Game engine based on the Quake 1 engine by id Software, developed by LadyHavoc
menu.c File Reference
#include "quakedef.h"
#include "cdaudio.h"
#include "image.h"
#include "progsvm.h"
#include "mprogdefs.h"
#include "prvm_offsets.h"
+ Include dependency graph for menu.c:

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  episode_t
struct  gameinfo_t
struct  gamelevels_t
struct  level_t
struct  modlist_entry_t
struct  nehahrademonames_t
struct  ratetable_t


#define EPISODE_ITEMS   6
#define JoiningGame   (m_multiplayer_cursor == 0)
#define NUM_GAMEOPTIONS   12
#define NUM_HELP_PAGES   6
#define NUM_SETUP_CMDS   5
#define NumberOfNehahraDemos   34
#define NUMKEYS   5
#define OPTIONS_ITEMS   27
#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldedict(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldedict(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldfloat(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldfloat(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldfunction(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldfunction(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldstring(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldstring(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldvector(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldvector(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientfunction(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientfunction(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobaledict(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobaledict(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalfloat(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalfloat(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalfunction(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalfunction(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalstring(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalstring(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalvector(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalvector(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_field(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_field(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_function(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_function(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_global(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_global(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldedict(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldedict(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldfloat(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldfloat(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldfunction(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldfunction(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldstring(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldstring(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldvector(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldvector(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_menufunction(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_menufunction(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobaledict(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobaledict(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalfloat(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalfloat(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalfunction(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalfunction(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalstring(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalstring(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalvector(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalvector(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldedict(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldedict(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldfloat(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldfloat(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldfunction(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldfunction(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldstring(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldstring(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldvector(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldvector(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverfunction(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverfunction(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobaledict(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobaledict(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalfloat(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalfloat(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalfunction(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalfunction(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalstring(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalstring(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalvector(x)
#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalvector(x)
#define RATES   ((int)(sizeof(setup_ratetable)/sizeof(setup_ratetable[0])))
#define SKILL_ITEMS   5
#define SLIDER_RANGE   10
#define StartingGame   (m_multiplayer_cursor == 1)
#define TYPE_BOTH   3
#define TYPE_DEMO   1
#define TYPE_GAME   2
#define VIDEO_ITEMS   11


static void Call_MR_ToggleMenu_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
static void M_Background (int width, int height)
static int M_ChooseQuitMessage (int request)
static void M_Credits_Draw (void)
static void M_Credits_Key (cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
static void M_Demo_Draw (void)
static void M_Demo_Key (cmd_state_t *cmd, int k, int ascii)
static void M_Draw (void)
static void M_DrawCharacter (float cx, float cy, int num)
static void M_DrawCheckbox (int x, int y, int on)
static void M_DrawPic (float cx, float cy, const char *picname)
static void M_DrawSlider (int x, int y, float num, float rangemin, float rangemax)
static void M_DrawTextBox (float x, float y, float width, float height)
static void M_GameOptions_Draw (void)
static void M_GameOptions_Key (cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
static int M_GetServerListEntryCategory (const serverlist_entry_t *entry)
static void M_Help_Draw (void)
static void M_Help_Key (cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
static void M_Init (void)
static void M_ItemPrint (float cx, float cy, const char *str, int unghosted)
static void M_KeyEvent (int key, int ascii, qbool downevent)
static void M_Keys_Draw (void)
static void M_Keys_Key (cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
static void M_LanConfig_Draw (void)
static void M_LanConfig_Key (cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
static void M_Load_Draw (void)
static void M_Load_Key (cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
static void M_Main_Draw (void)
static void M_Main_Key (cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
void M_Menu_Credits_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
static void M_Menu_Demos_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
void M_Menu_GameOptions_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
void M_Menu_Help_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
void M_Menu_Keys_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
void M_Menu_LanConfig_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
void M_Menu_Load_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
void M_Menu_Main_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
static void M_Menu_ModList_AdjustSliders (int dir)
void M_Menu_ModList_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
void M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
static void M_Menu_Options_AdjustSliders (int dir)
static void M_Menu_Options_ColorControl_AdjustSliders (int dir)
void M_Menu_Options_ColorControl_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
static void M_Menu_Options_Effects_AdjustSliders (int dir)
void M_Menu_Options_Effects_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
void M_Menu_Options_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
static void M_Menu_Options_Graphics_AdjustSliders (cmd_state_t *cmd, int dir)
void M_Menu_Options_Graphics_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
void M_Menu_Quit_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
void M_Menu_Reset_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
void M_Menu_Save_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
void M_Menu_ServerList_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
void M_Menu_Setup_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
void M_Menu_SinglePlayer_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
void M_Menu_Transfusion_Episode_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
void M_Menu_Transfusion_Skill_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
static void M_Menu_Video_AdjustSliders (int dir)
void M_Menu_Video_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
static void M_Menu_Video_FindResolution (int w, int h, float a)
static void M_ModList_Draw (void)
static void M_ModList_Key (cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
static void M_MultiPlayer_Draw (void)
static void M_MultiPlayer_Key (cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
static void M_NetStart_Change (int dir)
static void M_NewMap (void)
static void M_Options_ColorControl_Draw (void)
static void M_Options_ColorControl_Key (cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
static void M_Options_Draw (void)
static void M_Options_Effects_Draw (void)
static void M_Options_Effects_Key (cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
static void M_Options_Graphics_Draw (void)
static void M_Options_Graphics_Key (cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
static void M_Options_Key (cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
static void M_Options_PrintCheckbox (const char *s, int enabled, int yes)
static void M_Options_PrintCommand (const char *s, int enabled)
static void M_Options_PrintSlider (const char *s, int enabled, float value, float minvalue, float maxvalue)
static void M_Print (float cx, float cy, const char *str)
static void M_PrintColored (float cx, float cy, const char *str)
static void M_PrintRed (float cx, float cy, const char *str)
static void M_Quit_Draw (void)
static void M_Quit_Key (cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
static int M_QuitMessage (const char *line1, const char *line2, const char *line3, const char *line4, const char *line5, const char *line6, const char *line7, const char *line8)
static void M_Reset_Draw (void)
static void M_Reset_Key (cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
static void M_Save_Draw (void)
static void M_Save_Key (cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
static void M_ScanSaves (void)
static void M_ServerList_Draw (void)
static void M_ServerList_Key (cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
static void M_Setup_Draw (void)
static void M_Setup_Key (cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
static void M_Shutdown (void)
static void M_SinglePlayer_Draw (void)
static void M_SinglePlayer_Key (cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
static void M_ToggleMenu (int mode)
static void M_Transfusion_Episode_Draw (void)
static void M_Transfusion_Episode_Key (cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
static void M_Transfusion_Skill_Draw (void)
static void M_Transfusion_Skill_Key (cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
static void M_UnbindCommand (const char *command)
static void M_Video_Draw (void)
static void M_Video_Key (cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
static void ModList_Enable (void)
static void ModList_RebuildList (void)
static void MP_CheckRequiredFuncs (prvm_prog_t *prog, const char *filename)
static void MP_Draw (void)
static int MP_GetServerListEntryCategory (const serverlist_entry_t *entry)
static void MP_Init (void)
static void MP_KeyEvent (int key, int ascii, qbool downevent)
static void MP_NewMap (void)
static void MP_Shutdown (void)
static void MP_ToggleMenu (int mode)
void MR_Init (void)
void MR_Init_Commands (void)
void MR_Restart (void)
static void MR_Restart_f (cmd_state_t *cmd)
void MR_SetRouting (qbool forceold)
static void MVM_begin_increase_edicts (prvm_prog_t *prog)
static void MVM_count_edicts (prvm_prog_t *prog)
static void MVM_end_increase_edicts (prvm_prog_t *prog)
static void MVM_error_cmd (const char *format,...) DP_FUNC_PRINTF(1) DP_FUNC_NORETURN
static void MVM_free_edict (prvm_prog_t *prog, prvm_edict_t *ed)
static void MVM_init_edict (prvm_prog_t *prog, prvm_edict_t *edict)
static qbool MVM_load_edict (prvm_prog_t *prog, prvm_edict_t *ent)
static int setup_rateindex (int rate)


static episode_t battlemechepisodes []
static gamelevels_t battlemechgame = {"Battlemech", battlemechlevels, battlemechepisodes, 1}
static level_t battlemechlevels []
static int bind_grab
static const char *(* bindnames )[2]
cvar_t cl_beams_instantaimhack
cvar_t cl_beams_lightatend
cvar_t cl_beams_polygons
cvar_t cl_beams_quakepositionhack
cvar_t cl_bottomcolor
cvar_t cl_stainmaps
cvar_t cl_stainmaps_clearonload
cvar_t cl_topcolor
static episode_t defeatindetail2episodes []
static gamelevels_t defeatindetail2game = {"Defeat In Detail 2", defeatindetail2levels, defeatindetail2episodes, 1}
static level_t defeatindetail2levels []
static int demo_cursor
static cvar_t forceqmenu = {CF_CLIENT, "forceqmenu", "0", "enables the quake menu instead of the quakec menu.dat (if present)"}
static gameinfo_t gamelist []
static int gameoptions_cursor
static int gameoptions_cursor_table [] = {40, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96, 104, 112, 140, 160, 168}
static gamelevels_tgameoptions_levels = NULL
cvar_t gl_flashblend
cvar_t gl_picmip
cvar_t gl_texture_anisotropy
static const char * goodvsbad2bindnames [][2]
static episode_t goodvsbad2episodes []
static gamelevels_t goodvsbad2game = {"Good Vs. Bad 2", goodvsbad2levels, goodvsbad2episodes, 1}
static level_t goodvsbad2levels []
static int help_page
static episode_t hipnoticepisodes []
static gamelevels_t hipnoticgame = {"Scourge of Armagon", hipnoticlevels, hipnoticepisodes, 6}
static level_t hipnoticlevels []
cvar_t host_timescale
dllhandle_t jpeg_dll
static int keys_cursor
static int lanConfig_cursor = -1
static int lanConfig_cursor_table [] = {56, 76, 84, 120}
static char lanConfig_joinname [40]
static int lanConfig_port
static char lanConfig_portname [6]
static int load_cursor
 0 < load_cursor < MAX_SAVEGAMES
static int loadable [MAX_SAVEGAMES]
static qbool m_entersound
 play after drawing a frame, so caching won't disrupt the sound
static int m_episode_cursor
static char m_filenames [MAX_SAVEGAMES][SAVEGAME_COMMENT_LENGTH+1]
static int m_main_cursor
static qbool m_missingdata = false
static int m_multiplayer_cursor
static int m_numrequiredfields = sizeof(m_required_fields) / sizeof(m_required_fields[0])
static int m_numrequiredglobals = sizeof(m_required_globals) / sizeof(m_required_globals[0])
static int m_optcursor
static int m_optnum
static int m_opty
static const char * m_quit_message [9]
static int m_quit_prevstate
static prvm_required_field_t m_required_fields []
static prvm_required_field_t m_required_globals []
static qbool m_serverInfoMessage = false
static double m_serverInfoMessageTime
static int m_singleplayer_cursor
static int m_skill_cursor = 2
enum m_state_e m_state
static int MAIN_ITEMS = 4
static int maxplayers
static float menu_height
static cvar_t menu_options_colorcontrol_correctionvalue = {CF_CLIENT, "menu_options_colorcontrol_correctionvalue", "0.5", "intensity value that matches up to white/black dither pattern, should be 0.5 for linear color"}
static cvar_t menu_progs = {CF_CLIENT, "menu_progs", "menu.dat", "name of quakec menu.dat file"}
static int menu_video_resolution
static video_resolution_tmenu_video_resolutions
static int menu_video_resolutions_count
static qbool menu_video_resolutions_forfullscreen
static float menu_width
static float menu_x
static float menu_y
static int menuplyr_bottom
static int menuplyr_height
static int menuplyr_load
static unsigned char * menuplyr_pixels
static int menuplyr_top
static unsigned intmenuplyr_translated
static int menuplyr_width
static modlist_entry_t modlist [MODLIST_TOTALSIZE]
static int modlist_count = 0
static int modlist_cursor
static int modlist_numenabled
jmp_buf mp_abort
static bool mp_failed
void(* MR_Draw )(void)
int(* MR_GetServerListEntryCategory )(const serverlist_entry_t *entry)
void(* MR_KeyEvent )(int key, int ascii, qbool downevent)
void(* MR_NewMap )(void)
void(* MR_Shutdown )(void)
void(* MR_ToggleMenu )(int mode)
static nehahrademonames_t NehahraDemos [NumberOfNehahraDemos]
static episode_t nehahraepisodes []
static gamelevels_t nehahragame = {"Nehahra", nehahralevels, nehahraepisodes, 4}
static level_t nehahralevels []
static int NehGameType
static int numcommands
static episode_t openquartzepisodes []
static gamelevels_t openquartzgame = {"OpenQuartz", openquartzlevels, openquartzepisodes, 3}
static level_t openquartzlevels []
static int options_colorcontrol_cursor
static int options_cursor
static int options_effects_cursor
static int options_graphics_cursor
static episode_t prydonepisodes []
static gamelevels_t prydongame = {"Prydon Gate", prydonlevels, prydonepisodes, 2}
static level_t prydonlevels []
static const char * quakebindnames [][2]
static episode_t quakeepisodes []
static level_t quakelevels []
cvar_t r_bloom
cvar_t r_bloom_blur
cvar_t r_bloom_brighten
cvar_t r_bloom_colorexponent
cvar_t r_bloom_colorscale
cvar_t r_bloom_colorsubtract
cvar_t r_bloom_resolution
cvar_t r_coronas
cvar_t r_explosionclip
cvar_t r_hdr_glowintensity
cvar_t r_hdr_scenebrightness
cvar_t r_lightningbeam_color_blue
cvar_t r_lightningbeam_color_green
cvar_t r_lightningbeam_color_red
cvar_t r_lightningbeam_qmbtexture
cvar_t r_lightningbeam_repeatdistance
cvar_t r_lightningbeam_scroll
cvar_t r_lightningbeam_thickness
cvar_t r_shadow_gloss
cvar_t r_shadow_realtime_dlight
cvar_t r_shadow_realtime_dlight_shadows
cvar_t r_shadow_realtime_world
cvar_t r_shadow_realtime_world_lightmaps
cvar_t r_shadow_realtime_world_shadows
cvar_t r_textshadow
static gamelevels_t registeredquakegame = {"Quake", quakelevels, quakeepisodes, 7}
static episode_t rogueepisodes []
static gamelevels_t roguegame = {"Dissolution of Eternity", roguelevels, rogueepisodes, 4}
static level_t roguelevels []
const serverlist_entry_t * serverlist_callbackentry = NULL
static int setup_bottom
static int setup_cursor = 4
static int setup_cursor_table [] = {40, 64, 88, 124, 140}
static char setup_myname [MAX_SCOREBOARDNAME]
static int setup_oldbottom
static int setup_oldrate
static int setup_oldtop
static int setup_rate
static ratetable_t setup_ratetable []
static int setup_top
static gamelevels_t sharewarequakegame = {"Shareware Quake", quakelevels, quakeepisodes, 2}
static unsigned slist_cursor
static unsigned slist_visible
static int startepisode
static int startlevel
static const char * transfusionbindnames [][2]
static episode_t transfusionepisodes []
static gamelevels_t transfusiongame = {"Transfusion", transfusionlevels, transfusionepisodes, 11}
static level_t transfusionlevels []
static int video_cursor = 0
static int video_cursor_table [VIDEO_ITEMS] = {68, 88, 96, 104, 112, 120, 128, 136, 144, 152, 160}
int video_resolutions_count
video_resolution_t video_resolutions_hardcoded []
int video_resolutions_hardcoded_count = sizeof(video_resolutions_hardcoded) / sizeof(*video_resolutions_hardcoded) - 1
static qbool wasInMenus

Macro Definition Documentation


#define EPISODE_ITEMS   6

Definition at line 1040 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Transfusion_Episode_Draw(), and M_Transfusion_Episode_Key().

◆ JoiningGame

#define JoiningGame   (m_multiplayer_cursor == 0)

Definition at line 111 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_LanConfig_Draw(), and M_Menu_LanConfig_f().



Definition at line 4530 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Menu_ModList_AdjustSliders(), and ModList_Enable().



Definition at line 1199 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_MultiPlayer_Draw(), and M_MultiPlayer_Key().


#define NUM_GAMEOPTIONS   12

Definition at line 3986 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_GameOptions_Key().


#define NUM_HELP_PAGES   6

Definition at line 3105 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Help_Key().



Definition at line 3338 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_LanConfig_Key().


#define NUM_SETUP_CMDS   5

Definition at line 1289 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Setup_Key().

◆ NumberOfNehahraDemos

#define NumberOfNehahraDemos   34

Definition at line 114 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Demo_Draw(), and M_Demo_Key().


#define NUMKEYS   5

Definition at line 2592 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Keys_Draw(), and M_Keys_Key().



Definition at line 2105 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Options_ColorControl_Draw(), and M_Options_ColorControl_Key().



Definition at line 1812 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Options_Effects_Draw(), and M_Options_Effects_Key().



Definition at line 1975 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Options_Graphics_Draw(), and M_Options_Graphics_Key().


#define OPTIONS_ITEMS   27

Definition at line 1579 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Options_Draw(), and M_Options_Key().

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldedict [1/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldedict ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldedict [2/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldedict ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldfloat [1/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldfloat ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldfloat [2/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldfloat ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldfunction [1/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldfunction ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldfunction [2/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldfunction ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldstring [1/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldstring ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldstring [2/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldstring ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldvector [1/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldvector ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldvector [2/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldvector ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_clientfunction [1/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientfunction ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_clientfunction [2/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientfunction ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobaledict [1/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobaledict ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobaledict [2/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobaledict ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalfloat [1/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalfloat ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalfloat [2/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalfloat ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalfunction [1/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalfunction ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalfunction [2/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalfunction ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalstring [1/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalstring ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalstring [2/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalstring ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalvector [1/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalvector ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalvector [2/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalvector ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_field [1/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_field ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_field [2/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_field ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_function [1/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_function ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_function [2/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_function ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_global [1/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_global ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_global [2/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_global ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldedict [1/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldedict ( x)
GLint GLenum GLint x
Definition glquake.h:651
@ ev_entity
Definition pr_comp.h:29

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldedict [2/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldedict ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldfloat [1/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldfloat ( x)
{ev_float, #x},
@ ev_float
Definition pr_comp.h:29

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldfloat [2/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldfloat ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldfunction [1/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldfunction ( x)
@ ev_function
Definition pr_comp.h:29

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldfunction [2/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldfunction ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldstring [1/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldstring ( x)
@ ev_string
Definition pr_comp.h:29

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldstring [2/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldstring ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldvector [1/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldvector ( x)
@ ev_vector
Definition pr_comp.h:29

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldvector [2/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldvector ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_menufunction [1/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_menufunction ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_menufunction [2/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_menufunction ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobaledict [1/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobaledict ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobaledict [2/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobaledict ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalfloat [1/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalfloat ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalfloat [2/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalfloat ( x)
{ev_float, #x},

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalfunction [1/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalfunction ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalfunction [2/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalfunction ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalstring [1/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalstring ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalstring [2/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalstring ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalvector [1/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalvector ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalvector [2/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalvector ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldedict [1/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldedict ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldedict [2/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldedict ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldfloat [1/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldfloat ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldfloat [2/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldfloat ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldfunction [1/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldfunction ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldfunction [2/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldfunction ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldstring [1/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldstring ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldstring [2/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldstring ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldvector [1/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldvector ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldvector [2/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldvector ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_serverfunction [1/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverfunction ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_serverfunction [2/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverfunction ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobaledict [1/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobaledict ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobaledict [2/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobaledict ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalfloat [1/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalfloat ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalfloat [2/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalfloat ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalfunction [1/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalfunction ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalfunction [2/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalfunction ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalstring [1/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalstring ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalstring [2/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalstring ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalvector [1/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalvector ( x)

◆ PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalvector [2/2]

#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalvector ( x)


#define RATES   ((int)(sizeof(setup_ratetable)/sizeof(setup_ratetable[0])))

Definition at line 1316 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Setup_Key(), and setup_rateindex().



Definition at line 739 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_SinglePlayer_Key().


#define SKILL_ITEMS   5

Definition at line 1098 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Transfusion_Skill_Draw(), and M_Transfusion_Skill_Key().


#define SLIDER_RANGE   10

Definition at line 1549 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_DrawSlider().

◆ StartingGame

#define StartingGame   (m_multiplayer_cursor == 1)

Definition at line 110 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_LanConfig_Draw(), M_LanConfig_Key(), and M_Menu_LanConfig_f().


#define TYPE_BOTH   3

Definition at line 29 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Main_Draw(), M_Main_Key(), and M_Menu_Main_f().


#define TYPE_DEMO   1

Definition at line 27 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Main_Key(), and M_Menu_Main_f().


#define TYPE_GAME   2

Definition at line 28 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Main_Draw(), M_Main_Key(), and M_Menu_Main_f().


#define VIDEO_ITEMS   11

Definition at line 2846 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Video_Key().

Function Documentation

◆ Call_MR_ToggleMenu_f()

static void Call_MR_ToggleMenu_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 5524 of file menu.c.

5526 int m;
5527 m = ((Cmd_Argc(cmd) < 2) ? -1 : atoi(Cmd_Argv(cmd, 1)));
5528 CL_StartVideo();
5529 if(MR_ToggleMenu)
5530 MR_ToggleMenu(m);
void CL_StartVideo(void)
Definition cl_main.c:2786
static int Cmd_Argc(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition cmd.h:249
static const char * Cmd_Argv(cmd_state_t *cmd, int arg)
Cmd_Argv(cmd, ) will return an empty string (not a NULL) if arg > argc, so string operations are alwa...
Definition cmd.h:254
void(* MR_ToggleMenu)(int mode)
Definition menu.c:5480
void cmd(string command,...)

References CL_StartVideo(), cmd(), Cmd_Argc(), Cmd_Argv(), and MR_ToggleMenu.

Referenced by MR_Init_Commands().

◆ M_Background()

static void M_Background ( int width,
int height )

Definition at line 161 of file menu.c.

163 menu_width = bound(1.0f, (float)width, vid_conwidth.value);
164 menu_height = bound(1.0f, (float)height, vid_conheight.value);
167 //DrawQ_Fill(menu_x, menu_y, menu_width, menu_height, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0);
168 DrawQ_Fill(0, 0, vid_conwidth.integer, vid_conheight.integer, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0);
cvar_t vid_conheight
Definition cl_screen.c:57
cvar_t vid_conwidth
Definition cl_screen.c:56
void DrawQ_Fill(float x, float y, float width, float height, float red, float green, float blue, float alpha, int flags)
Definition gl_draw.c:847
GLenum GLsizei width
Definition glquake.h:622
GLenum GLsizei GLsizei height
Definition glquake.h:622
#define bound(min, num, max)
Definition mathlib.h:34
static float menu_width
Definition menu.c:159
static float menu_height
Definition menu.c:159
static float menu_y
Definition menu.c:159
static float menu_x
Definition menu.c:159
float value
Definition cvar.h:74
int integer
Definition cvar.h:73

References bound, DrawQ_Fill(), height, cvar_t::integer, menu_height, menu_width, menu_x, menu_y, cvar_t::value, vid_conheight, vid_conwidth, and width.

Referenced by M_Credits_Draw(), M_Demo_Draw(), M_GameOptions_Draw(), M_Help_Draw(), M_Keys_Draw(), M_LanConfig_Draw(), M_Load_Draw(), M_Main_Draw(), M_ModList_Draw(), M_MultiPlayer_Draw(), M_Options_ColorControl_Draw(), M_Options_Draw(), M_Options_Effects_Draw(), M_Options_Graphics_Draw(), M_Quit_Draw(), M_Reset_Draw(), M_Save_Draw(), M_ServerList_Draw(), M_Setup_Draw(), M_SinglePlayer_Draw(), M_Transfusion_Episode_Draw(), M_Transfusion_Skill_Draw(), and M_Video_Draw().

◆ M_ChooseQuitMessage()

static int M_ChooseQuitMessage ( int request)

Definition at line 3200 of file menu.c.

3202 if (m_missingdata)
3203 {
3204 // frag related quit messages are pointless for a fallback menu, so use something generic
3205 if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Are you sure you want to quit?","Press Y to quit, N to stay",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
3206 return 0;
3207 }
3208 switch (gamemode)
3209 {
3210 case GAME_NORMAL:
3211 case GAME_HIPNOTIC:
3212 case GAME_ROGUE:
3213 case GAME_QUOTH:
3214 case GAME_NEHAHRA:
3216 if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Are you gonna quit","this game just like","everything else?",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
3217 if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Milord, methinks that","thou art a lowly","quitter. Is this true?",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
3218 if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Do I need to bust your","face open for trying","to quit?",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
3219 if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Man, I oughta smack you","for trying to quit!","Press Y to get","smacked out.",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
3220 if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Press Y to quit like a","big loser in life.","Press N to stay proud","and successful!",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
3221 if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("If you press Y to","quit, I will summon","Satan all over your","hard drive!",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
3222 if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Um, Asmodeus dislikes","his children trying to","quit. Press Y to return","to your Tinkertoys.",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
3223 if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("If you quit now, I'll","throw a blanket-party","for you next time!",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
3224 break;
3225 case GAME_GOODVSBAD2:
3226 if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Press Yes To Quit","...","Yes",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
3227 if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Do you really want to","Quit?","Play Good vs bad 3!",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
3228 if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("All your quit are","belong to long duck","dong",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
3229 if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Press Y to quit","","But are you too legit?",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
3230 if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("This game was made by","e@chip-web.com","It is by far the best","game ever made.",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
3231 if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Even I really dont","know of a game better","Press Y to quit","like rougue chedder",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
3232 if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("After you stop playing","tell the guys who made","counterstrike to just","kill themselves now",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
3233 if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Press Y to exit to DOS","","SSH login as user Y","to exit to Linux",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
3234 if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Press Y like you","were waanderers","from Ys'",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
3235 if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("This game was made in","Nippon like the SS","announcer's saying ipon",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
3236 if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("you","want to quit?",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
3237 if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Please stop playing","this stupid game",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
3238 break;
3240 if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("? WHY ?","Press Y to quit, N to keep fraggin'",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
3241 if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Leave now and your mech is scrap!","Press Y to quit, N to keep fraggin'",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
3242 if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Accept Defeat?","Press Y to quit, N to keep fraggin'",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
3243 if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Wait! There are more mechs to destroy!","Press Y to quit, N to keep fraggin'",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
3244 if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Where's your bloodlust?","Press Y to quit, N to keep fraggin'",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
3245 if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Your mech here is way more impressive","than your car out there...","Press Y to quit, N to keep fraggin'",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
3246 if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Quitting won't reduce your debt","Press Y to quit, N to keep fraggin'",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
3247 break;
3249 if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("There is nothing like free beer!","Press Y to quit, N to stay",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
3250 if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("GNU is not Unix!","Press Y to quit, N to stay",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
3251 if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("You prefer free beer over free speech?","Press Y to quit, N to stay",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
3252 if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Is OpenQuartz Propaganda?","Press Y to quit, N to stay",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
3253 break;
3254 default:
3255 if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Tired of fragging already?",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
3256 if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Quit now and forfeit your bodycount?",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
3257 if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Are you sure you want to quit?",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
3258 if (request-- == 0) return M_QuitMessage("Off to do something constructive?",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
3259 break;
3260 }
3261 return 0;
gamemode_t gamemode
Definition com_game.c:26
Definition com_game.h:38
Definition com_game.h:31
Definition com_game.h:30
this game sucks
Definition com_game.h:43
Definition com_game.h:36
Definition com_game.h:32
Definition com_game.h:28
Definition com_game.h:29
Definition com_game.h:47
static qbool m_missingdata
Definition menu.c:350
static int M_QuitMessage(const char *line1, const char *line2, const char *line3, const char *line4, const char *line5, const char *line6, const char *line7, const char *line8)
Definition menu.c:3186
#define NULL
Definition qtypes.h:12


Referenced by M_Menu_Quit_f().

◆ M_Credits_Draw()

static void M_Credits_Draw ( void )

Definition at line 3163 of file menu.c.

3165 M_Background(640, 480);
3166 M_DrawPic (0, 0, "gfx/creditsmiddle");
3167 M_Print (640/2 - 14/2*8, 236, "Coming soon...");
3168 M_DrawPic (0, 0, "gfx/creditstop");
3169 M_DrawPic (0, 433, "gfx/creditsbottom");
static void M_Background(int width, int height)
Definition menu.c:161
static void M_Print(float cx, float cy, const char *str)
Definition menu.c:191
static void M_DrawPic(float cx, float cy, const char *picname)
Definition menu.c:209

References M_Background(), M_DrawPic(), and M_Print().

Referenced by M_Draw().

◆ M_Credits_Key()

static void M_Credits_Key ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
int key,
int ascii )

Definition at line 3173 of file menu.c.

void M_Menu_Main_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition menu.c:355

References cmd(), and M_Menu_Main_f().

Referenced by M_KeyEvent().

◆ M_Demo_Draw()

static void M_Demo_Draw ( void )

Definition at line 290 of file menu.c.

292 int i;
294 M_Background(320, 200);
296 for (i = 0;i < NumberOfNehahraDemos;i++)
297 M_Print(16, 16 + 8*i, NehahraDemos[i].desc);
299 // line cursor
300 M_DrawCharacter (8, 16 + demo_cursor*8, 12+((int)(host.realtime*4)&1));
host_static_t host
Definition host.c:41
static void M_DrawCharacter(float cx, float cy, int num)
Definition menu.c:178
static int demo_cursor
Definition menu.c:289
static nehahrademonames_t NehahraDemos[NumberOfNehahraDemos]
Definition menu.c:121
#define NumberOfNehahraDemos
Definition menu.c:114
int i
double realtime
the accumulated mainloop time since application started (with filtering), without any slowmo or clamp...
Definition host.h:46

References demo_cursor, host, i, M_Background(), M_DrawCharacter(), M_Print(), NehahraDemos, NumberOfNehahraDemos, and host_static_t::realtime.

Referenced by M_Draw().

◆ M_Demo_Key()

static void M_Demo_Key ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
int k,
int ascii )

Definition at line 312 of file menu.c.

314 char vabuf[1024];
315 switch (k)
316 {
317 case K_ESCAPE:
319 break;
321 case K_ENTER:
322 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu2.wav");
323 m_state = m_none;
325 Cbuf_AddText (cmd, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "playdemo %s\n", NehahraDemos[demo_cursor].name));
326 return;
328 case K_UPARROW:
329 case K_LEFTARROW:
330 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
331 demo_cursor--;
332 if (demo_cursor < 0)
334 break;
336 case K_DOWNARROW:
337 case K_RIGHTARROW:
338 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
339 demo_cursor++;
341 demo_cursor = 0;
342 break;
343 }
void Cbuf_AddText(cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *text)
Definition cmd.c:264
char * va(char *buf, size_t buflen, const char *format,...)
Definition common.c:972
const GLchar * name
Definition glquake.h:601
Definition keycodes.qc:15
Definition keycodes.qc:16
Definition keycodes.qc:18
float K_ENTER
Definition keycodes.qc:8
Definition keycodes.qc:17
float K_ESCAPE
Definition keycodes.qc:9
keydest_t key_dest
Definition keys.c:37
@ key_game
Definition keys.h:372
enum m_state_e m_state
Definition menu.c:36
@ m_none
Definition menu.h:28
qbool S_LocalSound(const char *sound)
Definition snd_main.c:2246

References Cbuf_AddText(), cmd(), demo_cursor, K_DOWNARROW, K_ENTER, K_ESCAPE, K_LEFTARROW, K_RIGHTARROW, K_UPARROW, key_dest, key_game, M_Menu_Main_f(), m_none, m_state, name, NehahraDemos, NumberOfNehahraDemos, S_LocalSound(), and va().

Referenced by M_KeyEvent().

◆ M_Draw()

void M_Draw ( void )

Definition at line 4780 of file menu.c.

4782 char vabuf[1024];
4784 m_state = m_none;
4786 if (m_state == m_none)
4787 return;
4789 switch (m_state)
4790 {
4791 case m_none:
4792 break;
4794 case m_main:
4795 M_Main_Draw ();
4796 break;
4798 case m_demo:
4799 M_Demo_Draw ();
4800 break;
4802 case m_singleplayer:
4804 break;
4808 break;
4812 break;
4814 case m_load:
4815 M_Load_Draw ();
4816 break;
4818 case m_save:
4819 M_Save_Draw ();
4820 break;
4822 case m_multiplayer:
4824 break;
4826 case m_setup:
4827 M_Setup_Draw ();
4828 break;
4830 case m_options:
4831 M_Options_Draw ();
4832 break;
4834 case m_options_effects:
4836 break;
4838 case m_options_graphics:
4840 break;
4844 break;
4846 case m_keys:
4847 M_Keys_Draw ();
4848 break;
4850 case m_reset:
4851 M_Reset_Draw ();
4852 break;
4854 case m_video:
4855 M_Video_Draw ();
4856 break;
4858 case m_help:
4859 M_Help_Draw ();
4860 break;
4862 case m_credits:
4863 M_Credits_Draw ();
4864 break;
4866 case m_quit:
4867 M_Quit_Draw ();
4868 break;
4870 case m_lanconfig:
4872 break;
4874 case m_gameoptions:
4876 break;
4878 case m_slist:
4880 break;
4882 case m_modlist:
4883 M_ModList_Draw ();
4884 break;
4885 }
4888 if (m_state != m_credits) {
4889 cachepic_t *p, *drop1, *drop2, *drop3;
4890 int g, scale_x, scale_y, scale_y_repeat, top_offset;
4891 float scale_y_rate;
4892 scale_y_repeat = vid_conheight.integer * 2;
4893 g = (int)(host.realtime * 64)%96;
4894 scale_y_rate = (float)(g+1) / 96;
4895 top_offset = (g+12)/12;
4896 p = Draw_CachePic (va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "gfx/menu/blooddrip%i", top_offset));
4897 drop1 = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/menu/blooddrop1");
4898 drop2 = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/menu/blooddrop2");
4899 drop3 = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/menu/blooddrop3");
4900 for (scale_x = 0; scale_x <= vid_conwidth.integer; scale_x += Draw_GetPicWidth(p)) {
4901 for (scale_y = -scale_y_repeat; scale_y <= vid_conheight.integer; scale_y += scale_y_repeat) {
4902 DrawQ_Pic (scale_x + 21, scale_y_repeat * .5 + scale_y + scale_y_rate * scale_y_repeat, drop3, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0);
4903 DrawQ_Pic (scale_x + 116, scale_y_repeat + scale_y + scale_y_rate * scale_y_repeat, drop1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0);
4904 DrawQ_Pic (scale_x + 180, scale_y_repeat * .275 + scale_y + scale_y_rate * scale_y_repeat, drop3, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0);
4905 DrawQ_Pic (scale_x + 242, scale_y_repeat * .75 + scale_y + scale_y_rate * scale_y_repeat, drop3, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0);
4906 DrawQ_Pic (scale_x + 304, scale_y_repeat * .25 + scale_y + scale_y_rate * scale_y_repeat, drop3, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0);
4907 DrawQ_Pic (scale_x + 362, scale_y_repeat * .46125 + scale_y + scale_y_rate * scale_y_repeat, drop3, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0);
4908 DrawQ_Pic (scale_x + 402, scale_y_repeat * .1725 + scale_y + scale_y_rate * scale_y_repeat, drop3, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0);
4909 DrawQ_Pic (scale_x + 438, scale_y_repeat * .9 + scale_y + scale_y_rate * scale_y_repeat, drop1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0);
4910 DrawQ_Pic (scale_x + 484, scale_y_repeat * .5 + scale_y + scale_y_rate * scale_y_repeat, drop3, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0);
4911 DrawQ_Pic (scale_x + 557, scale_y_repeat * .9425 + scale_y + scale_y_rate * scale_y_repeat, drop1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0);
4912 DrawQ_Pic (scale_x + 606, scale_y_repeat * .5 + scale_y + scale_y_rate * scale_y_repeat, drop2, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0);
4913 }
4914 DrawQ_Pic (scale_x, -1, Draw_CachePic (va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "gfx/menu/blooddrip%i", top_offset)), 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0);
4915 }
4916 }
4917 }
4919 if (m_entersound)
4920 {
4921 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu2.wav");
4922 m_entersound = false;
4923 }
Definition com_game.h:35
cachepic_t * Draw_CachePic(const char *path)
Definition gl_draw.c:185
void DrawQ_Pic(float x, float y, cachepic_t *pic, float width, float height, float red, float green, float blue, float alpha, int flags)
Definition gl_draw.c:797
int Draw_GetPicWidth(cachepic_t *pic)
Definition gl_draw.c:197
static int(ZEXPORT *qz_inflate)(z_stream *strm
@ key_menu
Definition keys.h:372
@ key_menu_grabbed
Definition keys.h:372
static void M_Main_Draw(void)
Definition menu.c:425
static void M_GameOptions_Draw(void)
Definition menu.c:3989
static void M_Options_Draw(void)
Definition menu.c:1677
static void M_LanConfig_Draw(void)
Definition menu.c:3363
static void M_Quit_Draw(void)
Definition menu.c:3310
static void M_Save_Draw(void)
Definition menu.c:940
static void M_Credits_Draw(void)
Definition menu.c:3163
static void M_Keys_Draw(void)
Definition menu.c:2610
static void M_ServerList_Draw(void)
Definition menu.c:4417
static void M_Reset_Draw(void)
Definition menu.c:2770
static void M_Demo_Draw(void)
Definition menu.c:290
static void M_Load_Draw(void)
Definition menu.c:922
static void M_Setup_Draw(void)
Definition menu.c:1342
static void M_SinglePlayer_Draw(void)
Definition menu.c:750
static void M_Video_Draw(void)
Definition menu.c:2916
static qbool m_entersound
play after drawing a frame, so caching won't disrupt the sound
Definition menu.c:108
static void M_Transfusion_Episode_Draw(void)
Definition menu.c:1049
static void M_Transfusion_Skill_Draw(void)
Definition menu.c:1107
static void M_Options_Graphics_Draw(void)
Definition menu.c:2031
static void M_Help_Draw(void)
Definition menu.c:3118
static void M_MultiPlayer_Draw(void)
Definition menu.c:1210
static void M_Options_Effects_Draw(void)
Definition menu.c:1884
static void M_ModList_Draw(void)
Definition menu.c:4647
static void M_Options_ColorControl_Draw(void)
Definition menu.c:2217
@ m_credits
Definition menu.h:42
@ m_transfusion_skill
Definition menu.h:33
@ m_transfusion_episode
Definition menu.h:32
@ m_lanconfig
Definition menu.h:44
@ m_save
Definition menu.h:35
@ m_gameoptions
Definition menu.h:45
@ m_options_effects
Definition menu.h:47
@ m_multiplayer
Definition menu.h:36
@ m_quit
Definition menu.h:43
@ m_keys
Definition menu.h:40
@ m_slist
Definition menu.h:46
@ m_video
Definition menu.h:39
@ m_singleplayer
Definition menu.h:31
@ m_demo
Definition menu.h:30
@ m_options_graphics
Definition menu.h:48
@ m_modlist
Definition menu.h:51
@ m_setup
Definition menu.h:37
@ m_options_colorcontrol
Definition menu.h:49
@ m_reset
Definition menu.h:50
@ m_help
Definition menu.h:41
@ m_main
Definition menu.h:29
@ m_load
Definition menu.h:34
@ m_options
Definition menu.h:38
dp_FragColor g
precision highp float
Definition shader_glsl.h:53

References Draw_CachePic(), Draw_GetPicWidth(), DrawQ_Pic(), float, g, GAME_TRANSFUSION, gamemode, host, int(), cvar_t::integer, key_dest, key_menu, key_menu_grabbed, m_credits, M_Credits_Draw(), m_demo, M_Demo_Draw(), m_entersound, m_gameoptions, M_GameOptions_Draw(), m_help, M_Help_Draw(), m_keys, M_Keys_Draw(), m_lanconfig, M_LanConfig_Draw(), m_load, M_Load_Draw(), m_main, M_Main_Draw(), m_missingdata, m_modlist, M_ModList_Draw(), m_multiplayer, M_MultiPlayer_Draw(), m_none, m_options, m_options_colorcontrol, M_Options_ColorControl_Draw(), M_Options_Draw(), m_options_effects, M_Options_Effects_Draw(), m_options_graphics, M_Options_Graphics_Draw(), m_quit, M_Quit_Draw(), m_reset, M_Reset_Draw(), m_save, M_Save_Draw(), M_ServerList_Draw(), m_setup, M_Setup_Draw(), m_singleplayer, M_SinglePlayer_Draw(), m_slist, m_state, m_transfusion_episode, M_Transfusion_Episode_Draw(), m_transfusion_skill, M_Transfusion_Skill_Draw(), m_video, M_Video_Draw(), host_static_t::realtime, S_LocalSound(), va(), vid_conheight, and vid_conwidth.

Referenced by MR_SetRouting().

◆ M_DrawCharacter()

static void M_DrawCharacter ( float cx,
float cy,
int num )

Definition at line 178 of file menu.c.

180 char temp[2];
181 temp[0] = num;
182 temp[1] = 0;
183 DrawQ_String(menu_x + cx, menu_y + cy, temp, 1, 8, 8, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, NULL, true, FONT_MENU);
float DrawQ_String(float x, float y, const char *text, size_t maxlen, float scalex, float scaley, float basered, float basegreen, float baseblue, float basealpha, int flags, int *outcolor, qbool ignorecolorcodes, const dp_font_t *fnt)
Definition gl_draw.c:1320
#define FONT_MENU
Definition draw.h:135

References DrawQ_String(), FONT_MENU, menu_x, menu_y, and NULL.

Referenced by M_Demo_Draw(), M_DrawSlider(), M_GameOptions_Draw(), M_Keys_Draw(), M_LanConfig_Draw(), M_Load_Draw(), M_Main_Draw(), M_Save_Draw(), M_Setup_Draw(), and M_Video_Draw().

◆ M_DrawCheckbox()

static void M_DrawCheckbox ( int x,
int y,
int on )

Definition at line 1569 of file menu.c.

1571 if (on)
1572 M_Print(x, y, "on");
1573 else
1574 M_Print(x, y, "off");
GLint GLenum GLint GLint y
Definition glquake.h:651

References M_Print(), x, and y.

Referenced by M_ModList_Draw(), M_Options_PrintCheckbox(), and M_Video_Draw().

◆ M_DrawPic()

◆ M_DrawSlider()

static void M_DrawSlider ( int x,
int y,
float num,
float rangemin,
float rangemax )

Definition at line 1551 of file menu.c.

1553 char text[16];
1554 int i;
1555 float range;
1556 range = bound(0, (num - rangemin) / (rangemax - rangemin), 1);
1557 M_DrawCharacter (x-8, y, 128);
1558 for (i = 0;i < SLIDER_RANGE;i++)
1559 M_DrawCharacter (x + i*8, y, 129);
1560 M_DrawCharacter (x+i*8, y, 130);
1561 M_DrawCharacter (x + (SLIDER_RANGE-1)*8 * range, y, 131);
1562 if (fabs((int)num - num) < 0.01)
1563 dpsnprintf(text, sizeof(text), "%i", (int)num);
1564 else
1565 dpsnprintf(text, sizeof(text), "%.3f", num);
1566 M_Print(x + (SLIDER_RANGE+2) * 8, y, text);
int dpsnprintf(char *buffer, size_t buffersize, const char *format,...)
Returns the number of printed characters, excluding the final '\0' or returns -1 if the buffer isn't ...
Definition common.c:997
Definition menu.c:1549
float fabs(float f)

References bound, dpsnprintf(), fabs(), i, M_DrawCharacter(), M_Print(), SLIDER_RANGE, x, and y.

Referenced by M_Options_PrintSlider(), and M_Video_Draw().

◆ M_DrawTextBox()

static void M_DrawTextBox ( float x,
float y,
float width,
float height )

Definition at line 214 of file menu.c.

216 int n;
217 float cx, cy;
219 // draw left side
220 cx = x;
221 cy = y;
222 M_DrawPic (cx, cy, "gfx/box_tl");
223 for (n = 0; n < height; n++)
224 {
225 cy += 8;
226 M_DrawPic (cx, cy, "gfx/box_ml");
227 }
228 M_DrawPic (cx, cy+8, "gfx/box_bl");
230 // draw middle
231 cx += 8;
232 while (width > 0)
233 {
234 cy = y;
235 M_DrawPic (cx, cy, "gfx/box_tm");
236 for (n = 0; n < height; n++)
237 {
238 cy += 8;
239 if (n >= 1)
240 M_DrawPic (cx, cy, "gfx/box_mm2");
241 else
242 M_DrawPic (cx, cy, "gfx/box_mm");
243 }
244 M_DrawPic (cx, cy+8, "gfx/box_bm");
245 width -= 2;
246 cx += 16;
247 }
249 // draw right side
250 cy = y;
251 M_DrawPic (cx, cy, "gfx/box_tr");
252 for (n = 0; n < height; n++)
253 {
254 cy += 8;
255 M_DrawPic (cx, cy, "gfx/box_mr");
256 }
257 M_DrawPic (cx, cy+8, "gfx/box_br");
#define n(x, y)

References height, M_DrawPic(), n, width, x, and y.

Referenced by M_GameOptions_Draw(), M_LanConfig_Draw(), M_Quit_Draw(), M_Reset_Draw(), M_Setup_Draw(), and M_SinglePlayer_Draw().

◆ M_GameOptions_Draw()

void M_GameOptions_Draw ( void )

Definition at line 3989 of file menu.c.

3991 cachepic_t *p;
3992 int x;
3993 char vabuf[1024];
3995 M_Background(320, 200);
3997 M_DrawPic (16, 4, "gfx/qplaque");
3998 p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_multi");
3999 M_DrawPic ( (320-Draw_GetPicWidth(p))/2, 4, "gfx/p_multi");
4001 M_DrawTextBox (152, 32, 10, 1);
4002 M_Print(160, 40, "begin game");
4004 M_Print(0, 56, " Max players");
4005 M_Print(160, 56, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%i", maxplayers) );
4008 {
4009 M_Print(0, 64, " Game Type");
4011 {
4012 if (!coop.integer && !deathmatch.integer)
4014 if (deathmatch.integer == 0)
4015 M_Print(160, 64, "Cooperative");
4016 else if (deathmatch.integer == 2)
4017 M_Print(160, 64, "Capture the Flag");
4018 else
4019 M_Print(160, 64, "Blood Bath");
4020 }
4021 else if (gamemode == GAME_BATTLEMECH)
4022 {
4023 if (!deathmatch.integer)
4025 if (deathmatch.integer == 2)
4026 M_Print(160, 64, "Rambo Match");
4027 else
4028 M_Print(160, 64, "Deathmatch");
4029 }
4030 else
4031 {
4032 if (!coop.integer && !deathmatch.integer)
4034 if (coop.integer)
4035 M_Print(160, 64, "Cooperative");
4036 else
4037 M_Print(160, 64, "Deathmatch");
4038 }
4040 M_Print(0, 72, " Teamplay");
4041 if (gamemode == GAME_ROGUE)
4042 {
4043 const char *msg;
4045 switch((int)teamplay.integer)
4046 {
4047 case 1: msg = "No Friendly Fire"; break;
4048 case 2: msg = "Friendly Fire"; break;
4049 case 3: msg = "Tag"; break;
4050 case 4: msg = "Capture the Flag"; break;
4051 case 5: msg = "One Flag CTF"; break;
4052 case 6: msg = "Three Team CTF"; break;
4053 default: msg = "Off"; break;
4054 }
4055 M_Print(160, 72, msg);
4056 }
4057 else
4058 {
4059 const char *msg;
4061 switch (teamplay.integer)
4062 {
4063 case 0: msg = "Off"; break;
4064 case 2: msg = "Friendly Fire"; break;
4065 default: msg = "No Friendly Fire"; break;
4066 }
4067 M_Print(160, 72, msg);
4068 }
4069 M_Print(0, 80, " Skill");
4071 {
4072 if (skill.integer == 1)
4073 M_Print(160, 80, "Still Kicking");
4074 else if (skill.integer == 2)
4075 M_Print(160, 80, "Pink On The Inside");
4076 else if (skill.integer == 3)
4077 M_Print(160, 80, "Lightly Broiled");
4078 else if (skill.integer == 4)
4079 M_Print(160, 80, "Well Done");
4080 else
4081 M_Print(160, 80, "Extra Crispy");
4082 }
4083 else
4084 {
4085 if (skill.integer == 0)
4086 M_Print(160, 80, "Easy difficulty");
4087 else if (skill.integer == 1)
4088 M_Print(160, 80, "Normal difficulty");
4089 else if (skill.integer == 2)
4090 M_Print(160, 80, "Hard difficulty");
4091 else
4092 M_Print(160, 80, "Nightmare difficulty");
4093 }
4094 M_Print(0, 88, " Frag Limit");
4095 if (fraglimit.integer == 0)
4096 M_Print(160, 88, "none");
4097 else
4098 M_Print(160, 88, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%i frags", fraglimit.integer));
4100 M_Print(0, 96, " Time Limit");
4101 if (timelimit.integer == 0)
4102 M_Print(160, 96, "none");
4103 else
4104 M_Print(160, 96, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%i minutes", timelimit.integer));
4105 }
4107 M_Print(0, 104, " Public server");
4108 M_Print(160, 104, (sv_public.integer == 0) ? "no" : "yes");
4110 M_Print(0, 112, " Server maxrate");
4111 M_Print(160, 112, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%i", sv_maxrate.integer));
4113 M_Print(0, 128, " Server name");
4114 M_DrawTextBox (0, 132, 38, 1);
4115 M_Print(8, 140, hostname.string);
4118 {
4119 M_Print(0, 160, " Episode");
4121 }
4123 M_Print(0, 168, " Level");
4127// line cursor
4128 if (gameoptions_cursor == 9)
4130 else
4134 {
4136 {
4137 x = (320-26*8)/2;
4138 M_DrawTextBox (x, 138, 24, 4);
4139 x += 8;
4140 M_Print(x, 146, " More than 255 players??");
4141 M_Print(x, 154, " First, question your ");
4142 M_Print(x, 162, " sanity, then email ");
4143 M_Print(x, 170, "darkplacesengine@gmail.com");
4144 }
4145 else
4146 m_serverInfoMessage = false;
4147 }
void Cvar_SetQuick(cvar_t *var, const char *value)
Definition cvar.c:436
static qbool m_serverInfoMessage
Definition menu.c:3964
static int maxplayers
Definition menu.c:3963
static double m_serverInfoMessageTime
Definition menu.c:3965
static int startlevel
Definition menu.c:3962
static int gameoptions_cursor
Definition menu.c:3987
static gamelevels_t * gameoptions_levels
Definition menu.c:3959
static int gameoptions_cursor_table[]
Definition menu.c:3985
static void M_DrawTextBox(float x, float y, float width, float height)
Definition menu.c:214
static int startepisode
Definition menu.c:3961
float strlen(string s)
cvar_t sv_public
Definition netconn.c:36
cvar_t hostname
Definition netconn.c:88
float deathmatch
Definition progsdefs.qc:29
float coop
Definition progsdefs.qc:30
float teamplay
Definition progsdefs.qc:31
cvar_t timelimit
Definition sv_main.c:173
cvar_t sv_maxrate
Definition sv_main.c:141
cvar_t fraglimit
Definition sv_main.c:45
cvar_t skill
Definition sv_main.c:52
const char * string
Definition cvar.h:71
int firstLevel
Definition menu.c:3540
const char * description
Definition menu.c:3539
level_t * levels
Definition menu.c:3547
episode_t * episodes
Definition menu.c:3548
const char * description
Definition menu.c:3534
const char * name
Definition menu.c:3533

References coop, Cvar_SetQuick(), deathmatch, episode_t::description, level_t::description, Draw_CachePic(), Draw_GetPicWidth(), gamelevels_t::episodes, episode_t::firstLevel, fraglimit, GAME_BATTLEMECH, GAME_GOODVSBAD2, GAME_ROGUE, GAME_TRANSFUSION, gamemode, gameoptions_cursor, gameoptions_cursor_table, gameoptions_levels, host, hostname, cvar_t::integer, gamelevels_t::levels, M_Background(), M_DrawCharacter(), M_DrawPic(), M_DrawTextBox(), M_Print(), m_serverInfoMessage, m_serverInfoMessageTime, maxplayers, level_t::name, host_static_t::realtime, skill, startepisode, startlevel, cvar_t::string, strlen(), sv_maxrate, sv_public, teamplay, timelimit, va(), and x.

Referenced by M_Draw().

◆ M_GameOptions_Key()

static void M_GameOptions_Key ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
int key,
int ascii )

Definition at line 4311 of file menu.c.

4313 int l;
4314 char hostnamebuf[128];
4315 char vabuf[1024];
4317 switch (key)
4318 {
4319 case K_ESCAPE:
4321 break;
4323 case K_UPARROW:
4324 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
4326 if (gameoptions_cursor < 0)
4328 break;
4330 case K_DOWNARROW:
4331 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
4335 break;
4337 case K_LEFTARROW:
4338 if (gameoptions_cursor == 0)
4339 break;
4340 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu3.wav");
4341 M_NetStart_Change (-1);
4342 break;
4344 case K_RIGHTARROW:
4345 if (gameoptions_cursor == 0)
4346 break;
4347 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu3.wav");
4349 break;
4351 case K_ENTER:
4352 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu2.wav");
4353 if (gameoptions_cursor == 0)
4354 {
4355 if (sv.active)
4356 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, "disconnect\n");
4357 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "maxplayers %u\n", maxplayers) );
4360 return;
4361 }
4364 break;
4366 case K_BACKSPACE:
4367 if (gameoptions_cursor == 9)
4368 {
4369 l = (int)strlen(hostname.string);
4370 if (l)
4371 {
4372 l = min(l - 1, 37);
4373 memcpy(hostnamebuf, hostname.string, l);
4374 hostnamebuf[l] = 0;
4375 Cvar_SetQuick(&hostname, hostnamebuf);
4376 }
4377 }
4378 break;
4380 default:
4381 if (ascii < 32)
4382 break;
4383 if (gameoptions_cursor == 9)
4384 {
4385 l = (int)strlen(hostname.string);
4386 if (l < 37)
4387 {
4388 memcpy(hostnamebuf, hostname.string, l);
4389 hostnamebuf[l] = ascii;
4390 hostnamebuf[l+1] = 0;
4391 Cvar_SetQuick(&hostname, hostnamebuf);
4392 }
4393 }
4394 }
Definition keycodes.qc:14
#define min(A, B)
Definition mathlib.h:37
static void M_NetStart_Change(int dir)
Definition menu.c:4151
Definition menu.c:3986
void M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition menu.c:1202
server_t sv
local server
Definition sv_main.c:223
qbool active
false if only a net client
Definition server.h:66

References server_t::active, Cbuf_AddText(), cmd(), Cvar_SetQuick(), gamelevels_t::episodes, episode_t::firstLevel, gameoptions_cursor, gameoptions_levels, hostname, int(), K_BACKSPACE, K_DOWNARROW, K_ENTER, K_ESCAPE, K_LEFTARROW, K_RIGHTARROW, K_UPARROW, gamelevels_t::levels, M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f(), M_NetStart_Change(), maxplayers, min, level_t::name, NUM_GAMEOPTIONS, S_LocalSound(), startepisode, startlevel, cvar_t::string, strlen(), sv, and va().

Referenced by M_KeyEvent().

◆ M_GetServerListEntryCategory()

static int M_GetServerListEntryCategory ( const serverlist_entry_t * entry)

Definition at line 5036 of file menu.c.

5038 return 0;

Referenced by MR_SetRouting().

◆ M_Help_Draw()

static void M_Help_Draw ( void )

Definition at line 3118 of file menu.c.

3120 char vabuf[1024];
3121 M_Background(320, 200);
3122 M_DrawPic (0, 0, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "gfx/help%i", help_page));
static int help_page
Definition menu.c:3104

References help_page, M_Background(), M_DrawPic(), and va().

Referenced by M_Draw().

◆ M_Help_Key()

static void M_Help_Key ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
int key,
int ascii )

Definition at line 3126 of file menu.c.

3128 switch (key)
3129 {
3130 case K_ESCAPE:
3132 break;
3134 case K_UPARROW:
3135 case K_RIGHTARROW:
3136 m_entersound = true;
3137 if (++help_page >= NUM_HELP_PAGES)
3138 help_page = 0;
3139 break;
3141 case K_DOWNARROW:
3142 case K_LEFTARROW:
3143 m_entersound = true;
3144 if (--help_page < 0)
3146 break;
3147 }
Definition menu.c:3105

References cmd(), help_page, K_DOWNARROW, K_ESCAPE, K_LEFTARROW, K_RIGHTARROW, K_UPARROW, m_entersound, M_Menu_Main_f(), and NUM_HELP_PAGES.

Referenced by M_KeyEvent().

◆ M_Init()

static void M_Init ( void )

Definition at line 4754 of file menu.c.

4756 menuplyr_load = true;
4759 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_CLIENT, "menu_main", M_Menu_Main_f, "open the main menu");
4760 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_CLIENT, "menu_singleplayer", M_Menu_SinglePlayer_f, "open the singleplayer menu");
4761 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_CLIENT, "menu_load", M_Menu_Load_f, "open the loadgame menu");
4762 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_CLIENT, "menu_save", M_Menu_Save_f, "open the savegame menu");
4763 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_CLIENT, "menu_multiplayer", M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f, "open the multiplayer menu");
4764 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_CLIENT, "menu_setup", M_Menu_Setup_f, "open the player setup menu");
4765 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_CLIENT, "menu_options", M_Menu_Options_f, "open the options menu");
4766 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_CLIENT, "menu_options_effects", M_Menu_Options_Effects_f, "open the effects options menu");
4767 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_CLIENT, "menu_options_graphics", M_Menu_Options_Graphics_f, "open the graphics options menu");
4768 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_CLIENT, "menu_options_colorcontrol", M_Menu_Options_ColorControl_f, "open the color control menu");
4769 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_CLIENT, "menu_keys", M_Menu_Keys_f, "open the key binding menu");
4770 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_CLIENT, "menu_video", M_Menu_Video_f, "open the video options menu");
4771 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_CLIENT, "menu_reset", M_Menu_Reset_f, "open the reset to defaults menu");
4772 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_CLIENT, "menu_mods", M_Menu_ModList_f, "open the mods browser menu");
4773 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_CLIENT, "help", M_Menu_Help_f, "open the help menu");
4774 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_CLIENT, "menu_quit", M_Menu_Quit_f, "open the quit menu");
4775 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_CLIENT, "menu_transfusion_episode", M_Menu_Transfusion_Episode_f, "open the transfusion episode select menu");
4776 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_CLIENT, "menu_transfusion_skill", M_Menu_Transfusion_Skill_f, "open the transfusion skill select menu");
4777 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_CLIENT, "menu_credits", M_Menu_Credits_f, "open the credits menu");
void Cmd_AddCommand(unsigned flags, const char *cmd_name, xcommand_t function, const char *description)
called by the init functions of other parts of the program to register commands and functions to call...
Definition cmd.c:1661
#define CF_CLIENT
cvar/command that only the client can change/execute
Definition cmd.h:48
void M_Menu_Options_ColorControl_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition menu.c:2112
void M_Menu_Help_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition menu.c:3108
void M_Menu_Options_Effects_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition menu.c:1816
void M_Menu_Transfusion_Episode_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition menu.c:1042
static unsigned char * menuplyr_pixels
Definition menu.c:1306
void M_Menu_Transfusion_Skill_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition menu.c:1100
void M_Menu_ModList_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition menu.c:4626
void M_Menu_Video_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition menu.c:2906
static int menuplyr_load
Definition menu.c:1305
void M_Menu_Keys_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition menu.c:2558
void M_Menu_Load_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition menu.c:892
void M_Menu_Quit_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition menu.c:3264
void M_Menu_Options_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition menu.c:1584
void M_Menu_Reset_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition menu.c:2741
void M_Menu_Credits_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition menu.c:3154
void M_Menu_Setup_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition menu.c:1294
void M_Menu_Options_Graphics_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition menu.c:1979
void M_Menu_SinglePlayer_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition menu.c:742
void M_Menu_Save_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition menu.c:901

References CF_CLIENT, Cmd_AddCommand(), M_Menu_Credits_f(), M_Menu_Help_f(), M_Menu_Keys_f(), M_Menu_Load_f(), M_Menu_Main_f(), M_Menu_ModList_f(), M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f(), M_Menu_Options_ColorControl_f(), M_Menu_Options_Effects_f(), M_Menu_Options_f(), M_Menu_Options_Graphics_f(), M_Menu_Quit_f(), M_Menu_Reset_f(), M_Menu_Save_f(), M_Menu_Setup_f(), M_Menu_SinglePlayer_f(), M_Menu_Transfusion_Episode_f(), M_Menu_Transfusion_Skill_f(), M_Menu_Video_f(), menuplyr_load, menuplyr_pixels, and NULL.

Referenced by MR_SetRouting().

◆ M_ItemPrint()

static void M_ItemPrint ( float cx,
float cy,
const char * str,
int unghosted )

Definition at line 201 of file menu.c.

203 if (unghosted)
204 DrawQ_String(menu_x + cx, menu_y + cy, str, 0, 8, 8, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, NULL, true, FONT_MENU);
205 else
206 DrawQ_String(menu_x + cx, menu_y + cy, str, 0, 8, 8, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1, 0, NULL, true, FONT_MENU);

References DrawQ_String(), FONT_MENU, menu_x, menu_y, and NULL.

Referenced by M_ModList_Draw(), M_Options_PrintCheckbox(), M_Options_PrintCommand(), M_Options_PrintSlider(), and M_Video_Draw().

◆ M_KeyEvent()

void M_KeyEvent ( int key,
int ascii,
qbool downevent )

Definition at line 4927 of file menu.c.

4930 if (!downevent)
4931 return;
4932 switch (m_state)
4933 {
4934 case m_none:
4935 return;
4937 case m_main:
4938 M_Main_Key(cmd, key, ascii);
4939 return;
4941 case m_demo:
4942 M_Demo_Key(cmd, key, ascii);
4943 return;
4945 case m_singleplayer:
4946 M_SinglePlayer_Key(cmd, key, ascii);
4947 return;
4950 M_Transfusion_Episode_Key(cmd, key, ascii);
4951 return;
4954 M_Transfusion_Skill_Key(cmd, key, ascii);
4955 return;
4957 case m_load:
4958 M_Load_Key(cmd, key, ascii);
4959 return;
4961 case m_save:
4962 M_Save_Key(cmd, key, ascii);
4963 return;
4965 case m_multiplayer:
4966 M_MultiPlayer_Key(cmd, key, ascii);
4967 return;
4969 case m_setup:
4970 M_Setup_Key(cmd, key, ascii);
4971 return;
4973 case m_options:
4974 M_Options_Key(cmd, key, ascii);
4975 return;
4977 case m_options_effects:
4978 M_Options_Effects_Key(cmd, key, ascii);
4979 return;
4981 case m_options_graphics:
4982 M_Options_Graphics_Key(cmd, key, ascii);
4983 return;
4986 M_Options_ColorControl_Key(cmd, key, ascii);
4987 return;
4989 case m_keys:
4990 M_Keys_Key(cmd, key, ascii);
4991 return;
4993 case m_reset:
4994 M_Reset_Key(cmd, key, ascii);
4995 return;
4997 case m_video:
4998 M_Video_Key(cmd, key, ascii);
4999 return;
5001 case m_help:
5002 M_Help_Key(cmd, key, ascii);
5003 return;
5005 case m_credits:
5006 M_Credits_Key(cmd, key, ascii);
5007 return;
5009 case m_quit:
5010 M_Quit_Key(cmd, key, ascii);
5011 return;
5013 case m_lanconfig:
5014 M_LanConfig_Key(cmd, key, ascii);
5015 return;
5017 case m_gameoptions:
5018 M_GameOptions_Key(cmd, key, ascii);
5019 return;
5021 case m_slist:
5022 M_ServerList_Key(cmd, key, ascii);
5023 return;
5025 case m_modlist:
5026 M_ModList_Key(cmd, key, ascii);
5027 return;
5028 }
cmd_state_t * cmd_local
command interpreter for local commands injected by SVQC, CSQC, MQC, server or client engine code uses...
Definition cmd.c:25
static void M_Options_ColorControl_Key(cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
Definition menu.c:2296
static void M_MultiPlayer_Key(cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
Definition menu.c:1239
static void M_Credits_Key(cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
Definition menu.c:3173
static void M_GameOptions_Key(cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
Definition menu.c:4311
static void M_SinglePlayer_Key(cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
Definition menu.c:786
static void M_ServerList_Key(cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
Definition menu.c:4469
static void M_LanConfig_Key(cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
Definition menu.c:3417
static void M_ModList_Key(cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
Definition menu.c:4699
static void M_Quit_Key(cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
Definition menu.c:3281
static void M_Demo_Key(cmd_state_t *cmd, int k, int ascii)
Definition menu.c:312
static void M_Main_Key(cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
Definition menu.c:502
static void M_Transfusion_Episode_Key(cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
Definition menu.c:1065
static void M_Save_Key(cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
Definition menu.c:1000
static void M_Options_Key(cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
Definition menu.c:1723
static void M_Reset_Key(cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
Definition menu.c:2749
static void M_Transfusion_Skill_Key(cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
Definition menu.c:1124
static void M_Video_Key(cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
Definition menu.c:3042
static void M_Help_Key(cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
Definition menu.c:3126
static void M_Setup_Key(cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
Definition menu.c:1436
static void M_Load_Key(cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
Definition menu.c:958
static void M_Options_Effects_Key(cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
Definition menu.c:1938
static void M_Keys_Key(cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
Definition menu.c:2672
static void M_Options_Graphics_Key(cmd_state_t *cmd, int key, int ascii)
Definition menu.c:2068
command interpreter state - the tokenizing and execution of commands, as well as pointers to which cv...
Definition cmd.h:127

References cmd(), cmd_local, m_credits, M_Credits_Key(), m_demo, M_Demo_Key(), m_gameoptions, M_GameOptions_Key(), m_help, M_Help_Key(), m_keys, M_Keys_Key(), m_lanconfig, M_LanConfig_Key(), m_load, M_Load_Key(), m_main, M_Main_Key(), m_modlist, M_ModList_Key(), m_multiplayer, M_MultiPlayer_Key(), m_none, m_options, m_options_colorcontrol, M_Options_ColorControl_Key(), m_options_effects, M_Options_Effects_Key(), m_options_graphics, M_Options_Graphics_Key(), M_Options_Key(), m_quit, M_Quit_Key(), m_reset, M_Reset_Key(), m_save, M_Save_Key(), M_ServerList_Key(), m_setup, M_Setup_Key(), m_singleplayer, M_SinglePlayer_Key(), m_slist, m_state, m_transfusion_episode, M_Transfusion_Episode_Key(), m_transfusion_skill, M_Transfusion_Skill_Key(), m_video, and M_Video_Key().

Referenced by MR_SetRouting().

◆ M_Keys_Draw()

static void M_Keys_Draw ( void )

Definition at line 2610 of file menu.c.

2612 int i, j;
2613 int keys[NUMKEYS];
2614 int y;
2615 cachepic_t *p;
2616 char keystring[MAX_INPUTLINE];
2618 M_Background(320, 48 + 8 * numcommands);
2620 p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/ttl_cstm");
2621 M_DrawPic ( (320-Draw_GetPicWidth(p))/2, 4, "gfx/ttl_cstm");
2623 if (bind_grab)
2624 M_Print(12, 32, "Press a key or button for this action");
2625 else
2626 M_Print(18, 32, "Enter to change, backspace to clear");
2628// search for known bindings
2629 for (i=0 ; i<numcommands ; i++)
2630 {
2631 y = 48 + 8*i;
2633 // If there's no command, it's just a section
2634 if (bindnames[i][0][0] == '\0')
2635 {
2636 M_PrintRed (4, y, "\x0D"); // #13 is the little arrow pointing to the right
2637 M_PrintRed (16, y, bindnames[i][1]);
2638 continue;
2639 }
2640 else
2641 M_Print(16, y, bindnames[i][1]);
2643 Key_FindKeysForCommand (bindnames[i][0], keys, NUMKEYS, 0);
2645 // LadyHavoc: redesigned to print more than 2 keys, inspired by Tomaz's MiniRacer
2646 if (keys[0] == -1)
2647 dp_strlcpy(keystring, "???", sizeof(keystring));
2648 else
2649 {
2650 char tinystr[TINYSTR_LEN];
2651 keystring[0] = 0;
2652 for (j = 0;j < NUMKEYS;j++)
2653 {
2654 if (keys[j] != -1)
2655 {
2656 if (j > 0)
2657 dp_strlcat(keystring, " or ", sizeof(keystring));
2658 dp_strlcat(keystring, Key_KeynumToString (keys[j], tinystr, TINYSTR_LEN), sizeof(keystring));
2659 }
2660 }
2661 }
2662 M_Print(150, y, keystring);
2663 }
2665 if (bind_grab)
2666 M_DrawCharacter (140, 48 + keys_cursor*8, '=');
2667 else
2668 M_DrawCharacter (140, 48 + keys_cursor*8, 12+((int)(host.realtime*4)&1));
#define dp_strlcat(dst, src, dsize)
Definition common.h:304
#define dp_strlcpy(dst, src, dsize)
Definition common.h:303
void Key_FindKeysForCommand(const char *command, int *keys, int numkeys, int bindmap)
Definition keys.c:1760
const char * Key_KeynumToString(int keynum, char *tinystr, size_t tinystrlength)
Definition keys.c:1383
Definition keys.h:46
static int keys_cursor
Definition menu.c:2555
static void M_PrintRed(float cx, float cy, const char *str)
Definition menu.c:196
static int bind_grab
Definition menu.c:2556
static const char *(* bindnames)[2]
Definition menu.c:2462
#define NUMKEYS
Definition menu.c:2592
static int numcommands
Definition menu.c:2461
maximum size of console commandline, QuakeC strings, and many other text processing buffers
Definition qdefs.h:94

References bind_grab, bindnames, dp_strlcat, dp_strlcpy, Draw_CachePic(), Draw_GetPicWidth(), host, i, Key_FindKeysForCommand(), Key_KeynumToString(), keys_cursor, M_Background(), M_DrawCharacter(), M_DrawPic(), M_Print(), M_PrintRed(), MAX_INPUTLINE, numcommands, NUMKEYS, host_static_t::realtime, TINYSTR_LEN, and y.

Referenced by M_Draw().

◆ M_Keys_Key()

static void M_Keys_Key ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
int key,
int ascii )

Definition at line 2672 of file menu.c.

2674 char line[80];
2675 int keys[NUMKEYS];
2676 char tinystr[TINYSTR_LEN];
2678 if (bind_grab)
2679 { // defining a key
2680 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
2681 if (k == K_ESCAPE)
2682 {
2683 bind_grab = false;
2684 }
2685 else //if (k != '`')
2686 {
2687 dpsnprintf(line, sizeof(line), "bind \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", Key_KeynumToString(k, tinystr, TINYSTR_LEN), bindnames[keys_cursor][0]);
2688 Cbuf_InsertText (cmd, line);
2689 }
2691 bind_grab = false;
2692 return;
2693 }
2695 switch (k)
2696 {
2697 case K_ESCAPE:
2699 break;
2701 case K_LEFTARROW:
2702 case K_UPARROW:
2703 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
2704 do
2705 {
2706 keys_cursor--;
2707 if (keys_cursor < 0)
2709 }
2710 while (bindnames[keys_cursor][0][0] == '\0'); // skip sections
2711 break;
2713 case K_DOWNARROW:
2714 case K_RIGHTARROW:
2715 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
2716 do
2717 {
2718 keys_cursor++;
2719 if (keys_cursor >= numcommands)
2720 keys_cursor = 0;
2721 }
2722 while (bindnames[keys_cursor][0][0] == '\0'); // skip sections
2723 break;
2725 case K_ENTER: // go into bind mode
2727 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu2.wav");
2728 if (keys[NUMKEYS - 1] != -1)
2730 bind_grab = true;
2731 break;
2733 case K_BACKSPACE: // delete bindings
2734 case K_DEL: // delete bindings
2735 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu2.wav");
2737 break;
2738 }
void Cbuf_InsertText(cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *text)
Definition cmd.c:292
float K_DEL
Definition keycodes.qc:38
static void M_UnbindCommand(const char *command)
Definition menu.c:2594

References bind_grab, bindnames, Cbuf_InsertText(), cmd(), dpsnprintf(), K_BACKSPACE, K_DEL, K_DOWNARROW, K_ENTER, K_ESCAPE, K_LEFTARROW, K_RIGHTARROW, K_UPARROW, Key_FindKeysForCommand(), Key_KeynumToString(), keys_cursor, M_Menu_Options_f(), M_UnbindCommand(), numcommands, NUMKEYS, S_LocalSound(), and TINYSTR_LEN.

Referenced by M_KeyEvent().

◆ M_LanConfig_Draw()

static void M_LanConfig_Draw ( void )

Definition at line 3363 of file menu.c.

3365 cachepic_t *p;
3366 int basex;
3367 const char *startJoin;
3368 const char *protocol;
3369 char vabuf[1024];
3371 M_Background(320, 200);
3373 M_DrawPic (16, 4, "gfx/qplaque");
3374 p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_multi");
3375 basex = (320-Draw_GetPicWidth(p))/2;
3376 M_DrawPic (basex, 4, "gfx/p_multi");
3378 if (StartingGame)
3379 startJoin = "New Game";
3380 else
3381 startJoin = "Join Game";
3382 protocol = "TCP/IP";
3383 M_Print(basex, 32, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%s - %s", startJoin, protocol));
3384 basex += 8;
3386 M_Print(basex, lanConfig_cursor_table[0], "Port");
3387 M_DrawTextBox (basex+8*8, lanConfig_cursor_table[0]-8, sizeof(lanConfig_portname), 1);
3390 if (JoiningGame)
3391 {
3392 M_Print(basex, lanConfig_cursor_table[1], "Search for DarkPlaces games...");
3393 M_Print(basex, lanConfig_cursor_table[2], "Search for QuakeWorld games...");
3394 M_Print(basex, lanConfig_cursor_table[3]-16, "Join game at:");
3395 M_DrawTextBox (basex+8, lanConfig_cursor_table[3]-8, sizeof(lanConfig_joinname), 1);
3397 }
3398 else
3399 {
3400 M_DrawTextBox (basex, lanConfig_cursor_table[1]-8, 2, 1);
3401 M_Print(basex+8, lanConfig_cursor_table[1], "OK");
3402 }
3406 if (lanConfig_cursor == 0)
3409 if (lanConfig_cursor == 3)
3412 if (*cl_connect_status)
3413 M_Print(basex, 168, cl_connect_status);
char cl_connect_status[MAX_QPATH]
User-friendly connection status for the menu and/or loading screen, colours and not supported.
Definition cl_screen.c:1573
#define StartingGame
Definition menu.c:110
#define JoiningGame
Definition menu.c:111
static int lanConfig_cursor
Definition menu.c:3336
static char lanConfig_joinname[40]
Definition menu.c:3342
static int lanConfig_cursor_table[]
Definition menu.c:3337
static char lanConfig_portname[6]
Definition menu.c:3341

References cl_connect_status, Draw_CachePic(), Draw_GetPicWidth(), host, JoiningGame, lanConfig_cursor, lanConfig_cursor_table, lanConfig_joinname, lanConfig_portname, M_Background(), M_DrawCharacter(), M_DrawPic(), M_DrawTextBox(), M_Print(), host_static_t::realtime, StartingGame, strlen(), and va().

Referenced by M_Draw().

◆ M_LanConfig_Key()

static void M_LanConfig_Key ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
int key,
int ascii )

Definition at line 3417 of file menu.c.

3419 int l;
3420 char vabuf[1024];
3422 switch (key)
3423 {
3424 case K_ESCAPE:
3426 break;
3428 case K_UPARROW:
3429 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
3431 if (lanConfig_cursor < 0)
3433 // when in start game menu, skip the unused search qw servers item
3434 if (StartingGame && lanConfig_cursor == 2)
3435 lanConfig_cursor = 1;
3436 break;
3438 case K_DOWNARROW:
3439 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
3442 lanConfig_cursor = 0;
3443 // when in start game menu, skip the unused search qw servers item
3444 if (StartingGame && lanConfig_cursor == 1)
3445 lanConfig_cursor = 2;
3446 break;
3448 case K_ENTER:
3449 if (lanConfig_cursor == 0)
3450 break;
3452 m_entersound = true;
3454 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, "stopdemo\n");
3458 if (lanConfig_cursor == 1 || lanConfig_cursor == 2)
3459 {
3460 if (StartingGame)
3461 {
3463 break;
3464 }
3466 break;
3467 }
3469 if (lanConfig_cursor == 3)
3470 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "connect \"%s\"\n", lanConfig_joinname) );
3471 break;
3473 case K_BACKSPACE:
3474 if (lanConfig_cursor == 0)
3475 {
3478 }
3480 if (lanConfig_cursor == 3)
3481 {
3484 }
3485 break;
3487 default:
3488 if (ascii < 32)
3489 break;
3491 if (lanConfig_cursor == 3)
3492 {
3494 if (l < (int)sizeof(lanConfig_joinname) - 1)
3495 {
3496 lanConfig_joinname[l+1] = 0;
3497 lanConfig_joinname[l] = ascii;
3498 }
3499 }
3501 if (ascii < '0' || ascii > '9')
3502 break;
3503 if (lanConfig_cursor == 0)
3504 {
3506 if (l < (int)sizeof(lanConfig_portname) - 1)
3507 {
3508 lanConfig_portname[l+1] = 0;
3509 lanConfig_portname[l] = ascii;
3510 }
3511 }
3512 }
3514 if (StartingGame && lanConfig_cursor == 3)
3515 {
3516 if (key == K_UPARROW)
3517 lanConfig_cursor = 1;
3518 else
3519 lanConfig_cursor = 0;
3520 }
3522 l = atoi(lanConfig_portname);
3523 if (l <= 65535)
3524 lanConfig_port = l;
3525 dpsnprintf(lanConfig_portname, sizeof(lanConfig_portname), "%u", (unsigned int) lanConfig_port);
void Cvar_SetValueQuick(cvar_t *var, float value)
Definition cvar.c:473
static int lanConfig_port
Definition menu.c:3340
void M_Menu_GameOptions_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition menu.c:3967
Definition menu.c:3338
void M_Menu_ServerList_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition menu.c:4403
cvar_t sv_netport
Definition netconn.c:156

References Cbuf_AddText(), cmd(), Cvar_SetValueQuick(), dpsnprintf(), int(), K_BACKSPACE, K_DOWNARROW, K_ENTER, K_ESCAPE, K_UPARROW, lanConfig_cursor, lanConfig_joinname, lanConfig_port, lanConfig_portname, m_entersound, M_Menu_GameOptions_f(), M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f(), M_Menu_ServerList_f(), NUM_LANCONFIG_CMDS, S_LocalSound(), StartingGame, strlen(), sv_netport, and va().

Referenced by M_KeyEvent().

◆ M_Load_Draw()

static void M_Load_Draw ( void )

Definition at line 922 of file menu.c.

924 int i;
925 cachepic_t *p;
927 M_Background(320, 200);
929 p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_load");
930 M_DrawPic ( (320-Draw_GetPicWidth(p))/2, 4, "gfx/p_load" );
932 for (i=0 ; i< MAX_SAVEGAMES; i++)
933 M_Print(16, 32 + 8*i, m_filenames[i]);
935// line cursor
936 M_DrawCharacter (8, 32 + load_cursor*8, 12+((int)(host.realtime*4)&1));
static int load_cursor
0 < load_cursor < MAX_SAVEGAMES
Definition menu.c:848
Definition menu.c:850
max savegames listed in savegame menu
Definition qdefs.h:120

References Draw_CachePic(), Draw_GetPicWidth(), host, i, load_cursor, M_Background(), M_DrawCharacter(), M_DrawPic(), m_filenames, M_Print(), MAX_SAVEGAMES, and host_static_t::realtime.

Referenced by M_Draw().

◆ M_Load_Key()

static void M_Load_Key ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
int key,
int ascii )

Definition at line 958 of file menu.c.

960 char vabuf[1024];
961 switch (k)
962 {
963 case K_ESCAPE:
966 else
968 break;
970 case K_ENTER:
971 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu2.wav");
972 if (!loadable[load_cursor])
973 return;
974 m_state = m_none;
977 // issue the load command
978 Cbuf_AddText (cmd, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "load s%i\n", load_cursor) );
979 return;
981 case K_UPARROW:
982 case K_LEFTARROW:
983 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
984 load_cursor--;
985 if (load_cursor < 0)
987 break;
989 case K_DOWNARROW:
990 case K_RIGHTARROW:
991 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
992 load_cursor++;
994 load_cursor = 0;
995 break;
996 }
static int loadable[MAX_SAVEGAMES]
Definition menu.c:851

References Cbuf_AddText(), cmd(), GAME_TRANSFUSION, gamemode, K_DOWNARROW, K_ENTER, K_ESCAPE, K_LEFTARROW, K_RIGHTARROW, K_UPARROW, key_dest, key_game, load_cursor, loadable, M_Menu_Main_f(), M_Menu_SinglePlayer_f(), m_none, m_state, MAX_SAVEGAMES, S_LocalSound(), and va().

Referenced by M_KeyEvent().

◆ M_Main_Draw()

static void M_Main_Draw ( void )

Definition at line 425 of file menu.c.

427 int f;
428 cachepic_t *p;
429 char vabuf[1024];
431 if (m_missingdata)
432 {
433 float y;
434 const char *s;
435 M_Background(640, 480); //fall back is always to 640x480, this makes it most readable at that.
436 y = 480/3-16;
437 if (mp_failed)
438 {
439 s = "The menu QC program has failed.";M_PrintRed ((640-strlen(s)*8)*0.5, y, s);y+=8;
440 y+=8;
441 s = "You should find the specific error(s) in the console.";M_Print ((640-strlen(s)*8)*0.5, y, s);y+=8;
442 }
443 else
444 {
445 s = "The required files were not found.";M_PrintRed ((640-strlen(s)*8)*0.5, y, s);y+=8;
446 y+=8;
447 s = "You may consider adding";M_Print ((640-strlen(s)*8)*0.5, y, s);y+=8;
448 s = "-basedir /path/to/game";M_Print ((640-strlen(s)*8)*0.5, y, s);y+=8;
449 s = "to your launch commandline.";M_Print ((640-strlen(s)*8)*0.5, y, s);y+=8;
450 }
451 M_Print (640/2 - 48, 480/2, "Open Console"); //The console usually better shows errors (failures)
452 M_Print (640/2 - 48, 480/2 + 8, "Quit");
453 M_DrawCharacter(640/2 - 56, 480/2 + (8 * m_main_cursor), 12+((int)(host.realtime*4)&1));
454 return;
455 }
457 if (gamemode == GAME_TRANSFUSION) {
458 int y1, y2, y3;
459 M_Background(640, 480);
460 p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/menu/tb-transfusion");
461 M_DrawPic (640/2 - Draw_GetPicWidth(p)/2, 40, "gfx/menu/tb-transfusion");
462 y2 = 120;
463 // 8 rather than MAIN_ITEMS to skip a number and not miss the last option
464 for (y1 = 1; y1 <= 8; y1++)
465 {
466 if (MAIN_ITEMS == 7 && y1 == 4)
467 y1++;
468 M_DrawPic (0, y2, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "gfx/menu/mainmenu%i", y1));
469 y2 += 40;
470 }
471 if (MAIN_ITEMS == 7 && m_main_cursor > 2)
472 y3 = m_main_cursor + 2;
473 else
474 y3 = m_main_cursor + 1;
475 M_DrawPic (0, 120 + m_main_cursor * 40, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "gfx/menu/mainmenu%iselected", y3));
476 return;
477 }
479 M_Background(320, 200);
480 M_DrawPic (16, 4, "gfx/qplaque");
481 p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/ttl_main");
482 M_DrawPic ( (320-Draw_GetPicWidth(p))/2, 4, "gfx/ttl_main");
483// Nehahra
484 if (gamemode == GAME_NEHAHRA)
485 {
486 if (NehGameType == TYPE_BOTH)
487 M_DrawPic (72, 32, "gfx/mainmenu");
488 else if (NehGameType == TYPE_GAME)
489 M_DrawPic (72, 32, "gfx/gamemenu");
490 else
491 M_DrawPic (72, 32, "gfx/demomenu");
492 }
493 else
494 M_DrawPic (72, 32, "gfx/mainmenu");
496 f = (int)(host.realtime * 10)%6;
498 M_DrawPic (54, 32 + m_main_cursor * 20, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "gfx/menudot%i", f+1));
static int NehGameType
Definition menu.c:34
static int MAIN_ITEMS
Definition menu.c:352
#define TYPE_BOTH
Definition menu.c:29
static bool mp_failed
Definition menu.c:424
#define TYPE_GAME
Definition menu.c:28
static int m_main_cursor
Definition menu.c:349
float f
vec3 y2

References Draw_CachePic(), Draw_GetPicWidth(), f, GAME_NEHAHRA, GAME_TRANSFUSION, gamemode, host, int(), M_Background(), M_DrawCharacter(), M_DrawPic(), m_main_cursor, m_missingdata, M_Print(), M_PrintRed(), MAIN_ITEMS, mp_failed, NehGameType, host_static_t::realtime, strlen(), TYPE_BOTH, TYPE_GAME, va(), y, and y2.

Referenced by M_Draw().

◆ M_Main_Key()

static void M_Main_Key ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
int key,
int ascii )

Definition at line 502 of file menu.c.

504 switch (key)
505 {
506 case K_ESCAPE:
508 m_state = m_none;
509 //cls.demonum = m_save_demonum;
510 //if(!cl_startdemos.integer)
511 // break;
512 //if (cls.demonum != -1 && !cls.demoplayback && cls.state != ca_connected)
513 // CL_NextDemo ();
514 break;
516 case K_DOWNARROW:
517 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
518 if (++m_main_cursor >= MAIN_ITEMS)
519 m_main_cursor = 0;
520 break;
522 case K_UPARROW:
523 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
524 if (--m_main_cursor < 0)
526 break;
528 case K_ENTER:
529 m_entersound = true;
531 if (m_missingdata)
532 {
533 switch (m_main_cursor)
534 {
535 case 0:
536 if (cls.state == ca_connected)
537 {
538 m_state = m_none;
540 }
542 break;
543 case 1:
545 break;
546 }
547 }
548 else if (gamemode == GAME_NEHAHRA)
549 {
550 switch (NehGameType)
551 {
552 case TYPE_BOTH:
553 switch (m_main_cursor)
554 {
555 case 0:
557 break;
559 case 1:
561 break;
563 case 2:
565 break;
567 case 3:
569 break;
571 case 4:
573 if (sv.active)
574 Cbuf_AddText (cmd, "disconnect\n");
575 Cbuf_AddText (cmd, "playdemo endcred\n");
576 break;
578 case 5:
580 break;
581 }
582 break;
583 case TYPE_GAME:
584 switch (m_main_cursor)
585 {
586 case 0:
588 break;
590 case 1:
592 break;
594 case 2:
596 break;
598 case 3:
600 if (sv.active)
601 Cbuf_AddText (cmd, "disconnect\n");
602 Cbuf_AddText (cmd, "playdemo endcred\n");
603 break;
605 case 4:
607 break;
608 }
609 break;
610 case TYPE_DEMO:
611 switch (m_main_cursor)
612 {
613 case 0:
615 break;
617 case 1:
619 if (sv.active)
620 Cbuf_AddText (cmd, "disconnect\n");
621 Cbuf_AddText (cmd, "playdemo endcred\n");
622 break;
624 case 2:
626 break;
628 case 3:
630 break;
631 }
632 break;
633 }
634 }
635 else if (gamemode == GAME_TRANSFUSION) {
636 if (MAIN_ITEMS == 7)
637 {
638 switch (m_main_cursor)
639 {
640 case 0:
642 break;
644 case 1:
646 break;
648 case 2:
650 break;
652 case 3:
654 break;
656 case 4:
658 break;
660 case 5:
662 break;
664 case 6:
666 break;
667 }
668 }
669 else
670 {
671 switch (m_main_cursor)
672 {
673 case 0:
675 break;
677 case 1:
679 break;
681 case 2:
683 break;
685 case 3:
687 break;
689 case 4:
691 break;
693 case 5:
695 break;
697 case 6:
699 break;
701 case 7:
703 break;
704 }
705 }
706 }
707 else
708 {
709 switch (m_main_cursor)
710 {
711 case 0:
713 break;
715 case 1:
717 break;
719 case 2:
721 break;
723 case 3:
725 break;
727 case 4:
729 break;
730 }
731 }
732 }
client_static_t cls
Definition cl_main.c:116
@ ca_connected
Definition client.h:532
void Con_ToggleConsole_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition console.c:686
static void M_Menu_Demos_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition menu.c:304
#define TYPE_DEMO
Definition menu.c:27
cactive_t state
Definition client.h:568

References server_t::active, ca_connected, Cbuf_AddText(), cls, cmd(), Con_ToggleConsole_f(), GAME_NEHAHRA, GAME_TRANSFUSION, gamemode, K_DOWNARROW, K_ENTER, K_ESCAPE, K_UPARROW, key_dest, key_game, m_entersound, m_main_cursor, M_Menu_Credits_f(), M_Menu_Demos_f(), M_Menu_Help_f(), M_Menu_Load_f(), M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f(), M_Menu_Options_f(), M_Menu_Quit_f(), M_Menu_Save_f(), M_Menu_SinglePlayer_f(), M_Menu_Transfusion_Episode_f(), m_missingdata, m_none, m_state, MAIN_ITEMS, NehGameType, S_LocalSound(), client_static_t::state, sv, TYPE_BOTH, TYPE_DEMO, and TYPE_GAME.

Referenced by M_KeyEvent().

◆ M_Menu_Credits_f()

void M_Menu_Credits_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 3154 of file menu.c.

3158 m_entersound = true;

References key_dest, key_menu, m_credits, m_entersound, and m_state.

Referenced by M_Init(), and M_Main_Key().

◆ M_Menu_Demos_f()

static void M_Menu_Demos_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 304 of file menu.c.

307 m_state = m_demo;
308 m_entersound = true;

References key_dest, key_menu, m_demo, m_entersound, and m_state.

Referenced by M_Main_Key().

◆ M_Menu_GameOptions_f()

void M_Menu_GameOptions_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 3967 of file menu.c.

3969 int i;
3972 m_entersound = true;
3973 if (maxplayers == 0)
3975 if (maxplayers < 2)
3977 // pick game level list based on gamemode (use GAME_NORMAL if no matches)
3979 for (i = 0;i < (int)(sizeof(gamelist)/sizeof(gamelist[0]));i++)
3980 if (gamelist[i].gameid == gamemode)
cvar_t registered
Definition common.c:32
static gameinfo_t gamelist[]
Definition menu.c:3944
max number of players in game at once (255 protocol limit)
Definition qdefs.h:110
server_static_t svs
persistant server info
Definition sv_main.c:224
gamelevels_t * registered
Definition menu.c:3940
gamelevels_t * notregistered
Definition menu.c:3939
int maxclients
number of svs.clients slots (updated by maxplayers command)
Definition server.h:28

References gamelist, gamemode, gameoptions_levels, i, int(), cvar_t::integer, key_dest, key_menu, m_entersound, m_gameoptions, m_state, MAX_SCOREBOARD, server_static_t::maxclients, maxplayers, min, gameinfo_t::notregistered, gameinfo_t::registered, registered, and svs.

Referenced by M_LanConfig_Key().

◆ M_Menu_Help_f()

void M_Menu_Help_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 3108 of file menu.c.

3111 m_state = m_help;
3112 m_entersound = true;
3113 help_page = 0;

References help_page, key_dest, key_menu, m_entersound, m_help, and m_state.

Referenced by M_Init(), and M_Main_Key().

◆ M_Menu_Keys_f()

void M_Menu_Keys_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 2558 of file menu.c.

2561 m_state = m_keys;
2562 m_entersound = true;
2565 {
2568 }
2569 else if (gamemode == GAME_GOODVSBAD2)
2570 {
2573 }
2574 else
2575 {
2576 numcommands = sizeof(quakebindnames) / sizeof(quakebindnames[0]);
2578 }
2580 // Make sure "keys_cursor" doesn't start on a section in the binding list
2581 keys_cursor = 0;
2582 while (bindnames[keys_cursor][0][0] == '\0')
2583 {
2584 keys_cursor++;
2586 // Only sections? There may be a problem somewhere...
2587 if (keys_cursor >= numcommands)
2588 Sys_Error ("M_Init: The key binding list only contains sections");
2589 }
static const char * quakebindnames[][2]
Definition menu.c:2357
static const char * goodvsbad2bindnames[][2]
Definition menu.c:2438
static const char * transfusionbindnames[][2]
Definition menu.c:2380
void Sys_Error(const char *error,...) DP_FUNC_PRINTF(1) DP_FUNC_NORETURN
Causes the entire program to exit ASAP.
Definition sys_shared.c:724

References bindnames, GAME_GOODVSBAD2, GAME_TRANSFUSION, gamemode, goodvsbad2bindnames, key_dest, key_menu_grabbed, keys_cursor, m_entersound, m_keys, m_state, numcommands, quakebindnames, Sys_Error(), and transfusionbindnames.

Referenced by M_Init(), and M_Options_Key().

◆ M_Menu_LanConfig_f()

void M_Menu_LanConfig_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 3344 of file menu.c.

3348 m_entersound = true;
3349 if (lanConfig_cursor == -1)
3350 {
3351 if (JoiningGame)
3352 lanConfig_cursor = 1;
3353 }
3354 if (StartingGame)
3355 lanConfig_cursor = 1;
3356 lanConfig_port = 26000;
3357 dpsnprintf(lanConfig_portname, sizeof(lanConfig_portname), "%u", (unsigned int) lanConfig_port);
3359 cl_connect_status[0] = '\0';

References cl_connect_status, dpsnprintf(), JoiningGame, key_dest, key_menu, lanConfig_cursor, lanConfig_port, lanConfig_portname, m_entersound, m_lanconfig, m_state, and StartingGame.

Referenced by M_MultiPlayer_Key(), and M_ServerList_Key().

◆ M_Menu_Load_f()

void M_Menu_Load_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 892 of file menu.c.

894 m_entersound = true;
895 m_state = m_load;
897 M_ScanSaves ();
static void M_ScanSaves(void)
Definition menu.c:853

References key_dest, key_menu, m_entersound, m_load, M_ScanSaves(), and m_state.

Referenced by M_Init(), M_Main_Key(), and M_SinglePlayer_Key().

◆ M_Menu_Main_f()

void M_Menu_Main_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 355 of file menu.c.

357 const char *s;
358 s = "gfx/mainmenu";
360 if (gamemode == GAME_NEHAHRA)
361 {
362 if (FS_FileExists("maps/neh1m4.bsp"))
363 {
364 if (FS_FileExists("hearing.dem"))
365 {
366 Con_DPrint("Main menu: Nehahra movie and game detected.\n");
368 }
369 else
370 {
371 Con_DPrint("Nehahra game detected.\n");
373 }
374 }
375 else
376 {
377 if (FS_FileExists("hearing.dem"))
378 {
379 Con_DPrint("Nehahra movie detected.\n");
381 }
382 else
383 {
384 Con_DPrint("Nehahra not found.\n");
385 NehGameType = TYPE_GAME; // could just complain, but...
386 }
387 }
388 if (NehGameType == TYPE_DEMO)
389 MAIN_ITEMS = 4;
390 else if (NehGameType == TYPE_GAME)
391 MAIN_ITEMS = 5;
392 else
393 MAIN_ITEMS = 6;
394 }
395 else if (gamemode == GAME_TRANSFUSION)
396 {
397 s = "gfx/menu/mainmenu1";
399 MAIN_ITEMS = 8;
400 else
401 MAIN_ITEMS = 7;
402 }
403 else
404 MAIN_ITEMS = 5;
406 // check if the game data is missing and use a different main menu if so
408 if (m_missingdata)
409 MAIN_ITEMS = 2;
411 /*
412 if (key_dest != key_menu)
413 {
414 m_save_demonum = cls.demonum;
415 cls.demonum = -1;
416 }
417 */
419 m_state = m_main;
420 m_entersound = true;
client_state_t cl
Definition cl_main.c:117
void Con_DPrint(const char *msg)
A Con_Print that only shows up if the "developer" cvar is set.
Definition console.c:1531
Definition draw.h:44
cachepic_t * Draw_CachePic_Flags(const char *path, unsigned int cachepicflags)
Definition gl_draw.c:86
qbool Draw_IsPicLoaded(cachepic_t *pic)
Definition gl_draw.c:211
const char * FS_FileExists(const char *filename)
Look for a file in the packages and in the filesystem Returns its canonical name (same case as used i...
Definition fs.c:3693
static cvar_t forceqmenu
Definition menu.c:31
int intermission
Definition client.h:856
int islocalgame
Definition client.h:746

References server_t::active, CACHEPICFLAG_FAILONMISSING, cl, Con_DPrint(), Draw_CachePic_Flags(), Draw_IsPicLoaded(), forceqmenu, FS_FileExists(), GAME_NEHAHRA, GAME_TRANSFUSION, gamemode, cvar_t::integer, client_state_t::intermission, client_state_t::islocalgame, key_dest, key_menu, m_entersound, m_main, m_missingdata, m_state, MAIN_ITEMS, NehGameType, sv, TYPE_BOTH, TYPE_DEMO, and TYPE_GAME.

Referenced by M_Credits_Key(), M_Demo_Key(), M_Help_Key(), M_Init(), M_Load_Key(), M_MultiPlayer_Key(), M_Options_Key(), M_Save_Key(), M_SinglePlayer_Key(), M_ToggleMenu(), and M_Transfusion_Episode_Key().

◆ M_Menu_ModList_AdjustSliders()

static void M_Menu_ModList_AdjustSliders ( int dir)

Definition at line 4636 of file menu.c.

4638 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu3.wav");
4640 // stop adding mods, we reach the limit
4641 if (!modlist[modlist_cursor].loaded && (modlist_numenabled == MODLIST_MAXDIRS)) return;
static int modlist_numenabled
Definition menu.c:4531
Definition menu.c:4530
static modlist_entry_t modlist[MODLIST_TOTALSIZE]
Definition menu.c:4547
static int modlist_cursor
Definition menu.c:4543
qbool loaded
Definition menu.c:4535

References modlist_entry_t::loaded, modlist, modlist_cursor, MODLIST_MAXDIRS, modlist_numenabled, and S_LocalSound().

Referenced by M_ModList_Key().

◆ M_Menu_ModList_f()

void M_Menu_ModList_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 4626 of file menu.c.

4630 m_entersound = true;
4631 modlist_cursor = 0;
4632 cl_connect_status[0] = '\0';
static void ModList_RebuildList(void)
Definition menu.c:4549

References cl_connect_status, key_dest, key_menu, m_entersound, m_modlist, m_state, modlist_cursor, and ModList_RebuildList().

Referenced by M_Init(), and M_Options_Key().

◆ M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f()

void M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 1202 of file menu.c.

1206 m_entersound = true;

References key_dest, key_menu, m_entersound, m_multiplayer, and m_state.

Referenced by M_GameOptions_Key(), M_Init(), M_LanConfig_Key(), M_Main_Key(), and M_Setup_Key().

◆ M_Menu_Options_AdjustSliders()

static void M_Menu_Options_AdjustSliders ( int dir)

Definition at line 1597 of file menu.c.

1599 int optnum;
1600 double f;
1601 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu3.wav");
1603 optnum = 0;
1604 if (options_cursor == optnum++) ;
1605 else if (options_cursor == optnum++) ;
1606 else if (options_cursor == optnum++) ;
1607 else if (options_cursor == optnum++) ;
1608 else if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick(&crosshair, bound(0, crosshair.integer + dir, 7));
1609 else if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick(&sensitivity, bound(1, sensitivity.value + dir * 0.5, 50));
1610 else if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick(&m_pitch, -m_pitch.value);
1611 else if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick(&scr_fov, bound(1, scr_fov.integer + dir * 1, 170));
1612 else if (options_cursor == optnum++)
1613 {
1614 if (cl_forwardspeed.value > 200)
1615 {
1618 }
1619 else
1620 {
1623 }
1624 }
1627 else if (options_cursor == optnum++) ;
1629 else if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick(&v_contrast, bound(1, v_contrast.value + dir * 0.0625, 4));
1630 else if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick(&v_gamma, bound(0.5, v_gamma.value + dir * 0.0625, 3));
1631 else if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick(&volume, bound(0, volume.value + dir * 0.0625, 1));
1632 else if (options_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick(&bgmvolume, bound(0, bgmvolume.value + dir * 0.0625, 1));
cvar_t cl_backspeed
Definition cl_input.c:366
cvar_t cl_forwardspeed
Definition cl_input.c:365
cvar_t sensitivity
Definition cl_main.c:53
cvar_t m_pitch
Definition cl_main.c:55
cvar_t scr_fov
Definition cl_screen.c:20
static int options_cursor
Definition menu.c:1582
cvar_t r_hdr_scenebrightness
Definition menu.c:1999
cvar_t cl_showfps
Definition sbar.c:88
cvar_t cl_showtime
Definition sbar.c:94
cvar_t cl_showdate
Definition sbar.c:96
struct cvar_s crosshair
Definition view.c:121
vec2 dir
cvar_t bgmvolume
Definition snd_main.c:165
cvar_t volume
Definition snd_main.c:166
cvar_t v_gamma
Definition vid_shared.c:172
cvar_t v_contrast
Definition vid_shared.c:173

References bgmvolume, bound, cl_backspeed, cl_forwardspeed, cl_showdate, cl_showfps, cl_showtime, crosshair, Cvar_SetValueQuick(), dir, f, cvar_t::integer, m_pitch, options_cursor, r_hdr_scenebrightness, S_LocalSound(), scr_fov, sensitivity, v_contrast, v_gamma, cvar_t::value, and volume.

Referenced by M_Options_Key().

◆ M_Menu_Options_ColorControl_AdjustSliders()

static void M_Menu_Options_ColorControl_AdjustSliders ( int dir)

Definition at line 2120 of file menu.c.

2122 int optnum;
2123 float f;
2124 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu3.wav");
2126 optnum = 1;
2127 if (options_colorcontrol_cursor == optnum++)
2128 {
2130 Cvar_SetValueQuick (&v_gamma, bound(1, v_gamma.value + dir * 0.125, 5));
2131 }
2132 else if (options_colorcontrol_cursor == optnum++)
2133 {
2136 }
2137 else if (options_colorcontrol_cursor == optnum++)
2138 {
2141 }
2142 else if (options_colorcontrol_cursor == optnum++)
2143 {
2145 }
2146 else if (options_colorcontrol_cursor == optnum++)
2147 {
2150 }
2151 else if (options_colorcontrol_cursor == optnum++)
2152 {
2155 }
2156 else if (options_colorcontrol_cursor == optnum++)
2157 {
2160 }
2161 else if (options_colorcontrol_cursor == optnum++)
2162 {
2164 f = bound(0, (v_color_black_r.value + v_color_black_g.value + v_color_black_b.value) / 3 + dir * 0.0125, 0.8);
2168 }
2169 else if (options_colorcontrol_cursor == optnum++)
2170 {
2173 }
2174 else if (options_colorcontrol_cursor == optnum++)
2175 {
2178 }
2179 else if (options_colorcontrol_cursor == optnum++)
2180 {
2183 }
2184 else if (options_colorcontrol_cursor == optnum++)
2185 {
2187 f = bound(0, (v_color_grey_r.value + v_color_grey_g.value + v_color_grey_b.value) / 3 + dir * 0.0125, 0.95);
2191 }
2192 else if (options_colorcontrol_cursor == optnum++)
2193 {
2196 }
2197 else if (options_colorcontrol_cursor == optnum++)
2198 {
2201 }
2202 else if (options_colorcontrol_cursor == optnum++)
2203 {
2206 }
2207 else if (options_colorcontrol_cursor == optnum++)
2208 {
2214 }
static int options_colorcontrol_cursor
Definition menu.c:2107
cvar_t v_color_enable
Definition vid_shared.c:176
cvar_t v_color_white_b
Definition vid_shared.c:185
cvar_t v_color_grey_b
Definition vid_shared.c:182
cvar_t v_color_white_g
Definition vid_shared.c:184
cvar_t v_color_black_r
Definition vid_shared.c:177
cvar_t v_color_black_b
Definition vid_shared.c:179
cvar_t v_color_black_g
Definition vid_shared.c:178
cvar_t v_color_grey_g
Definition vid_shared.c:181
cvar_t v_brightness
Definition vid_shared.c:174
cvar_t v_color_white_r
Definition vid_shared.c:183
cvar_t v_color_grey_r
Definition vid_shared.c:180

References bound, Cvar_SetValueQuick(), dir, f, cvar_t::integer, options_colorcontrol_cursor, S_LocalSound(), v_brightness, v_color_black_b, v_color_black_g, v_color_black_r, v_color_enable, v_color_grey_b, v_color_grey_g, v_color_grey_r, v_color_white_b, v_color_white_g, v_color_white_r, v_contrast, v_gamma, and cvar_t::value.

Referenced by M_Options_ColorControl_Key().

◆ M_Menu_Options_ColorControl_f()

void M_Menu_Options_ColorControl_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 2112 of file menu.c.

2116 m_entersound = true;

References key_dest, key_menu, m_entersound, m_options_colorcontrol, and m_state.

Referenced by M_Init(), and M_Options_Key().

◆ M_Menu_Options_Effects_AdjustSliders()

static void M_Menu_Options_Effects_AdjustSliders ( int dir)

Definition at line 1841 of file menu.c.

1843 int optnum;
1844 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu3.wav");
1846 optnum = 0;
1876 else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&gl_polyblend, bound(0, gl_polyblend.value + dir * 0.1, 1));
1877 else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&r_skyscroll1, bound(-8, r_skyscroll1.value + dir * 0.1, 8));
1878 else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&r_skyscroll2, bound(-8, r_skyscroll2.value + dir * 0.1, 8));
1879 else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&r_waterwarp, bound(0, r_waterwarp.value + dir * 0.1, 1));
1880 else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&r_wateralpha, bound(0, r_wateralpha.value + dir * 0.1, 1));
1881 else if (options_effects_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&r_waterscroll, bound(0, r_waterscroll.value + dir * 0.5, 10));
cvar_t cl_particles_blood_bloodhack
cvar_t cl_decals
cvar_t cl_particles_blood_alpha
cvar_t cl_particles_sparks
cvar_t cl_particles
cvar_t cl_particles_explosions_shell
cvar_t cl_particles_quake
cvar_t cl_particles_blood
cvar_t cl_particles_bulletimpacts
cvar_t cl_particles_smoke
cvar_t cl_particles_quality
cvar_t cl_particles_bubbles
cvar_t gl_polyblend
Definition gl_backend.c:17
cvar_t r_waterwarp
Definition gl_backend.c:13
cvar_t r_waterscroll
Definition gl_rmain.c:206
cvar_t r_wateralpha
Definition gl_rmain.c:120
cvar_t r_lerpsprites
Definition gl_rmain.c:202
cvar_t r_lerplightstyles
Definition gl_rmain.c:205
cvar_t r_lerpmodels
Definition gl_rmain.c:203
cvar_t r_lightningbeam_scroll
Definition r_lightning.c:6
cvar_t r_lightningbeam_repeatdistance
Definition r_lightning.c:7
cvar_t r_lightningbeam_color_red
Definition r_lightning.c:8
cvar_t cl_stainmaps_clearonload
Definition cl_main.c:76
cvar_t r_lightningbeam_color_blue
Definition r_lightning.c:10
cvar_t cl_stainmaps
Definition cl_main.c:75
static int options_effects_cursor
Definition menu.c:1814
cvar_t r_lightningbeam_color_green
Definition r_lightning.c:9
cvar_t r_explosionclip
Definition r_explosion.c:58
cvar_t cl_beams_instantaimhack
Definition cl_main.c:80
cvar_t cl_beams_polygons
Definition cl_main.c:78
cvar_t r_lightningbeam_thickness
Definition r_lightning.c:5
cvar_t r_lightningbeam_qmbtexture
Definition r_lightning.c:11
cvar_t cl_beams_lightatend
Definition cl_main.c:81
cvar_t cl_beams_quakepositionhack
Definition cl_main.c:79
cvar_t r_skyscroll1
Definition r_sky.c:7
cvar_t r_skyscroll2
Definition r_sky.c:8

References bound, cl_beams_instantaimhack, cl_beams_lightatend, cl_beams_polygons, cl_beams_quakepositionhack, cl_decals, cl_particles, cl_particles_blood, cl_particles_blood_alpha, cl_particles_blood_bloodhack, cl_particles_bubbles, cl_particles_bulletimpacts, cl_particles_explosions_shell, cl_particles_quake, cl_particles_quality, cl_particles_smoke, cl_particles_sparks, cl_stainmaps, cl_stainmaps_clearonload, Cvar_SetValueQuick(), dir, gl_polyblend, cvar_t::integer, options_effects_cursor, r_explosionclip, r_lerplightstyles, r_lerpmodels, r_lerpsprites, r_lightningbeam_color_blue, r_lightningbeam_color_green, r_lightningbeam_color_red, r_lightningbeam_qmbtexture, r_lightningbeam_repeatdistance, r_lightningbeam_scroll, r_lightningbeam_thickness, r_skyscroll1, r_skyscroll2, r_wateralpha, r_waterscroll, r_waterwarp, S_LocalSound(), and cvar_t::value.

Referenced by M_Options_Effects_Key().

◆ M_Menu_Options_Effects_f()

void M_Menu_Options_Effects_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 1816 of file menu.c.

1820 m_entersound = true;

References key_dest, key_menu, m_entersound, m_options_effects, and m_state.

Referenced by M_Init(), and M_Options_Key().

◆ M_Menu_Options_f()

◆ M_Menu_Options_Graphics_AdjustSliders()

static void M_Menu_Options_Graphics_AdjustSliders ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
int dir )

Definition at line 2003 of file menu.c.

2005 int optnum;
2006 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu3.wav");
2008 optnum = 0;
2010 if (options_graphics_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&r_coronas, bound(0, r_coronas.value + dir * 0.125, 4));
2021 else if (options_graphics_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&r_bloom_colorscale, bound(0.0625, r_bloom_colorscale.value + dir * 0.0625, 1));
2022 else if (options_graphics_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&r_bloom_colorsubtract, bound(0, r_bloom_colorsubtract.value + dir * 0.0625, 1-0.0625));
2023 else if (options_graphics_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&r_bloom_colorexponent, bound(1, r_bloom_colorexponent.value * (dir > 0 ? 2.0 : 0.5), 8));
2025 else if (options_graphics_cursor == optnum++) Cvar_SetValueQuick (&r_bloom_blur, bound(1, r_bloom_blur.value + dir * 1, 16));
2027 else if (options_graphics_cursor == optnum++) Cbuf_AddText(cmd, "r_restart\n");
cvar_t r_bloom_colorsubtract
Definition gl_rmain.c:215
cvar_t r_shadow_realtime_dlight
Definition r_shadow.c:159
cvar_t r_bloom_colorexponent
Definition gl_rmain.c:214
cvar_t r_bloom
Definition gl_rmain.c:208
cvar_t r_shadow_realtime_world_shadows
Definition r_shadow.c:166
cvar_t r_shadow_realtime_world
Definition r_shadow.c:163
cvar_t r_coronas
Definition r_shadow.c:233
static int options_graphics_cursor
Definition menu.c:1977
cvar_t r_bloom_colorscale
Definition gl_rmain.c:209
cvar_t r_bloom_resolution
Definition gl_rmain.c:213
cvar_t r_bloom_brighten
Definition gl_rmain.c:211
cvar_t r_shadow_gloss
Definition r_shadow.c:147
cvar_t r_bloom_blur
Definition gl_rmain.c:212
cvar_t r_shadow_realtime_dlight_shadows
Definition r_shadow.c:160
cvar_t r_shadow_realtime_world_lightmaps
Definition r_shadow.c:165
cvar_t r_hdr_glowintensity
Definition gl_rmain.c:219
cvar_t gl_flashblend
Definition r_shadow.c:236

References bound, Cbuf_AddText(), cmd(), Cvar_SetValueQuick(), dir, gl_flashblend, cvar_t::integer, options_graphics_cursor, r_bloom, r_bloom_blur, r_bloom_brighten, r_bloom_colorexponent, r_bloom_colorscale, r_bloom_colorsubtract, r_bloom_resolution, r_coronas, r_hdr_glowintensity, r_hdr_scenebrightness, r_shadow_gloss, r_shadow_realtime_dlight, r_shadow_realtime_dlight_shadows, r_shadow_realtime_world, r_shadow_realtime_world_lightmaps, r_shadow_realtime_world_shadows, S_LocalSound(), and cvar_t::value.

Referenced by M_Options_Graphics_Key().

◆ M_Menu_Options_Graphics_f()

void M_Menu_Options_Graphics_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 1979 of file menu.c.

1983 m_entersound = true;

References key_dest, key_menu, m_entersound, m_options_graphics, and m_state.

Referenced by M_Init(), and M_Options_Key().

◆ M_Menu_Quit_f()

void M_Menu_Quit_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 3264 of file menu.c.

3266 int n;
3267 if (m_state == m_quit)
3268 return;
3272 m_state = m_quit;
3273 m_entersound = true;
3274 // count how many there are
3275 for (n = 1;M_ChooseQuitMessage(n);n++);
3276 // choose one
3277 M_ChooseQuitMessage(rand() % n);
static int m_quit_prevstate
Definition menu.c:3182
static int M_ChooseQuitMessage(int request)
Definition menu.c:3200
static qbool wasInMenus
Definition menu.c:3183

References key_dest, key_menu, key_menu_grabbed, M_ChooseQuitMessage(), m_entersound, m_quit, m_quit_prevstate, m_state, n, and wasInMenus.

Referenced by M_Init(), and M_Main_Key().

◆ M_Menu_Reset_f()

void M_Menu_Reset_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 2741 of file menu.c.

2744 m_state = m_reset;
2745 m_entersound = true;

References key_dest, key_menu, m_entersound, m_reset, and m_state.

Referenced by M_Init(), and M_Options_Key().

◆ M_Menu_Save_f()

void M_Menu_Save_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 901 of file menu.c.

903 if (!sv.active)
904 return;
905#if 1
906 // LadyHavoc: allow saving multiplayer games
908 return;
910 if (cl.intermission)
911 return;
912 if (!cl.islocalgame)
913 return;
915 m_entersound = true;
916 m_state = m_save;
918 M_ScanSaves ();

References server_t::active, cl, client_state_t::intermission, client_state_t::islocalgame, key_dest, key_menu, m_entersound, m_save, M_ScanSaves(), m_state, and sv.

Referenced by M_Init(), M_Main_Key(), and M_SinglePlayer_Key().

◆ M_Menu_ServerList_f()

void M_Menu_ServerList_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 4403 of file menu.c.

4406 m_state = m_slist;
4407 m_entersound = true;
4408 slist_cursor = 0;
4409 cl_connect_status[0] = '\0';
4410 if (lanConfig_cursor == 2)
4411 Net_SlistQW_f(cmd);
4412 else
4413 Net_Slist_f(cmd);
static unsigned slist_cursor
Definition menu.c:4400

References cl_connect_status, cmd(), key_dest, key_menu, lanConfig_cursor, m_entersound, m_slist, m_state, and slist_cursor.

Referenced by M_LanConfig_Key().

◆ M_Menu_Setup_f()

void M_Menu_Setup_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 1294 of file menu.c.

1297 m_state = m_setup;
1298 m_entersound = true;
cvar_t cl_rate
Definition cl_cmd.c:33
cvar_t cl_name
User-visible names of these CF_USERINFO cvars must be matched in CL_SetInfo()!
Definition cl_cmd.c:32
static int setup_rate
Definition menu.c:1286
static int setup_oldbottom
Definition menu.c:1283
static int setup_bottom
Definition menu.c:1285
static int setup_top
Definition menu.c:1284
cvar_t cl_bottomcolor
Definition cl_cmd.c:36
static char setup_myname[MAX_SCOREBOARDNAME]
Definition menu.c:1281
cvar_t cl_topcolor
Definition cl_cmd.c:35
static int setup_oldtop
Definition menu.c:1282

References cl_bottomcolor, cl_name, cl_rate, cl_topcolor, dp_strlcpy, cvar_t::integer, key_dest, key_menu, m_entersound, m_setup, m_state, setup_bottom, setup_myname, setup_oldbottom, setup_oldtop, setup_rate, setup_top, and cvar_t::string.

Referenced by M_Init(), and M_MultiPlayer_Key().

◆ M_Menu_SinglePlayer_f()

void M_Menu_SinglePlayer_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 742 of file menu.c.

746 m_entersound = true;

References key_dest, key_menu, m_entersound, m_singleplayer, and m_state.

Referenced by M_Init(), M_Load_Key(), M_Main_Key(), and M_Save_Key().

◆ M_Menu_Transfusion_Episode_f()

void M_Menu_Transfusion_Episode_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 1042 of file menu.c.

1044 m_entersound = true;

References key_dest, key_menu, m_entersound, m_state, and m_transfusion_episode.

Referenced by M_Init(), M_Main_Key(), M_SinglePlayer_Key(), and M_Transfusion_Skill_Key().

◆ M_Menu_Transfusion_Skill_f()

void M_Menu_Transfusion_Skill_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 1100 of file menu.c.

1102 m_entersound = true;

References key_dest, key_menu, m_entersound, m_state, and m_transfusion_skill.

Referenced by M_Init(), and M_Transfusion_Episode_Key().

◆ M_Menu_Video_AdjustSliders()

static void M_Menu_Video_AdjustSliders ( int dir)

Definition at line 2999 of file menu.c.

3001 int t;
3003 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu3.wav");
3005 t = 0;
3006 if (video_cursor == t++)
3007 {
3008 // Resolution
3009 int r;
3010 for(r = 0;r < menu_video_resolutions_count;r++)
3011 {
3015 if (menu_video_resolution < 0)
3018 break;
3019 }
3020 }
3021 else if (video_cursor == t++)
3022 Cvar_SetValueQuick (&vid_samples, bound(1, vid_samples.value * (dir > 0 ? 2 : 0.5), 32));
3023 else if (video_cursor == t++) // allow jumping from the minimum refreshrate to 0 (auto)
3025 else if (video_cursor == t++)
3027 else if (video_cursor == t++)
3029 else if (video_cursor == t++)
3031 else if (video_cursor == t++)
3033 else if (video_cursor == t++)
3035 else if (video_cursor == t++)
3037 else if (video_cursor == t++)
cvar_t gl_texturecompression
Definition gl_textures.c:37
static int video_cursor
Definition menu.c:2847
static int menu_video_resolution
Definition menu.c:2849
static video_resolution_t * menu_video_resolutions
Definition menu.c:2854
cvar_t gl_picmip
Definition gl_textures.c:29
cvar_t gl_texture_anisotropy
Definition gl_textures.c:36
static int menu_video_resolutions_count
Definition menu.c:2855
dp_FragColor r
unsigned int max_anisotropy
Definition vid.h:86
cvar_t vid_refreshrate
Definition vid_shared.c:140
cvar_t vid_minwidth
Definition vid_shared.c:154
cvar_t vid_display
Definition vid_shared.c:166
cvar_t vid_vsync
Definition vid_shared.c:149
cvar_t vid_info_displaycount
Definition vid_shared.c:167
viddef_t vid
global video state
Definition vid_shared.c:64
cvar_t vid_samples
Definition vid_shared.c:139
cvar_t vid_desktopfullscreen
Definition vid_shared.c:165
cvar_t vid_minheight
Definition vid_shared.c:155
cvar_t vid_fullscreen
Definition vid_shared.c:134

References bound, Cvar_SetValueQuick(), dir, gl_picmip, gl_texture_anisotropy, gl_texturecompression, video_resolution_t::height, cvar_t::integer, viddef_t::max_anisotropy, menu_video_resolution, menu_video_resolutions, menu_video_resolutions_count, r, S_LocalSound(), cvar_t::value, vid, vid_desktopfullscreen, vid_display, vid_fullscreen, vid_info_displaycount, vid_minheight, vid_minwidth, vid_refreshrate, vid_samples, vid_vsync, video_cursor, and width.

Referenced by M_Video_Key().

◆ M_Menu_Video_f()

void M_Menu_Video_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 2906 of file menu.c.

2909 m_state = m_video;
2910 m_entersound = true;
cvar_t vid_pixelheight
Definition cl_screen.c:58
static void M_Menu_Video_FindResolution(int w, int h, float a)
Definition menu.c:2858
int width
Definition vid.h:60
int height
Definition vid.h:61
viddef_mode_t mode
currently active video mode
Definition vid.h:73

References viddef_mode_t::height, key_dest, key_menu, m_entersound, M_Menu_Video_FindResolution(), m_state, m_video, viddef_t::mode, cvar_t::value, vid, vid_pixelheight, and viddef_mode_t::width.

Referenced by M_Init(), and M_Options_Key().

◆ M_Menu_Video_FindResolution()

static void M_Menu_Video_FindResolution ( int w,
int h,
float a )

Definition at line 2858 of file menu.c.

2860 int i;
2863 {
2866 }
2867 else
2868 {
2871 }
2873 // Look for the closest match to the current resolution
2875 for (i = 1;i < menu_video_resolutions_count;i++)
2876 {
2877 // if the new mode would be a worse match in width, skip it
2879 continue;
2880 // if it is equal in width, check height
2882 {
2883 // if the new mode would be a worse match in height, skip it
2885 continue;
2886 // if it is equal in width and height, check pixel aspect
2888 {
2889 // if the new mode would be a worse match in pixel aspect, skip it
2890 if (fabs(menu_video_resolutions[i].pixelheight - a) > fabs(menu_video_resolutions[menu_video_resolution].pixelheight - a))
2891 continue;
2892 // if it is equal in everything, skip it (prefer earlier modes)
2893 if (menu_video_resolutions[i].pixelheight == a && menu_video_resolutions[menu_video_resolution].pixelheight == a)
2894 continue;
2895 // better match for width, height, and pixel aspect
2897 }
2898 else // better match for width and height
2900 }
2901 else // better match for width
2903 }
GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte w
Definition glquake.h:782
video_resolution_t * video_resolutions
Definition menu.c:2851
video_resolution_t video_resolutions_hardcoded[]
Definition menu.c:2782
static qbool menu_video_resolutions_forfullscreen
Definition menu.c:2856
int video_resolutions_count
Definition menu.c:2852
int video_resolutions_hardcoded_count
Definition menu.c:2844
ret a

References a, fabs(), height, i, menu_video_resolution, menu_video_resolutions, menu_video_resolutions_count, menu_video_resolutions_forfullscreen, video_resolutions, video_resolutions_count, video_resolutions_hardcoded, video_resolutions_hardcoded_count, w, and width.

Referenced by M_Menu_Video_f(), M_Video_Draw(), and MR_Init().

◆ M_ModList_Draw()

static void M_ModList_Draw ( void )

Definition at line 4647 of file menu.c.

4649 int n, y, visible, start, end;
4650 cachepic_t *p;
4651 const char *s_available = "Available Mods";
4652 const char *s_enabled = "Enabled Mods";
4654 // use as much vertical space as available
4657 else
4660 M_PrintRed(48 + 32, 32, s_available);
4661 M_PrintRed(432, 32, s_enabled);
4662 // Draw a list box with all enabled mods
4663 DrawQ_Pic(menu_x + 432, menu_y + 48, NULL, 172, 8 * modlist_numenabled, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0);
4664 for (n = 0, y = 48; n < modlist_count; n++)
4665 if (modlist[n].loaded)
4666 {
4667 M_PrintRed(432, y, modlist[n].dir);
4668 y += 8;
4669 }
4671 if (*cl_connect_status)
4673 // scroll the list as the cursor moves
4674 y = 48;
4675 visible = (int)((menu_height - 16 - y) / 8 / 2);
4676 start = bound(0, modlist_cursor - (visible >> 1), modlist_count - visible);
4677 end = min(start + visible, modlist_count);
4679 p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_option");
4680 M_DrawPic((640 - Draw_GetPicWidth(p)) / 2, 4, "gfx/p_option");
4681 if (end > start)
4682 {
4683 for (n = start;n < end;n++)
4684 {
4685 const char *item_label = (modlist[n].name[0] != '\0') ? modlist[n].name : modlist[n].dir;
4687 DrawQ_Pic(menu_x + 40, menu_y + y, NULL, 360, 8, n == modlist_cursor ? (0.5 + 0.2 * sin(host.realtime * M_PI)) : 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0);
4688 M_ItemPrint(80, y, item_label, true);
4689 M_DrawCheckbox(48, y, modlist[n].loaded);
4690 y +=8;
4691 }
4692 }
4693 else
4694 {
4695 M_Print(80, y, "No Mods found");
4696 }
#define M_PI
Definition mathlib.h:28
static void M_ItemPrint(float cx, float cy, const char *str, int unghosted)
Definition menu.c:201
static int modlist_count
Definition menu.c:4546
static void M_DrawCheckbox(int x, int y, int on)
Definition menu.c:1569
float sin(float f)
char name[128]
Definition menu.c:4538

References bound, cl_connect_status, dir, modlist_entry_t::dir, Draw_CachePic(), Draw_GetPicWidth(), DrawQ_Pic(), GAME_TRANSFUSION, gamemode, host, int(), cvar_t::integer, M_Background(), M_DrawCheckbox(), M_DrawPic(), M_ItemPrint(), M_PI, M_Print(), M_PrintRed(), menu_height, menu_x, menu_y, min, modlist, modlist_count, modlist_cursor, modlist_numenabled, n, modlist_entry_t::name, name, NULL, host_static_t::realtime, sin(), vid_conheight, and y.

Referenced by M_Draw().

◆ M_ModList_Key()

static void M_ModList_Key ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
int key,
int ascii )

Definition at line 4699 of file menu.c.

4701 switch (k)
4702 {
4703 case K_ESCAPE:
4704 ModList_Enable ();
4706 break;
4708 case K_SPACE:
4709 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu2.wav");
4711 break;
4713 case K_UPARROW:
4714 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
4716 if (modlist_cursor < 0)
4718 break;
4720 case K_LEFTARROW:
4722 break;
4724 case K_DOWNARROW:
4725 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
4728 modlist_cursor = 0;
4729 break;
4731 case K_RIGHTARROW:
4733 break;
4735 case K_ENTER:
4736 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu2.wav");
4737 ModList_Enable ();
4738 break;
4740 default:
4741 break;
4742 }
float K_SPACE
Definition keycodes.qc:10
static void M_Menu_ModList_AdjustSliders(int dir)
Definition menu.c:4636
static void ModList_Enable(void)
Definition menu.c:4598

References cmd(), K_DOWNARROW, K_ENTER, K_ESCAPE, K_LEFTARROW, K_RIGHTARROW, K_SPACE, K_UPARROW, M_Menu_ModList_AdjustSliders(), M_Menu_Options_f(), modlist_count, modlist_cursor, ModList_Enable(), ModList_RebuildList(), and S_LocalSound().

Referenced by M_KeyEvent().

◆ M_MultiPlayer_Draw()

static void M_MultiPlayer_Draw ( void )

Definition at line 1210 of file menu.c.

1212 int f;
1213 cachepic_t *p;
1214 char vabuf[1024];
1217 {
1218 M_Background(640, 480);
1219 p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/menu/tb-online");
1220 M_DrawPic (640/2 - Draw_GetPicWidth(p)/2, 140, "gfx/menu/tb-online");
1221 for (f = 1; f <= MULTIPLAYER_ITEMS; f++)
1222 M_DrawPic (0, 180 + f*40, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "gfx/menu/online%i", f));
1223 M_DrawPic (0, 220 + m_multiplayer_cursor * 40, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "gfx/menu/online%iselected", m_multiplayer_cursor + 1));
1224 return;
1225 }
1226 M_Background(320, 200);
1228 M_DrawPic (16, 4, "gfx/qplaque");
1229 p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_multi");
1230 M_DrawPic ( (320-Draw_GetPicWidth(p))/2, 4, "gfx/p_multi");
1231 M_DrawPic (72, 32, "gfx/mp_menu");
1233 f = (int)(host.realtime * 10)%6;
1235 M_DrawPic (54, 32 + m_multiplayer_cursor * 20, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "gfx/menudot%i", f+1));
Definition menu.c:1199
static int m_multiplayer_cursor
Definition menu.c:1198

References Draw_CachePic(), Draw_GetPicWidth(), f, GAME_TRANSFUSION, gamemode, host, int(), M_Background(), M_DrawPic(), m_multiplayer_cursor, MULTIPLAYER_ITEMS, host_static_t::realtime, and va().

Referenced by M_Draw().

◆ M_MultiPlayer_Key()

static void M_MultiPlayer_Key ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
int key,
int ascii )

Definition at line 1239 of file menu.c.

1241 switch (key)
1242 {
1243 case K_ESCAPE:
1245 break;
1247 case K_DOWNARROW:
1248 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
1251 break;
1253 case K_UPARROW:
1254 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
1255 if (--m_multiplayer_cursor < 0)
1257 break;
1259 case K_ENTER:
1260 m_entersound = true;
1261 switch (m_multiplayer_cursor)
1262 {
1263 case 0:
1264 case 1:
1266 break;
1268 case 2:
1270 break;
1271 }
1272 }
void M_Menu_LanConfig_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition menu.c:3344

References cmd(), K_DOWNARROW, K_ENTER, K_ESCAPE, K_UPARROW, m_entersound, M_Menu_LanConfig_f(), M_Menu_Main_f(), M_Menu_Setup_f(), m_multiplayer_cursor, MULTIPLAYER_ITEMS, and S_LocalSound().

Referenced by M_KeyEvent().

◆ M_NetStart_Change()

static void M_NetStart_Change ( int dir)

Definition at line 4151 of file menu.c.

4153 int count;
4155 switch (gameoptions_cursor)
4156 {
4157 case 1:
4158 maxplayers += dir;
4160 {
4162 m_serverInfoMessage = true;
4164 }
4165 if (maxplayers < 2)
4166 maxplayers = 2;
4167 break;
4169 case 2:
4171 break;
4173 {
4174 switch (deathmatch.integer)
4175 {
4176 // From Cooperative to BloodBath
4177 case 0:
4180 break;
4182 // From BloodBath to CTF
4183 case 1:
4186 break;
4188 // From CTF to Cooperative
4189 //case 2:
4190 default:
4193 }
4194 }
4195 else if (gamemode == GAME_BATTLEMECH)
4196 {
4197 if (deathmatch.integer == 2) // changing from Rambo to Deathmatch
4199 else // changing from Deathmatch to Rambo
4201 }
4202 else
4203 {
4204 if (deathmatch.integer) // changing from deathmatch to coop
4205 {
4208 }
4209 else // changing from coop to deathmatch
4210 {
4213 }
4214 }
4215 break;
4217 case 3:
4219 break;
4220 if (gamemode == GAME_ROGUE)
4221 count = 6;
4222 else
4223 count = 2;
4226 if (teamplay.integer > count)
4228 else if (teamplay.integer < 0)
4230 break;
4232 case 4:
4234 break;
4237 {
4238 if (skill.integer > 5)
4240 if (skill.integer < 1)
4242 }
4243 else
4244 {
4245 if (skill.integer > 3)
4247 if (skill.integer < 0)
4249 }
4250 break;
4252 case 5:
4254 break;
4256 if (fraglimit.integer > 100)
4258 if (fraglimit.integer < 0)
4260 break;
4262 case 6:
4264 break;
4266 if (timelimit.value > 60)
4268 if (timelimit.value < 0)
4270 break;
4272 case 7:
4274 break;
4276 case 8:
4280 break;
4282 case 9:
4283 break;
4285 case 10:
4287 break;
4288 startepisode += dir;
4290 if (startepisode < 0)
4294 startepisode = 0;
4296 startlevel = 0;
4297 break;
4299 case 11:
4300 startlevel += dir;
4302 if (startlevel < 0)
4306 startlevel = 0;
4307 break;
4308 }
GLenum GLenum GLsizei count
Definition glquake.h:656
limits "rate" and "sv_maxrate" cvars
Definition qdefs.h:180
int levels
Definition menu.c:3541
int numepisodes
Definition menu.c:3549

References coop, count, Cvar_SetValueQuick(), deathmatch, dir, gamelevels_t::episodes, fraglimit, GAME_BATTLEMECH, GAME_GOODVSBAD2, GAME_ROGUE, GAME_TRANSFUSION, gamemode, gameoptions_cursor, gameoptions_levels, host, cvar_t::integer, episode_t::levels, m_serverInfoMessage, m_serverInfoMessageTime, MAX_SCOREBOARD, maxplayers, NET_MINRATE, gamelevels_t::numepisodes, host_static_t::realtime, skill, startepisode, startlevel, sv_maxrate, sv_public, teamplay, timelimit, and cvar_t::value.

Referenced by M_GameOptions_Key().

◆ M_NewMap()

static void M_NewMap ( void )

Definition at line 5032 of file menu.c.


Referenced by MR_SetRouting().

◆ M_Options_ColorControl_Draw()

static void M_Options_ColorControl_Draw ( void )

Definition at line 2217 of file menu.c.

2219 int visible;
2220 float x, s, t, u, v;
2221 float c[3];
2222 cachepic_t *p, *dither;
2224 dither = Draw_CachePic_Flags ("gfx/colorcontrol/ditherpattern", CACHEPICFLAG_NOCLAMP);
2226 M_Background(320, 256);
2228 M_DrawPic(16, 4, "gfx/qplaque");
2229 p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_option");
2230 M_DrawPic((320-Draw_GetPicWidth(p))/2, 4, "gfx/p_option");
2233 m_optnum = 0;
2234 visible = (int)((menu_height - 32) / 8);
2235 m_opty = 32 - bound(0, m_optcursor - (visible >> 1), max(0, OPTIONS_COLORCONTROL_ITEMS - visible)) * 8;
2237 M_Options_PrintCommand( " Reset to defaults", true);
2241 M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Color Level Controls", true, v_color_enable.integer);
2255 m_opty += 4;
2256 DrawQ_Fill(menu_x, menu_y + m_opty, 320, 4 + 64 + 8 + 64 + 4, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0);m_opty += 4;
2257 s = (float) 312 / 2 * vid.mode.width / vid_conwidth.integer;
2258 t = (float) 4 / 2 * vid.mode.height / vid_conheight.integer;
2259 DrawQ_SuperPic(menu_x + 4, menu_y + m_opty, dither, 312, 4, 0,0, 1,0,0,1, s,0, 1,0,0,1, 0,t, 1,0,0,1, s,t, 1,0,0,1, 0);m_opty += 4;
2260 DrawQ_SuperPic(menu_x + 4, menu_y + m_opty, NULL , 312, 4, 0,0, 0,0,0,1, 1,0, 1,0,0,1, 0,1, 0,0,0,1, 1,1, 1,0,0,1, 0);m_opty += 4;
2261 DrawQ_SuperPic(menu_x + 4, menu_y + m_opty, dither, 312, 4, 0,0, 0,1,0,1, s,0, 0,1,0,1, 0,t, 0,1,0,1, s,t, 0,1,0,1, 0);m_opty += 4;
2262 DrawQ_SuperPic(menu_x + 4, menu_y + m_opty, NULL , 312, 4, 0,0, 0,0,0,1, 1,0, 0,1,0,1, 0,1, 0,0,0,1, 1,1, 0,1,0,1, 0);m_opty += 4;
2263 DrawQ_SuperPic(menu_x + 4, menu_y + m_opty, dither, 312, 4, 0,0, 0,0,1,1, s,0, 0,0,1,1, 0,t, 0,0,1,1, s,t, 0,0,1,1, 0);m_opty += 4;
2264 DrawQ_SuperPic(menu_x + 4, menu_y + m_opty, NULL , 312, 4, 0,0, 0,0,0,1, 1,0, 0,0,1,1, 0,1, 0,0,0,1, 1,1, 0,0,1,1, 0);m_opty += 4;
2265 DrawQ_SuperPic(menu_x + 4, menu_y + m_opty, dither, 312, 4, 0,0, 1,1,1,1, s,0, 1,1,1,1, 0,t, 1,1,1,1, s,t, 1,1,1,1, 0);m_opty += 4;
2266 DrawQ_SuperPic(menu_x + 4, menu_y + m_opty, NULL , 312, 4, 0,0, 0,0,0,1, 1,0, 1,1,1,1, 0,1, 0,0,0,1, 1,1, 1,1,1,1, 0);m_opty += 4;
2268 c[0] = menu_options_colorcontrol_correctionvalue.value; // intensity value that should be matched up to a 50% dither to 'correct' quake
2269 c[1] = c[0];
2270 c[2] = c[1];
2272 s = (float) 48 / 2 * vid.mode.width / vid_conwidth.integer;
2273 t = (float) 48 / 2 * vid.mode.height / vid_conheight.integer;
2274 u = s * 0.5;
2275 v = t * 0.5;
2276 m_opty += 8;
2277 x = 4;
2278 DrawQ_Fill(menu_x + x, menu_y + m_opty, 64, 48, c[0], 0, 0, 1, 0);
2279 DrawQ_SuperPic(menu_x + x + 16, menu_y + m_opty + 16, dither, 16, 16, 0,0, 1,0,0,1, s,0, 1,0,0,1, 0,t, 1,0,0,1, s,t, 1,0,0,1, 0);
2280 DrawQ_SuperPic(menu_x + x + 32, menu_y + m_opty + 16, dither, 16, 16, 0,0, 1,0,0,1, u,0, 1,0,0,1, 0,v, 1,0,0,1, u,v, 1,0,0,1, 0);
2281 x += 80;
2282 DrawQ_Fill(menu_x + x, menu_y + m_opty, 64, 48, 0, c[1], 0, 1, 0);
2283 DrawQ_SuperPic(menu_x + x + 16, menu_y + m_opty + 16, dither, 16, 16, 0,0, 0,1,0,1, s,0, 0,1,0,1, 0,t, 0,1,0,1, s,t, 0,1,0,1, 0);
2284 DrawQ_SuperPic(menu_x + x + 32, menu_y + m_opty + 16, dither, 16, 16, 0,0, 0,1,0,1, u,0, 0,1,0,1, 0,v, 0,1,0,1, u,v, 0,1,0,1, 0);
2285 x += 80;
2286 DrawQ_Fill(menu_x + x, menu_y + m_opty, 64, 48, 0, 0, c[2], 1, 0);
2287 DrawQ_SuperPic(menu_x + x + 16, menu_y + m_opty + 16, dither, 16, 16, 0,0, 0,0,1,1, s,0, 0,0,1,1, 0,t, 0,0,1,1, s,t, 0,0,1,1, 0);
2288 DrawQ_SuperPic(menu_x + x + 32, menu_y + m_opty + 16, dither, 16, 16, 0,0, 0,0,1,1, u,0, 0,0,1,1, 0,v, 0,0,1,1, u,v, 0,0,1,1, 0);
2289 x += 80;
2290 DrawQ_Fill(menu_x + x, menu_y + m_opty, 64, 48, c[0], c[1], c[2], 1, 0);
2291 DrawQ_SuperPic(menu_x + x + 16, menu_y + m_opty + 16, dither, 16, 16, 0,0, 1,1,1,1, s,0, 1,1,1,1, 0,t, 1,1,1,1, s,t, 1,1,1,1, 0);
2292 DrawQ_SuperPic(menu_x + x + 32, menu_y + m_opty + 16, dither, 16, 16, 0,0, 1,1,1,1, u,0, 1,1,1,1, 0,v, 1,1,1,1, u,v, 1,1,1,1, 0);
Definition draw.h:39
void DrawQ_SuperPic(float x, float y, cachepic_t *pic, float width, float height, float s1, float t1, float r1, float g1, float b1, float a1, float s2, float t2, float r2, float g2, float b2, float a2, float s3, float t3, float r3, float g3, float b3, float a3, float s4, float t4, float r4, float g4, float b4, float a4, int flags)
Definition gl_draw.c:1380
const GLdouble * v
Definition glquake.h:762
#define max(A, B)
Definition mathlib.h:38
static int m_opty
Definition menu.c:1636
static int m_optnum
Definition menu.c:1635
static cvar_t menu_options_colorcontrol_correctionvalue
Definition menu.c:2110
static void M_Options_PrintCommand(const char *s, int enabled)
Definition menu.c:1639
static void M_Options_PrintCheckbox(const char *s, int enabled, int yes)
Definition menu.c:1651
Definition menu.c:2105
static int m_optcursor
Definition menu.c:1637
static void M_Options_PrintSlider(const char *s, int enabled, float value, float minvalue, float maxvalue)
Definition menu.c:1664
void VID_ApplyGammaToColor(const float *rgb, float *out)
applies current gamma settings to a color (0-1 range)

References bound, CACHEPICFLAG_NOCLAMP, Draw_CachePic(), Draw_CachePic_Flags(), Draw_GetPicWidth(), DrawQ_Fill(), DrawQ_SuperPic(), float, viddef_mode_t::height, int(), cvar_t::integer, M_Background(), M_DrawPic(), m_optcursor, M_Options_PrintCheckbox(), M_Options_PrintCommand(), M_Options_PrintSlider(), m_optnum, m_opty, max, menu_height, menu_options_colorcontrol_correctionvalue, menu_x, menu_y, viddef_t::mode, NULL, options_colorcontrol_cursor, OPTIONS_COLORCONTROL_ITEMS, v, v_brightness, v_color_black_b, v_color_black_g, v_color_black_r, v_color_enable, v_color_grey_b, v_color_grey_g, v_color_grey_r, v_color_white_b, v_color_white_g, v_color_white_r, v_contrast, v_gamma, cvar_t::value, vid, VID_ApplyGammaToColor(), vid_conheight, vid_conwidth, viddef_mode_t::width, and x.

Referenced by M_Draw().

◆ M_Options_ColorControl_Key()

static void M_Options_ColorControl_Key ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
int key,
int ascii )

Definition at line 2296 of file menu.c.

2298 switch (k)
2299 {
2300 case K_ESCAPE:
2302 break;
2304 case K_ENTER:
2305 m_entersound = true;
2307 {
2308 case 0:
2322 break;
2323 default:
2325 break;
2326 }
2327 return;
2329 case K_UPARROW:
2330 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
2334 break;
2336 case K_DOWNARROW:
2337 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
2341 break;
2343 case K_LEFTARROW:
2345 break;
2347 case K_RIGHTARROW:
2349 break;
2350 }
static void M_Menu_Options_ColorControl_AdjustSliders(int dir)
Definition menu.c:2120

References cmd(), Cvar_SetValueQuick(), K_DOWNARROW, K_ENTER, K_ESCAPE, K_LEFTARROW, K_RIGHTARROW, K_UPARROW, m_entersound, M_Menu_Options_ColorControl_AdjustSliders(), M_Menu_Options_f(), options_colorcontrol_cursor, OPTIONS_COLORCONTROL_ITEMS, S_LocalSound(), v_brightness, v_color_black_b, v_color_black_g, v_color_black_r, v_color_enable, v_color_grey_b, v_color_grey_g, v_color_grey_r, v_color_white_b, v_color_white_g, v_color_white_r, v_contrast, and v_gamma.

Referenced by M_KeyEvent().

◆ M_Options_Draw()

static void M_Options_Draw ( void )

Definition at line 1677 of file menu.c.

1679 int visible;
1680 cachepic_t *p;
1684 M_DrawPic(16, 4, "gfx/qplaque");
1685 p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_option");
1686 M_DrawPic((320-Draw_GetPicWidth(p))/2, 4, "gfx/p_option");
1688 m_optnum = 0;
1690 visible = (int)((menu_height - 32) / 8);
1691 m_opty = 32 - bound(0, m_optcursor - (visible >> 1), max(0, OPTIONS_ITEMS - visible)) * 8;
1693 M_Options_PrintCommand( " Customize controls", true);
1694 M_Options_PrintCommand( " Go to console", true);
1695 M_Options_PrintCommand( " Reset to defaults", true);
1696 M_Options_PrintCommand( " Change Video Mode", true);
1697 M_Options_PrintSlider( " Crosshair", true, crosshair.value, 0, 7);
1698 M_Options_PrintSlider( " Mouse Speed", true, sensitivity.value, 1, 50);
1699 M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Invert Mouse", true, m_pitch.value < 0);
1700 M_Options_PrintSlider( " Field of View", true, scr_fov.integer, 1, 170);
1701 M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Always Run", true, cl_forwardspeed.value > 200);
1702 M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Show Framerate", true, cl_showfps.integer);
1703 M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Show Date and Time", true, cl_showdate.integer && cl_showtime.integer);
1704 M_Options_PrintCommand( " Custom Brightness", true);
1705 M_Options_PrintSlider( " Game Brightness", true, r_hdr_scenebrightness.value, 1, 4);
1706 M_Options_PrintSlider( " Brightness", true, v_contrast.value, 1, 2);
1707 M_Options_PrintSlider( " Gamma", true, v_gamma.value, 0.5, 3);
1708 M_Options_PrintSlider( " Sound Volume", snd_initialized.integer, volume.value, 0, 1);
1710 M_Options_PrintCommand( " Customize Effects", true);
1711 M_Options_PrintCommand( " Effects: Quake", true);
1712 M_Options_PrintCommand( " Effects: Normal", true);
1713 M_Options_PrintCommand( " Effects: High", true);
1714 M_Options_PrintCommand( " Customize Lighting", true);
1715 M_Options_PrintCommand( " Lighting: Flares", true);
1716 M_Options_PrintCommand( " Lighting: Normal", true);
1717 M_Options_PrintCommand( " Lighting: High", true);
1718 M_Options_PrintCommand( " Lighting: Full", true);
1719 M_Options_PrintCommand( " Browse Mods", true);
cvar_t cdaudioinitialized
Definition cd_shared.c:28
Definition menu.c:1579
cvar_t snd_initialized
Definition snd_main.c:167

References bgmvolume, bound, cdaudioinitialized, cl_forwardspeed, cl_showdate, cl_showfps, cl_showtime, crosshair, Draw_CachePic(), Draw_GetPicWidth(), int(), cvar_t::integer, M_Background(), M_DrawPic(), m_optcursor, M_Options_PrintCheckbox(), M_Options_PrintCommand(), M_Options_PrintSlider(), m_optnum, m_opty, m_pitch, max, menu_height, options_cursor, OPTIONS_ITEMS, r_hdr_scenebrightness, scr_fov, sensitivity, snd_initialized, v_contrast, v_gamma, cvar_t::value, vid_conheight, and volume.

Referenced by M_Draw().

◆ M_Options_Effects_Draw()

static void M_Options_Effects_Draw ( void )

Definition at line 1884 of file menu.c.

1886 int visible;
1887 cachepic_t *p;
1891 M_DrawPic(16, 4, "gfx/qplaque");
1892 p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_option");
1893 M_DrawPic((320-Draw_GetPicWidth(p))/2, 4, "gfx/p_option");
1896 m_optnum = 0;
1897 visible = (int)((menu_height - 32) / 8);
1898 m_opty = 32 - bound(0, m_optcursor - (visible >> 1), max(0, OPTIONS_EFFECTS_ITEMS - visible)) * 8;
1900 M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Particles", true, cl_particles.integer);
1901 M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Quake-style Particles", true, cl_particles_quake.integer);
1902 M_Options_PrintSlider( " Particles Quality", true, cl_particles_quality.value, 1, 4);
1904 M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Explosion Shell Clip", true, r_explosionclip.integer);
1905 M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Stainmaps", true, cl_stainmaps.integer);
1906 M_Options_PrintCheckbox("Onload Clear Stainmaps", true, cl_stainmaps_clearonload.integer);
1907 M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Decals", true, cl_decals.integer);
1913 M_Options_PrintSlider( " Blood Opacity", true, cl_particles_blood_alpha.value, 0.2, 1);
1914 M_Options_PrintCheckbox("Force New Blood Effect", true, cl_particles_blood_bloodhack.integer);
1915 M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Polygon Lightning", true, cl_beams_polygons.integer);
1916 M_Options_PrintCheckbox("Smooth Sweep Lightning", true, cl_beams_instantaimhack.integer);
1917 M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Waist-level Lightning", true, cl_beams_quakepositionhack.integer);
1918 M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Lightning End Light", true, cl_beams_lightatend.integer);
1926 M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Model Interpolation", true, r_lerpmodels.integer);
1927 M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Sprite Interpolation", true, r_lerpsprites.integer);
1928 M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Flicker Interpolation", true, r_lerplightstyles.integer);
1929 M_Options_PrintSlider( " View Blend", true, gl_polyblend.value, 0, 1);
1930 M_Options_PrintSlider( "Upper Sky Scroll Speed", true, r_skyscroll1.value, -8, 8);
1931 M_Options_PrintSlider( "Lower Sky Scroll Speed", true, r_skyscroll2.value, -8, 8);
1932 M_Options_PrintSlider( " Underwater View Warp", true, r_waterwarp.value, 0, 1);
1933 M_Options_PrintSlider( " Water Alpha (opacity)", true, r_wateralpha.value, 0, 1);
1934 M_Options_PrintSlider( " Water Movement", true, r_waterscroll.value, 0, 10);
Definition menu.c:1812

References bound, cl_beams_instantaimhack, cl_beams_lightatend, cl_beams_polygons, cl_beams_quakepositionhack, cl_decals, cl_particles, cl_particles_blood, cl_particles_blood_alpha, cl_particles_blood_bloodhack, cl_particles_bubbles, cl_particles_bulletimpacts, cl_particles_explosions_shell, cl_particles_quake, cl_particles_quality, cl_particles_smoke, cl_particles_sparks, cl_stainmaps, cl_stainmaps_clearonload, Draw_CachePic(), Draw_GetPicWidth(), gl_polyblend, int(), cvar_t::integer, M_Background(), M_DrawPic(), m_optcursor, M_Options_PrintCheckbox(), M_Options_PrintSlider(), m_optnum, m_opty, max, menu_height, options_effects_cursor, OPTIONS_EFFECTS_ITEMS, r_explosionclip, r_lerplightstyles, r_lerpmodels, r_lerpsprites, r_lightningbeam_color_blue, r_lightningbeam_color_green, r_lightningbeam_color_red, r_lightningbeam_qmbtexture, r_lightningbeam_repeatdistance, r_lightningbeam_scroll, r_lightningbeam_thickness, r_skyscroll1, r_skyscroll2, r_wateralpha, r_waterscroll, r_waterwarp, cvar_t::value, and vid_conheight.

Referenced by M_Draw().

◆ M_Options_Effects_Key()

static void M_Options_Effects_Key ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
int key,
int ascii )

Definition at line 1938 of file menu.c.

1940 switch (k)
1941 {
1942 case K_ESCAPE:
1944 break;
1946 case K_ENTER:
1948 break;
1950 case K_UPARROW:
1951 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
1953 if (options_effects_cursor < 0)
1955 break;
1957 case K_DOWNARROW:
1958 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
1962 break;
1964 case K_LEFTARROW:
1966 break;
1968 case K_RIGHTARROW:
1970 break;
1971 }
static void M_Menu_Options_Effects_AdjustSliders(int dir)
Definition menu.c:1841

References cmd(), K_DOWNARROW, K_ENTER, K_ESCAPE, K_LEFTARROW, K_RIGHTARROW, K_UPARROW, M_Menu_Options_Effects_AdjustSliders(), M_Menu_Options_f(), options_effects_cursor, OPTIONS_EFFECTS_ITEMS, and S_LocalSound().

Referenced by M_KeyEvent().

◆ M_Options_Graphics_Draw()

static void M_Options_Graphics_Draw ( void )

Definition at line 2031 of file menu.c.

2033 int visible;
2034 cachepic_t *p;
2038 M_DrawPic(16, 4, "gfx/qplaque");
2039 p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_option");
2040 M_DrawPic((320-Draw_GetPicWidth(p))/2, 4, "gfx/p_option");
2043 m_optnum = 0;
2044 visible = (int)((menu_height - 32) / 8);
2045 m_opty = 32 - bound(0, m_optcursor - (visible >> 1), max(0, OPTIONS_GRAPHICS_ITEMS - visible)) * 8;
2047 M_Options_PrintSlider( " Corona Intensity", true, r_coronas.value, 0, 4);
2048 M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Use Only Coronas", true, gl_flashblend.integer);
2049 M_Options_PrintSlider( " Gloss Mode", true, r_shadow_gloss.integer, 0, 2);
2053 M_Options_PrintSlider( " RT World Lightmaps", true, r_shadow_realtime_world_lightmaps.value, 0, 1);
2055 M_Options_PrintCheckbox(" Bloom Effect", true, r_bloom.integer);
2056 M_Options_PrintSlider( " Scene Brightness", true, r_hdr_scenebrightness.value, 0.25, 4);
2057 M_Options_PrintSlider( " Glow Brightness", true, r_hdr_glowintensity.value, 0, 4);
2058 M_Options_PrintSlider( " Bloom Color Scale", r_bloom.integer, r_bloom_colorscale.value, 0.0625, 1);
2059 M_Options_PrintSlider( " Bloom Color Subtract", r_bloom.integer, r_bloom_colorsubtract.value, 0, 1-0.0625);
2060 M_Options_PrintSlider( " Bloom Color Exponent", r_bloom.integer, r_bloom_colorexponent.value, 1, 8);
2061 M_Options_PrintSlider( " Bloom Intensity", r_bloom.integer, r_bloom_brighten.value, 1, 4);
2062 M_Options_PrintSlider( " Bloom Blur", r_bloom.integer, r_bloom_blur.value, 1, 16);
2063 M_Options_PrintSlider( " Bloom Resolution", r_bloom.integer, r_bloom_resolution.value, 64, 2048);
2064 M_Options_PrintCommand( " Restart Renderer", true);
Definition menu.c:1975

References bound, Draw_CachePic(), Draw_GetPicWidth(), gl_flashblend, int(), cvar_t::integer, M_Background(), M_DrawPic(), m_optcursor, M_Options_PrintCheckbox(), M_Options_PrintCommand(), M_Options_PrintSlider(), m_optnum, m_opty, max, menu_height, options_graphics_cursor, OPTIONS_GRAPHICS_ITEMS, r_bloom, r_bloom_blur, r_bloom_brighten, r_bloom_colorexponent, r_bloom_colorscale, r_bloom_colorsubtract, r_bloom_resolution, r_coronas, r_hdr_glowintensity, r_hdr_scenebrightness, r_shadow_gloss, r_shadow_realtime_dlight, r_shadow_realtime_dlight_shadows, r_shadow_realtime_world, r_shadow_realtime_world_lightmaps, r_shadow_realtime_world_shadows, cvar_t::value, and vid_conheight.

Referenced by M_Draw().

◆ M_Options_Graphics_Key()

static void M_Options_Graphics_Key ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
int key,
int ascii )

Definition at line 2068 of file menu.c.

2070 switch (k)
2071 {
2072 case K_ESCAPE:
2074 break;
2076 case K_ENTER:
2078 break;
2080 case K_UPARROW:
2081 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
2085 break;
2087 case K_DOWNARROW:
2088 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
2092 break;
2094 case K_LEFTARROW:
2096 break;
2098 case K_RIGHTARROW:
2100 break;
2101 }
static void M_Menu_Options_Graphics_AdjustSliders(cmd_state_t *cmd, int dir)
Definition menu.c:2003

References cmd(), K_DOWNARROW, K_ENTER, K_ESCAPE, K_LEFTARROW, K_RIGHTARROW, K_UPARROW, M_Menu_Options_f(), M_Menu_Options_Graphics_AdjustSliders(), options_graphics_cursor, OPTIONS_GRAPHICS_ITEMS, and S_LocalSound().

Referenced by M_KeyEvent().

◆ M_Options_Key()

static void M_Options_Key ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
int key,
int ascii )

Definition at line 1723 of file menu.c.

1725 switch (k)
1726 {
1727 case K_ESCAPE:
1729 break;
1731 case K_ENTER:
1732 m_entersound = true;
1733 switch (options_cursor)
1734 {
1735 case 0:
1737 break;
1738 case 1:
1739 m_state = m_none;
1742 break;
1743 case 2:
1745 break;
1746 case 3:
1748 break;
1749 case 11:
1751 break;
1752 case 17: // Customize Effects
1754 break;
1755 case 18: // Effects: Quake
1756 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, "cl_particles 1;cl_particles_quake 1;cl_particles_quality 1;cl_particles_explosions_shell 0;r_explosionclip 1;cl_stainmaps 0;cl_stainmaps_clearonload 1;cl_decals 0;cl_particles_bulletimpacts 1;cl_particles_smoke 1;cl_particles_sparks 1;cl_particles_bubbles 1;cl_particles_blood 1;cl_particles_blood_alpha 1;cl_particles_blood_bloodhack 0;cl_beams_polygons 0;cl_beams_instantaimhack 0;cl_beams_quakepositionhack 1;cl_beams_lightatend 0;r_lerpmodels 1;r_lerpsprites 1;r_lerplightstyles 0;gl_polyblend 1;r_skyscroll1 1;r_skyscroll2 2;r_waterwarp 1;r_wateralpha 1;r_waterscroll 1\n");
1757 break;
1758 case 19: // Effects: Normal
1759 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, "cl_particles 1;cl_particles_quake 0;cl_particles_quality 1;cl_particles_explosions_shell 0;r_explosionclip 1;cl_stainmaps 0;cl_stainmaps_clearonload 1;cl_decals 1;cl_particles_bulletimpacts 1;cl_particles_smoke 1;cl_particles_sparks 1;cl_particles_bubbles 1;cl_particles_blood 1;cl_particles_blood_alpha 1;cl_particles_blood_bloodhack 1;cl_beams_polygons 1;cl_beams_instantaimhack 0;cl_beams_quakepositionhack 1;cl_beams_lightatend 0;r_lerpmodels 1;r_lerpsprites 1;r_lerplightstyles 0;gl_polyblend 1;r_skyscroll1 1;r_skyscroll2 2;r_waterwarp 1;r_wateralpha 1;r_waterscroll 1\n");
1760 break;
1761 case 20: // Effects: High
1762 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, "cl_particles 1;cl_particles_quake 0;cl_particles_quality 2;cl_particles_explosions_shell 0;r_explosionclip 1;cl_stainmaps 1;cl_stainmaps_clearonload 1;cl_decals 1;cl_particles_bulletimpacts 1;cl_particles_smoke 1;cl_particles_sparks 1;cl_particles_bubbles 1;cl_particles_blood 1;cl_particles_blood_alpha 1;cl_particles_blood_bloodhack 1;cl_beams_polygons 1;cl_beams_instantaimhack 0;cl_beams_quakepositionhack 1;cl_beams_lightatend 0;r_lerpmodels 1;r_lerpsprites 1;r_lerplightstyles 0;gl_polyblend 1;r_skyscroll1 1;r_skyscroll2 2;r_waterwarp 1;r_wateralpha 1;r_waterscroll 1\n");
1763 break;
1764 case 21:
1766 break;
1767 case 22: // Lighting: Flares
1768 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, "r_coronas 1;gl_flashblend 1;r_shadow_gloss 0;r_shadow_realtime_dlight 0;r_shadow_realtime_dlight_shadows 0;r_shadow_realtime_world 0;r_shadow_realtime_world_lightmaps 0;r_shadow_realtime_world_shadows 1;r_bloom 0");
1769 break;
1770 case 23: // Lighting: Normal
1771 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, "r_coronas 1;gl_flashblend 0;r_shadow_gloss 1;r_shadow_realtime_dlight 1;r_shadow_realtime_dlight_shadows 0;r_shadow_realtime_world 0;r_shadow_realtime_world_lightmaps 0;r_shadow_realtime_world_shadows 1;r_bloom 0");
1772 break;
1773 case 24: // Lighting: High
1774 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, "r_coronas 1;gl_flashblend 0;r_shadow_gloss 1;r_shadow_realtime_dlight 1;r_shadow_realtime_dlight_shadows 1;r_shadow_realtime_world 0;r_shadow_realtime_world_lightmaps 0;r_shadow_realtime_world_shadows 1;r_bloom 1");
1775 break;
1776 case 25: // Lighting: Full
1777 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, "r_coronas 1;gl_flashblend 0;r_shadow_gloss 1;r_shadow_realtime_dlight 1;r_shadow_realtime_dlight_shadows 1;r_shadow_realtime_world 1;r_shadow_realtime_world_lightmaps 0;r_shadow_realtime_world_shadows 1;r_bloom 1");
1778 break;
1779 case 26:
1781 break;
1782 default:
1784 break;
1785 }
1786 return;
1788 case K_UPARROW:
1789 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
1791 if (options_cursor < 0)
1793 break;
1795 case K_DOWNARROW:
1796 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
1799 options_cursor = 0;
1800 break;
1802 case K_LEFTARROW:
1804 break;
1806 case K_RIGHTARROW:
1808 break;
1809 }
static void M_Menu_Options_AdjustSliders(int dir)
Definition menu.c:1597

References Cbuf_AddText(), cmd(), Con_ToggleConsole_f(), K_DOWNARROW, K_ENTER, K_ESCAPE, K_LEFTARROW, K_RIGHTARROW, K_UPARROW, key_dest, key_game, m_entersound, M_Menu_Keys_f(), M_Menu_Main_f(), M_Menu_ModList_f(), M_Menu_Options_AdjustSliders(), M_Menu_Options_ColorControl_f(), M_Menu_Options_Effects_f(), M_Menu_Options_Graphics_f(), M_Menu_Reset_f(), M_Menu_Video_f(), m_none, m_state, options_cursor, OPTIONS_ITEMS, and S_LocalSound().

Referenced by M_KeyEvent().

◆ M_Options_PrintCheckbox()

static void M_Options_PrintCheckbox ( const char * s,
int enabled,
int yes )

Definition at line 1651 of file menu.c.

1653 if (m_opty >= 32)
1654 {
1655 if (m_optnum == m_optcursor)
1656 DrawQ_Fill(menu_x + 48, menu_y + m_opty, 320, 8, m_optnum == m_optcursor ? (0.5 + 0.2 * sin(host.realtime * M_PI)) : 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0);
1657 M_ItemPrint(0 + 48, m_opty, s, enabled);
1658 M_DrawCheckbox(0 + 48 + (int)strlen(s) * 8 + 8, m_opty, yes);
1659 }
1660 m_opty += 8;
1661 m_optnum++;
static qbool enabled
Definition cd_shared.c:90

References DrawQ_Fill(), enabled, host, M_DrawCheckbox(), M_ItemPrint(), m_optcursor, m_optnum, m_opty, M_PI, menu_x, menu_y, host_static_t::realtime, sin(), and strlen().

Referenced by M_Options_ColorControl_Draw(), M_Options_Draw(), M_Options_Effects_Draw(), and M_Options_Graphics_Draw().

◆ M_Options_PrintCommand()

static void M_Options_PrintCommand ( const char * s,
int enabled )

Definition at line 1639 of file menu.c.

1641 if (m_opty >= 32)
1642 {
1643 if (m_optnum == m_optcursor)
1644 DrawQ_Fill(menu_x + 48, menu_y + m_opty, 320, 8, m_optnum == m_optcursor ? (0.5 + 0.2 * sin(host.realtime * M_PI)) : 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0);
1645 M_ItemPrint(0 + 48, m_opty, s, enabled);
1646 }
1647 m_opty += 8;
1648 m_optnum++;

References DrawQ_Fill(), enabled, host, M_ItemPrint(), m_optcursor, m_optnum, m_opty, M_PI, menu_x, menu_y, host_static_t::realtime, and sin().

Referenced by M_Options_ColorControl_Draw(), M_Options_Draw(), and M_Options_Graphics_Draw().

◆ M_Options_PrintSlider()

static void M_Options_PrintSlider ( const char * s,
int enabled,
float value,
float minvalue,
float maxvalue )

Definition at line 1664 of file menu.c.

1666 if (m_opty >= 32)
1667 {
1668 if (m_optnum == m_optcursor)
1669 DrawQ_Fill(menu_x + 48, menu_y + m_opty, 320, 8, m_optnum == m_optcursor ? (0.5 + 0.2 * sin(host.realtime * M_PI)) : 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0);
1670 M_ItemPrint(0 + 48, m_opty, s, enabled);
1671 M_DrawSlider(0 + 48 + (int)strlen(s) * 8 + 8, m_opty, value, minvalue, maxvalue);
1672 }
1673 m_opty += 8;
1674 m_optnum++;
GLsizei const GLfloat * value
Definition glquake.h:740
static void M_DrawSlider(int x, int y, float num, float rangemin, float rangemax)
Definition menu.c:1551

References DrawQ_Fill(), enabled, host, M_DrawSlider(), M_ItemPrint(), m_optcursor, m_optnum, m_opty, M_PI, menu_x, menu_y, host_static_t::realtime, sin(), strlen(), and value.

Referenced by M_Options_ColorControl_Draw(), M_Options_Draw(), M_Options_Effects_Draw(), and M_Options_Graphics_Draw().

◆ M_Print()

◆ M_PrintColored()

static void M_PrintColored ( float cx,
float cy,
const char * str )

Definition at line 186 of file menu.c.

188 DrawQ_String(menu_x + cx, menu_y + cy, str, 0, 8, 8, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, NULL, false, FONT_MENU);

References DrawQ_String(), FONT_MENU, menu_x, menu_y, and NULL.

Referenced by M_ServerList_Draw(), and M_Setup_Draw().

◆ M_PrintRed()

static void M_PrintRed ( float cx,
float cy,
const char * str )

Definition at line 196 of file menu.c.

198 DrawQ_String(menu_x + cx, menu_y + cy, str, 0, 8, 8, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, NULL, true, FONT_MENU);

References DrawQ_String(), FONT_MENU, menu_x, menu_y, and NULL.

Referenced by M_Keys_Draw(), M_Main_Draw(), M_ModList_Draw(), and M_ServerList_Draw().

◆ M_Quit_Draw()

static void M_Quit_Draw ( void )

Definition at line 3310 of file menu.c.

3312 int i, l, linelength, firstline, lastline, lines;
3313 for (i = 0, linelength = 0, firstline = 9999, lastline = -1;m_quit_message[i];i++)
3314 {
3315 if ((l = (int)strlen(m_quit_message[i])))
3316 {
3317 if (firstline > i)
3318 firstline = i;
3319 if (lastline < i)
3320 lastline = i;
3321 if (linelength < l)
3322 linelength = l;
3323 }
3324 }
3325 lines = (lastline - firstline) + 1;
3326 M_Background(linelength * 8 + 16, lines * 8 + 16);
3327 if (!m_missingdata) //since this is a fallback menu for missing data, it is very hard to read with the box
3328 M_DrawTextBox(0, 0, linelength, lines); //this is less obtrusive than hacking up the M_DrawTextBox function
3329 for (i = 0, l = firstline;i < lines;i++, l++)
3330 M_Print(8 + 4 * (linelength - strlen(m_quit_message[l])), 8 + 8 * i, m_quit_message[l]);
static const char * m_quit_message[9]
Definition menu.c:3181

References i, M_Background(), M_DrawTextBox(), m_missingdata, M_Print(), m_quit_message, and strlen().

Referenced by M_Draw().

◆ M_Quit_Key()

static void M_Quit_Key ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
int key,
int ascii )

Definition at line 3281 of file menu.c.

3283 switch (key)
3284 {
3285 case K_ESCAPE:
3286 case 'n':
3287 case 'N':
3288 if (wasInMenus)
3289 {
3291 m_entersound = true;
3292 }
3293 else
3294 {
3296 m_state = m_none;
3297 }
3298 break;
3300 case 'Y':
3301 case 'y':
3303 break;
3305 default:
3306 break;
3307 }
@ host_shutdown
states >= host_shutdown cause graceful shutdown, see Sys_HandleCrash() comments
Definition host.h:27
Definition menu.h:27
int state
Definition host.h:44

References host, host_shutdown, K_ESCAPE, key_dest, key_game, m_entersound, m_none, m_quit_prevstate, m_state, host_static_t::state, and wasInMenus.

Referenced by M_KeyEvent().

◆ M_QuitMessage()

static int M_QuitMessage ( const char * line1,
const char * line2,
const char * line3,
const char * line4,
const char * line5,
const char * line6,
const char * line7,
const char * line8 )

Definition at line 3186 of file menu.c.

3188 m_quit_message[0] = line1;
3189 m_quit_message[1] = line2;
3190 m_quit_message[2] = line3;
3191 m_quit_message[3] = line4;
3192 m_quit_message[4] = line5;
3193 m_quit_message[5] = line6;
3194 m_quit_message[6] = line7;
3195 m_quit_message[7] = line8;
3196 m_quit_message[8] = NULL;
3197 return 1;

References m_quit_message, and NULL.

Referenced by M_ChooseQuitMessage().

◆ M_Reset_Draw()

static void M_Reset_Draw ( void )

Definition at line 2770 of file menu.c.

2772 int lines = 2, linelength = 20;
2773 M_Background(linelength * 8 + 16, lines * 8 + 16);
2774 M_DrawTextBox(0, 0, linelength, lines);
2775 M_Print(8 + 4 * (linelength - 19), 8, "Really wanna reset?");
2776 M_Print(8 + 4 * (linelength - 11), 16, "Press y / n");

References M_Background(), M_DrawTextBox(), and M_Print().

Referenced by M_Draw().

◆ M_Reset_Key()

static void M_Reset_Key ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
int key,
int ascii )

Definition at line 2749 of file menu.c.

2751 switch (key)
2752 {
2753 case 'Y':
2754 case 'y':
2755 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, "cvar_resettodefaults_all;exec default.cfg\n");
2756 // no break here since we also exit the menu
2758 case K_ESCAPE:
2759 case 'n':
2760 case 'N':
2762 m_entersound = true;
2763 break;
2765 default:
2766 break;
2767 }

References Cbuf_AddText(), cmd(), K_ESCAPE, m_entersound, m_options, and m_state.

Referenced by M_KeyEvent().

◆ M_Save_Draw()

static void M_Save_Draw ( void )

Definition at line 940 of file menu.c.

942 int i;
943 cachepic_t *p;
945 M_Background(320, 200);
947 p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_save");
948 M_DrawPic ( (320-Draw_GetPicWidth(p))/2, 4, "gfx/p_save");
950 for (i=0 ; i<MAX_SAVEGAMES ; i++)
951 M_Print(16, 32 + 8*i, m_filenames[i]);
953// line cursor
954 M_DrawCharacter (8, 32 + load_cursor*8, 12+((int)(host.realtime*4)&1));

References Draw_CachePic(), Draw_GetPicWidth(), host, i, load_cursor, M_Background(), M_DrawCharacter(), M_DrawPic(), m_filenames, M_Print(), MAX_SAVEGAMES, and host_static_t::realtime.

Referenced by M_Draw().

◆ M_Save_Key()

static void M_Save_Key ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
int key,
int ascii )

Definition at line 1000 of file menu.c.

1002 char vabuf[1024];
1003 switch (k)
1004 {
1005 case K_ESCAPE:
1008 else
1010 break;
1012 case K_ENTER:
1013 m_state = m_none;
1015 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "save s%i\n", load_cursor));
1016 return;
1018 case K_UPARROW:
1019 case K_LEFTARROW:
1020 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
1021 load_cursor--;
1022 if (load_cursor < 0)
1024 break;
1026 case K_DOWNARROW:
1027 case K_RIGHTARROW:
1028 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
1029 load_cursor++;
1031 load_cursor = 0;
1032 break;
1033 }

References Cbuf_AddText(), cmd(), GAME_TRANSFUSION, gamemode, K_DOWNARROW, K_ENTER, K_ESCAPE, K_LEFTARROW, K_RIGHTARROW, K_UPARROW, key_dest, key_game, load_cursor, M_Menu_Main_f(), M_Menu_SinglePlayer_f(), m_none, m_state, MAX_SAVEGAMES, S_LocalSound(), and va().

Referenced by M_KeyEvent().

◆ M_ScanSaves()

static void M_ScanSaves ( void )

Definition at line 853 of file menu.c.

855 int i, j;
856 size_t len;
857 char name[MAX_OSPATH];
858 char buf[SAVEGAME_COMMENT_LENGTH + 256];
859 const char *t;
860 qfile_t *f;
861// int version;
863 for (i=0 ; i<MAX_SAVEGAMES ; i++)
864 {
865 dp_strlcpy (m_filenames[i], "--- UNUSED SLOT ---", sizeof(m_filenames[i]));
866 loadable[i] = false;
867 dpsnprintf (name, sizeof(name), "s%i.sav", (int)i);
868 f = FS_OpenRealFile (name, "rb", false);
869 if (!f)
870 continue;
871 // read enough to get the comment
872 len = FS_Read(f, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1);
873 len = min(len, sizeof(buf)-1);
874 buf[len] = 0;
875 t = buf;
876 // version
877 COM_ParseToken_Simple(&t, false, false, true);
878 //version = atoi(com_token);
879 // description
880 COM_ParseToken_Simple(&t, false, false, true);
883 // change _ back to space
884 for (j=0 ; j<SAVEGAME_COMMENT_LENGTH ; j++)
885 if (m_filenames[i][j] == '_')
886 m_filenames[i][j] = ' ';
887 loadable[i] = true;
888 FS_Close (f);
889 }
char com_token[MAX_INPUTLINE]
Definition common.c:39
qbool COM_ParseToken_Simple(const char **datapointer, qbool returnnewline, qbool parsebackslash, qbool parsecomments)
Definition common.c:463
fs_offset_t FS_Read(qfile_t *file, void *buffer, size_t buffersize)
Definition fs.c:3066
qfile_t * FS_OpenRealFile(const char *filepath, const char *mode, qbool quiet)
Definition fs.c:2901
int FS_Close(qfile_t *file)
Definition fs.c:2970
GLenum GLuint GLenum GLsizei const GLchar * buf
Definition glquake.h:657
max comment length of savegame in menu
Definition qdefs.h:121
#define MAX_OSPATH
max length of a filesystem pathname
Definition qdefs.h:175

References buf, COM_ParseToken_Simple(), com_token, dp_strlcpy, dpsnprintf(), f, FS_Close(), FS_OpenRealFile(), FS_Read(), i, loadable, m_filenames, MAX_OSPATH, MAX_SAVEGAMES, min, name, and SAVEGAME_COMMENT_LENGTH.

Referenced by M_Menu_Load_f(), and M_Menu_Save_f().

◆ M_ServerList_Draw()

static void M_ServerList_Draw ( void )

Definition at line 4417 of file menu.c.

4419 unsigned n, y, start, end, statnumplayers, statmaxplayers;
4420 cachepic_t *p;
4421 const char *s;
4422 char vabuf[1024];
4424 // use as much vertical space as available
4427 else
4429 // scroll the list as the cursor moves
4430 ServerList_GetPlayerStatistics(&statnumplayers, &statmaxplayers);
4431 s = va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%u/%u masters %u/%u servers %u/%u players", masterreplycount, masterquerycount, serverreplycount, serverquerycount, statnumplayers, statmaxplayers);
4432 M_PrintRed((640 - strlen(s) * 8) / 2, 32, s);
4433 if (*cl_connect_status)
4435 y = 48;
4436 slist_visible = (menu_height - 16 - y) / 8 / 2;
4437 start = min(slist_cursor - min(slist_cursor, slist_visible >> 1), serverlist_viewcount - min(serverlist_viewcount, slist_visible));
4438 end = min(start + slist_visible, serverlist_viewcount);
4440 p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_multi");
4441 M_DrawPic((640 - Draw_GetPicWidth(p)) / 2, 4, "gfx/p_multi");
4442 if (end > start)
4443 {
4444 for (n = start;n < end;n++)
4445 {
4446 serverlist_entry_t *entry = ServerList_GetViewEntry(n);
4447 DrawQ_Fill(menu_x, menu_y + y, 640, 16, n == slist_cursor ? (0.5 + 0.2 * sin(host.realtime * M_PI)) : 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0);
4448 M_PrintColored(0, y, entry->line1);y += 8;
4449 M_PrintColored(0, y, entry->line2);y += 8;
4450 }
4451 }
4452 else if (host.realtime - masterquerytime > 10)
4453 {
4454 if (masterquerycount)
4455 M_Print(0, y, "No servers found");
4456 else
4457 M_Print(0, y, "No master servers found (network problem?)");
4458 }
4459 else
4460 {
4461 if (serverquerycount)
4462 M_Print(0, y, "Querying servers");
4463 else
4464 M_Print(0, y, "Querying master servers");
4465 }
static void M_PrintColored(float cx, float cy, const char *str)
Definition menu.c:186
static unsigned slist_visible
Definition menu.c:4401
double masterquerytime
Definition netconn.c:117
unsigned serverquerycount
Definition netconn.c:120
unsigned masterquerycount
Definition netconn.c:118
unsigned serverreplycount
Definition netconn.c:121
unsigned masterreplycount
Definition netconn.c:119

References cl_connect_status, Draw_CachePic(), Draw_GetPicWidth(), DrawQ_Fill(), GAME_TRANSFUSION, gamemode, host, cvar_t::integer, M_Background(), M_DrawPic(), M_PI, M_Print(), M_PrintColored(), M_PrintRed(), masterquerycount, masterquerytime, masterreplycount, menu_height, menu_x, menu_y, min, n, host_static_t::realtime, serverquerycount, serverreplycount, sin(), slist_cursor, slist_visible, strlen(), va(), vid_conheight, and y.

Referenced by M_Draw().

◆ M_ServerList_Key()

static void M_ServerList_Key ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
int key,
int ascii )

Definition at line 4469 of file menu.c.

4471 char vabuf[1024];
4472 switch (k)
4473 {
4474 case K_ESCAPE:
4476 break;
4478 case K_SPACE:
4479 if (lanConfig_cursor == 2)
4480 Net_SlistQW_f(cmd);
4481 else
4482 Net_Slist_f(cmd);
4483 break;
4485 case K_PGUP:
4487 case K_UPARROW:
4488 case K_LEFTARROW:
4489 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
4490 slist_cursor--;
4491 if (slist_cursor >= serverlist_viewcount)
4492 slist_cursor = serverlist_viewcount - 1;
4493 break;
4495 case K_PGDN:
4497 case K_DOWNARROW:
4498 case K_RIGHTARROW:
4499 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
4500 slist_cursor++;
4501 if (slist_cursor >= serverlist_viewcount)
4502 slist_cursor = 0;
4503 break;
4505 case K_HOME:
4506 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
4507 slist_cursor = 0;
4508 break;
4510 case K_END:
4511 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
4512 slist_cursor = serverlist_viewcount - 1;
4513 break;
4515 case K_ENTER:
4516 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu2.wav");
4517 if (serverlist_viewcount)
4518 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "connect \"%s\"\n", ServerList_GetViewEntry(slist_cursor)->info.cname));
4519 break;
4521 default:
4522 break;
4523 }
float K_PGDN
Definition keycodes.qc:39
float K_PGUP
Definition keycodes.qc:40
float K_HOME
Definition keycodes.qc:41
float K_END
Definition keycodes.qc:42

References Cbuf_AddText(), cmd(), K_DOWNARROW, K_END, K_ENTER, K_ESCAPE, K_HOME, K_LEFTARROW, K_PGDN, K_PGUP, K_RIGHTARROW, K_SPACE, K_UPARROW, lanConfig_cursor, M_Menu_LanConfig_f(), S_LocalSound(), slist_cursor, slist_visible, and va().

Referenced by M_KeyEvent().

◆ M_Setup_Draw()

static void M_Setup_Draw ( void )

Definition at line 1342 of file menu.c.

1344 int i, j;
1345 cachepic_t *p;
1346 char vabuf[1024];
1348 M_Background(320, 200);
1350 M_DrawPic (16, 4, "gfx/qplaque");
1351 p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_multi");
1352 M_DrawPic ( (320-Draw_GetPicWidth(p))/2, 4, "gfx/p_multi");
1354 M_Print(64, 40, "Your name");
1355 M_DrawTextBox (160, 32, 16, 1);
1356 M_PrintColored(168, 40, setup_myname);
1359 {
1360 M_Print(64, 64, "Shirt color");
1361 M_Print(64, 88, "Pants color");
1362 }
1364 M_Print(64, 124-8, "Network speed limit");
1365 M_Print(168, 124, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%i (%s)", setup_rate, setup_ratetable[setup_rateindex(setup_rate)].name));
1367 M_DrawTextBox (64, 140-8, 14, 1);
1368 M_Print(72, 140, "Accept Changes");
1370 // LadyHavoc: rewrote this code greatly
1371 if (menuplyr_load)
1372 {
1373 unsigned char *f;
1374 fs_offset_t filesize;
1375 menuplyr_load = false;
1376 menuplyr_top = -1;
1377 menuplyr_bottom = -1;
1378 f = FS_LoadFile("gfx/menuplyr.lmp", tempmempool, true, &filesize);
1379 if (f && filesize >= 9)
1380 {
1381 int width, height;
1382 width = f[0] + f[1] * 256 + f[2] * 65536 + f[3] * 16777216;
1383 height = f[4] + f[5] * 256 + f[6] * 65536 + f[7] * 16777216;
1384 if (filesize >= 8 + width * height)
1385 {
1390 memcpy(menuplyr_pixels, f + 8, width * height);
1391 }
1392 }
1393 if (f)
1394 Mem_Free(f);
1395 }
1397 if (menuplyr_pixels)
1398 {
1400 {
1404 for (i = 0;i < menuplyr_width * menuplyr_height;i++)
1405 {
1406 j = menuplyr_pixels[i];
1407 if (j >= TOP_RANGE && j < TOP_RANGE + 16)
1408 {
1409 if (menuplyr_top < 8 || menuplyr_top == 14)
1410 j = menuplyr_top * 16 + (j - TOP_RANGE);
1411 else
1412 j = menuplyr_top * 16 + 15-(j - TOP_RANGE);
1413 }
1414 else if (j >= BOTTOM_RANGE && j < BOTTOM_RANGE + 16)
1415 {
1416 if (menuplyr_bottom < 8 || menuplyr_bottom == 14)
1417 j = menuplyr_bottom * 16 + (j - BOTTOM_RANGE);
1418 else
1419 j = menuplyr_bottom * 16 + 15-(j - BOTTOM_RANGE);
1420 }
1422 }
1424 }
1425 M_DrawPic(160, 48, "gfx/bigbox");
1426 M_DrawPic(172, 56, "gfx/menuplyr");
1427 }
1429 if (setup_cursor == 0)
1431 else
cachepic_t * Draw_NewPic(const char *picname, int width, int height, unsigned char *pixels, textype_t textype, int texflags)
Definition gl_draw.c:256
unsigned char * FS_LoadFile(const char *path, mempool_t *pool, qbool quiet, fs_offset_t *filesizepointer)
Definition fs.c:3540
int64_t fs_offset_t
Definition fs.h:37
static int menuplyr_top
Definition menu.c:1305
static int menuplyr_width
Definition menu.c:1305
static int setup_cursor_table[]
Definition menu.c:1279
static int setup_cursor
Definition menu.c:1278
static ratetable_t setup_ratetable[]
Definition menu.c:1317
static int setup_rateindex(int rate)
Definition menu.c:1333
static unsigned int * menuplyr_translated
Definition menu.c:1307
static int menuplyr_bottom
Definition menu.c:1305
static int menuplyr_height
Definition menu.c:1305
unsigned int palette_bgra_transparent[256]
Definition palette.c:24
Definition r_textures.h:53
#define TEXF_CLAMP
Definition r_textures.h:15
Definition render.h:183
#define TOP_RANGE
Definition render.h:182
mempool_t * permanentmempool
Definition client.h:572
mempool_t * tempmempool
Definition zone.c:794
#define Mem_Free(mem)
Definition zone.h:96
#define Mem_Alloc(pool, size)
Definition zone.h:92

References BOTTOM_RANGE, cls, Draw_CachePic(), Draw_GetPicWidth(), Draw_NewPic(), f, FS_LoadFile(), GAME_GOODVSBAD2, gamemode, height, host, i, M_Background(), M_DrawCharacter(), M_DrawPic(), M_DrawTextBox(), M_Print(), M_PrintColored(), Mem_Alloc, Mem_Free, menuplyr_bottom, menuplyr_height, menuplyr_load, menuplyr_pixels, menuplyr_top, menuplyr_translated, menuplyr_width, name, palette_bgra_transparent, client_static_t::permanentmempool, host_static_t::realtime, setup_bottom, setup_cursor, setup_cursor_table, setup_myname, setup_rate, setup_rateindex(), setup_ratetable, setup_top, strlen(), tempmempool, TEXF_CLAMP, TEXTYPE_BGRA, TOP_RANGE, va(), and width.

Referenced by M_Draw().

◆ M_Setup_Key()

static void M_Setup_Key ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
int key,
int ascii )

Definition at line 1436 of file menu.c.

1438 int l;
1439 char vabuf[1024];
1441 switch (k)
1442 {
1443 case K_ESCAPE:
1445 break;
1447 case K_UPARROW:
1448 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
1449 setup_cursor--;
1450 if (setup_cursor < 0)
1452 break;
1454 case K_DOWNARROW:
1455 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
1456 setup_cursor++;
1458 setup_cursor = 0;
1459 break;
1461 case K_LEFTARROW:
1462 if (setup_cursor < 1)
1463 return;
1464 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu3.wav");
1465 if (setup_cursor == 1)
1466 setup_top = setup_top - 1;
1467 if (setup_cursor == 2)
1469 if (setup_cursor == 3)
1470 {
1471 l = setup_rateindex(setup_rate) - 1;
1472 if (l < 0)
1473 l = RATES - 1;
1475 }
1476 break;
1477 case K_RIGHTARROW:
1478 if (setup_cursor < 1)
1479 return;
1481 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu3.wav");
1482 if (setup_cursor == 1)
1483 setup_top = setup_top + 1;
1484 if (setup_cursor == 2)
1486 if (setup_cursor == 3)
1487 {
1488 l = setup_rateindex(setup_rate) + 1;
1489 if (l >= RATES)
1490 l = 0;
1492 }
1493 break;
1495 case K_ENTER:
1496 if (setup_cursor == 0)
1497 return;
1499 if (setup_cursor == 1 || setup_cursor == 2 || setup_cursor == 3)
1500 goto forward;
1502 // setup_cursor == 4 (Accept changes)
1503 if (strcmp(cl_name.string, setup_myname) != 0)
1504 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "name \"%s\"\n", setup_myname) );
1506 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "color %i %i\n", setup_top, setup_bottom) );
1508 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "rate %i\n", setup_rate));
1510 m_entersound = true;
1512 break;
1514 case K_BACKSPACE:
1515 if (setup_cursor == 0)
1516 {
1517 if (strlen(setup_myname))
1519 }
1520 break;
1522 default:
1523 if (ascii < 32)
1524 break;
1525 if (setup_cursor == 0)
1526 {
1527 l = (int)strlen(setup_myname);
1528 if (l < 15)
1529 {
1530 setup_myname[l+1] = 0;
1531 setup_myname[l] = ascii;
1532 }
1533 }
1534 }
1536 if (setup_top > 15)
1537 setup_top = 0;
1538 if (setup_top < 0)
1539 setup_top = 15;
1540 if (setup_bottom > 15)
1541 setup_bottom = 0;
1542 if (setup_bottom < 0)
1543 setup_bottom = 15;
#define RATES
Definition menu.c:1316
Definition menu.c:1289
static int setup_oldrate
Definition menu.c:1287
int rate
Definition menu.c:1311
static vec3_t forward
Definition sv_user.c:305

References Cbuf_AddText(), cl_name, cmd(), forward, int(), K_BACKSPACE, K_DOWNARROW, K_ENTER, K_ESCAPE, K_LEFTARROW, K_RIGHTARROW, K_UPARROW, m_entersound, M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f(), NUM_SETUP_CMDS, ratetable_t::rate, RATES, S_LocalSound(), setup_bottom, setup_cursor, setup_myname, setup_oldbottom, setup_oldrate, setup_oldtop, setup_rate, setup_rateindex(), setup_ratetable, setup_top, cvar_t::string, strlen(), and va().

Referenced by M_KeyEvent().

◆ M_Shutdown()

void M_Shutdown ( void )

Definition at line 5041 of file menu.c.

5043 // reset key_dest

References key_dest, and key_game.

Referenced by MR_SetRouting().

◆ M_SinglePlayer_Draw()

static void M_SinglePlayer_Draw ( void )

Definition at line 750 of file menu.c.

752 cachepic_t *p;
753 char vabuf[1024];
755 M_Background(320, 200);
757 M_DrawPic (16, 4, "gfx/qplaque");
758 p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/ttl_sgl");
760 // Some mods don't have a single player mode
762 {
763 M_DrawPic ((320 - Draw_GetPicWidth(p)) / 2, 4, "gfx/ttl_sgl");
765 M_DrawTextBox (60, 8 * 8, 23, 4);
767 M_Print(95, 10 * 8, "Good Vs Bad 2 is for");
768 else // if (gamemode == GAME_BATTLEMECH)
769 M_Print(95, 10 * 8, "Battlemech is for");
770 M_Print(83, 11 * 8, "multiplayer play only");
771 }
772 else
773 {
774 int f;
776 M_DrawPic ( (320-Draw_GetPicWidth(p))/2, 4, "gfx/ttl_sgl");
777 M_DrawPic (72, 32, "gfx/sp_menu");
779 f = (int)(host.realtime * 10)%6;
781 M_DrawPic (54, 32 + m_singleplayer_cursor * 20, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "gfx/menudot%i", f+1));
782 }
static int m_singleplayer_cursor
Definition menu.c:738

References Draw_CachePic(), Draw_GetPicWidth(), f, GAME_BATTLEMECH, GAME_GOODVSBAD2, gamemode, host, int(), M_Background(), M_DrawPic(), M_DrawTextBox(), M_Print(), m_singleplayer_cursor, host_static_t::realtime, and va().

Referenced by M_Draw().

◆ M_SinglePlayer_Key()

static void M_SinglePlayer_Key ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
int key,
int ascii )

Definition at line 786 of file menu.c.

789 {
790 if (key == K_ESCAPE || key == K_ENTER)
791 m_state = m_main;
792 return;
793 }
795 switch (key)
796 {
797 case K_ESCAPE:
799 break;
801 case K_DOWNARROW:
802 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
805 break;
807 case K_UPARROW:
808 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
809 if (--m_singleplayer_cursor < 0)
811 break;
813 case K_ENTER:
814 m_entersound = true;
816 switch (m_singleplayer_cursor)
817 {
818 case 0:
820 if (sv.active)
821 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, "disconnect\n");
822 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, "maxplayers 1\n");
823 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, "deathmatch 0\n");
824 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, "coop 0\n");
826 {
829 break;
830 }
831 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, "startmap_sp\n");
832 break;
834 case 1:
836 break;
838 case 2:
840 break;
841 }
842 }
Definition menu.c:739

References server_t::active, Cbuf_AddText(), cmd(), GAME_BATTLEMECH, GAME_GOODVSBAD2, GAME_TRANSFUSION, gamemode, K_DOWNARROW, K_ENTER, K_ESCAPE, K_UPARROW, key_dest, key_game, key_menu, m_entersound, m_main, M_Menu_Load_f(), M_Menu_Main_f(), M_Menu_Save_f(), M_Menu_Transfusion_Episode_f(), m_singleplayer_cursor, m_state, S_LocalSound(), SINGLEPLAYER_ITEMS, and sv.

Referenced by M_KeyEvent().

◆ M_ToggleMenu()

void M_ToggleMenu ( int mode)

Definition at line 269 of file menu.c.

271 m_entersound = true;
274 {
275 if(mode == 0)
276 return; // the menu is off, and we want it off
278 }
279 else
280 {
281 if(mode == 1)
282 return; // the menu is on, and we want it on
284 m_state = m_none;
285 }
GLenum mode
Definition glquake.h:718

References cmd_local, key_dest, key_game, key_menu, key_menu_grabbed, m_entersound, m_main, M_Menu_Main_f(), m_none, m_state, and mode.

Referenced by MR_SetRouting().

◆ M_Transfusion_Episode_Draw()

static void M_Transfusion_Episode_Draw ( void )

Definition at line 1049 of file menu.c.

1051 int y;
1052 cachepic_t *p;
1053 char vabuf[1024];
1054 M_Background(640, 480);
1056 p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/menu/tb-episodes");
1057 M_DrawPic (640/2 - Draw_GetPicWidth(p)/2, 40, "gfx/menu/tb-episodes");
1058 for (y = 0; y < EPISODE_ITEMS; y++){
1059 M_DrawPic (0, 160 + y * 40, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "gfx/menu/episode%i", y+1));
1060 }
1062 M_DrawPic (0, 120 + (m_episode_cursor + 1) * 40, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "gfx/menu/episode%iselected", m_episode_cursor + 1));
static int m_episode_cursor
Definition menu.c:1039
Definition menu.c:1040

References Draw_CachePic(), Draw_GetPicWidth(), EPISODE_ITEMS, M_Background(), M_DrawPic(), m_episode_cursor, va(), and y.

Referenced by M_Draw().

◆ M_Transfusion_Episode_Key()

static void M_Transfusion_Episode_Key ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
int key,
int ascii )

Definition at line 1065 of file menu.c.

1067 switch (key)
1068 {
1069 case K_ESCAPE:
1071 break;
1073 case K_DOWNARROW:
1074 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
1077 m_episode_cursor = 0;
1078 break;
1080 case K_UPARROW:
1081 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
1083 if (m_episode_cursor < 0)
1085 break;
1087 case K_ENTER:
1088 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, "deathmatch 0\n");
1089 m_entersound = true;
1091 }

References Cbuf_AddText(), cmd(), EPISODE_ITEMS, K_DOWNARROW, K_ENTER, K_ESCAPE, K_UPARROW, m_entersound, m_episode_cursor, M_Menu_Main_f(), M_Menu_Transfusion_Skill_f(), and S_LocalSound().

Referenced by M_KeyEvent().

◆ M_Transfusion_Skill_Draw()

static void M_Transfusion_Skill_Draw ( void )

Definition at line 1107 of file menu.c.

1109 int y;
1110 cachepic_t *p;
1111 char vabuf[1024];
1112 M_Background(640, 480);
1114 p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/menu/tb-difficulty");
1115 M_DrawPic(640/2 - Draw_GetPicWidth(p)/2, 40, "gfx/menu/tb-difficulty");
1117 for (y = 0; y < SKILL_ITEMS; y++)
1118 {
1119 M_DrawPic (0, 180 + y * 40, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "gfx/menu/difficulty%i", y+1));
1120 }
1121 M_DrawPic (0, 140 + (m_skill_cursor + 1) *40, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "gfx/menu/difficulty%iselected", m_skill_cursor + 1));
static int m_skill_cursor
Definition menu.c:1097
Definition menu.c:1098

References Draw_CachePic(), Draw_GetPicWidth(), M_Background(), M_DrawPic(), m_skill_cursor, SKILL_ITEMS, va(), and y.

Referenced by M_Draw().

◆ M_Transfusion_Skill_Key()

static void M_Transfusion_Skill_Key ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
int key,
int ascii )

Definition at line 1124 of file menu.c.

1126 switch (key)
1127 {
1128 case K_ESCAPE:
1130 break;
1132 case K_DOWNARROW:
1133 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
1136 m_skill_cursor = 0;
1137 break;
1139 case K_UPARROW:
1140 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
1142 if (m_skill_cursor < 0)
1144 break;
1146 case K_ENTER:
1147 m_entersound = true;
1148 switch (m_skill_cursor)
1149 {
1150 case 0:
1151 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, "skill 1\n");
1152 break;
1153 case 1:
1154 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, "skill 2\n");
1155 break;
1156 case 2:
1157 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, "skill 3\n");
1158 break;
1159 case 3:
1160 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, "skill 4\n");
1161 break;
1162 case 4:
1163 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, "skill 5\n");
1164 break;
1165 }
1167 if (sv.active)
1168 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, "disconnect\n");
1169 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, "maxplayers 1\n");
1170 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, "deathmatch 0\n");
1171 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, "coop 0\n");
1172 switch (m_episode_cursor)
1173 {
1174 case 0:
1175 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, "map e1m1\n");
1176 break;
1177 case 1:
1178 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, "map e2m1\n");
1179 break;
1180 case 2:
1181 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, "map e3m1\n");
1182 break;
1183 case 3:
1184 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, "map e4m1\n");
1185 break;
1186 case 4:
1187 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, "map e6m1\n");
1188 break;
1189 case 5:
1190 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, "map cp01\n");
1191 break;
1192 }
1193 }

References server_t::active, Cbuf_AddText(), cmd(), K_DOWNARROW, K_ENTER, K_ESCAPE, K_UPARROW, key_dest, key_game, m_entersound, m_episode_cursor, M_Menu_Transfusion_Episode_f(), m_skill_cursor, S_LocalSound(), SKILL_ITEMS, and sv.

Referenced by M_KeyEvent().

◆ M_UnbindCommand()

static void M_UnbindCommand ( const char * command)

Definition at line 2594 of file menu.c.

2596 int j;
2597 const char *b;
2599 for (j = 0; j < (int)sizeof (keybindings[0]) / (int)sizeof (keybindings[0][0]); j++)
2600 {
2601 b = keybindings[0][j];
2602 if (!b)
2603 continue;
2604 if (!strcmp (b, command))
2605 Key_SetBinding (j, 0, "");
2606 }
qbool Key_SetBinding(int keynum, int bindmap, const char *binding)
Definition keys.c:1409
char * keybindings[MAX_BINDMAPS][MAX_KEYS]
Definition keys.c:39
dp_FragColor b

References b, int(), Key_SetBinding(), and keybindings.

Referenced by M_Keys_Key().

◆ M_Video_Draw()

static void M_Video_Draw ( void )

Definition at line 2916 of file menu.c.

2918 int t;
2919 cachepic_t *p;
2920 char vabuf[1024];
2923 {
2927 }
2929 M_Background(320, 200);
2931 M_DrawPic(16, 4, "gfx/qplaque");
2932 p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/vidmodes");
2933 M_DrawPic((320-Draw_GetPicWidth(p))/2, 4, "gfx/vidmodes");
2935 t = 0;
2937 // Current and Proposed Resolution
2938 M_Print(16, video_cursor_table[t] - 12, " Current Resolution");
2940 M_Print(220, video_cursor_table[t] - 12, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%dx%d %.2fhz", vid.mode.width, vid.mode.height, vid.mode.refreshrate));
2941 else
2942 M_Print(220, video_cursor_table[t] - 12, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%dx%d", vid.mode.width, vid.mode.height));
2943 M_Print(16, video_cursor_table[t], " New Resolution");
2945 M_Print(96, video_cursor_table[t] + 8, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "Type: %s", menu_video_resolutions[menu_video_resolution].type));
2946 t++;
2948 // Antialiasing
2949 M_Print(16, video_cursor_table[t], " Antialiasing");
2951 t++;
2953 // Refresh Rate
2956 t++;
2958 // Fullscreen
2959 M_Print(16, video_cursor_table[t], " Fullscreen");
2961 t++;
2963 // Desktop Fullscreen
2964 M_ItemPrint(16, video_cursor_table[t], " Desktop Fullscreen", vid_fullscreen.integer);
2966 t++;
2968 // Display selection (multi-monitor)
2969 M_ItemPrint(16, video_cursor_table[t], " Display/Monitor", vid_info_displaycount.integer > 1);
2971 t++;
2973 // Vertical Sync
2974 M_ItemPrint(16, video_cursor_table[t], " Vertical Sync", true);
2976 t++;
2980 t++;
2982 M_ItemPrint(16, video_cursor_table[t], " Texture Quality", true);
2984 t++;
2986 M_ItemPrint(16, video_cursor_table[t], " Texture Compression", true);
2988 t++;
2990 // "Apply" button
2991 M_Print(220, video_cursor_table[t], "Apply");
2992 t++;
2994 // Cursor
GLenum type
Definition glquake.h:656
static int video_cursor_table[VIDEO_ITEMS]
Definition menu.c:2848
qbool desktopfullscreen
whether the display hardware mode can be changed
Definition vid.h:59
float refreshrate
Definition vid.h:63
qbool fullscreen
Definition vid.h:58
qbool ext_texture_filter_anisotropic
Definition vid.h:49
viddef_support_t support
Definition vid.h:89
double pixelheight
pixel aspect
Definition menu.h:98

References viddef_mode_t::desktopfullscreen, Draw_CachePic(), Draw_GetPicWidth(), viddef_support_t::ext_texture_filter_anisotropic, viddef_mode_t::fullscreen, gl_picmip, gl_texture_anisotropy, gl_texturecompression, height, viddef_mode_t::height, video_resolution_t::height, host, cvar_t::integer, M_Background(), M_DrawCharacter(), M_DrawCheckbox(), M_DrawPic(), M_DrawSlider(), M_ItemPrint(), M_Menu_Video_FindResolution(), M_Print(), viddef_t::max_anisotropy, menu_video_resolution, menu_video_resolutions, menu_video_resolutions_forfullscreen, viddef_t::mode, video_resolution_t::pixelheight, host_static_t::realtime, viddef_mode_t::refreshrate, viddef_t::support, type, va(), cvar_t::value, vid, vid_desktopfullscreen, vid_display, vid_fullscreen, vid_info_displaycount, vid_refreshrate, vid_samples, vid_vsync, video_cursor, video_cursor_table, viddef_mode_t::width, video_resolution_t::width, and width.

Referenced by M_Draw().

◆ M_Video_Key()

static void M_Video_Key ( cmd_state_t * cmd,
int key,
int ascii )

Definition at line 3042 of file menu.c.

3044 switch (key)
3045 {
3046 case K_ESCAPE:
3047 // vid_shared.c has a copy of the current video config. We restore it
3055 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
3057 break;
3059 case K_ENTER:
3060 m_entersound = true;
3061 switch (video_cursor)
3062 {
3063 case (VIDEO_ITEMS - 1):
3069 Cbuf_AddText(cmd, "vid_restart\n");
3071 break;
3072 default:
3074 }
3075 break;
3077 case K_UPARROW:
3078 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
3079 video_cursor--;
3080 if (video_cursor < 0)
3082 break;
3084 case K_DOWNARROW:
3085 S_LocalSound ("sound/misc/menu1.wav");
3086 video_cursor++;
3088 video_cursor = 0;
3089 break;
3091 case K_LEFTARROW:
3093 break;
3095 case K_RIGHTARROW:
3097 break;
3098 }
Definition menu.c:2846
static void M_Menu_Video_AdjustSliders(int dir)
Definition menu.c:2999
int samples
Definition vid.h:65
int bitsperpixel
Definition vid.h:62
int display
Definition vid.h:57
cvar_t vid_width
Definition vid_shared.c:136
cvar_t vid_height
Definition vid_shared.c:137
cvar_t vid_bitsperpixel
Definition vid_shared.c:138

References viddef_mode_t::bitsperpixel, Cbuf_AddText(), cmd(), Cvar_SetValueQuick(), viddef_mode_t::desktopfullscreen, viddef_mode_t::display, viddef_mode_t::fullscreen, height, K_DOWNARROW, K_ENTER, K_ESCAPE, K_LEFTARROW, K_RIGHTARROW, K_UPARROW, m_entersound, M_Menu_Options_f(), M_Menu_Video_AdjustSliders(), menu_video_resolution, menu_video_resolutions, viddef_t::mode, viddef_mode_t::refreshrate, S_LocalSound(), viddef_mode_t::samples, vid, vid_bitsperpixel, vid_conheight, vid_conwidth, vid_desktopfullscreen, vid_display, vid_fullscreen, vid_height, vid_pixelheight, vid_refreshrate, vid_samples, vid_width, video_cursor, VIDEO_ITEMS, and width.

Referenced by M_KeyEvent().

◆ ModList_Enable()

static void ModList_Enable ( void )

Definition at line 4598 of file menu.c.

4600 int i;
4601 int numgamedirs;
4602 const char *gamedirs[MODLIST_MAXDIRS];
4604 // this part is basically the same as the FS_GameDir_f function
4605 if ((cls.state == ca_connected && !cls.demoplayback) || sv.active)
4606 {
4607 // actually, changing during game would work fine, but would be stupid
4608 Con_Printf("Can not change gamedir while client is connected or server is running!\n");
4609 return;
4610 }
4612 // copy our mod list into an array for FS_ChangeGameDirs
4613 for (i = 0, numgamedirs = 0; i < modlist_count && numgamedirs < MODLIST_MAXDIRS; i++)
4614 if (modlist[i].loaded)
4615 gamedirs[numgamedirs++] = modlist[i].dir;
4616 // allow disabling all active mods using the menu
4617 if (numgamedirs == 0)
4618 {
4619 numgamedirs = 1;
4620 gamedirs[0] = gamedirname1;
4621 }
4623 FS_ChangeGameDirs(numgamedirs, gamedirs, true);
const char * gamedirname1
Definition com_game.c:29
void Con_Printf(const char *fmt,...)
Prints to all appropriate console targets.
Definition console.c:1514
qbool FS_ChangeGameDirs(int numgamedirs, const char *gamedirs[], qbool failmissing)
Definition fs.c:1719
qbool demoplayback
Definition client.h:587
char dir[MAX_QPATH]
Definition menu.c:4540

References server_t::active, ca_connected, cls, Con_Printf(), client_static_t::demoplayback, modlist_entry_t::dir, FS_ChangeGameDirs(), gamedirname1, i, modlist, modlist_count, MODLIST_MAXDIRS, client_static_t::state, and sv.

Referenced by M_ModList_Key().

◆ ModList_RebuildList()

static void ModList_RebuildList ( void )

Definition at line 4549 of file menu.c.

4551 int i,j;
4552 stringlist_t list;
4553 const char *description;
4554 int desc_len;
4556 stringlistinit(&list);
4557 listdirectory(&list, fs_basedir, "");
4558 stringlistsort(&list, true);
4559 modlist_count = 0;
4561 for (i = 0;i < list.numstrings && modlist_count < MODLIST_TOTALSIZE;i++)
4562 {
4563 // reject any dirs that are part of the base game
4564 if (gamedirname1 && !strcasecmp(gamedirname1, list.strings[i])) continue;
4565 //if (gamedirname2 && !strcasecmp(gamedirname2, list.strings[i])) continue;
4567 // check if we can get a description of the gamedir (from modinfo.txt),
4568 // or if the directory is valid but has no description (fs_checkgamedir_missing)
4569 // otherwise this isn't a valid gamedir
4570 description = FS_CheckGameDir(list.strings[i]);
4571 if (description == NULL || description == fs_checkgamedir_missing) continue;
4573 desc_len = min(strlen(description), sizeof(modlist[modlist_count].name));
4574 for (j = 0; j < desc_len; ++j)
4575 if (!ISWHITESPACE(description[j]))
4576 {
4578 break;
4579 }
4583 // check if this mod is currently loaded
4584 modlist[modlist_count].loaded = false;
4585 for (j = 0; j < fs_numgamedirs; j++)
4586 if (!strcasecmp(fs_gamedirs[j], modlist[modlist_count].dir))
4587 {
4590 break;
4591 }
4593 modlist_count ++;
4594 }
void stringlistfreecontents(stringlist_t *list)
Definition filematch.c:87
void stringlistinit(stringlist_t *list)
Definition filematch.c:82
void stringlistsort(stringlist_t *list, qbool uniq)
Definition filematch.c:129
void listdirectory(stringlist_t *list, const char *basepath, const char *path)
Definition filematch.c:198
char fs_gamedirs[MAX_GAMEDIRS][MAX_QPATH]
Definition fs.c:449
const char * FS_CheckGameDir(const char *gamedir)
Definition fs.c:1824
const char *const fs_checkgamedir_missing
Definition fs.c:438
char fs_basedir[MAX_OSPATH]
Definition fs.c:444
int fs_numgamedirs
Definition fs.c:448
#define ISWHITESPACE(ch)
Definition qdefs.h:184
Definition qdefs.h:148
char ** strings
Definition filematch.h:31

References dir, modlist_entry_t::dir, dp_strlcpy, fs_basedir, FS_CheckGameDir(), fs_checkgamedir_missing, fs_gamedirs, fs_numgamedirs, gamedirname1, i, ISWHITESPACE, listdirectory(), modlist_entry_t::loaded, min, modlist, modlist_count, modlist_numenabled, MODLIST_TOTALSIZE, name, NULL, stringlist_t::numstrings, stringlistfreecontents(), stringlistinit(), stringlistsort(), stringlist_t::strings, and strlen().

Referenced by M_Menu_ModList_f(), and M_ModList_Key().

◆ MP_CheckRequiredFuncs()

static void MP_CheckRequiredFuncs ( prvm_prog_t * prog,
const char * filename )

Definition at line 5050 of file menu.c.

5052 int i;
5053 const char *m_required_func[] = {
5054 "m_init",
5055 "m_keydown",
5056 "m_draw",
5057 "m_toggle",
5058 "m_shutdown",
5059 };
5060 int m_numrequiredfunc = sizeof(m_required_func) / sizeof(char*);
5062 for(i = 0; i < m_numrequiredfunc; ++i)
5063 if(PRVM_ED_FindFunction(prog, m_required_func[i]) == 0)
5064 prog->error_cmd("%s: %s not found in %s",prog->name, m_required_func[i], filename);
mfunction_t * PRVM_ED_FindFunction(prvm_prog_t *prog, const char *name)
Definition prvm_edict.c:425
const char * name
name of the prog, e.g. "Server", "Client" or "Menu" (used for text output)
Definition progsvm.h:700
void(* error_cmd)(const char *format,...) DP_FUNC_PRINTF(1) DP_FUNC_NORETURN
Definition progsvm.h:747

References prvm_prog_t::error_cmd, i, prvm_prog_t::name, and PRVM_ED_FindFunction().

Referenced by MP_Init().

◆ MP_Draw()

static void MP_Draw ( void )

Definition at line 5330 of file menu.c.

5332 prvm_prog_t *prog = MVM_prog;
5333 float oldquality;
5335 // don't crash if we draw a frame between prog shutdown and restart, see Host_LoadConfig_f
5336 if (!prog->loaded)
5337 return;
5339 if (setjmp(mp_abort))
5340 return;
5344 // reset the temp entities each frame
5347 // menu scenes do not use reduced rendering quality
5348 oldquality = r_refdef.view.quality;
5349 r_refdef.view.quality = 1;
5350 // TODO: this needs to be exposed to R_SetView (or something similar) ASAP [2/5/2008 Andreas]
5353 // free memory for resources that are no longer referenced
5356 // FIXME: this really shouldnt error out lest we have a very broken refdef state...?
5357 // or does it kill the server too?
5360 prog->ExecuteProgram(prog, PRVM_menufunction(m_draw),"m_draw() required");
5362 // TODO: imo this should be moved into scene, too [1/27/2008 Andreas]
5363 r_refdef.view.quality = oldquality;
void R_SelectScene(r_refdef_scene_type_t scenetype)
Definition gl_rmain.c:5573
r_refdef_t r_refdef
Definition gl_rmain.c:57
jmp_buf mp_abort
Definition menu.c:5227
#define OFS_PARM0
Definition pr_comp.h:34
#define OFS_PARM1
Definition pr_comp.h:35
void PRVM_GarbageCollection(prvm_prog_t *prog)
#define PRVM_menufunction(funcname)
Definition progsvm.h:206
#define PRVM_G_FLOAT(o)
Definition progsvm.h:882
Definition render.h:223
Definition render.h:224
qbool loaded
used to indicate whether a prog is loaded
Definition progsvm.h:710
void(* ExecuteProgram)(struct prvm_prog_s *prog, func_t fnum, const char *errormessage)
pointer to one of the *VM_ExecuteProgram functions
Definition progsvm.h:749
int numtempentities
Definition render.h:367
double time
(client gameworld) time for rendering time based effects
Definition render.h:352
r_refdef_view_t view
Definition render.h:406
r_refdef_scene_t scene
Definition render.h:418
float quality
render quality (0 to 1) - affects r_drawparticles_drawdistance and others
Definition render.h:321

References prvm_prog_t::ExecuteProgram, viddef_mode_t::height, host, prvm_prog_t::loaded, viddef_t::mode, mp_abort, r_refdef_scene_t::numtempentities, OFS_PARM0, OFS_PARM1, PRVM_G_FLOAT, PRVM_GarbageCollection(), PRVM_menufunction, r_refdef_view_t::quality, r_refdef, R_SelectScene(), host_static_t::realtime, RST_CLIENT, RST_MENU, r_refdef_t::scene, r_refdef_scene_t::time, vid, r_refdef_t::view, and viddef_mode_t::width.

Referenced by MR_SetRouting().

◆ MP_GetServerListEntryCategory()

static int MP_GetServerListEntryCategory ( const serverlist_entry_t * entry)

Definition at line 5391 of file menu.c.

5393 prvm_prog_t *prog = MVM_prog;
5395 if (setjmp(mp_abort))
5396 return 0;
5399 if (PRVM_menufunction(m_gethostcachecategory))
5400 {
5401 prog->globals.fp[OFS_PARM0] = (prvm_vec_t) -1;
5402 prog->ExecuteProgram(prog, PRVM_menufunction(m_gethostcachecategory),"m_gethostcachecategory(float entry) required");
5404 return prog->globals.fp[OFS_RETURN];
5405 }
5406 else
5407 {
5408 return 0;
5409 }
const serverlist_entry_t * serverlist_callbackentry
Definition menu.c:5390
#define OFS_RETURN
Definition pr_comp.h:33
float prvm_vec_t
Definition qtypes.h:55
prvm_vec_t * fp
Definition progsvm.h:580
union prvm_prog_t::@31 globals

References prvm_prog_t::ExecuteProgram, prvm_prog_t::fp, prvm_prog_t::globals, mp_abort, NULL, OFS_PARM0, OFS_RETURN, PRVM_menufunction, and serverlist_callbackentry.

Referenced by MR_SetRouting().

◆ MP_Init()

static void MP_Init ( void )

Definition at line 5429 of file menu.c.

5431 prvm_prog_t *prog = MVM_prog;
5433 if (setjmp(mp_abort))
5434 return;
5438 prog->edictprivate_size = 0; // no private struct used
5439 prog->name = "menu";
5440 prog->num_edicts = 1;
5441 prog->limit_edicts = M_MAX_EDICTS;
5443 prog->builtins = vm_m_builtins;
5446 // all callbacks must be defined (pointers are not checked before calling)
5449 prog->init_edict = MVM_init_edict;
5450 prog->free_edict = MVM_free_edict;
5452 prog->load_edict = MVM_load_edict;
5453 prog->init_cmd = MVM_init_cmd;
5454 prog->reset_cmd = MVM_reset_cmd;
5455 prog->error_cmd = MVM_error_cmd;
5456 prog->ExecuteProgram = MVM_ExecuteProgram;
5458 // allocate the mempools
5463 // note: OP_STATE is not supported by menu qc, we don't even try to detect
5464 // it here
5466 in_client_mouse = true;
5468 // call the prog init
5469 prog->ExecuteProgram(prog, PRVM_menufunction(m_init),"m_init() required");
5471 // Once m_init was called, we consider menuqc code fully initialized.
5472 prog->inittime = host.realtime;
qbool in_client_mouse
Definition vid_shared.c:67
static int m_numrequiredglobals
Definition menu.c:5223
static void MVM_count_edicts(prvm_prog_t *prog)
Definition menu.c:5290
static int m_numrequiredfields
Definition menu.c:5144
static void MVM_begin_increase_edicts(prvm_prog_t *prog)
Definition menu.c:5274
static cvar_t menu_progs
Definition menu.c:32
static void MVM_error_cmd(const char *format,...) DP_FUNC_PRINTF(1) DP_FUNC_NORETURN
Definition menu.c:5229
static prvm_required_field_t m_required_fields[]
Definition menu.c:5067
static void MVM_init_edict(prvm_prog_t *prog, prvm_edict_t *edict)
Definition menu.c:5282
static void MVM_free_edict(prvm_prog_t *prog, prvm_edict_t *ed)
Definition menu.c:5286
static qbool MVM_load_edict(prvm_prog_t *prog, prvm_edict_t *ent)
Definition menu.c:5309
static void MP_CheckRequiredFuncs(prvm_prog_t *prog, const char *filename)
Definition menu.c:5050
static void MVM_end_increase_edicts(prvm_prog_t *prog)
Definition menu.c:5278
static prvm_required_field_t m_required_globals[]
Definition menu.c:5146
const int vm_m_numbuiltins
Definition mvm_cmds.c:1745
prvm_builtin_t vm_m_builtins[]
Definition mvm_cmds.c:1070
void MVM_init_cmd(prvm_prog_t *prog)
Definition mvm_cmds.c:1747
void MVM_reset_cmd(prvm_prog_t *prog)
Definition mvm_cmds.c:1769
const char * vm_m_extensions[]
Definition mvm_cmds.c:13
void PRVM_Prog_Load(prvm_prog_t *prog, const char *filename, unsigned char *data, fs_offset_t size, void CheckRequiredFuncs(prvm_prog_t *prog, const char *filename), int numrequiredfields, prvm_required_field_t *required_field, int numrequiredglobals, prvm_required_field_t *required_global)
void PRVM_Prog_Init(prvm_prog_t *prog, struct cmd_state_s *cmd)
Initializing a vm: Call InitProg with the num Set up the fields marked with [INIT] in the prog struct...
#define M_MAX_EDICTS
max objects in menu vm
Definition qdefs.h:117
void(* reset_cmd)(struct prvm_prog_s *prog)
[INIT] used by PRVM_ResetProg
Definition progsvm.h:745
int numbuiltins
Definition progsvm.h:605
prvm_builtin_t * builtins
Definition progsvm.h:604
int edictprivate_size
size of the engine private struct
Definition progsvm.h:689
void(* begin_increase_edicts)(struct prvm_prog_s *prog)
[INIT] used by PRVM_MEM_Increase_Edicts
Definition progsvm.h:734
void(* free_edict)(struct prvm_prog_s *prog, prvm_edict_t *ed)
[INIT] used by PRVM_ED_Free
Definition progsvm.h:738
int num_edicts
copies of some vars that were former read from sv
Definition progsvm.h:671
void(* count_edicts)(struct prvm_prog_s *prog)
[INIT] used by PRVM_ED_Count_f
Definition progsvm.h:740
double inittime
system time when QC initialization code finished (any entity created before is not a leak)
Definition progsvm.h:539
int limit_edicts
used instead of the constant MAX_EDICTS
Definition progsvm.h:675
void(* init_edict)(struct prvm_prog_s *prog, prvm_edict_t *edict)
[INIT] used by PRVM_ED_ClearEdict
Definition progsvm.h:737
mempool_t * progs_mempool
all memory allocations related to this vm_prog (code, edicts, strings)
Definition progsvm.h:602
qbool(* load_edict)(struct prvm_prog_s *prog, prvm_edict_t *ent)
[INIT] used by PRVM_ED_LoadFromFile
Definition progsvm.h:742
void(* init_cmd)(struct prvm_prog_s *prog)
[INIT] used by PRVM_InitProg
Definition progsvm.h:744
const char ** extensionstring
Definition progsvm.h:705
void(* end_increase_edicts)(struct prvm_prog_s *prog)
Definition progsvm.h:735
#define Mem_AllocPool(name, flags, parent)
Definition zone.h:104

References prvm_prog_t::begin_increase_edicts, prvm_prog_t::builtins, cmd_local, prvm_prog_t::count_edicts, prvm_prog_t::edictprivate_size, prvm_prog_t::end_increase_edicts, prvm_prog_t::error_cmd, prvm_prog_t::ExecuteProgram, prvm_prog_t::extensionstring, prvm_prog_t::free_edict, host, in_client_mouse, prvm_prog_t::init_cmd, prvm_prog_t::init_edict, prvm_prog_t::inittime, prvm_prog_t::limit_edicts, prvm_prog_t::load_edict, M_MAX_EDICTS, m_numrequiredfields, m_numrequiredglobals, m_required_fields, m_required_globals, Mem_AllocPool, menu_progs, mp_abort, MP_CheckRequiredFuncs(), MVM_begin_increase_edicts(), MVM_count_edicts(), MVM_end_increase_edicts(), MVM_error_cmd(), MVM_free_edict(), MVM_init_cmd(), MVM_init_edict(), MVM_load_edict(), MVM_reset_cmd(), prvm_prog_t::name, NULL, prvm_prog_t::num_edicts, prvm_prog_t::numbuiltins, prvm_prog_t::progs_mempool, PRVM_menufunction, PRVM_Prog_Init(), PRVM_Prog_Load(), host_static_t::realtime, prvm_prog_t::reset_cmd, cvar_t::string, vm_m_builtins, vm_m_extensions, and vm_m_numbuiltins.

Referenced by MR_SetRouting().

◆ MP_KeyEvent()

static void MP_KeyEvent ( int key,
int ascii,
qbool downevent )

Definition at line 5314 of file menu.c.

5316 prvm_prog_t *prog = MVM_prog;
5318 if (setjmp(mp_abort))
5319 return;
5321 // pass key
5322 prog->globals.fp[OFS_PARM0] = (prvm_vec_t) key;
5323 prog->globals.fp[OFS_PARM1] = (prvm_vec_t) ascii;
5324 if (downevent)
5325 prog->ExecuteProgram(prog, PRVM_menufunction(m_keydown),"m_keydown(float key, float ascii) required");
5326 else if (PRVM_menufunction(m_keyup))
5327 prog->ExecuteProgram(prog, PRVM_menufunction(m_keyup),"m_keyup(float key, float ascii) required");

References prvm_prog_t::ExecuteProgram, prvm_prog_t::fp, prvm_prog_t::globals, mp_abort, OFS_PARM0, OFS_PARM1, and PRVM_menufunction.

Referenced by MR_SetRouting().

◆ MP_NewMap()

static void MP_NewMap ( void )

Definition at line 5379 of file menu.c.

5381 prvm_prog_t *prog = MVM_prog;
5383 if (setjmp(mp_abort))
5384 return;
5386 if (PRVM_menufunction(m_newmap))
5387 prog->ExecuteProgram(prog, PRVM_menufunction(m_newmap),"m_newmap() required");

References prvm_prog_t::ExecuteProgram, mp_abort, and PRVM_menufunction.

Referenced by MR_SetRouting().

◆ MP_Shutdown()

static void MP_Shutdown ( void )

Definition at line 5412 of file menu.c.

5414 prvm_prog_t *prog = MVM_prog;
5416 if (setjmp(mp_abort))
5417 return;
5419 if (prog->loaded)
5420 prog->ExecuteProgram(prog, PRVM_menufunction(m_shutdown),"m_shutdown() required");
5422 // reset key_dest
5425 // AK not using this cause Im not sure whether this is useful at all instead :
5426 PRVM_Prog_Reset(prog);
void PRVM_Prog_Reset(prvm_prog_t *prog)

References prvm_prog_t::ExecuteProgram, key_dest, key_game, prvm_prog_t::loaded, mp_abort, PRVM_menufunction, and PRVM_Prog_Reset().

Referenced by MR_SetRouting().

◆ MP_ToggleMenu()

static void MP_ToggleMenu ( int mode)

Definition at line 5368 of file menu.c.

5370 prvm_prog_t *prog = MVM_prog;
5372 if (setjmp(mp_abort))
5373 return;
5375 prog->globals.fp[OFS_PARM0] = (prvm_vec_t) mode;
5376 prog->ExecuteProgram(prog, PRVM_menufunction(m_toggle),"m_toggle(float mode) required");

References prvm_prog_t::ExecuteProgram, prvm_prog_t::fp, prvm_prog_t::globals, mode, mp_abort, OFS_PARM0, and PRVM_menufunction.

Referenced by MR_SetRouting().

◆ MR_Init()

void MR_Init ( void )

Definition at line 5543 of file menu.c.

5545 vid_mode_t res[1024];
5546 size_t res_count, i;
5548 res_count = VID_ListModes(res, sizeof(res) / sizeof(*res));
5549 res_count = VID_SortModes(res, res_count, false, false, true);
5550 if(res_count)
5551 {
5552 video_resolutions_count = (int)res_count;
5555 for(i = 0; i < res_count; ++i)
5556 {
5557 int n, d, t;
5558 video_resolutions[i].type = "Detected mode"; // FIXME make this more dynamic
5561 video_resolutions[i].pixelheight = res[i].pixelheight_num / (double) res[i].pixelheight_denom;
5564 while(d)
5565 {
5566 t = n;
5567 n = d;
5568 d = t % d;
5569 }
5570 d = (res[i].pixelheight_num * video_resolutions[i].height) / n;
5572 switch(n * 0x10000 | d)
5573 {
5574 case 0x00040003:
5577 video_resolutions[i].type = "Standard 4x3";
5578 break;
5579 case 0x00050004:
5582 if(res[i].pixelheight_denom == res[i].pixelheight_num)
5583 video_resolutions[i].type = "Square Pixel (LCD) 5x4";
5584 else
5585 video_resolutions[i].type = "Short Pixel (CRT) 5x4";
5586 break;
5587 case 0x00080005:
5590 if(res[i].pixelheight_denom == res[i].pixelheight_num)
5591 video_resolutions[i].type = "Widescreen 8x5";
5592 else
5593 video_resolutions[i].type = "Tall Pixel (CRT) 8x5";
5595 break;
5596 case 0x00050003:
5599 video_resolutions[i].type = "Widescreen 5x3";
5600 break;
5601 case 0x000D0009:
5604 video_resolutions[i].type = "Widescreen 14x9";
5605 break;
5606 case 0x00100009:
5609 video_resolutions[i].type = "Widescreen 16x9";
5610 break;
5611 case 0x00030002:
5614 video_resolutions[i].type = "NTSC 3x2";
5615 break;
5616 case 0x000D000B:
5619 video_resolutions[i].type = "PAL 14x11";
5620 break;
5621 case 0x00080007:
5622 if(video_resolutions[i].width >= 512)
5623 {
5626 video_resolutions[i].type = "SNES 8x7";
5627 }
5628 else
5629 {
5632 video_resolutions[i].type = "NES 8x7";
5633 }
5634 break;
5635 default:
5637 video_resolutions[i].conheight = 640 * d / n;
5638 video_resolutions[i].type = "Detected mode";
5639 break;
5640 }
5642 {
5643 int f1, f2;
5646 if(f1 > f2)
5647 {
5650 }
5651 else
5652 {
5655 }
5656 }
5657 }
5658 }
5659 else
5660 {
5663 }
5668 // use -forceqmenu to use always the normal quake menu (it sets forceqmenu to 1)
5669// COMMANDLINEOPTION: Client: -forceqmenu disables menu.dat (same as +forceqmenu 1)
5670 if(Sys_CheckParm("-forceqmenu"))
5672 // use -useqmenu for debugging proposes, cause it starts
5673 // the normal quake menu only the first time
5674// COMMANDLINEOPTION: Client: -useqmenu causes the first time you open the menu to use the quake menu, then reverts to menu.dat (if forceqmenu is 0)
5675 if(Sys_CheckParm("-useqmenu"))
5676 MR_SetRouting (true);
5677 else
5678 MR_SetRouting (false);
void MR_SetRouting(qbool forceold)
Definition menu.c:5485
int pixelheight_denom
Definition vid.h:244
int pixelheight_num
Definition vid.h:244
int width
Definition vid.h:243
int height
Definition vid.h:243
const char * type
Definition menu.h:95
int Sys_CheckParm(const char *parm)
Definition sys_shared.c:327
size_t VID_ListModes(vid_mode_t *modes, size_t maxcount)
Definition vid_null.c:62
size_t VID_SortModes(vid_mode_t *modes, size_t count, qbool usebpp, qbool userefreshrate, qbool useaspect)

References cls, video_resolution_t::conheight, video_resolution_t::conwidth, Cvar_SetValueQuick(), forceqmenu, height, vid_mode_t::height, viddef_mode_t::height, video_resolution_t::height, i, int(), cvar_t::integer, M_Menu_Video_FindResolution(), Mem_Alloc, menu_video_resolutions_forfullscreen, viddef_t::mode, MR_SetRouting(), n, client_static_t::permanentmempool, video_resolution_t::pixelheight, vid_mode_t::pixelheight_denom, vid_mode_t::pixelheight_num, Sys_CheckParm(), video_resolution_t::type, cvar_t::value, vid, vid_fullscreen, VID_ListModes(), vid_pixelheight, VID_SortModes(), video_resolutions, video_resolutions_count, video_resolutions_hardcoded, vid_mode_t::width, viddef_mode_t::width, video_resolution_t::width, and width.

Referenced by Host_Init(), Host_LoadConfig_f(), and MR_Restart().

◆ MR_Init_Commands()

void MR_Init_Commands ( void )

Definition at line 5533 of file menu.c.

5535 // set router console commands
5539 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_CLIENT, "menu_restart", MR_Restart_f, "restart menu system (reloads menu.dat)");
5540 Cmd_AddCommand(CF_CLIENT, "togglemenu", Call_MR_ToggleMenu_f, "opens or closes menu");
void Cvar_RegisterVariable(cvar_t *variable)
registers a cvar that already has the name, string, and optionally the archive elements set.
Definition cvar.c:599
static void Call_MR_ToggleMenu_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition menu.c:5524
static void MR_Restart_f(cmd_state_t *cmd)
Definition menu.c:5519

References Call_MR_ToggleMenu_f(), CF_CLIENT, Cmd_AddCommand(), Cvar_RegisterVariable(), forceqmenu, menu_options_colorcontrol_correctionvalue, menu_progs, and MR_Restart_f().

Referenced by CL_Init().

◆ MR_Restart()

void MR_Restart ( void )

Definition at line 5512 of file menu.c.

5514 if(MR_Shutdown)
5515 MR_Shutdown ();
5516 MR_Init();
void(* MR_Shutdown)(void)
Definition menu.c:5481
void MR_Init(void)
Definition menu.c:5543

References MR_Init(), and MR_Shutdown.

Referenced by MR_Restart_f().

◆ MR_Restart_f()

static void MR_Restart_f ( cmd_state_t * cmd)

Definition at line 5519 of file menu.c.

5521 MR_Restart();
void MR_Restart(void)
Definition menu.c:5512

References MR_Restart().

Referenced by MR_Init_Commands().

◆ MR_SetRouting()

void MR_SetRouting ( qbool forceold)

Definition at line 5485 of file menu.c.

5487 // if the menu prog isnt available or forceqmenu ist set, use the old menu
5488 if(!FS_FileExists(menu_progs.string) || forceqmenu.integer || forceold)
5489 {
5490 // set menu router function pointers
5492 MR_Draw = M_Draw;
5497 M_Init();
5498 }
5499 else
5500 {
5501 // set menu router function pointers
5503 MR_Draw = MP_Draw;
5508 MP_Init();
5509 }
static void M_NewMap(void)
Definition menu.c:5032
static int MP_GetServerListEntryCategory(const serverlist_entry_t *entry)
Definition menu.c:5391
static void M_Init(void)
Definition menu.c:4754
static int M_GetServerListEntryCategory(const serverlist_entry_t *entry)
Definition menu.c:5036
void(* MR_NewMap)(void)
Definition menu.c:5482
static void M_ToggleMenu(int mode)
Definition menu.c:269
void(* MR_Draw)(void)
Definition menu.c:5479
static void M_KeyEvent(int key, int ascii, qbool downevent)
Definition menu.c:4927
int(* MR_GetServerListEntryCategory)(const serverlist_entry_t *entry)
Definition menu.c:5483
static void MP_KeyEvent(int key, int ascii, qbool downevent)
Definition menu.c:5314
static void MP_Init(void)
Definition menu.c:5429
static void MP_ToggleMenu(int mode)
Definition menu.c:5368
static void MP_NewMap(void)
Definition menu.c:5379
static void MP_Draw(void)
Definition menu.c:5330
void(* MR_KeyEvent)(int key, int ascii, qbool downevent)
Definition menu.c:5478
static void MP_Shutdown(void)
Definition menu.c:5412
static void M_Draw(void)
Definition menu.c:4780
static void M_Shutdown(void)
Definition menu.c:5041

References forceqmenu, FS_FileExists(), cvar_t::integer, M_Draw(), M_GetServerListEntryCategory(), M_Init(), M_KeyEvent(), M_NewMap(), M_Shutdown(), M_ToggleMenu(), menu_progs, MP_Draw(), MP_GetServerListEntryCategory(), MP_Init(), MP_KeyEvent(), MP_NewMap(), MP_Shutdown(), MP_ToggleMenu(), MR_Draw, MR_GetServerListEntryCategory, MR_KeyEvent, MR_NewMap, MR_Shutdown, MR_ToggleMenu, and cvar_t::string.

Referenced by MR_Init(), and MVM_error_cmd().

◆ MVM_begin_increase_edicts()

static void MVM_begin_increase_edicts ( prvm_prog_t * prog)

Definition at line 5274 of file menu.c.


Referenced by MP_Init().

◆ MVM_count_edicts()

static void MVM_count_edicts ( prvm_prog_t * prog)

Definition at line 5290 of file menu.c.

5292 int i;
5293 prvm_edict_t *ent;
5294 int active;
5296 active = 0;
5297 for (i=0 ; i<prog->num_edicts ; i++)
5298 {
5299 ent = PRVM_EDICT_NUM(i);
5300 if (ent->free)
5301 continue;
5302 active++;
5303 }
5305 Con_Printf("num_edicts:%3i\n", prog->num_edicts);
5306 Con_Printf("active :%3i\n", active);
#define PRVM_EDICT_NUM(n)
Definition progsvm.h:867
qbool free
true if this edict is unused
Definition progsvm.h:93

References Con_Printf(), prvm_edict_t::free, i, prvm_prog_t::num_edicts, and PRVM_EDICT_NUM.

Referenced by MP_Init().

◆ MVM_end_increase_edicts()

static void MVM_end_increase_edicts ( prvm_prog_t * prog)

Definition at line 5278 of file menu.c.


Referenced by MP_Init().

◆ MVM_error_cmd()

static void MVM_error_cmd ( const char * format,
... )

Definition at line 5229 of file menu.c.

5231 static qbool processingError = false;
5232 char errorstring[MAX_INPUTLINE];
5233 va_list argptr;
5234 int outfd = sys.outfd;
5236 // set output to stderr
5237 sys.outfd = fileno(stderr);
5239 va_start (argptr, format);
5240 dpvsnprintf (errorstring, sizeof(errorstring), format, argptr);
5241 va_end (argptr);
5243 Con_Printf(CON_ERROR "Menu_Error: %s\n", errorstring);
5245 if(!processingError)
5246 {
5247 processingError = true;
5248 PRVM_Crash();
5249 processingError = false;
5250 }
5251 else
5252 Sys_Error("Menu_Error: Recursive call to MVM_error_cmd (from PRVM_Crash)!");
5254 Con_Print("Falling back to engine menu\n");
5256 MR_SetRouting (true);
5257 mp_failed = true;
5258 if (cls.state != ca_connected || key_dest != key_game) // if not disrupting a game
5259 MR_ToggleMenu(1); // ensure error screen appears, eg for: menu_progs ""; menu_restart
5261 // reset the active scene, too (to be on the safe side ;))
5264 // prevent an endless loop if the error was triggered by a command
5267 // restore configured outfd
5268 sys.outfd = outfd;
5270 // no frame abort: menu failure shouldn't interfere with more important VMs
5271 longjmp(mp_abort, 1);
void Cbuf_Clear(cmd_buf_t *cbuf)
Clears all command buffers.
Definition cmd.c:436
int dpvsnprintf(char *buffer, size_t buffersize, const char *format, va_list args)
Returns the number of printed characters, excluding the final '\0' or returns -1 if the buffer isn't ...
Definition common.c:1010
void Con_Print(const char *msg)
Prints to all appropriate console targets, and adds timestamps.
Definition console.c:1504
#define CON_ERROR
Definition console.h:102
GLint GLint GLint GLsizei GLsizei GLenum format
Definition glquake.h:649
void PRVM_Crash(void)
Definition prvm_exec.c:750
bool qbool
Definition qtypes.h:9
cmd_buf_t * cbuf
Definition cmd.h:137
int outfd
Definition sys.h:149
sys_t sys
Definition sys_shared.c:42

References ca_connected, cmd_state_t::cbuf, Cbuf_Clear(), cls, cmd_local, CON_ERROR, Con_Print(), Con_Printf(), dpvsnprintf(), format, key_dest, key_game, MAX_INPUTLINE, mp_abort, mp_failed, MR_SetRouting(), MR_ToggleMenu, sys_t::outfd, PRVM_Crash(), R_SelectScene(), RST_CLIENT, client_static_t::state, sys, and Sys_Error().

Referenced by MP_Init().

◆ MVM_free_edict()

static void MVM_free_edict ( prvm_prog_t * prog,
prvm_edict_t * ed )

Definition at line 5286 of file menu.c.


Referenced by MP_Init().

◆ MVM_init_edict()

static void MVM_init_edict ( prvm_prog_t * prog,
prvm_edict_t * edict )

Definition at line 5282 of file menu.c.


Referenced by MP_Init().

◆ MVM_load_edict()

static qbool MVM_load_edict ( prvm_prog_t * prog,
prvm_edict_t * ent )

Definition at line 5309 of file menu.c.

5311 return true;

Referenced by MP_Init().

◆ setup_rateindex()

static int setup_rateindex ( int rate)

Definition at line 1333 of file menu.c.

1335 int i;
1336 for (i = 0;i < RATES;i++)
1337 if (setup_ratetable[i].rate > setup_rate)
1338 break;
1339 return bound(1, i, RATES) - 1;

References bound, i, RATES, setup_rate, and setup_ratetable.

Referenced by M_Setup_Draw(), and M_Setup_Key().

Variable Documentation

◆ battlemechepisodes

episode_t battlemechepisodes[]
Initial value:
{"Time for Battle", 0, 7},

Definition at line 3868 of file menu.c.

3870 {"Time for Battle", 0, 7},

◆ battlemechgame

gamelevels_t battlemechgame = {"Battlemech", battlemechlevels, battlemechepisodes, 1}

Definition at line 3931 of file menu.c.

3931{"Battlemech", battlemechlevels, battlemechepisodes, 1};
static level_t battlemechlevels[]
Definition menu.c:3857
static episode_t battlemechepisodes[]
Definition menu.c:3868

◆ battlemechlevels

level_t battlemechlevels[]
Initial value:
{"start", "Parking Level"},
{"dm1", "Hot Dump"},
{"dm2", "The Pits"},
{"dm3", "Dimber Died"},
{"dm4", "Fire in the Hole"},
{"dm5", "Clubhouses"},
{"dm6", "Army go Underground"},

Definition at line 3857 of file menu.c.

3859 {"start", "Parking Level"},
3860 {"dm1", "Hot Dump"}, // 1
3861 {"dm2", "The Pits"},
3862 {"dm3", "Dimber Died"},
3863 {"dm4", "Fire in the Hole"},
3864 {"dm5", "Clubhouses"},
3865 {"dm6", "Army go Underground"},

◆ bind_grab

int bind_grab

Definition at line 2556 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Keys_Draw(), and M_Keys_Key().

◆ bindnames

const char*(* bindnames)[2]

Definition at line 2462 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Keys_Draw(), M_Keys_Key(), and M_Menu_Keys_f().

◆ cl_beams_instantaimhack

cvar_t cl_beams_instantaimhack

Definition at line 80 of file cl_main.c.

80{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_beams_instantaimhack", "0", "makes your lightning gun aiming update instantly"};
#define CF_ARCHIVE
cvar should have its set value saved to config.cfg and persist across sessions
Definition cmd.h:53

Referenced by CL_Beam_CalculatePositions(), CL_Init(), M_Menu_Options_Effects_AdjustSliders(), and M_Options_Effects_Draw().

◆ cl_beams_lightatend

cvar_t cl_beams_lightatend

Definition at line 81 of file cl_main.c.

81{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_beams_lightatend", "0", "make a light at the end of the beam"};

Referenced by CL_Init(), CL_RelinkBeams(), M_Menu_Options_Effects_AdjustSliders(), and M_Options_Effects_Draw().

◆ cl_beams_polygons

cvar_t cl_beams_polygons

Definition at line 78 of file cl_main.c.

78{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_beams_polygons", "1","use beam polygons instead of models"};

Referenced by CL_Init(), CL_RelinkBeams(), M_Menu_Options_Effects_AdjustSliders(), and M_Options_Effects_Draw().

◆ cl_beams_quakepositionhack

cvar_t cl_beams_quakepositionhack

Definition at line 79 of file cl_main.c.

79{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_beams_quakepositionhack", "1", "makes your lightning gun appear to fire from your waist (as in Quake and QuakeWorld)"};

Referenced by CL_Beam_CalculatePositions(), CL_Init(), M_Menu_Options_Effects_AdjustSliders(), and M_Options_Effects_Draw().

◆ cl_bottomcolor

cvar_t cl_bottomcolor

Definition at line 36 of file cl_cmd.c.

36{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE | CF_USERINFO, "bottomcolor", "0", "color of your pants"};
command or cvar used to communicate userinfo to the server
Definition cmd.h:57

Referenced by CL_Color_c(), CL_Color_f(), CL_InitCommands(), CL_Topcolor_c(), and M_Menu_Setup_f().

◆ cl_stainmaps

cvar_t cl_stainmaps

Definition at line 75 of file cl_main.c.

75{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_stainmaps", "0","stains lightmaps, much faster than decals but blurred"};

Referenced by CL_Init(), M_Menu_Options_Effects_AdjustSliders(), M_Options_Effects_Draw(), Mod_Q1BSP_LoadFaces(), and Mod_VBSP_LoadFaces().

◆ cl_stainmaps_clearonload

cvar_t cl_stainmaps_clearonload

Definition at line 76 of file cl_main.c.

76{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "cl_stainmaps_clearonload", "1","clear stainmaps on map restart"};

Referenced by CL_Init(), M_Menu_Options_Effects_AdjustSliders(), M_Options_Effects_Draw(), and mod_newmap().

◆ cl_topcolor

cvar_t cl_topcolor

Definition at line 35 of file cl_cmd.c.

35{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE | CF_USERINFO, "topcolor", "0", "color of your shirt"};

Referenced by CL_Bottomcolor_c(), CL_Color_c(), CL_Color_f(), CL_InitCommands(), and M_Menu_Setup_f().

◆ defeatindetail2episodes

episode_t defeatindetail2episodes[]
Initial value:
{"ATAC Campaign", 0, 3},

Definition at line 3906 of file menu.c.

3908 {"ATAC Campaign", 0, 3},

◆ defeatindetail2game

gamelevels_t defeatindetail2game = {"Defeat In Detail 2", defeatindetail2levels, defeatindetail2episodes, 1}

Definition at line 3933 of file menu.c.

3933{"Defeat In Detail 2", defeatindetail2levels, defeatindetail2episodes, 1};
static level_t defeatindetail2levels[]
Definition menu.c:3899
static episode_t defeatindetail2episodes[]
Definition menu.c:3906

◆ defeatindetail2levels

level_t defeatindetail2levels[]
Initial value:
{"atac3", "River Crossing"},
{"atac4", "Canyon Chaos"},
{"atac7", "Desert Stormer"},

Definition at line 3899 of file menu.c.

3901 {"atac3", "River Crossing"},
3902 {"atac4", "Canyon Chaos"},
3903 {"atac7", "Desert Stormer"},

◆ demo_cursor

int demo_cursor

Definition at line 289 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Demo_Draw(), and M_Demo_Key().

◆ forceqmenu

cvar_t forceqmenu = {CF_CLIENT, "forceqmenu", "0", "enables the quake menu instead of the quakec menu.dat (if present)"}

Definition at line 31 of file menu.c.

31{CF_CLIENT, "forceqmenu", "0", "enables the quake menu instead of the quakec menu.dat (if present)"};

Referenced by M_Menu_Main_f(), MR_Init(), MR_Init_Commands(), and MR_SetRouting().

◆ gamelist

gameinfo_t gamelist[]
Initial value:
Definition com_game.h:44
static gamelevels_t defeatindetail2game
Definition menu.c:3933
static gamelevels_t prydongame
Definition menu.c:3934
static gamelevels_t sharewarequakegame
Definition menu.c:3924
static gamelevels_t hipnoticgame
Definition menu.c:3926
static gamelevels_t openquartzgame
Definition menu.c:3932
static gamelevels_t battlemechgame
Definition menu.c:3931
static gamelevels_t registeredquakegame
Definition menu.c:3925
static gamelevels_t nehahragame
Definition menu.c:3928
static gamelevels_t transfusiongame
Definition menu.c:3929
static gamelevels_t roguegame
Definition menu.c:3927
static gamelevels_t goodvsbad2game
Definition menu.c:3930

Definition at line 3944 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Menu_GameOptions_f().

◆ gameoptions_cursor

int gameoptions_cursor

Definition at line 3987 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_GameOptions_Draw(), M_GameOptions_Key(), and M_NetStart_Change().

◆ gameoptions_cursor_table

int gameoptions_cursor_table[] = {40, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96, 104, 112, 140, 160, 168}

Definition at line 3985 of file menu.c.

3985{40, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96, 104, 112, 140, 160, 168};

Referenced by M_GameOptions_Draw().

◆ gameoptions_levels

gamelevels_t* gameoptions_levels = NULL

◆ gl_flashblend

cvar_t gl_flashblend

Definition at line 236 of file r_shadow.c.

236{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "gl_flashblend", "0", "render bright coronas for dynamic lights instead of actual lighting, fast but ugly"};

Referenced by M_Menu_Options_Graphics_AdjustSliders(), M_Options_Graphics_Draw(), and R_UpdateVariables().

◆ gl_picmip

cvar_t gl_picmip

Definition at line 29 of file gl_textures.c.

29{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "gl_picmip", "0", "reduces resolution of textures by powers of 2, for example 1 will halve width/height, reducing texture memory usage by 75%"};

Referenced by M_Menu_Video_AdjustSliders(), M_Video_Draw(), R_PicmipForFlags(), and R_Textures_Init().

◆ gl_texture_anisotropy

cvar_t gl_texture_anisotropy

Definition at line 36 of file gl_textures.c.

36{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "gl_texture_anisotropy", "1", "anisotropic filtering quality (if supported by hardware), 1 sample (no anisotropy) and 8 sample (8 tap anisotropy) are recommended values"};

Referenced by GL_SetupTextureParameters(), M_Menu_Video_AdjustSliders(), M_Video_Draw(), R_Textures_Frame(), and R_Textures_Init().

◆ goodvsbad2bindnames

const char* goodvsbad2bindnames[][2]
Initial value:
{"impulse 69", "Power 1"},
{"impulse 70", "Power 2"},
{"impulse 71", "Power 3"},
{"+jump", "jump / swim up"},
{"+forward", "walk forward"},
{"+back", "backpedal"},
{"+left", "turn left"},
{"+right", "turn right"},
{"+speed", "run"},
{"+moveleft", "step left"},
{"+moveright", "step right"},
{"+strafe", "sidestep"},
{"+lookup", "look up"},
{"+lookdown", "look down"},
{"centerview", "center view"},
{"+mlook", "mouse look"},
{"kill", "kill yourself"},
{"+moveup", "swim up"},
{"+movedown", "swim down"}

Definition at line 2438 of file menu.c.

2440{"impulse 69", "Power 1"},
2441{"impulse 70", "Power 2"},
2442{"impulse 71", "Power 3"},
2443{"+jump", "jump / swim up"},
2444{"+forward", "walk forward"},
2445{"+back", "backpedal"},
2446{"+left", "turn left"},
2447{"+right", "turn right"},
2448{"+speed", "run"},
2449{"+moveleft", "step left"},
2450{"+moveright", "step right"},
2451{"+strafe", "sidestep"},
2452{"+lookup", "look up"},
2453{"+lookdown", "look down"},
2454{"centerview", "center view"},
2455{"+mlook", "mouse look"},
2456{"kill", "kill yourself"},
2457{"+moveup", "swim up"},
2458{"+movedown", "swim down"}

Referenced by M_Menu_Keys_f().

◆ goodvsbad2episodes

episode_t goodvsbad2episodes[]
Initial value:
{"Levels? Bevels!", 0, 8},

Definition at line 3852 of file menu.c.

3854 {"Levels? Bevels!", 0, 8},

◆ goodvsbad2game

gamelevels_t goodvsbad2game = {"Good Vs. Bad 2", goodvsbad2levels, goodvsbad2episodes, 1}

Definition at line 3930 of file menu.c.

3930{"Good Vs. Bad 2", goodvsbad2levels, goodvsbad2episodes, 1};
static level_t goodvsbad2levels[]
Definition menu.c:3839
static episode_t goodvsbad2episodes[]
Definition menu.c:3852

◆ goodvsbad2levels

level_t goodvsbad2levels[]
Initial value:
{"rts", "Many Paths"},
{"chess", "Chess, Scott Hess"},
{"dot", "Big Wall"},
{"city2", "The Big City"},
{"bwall", "0 G like Psychic TV"},
{"snow", "Wireframed"},
{"telep", "Infinite Falling"},
{"faces", "Facing Bases"},
{"island", "Adventure Islands"},

Definition at line 3839 of file menu.c.

3841 {"rts", "Many Paths"}, // 0
3842 {"chess", "Chess, Scott Hess"}, // 1
3843 {"dot", "Big Wall"},
3844 {"city2", "The Big City"},
3845 {"bwall", "0 G like Psychic TV"},
3846 {"snow", "Wireframed"},
3847 {"telep", "Infinite Falling"},
3848 {"faces", "Facing Bases"},
3849 {"island", "Adventure Islands"},

◆ help_page

int help_page

Definition at line 3104 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Help_Draw(), M_Help_Key(), and M_Menu_Help_f().

◆ hipnoticepisodes

episode_t hipnoticepisodes[]
Initial value:
{"Scourge of Armagon", 0, 1},
{"Fortress of the Dead", 1, 5},
{"Dominion of Darkness", 6, 6},
{"The Rift", 12, 4},
{"Final Level", 16, 1},
{"Deathmatch Arena", 17, 1}

Definition at line 3641 of file menu.c.

3643 {"Scourge of Armagon", 0, 1},
3644 {"Fortress of the Dead", 1, 5},
3645 {"Dominion of Darkness", 6, 6},
3646 {"The Rift", 12, 4},
3647 {"Final Level", 16, 1},
3648 {"Deathmatch Arena", 17, 1}

◆ hipnoticgame

gamelevels_t hipnoticgame = {"Scourge of Armagon", hipnoticlevels, hipnoticepisodes, 6}

Definition at line 3926 of file menu.c.

3926{"Scourge of Armagon", hipnoticlevels, hipnoticepisodes, 6};
static episode_t hipnoticepisodes[]
Definition menu.c:3641
static level_t hipnoticlevels[]
Definition menu.c:3613

◆ hipnoticlevels

level_t hipnoticlevels[]
Initial value:
{"start", "Command HQ"},
{"hip1m1", "The Pumping Station"},
{"hip1m2", "Storage Facility"},
{"hip1m3", "The Lost Mine"},
{"hip1m4", "Research Facility"},
{"hip1m5", "Military Complex"},
{"hip2m1", "Ancient Realms"},
{"hip2m2", "The Black Cathedral"},
{"hip2m3", "The Catacombs"},
{"hip2m4", "The Crypt"},
{"hip2m5", "Mortum's Keep"},
{"hip2m6", "The Gremlin's Domain"},
{"hip3m1", "Tur Torment"},
{"hip3m2", "Pandemonium"},
{"hip3m3", "Limbo"},
{"hip3m4", "The Gauntlet"},
{"hipend", "Armagon's Lair"},
{"hipdm1", "The Edge of Oblivion"}

Definition at line 3613 of file menu.c.

3615 {"start", "Command HQ"}, // 0
3617 {"hip1m1", "The Pumping Station"}, // 1
3618 {"hip1m2", "Storage Facility"},
3619 {"hip1m3", "The Lost Mine"},
3620 {"hip1m4", "Research Facility"},
3621 {"hip1m5", "Military Complex"},
3623 {"hip2m1", "Ancient Realms"}, // 6
3624 {"hip2m2", "The Black Cathedral"},
3625 {"hip2m3", "The Catacombs"},
3626 {"hip2m4", "The Crypt"},
3627 {"hip2m5", "Mortum's Keep"},
3628 {"hip2m6", "The Gremlin's Domain"},
3630 {"hip3m1", "Tur Torment"}, // 12
3631 {"hip3m2", "Pandemonium"},
3632 {"hip3m3", "Limbo"},
3633 {"hip3m4", "The Gauntlet"},
3635 {"hipend", "Armagon's Lair"}, // 16
3637 {"hipdm1", "The Edge of Oblivion"} // 17

◆ host_timescale

cvar_t host_timescale

Definition at line 53 of file sv_main.c.

53{CF_CLIENT | CF_SERVER, "host_timescale", "1.0", "controls game speed, 0.5 is half speed, 2 is double speed"};
#define CF_SERVER
cvar/command that only the server can change/execute
Definition cmd.h:49

◆ jpeg_dll

◆ keys_cursor

int keys_cursor

Definition at line 2555 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Keys_Draw(), M_Keys_Key(), and M_Menu_Keys_f().

◆ lanConfig_cursor

int lanConfig_cursor = -1

◆ lanConfig_cursor_table

int lanConfig_cursor_table[] = {56, 76, 84, 120}

Definition at line 3337 of file menu.c.

3337{56, 76, 84, 120};

Referenced by M_LanConfig_Draw().

◆ lanConfig_joinname

char lanConfig_joinname[40]

Definition at line 3342 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_LanConfig_Draw(), and M_LanConfig_Key().

◆ lanConfig_port

int lanConfig_port

Definition at line 3340 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_LanConfig_Key(), and M_Menu_LanConfig_f().

◆ lanConfig_portname

char lanConfig_portname[6]

Definition at line 3341 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_LanConfig_Draw(), M_LanConfig_Key(), and M_Menu_LanConfig_f().

◆ load_cursor

int load_cursor

0 < load_cursor < MAX_SAVEGAMES

Definition at line 848 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Load_Draw(), M_Load_Key(), M_Save_Draw(), and M_Save_Key().

◆ loadable

int loadable[MAX_SAVEGAMES]

Definition at line 851 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Load_Key(), and M_ScanSaves().

◆ m_entersound

◆ m_episode_cursor

int m_episode_cursor

◆ m_filenames


Definition at line 850 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Load_Draw(), M_Save_Draw(), and M_ScanSaves().

◆ m_main_cursor

int m_main_cursor

Definition at line 349 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Main_Draw(), and M_Main_Key().

◆ m_missingdata

qbool m_missingdata = false

Definition at line 350 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_ChooseQuitMessage(), M_Draw(), M_Main_Draw(), M_Main_Key(), M_Menu_Main_f(), and M_Quit_Draw().

◆ m_multiplayer_cursor

int m_multiplayer_cursor

Definition at line 1198 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_MultiPlayer_Draw(), and M_MultiPlayer_Key().

◆ m_numrequiredfields

int m_numrequiredfields = sizeof(m_required_fields) / sizeof(m_required_fields[0])

Definition at line 5144 of file menu.c.

Referenced by MP_Init().

◆ m_numrequiredglobals

int m_numrequiredglobals = sizeof(m_required_globals) / sizeof(m_required_globals[0])

Definition at line 5223 of file menu.c.

Referenced by MP_Init().

◆ m_optcursor

◆ m_optnum

◆ m_opty

◆ m_quit_message

const char* m_quit_message[9]

Definition at line 3181 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Quit_Draw(), and M_QuitMessage().

◆ m_quit_prevstate

int m_quit_prevstate

Definition at line 3182 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Menu_Quit_f(), and M_Quit_Key().

◆ m_required_fields

prvm_required_field_t m_required_fields[]

Definition at line 5067 of file menu.c.

5069#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalfloat(x)
5070#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalvector(x)
5071#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalstring(x)
5072#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobaledict(x)
5073#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalfunction(x)
5074#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalfloat(x)
5075#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalvector(x)
5076#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalstring(x)
5077#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobaledict(x)
5078#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalfunction(x)
5079#define PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalfloat(x)
5080#define PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalvector(x)
5081#define PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalstring(x)
5082#define PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobaledict(x)
5083#define PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalfunction(x)
5084#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldfloat(x)
5085#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldvector(x)
5086#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldstring(x)
5087#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldedict(x)
5088#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldfunction(x)
5089#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldfloat(x)
5090#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldvector(x)
5091#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldstring(x)
5092#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldedict(x)
5093#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldfunction(x)
5094#define PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldfloat(x) {ev_float, #x},
5095#define PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldvector(x) {ev_vector, #x},
5096#define PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldstring(x) {ev_string, #x},
5097#define PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldedict(x) {ev_entity, #x},
5098#define PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldfunction(x) {ev_function, #x},
5099#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverfunction(x)
5100#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientfunction(x)
5101#define PRVM_DECLARE_menufunction(x)
5102#define PRVM_DECLARE_field(x)
5103#define PRVM_DECLARE_global(x)
5104#define PRVM_DECLARE_function(x)
5105#include "prvm_offsets.h"
5106#undef PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalfloat
5107#undef PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalvector
5108#undef PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalstring
5109#undef PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobaledict
5110#undef PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalfunction
5111#undef PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalfloat
5112#undef PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalvector
5113#undef PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalstring
5114#undef PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobaledict
5115#undef PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalfunction
5116#undef PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalfloat
5117#undef PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalvector
5118#undef PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalstring
5119#undef PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobaledict
5120#undef PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalfunction
5121#undef PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldfloat
5122#undef PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldvector
5123#undef PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldstring
5124#undef PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldedict
5125#undef PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldfunction
5126#undef PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldfloat
5127#undef PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldvector
5128#undef PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldstring
5129#undef PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldedict
5130#undef PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldfunction
5131#undef PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldfloat
5132#undef PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldvector
5133#undef PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldstring
5134#undef PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldedict
5135#undef PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldfunction
5136#undef PRVM_DECLARE_serverfunction
5137#undef PRVM_DECLARE_clientfunction
5138#undef PRVM_DECLARE_menufunction
5139#undef PRVM_DECLARE_field
5140#undef PRVM_DECLARE_global
5141#undef PRVM_DECLARE_function

Referenced by MP_Init().

◆ m_required_globals

prvm_required_field_t m_required_globals[]

Definition at line 5146 of file menu.c.

5148#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalfloat(x)
5149#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalvector(x)
5150#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalstring(x)
5151#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobaledict(x)
5152#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalfunction(x)
5153#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalfloat(x)
5154#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalvector(x)
5155#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalstring(x)
5156#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobaledict(x)
5157#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalfunction(x)
5158#define PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalfloat(x) {ev_float, #x},
5159#define PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalvector(x) {ev_vector, #x},
5160#define PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalstring(x) {ev_string, #x},
5161#define PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobaledict(x) {ev_entity, #x},
5162#define PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalfunction(x) {ev_function, #x},
5163#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldfloat(x)
5164#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldvector(x)
5165#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldstring(x)
5166#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldedict(x)
5167#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldfunction(x)
5168#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldfloat(x)
5169#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldvector(x)
5170#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldstring(x)
5171#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldedict(x)
5172#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldfunction(x)
5173#define PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldfloat(x)
5174#define PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldvector(x)
5175#define PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldstring(x)
5176#define PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldedict(x)
5177#define PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldfunction(x)
5178#define PRVM_DECLARE_serverfunction(x)
5179#define PRVM_DECLARE_clientfunction(x)
5180#define PRVM_DECLARE_menufunction(x)
5181#define PRVM_DECLARE_field(x)
5182#define PRVM_DECLARE_global(x)
5183#define PRVM_DECLARE_function(x)
5184#include "prvm_offsets.h"
5185#undef PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalfloat
5186#undef PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalvector
5187#undef PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalstring
5188#undef PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobaledict
5189#undef PRVM_DECLARE_serverglobalfunction
5190#undef PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalfloat
5191#undef PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalvector
5192#undef PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalstring
5193#undef PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobaledict
5194#undef PRVM_DECLARE_clientglobalfunction
5195#undef PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalfloat
5196#undef PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalvector
5197#undef PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalstring
5198#undef PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobaledict
5199#undef PRVM_DECLARE_menuglobalfunction
5200#undef PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldfloat
5201#undef PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldvector
5202#undef PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldstring
5203#undef PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldedict
5204#undef PRVM_DECLARE_serverfieldfunction
5205#undef PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldfloat
5206#undef PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldvector
5207#undef PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldstring
5208#undef PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldedict
5209#undef PRVM_DECLARE_clientfieldfunction
5210#undef PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldfloat
5211#undef PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldvector
5212#undef PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldstring
5213#undef PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldedict
5214#undef PRVM_DECLARE_menufieldfunction
5215#undef PRVM_DECLARE_serverfunction
5216#undef PRVM_DECLARE_clientfunction
5217#undef PRVM_DECLARE_menufunction
5218#undef PRVM_DECLARE_field
5219#undef PRVM_DECLARE_global
5220#undef PRVM_DECLARE_function

Referenced by MP_Init().

◆ m_serverInfoMessage

qbool m_serverInfoMessage = false

Definition at line 3964 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_GameOptions_Draw(), and M_NetStart_Change().

◆ m_serverInfoMessageTime

double m_serverInfoMessageTime

Definition at line 3965 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_GameOptions_Draw(), and M_NetStart_Change().

◆ m_singleplayer_cursor

int m_singleplayer_cursor

Definition at line 738 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_SinglePlayer_Draw(), and M_SinglePlayer_Key().

◆ m_skill_cursor

int m_skill_cursor = 2

Definition at line 1097 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Transfusion_Skill_Draw(), and M_Transfusion_Skill_Key().

◆ m_state


int MAIN_ITEMS = 4

Definition at line 352 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Main_Draw(), M_Main_Key(), and M_Menu_Main_f().

◆ maxplayers

int maxplayers

◆ menu_height

◆ menu_options_colorcontrol_correctionvalue

cvar_t menu_options_colorcontrol_correctionvalue = {CF_CLIENT, "menu_options_colorcontrol_correctionvalue", "0.5", "intensity value that matches up to white/black dither pattern, should be 0.5 for linear color"}

Definition at line 2110 of file menu.c.

2110{CF_CLIENT, "menu_options_colorcontrol_correctionvalue", "0.5", "intensity value that matches up to white/black dither pattern, should be 0.5 for linear color"};

Referenced by M_Options_ColorControl_Draw(), and MR_Init_Commands().

◆ menu_progs

cvar_t menu_progs = {CF_CLIENT, "menu_progs", "menu.dat", "name of quakec menu.dat file"}

Definition at line 32 of file menu.c.

32{CF_CLIENT, "menu_progs", "menu.dat", "name of quakec menu.dat file"};

Referenced by MP_Init(), MR_Init_Commands(), and MR_SetRouting().

◆ menu_video_resolution

int menu_video_resolution

◆ menu_video_resolutions

video_resolution_t* menu_video_resolutions

◆ menu_video_resolutions_count

int menu_video_resolutions_count

Definition at line 2855 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Menu_Video_AdjustSliders(), and M_Menu_Video_FindResolution().

◆ menu_video_resolutions_forfullscreen

qbool menu_video_resolutions_forfullscreen

Definition at line 2856 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Menu_Video_FindResolution(), M_Video_Draw(), and MR_Init().

◆ menu_width

float menu_width

Definition at line 159 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Background().

◆ menu_x

◆ menu_y

◆ menuplyr_bottom

int menuplyr_bottom

Definition at line 1305 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Setup_Draw().

◆ menuplyr_height

int menuplyr_height

Definition at line 1305 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Setup_Draw().

◆ menuplyr_load

int menuplyr_load

Definition at line 1305 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Init(), and M_Setup_Draw().

◆ menuplyr_pixels

unsigned char* menuplyr_pixels

Definition at line 1306 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Init(), and M_Setup_Draw().

◆ menuplyr_top

int menuplyr_top

Definition at line 1305 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Setup_Draw().

◆ menuplyr_translated

unsigned int* menuplyr_translated

Definition at line 1307 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Setup_Draw().

◆ menuplyr_width

int menuplyr_width

Definition at line 1305 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Setup_Draw().

◆ modlist

◆ modlist_count

int modlist_count = 0

Definition at line 4546 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_ModList_Draw(), M_ModList_Key(), ModList_Enable(), and ModList_RebuildList().

◆ modlist_cursor

int modlist_cursor

◆ modlist_numenabled

int modlist_numenabled

Definition at line 4531 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Menu_ModList_AdjustSliders(), M_ModList_Draw(), and ModList_RebuildList().

◆ mp_abort

◆ mp_failed

bool mp_failed

Definition at line 424 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Main_Draw(), and MVM_error_cmd().

◆ MR_Draw

void(* MR_Draw) (void) ( void )

Definition at line 5479 of file menu.c.

Referenced by MR_SetRouting(), and SCR_DrawScreen().

◆ MR_GetServerListEntryCategory

int(* MR_GetServerListEntryCategory) (const serverlist_entry_t *entry) ( const serverlist_entry_t * entry)

Definition at line 5483 of file menu.c.

Referenced by MR_SetRouting().

◆ MR_KeyEvent

void(* MR_KeyEvent) (int key, int ascii, qbool downevent) ( int key,
int ascii,
qbool downevent )

Definition at line 5478 of file menu.c.

Referenced by Key_Event(), and MR_SetRouting().

◆ MR_NewMap

void(* MR_NewMap) (void) ( void )

Definition at line 5482 of file menu.c.

Referenced by CL_SetupWorldModel(), and MR_SetRouting().

◆ MR_Shutdown

void(* MR_Shutdown) (void) ( void )

Definition at line 5481 of file menu.c.

Referenced by CL_Shutdown(), Host_LoadConfig_f(), MR_Restart(), and MR_SetRouting().

◆ MR_ToggleMenu

◆ NehahraDemos

Definition at line 121 of file menu.c.

123 {"intro", "Prologue"},
124 {"genf", "The Beginning"},
125 {"genlab", "A Doomed Project"},
126 {"nehcre", "The New Recruits"},
127 {"maxneh", "Breakthrough"},
128 {"maxchar", "Renewal and Duty"},
129 {"crisis", "Worlds Collide"},
130 {"postcris", "Darkening Skies"},
131 {"hearing", "The Hearing"},
132 {"getjack", "On a Mexican Radio"},
133 {"prelude", "Honor and Justice"},
134 {"abase", "A Message Sent"},
135 {"effect", "The Other Side"},
136 {"uhoh", "Missing in Action"},
137 {"prepare", "The Response"},
138 {"vision", "Farsighted Eyes"},
139 {"maxturns", "Enter the Immortal"},
140 {"backlot", "Separate Ways"},
141 {"maxside", "The Ancient Runes"},
142 {"counter", "The New Initiative"},
143 {"warprep", "Ghosts to the World"},
144 {"counter1", "A Fate Worse Than Death"},
145 {"counter2", "Friendly Fire"},
146 {"counter3", "Minor Setback"},
147 {"madmax", "Scores to Settle"},
148 {"quake", "One Man"},
149 {"cthmm", "Shattered Masks"},
150 {"shades", "Deal with the Dead"},
151 {"gophil", "An Unlikely Hero"},
152 {"cstrike", "War in Hell"},
153 {"shubset", "The Conspiracy"},
154 {"shubdie", "Even Death May Die"},
155 {"newranks", "An Empty Throne"},
156 {"seal", "The Seal is Broken"}

Referenced by M_Demo_Draw(), and M_Demo_Key().

◆ nehahraepisodes

episode_t nehahraepisodes[]
Initial value:
{"Welcome to Nehahra", 0, 1},
{"The Fall of Forge", 1, 9},
{"The Outlands", 10, 7},
{"Dimension of the Lost", 17, 2}

Definition at line 3707 of file menu.c.

3709 {"Welcome to Nehahra", 0, 1},
3710 {"The Fall of Forge", 1, 9},
3711 {"The Outlands", 10, 7},
3712 {"Dimension of the Lost", 17, 2}

◆ nehahragame

gamelevels_t nehahragame = {"Nehahra", nehahralevels, nehahraepisodes, 4}

Definition at line 3928 of file menu.c.

3928{"Nehahra", nehahralevels, nehahraepisodes, 4};
static episode_t nehahraepisodes[]
Definition menu.c:3707
static level_t nehahralevels[]
Definition menu.c:3684

◆ nehahralevels

level_t nehahralevels[]
Initial value:
{"nehstart", "Welcome to Nehahra"},
{"neh1m1", "Forge City1: Slipgates"},
{"neh1m2", "Forge City2: Boiler"},
{"neh1m3", "Forge City3: Escape"},
{"neh1m4", "Grind Core"},
{"neh1m5", "Industrial Silence"},
{"neh1m6", "Locked-Up Anger"},
{"neh1m7", "Wanderer of the Wastes"},
{"neh1m8", "Artemis System Net"},
{"neh1m9", "To the Death"},
{"neh2m1", "The Gates of Ghoro"},
{"neh2m2", "Sacred Trinity"},
{"neh2m3", "Realm of the Ancients"},
{"neh2m4", "Temple of the Ancients"},
{"neh2m5", "Dreams Made Flesh"},
{"neh2m6", "Your Last Cup of Sorrow"},
{"nehsec", "Ogre's Bane"},
{"nehahra", "Nehahra's Den"},
{"nehend", "Quintessence"}

Definition at line 3684 of file menu.c.

3686 {"nehstart", "Welcome to Nehahra"},
3687 {"neh1m1", "Forge City1: Slipgates"},
3688 {"neh1m2", "Forge City2: Boiler"},
3689 {"neh1m3", "Forge City3: Escape"},
3690 {"neh1m4", "Grind Core"},
3691 {"neh1m5", "Industrial Silence"},
3692 {"neh1m6", "Locked-Up Anger"},
3693 {"neh1m7", "Wanderer of the Wastes"},
3694 {"neh1m8", "Artemis System Net"},
3695 {"neh1m9", "To the Death"},
3696 {"neh2m1", "The Gates of Ghoro"},
3697 {"neh2m2", "Sacred Trinity"},
3698 {"neh2m3", "Realm of the Ancients"},
3699 {"neh2m4", "Temple of the Ancients"},
3700 {"neh2m5", "Dreams Made Flesh"},
3701 {"neh2m6", "Your Last Cup of Sorrow"},
3702 {"nehsec", "Ogre's Bane"},
3703 {"nehahra", "Nehahra's Den"},
3704 {"nehend", "Quintessence"}

◆ NehGameType

int NehGameType

Definition at line 34 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Main_Draw(), M_Main_Key(), and M_Menu_Main_f().

◆ numcommands

int numcommands

Definition at line 2461 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Keys_Draw(), M_Keys_Key(), and M_Menu_Keys_f().

◆ openquartzepisodes

episode_t openquartzepisodes[]
Initial value:
{"Single Player", 0, 1},
{"Void Deathmatch", 1, 6},
{"Contrib", 7, 6},

Definition at line 3892 of file menu.c.

3894 {"Single Player", 0, 1},
3895 {"Void Deathmatch", 1, 6},
3896 {"Contrib", 7, 6},

◆ openquartzgame

gamelevels_t openquartzgame = {"OpenQuartz", openquartzlevels, openquartzepisodes, 3}

Definition at line 3932 of file menu.c.

3932{"OpenQuartz", openquartzlevels, openquartzepisodes, 3};
static level_t openquartzlevels[]
Definition menu.c:3873
static episode_t openquartzepisodes[]
Definition menu.c:3892

◆ openquartzlevels

level_t openquartzlevels[]
Initial value:
{"start", "Welcome to Openquartz"},
{"void1", "The center of nowhere"},
{"void2", "The place with no name"},
{"void3", "The lost supply base"},
{"void4", "Past the outer limits"},
{"void5", "Into the nonexistance"},
{"void6", "Void walk"},
{"vtest", "Warp Central"},
{"box", "The deathmatch box"},
{"bunkers", "Void command"},
{"house", "House of chaos"},
{"office", "Overnight office kill"},
{"am1", "The nameless chambers"},

Definition at line 3873 of file menu.c.

3875 {"start", "Welcome to Openquartz"},
3877 {"void1", "The center of nowhere"}, // 1
3878 {"void2", "The place with no name"},
3879 {"void3", "The lost supply base"},
3880 {"void4", "Past the outer limits"},
3881 {"void5", "Into the nonexistance"},
3882 {"void6", "Void walk"},
3884 {"vtest", "Warp Central"},
3885 {"box", "The deathmatch box"},
3886 {"bunkers", "Void command"},
3887 {"house", "House of chaos"},
3888 {"office", "Overnight office kill"},
3889 {"am1", "The nameless chambers"},

◆ options_colorcontrol_cursor

int options_colorcontrol_cursor

◆ options_cursor

int options_cursor

Definition at line 1582 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Menu_Options_AdjustSliders(), M_Options_Draw(), and M_Options_Key().

◆ options_effects_cursor

int options_effects_cursor

◆ options_graphics_cursor

int options_graphics_cursor

◆ prydonepisodes

episode_t prydonepisodes[]
Initial value:
{"Prydon Gate", 0, 1},
{"The Dark Age", 1, 1}

Definition at line 3918 of file menu.c.

3920 {"Prydon Gate", 0, 1},
3921 {"The Dark Age", 1, 1}

◆ prydongame

gamelevels_t prydongame = {"Prydon Gate", prydonlevels, prydonepisodes, 2}

Definition at line 3934 of file menu.c.

3934{"Prydon Gate", prydonlevels, prydonepisodes, 2};
static level_t prydonlevels[]
Definition menu.c:3911
static episode_t prydonepisodes[]
Definition menu.c:3918

◆ prydonlevels

level_t prydonlevels[]
Initial value:
{"curig2", "Capel Curig"},
{"tdastart", "Gateway"},

Definition at line 3911 of file menu.c.

3913 {"curig2", "Capel Curig"}, // 0
3915 {"tdastart", "Gateway"}, // 1

◆ quakebindnames

const char* quakebindnames[][2]
Initial value:
{"+attack", "attack"},
{"impulse 10", "next weapon"},
{"impulse 12", "previous weapon"},
{"+jump", "jump / swim up"},
{"+forward", "walk forward"},
{"+back", "backpedal"},
{"+left", "turn left"},
{"+right", "turn right"},
{"+speed", "run"},
{"+moveleft", "step left"},
{"+moveright", "step right"},
{"+strafe", "sidestep"},
{"+lookup", "look up"},
{"+lookdown", "look down"},
{"centerview", "center view"},
{"+mlook", "mouse look"},
{"+klook", "keyboard look"},
{"+moveup", "swim up"},
{"+movedown", "swim down"}

Definition at line 2357 of file menu.c.

2359{"+attack", "attack"},
2360{"impulse 10", "next weapon"},
2361{"impulse 12", "previous weapon"},
2362{"+jump", "jump / swim up"},
2363{"+forward", "walk forward"},
2364{"+back", "backpedal"},
2365{"+left", "turn left"},
2366{"+right", "turn right"},
2367{"+speed", "run"},
2368{"+moveleft", "step left"},
2369{"+moveright", "step right"},
2370{"+strafe", "sidestep"},
2371{"+lookup", "look up"},
2372{"+lookdown", "look down"},
2373{"centerview", "center view"},
2374{"+mlook", "mouse look"},
2375{"+klook", "keyboard look"},
2376{"+moveup", "swim up"},
2377{"+movedown", "swim down"}

Referenced by M_Menu_Keys_f().

◆ quakeepisodes

episode_t quakeepisodes[]
Initial value:
{"Welcome to Quake", 0, 1},
{"Doomed Dimension", 1, 8},
{"Realm of Black Magic", 9, 7},
{"Netherworld", 16, 7},
{"The Elder World", 23, 8},
{"Final Level", 31, 1},
{"Deathmatch Arena", 32, 6}

Definition at line 3601 of file menu.c.

3603 {"Welcome to Quake", 0, 1},
3604 {"Doomed Dimension", 1, 8},
3605 {"Realm of Black Magic", 9, 7},
3606 {"Netherworld", 16, 7},
3607 {"The Elder World", 23, 8},
3608 {"Final Level", 31, 1},
3609 {"Deathmatch Arena", 32, 6}

◆ quakelevels

level_t quakelevels[]

Definition at line 3553 of file menu.c.

3555 {"start", "Entrance"}, // 0
3557 {"e1m1", "Slipgate Complex"}, // 1
3558 {"e1m2", "Castle of the Damned"},
3559 {"e1m3", "The Necropolis"},
3560 {"e1m4", "The Grisly Grotto"},
3561 {"e1m5", "Gloom Keep"},
3562 {"e1m6", "The Door To Chthon"},
3563 {"e1m7", "The House of Chthon"},
3564 {"e1m8", "Ziggurat Vertigo"},
3566 {"e2m1", "The Installation"}, // 9
3567 {"e2m2", "Ogre Citadel"},
3568 {"e2m3", "Crypt of Decay"},
3569 {"e2m4", "The Ebon Fortress"},
3570 {"e2m5", "The Wizard's Manse"},
3571 {"e2m6", "The Dismal Oubliette"},
3572 {"e2m7", "Underearth"},
3574 {"e3m1", "Termination Central"}, // 16
3575 {"e3m2", "The Vaults of Zin"},
3576 {"e3m3", "The Tomb of Terror"},
3577 {"e3m4", "Satan's Dark Delight"},
3578 {"e3m5", "Wind Tunnels"},
3579 {"e3m6", "Chambers of Torment"},
3580 {"e3m7", "The Haunted Halls"},
3582 {"e4m1", "The Sewage System"}, // 23
3583 {"e4m2", "The Tower of Despair"},
3584 {"e4m3", "The Elder God Shrine"},
3585 {"e4m4", "The Palace of Hate"},
3586 {"e4m5", "Hell's Atrium"},
3587 {"e4m6", "The Pain Maze"},
3588 {"e4m7", "Azure Agony"},
3589 {"e4m8", "The Nameless City"},
3591 {"end", "Shub-Niggurath's Pit"}, // 31
3593 {"dm1", "Place of Two Deaths"}, // 32
3594 {"dm2", "Claustrophobopolis"},
3595 {"dm3", "The Abandoned Base"},
3596 {"dm4", "The Bad Place"},
3597 {"dm5", "The Cistern"},
3598 {"dm6", "The Dark Zone"}

◆ r_bloom

cvar_t r_bloom

Definition at line 208 of file gl_rmain.c.

208{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "r_bloom", "0", "enables bloom effect (makes bright pixels affect neighboring pixels)"};

Referenced by GL_Main_Init(), M_Menu_Options_Graphics_AdjustSliders(), M_Options_Graphics_Draw(), and R_Bloom_StartFrame().

◆ r_bloom_blur

cvar_t r_bloom_blur

Definition at line 212 of file gl_rmain.c.

212{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "r_bloom_blur", "4", "how large the glow is"};

Referenced by GL_Main_Init(), M_Menu_Options_Graphics_AdjustSliders(), M_Options_Graphics_Draw(), R_Bloom_MakeTexture(), and R_Bloom_StartFrame().

◆ r_bloom_brighten

cvar_t r_bloom_brighten

Definition at line 211 of file gl_rmain.c.

211{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "r_bloom_brighten", "1", "how bright the glow is, after subtract/power"};

Referenced by GL_Main_Init(), M_Menu_Options_Graphics_AdjustSliders(), M_Options_Graphics_Draw(), and R_Bloom_MakeTexture().

◆ r_bloom_colorexponent

cvar_t r_bloom_colorexponent

Definition at line 214 of file gl_rmain.c.

214{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "r_bloom_colorexponent", "1", "how exaggerated the glow is"};

Referenced by GL_Main_Init(), M_Menu_Options_Graphics_AdjustSliders(), M_Options_Graphics_Draw(), and R_Bloom_MakeTexture().

◆ r_bloom_colorscale

cvar_t r_bloom_colorscale

Definition at line 209 of file gl_rmain.c.

209{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "r_bloom_colorscale", "1", "how bright the glow is"};

Referenced by GL_Main_Init(), M_Menu_Options_Graphics_AdjustSliders(), M_Options_Graphics_Draw(), and R_Bloom_MakeTexture().

◆ r_bloom_colorsubtract

cvar_t r_bloom_colorsubtract

Definition at line 215 of file gl_rmain.c.

215{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "r_bloom_colorsubtract", "0.1", "reduces bloom colors by a certain amount"};

Referenced by GL_Main_Init(), M_Menu_Options_Graphics_AdjustSliders(), M_Options_Graphics_Draw(), and R_BlendView().

◆ r_bloom_resolution

cvar_t r_bloom_resolution

Definition at line 213 of file gl_rmain.c.

213{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "r_bloom_resolution", "320", "what resolution to perform the bloom effect at (independent of screen resolution)"};

Referenced by GL_Main_Init(), M_Menu_Options_Graphics_AdjustSliders(), M_Options_Graphics_Draw(), and R_Bloom_StartFrame().

◆ r_coronas

cvar_t r_coronas

Definition at line 233 of file r_shadow.c.

233{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "r_coronas", "0", "brightness of corona flare effects around certain lights, 0 disables corona effects"};

Referenced by M_Menu_Options_Graphics_AdjustSliders(), M_Options_Graphics_Draw(), R_Shadow_DrawCoronas(), and R_Shadow_Init().

◆ r_explosionclip

cvar_t r_explosionclip

Definition at line 58 of file r_explosion.c.

58{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "r_explosionclip", "1", "enables collision detection for explosion shell (so that it flattens against walls and floors)"};

Referenced by M_Menu_Options_Effects_AdjustSliders(), M_Options_Effects_Draw(), R_Explosion_Init(), and R_NewExplosion().

◆ r_hdr_glowintensity

cvar_t r_hdr_glowintensity

Definition at line 219 of file gl_rmain.c.

219{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "r_hdr_glowintensity", "1", "how bright light emitting textures should appear"};

Referenced by GL_Main_Init(), M_Menu_Options_Graphics_AdjustSliders(), M_Options_Graphics_Draw(), and R_SetupShader_Surface().

◆ r_hdr_scenebrightness

◆ r_lightningbeam_color_blue

cvar_t r_lightningbeam_color_blue

Definition at line 10 of file r_lightning.c.

10{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "r_lightningbeam_color_blue", "1", "color of the lightning beam effect"};

Referenced by CL_Beam_AddQuad(), M_Menu_Options_Effects_AdjustSliders(), M_Options_Effects_Draw(), and R_LightningBeams_Init().

◆ r_lightningbeam_color_green

cvar_t r_lightningbeam_color_green

Definition at line 9 of file r_lightning.c.

9{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "r_lightningbeam_color_green", "1", "color of the lightning beam effect"};

Referenced by CL_Beam_AddQuad(), M_Menu_Options_Effects_AdjustSliders(), M_Options_Effects_Draw(), and R_LightningBeams_Init().

◆ r_lightningbeam_color_red

cvar_t r_lightningbeam_color_red

Definition at line 8 of file r_lightning.c.

8{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "r_lightningbeam_color_red", "1", "color of the lightning beam effect"};

Referenced by CL_Beam_AddQuad(), M_Menu_Options_Effects_AdjustSliders(), M_Options_Effects_Draw(), and R_LightningBeams_Init().

◆ r_lightningbeam_qmbtexture

cvar_t r_lightningbeam_qmbtexture

Definition at line 11 of file r_lightning.c.

11{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "r_lightningbeam_qmbtexture", "0", "load the qmb textures/particles/lightning.pcx texture instead of generating one, can look better"};

Referenced by CL_Beam_AddPolygons(), CL_Beams_SetupExternalTexture(), M_Menu_Options_Effects_AdjustSliders(), M_Options_Effects_Draw(), and R_LightningBeams_Init().

◆ r_lightningbeam_repeatdistance

cvar_t r_lightningbeam_repeatdistance

Definition at line 7 of file r_lightning.c.

7{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "r_lightningbeam_repeatdistance", "128", "how far to stretch the texture along the lightning beam effect"};

Referenced by CL_Beam_AddPolygons(), M_Menu_Options_Effects_AdjustSliders(), M_Options_Effects_Draw(), and R_LightningBeams_Init().

◆ r_lightningbeam_scroll

cvar_t r_lightningbeam_scroll

Definition at line 6 of file r_lightning.c.

6{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "r_lightningbeam_scroll", "5", "speed of texture scrolling on the lightning beam effect"};

Referenced by CL_Beam_AddPolygons(), M_Menu_Options_Effects_AdjustSliders(), M_Options_Effects_Draw(), and R_LightningBeams_Init().

◆ r_lightningbeam_thickness

cvar_t r_lightningbeam_thickness

Definition at line 5 of file r_lightning.c.

5{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "r_lightningbeam_thickness", "8", "thickness of the lightning beam effect"};

Referenced by CL_Beam_AddPolygons(), M_Menu_Options_Effects_AdjustSliders(), M_Options_Effects_Draw(), and R_LightningBeams_Init().

◆ r_shadow_gloss

cvar_t r_shadow_gloss

Definition at line 147 of file r_shadow.c.

147{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "r_shadow_gloss", "1", "0 disables gloss (specularity) rendering, 1 uses gloss if textures are found, 2 forces a flat metallic specular effect on everything without textures (similar to tenebrae)"};

Referenced by M_Menu_Options_Graphics_AdjustSliders(), M_Options_Graphics_Draw(), R_GetCurrentTexture(), and R_SetupShader_DeferredLight().

◆ r_shadow_realtime_dlight

cvar_t r_shadow_realtime_dlight

Definition at line 159 of file r_shadow.c.

159{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "r_shadow_realtime_dlight", "1", "enables rendering of dynamic lights such as explosions and rocket light"};

Referenced by M_Menu_Options_Graphics_AdjustSliders(), M_Options_Graphics_Draw(), R_UpdateVariables(), and R_Water_ProcessPlanes().

◆ r_shadow_realtime_dlight_shadows

cvar_t r_shadow_realtime_dlight_shadows

Definition at line 160 of file r_shadow.c.

160{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "r_shadow_realtime_dlight_shadows", "1", "enables rendering of shadows from dynamic lights"};

Referenced by M_Menu_Options_Graphics_AdjustSliders(), M_Options_Graphics_Draw(), and R_UpdateVariables().

◆ r_shadow_realtime_world

cvar_t r_shadow_realtime_world

Definition at line 163 of file r_shadow.c.

163{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "r_shadow_realtime_world", "0", "enables rendering of full world lighting (whether loaded from the map, or a .rtlights file, or a .ent file, or a .lights file produced by hlight)"};

Referenced by M_Menu_Options_Graphics_AdjustSliders(), M_Options_Graphics_Draw(), R_UpdateVariables(), and R_Water_ProcessPlanes().

◆ r_shadow_realtime_world_lightmaps

cvar_t r_shadow_realtime_world_lightmaps

Definition at line 165 of file r_shadow.c.

165{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "r_shadow_realtime_world_lightmaps", "0", "brightness to render lightmaps when using full world lighting, try 0.5 for a tenebrae-like appearance"};

Referenced by M_Menu_Options_Graphics_AdjustSliders(), M_Options_Graphics_Draw(), and R_UpdateVariables().

◆ r_shadow_realtime_world_shadows

cvar_t r_shadow_realtime_world_shadows

Definition at line 166 of file r_shadow.c.

166{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "r_shadow_realtime_world_shadows", "1", "enables rendering of shadows from world lights"};

Referenced by M_Menu_Options_Graphics_AdjustSliders(), M_Options_Graphics_Draw(), and R_UpdateVariables().

◆ r_textshadow

cvar_t r_textshadow

Definition at line 53 of file gl_draw.c.

53{CF_CLIENT | CF_ARCHIVE, "r_textshadow", "0", "draws a shadow on all text to improve readability (note: value controls offset, 1 = 1 pixel, 1.5 = 1.5 pixels, etc)"};

Referenced by DrawQ_String_Scale(), and GL_Draw_Init().

◆ registeredquakegame

gamelevels_t registeredquakegame = {"Quake", quakelevels, quakeepisodes, 7}

Definition at line 3925 of file menu.c.

3925{"Quake", quakelevels, quakeepisodes, 7};
static episode_t quakeepisodes[]
Definition menu.c:3601
static level_t quakelevels[]
Definition menu.c:3553

◆ rogueepisodes

episode_t rogueepisodes[]
Initial value:
{"Introduction", 0, 1},
{"Hell's Fortress", 1, 7},
{"Corridors of Time", 8, 8},
{"Deathmatch Arena", 16, 1}

Definition at line 3676 of file menu.c.

3678 {"Introduction", 0, 1},
3679 {"Hell's Fortress", 1, 7},
3680 {"Corridors of Time", 8, 8},
3681 {"Deathmatch Arena", 16, 1}

◆ roguegame

gamelevels_t roguegame = {"Dissolution of Eternity", roguelevels, rogueepisodes, 4}

Definition at line 3927 of file menu.c.

3927{"Dissolution of Eternity", roguelevels, rogueepisodes, 4};
static level_t roguelevels[]
Definition menu.c:3653
static episode_t rogueepisodes[]
Definition menu.c:3676

◆ roguelevels

level_t roguelevels[]
Initial value:
{"start", "Split Decision"},
{"r1m1", "Deviant's Domain"},
{"r1m2", "Dread Portal"},
{"r1m3", "Judgement Call"},
{"r1m4", "Cave of Death"},
{"r1m5", "Towers of Wrath"},
{"r1m6", "Temple of Pain"},
{"r1m7", "Tomb of the Overlord"},
{"r2m1", "Tempus Fugit"},
{"r2m2", "Elemental Fury I"},
{"r2m3", "Elemental Fury II"},
{"r2m4", "Curse of Osiris"},
{"r2m5", "Wizard's Keep"},
{"r2m6", "Blood Sacrifice"},
{"r2m7", "Last Bastion"},
{"r2m8", "Source of Evil"},
{"ctf1", "Division of Change"}

Definition at line 3653 of file menu.c.

3655 {"start", "Split Decision"},
3656 {"r1m1", "Deviant's Domain"},
3657 {"r1m2", "Dread Portal"},
3658 {"r1m3", "Judgement Call"},
3659 {"r1m4", "Cave of Death"},
3660 {"r1m5", "Towers of Wrath"},
3661 {"r1m6", "Temple of Pain"},
3662 {"r1m7", "Tomb of the Overlord"},
3663 {"r2m1", "Tempus Fugit"},
3664 {"r2m2", "Elemental Fury I"},
3665 {"r2m3", "Elemental Fury II"},
3666 {"r2m4", "Curse of Osiris"},
3667 {"r2m5", "Wizard's Keep"},
3668 {"r2m6", "Blood Sacrifice"},
3669 {"r2m7", "Last Bastion"},
3670 {"r2m8", "Source of Evil"},
3671 {"ctf1", "Division of Change"}

◆ serverlist_callbackentry

const serverlist_entry_t* serverlist_callbackentry = NULL

◆ setup_bottom

int setup_bottom

Definition at line 1285 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Menu_Setup_f(), M_Setup_Draw(), and M_Setup_Key().

◆ setup_cursor

int setup_cursor = 4

Definition at line 1278 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Setup_Draw(), and M_Setup_Key().

◆ setup_cursor_table

int setup_cursor_table[] = {40, 64, 88, 124, 140}

Definition at line 1279 of file menu.c.

1279{40, 64, 88, 124, 140};

Referenced by M_Setup_Draw().

◆ setup_myname

char setup_myname[MAX_SCOREBOARDNAME]

Definition at line 1281 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Menu_Setup_f(), M_Setup_Draw(), and M_Setup_Key().

◆ setup_oldbottom

int setup_oldbottom

Definition at line 1283 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Menu_Setup_f(), and M_Setup_Key().

◆ setup_oldrate

int setup_oldrate

Definition at line 1287 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Setup_Key().

◆ setup_oldtop

int setup_oldtop

Definition at line 1282 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Menu_Setup_f(), and M_Setup_Key().

◆ setup_rate

int setup_rate

Definition at line 1286 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Menu_Setup_f(), M_Setup_Draw(), M_Setup_Key(), and setup_rateindex().

◆ setup_ratetable

ratetable_t setup_ratetable[]
Initial value:
{1000, "28.8 bad"},
{1500, "28.8 mediocre"},
{2000, "28.8 good"},
{2500, "33.6 mediocre"},
{3000, "33.6 good"},
{3500, "56k bad"},
{4000, "56k mediocre"},
{4500, "56k adequate"},
{5000, "56k good"},
{7000, "64k ISDN"},
{15000, "128k ISDN"},
{25000, "broadband"}

Definition at line 1317 of file menu.c.

1319 {1000, "28.8 bad"},
1320 {1500, "28.8 mediocre"},
1321 {2000, "28.8 good"},
1322 {2500, "33.6 mediocre"},
1323 {3000, "33.6 good"},
1324 {3500, "56k bad"},
1325 {4000, "56k mediocre"},
1326 {4500, "56k adequate"},
1327 {5000, "56k good"},
1328 {7000, "64k ISDN"},
1329 {15000, "128k ISDN"},
1330 {25000, "broadband"}

Referenced by M_Setup_Draw(), M_Setup_Key(), and setup_rateindex().

◆ setup_top

int setup_top

Definition at line 1284 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Menu_Setup_f(), M_Setup_Draw(), and M_Setup_Key().

◆ sharewarequakegame

gamelevels_t sharewarequakegame = {"Shareware Quake", quakelevels, quakeepisodes, 2}

Definition at line 3924 of file menu.c.

3924{"Shareware Quake", quakelevels, quakeepisodes, 2};

◆ slist_cursor

unsigned slist_cursor

Definition at line 4400 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Menu_ServerList_f(), M_ServerList_Draw(), and M_ServerList_Key().

◆ slist_visible

unsigned slist_visible

Definition at line 4401 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_ServerList_Draw(), and M_ServerList_Key().

◆ startepisode

int startepisode

Definition at line 3961 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_GameOptions_Draw(), M_GameOptions_Key(), and M_NetStart_Change().

◆ startlevel

int startlevel

Definition at line 3962 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_GameOptions_Draw(), M_GameOptions_Key(), and M_NetStart_Change().

◆ transfusionbindnames

const char* transfusionbindnames[][2]

Definition at line 2380 of file menu.c.

2382{"", "Movement"}, // Movement commands
2383{"+forward", "walk forward"},
2384{"+back", "backpedal"},
2385{"+left", "turn left"},
2386{"+right", "turn right"},
2387{"+moveleft", "step left"},
2388{"+moveright", "step right"},
2389{"+jump", "jump / swim up"},
2390{"+movedown", "swim down"},
2391{"", "Combat"}, // Combat commands
2392{"impulse 1", "Pitch Fork"},
2393{"impulse 2", "Flare Gun"},
2394{"impulse 3", "Shotgun"},
2395{"impulse 4", "Machine Gun"},
2396{"impulse 5", "Incinerator"},
2397{"impulse 6", "Bombs (TNT)"},
2398{"impulse 35", "Proximity Bomb"},
2399{"impulse 36", "Remote Detonator"},
2400{"impulse 7", "Aerosol Can"},
2401{"impulse 8", "Tesla Cannon"},
2402{"impulse 9", "Life Leech"},
2403{"impulse 10", "Voodoo Doll"},
2404{"impulse 21", "next weapon"},
2405{"impulse 22", "previous weapon"},
2406{"+attack", "attack"},
2407{"+button3", "altfire"},
2408{"", "Inventory"}, // Inventory commands
2409{"impulse 40", "Dr.'s Bag"},
2410{"impulse 41", "Crystal Ball"},
2411{"impulse 42", "Beast Vision"},
2412{"impulse 43", "Jump Boots"},
2413{"impulse 23", "next item"},
2414{"impulse 24", "previous item"},
2415{"impulse 25", "use item"},
2416{"", "Misc"}, // Misc commands
2417{"+button4", "use"},
2418{"impulse 50", "add bot (red)"},
2419{"impulse 51", "add bot (blue)"},
2420{"impulse 52", "kick a bot"},
2421{"impulse 26", "next armor type"},
2422{"impulse 27", "identify player"},
2423{"impulse 55", "voting menu"},
2424{"impulse 56", "observer mode"},
2425{"", "Taunts"}, // Taunts
2426{"impulse 70", "taunt 0"},
2427{"impulse 71", "taunt 1"},
2428{"impulse 72", "taunt 2"},
2429{"impulse 73", "taunt 3"},
2430{"impulse 74", "taunt 4"},
2431{"impulse 75", "taunt 5"},
2432{"impulse 76", "taunt 6"},
2433{"impulse 77", "taunt 7"},
2434{"impulse 78", "taunt 8"},
2435{"impulse 79", "taunt 9"}

Referenced by M_Menu_Keys_f().

◆ transfusionepisodes

episode_t transfusionepisodes[]
Initial value:
{"The Way of All Flesh", 0, 8},
{"Even Death May Die", 8, 9},
{"Farewell to Arms", 17, 8},
{"Dead Reckoning", 25, 9},
{"BloodBath", 34, 11},
{"Post Mortem", 45, 9},
{"Cryptic Passage", 54, 10},
{"Cryptic BloodBath", 64, 4},
{"Blood 2", 68, 8},
{"Transfusion", 76, 9},
{"Conversions", 85, 9}

Definition at line 3824 of file menu.c.

3826 {"The Way of All Flesh", 0, 8},
3827 {"Even Death May Die", 8, 9},
3828 {"Farewell to Arms", 17, 8},
3829 {"Dead Reckoning", 25, 9},
3830 {"BloodBath", 34, 11},
3831 {"Post Mortem", 45, 9},
3832 {"Cryptic Passage", 54, 10},
3833 {"Cryptic BloodBath", 64, 4},
3834 {"Blood 2", 68, 8},
3835 {"Transfusion", 76, 9},
3836 {"Conversions", 85, 9}

◆ transfusiongame

gamelevels_t transfusiongame = {"Transfusion", transfusionlevels, transfusionepisodes, 11}

Definition at line 3929 of file menu.c.

3929{"Transfusion", transfusionlevels, transfusionepisodes, 11};
static level_t transfusionlevels[]
Definition menu.c:3716
static episode_t transfusionepisodes[]
Definition menu.c:3824

◆ transfusionlevels

level_t transfusionlevels[]

Definition at line 3716 of file menu.c.

3718 {"e1m1", "Cradle to Grave"},
3719 {"e1m2", "Wrong Side of the Tracks"},
3720 {"e1m3", "Phantom Express"},
3721 {"e1m4", "Dark Carnival"},
3722 {"e1m5", "Hallowed Grounds"},
3723 {"e1m6", "The Great Temple"},
3724 {"e1m7", "Altar of Stone"},
3725 {"e1m8", "House of Horrors"},
3727 {"e2m1", "Shipwrecked"},
3728 {"e2m2", "The Lumber Mill"},
3729 {"e2m3", "Rest for the Wicked"},
3730 {"e2m4", "The Overlooked Hotel"},
3731 {"e2m5", "The Haunting"},
3732 {"e2m6", "The Cold Rush"},
3733 {"e2m7", "Bowels of the Earth"},
3734 {"e2m8", "The Lair of Shial"},
3735 {"e2m9", "Thin Ice"},
3737 {"e3m1", "Ghost Town"},
3738 {"e3m2", "The Siege"},
3739 {"e3m3", "Raw Sewage"},
3740 {"e3m4", "The Sick Ward"},
3741 {"e3m5", "Spare Parts"},
3742 {"e3m6", "Monster Bait"},
3743 {"e3m7", "The Pit of Cerberus"},
3744 {"e3m8", "Catacombs"},
3746 {"e4m1", "Butchery Loves Company"},
3747 {"e4m2", "Breeding Grounds"},
3748 {"e4m3", "Charnel House"},
3749 {"e4m4", "Crystal Lake"},
3750 {"e4m5", "Fire and Brimstone"},
3751 {"e4m6", "The Ganglion Depths"},
3752 {"e4m7", "In the Flesh"},
3753 {"e4m8", "The Hall of the Epiphany"},
3754 {"e4m9", "Mall of the Dead"},
3756 {"bb1", "The Stronghold"},
3757 {"bb2", "Winter Wonderland"},
3758 {"bb3", "Bodies"},
3759 {"bb4", "The Tower"},
3760 {"bb5", "Click!"},
3761 {"bb6", "Twin Fortress"},
3762 {"bb7", "Midgard"},
3763 {"bb8", "Fun With Heads"},
3764 {"dm1", "Monolith Building 11"},
3765 {"dm2", "Power!"},
3766 {"dm3", "Area 15"},
3768 {"e6m1", "Welcome to Your Life"},
3769 {"e6m2", "They Are Here"},
3770 {"e6m3", "Public Storage"},
3771 {"e6m4", "Aqueducts"},
3772 {"e6m5", "The Ruined Temple"},
3773 {"e6m6", "Forbidden Rituals"},
3774 {"e6m7", "The Dungeon"},
3775 {"e6m8", "Beauty and the Beast"},
3776 {"e6m9", "Forgotten Catacombs"},
3778 {"cp01", "Boat Docks"},
3779 {"cp02", "Old Opera House"},
3780 {"cp03", "Gothic Library"},
3781 {"cp04", "Lost Monastery"},
3782 {"cp05", "Steamboat"},
3783 {"cp06", "Graveyard"},
3784 {"cp07", "Mountain Pass"},
3785 {"cp08", "Abysmal Mine"},
3786 {"cp09", "Castle"},
3787 {"cps1", "Boggy Creek"},
3789 {"cpbb01", "Crypt of Despair"},
3790 {"cpbb02", "Pits of Blood"},
3791 {"cpbb03", "Unholy Cathedral"},
3792 {"cpbb04", "Deadly Inspirations"},
3794 {"b2a15", "Area 15 (B2)"},
3795 {"b2bodies", "BB_Bodies (B2)"},
3796 {"b2cabana", "BB_Cabana"},
3797 {"b2power", "BB_Power"},
3798 {"barena", "Blood Arena"},
3799 {"bkeep", "Blood Keep"},
3800 {"bstar", "Brown Star"},
3801 {"crypt", "The Crypt"},
3803 {"bb3_2k1", "Bodies Infusion"},
3804 {"captasao", "Captasao"},
3805 {"curandero", "Curandero"},
3806 {"dcamp", "DeathCamp"},
3807 {"highnoon", "HighNoon"},
3808 {"qbb1", "The Confluence"},
3809 {"qbb2", "KathartiK"},
3810 {"qbb3", "Caleb's Woodland Retreat"},
3811 {"zoo", "Zoo"},
3813 {"dranzbb6", "Black Coffee"},
3814 {"fragm", "Frag'M"},
3815 {"maim", "Maim"},
3816 {"qe1m7", "The House of Chthon"},
3817 {"qdm1", "Place of Two Deaths"},
3818 {"qdm4", "The Bad Place"},
3819 {"qdm5", "The Cistern"},
3820 {"qmorbias", "DM-Morbias"},
3821 {"simple", "Dead Simple"}

◆ video_cursor

int video_cursor = 0

Definition at line 2847 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Menu_Video_AdjustSliders(), M_Video_Draw(), and M_Video_Key().

◆ video_cursor_table

int video_cursor_table[VIDEO_ITEMS] = {68, 88, 96, 104, 112, 120, 128, 136, 144, 152, 160}

Definition at line 2848 of file menu.c.

2848{68, 88, 96, 104, 112, 120, 128, 136, 144, 152, 160};

Referenced by M_Video_Draw().

◆ video_resolutions

video_resolution_t* video_resolutions

Definition at line 2851 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Menu_Video_FindResolution(), MR_Init(), and VM_M_getresolution().

◆ video_resolutions_count

int video_resolutions_count

Definition at line 2852 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Menu_Video_FindResolution(), MR_Init(), and VM_M_getresolution().

◆ video_resolutions_hardcoded

video_resolution_t video_resolutions_hardcoded[]

Definition at line 2782 of file menu.c.

2784{"Standard 4x3" , 320, 240, 320, 240, 1 },
2785{"Standard 4x3" , 400, 300, 400, 300, 1 },
2786{"Standard 4x3" , 512, 384, 512, 384, 1 },
2787{"Standard 4x3" , 640, 480, 640, 480, 1 },
2788{"Standard 4x3" , 800, 600, 640, 480, 1 },
2789{"Standard 4x3" , 1024, 768, 640, 480, 1 },
2790{"Standard 4x3" , 1152, 864, 640, 480, 1 },
2791{"Standard 4x3" , 1280, 960, 640, 480, 1 },
2792{"Standard 4x3" , 1400,1050, 640, 480, 1 },
2793{"Standard 4x3" , 1600,1200, 640, 480, 1 },
2794{"Standard 4x3" , 1792,1344, 640, 480, 1 },
2795{"Standard 4x3" , 1856,1392, 640, 480, 1 },
2796{"Standard 4x3" , 1920,1440, 640, 480, 1 },
2797{"Standard 4x3" , 2048,1536, 640, 480, 1 },
2798{"Short Pixel (CRT) 5x4" , 320, 256, 320, 256, 0.9375},
2799{"Short Pixel (CRT) 5x4" , 640, 512, 640, 512, 0.9375},
2800{"Short Pixel (CRT) 5x4" , 1280,1024, 640, 512, 0.9375},
2801{"Tall Pixel (CRT) 8x5" , 320, 200, 320, 200, 1.2 },
2802{"Tall Pixel (CRT) 8x5" , 640, 400, 640, 400, 1.2 },
2803{"Tall Pixel (CRT) 8x5" , 840, 525, 640, 400, 1.2 },
2804{"Tall Pixel (CRT) 8x5" , 960, 600, 640, 400, 1.2 },
2805{"Tall Pixel (CRT) 8x5" , 1680,1050, 640, 400, 1.2 },
2806{"Tall Pixel (CRT) 8x5" , 1920,1200, 640, 400, 1.2 },
2807{"Square Pixel (LCD) 5x4" , 320, 256, 320, 256, 1 },
2808{"Square Pixel (LCD) 5x4" , 640, 512, 640, 512, 1 },
2809{"Square Pixel (LCD) 5x4" , 1280,1024, 640, 512, 1 },
2810{"WideScreen 5x3" , 640, 384, 640, 384, 1 },
2811{"WideScreen 5x3" , 1280, 768, 640, 384, 1 },
2812{"WideScreen 8x5" , 320, 200, 320, 200, 1 },
2813{"WideScreen 8x5" , 640, 400, 640, 400, 1 },
2814{"WideScreen 8x5" , 720, 450, 720, 450, 1 },
2815{"WideScreen 8x5" , 840, 525, 640, 400, 1 },
2816{"WideScreen 8x5" , 960, 600, 640, 400, 1 },
2817{"WideScreen 8x5" , 1280, 800, 640, 400, 1 },
2818{"WideScreen 8x5" , 1440, 900, 720, 450, 1 },
2819{"WideScreen 8x5" , 1680,1050, 640, 400, 1 },
2820{"WideScreen 8x5" , 1920,1200, 640, 400, 1 },
2821{"WideScreen 8x5" , 2560,1600, 640, 400, 1 },
2822{"WideScreen 8x5" , 3840,2400, 640, 400, 1 },
2823{"WideScreen 14x9" , 840, 540, 640, 400, 1 },
2824{"WideScreen 14x9" , 1680,1080, 640, 400, 1 },
2825{"WideScreen 16x9" , 640, 360, 640, 360, 1 },
2826{"WideScreen 16x9" , 683, 384, 683, 384, 1 },
2827{"WideScreen 16x9" , 960, 540, 640, 360, 1 },
2828{"WideScreen 16x9" , 1280, 720, 640, 360, 1 },
2829{"WideScreen 16x9" , 1360, 768, 680, 384, 1 },
2830{"WideScreen 16x9" , 1366, 768, 683, 384, 1 },
2831{"WideScreen 16x9" , 1600, 900, 640, 360, 1 },
2832{"WideScreen 16x9" , 1920,1080, 640, 360, 1 },
2833{"WideScreen 16x9" , 2560,1440, 640, 360, 1 },
2834{"WideScreen 16x9" , 3840,2160, 640, 360, 1 },
2835{"NTSC 3x2" , 360, 240, 360, 240, 1.125 },
2836{"NTSC 3x2" , 720, 480, 720, 480, 1.125 },
2837{"PAL 14x11" , 360, 283, 360, 283, 0.9545},
2838{"PAL 14x11" , 720, 566, 720, 566, 0.9545},
2839{"NES 8x7" , 256, 224, 256, 224, 1.1667},
2840{"SNES 8x7" , 512, 448, 512, 448, 1.1667},
2841{NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}

Referenced by M_Menu_Video_FindResolution(), MR_Init(), and VM_M_getresolution().

◆ video_resolutions_hardcoded_count

int video_resolutions_hardcoded_count = sizeof(video_resolutions_hardcoded) / sizeof(*video_resolutions_hardcoded) - 1

Definition at line 2844 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Menu_Video_FindResolution(), and VM_M_getresolution().

◆ wasInMenus

qbool wasInMenus

Definition at line 3183 of file menu.c.

Referenced by M_Menu_Quit_f(), and M_Quit_Key().