(), and sbar_start().
cachepic_t* sb_sbar |
Definition at line 33 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw(), and sbar_start().
cachepic_t* sb_sbar_minimal |
Definition at line 36 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw(), and sbar_start().
cachepic_t* sb_sbar_overlay |
Definition at line 37 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw(), and sbar_start().
cachepic_t* sb_scorebar |
Definition at line 34 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw(), and sbar_start().
qbool sb_showscores |
Definition at line 56 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by CL_VM_DrawHud(), CL_VM_UpdateShowingScoresState(), Sbar_DontShowScores_f(), Sbar_Draw(), Sbar_ShowScores_f(), and SCR_DrawCenterString().
cachepic_t* sb_sigil[4] |
Definition at line 42 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_DrawInventory(), and sbar_start().
cachepic_t * sb_slash |
Definition at line 31 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_IntermissionOverlay(), and sbar_start().
cachepic_t* sb_weapons[7][9] |
Definition at line 40 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_DrawInventory(), Sbar_DrawWeapon(), and sbar_start().
cvar_t sbar_alpha_bg = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "sbar_alpha_bg", "0.4", "opacity value of the statusbar background image"} |
Definition at line 100 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay(), Sbar_Draw(), Sbar_DrawInventory(), and Sbar_Init().
cvar_t sbar_alpha_fg = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "sbar_alpha_fg", "1", "opacity value of the statusbar weapon/item icons and numbers"} |
Definition at line 101 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay(), Sbar_Draw(), Sbar_DrawCharacter(), Sbar_DrawFace(), Sbar_DrawFrags(), Sbar_DrawPic(), Sbar_DrawString(), Sbar_DrawWeapon(), Sbar_DrawXNum(), Sbar_FinaleOverlay(), Sbar_Init(), Sbar_IntermissionOverlay(), Sbar_PrintScoreboardItem(), and Sbar_Score().
cvar_t sbar_flagstatus_pos = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "sbar_flagstatus_pos", "115", "pixel position of the Nexuiz flag status icons, from the bottom"} |
Definition at line 107 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw(), and Sbar_Init().
cvar_t sbar_flagstatus_right = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "sbar_flagstatus_right", "0", "moves Nexuiz flag status icons to the right"} |
Definition at line 106 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw(), and Sbar_Init().
cvar_t sbar_gametime = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "sbar_gametime", "1", "shows an overlay for the time left in the current match/level (or current game time if there is no timelimit set)"} |
Definition at line 104 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Init(), and Sbar_Score().
cvar_t sbar_hudselector = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "sbar_hudselector", "0", "selects which of the builtin hud layouts to use (meaning is somewhat dependent on gamemode, so nexuiz has a very different set of hud layouts than quake for example)"} |
Definition at line 102 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw(), Sbar_DrawWeapon(), and Sbar_Init().
cvar_t sbar_info_pos = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "sbar_info_pos", "0", "pixel position of the info strings (such as showfps), from the bottom"} |
Definition at line 108 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Init(), Sbar_ShowFPS(), and SCR_DrawNetGraph().
cvar_t sbar_miniscoreboard_size = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "sbar_miniscoreboard_size", "-1", "sets the size of the mini deathmatch overlay in items, or disables it when set to 0, or sets it to a sane default when set to -1"} |
Definition at line 105 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Init(), and Sbar_MiniDeathmatchOverlay().
cvar_t sbar_scorerank = {CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "sbar_scorerank", "1", "shows an overlay for your score (or team score) and rank in the scoreboard"} |
Definition at line 103 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Init(), and Sbar_Score().
int sbar_x |
Definition at line 414 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw(), Sbar_DrawAlphaPic(), Sbar_DrawCharacter(), Sbar_DrawFace(), Sbar_DrawFrags(), Sbar_DrawPic(), Sbar_DrawStretchPic(), Sbar_DrawString(), Sbar_DrawXNum(), Sbar_IntermissionOverlay(), and Sbar_Score().
int sbar_y |
Definition at line 414 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw(), Sbar_DrawAlphaPic(), Sbar_DrawCharacter(), Sbar_DrawFrags(), Sbar_DrawPic(), Sbar_DrawStretchPic(), Sbar_DrawString(), Sbar_DrawXNum(), Sbar_IntermissionOverlay(), and Sbar_Score().
static |
Definition at line 544 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay(), Sbar_DrawFrags(), Sbar_GetSortedPlayerIndex(), Sbar_MiniDeathmatchOverlay(), and Sbar_SortFrags().
static |
Definition at line 1080 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_ShowFPS_Update().
static |
Definition at line 1079 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_ShowFPS(), and Sbar_ShowFPS_Update().
static |
Definition at line 1078 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_ShowFPS_Update().
static |
Definition at line 1078 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_ShowFPS_Update().
static |
Definition at line 553 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay(), Sbar_MiniDeathmatchOverlay(), Sbar_Score(), and Sbar_SortFrags().
static |
Definition at line 551 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay(), Sbar_MiniDeathmatchOverlay(), Sbar_PrintScoreboardItem(), Sbar_Score(), and Sbar_SortFrags().
static |
Definition at line 552 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay(), Sbar_MiniDeathmatchOverlay(), and Sbar_SortFrags().
time_t top_time = 0 |
Definition at line 1045 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_ShowFPS().
double topspeed = 0 |
Definition at line 1042 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_ShowFPS().
double topspeedxy = 0 |
Definition at line 1043 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_ShowFPS().
time_t topxy_time = 0 |
Definition at line 1046 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_ShowFPS().
float v_dmg_pitch |
Definition at line 1369 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw().
float v_dmg_roll |
Definition at line 1369 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw().
extern |
Definition at line 147 of file view.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw(), V_CalcRefdefUsing(), and V_ParseDamage().
extern |
Definition at line 84 of file view.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw(), V_CalcRefdefUsing(), V_Init(), and V_ParseDamage().
cachepic_t* zymsb_crosshair_ammo |
Definition at line 76 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw(), and sbar_start().
cachepic_t* zymsb_crosshair_background |
Definition at line 78 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw(), and sbar_start().
cachepic_t* zymsb_crosshair_center |
Definition at line 73 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw(), and sbar_start().
cachepic_t* zymsb_crosshair_clip |
Definition at line 77 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw(), and sbar_start().
cachepic_t* zymsb_crosshair_health |
Definition at line 75 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw(), and sbar_start().
cachepic_t* zymsb_crosshair_left1 |
Definition at line 79 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw(), and sbar_start().
cachepic_t* zymsb_crosshair_left2 |
Definition at line 80 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw(), and sbar_start().
cachepic_t* zymsb_crosshair_line |
Definition at line 74 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw(), and sbar_start().
cachepic_t* zymsb_crosshair_right |
Definition at line 81 of file sbar.c.
Referenced by Sbar_Draw(), and sbar_start().