Game engine based on the Quake 1 engine by id Software, developed by LadyHavoc
r_q1bsp_getlightinfo_t Struct Reference
+ Collaboration diagram for r_q1bsp_getlightinfo_t:

Data Fields

qbool frontsidecasting
const mplane_tfrustumplanes
vec3_t lightmaxs
vec3_t lightmins
float lightradius
qbool noocclusion
int numfrustumplanes
unsigned char * outleafpvs
unsigned char * outlighttrispvs
vec3_t outmaxs
vec3_t outmins
int outnumleafs
int outnumsurfaces
unsigned char * outshadowtrispvs
unsigned char * outsurfacepvs
const unsigned char * pvs
vec3_t relativelightorigin
qbool svbsp_active
qbool svbsp_insertoccluder
unsigned char * tempsurfacepvs
unsigned char * visitingleafpvs

Detailed Description

Definition at line 675 of file gl_rsurf.c.

Field Documentation

◆ frontsidecasting

qbool r_q1bsp_getlightinfo_t::frontsidecasting

◆ frustumplanes

const mplane_t* r_q1bsp_getlightinfo_t::frustumplanes

◆ lightmaxs

vec3_t r_q1bsp_getlightinfo_t::lightmaxs

◆ lightmins

vec3_t r_q1bsp_getlightinfo_t::lightmins

◆ lightradius

float r_q1bsp_getlightinfo_t::lightradius

Definition at line 679 of file gl_rsurf.c.

Referenced by R_Mod_GetLightInfo().

◆ model

◆ noocclusion

qbool r_q1bsp_getlightinfo_t::noocclusion

◆ numfrustumplanes

int r_q1bsp_getlightinfo_t::numfrustumplanes

◆ outleaflist

int* r_q1bsp_getlightinfo_t::outleaflist

◆ outleafpvs

unsigned char* r_q1bsp_getlightinfo_t::outleafpvs

◆ outlighttrispvs

unsigned char* r_q1bsp_getlightinfo_t::outlighttrispvs

◆ outmaxs

vec3_t r_q1bsp_getlightinfo_t::outmaxs

◆ outmins

vec3_t r_q1bsp_getlightinfo_t::outmins

◆ outnumleafs

int r_q1bsp_getlightinfo_t::outnumleafs

◆ outnumsurfaces

int r_q1bsp_getlightinfo_t::outnumsurfaces

◆ outshadowtrispvs

unsigned char* r_q1bsp_getlightinfo_t::outshadowtrispvs

◆ outsurfacelist

int* r_q1bsp_getlightinfo_t::outsurfacelist

◆ outsurfacepvs

unsigned char* r_q1bsp_getlightinfo_t::outsurfacepvs

◆ pvs

const unsigned char* r_q1bsp_getlightinfo_t::pvs

Definition at line 694 of file gl_rsurf.c.

Referenced by R_Mod_GetLightInfo(), and R_Q1BSP_RecursiveGetLightInfo_BSP().

◆ relativelightorigin

vec3_t r_q1bsp_getlightinfo_t::relativelightorigin

◆ svbsp_active

qbool r_q1bsp_getlightinfo_t::svbsp_active

◆ svbsp_insertoccluder

qbool r_q1bsp_getlightinfo_t::svbsp_insertoccluder

◆ tempsurfacepvs

unsigned char* r_q1bsp_getlightinfo_t::tempsurfacepvs

Definition at line 686 of file gl_rsurf.c.

◆ visitingleafpvs

unsigned char* r_q1bsp_getlightinfo_t::visitingleafpvs

Definition at line 683 of file gl_rsurf.c.

Referenced by R_Mod_GetLightInfo().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: